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2024-05-16, 18:52:09
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2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
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2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.

avatar_Jeanne Lee


Started by Jeanne Lee, April 30, 2016, 10:20:37 PM

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Jeanne Lee

What's growing in your garden?

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Not much yet.  But I'll be watching as Spring moves on.



Thank you Jeanne Lee for bringing back our Gardening forum!   There wasn't so much to speak of through the winter months but NOW!!!!!  everything is coming to life again.

  We are slowly getting started with cleaning up the beds and working at getting the grass away from the edges.     Over the years I've learned to be a little slower with digging around in the flower beds because some of the plant are later to emerge and I've lost things because I tried to cultivate too much too soon.   My daughter came and helped me clear away leaves from one corner today and I noticed a nice bleeding heart plant that I think I could move now before it gets any bigger.   I've been amazed at how easily we get little new starts from this plant, and it is a favorite.   The creeping vinca is blooming purple and looks good against the remaining daffodils and the forsythia.

   A pair of bluebirds have taken up residence in one of the new bluebird houses.     This is thrilling as we haven't had bluebirds nesting in our yard before.
Mary C


Thanks, Jeanne Lee.

Does ANYONE truly like to weed?  I'm afraid I am one that does not but it does get me out in the fresh air and that is a good thing.

FlaJean, the picture that you posted in the What's For Dinner topic looks like Euonymus to me, too.  I have a large patch of Creeping Euonymus in my side yard that I love.  It just slowly and quietly creeps around under the Spirea and Azalea bushes and climbs up the oak and sweet gum trees.  Not aggressively invasive like the English Ivy is.  So pretty.  It's leaves are a variegated green and white rather than the yellow variety that your picture showed.

The man I bought the Creeping Euonymus from said that he rooted it from a cutting he took from a bridal bouquet when his daughter got married.  That was many years ago and it has flourished and lasted a long time in my yard.


Thanks Jeanne Lee and thanks Rammel for the link.

MaryC, that is definitely my plant.  We are in north Florida. It is such a pretty color and looks like a healthy plant.  There are some roses planted but they look poorly.  I've had two rose gardens and am tired of the care they need so they will be replaced with plants that don't need spraying.  I love roses but will leave their growth to someone else.


Good FlaJean!!   The Euonymous is a hard working shrub that demands little of the gardener.   As Phyll mentioned in her comments you might have to do a bit of trimming here and there if you want "control" but that depends on your situation.    Also as she said the trailing variety tend to wander through your garden and I have some of those that I really like but do give them a nip and a tuck at least once a season to keep them in bounds.   I have another that is more bush shaped and it doesn't trail at all but from a tiny little plant a few years back it is now starting to show it's stuff and getting to be a pretty specimen in the garden.

I like Phyll's story about her plant coming from someone's bridal bouquet....nice memory.    My trailing plant came from a garage sale ($1.00).   The owner had started it from a larger plant.     Now after a few years I have many of those throughout the garden and have given several away.    They are easy to start where they root down in their travels.
Mary C


Already my Hosta Plants have grown so big than they look like bushes.  I should have thinned them out last fall.  To late now. They fill in the whole space.


I saw a plant like mine at Lowe's today.  It was called Golden Euonymus.  It looks like I have three planted close together.  I think I'll place them a little apart and trim them back in hopes they will bush out a bit.


I would separate them also.  Most do get pretty big fast. At least here when we get so much rain. Sure are pretty. Would look nice about three in a row in that area front of your entry way.


Today was a perfect  spring day for getting a bit  of gardening done.    I spent most of the day out in the garden and got our row of barberry bushes trimmed and weeded.    After that  I just puttered around from place to place doing small jobs of cultivating and weeding.   It looks like another nice day tomorrow.    At this rate I may not get too much housework done this week, but I doubt if it will go anywhere if I don't do it. ;)
Mary C


We took out the rose bushes as they were in bad condition.  I've had two rose gardens in two different climates and in both they took a lot of care and spraying.  I don't want anything else that needs pesticides.  I've decided to keep my euonymus together and just trim them back.  They look so healthy and colorful.  I think next to the house we will get some dwarf Ixora.  We had them in Ocala and thought it might be too cold here, but it seems they will do well in the protected area by the house.  Lowe's is supposed to be getting a new shipment Monday.  We got a cute girl and boy fountain.


Jean.  You will have your yard and garden looking good in no time.  I like those boy and girl fountains. I have a girl Statue but not a fountain.  Now will they go by the front area by the door, or in the back garden?  What birds are showing up in your yard?

I had friends living further South in Florida.  Their trees were full of the small parrots (Quakers) from people first started out letting their pet birds go.  they breed so heavy. Lots even in parks in Chicago as they seem to be able to take cold weather. Now by law can't be sold or brought into most States as Pets.


FlaJean,  It sounds as though you are going right "to town" on your landscaping.    It is nice to have something already there that you can just adjust to your own liking.....sounds like fun.   Hope you will post pictures when you are finished.   I hadn't heard of the shrub you mentioned but looked it up and it is very pretty.
Mary C


I have a question as I just purchased a daisy I believe at the Organic Co-Op. It's Latin name is Osteospermum, the variety is Summertime White altho the outside is lavender. Any ideas?


This is part of our garden in front of the little porch.  We are going to start in the back yard after our fence is installed in a couple of weeks.  Nothing dramatic as I like things kind of simple and easy to take care of.  I posted a photo in the Photos folder of one of the hydrangea bushes we inherited.


I love your light. Now does that plug into Electric or sunlight. I like the red colour mulch but removed all mine close to the house. I had it all around my wood outdoor shed and termites ate all around the building. Was told to never put it within 5 ft of a foundation even though they say treated. Will be treated for awile but then wears off.  Now liking the river stone better. Maybe not that problem in florida


It's looking good FlaJean!    I light the light also.    It's nice you have a handy outlet there.

    I had a cute little fountain from the Dollar Store a while back but had to use it on the deck because....no outlet near the garden. :(     That fountain worked well for several years but last year something happened to the pump and I haven't seen them again at the $$ store.    It was nice even on the deck because I had it near the sliding door and could hear the water sound from the family room.

I've been busy cleaning up flower beds and trying to get some things moved about.    Our ground is terribly dry and I've had to soak in order to dig.   It is going slowly.   The forget-me-nots and silver dollars have finished so they had to be removed to make way for the early summer perennials.    The lupines are just wonderful right now.
Mary C


I see that I wrote back on June 2 that our ground was quite dry.   Today, the 30th of June and the ground is even dryer.  Today's paper says that we've had .94 in of precip this month.   Yesterday and today since it was a little cooler,  I worked in one of the garden beds and the ground is dry deep down.     I'm afraid to see our water bill. :yikes:
Mary C


Maryc, floods some places and no rain other places.  Fortunately for us we have had several nice rains at night and our small flower gardens are looking good.  Now if we can get through hurricane season with no hurricanes we will be indeed be fortunate.


Yes FlaJean ,I shouldn't complain when I think of those folks struggling with floods.

Ta-da!!!  I am able to send a reply from my Kindle tonight.
Mary C


We had a really good rain yesterday afternoon.....our first since June.   The grass and the gardens look so very very happy.    We are having a birthday party for Al's 90th at the end of August and I was beginning to think it would be like a garden party on the desert.    I think there is hope now for a few flowers to hold on and the grass to come back a bit.   I suppose if I had my druthers,   I would take this dryness over the flooding that many have had to deal with.   I think I need to rethink our garden so that they can better survive a long dry spell.

FlaJean,   I hope that you don't suffer too much from the hurricanes.   How close to the coast are you?
Mary C


MaryC,  we've been having some nice rains---mostly at night.  We are about 9 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.  If you look up Niceville, you will see how much water surrounds us.  Whenever we go to Home Depot or Lowe's we have to go Destin and cross a large bay called Choctawhatchee Bay.  But the area we live in is very convenient for medical visits.  My doctor, dentist and ophthalmologist are all within a half mile.

It has been so hot this summer that we haven't done anything in the backyard but mow the grass.  We did get the front small gardens looking good.  We planted a few Blue Daze around the front of the azaleas.  Along the side we planted Ixora.

I hope everything works out nicely for Al's birthday party.  Is he eating better now?  I find if I make myself a smoothie using a Boost with protein it helps my energy level.


FlaJean,   It sounds as though you are pretty close to the Gulf when it comes to those tropical storms.    I hope you will be lucky in that regard.     My older sis lived in LA and the storms were always a source of worry for her.    She went through a few of them but was gone before Katrina.   I don't know how or if she could have handled that.  Her granddaughter lost her apartment in that storm.    She moved to Seattle near her mother and hasn't returned.

Thank you  for your good wishes.     Al has felt so much better in recent weeks.    He still doesn't have a lot of energy but for what he has been through I am very grateful for his ability for day to day stuff and his mood is so much better.  We'll just take this one day at a time and be happy for the good times. I had mixed feelings about planning a party for his birthday but felt that we shouldn't let this big occasion go by without something.    We are expecting family that we don't often see.    We had breakfast with our daughter this morning on her deck.   It looks over the north end of the Niagara River where it empties into Lake Ontario.    There is a lot of sailboats  in the river and lake.  The Forts Niagara and Ft. George sits on opposite sides of the river.   This morning we could hear the Fife and Drum Corp from across the river.    It is a pretty and busy harbor.

Mary C



We are under drought conditions here in Auburn, Alabama.  Our whole state is on drought alert and many farmers will lose their late summer crops of peanuts and cotton.  I have a rain barrel still about half full, so I am using that to water my house plants.  I planted pansies last month and had been watering them a "little bit" about 3-4 times a week and they are doing OK, but I'll have to curtail the watering now.  I have about 36 large azaleas in my back yard and have not watered them nor the 10 or 12 in my front yard.  I'm hoping/praying for lots of rain and SOON!



Good afternoon SCFSue,   I read your post a few days ago but I was using my Kindle and can't respond too well with that.    I sympathize with you in the drought conditions.     We had similar conditions here most of the summer.    I did manage to keep the gardens watered but the grass got to be pretty awful looking until the spell broke in late August.    Things came back pretty well and those that hadn't done well all summer flourished when the rains came.   I have a lovely patch of nasturtium plant that was from just a package of seed.    It did pretty well in the dry season but after the rain started it just went wild.    I've never had nasturtium that grew so large and spread out as it did.    It is still pretty with orange and yellow flowers in spite of our cold nights.   I'm not going to pull it out this year and see if it seeds itself next spring.   Just a little experiment.

       I know that our state is still down from the normal precipitation level and that many growers suffered this year.      We watched a documentary on TV a while back about the severe drought conditions in CA where so much of our food is produced.    It is sobering and you have to wonder what the outcome will be. 
Mary C


We had a nice sunshiny day yesterday here in Alabama.  I cut back my butterfly bush (should have done it earlier).  Today is still sunny, but I either have started a cold or the time outside stirred up my allergies.  I am planning to cut back my pyracantha either today or soon.  I have the sniffles today and don't know if it was caused by my yard work yesterday or is a cold starting. 

What's going on in your garden?


We are having some beautiful weather just now, but we had a few really cold nights earlier.  We covered the Blue Daze and the hydrangeas but they still turned all brown.  I'm going to cut back the hydrangeas and just hope for the best that my Blue Daze roots weren't damaged.


FlaJean,    I was curious about your Blue Daze so googled it.  It is a pretty flower.   I see that it is classified as an annual.....probably in our cold zone but for you I guess it can be carried over.     That is nice.    We plant morning glories (that look a whole lot like your Blue Daze) around our flag pole each year.     It is fun to watch and see how close they will come to the flag by end of summer.      I've notice over the past few years that they do seem to reseed themselves.    I always plant new seed but notice little plants coming on even by that time. 

Sue,   I've been watching our pyracantha  as it is close by the kitchen window.   I did do some pruning in the summer but notice that there are some branches that look brown now.    Is this the proper time for trimming?

My birthday is coming soon and I have chosen a pair of Fiskar loppers  for a "gift to self".   This pair has something called a power gear that assists the cutting.   The pair I have seem to be difficult to make a good cut and I've had my eye on a new pair for a while so this is the time.    A couple years ago Al and I bought a couple new garden tools in January.   He wanted and needed new grass shears and I needed pruners.    It was kind of fun ordering them and having them ready for springtime.   At Christmas when I did Al's shopping for myself,   I found a nice new pair of leather garden gloves.     My old ones were beginning to separate from the lining and they are a necessity for trimming our barberry bushes and the roses.   He offered me a nice new pair of mens leather gloves that he had but I  sweetly declined and found this nice pair of ladies....that fit me!

I've been watching my orchid plant closely since December when it started to put out a shoot about where I had cut the old bloom off.    I'm hopeful that it will be another bloom.    It reminds me of our old friend Nate who was quite an orchid expert.     At that time I didn't have an orchid plant nor did I think I would attempt one but last mother's day our grandson gave all of the mothers and aunties an orchid plant so Debby and I have been pampering them to see what would happen.    It's been fun.   
Mary C


Weather to bad here today to even go to the Mailbox. Icy Rain.  I did manage yesterday to clean up a lot of the leaves that had blown up against the Porch. With the wind again I don't doubt some are back. I have some in bags for tuesday pick p. LOts of limbs down in yard. they can stay for nicer day.
I don't like driving on icy roads and even foggy out.  and so will not go to library today. See what tomorrow looks like. Alse 2 movies I wanted to see. first being the Lion but it will stay on next week.
Have a shepherds pie in the oven. It is smelling good. 3 servings will go in freezer. Leaving a few mash potatoes that I can make into Broccoli , Cheese and potato soup for later.
Sue. Start taking something. Weather so crazy that Flu going around bad here. Up at granddaughters in Connecticut all 3 children down with something. Been in their schools since New years. return.