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September 20, 2024, 09:25:59 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for June 1, 2019

Started by so_P_bubble, May 31, 2019, 06:32:58 PM

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OH GLORIA, thank you for that suggestion of using the gloves!  I never thought of that.  And I do have some.  Mostly I use them when I'm cleaning and chopping hot peppers. 

And speaking of hot peppers, I dealt with the ones I brought home from the Farmers market yesterday.  I made Jalapeno jelly with them.  I always have some left that's not enough for a full jar so this morning I had some of it on my toast.  UM UM GOOD!  I wonder who might like some of that for Christmas?

Gotta start getting ready for work.  I want to make a stop on the way in so I need an early start.  Enjoy your day Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning.  I am just checking in.  I have a doctor's appt. this afternoon, and I am getting my hair done this morning, so I really need to get a move on.

Will check back later.

Have a great day.



Hi everyone on what is probably going to be another rainy and cool day here in my part of South Carolina.  The morning looks like it will be calm but thundershowers are predicted for the afternoon.  Yesterday I heard that an area near here had up to 7 inches of rain and we had only a little less than 1 inch.

This morning my activities were not as they have been for several days.  I actually slept about 15 minutes longer and got up around close to 4 am.  I got cleaned up and dressed for the day then decided to lay back down and use my iPhone to read my emails, devotionals, and to read through the postings since yesterday on the CP and S&F sites.  The iPhone is so handy.  I then had my breakfast and am now settled in front of my big computer, probably for most all of the morning since I don't take another Lasix until lunch time and found the fluid is still coming off without having to keep my feet elevated above my heart level in the mornings.  I will get my feet elevated during the PM hours with oxygen being used and so can enjoy a nice quiet afternoon and evening.

If I keep gushing about feeling better daily I hope you are seeing me as some kind of Pollyanna as I am also realistic.  But I just have to share how much better I am feeling.  I am beginning to see the results of the Lasix but know there is still a long way to go.  Yesterday afternoon I stepped on my scales and found it registered 180 pounds whereas I had started out at 215 pounds.  I am certain another probably 20 or 30 pounds is due to this fluid buildup.  I am stronger this morning and just know it is going to be a wonderful day.  Around 1 pm the man that heads the ramp building committee will be here to check out our situation and I should know whether the committee will build one for us, but I am very optimistic they will.  I pay all of the out of pocket for the committee plus make a generous donation back to that committee or to wherever they ask for the money to go.  Then my new office chair is to be delivered sometime today and I hope it is morning.

Yesterday my 1st cousin, who was Pat's best friend growing up and college roommate and had introduced Pat and I in college (the rest is history) called me.  We had a wonderful chat and she has Facetime so sure we will be staying in touch better than we have in years.  Later I wrote to my boyhood best friend to get the phone number of his first wife (and mother of his oldest son).  She was the one and only girl in our Senior Class of six in high school and I haven't had any contact with her for over 20 years and want to reestablish our friendship as she is a very lovely lady.  Our good neighbor stopped by and gave Pat some home grown tomatoes yesterday.  I was resting at the time and so didn't get to visit with him but we have had some good conversations and I know he will be back over.

I have decided to start using the Edge Microsoft browser and the related programs like Mail on all of my computers.  I am finding it interesting to set up and it gives me something new to learn.  Guess I have rattled on long enough for this morning.

Jane, look harder as I just bet there are few more ZZZ's in that sofa as a spare when you need them. I have never cared for Jalapeno peppers.  The strawberries Pat got the other day were pretty small as we are nearing the end of the strawberry season here in SC. Pat will just revert back to the frozen strawberries she gets at Costco, that are usually very large. Sure hope the cream your doctor prescribed will continue to bring you relief.  I am one of those fortunate people not to suffer from arthritis.  Don't know why as both my folks suffered from it as did my grandmother.  Pat also has a lot of arthritis.  How about using a vinyl glove on the hand applying the cream.  Using the Q-tip was also another great idea.  Does the arthritis create any problems with your job?  I expect you made good use of the scanner to avoid having to punch in many numbers. When my cousins from the city would visit the farm it was always a great adventure for them to use the outhouse since that was not something they had in the cities where they lived.  The girl calling the "RUN TOs" had it right. 

Jenny, it seems we can always plan to get more done than we do but it seems the important does get attended to and the rest can wait another day.  It is a matter of priorities and tackling one item at a time and getting the enjoyment of marking it off you list.  I have made and revised lists like crazy since starting on this Hospice journey and now my lists are getting pretty small. Laser eye surgery seems to fix so many problems these days.  Nice of your son not wanting to add further concerns to you at this time until he could tell you all was well. Sure your car wasn't damaged in the hail storm. 

Phyllis, sure glad you are OK with all the flooding occurring around these areas.  I will take the heat and dry weather to all the rain and flooding and storms that have been going on.  Pat has tried the Aspercream but it didn't seem to help her. Enjoy your reading today. 

Amy, your garage is a little like our attic in that we can always store it up there and deal with it later.  Fortunately Elizabeth took charge and got our attic in good shape sometime ago so it isn't too bad.  We try to avoid doing into the attic on these hot days. Our outhouse was also a two seater and I remember Dad putting lime in it and on occasion moving it to a different location.  As I remember it sat behind our smoke house so wasn't setting out in the open.  As I think about it the smoke house was our attic storage.  It had a separate little room at the back where the coal was stored with an outside door.  Mother had her washing machine out there and the deep freeze.  There were shelves at the back of the smoke house area.  Before we had the REA come in with electricity Dad had big series of old batteries that at least provided some electric light to the house.

Gloria, glad you clarified the Carpal Tunnel surgery matter as I had read it that it could only be fixed once. Glad you now have good use from both hands after the surgery.  Pat had a trigger finger that was fixed sometime ago.  It is a good thing anytime we can avoid sedation as that is not kind to we older folks.  I use a lot of the vinyl gloves and now the Hospice is also providing them.

Joy, enjoy your day.  It seems that the hair appointments are always a highlight for the ladies.  We men just want to get our hair cut and get it over with.  My mother had a standing appointment while she was still at home and able to drive and then when she was in the nursing home we saw to it that Mother had her hair done each week and she always looked so nice.  My sister did a grand job of being use mother looked nice with her clothes and hair.

Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone. it is 62º and calling for 75º for the day. i read all the post but as usual forgot post before i could reply. but do not have any on hand now, but have had Janes jalapeno. you have got me if i do not forget to go check my juices supply. juce i have or have had, grape (concord) wield plum , prickle pear, my brain is on a slump can't reamber what else i have or had. see you later Nancy is hollering to come eat and get ready to take her for her DR appointment so see you all later.



I neglected to tell you this morning that I think I killed my stove.  I already had 2 burners that I couldn't use and I boiled the jelly over.  You CANNOT clean that stuff off a glass top range.  I've been working on it for the better part of the time since I did it.  This afternoon, I stopped by my son's store to find out if the glass top can be replaced.  His answer "yes but it costs as much as getting a new stove".  And that's what I'm doing.  Mine is 21 years old and he thinks it's time I replaced it.  I asked him if he could put me on time payments.  His answer..."we'll take good care of you".  I think that might be good! 

Anyway, I'm getting a new stove...maybe tomorrow!  That's good because I need to keep up with the summer veggies.  This means the instant pot gets sidelined! 

LARRY, I am so enjoying your posts!  I pray that your improvement is long term.  Just your positive attitude has to make a big difference in your daily liing!

Now, I think I'll check the sofa for zzzs.  The seem to multiply from time to time!  My eyelids are really drooping!

I hope your are all having a lovely day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS well i Have the same problems, maybe someone is trying to tell us it is time to retire and take it easy more on the couch. my head tells me i can still do it but my body keeps saying no no.  well I am going back to my new recliner and relax. my brain is not good either any more, it goes south a lot any more. as soon as Nancy will let me have the T V back after the news is over i will either play a game or get a good western, I do not like the news it is depressing.



Good Night Everyfriend!  I wish you a peaceful sleep and a happy morning to come!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


just a quick message to say GOODNIGHT.....

WE are headed to bed as we have to get up at 2AM to get to the airport for our 5:15 AM flight to Phoenix....we arrive there at 6AM......ONLY flight we could get that had a bit of a discount on it.  U G H 🙀😩

So sorry about your stove, JANE😢😢

Pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone..

More rain today and again tomorrow. I have an appointment at the chiropractors this morning. Yesterday we took a load of garbage from the shed to the dump but there is still more that can go. We have been  in this house 19 years and have a collection of items that will go to the dump, to Habitat for Humanity or to Sally Ann.

I changed Babes grooming appointment to the 21st. Something just didn't sit right with me on the one place close to us.I went with my gut feelings and made an appointment at Pet Smart for her....have to ravel and a bit more money but I also have peace of mind.

Jane, yes it is time for a new stove and knowing you ,you worked that stove with all your preserving .

Jenny safe flight.

Larry, you just gush all you want. We  can see what a difference you are going through and loving the fact you a feeling better!! Do you think this fluid retention was the root of all your problems?

Joy, hope all went well with the Dr appointment.

Gloria, we had the a/c on in the morning to get the dampness out then later in the evening a fire on!! Freeze or fry is our weather here.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I think the doggies have finished their breakfast and it won't be long before they bug me to go out.  We got up at the crack of dawn again this morning, went out and took care of business, they had their pills ad then we crashed while we waited.  Does anyone know what time DAWN CRACKS around here these days?  Sometimes I wish these dogs could understand Daylight Saving Time!

I have to get dressed because I have a feeling my new stove will be first on the delivery list today.  My son knows I get up early and will probably take advantage of that.  Of course, the other option is that it won't come at all.  If he has demanding OTHER customers, he knows Mom will wait!  And she won't get angry with him!

My yard is starting to look so nice!  Right now, I'm just waiting for more decorative stones to come up from Maryland with my daughter.  Of course, the best part of that is getting to see my daughter!

JENNY, have a safe trip.  I hope you find your father progressing well and in good spirits!   

Guess I better go get dressed before the doggies start hollering to go out!  Enjoy your day!  Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, well it is morning and good because we have all woken up this morning BUT it is pouring here again. Should not complain because we did have 3 beautiful spring days in a row, a miracle this year.

JANE  I remember the first time I cut up hot peppers, even my fingertips burned. Learned to use the gloves after that. I made that jelly once years ago and loved it, so did my oldest son.

LARRY  so good to read that you are feeling better and stronger each day, best news from you. Lucky you getting fresh tomatoes. Around here it will be more than a month before the early ones will be ready.

JENNY  by now you must be up in the air. Hope seeing your dad will put your mind at ease about him.

AMY  no matter how long you live someplace things sure pile up that you really do not need or want. Mostly I have my AC on the dehumidify setting unless it is hot then it is set on the AC setting.


Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


I'm sorry about your stove, Jane, but isn't it nice to have an appliance dealer right in your family!  Good luck with your new one when you get it.  My glass top is almost ten years old and it is still in good condition, thank goodness, because I knew replacing the top is really expensive.  On the other hand....the self cleaning oven doesn't get used as much as it should, I'm afraid.  User laziness seems to be it's problem.  <sigh>

Amy, rain is definitely NOT all it "quacked" up to be.  (your pun made me laugh)  ;D  There is actually sun shining this morning after another night of off-and-on rain.  I think it might be a good day.  Sometimes you just have to go with that "gut instinct" even though you can't explain it.  It almost always turns out to be the right decision.

You sound good, Larry.  That makes me happy.  I'm hoping local tomatoes will be here soon.  I'm yearning for a good sliced tomato and Duke's mayonnaise sandwich.  Unfortunately, my good neighbor that has supplied me with fresh tomatoes from their farm garden is in the process of moving.  I'll miss the vegetables that she brought to me every summer but I'll miss them more.  They have been good neighbors.

Hi, Gloria.  Red Pepper jelly is my favorite but I've never made my own.  I'm lucky enough to find it at a local farmer's market most of the time.  Glad the weather is giving you some good days along with the rainy ones.  Those of us all up and down the east coast seem to be having the same kind of weather and I'm really tired of it, too.  But, it's better than a hurricane.   :thumbup:

Thinking of you, Jenny, and hope you find your Dad doing so much better.

Good morning to all of you, my friends.  Hope everything goes well for all of you today.


  Hi everyone on an overcast and there is but a little chance of rain today with it staying in the mid-80's range.   

 Today is the day the aid comes to help me with my bath.  I have everything set up ready to go and know she is one busy lady. This has been an exciting morning for me.  A few days ago I got a second pair of sandals, this time with straps that would adjust but I still couldn't get them on my swollen feet.  Will this morning I tried again and they fit onto my feet.  They are cheap and firmly things and I plan on sending them back.  I am hopeful that I can now get on my house slippers and not have to buy sandals.  There was a discussion just yesterday in Seniors and Friends so I plan on looking back today and noting the companies that have good sandals so I can check them out.  I am more than ready to start getting out of the house and told Pat when she goes somewhere I will go along and find a corner to read or listen to my book and then she won't have to worry about going off and leaving me.  Scott's schedule was changed this week to have today and tomorrow off although he may have to work this evening.  He plans on coming out later this morning after picking up a big grocery order for his mother from the Walmart online ordering.   

 I did meet with the man who heads up our Churches ramp team and he is going to build a ramp for us but it probably will be in mid-July and he has some other commitments and members of his team may be away for a vacation, etc.  We can certainly get by until then.  Then my new office chair was delivered by Office Depot and they just put it on the front porch and Pat had to get the box inside the house.  Fortunately it wasn't too heavy.  I expect delivery of several things today.  Yesterday afternoon a lady from our Sunday School class called saying she was bringing us dinner.  Pat hadn't started anything and the call and meal was most welcome.  In fact she brought enough food for more than one meal.

Lloyd, when the wife calls we had better respond particularly if it involves a meal that is ready.  It looks like you will enjoy a typical Missouri Spring day back your way.  I certainly agree with you that the news is depressing as it seems to be a replay of the same old news items over and over.  Some days I just enjoy peace and quiet and in the afternoons often just close my eyes and listen to some of my beautiful music on Spotify.

Jenny, that is getting up early and I bet you both will be exhausted by the time you get to Phoenix.  At least it will still be early there so maybe you can get in a cat nap or two today.  I hope you find your Dad in good spirits and cooperative. I bet he will really be happy to see you as well Diane. 

Amy, one of the advantages of making frequent moves during my work life was it helped us keep things from accumulating to much, although we always moved more than we needed and then accumulated more as in living in the same house for 20 years.  I have started cleaning out and throwing away a lot of papers and old things that really have no value.  What is still good I will try to give away, except for my piano.  I still must do some current research on it.  I did write and offer my unused desktop computer to our Children's Ministry person yesterday and awaiting her reply.  Amy, no the fluid retention is just the normal outcome of congestive heart failure, which I have know I have had for many years.  For as much insult as I have done to my heart with the 30 plus times into the cath lab, six stents that have all failed, two heart surgeries, many pills taken, 70 EECP treatments where my legs were wrapped and pressure applied with a big machine on the off beat of my heart, 4 years of cardiac rehab, my second Pacemaker/defibrillator  and probably somethings I have forgotten, my heart has never let me down.  No wonder my heart is tired and weak but it still keeps ticking.  God's creation of our bodies is certainly a miracle. 

Gloria, Pat ate one of the tomatoes the neighbor brought over and said it was just delicious.  She gets them all as I am not a tomato person.  I sort of worry you all may mildew away up there with all the rain you have been getting. 

Jane, I bet you will be happy with a new stove and it sounds like 21 years is a long time with all the cooking and food preparation you do.  Nice to have a son in the appliance business.  After all you know where he lives and he better treat his mother well.  So far Pat hasn't really gotten anything too bad on her glass stove top but it is not yet 5 years old.  She really regretted not being able to bring over the new range she had gotten not too long before we moved but the house had sold quickly and it wouldn't have been fair to switch the stoves.  Jane, I am really feeling better by the day and now anticipating getting out.  I anticipate each day and told Pat last evening I think the reason I don't sleep very long periods is that I don't want to waste an hour of the remainder of my life.  I agree that attitude makes a big difference in a person's life and I intend to enjoy each minute God gives me yet on this earth with the anticipation of my soul going to heaven. 

Lloyd Hammond

good Morning everyone. 60º and sunny here @7:45 AM. I may take the R V over to a shop and see about getting the dash A C replaced. it is dead on cool. the blower works so just needs new A C compressor. the roof AC'S work fine when the RV is plugged in to electricity Or the gen is on. but I want it to work out of dash ports when driving. Have a great day.



No stove yet...they must be busy.  It's A/C time and people want them when they want them. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


The day must have been as nice everywhere else as it was here.  No one has been in since I posted at 3:15 and now I'm off to Dreamland.  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Just a quick note as I am headed off to bed....getting up at 2AM and a full day has me just totally wiped out!

Dad is doing great......his voice was so much stronger when I talked to him last night and then seeing him today he looks very good....
So much better than I expected.  Good coloring......smiling.  Hydrated....The care home is very nice and every person there seems delightful.....smiling and so encouraging..I do not know why he would ever want to leave!  Hahaha IF ONLY we could find a nursing home like this none of us would mind him moving in there!  Sadly, IF Dad, or any of this thinks this place is a example of having to go to a nursing home, he and we are in for a big surprise! Now if we can just get him to keep up the good work here at home.....

We talked to the head lady there, the case worker and she just could not have been any more helpful and they truly all seemed to genuinely care about dad and how he has improved......even with his orneriness they all seem to like him. 

Tomorrow he is to wear a special blue shirt they gave him ......it is his graduation T-shirt.

More later.......Jenn
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Glad I got up to let cats in, will go back to sleep with a smile on my face at your happy post, Jenn!  I was almost dreading what you would find when you got there so especially nice to hear he is doing so well. Give him an extra hug from one in Kansas that's been praying for him! 

Tom & Callie came in but so far Tiger is still out & about. She is not afraid of storms like Tom. Callie was right there when I opened the door, bless her heart, she wants to be family so bad & it breaks my heart that I can't trust her to travel with us. I am really dreading pulling out of the driveway and seeing her waiting by the garage door. She would go crazy locked inside the RV for a week, no idea what she might do just starting the engine. Well, she wanted back out so is sitting under the overhang watching it rain. Plenty places to stay dry. Tom crawled under the couch so he doesn't see the flashes of lightning & hear the thunder.

Jane, hope your new stove arrives early in the morning. I do understand customers needing AC must come first. When ours went out we shopped for which ever company could get here first. Replaced that AC 3 times in 30 years, guess they don't have much of a warranty. The last time that company did it right & Cas was satisfied, neither unit (AC or furnace) had gone out, he thought the AC was noisy & when he decided to replace he went with a company like your son's & got better service.

Guess I'd better go back to bed, had a couple naps today & not sleepy. Been a crazy week for sleeping, I usually can go right back to sleep if a storm or cats gets me up, I aim for 6 hours & will nap when I don't get that much. I think I'm just getting lazy & enjoy the naps.

Lloyd, so far I've never needed the AC any colder when driving, even when we went to the northwest during summer months in the little Rialta. This year I found some new sun shades that just cling to the windows without suction cups, so I can press them on & keep the sun from hitting my skin. I never wanted the side windows tinted because I take photos when driving, these shades are fantastic. As short as I am, the visors don't help much so last trip I even slid one of the clings up under the visor & it stopped that setting sun from blinding me. I don't go anywhere when it's really hot but generally go to the mountains in the summer and to Missouri when colder. In MO I do have electric hook ups but only when absolutely necessary to stay in a commercial campground do we have electricity in CO. Frig & freezer run on propane as well as the stove & oven. Most nights in the high country it gets down to the 40s so very comfy. I don't watch TV or DVDs at all when in CO but do in MO. I am easily pleased, glad to be out in the woods & thankful when everything is running okay! Good luck with your next trip, we will be heading west between now & 4th of July, got to be here for the 4th. Everyone gets together to shoot fireworks & the "big kids" (in their 50s & 60s) enjoy as much as the little great grands!

Larry, great to see your cheerful posts & what a benefit Hospice has been. Sure wish someone had mentioned that for Cas, think it would have made a difference in those last couple years. All the doctors did was keep adding more pills and that didn't help. I think we have all benefited from your being so open and explaining. When my cardiologist put down I have CHF (when I asked him to get me off the list for jury duty), it was kind of a shock to see it in print. Mine will take a little different path because of being the valve, but it takes a head adjustment to accept "what is, is".

Oops, here comes another round of thunder & lightning.... may as well have something to eat while Mother Nature gets this out of her system!  You know that song, "red & yellow, green & blue... ?"  only this radar is red, yellow green and purple! Not sure if I hear hail or just hard rain, better look.  Y'all behave.  Shirley


Callie & Tiger had enough & came in, bumpy out there right now. Sweet dreams to all. Shirley


Good morning everyone..

Beautiful sunny day here.. Have to take my vehicle in this morning, the engine light came back on.
The trip to the chiropractors went ok...will go again on Fri. When I told him what happened and when he said I should have called after a week and got it checked out. I am not one to run to the Drs  but will remember this and hope there is no next time, once was enough!

Jane,the garden is starting to peek!! I hope to see pumpkins peek soon. :) Hope you stove comes today.

Jenny, what a nice report on your Dad. Sure make it easier on you when you get to see this in person.

Larry, attitude is everything in life. There are those that complain at the drop of a hat, not happy with what they have. One should be so thankful for the little things and give thanks for them. You are amazing on how you are preparing and dealing with everything, I am sure it is not easy going from the one who looked after others to being looked after.You would be a joy to look after you are so easy going.

Better get a move on here..

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


And now a very good morning to Everyfriend!  Yesterday was a slow day in the Soda Shoppe!  I hope today is busier.  Maybe we need a new soda jerk!  This one might not be putting enough chocolate in the chocolate sodas.

LARRY, Shirley says it so much better than I do but I must say I agree with her on your (and Gloria De's) openness.  My idea of Hospice was so different and I even have a friend who worked her retirement years for Hospice.  I always used to tell her that if I was sure I'd get her, I'd take Hospice right now.  She was well liked! 

The doggies are fed and I'm fed and on my second cu of coffee. 

JENNY, I LOVED your upbeat report on your Dad!  After the reports and the the short sleep trip, you must have been so relieved when you actually saw him.  As SHIRLEY said, "Give him a hug from some one in PA who's been praying for him, too".  I think Diane also deserves a hug.  What a time she's had!

I won't be getting my stove early this morning.  I have to be to work at 10 and the store doesn't open until 9 so he has no help until then.  And I told him that I need him to bring it when I'm here because I KNOW it needs cleaning back there.  Who ever moves a stove out to clean behind it?
The last time it was cleaned was about 8 year ago when they moved it out so I could paint the wall behind it.  I'm hoping they come after I get home from work because I'm stopping at the Farmers Market for strawberries for jam. 

I hope you all have a lovely day filled with all the things you love best.  Wish me smiles in my line today.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


AMY, you sneaked in while I was typing.  Nice to see those little heads peeking up in your garden.  Your chiropractor must be a lot like mine.  She always tells me I should have come in sooner.  I'm going tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to the "after".

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning every one, slept great last night with window open and no AC or fan running. Cooled off good so was a good night for sleeping. Yesterday they started cutting down all the beautiful huge pine trees and the oaks and pines, too. They are now afraid of a storm knocking down branches or even the trees and someone getting hurt.  Don't know why they didn't cut them down 14 years ago when doing the building of this place. It will let more light into the apartments on that north side but will let the cold winter winds hit that side more. Lot of reports about black bears around the state lately. The state has been warning people to take down bird feeders but they leave them up and full and it draws the bears. One was even trying to get into a car with a woman inside, they get right up to sliding doors and look in. Glad I no longer can take hikes through the woods.

LARRY  you are right, our bodies are one of God's miracles. Then he gave some people the brains to become doctors to keep us going. Most  of the times when I have the AC running I have it set on dehumid, keeps it dry in here so no mold.

JANE  my daughter and my SIL have finally bought a much bigger generator and have an AC. Glad they will finally be able to sleep better with it cooler in the house when the temperature gets up to 100 and higher. They now have a big tank for the propane gas they need to run most everything.

JENNY  if I ever have to go into a nursing home there is only one that I would not mind, it is right here in this town. The man who started it and has now turned it over to his son is a family man and believes it treating all the residents like family. There are 2 others in town but not as good from what I have heard.

SHIRLEY  I don't mind thunder and lightning but like it after I fall asleep, seldom does the loud booms wake me up.

PHYLLIS  Bunnie's sister posted for awhile in Bis' Nest and she is the one I got the recipe from. I did find some in a market once but it was not as tasty as the homemade. In this state most of the hurricanes do damage along the coastline but at times they will come inland and do a lot of damage.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.@ 7:53 AM is light rain steady no thunder or lighting.looks like a good day to take it easy on the couch so that is in place until about 11:30 A M, have to take Nancy to DR appointment then. Have a great day everyone. Shirley good we are just good friend's, we could not live together as no cats in my house. they are not smart enough to stay off of the table or counter.I don't even let lucky further than in the garage.
we have a plastic pallet with a soft dog bed on it so she can stay warm and dry. cat's stay out side or go to shop there choice. Have a good day.



Good morning.  It is a pretty sunny morning, but only in the 60's.  Sure am looking for some more warmer weather.

I have been missing for a day or so.  I did have a good doctor's appointment on Monday.  Good results from the x-rays I had last week.  DOn't have to go back until March 2020.  That seems such a long time. 

Larry, so go to see your uplifting messages.  With your attitude, I sure hope you will keep feeling stronger and soon be able to get back to church.  You have such a wonderful positive outlook. 

Good morning to Amy. Jenny Gloria and Shirley. 

Jenny,. so happy to hear that your dad is doing so much better.  I know that had to be a big relief to see him doing so well.

Jane, do hope you will get your stove today.  You will be "cooking up a storm".

Gloria, glad you were able to sleep so well.  I have had a couple very restless nights. I don't hardly use my A/C during the day. but sometime at night, it gets really stuffy and I turn it on.  Most of the time, that does help me to get to sleep, but hasn't worked the past couple nights. I do take naps during the day, and I am  sure that doesn't help me.

Shirley, sorry you are having to deal with so many storms.  We have had a lot of rain, but not too many bad storms.

  Hope I can get this posted before I lose it.  I lost my original message, so this one is a little abbreviated.  Wish I knew what I do when I lose it. 

Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful day.



 Hi everyone.  It is only a little after 6 am and still dark outside my window here by my desk.  We had a very nice day here yesterday and the rain stayed away.  It does look like we have a really good chance of rain throughout the day but our temps should remain nice. 

I had an interesting night, if a bit scary.  I use a password program called Last Pass and have for years.  It has one Master Password that remains only in your knowledge and cannot be recovered if lost.  They use very strong military type encryption and I have tons of not only passwords but other related information stored in Last Pass. Last night while doing something it suggested it was time to change the password.  This I did but obviously didn't get the process completed and it appeared for a time that I would lose all of the passwords and other information I have stored in Last Pass.  Finally I can upon an email that showed how to revert back to the old password and that is what I did and didn't lose a thing.  I was very relived.

 Yesterday my new office chair for the computer arrived and Elizabeth stopped over and started to put it together only to find out it hadn't been assembled correctly.  So we are taking it back to Office Depot locally ASAP for a refund.  This chair, like a steno chair, had no arms and it dawned on me during the night that what I had was a disaster waiting to occur as it would be so easy to fall from it.  Then I remembered I had used one of our dinette chairs as my office chair in the past so rolled one of them into my office and it is going to work perfectly and I don't need to buy another chair.  I hope we can take the chair back for a refund later this morning and while there I want to get a blue tooth adapter for my TV and then I am going to give myself a Father's Day gift of a good pair of blue tooth headphones just to use with the TV.  I have a couple of pair of inexpensive small ear bud type head gear and each will be dedicated to a separate device.   

 I expect Scott to be here fairly early this morning.  Pat has arranged with a friend to pick her up here at the house to take her to her crafts activities at the Church later this morning.  I plan on using my walker today at the Credit Union and Office Depot rather than having to have Scott deal with the transport chair for our outing and if I play it right we can still get some ARBY's sandwiches to bring home for lunch. After the busy morning I will probably crash this afternoon as I have been doing most afternoons and evening. 

Lloyd, I hope you soon get your RV fixed up just the way you want it.  It seems you have had a lot of different things to fix or replace. 

Jane, yesterday was a most beautiful day here in South Carolina.  We haven't seen the sun here yet today and already had a good early morning rain shower. 

Jenny, I left you a response to your posting over in the B&T discussion.

Shirley, I always heard in Georgia that you should expect to have to change your AC out every 10 years.  We were in the house for about 20 years and didn't have to replace it, only a couple of minor repairs during that time. It was a relief to sign the sell papers as once you do that you no longer have a responsibility for the home, appliances, or anything else. I am doing my best to tell as many people as I can about my own experience with Hospice and what a difference it has already made just starting my 4th week. I have serious doubts that I would have lasted the remainder of this year the way my health was going.  Now I am making plans and really enjoying my life, eating again and the highlight of yesterday in being able to get house shoes on my feet for the first time in a long time. I well remember my surprise when my doctors started talking about CHF several years ago.  Thank goodness I went back to my great cardiologist, who had moved to Aiken, upon the assistance of Scott when I couldn't get in touch with my new cardiologist. 

Amy, sure hasn't taken your garden long to peak! I agree with you on the importance of attitude and have never gotten into the "why me" attitude as I say why not me.  I am beginning to be able again to do a few things for Pat like get her coffee ready to turn on in the mornings, empty the dishwasher and take out a load of non-hangup clothes.

Jane, those chocolate sodas have been a little lacking recently.  More ice cream please.

Gloria, those bears would certainly be a concern to me.  I haven't heard of any in our area.  We do have a lot of wide turkeys.  It is a shame to see the trees go but it sounds like a wise thing as a person's life could be at risk especially with all the storms.  Unfortunately many of the nursing homes have been bought up by big corporations and the emphasis goes to the bottom line.  Fortunately are  still caring staff but usually overworked and underpaid.

Joy, it is always good to get a fine report from our doctor.


Hello,Family!  I just want you to know that I probably won't be checking in tomorrow morning.  I have a chiropractor appointment and it's about an hour's drive away.  I probably should change but I really love her personally and I love how she makes me feel.  I don't go n the winter any more but a nice Spring day is okay.  And I can stop at the Amish store on my way home. 

I have to text my son when I leave the Amish store. It's only about 20 minutes from my house.  He's going to bring the stove as soon as he can after I get home tomorrow.  YaY!!!!

Depending on how tired I am when I get home, there might be strawberry jam tomorrow.  I got the strawberries t the Farmers Market today.  Saturday at the latest!  I have a very busy Friday!

I'm off to bed to rest up for my long drive tomorrow  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow....and more ice cream in your sodas!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

good Night and sweet dreams for all. we had a busy day, got Nancy's docter appointments taken care of, went to the Amish grocery store and to one of there green houses got a big bag of patois and a coupe dozen pansies plants for her to plant out front in a big lard rendering kettle that got a hole broke in it so she uses it as a big flower pot. have a great rest of the day,



Cats have had their last meal of the day & I filled the bowls of the dry food so they can snack whenever they are inside & still hungry. It is about dark so, nice & cool so they are ready to roam. We walked down to the river, still muddy but water is in the "old" bank. Now it has a small stream that runs along that old bank, then a sandy beach where the trees started growing a few years ago & we cut a path through to reach the water. Rivers constantly change, maybe this will continue to go down the rest of the summer so I can have my woods back & walk out to feed the fish. You would never guess that I am just down river from the zoo, up river from the tourist "Cowtown" & Botanica & maybe a mile from downtown Wichita.

I got out the weed whip/ Black & Decker battery one that Cas bought me before he died... actually, I wore that one out & bought another just like it. Started out being used down along the river/ flowers, but this last year been trimming the berm & even the ivy that grows up the brick on the garage. I just keep it trimmed about knee high so I don't have to pull it down when it goes up too high. The lawn guys don't do anything to the berm or that end of the garage, just trim along the edge. I am playing it smart, have some rain boots that I can step into & I spray OFF on the boots & so far it keeps the bugs from hopping up my legs. Fleas, ticks & mosquitoes are thriving with all this rain and we did NOT have a hard winter.

Larry, my heart almost stopped when you told about losing your passwords. I keep mine on a WordPad & did print it a couple years ago but have made lots of changes since so know what a disaster it would be to lose. Right now both sons are out of town & daughter drove back to St.Louis today, so if anything goes wrong with a computer, I am up a creek! Glad you are able to enjoy eating again. I happen to like to eat, never did as a kid, only ate because my mother begged me to & made me feel guilty when I didn't. When Cas was alive he didn't want to eat out so I would go get whatever looked good on TV or cook what sounded good to him & we ate at home. Now I go pick up or cook what sounds good to me & eat at home in front of a TV. Life is good & stay busy. Right now I'm doing the search & charge batteries for cameras, lights & everything that goes camping. I discovered today that my GPS "on/off" switch won't work. Bad news since I just bought new batteries for it & they were not cheap (like $50 each). It is a hand held that I can pick up & make sure I'm on the right highway when detours or changes in the highways. I have no sense of direction, Cas used to test me to see if I knew which way to go when we stopped for gas. Not a joke, I can't tell if I'm not on a highway I know.

Joy, my GP doctor doesn't bother making appointments ahead for me... just waits until I have a problem & then we talk about what tests need to be run, etc. The cardio makes appointments for whatever Medicare dictates. Glad your check up went okay & no more visits until next year!

Gloria, I was wondering if Regina can get trees to grow around the house. I am not familiar with what grows in that area, but I am a tree planter & can't handle the sun. The one great grand came back from FL all broke out from the sun, in spite of all the sun block, etc... she is the one with the dark hair & nobody would expect have a problem with sun, but we can't change what our body dictates. My father used to pass out from sun... went through 2 or 3 weeks of tests at the hospital in St.Louis & all they could tell him was, "you are allergic to sun rays so stay out of the sun". He had plenty of trees in their yard so would stop in the shade or do yard work early or late in the day.

Jane, I thought strawberry season was over, guess you are that much further north.... I will check out the farmer's market this Sat... wish we had an Amish store... got Mennonite meat store & last time I was at the farmer's market I did see a stall that was Mennonite run... forgot about that. I haven't had a good chiropractor for years.

Lloyd, my neighbor that died last year had a big kettle that she kept pansies in all summer. When they went out of town I would go water them every day & loved all the different colors.

Better get to bed. Need to get some extra jobs done tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all.... Shirley


Dad is home and he is doing fantastic.......all of the prayers have been answered!  Thank you all so much💞💞💞💞
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"