Seniors & Friends

Village Square => Soda Shoppe => Topic started by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:12:44 AM

Title: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:12:44 AM

Soda Shoppe

for September 1, 2019
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:13:24 AM
No Boundaries.jpg
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:13:44 AM
I  believe.jpg
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:14:36 AM

Paula, a mother was anxiously awaiting her daughter Janet's plane to land. Janet had just come back from abroad trying to find adventure during her gap year. As Janet was exiting the plane, Paula noticed a man directly behind her daughter dressed in feathers with exotic markings all over his body and carrying a shrunken head. Janet introduced this man as her new husband.

Paula gasped out loud in disbelief and disappointment and screamed, 'I said for you to marry a RICH Doctor .... a RICH Doctor!'

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:14:53 AM
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
--Helen Keller

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:15:10 AM
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. -Harriet Beecher Stowe, abolitionist and novelist (1811-1896)

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on September 15, 2019, 12:15:29 AM
"The great Western disease is:   'I'll be happy when. . . .' " he says. "When I get the money. When I get a BMW. When I get this job. Well, the reality is, you never get to when. The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It's in here. And happiness is not next week. It's now."
-- Marshall Goldsmith, executive coach

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 15, 2019, 06:29:29 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  And a special GOOD MORNING to you, BUBBLE!  As usual, you've outdone yourself with our "new home"!  I loved the "rich doctor".  And the life sayings are so true!

This will just mark my place because I have to go get ready for church.  I need to do that while the doggies wait for the boinger or I won't make it in time.  Have a good day Everyfriend!  It's yours to do as you wish!  I'll be back later to check on you!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 15, 2019, 07:40:52 AM
Good morning everyone...

A lovely morning here and I slept in .again!! 

Bubble thank you for the new start page and the song in my head..

Also marking my place as we have a man coming to look at the roof and I don't wish to be caught in my nightgown.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 15, 2019, 08:38:18 AM
Good morning every one, well took most of the day for my eye to clear. This is not the first time this happened but never lasted this long before. My eye doctor said it is like a jell in my eye that will break loose at times but it will go away. Will have to tell him about this time when I see him in about 6 more months.
It was damp and cold all day yesterday. Of course the heat in the building is still off so I was cold. Finally tried the heat setting on the AC and was surprised how fast it warmed up in here. Sun is shining this morning so will be much better.

AMY  my DIL has an IP and used it once for chicken and didn't come out  right so she hasn't used it again, since she got it last Christmas. I am surprised she hasn't because she is a brave gal trying new things.

LLOYD  it sure does hurt when a friendship goes sour.

JANE  have had no mosquitoes in here and glad with those buzzing pest carrying triple E this year. Been several cases of it here and in the neighboring states. A few deaths from it. Warning to stay indoors between sunset and dawn. all school games have been played in afternoons-no more night games.

JENNY  my heart goes out to Michele. She sure is a fighter. Glad her brother went to see her.

TOMEREADER1  like you there are a few in here who have so much energy I wish they could send me some of it. Even doing a little cooking wears me out.

SHIRLEY  boy I wish I lived near all you ladies who cook so much, you would get tired of me inviting myself over for a tasty meal.

BUBBLE  thanks for the mid month new page. As always I love your graphics. Wonder if Paula had trouble saying an r and w or her daughter sure did not  listen. Great quotes.

AMY  one of my favorite songs. Thanks.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Marilyne on September 15, 2019, 10:52:22 AM
BUBBLE - just dropping in this morning to let you know I enjoyed the jokes and the graphics.  I especially like that "Centaurette"!   Reminds me of Disney's beautiful film, Fantasia. That's a wonderful memory from my childhood.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Tomereader1 on September 15, 2019, 02:03:42 PM
In the grocery store the other day, I was in the dairy section. A gentleman said " well where is the buttermilk?"  I said right below where you are looking, there is a smaller size, like a pint."  He thanked me, and I said, I'm glad to know there is at least one other person who likes buttermilk." To which he replied, "This is for cooking, not drinking...I'm making cornbread"! We got a good laugh.  I thought to myself, it's also good for making buttermilk pie!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 15, 2019, 02:12:12 PM
Thanks, Bubble, for the new page and thanks, Amy, for "I Believe".  The pictures of the babies brought to my memory when Tom's twin granddaughters were born.  They were two months early as multiple births often are, and were hooked up to many wires and did not go home for at least two months.  But looking at them now, you'd never know it.  So, I believe!

I liked the pinto pony and the girl with the pinto-spotted pants. 

I'm ready for a nap.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 15, 2019, 02:21:58 PM
Tomereader, when I was milking a Jersey cow for the house I made butter and had more than enough buttermilk. My neighbour loved to drink it  ,so some went his way, some went to the hens ,cats and dogs.

Mary Ann , my sister had twins, this was a total surprise on everyone. They too were born early and stayed a while in the hospital. Once when having their bath the  identity  bracelets got mixed up so back to the hospital they went to get them back on the right boy.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 15, 2019, 04:00:22 PM
I don't know if I ever told you, my last baby was twins and back then, we didn't know it until they were born.  My Dr. said he had an idea it might be twins because he felt a very low head and heard a very high heartbeat.  He just didn't think they could both belong to the same baby.  But he never had time to tell me because I went into delivery that night.  What shock! But also a of the twins is my only boy!

I stopped around by the Farmers' Market after church this morning and got a basket of Roma tomatoes.  They are now all peeled, seeded and made into juice.  They are in the fridge waiting to be cooked down for sauce in small jars for recipes.  I ran across an item on line that said you can cook tomatoes down for sauce in your slow cooker with the lid off.  I'm thinking that I might try that overnight tomorrow night and then can them when I get up.

MARSGAL, It's not energy that keeps me going.  It's the fear of not being able to do this stuff....or anything else...if I quit!  My heart tells me that if I don't quit, I won't have to, even though my mind tells me I need a nap sometimes!  I listen to both!

It has been necessary to give up some things that I used to enjoy.  I don't drive at night any more and I don't try to make the trip to my sister's on my own any more.  An 84 year old lady in a 19 year old car just seems like an unnecessary hazard on the road.  I do have an ace in the hole.  My grandnieces both chose to attend a college that's practically in my back yard and they have both been willing to meet me at their school, drive my car to my sister's where their mother picks them up and then drive me back after the weekend.  So I do get a visit now and then.

And that reminds me, we're still praying for Jim.  They have not decided if he can take the hazard of surgery to repair the leak in his mitral valve.  So when you remember, ask God to look in on him.

The weather here has been my kind of weather!  It's down in the low 60s over night and up in the high 70s during the day.  I could take this for the next 12 months! 

I hope you all are enjoying your day and that you continue to do so for the rest of it.  Take care of YOU!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 15, 2019, 04:28:36 PM
Our twins are girls, both red headed like their parents.  Jo weighed 4+ lbs and Ellie weighed 3+ pounds.  Ellie is still smaller than Jo, but in all the statistics, she is very near to Jo except height and weight.  Jo is more solemn and Ellie always has a smile on her face.  Alicia had help from a fertility clinic.  The girls are adored by the entire family. 

Jane, I do not have the energy to do what you do, but you wait ten years and see how much energy you have.  When I quit driving, my car was 13 years old, but when I quit driving to Indps, it was five years old.  I was 84 and I decided at that age, I had no business driving 260 miles alone.  I flew a couple of years, then the two Toms decided to meet half way and that's how I am going to get there Friday.  I intend this to be my last trip down. 

Amy, it helps if women have twins like Jane did - one of each.  That way you don't have to worry about bracelets!

Now I think I'll see if there are freighters on the St Clair River.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 15, 2019, 05:36:10 PM
MARY ANN, my twins weighed 10 lbs and 10 ozs. altogether and Philip was the bigger one.  Neither of them had to stay in the hospital after I went home.  Back then they were saying that they had to weigh at least 5 pounds to go home.  Philip did but Christy was several ounces under.  They decided that I did a better job of feeding her than they did and they didn't want to split them up so they let them come home.  You see, I got an early start with "hustling" and I've been doing it ever since.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: CallieOK on September 15, 2019, 05:51:15 PM
Just now found the new page!  Thanks, Bubble.  The graphics and comments are great.

Don't have a twin story but Miss Ellen surprised us by arriving 9 weeks early and was in the NICU for about 6 weeks. Of course, she was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and would, somehow, manage to get the wires between her toes.  When she straightened out her legs, alarms would go off and the nurses "swore" she'd look up at them as if to say, "Gotcha!"  when they rushed over to check on her.

The temperature is still in the 90's and air muggy in central Oklahoma.  However, it doesn't seem to feel quite as hot because the angle of the sun isn't as direct.  No leaves falling, yet but the hummers have departed and a flock of Canada geese came "honking" over the other evening.

Nothing much going on in my world to talk about.

 :hugs: to all.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 15, 2019, 05:58:36 PM
Jane, that made me  :2funny:  but I am sure you did do better than the nurses.

Can't play any more......pup tired me out.I bet he would play Frisbee all day long if I could .:)

Yogurt is so good, made a blueberry sauce to put on it and will do that again! Maybe try raspberries or strawberries. Both dogs enjoyed the whey on their food for supper and it is packed with protein..

Stopped at the neighbours earlier to see their onions. My goodness they are bigger than a softball. She said they were called Candy and you don't have to step on the tops ,they automatically fall over themselves!

May go cut up a bit more fabric.......have 1508 pieces to cut before I can sew...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 15, 2019, 08:50:58 PM
I've been here 3 or 4 times today & each time "on the run" and see I didn't leave a message. Thanks, Bubble for the new home, the graphics & funnies, a special treat all around!

Today I sent an e-mail to a friend from age 6 all through the years. Every so often we would cross paths & enjoy catching up. I got her e-mail address from the class "reunion" list, had not seen her at a reunion luncheon for several years & wasn't sure if she was still around. Sent my phone number because "some of that vintage" don't do computers. She does i-Pads & phones so we talked for probably an hour. I told her about telling my mother about the time she explained where babies came from. Both she (across the street) & the girl next door had little brothers so their mothers explained to them young. On the other hand, I was the baby of the family & my mother never got to that discussion. Her mother had died when she was 7 so wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Back to my learning, after explaining about WHERE the babies grew, she gave me a "oh, my, Shirley has a shocked look on her face".... and she ended with, "maybe you don't do this since you are Catholic". I agreed, sounded pretty yucky to this maybe 7-10  year old. When I told my mother about this a few years before she died, I thought she was going to roll on the floor laughing. Carol had forgotten that incident but said she wished I'd reminded her before her mother died as she would have enjoyed as well.

So, comes back to Bubble's inspirational messages. I certainly have enjoyed every phase of my life & tell my doctor that "I'm going to LIVE until I die". Hopefully I can leave with a smile on my face, I don't doubt a little panic with the last gasp, but I would like my kids, grands & greats to think of me with a smile. I realize not everyone envies my life, even my sister thinks I'm from another world.... I do remember Joan rolling her eyes at my love of camping.... I've had the pleasure of dinners with some of the richest people in the world and can honestly say cooking over a campfire was just as much fun.  Hope each of you can spend a day in Memory Land with as much joy as this day was for me. Hugs to all. 

I have a sink full of dishes, I hand wash them since big bowls & pots. Will do that & a last minute feeding for 3 cats & I will head to bed. Sunday is a long day even if I slip in a nap. Sweet dreams to all.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 15, 2019, 09:11:16 PM
Now there's something I don't have the patience to do!  All that cutting and then sewing all those pieces together...I'd be getting a bad case of the screamin' meanies if I ever tried that!

I used to sew a lot when my kids were growing up.  In fact, Cindy used to say that if I didn't make her clothes she'd have to wear baby cloths in 6th grade because nothing fit her.  She was very small for her age when she was in middle school.  So it's not the sewing.  I just think I'd find that very tedious.  I guess that's why I never took up quilting.  But I sure do envy those who do it!

I probably should tell you about one of my major mistakes that came out all right in the end.  I did a lot of my sewing for Christmas after everyone went to bed and there were lots of nights that I was either sewing or cutting after midnight. 

One morning I gathered my wits and my things to make the pajama pants for my son and my husband to go with the short lounge robes that were already finished.  I became confused until I realized that I'd cut both right legs out of one color and both left legs out of the other color.  By this time, I didn't have time to go back to the store for more material so I sewed them together as they were.  They both had pajama pants with one blue plaid leg and one red plaid leg.  And they loved it!  They wore them that way for a couple of years!

I'm going to bid you all GOOD NIGHT.  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 16, 2019, 06:12:19 AM
Good morning everyone, a whole 60° and was another good sleeping night. Both sons came over the weekend and brought bags of tomatoes. They both picked all the ripe ones because their plants are starting to die. That means I will be blanching and cook‌ing them down for sauce. If I had roo‌m in the freezer I would put them all in there. I tried that with a few and when I took them out and they started to thaw the peels came right off. Less work than blanching them. Will take me a few days to do all that because as you know I cannot stand for long. My CNA will be learning something new this week.

JANE  when I make applesauce I fill up my large slow cooker and let them cook overnight. In the morning I take the cover off and let them cook down  so I have a thicker sauce. Should be the same with tomatoes.

CALLIE  nice seeing you at last. Not much going on here either but I sure do talk a lot.

AMY  hope your hand does not cramp up with cutting up all those pieces for the quilt.

SHIRLEY  I also loved camping, mostly along the shore. A few times in a country setting, no mountains here until you get up into the northern New England states.

I might not be here tomorrow unless I wake in the middle of the night. Have to go for blood work and that means fasting and then out for breakfast.

Have a good day
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 16, 2019, 07:39:02 AM
Good morning everyone.
A beautiful morning here, lovely blue sky dotted with wispy clouds.
Not a lot on the agenda today, odd jobs need to be done, a trip to the dump and when back I will pull the rest of the beans. Garden is winding down now and needs to be put away.

Jane, I loved the story on the pj's!! Wow, how unique teens of today would love those pj's

Gloria, I do have to stop every now and then not only for my hands but my back,standing in one place bothers me. I bet your CNA will enjoy doing the tomatoes and would love learning from you!!

Hope Phyliss, Joy and Lloyd pop in to say hello.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 16, 2019, 07:52:09 AM
I'm a little late this morning so I'll just state the facts and be on my way.  I'll be off for my shift at Wally World this morning.  But last night I stumbled on a recipe that I wanted to try in the crock pot today.  I checked and I had all the ingredients so I took the time to get it cooking and it should be ready when I get home from work.

It's called Pumpkin Pie Pudding and it has all the ingredients of a pie with no crust.  I've never been a fan of pie but this one without a crust sound good.  I'll let you know!

Now I have to go get myself ready to greet my public!  Wish me smiles!  And enjoy your day Everyfriend. 

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Tomereader1 on September 16, 2019, 11:11:02 AM
I don't usually post anything in here, but I read them all and admire everything you ladies accomplish. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 16, 2019, 11:23:35 AM
Tomereader, please post any time, love to "see" you.

Just finished washing the vehicle, it is either getting bigger or I am getting slower. Looks a lot nicer now. Trip to the dump was interesting as always, thoroughly enjoy seeing the turkey vultures, some just sitting on a branch while others have their wings spread getting the morning dew off. The bear/bears had been there and left a mess of garbage about.

Had a bit of a breather better get at the beans or should I do the freezer.??? Ah the lovely choices one has :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 16, 2019, 02:59:19 PM

Yesterday afternoon I wrote quite a bit on a side tracked and forgot to come back....of course my post was gone.  I was so upset with myself that I just did not feel like redoing it....shame on me!  I just do not understand WHY I have not learned my lesson to keep doing a save, so this will never happen again🤬🤬

Now that I have that off of my chest, I hope you all are having a good day? 

We do not have to go out for the grands until nearly 3 PM, so I have been doing a bit of this and that.  Got the sheets washed, then in the dryer.  It has s nearly time for them to be done, but before I go....I MUST SAVE MYPOST😤😤. Oh how I wish I could take them out and hang them on a clothesline like you, AMY! 

I wish to thank you BUBBLE for the nice new SS for us.  Loved the "I Believe" graphic and also the video, AMY.  This is one of my very favorite songs.....

This weekend was a bad one for our sports teams.  Our college fav and our Broncos both much as I would like to say this does not bother me....IT DOES!  I truthfully wish I could just never watch or care about my teams again....but it isn' going to happen as my hubby is going to watch them all....and as I have done for many years, what he does, I do too.  Enough on this!

SHIRLEY, I loved your post and I have to admit one of my favorite things is "memory land" thoughts.  Our family is very good at remembering quotes from special occasions and we do love to laugh with each other so much!  I, too have to sa6 that I hope I ca; go out of this world smiling as well....and that my family will smile when they think of me!  God only knows I have given them a lot of memories to smile about🙀🤪🤪

JANE, I have not heard "screamin meanie" for a very long time, but it sure brings back memories of my favorite mom'm mom.  She was my friend and confidant and I miss her to this very day as much as ever!  What a great story about the pant legs!  Sometimes things have a wa6 of actually working out for the best!🤣🤣🤣

Bob decided it was time for him to harvest his potato growing project yesterday.....and boy did we enjoy the crop!  They were really tasty.  He did this on the spur of the moment when I discovered my taters had grown quite the sprouts on them.  He got quite a kick out of watching them grow, and we enjoyed the end product. 

I know there were other things I commented on yesterday that I am forgetting.....but I must away and get the sheets back on the bed.

Enjoy your day, EVERYFRIEND.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Joy on September 16, 2019, 03:06:48 PM
Good afternoon.  Just finding my way in here.

I sat down to read earlier and fell asleep and slept for over 2 hours.  And, I had slept pretty good last night.  Just can't seem to get myself motivated to do anything.  I think I am just so tired from "doing nothing". 

Jane, your Pumpkin Pie Pudding sounds very interesting.  Is it something that you would have to fix in the crockpot.  I love Pumpkin Pie and was just trying to decide if I want to add one to my grocery order.  Will be interesting to hear how it is. Might be something to try.

It has been a very pretty day so far.  But, I have not been out.  I was supposed to get my hair done, but wound up sleeping right through the appointment time.  So, now I will have to deal with it on my own. 

I hope everyone is having a good afternoon.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 16, 2019, 04:15:30 PM
Just a little P.S to the pajama leg stofy....I told them on Christmas, after they opened the packages, that I would get more material, rip them apart and make them right.  In almost one breath they both said, "DON'T YOU DARE!

JENNY, my mother used to use that "screamin' meanies" expression a lot and I picked it up when I was growing up.  My sister and I both use it when it's appropriate.

JOY (and anyone else who is interested), the pumpkin pie pudding was done when I got home from work and the recipe said you could eat it hot or cold.  I dished it up and took one bite hot and I think I'll always eat it cold.  It's YUMMY!  I put some in the Hidey Hole for you all to try if you've a mind to.  At the end it says you can serve it with whipped cream or not as you wish.  I had a little cool whip left from something else so I did use it.  The texture is not a pudding texture. It's more a pumpkin pie texture.  And I don't know if you could make it any other way or not but it was so easy this way.  I put it in before I left for work and it was done when I got home.

I'm pretty sure I'll make this one again.  Pie crust is not one of my good things to make and I really don't miss it.

Now I have to go get some eye drops before my eyes dry up and blow away.  Then I think I hear the sofa calling.  It's also the day to make dog food.  The will wait while I do that.

AMY, I think your Van is growing!  So is my hall!  And a lot of stuff is a lot heavier and a lot higher than it used to be!  That's my story and I'm sticking with it!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 16, 2019, 04:18:19 PM
JANE..check your email!!!! Then you can find the zzz's :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 16, 2019, 10:25:01 PM
well It is time for me to bid you all sweet dreams and good night. Hope to see all your faces smiling tomorrow.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 16, 2019, 10:45:29 PM
I drooped back in to tell you all it is 79º and mostly clear @ 9:29 pm and we got to ninety two today and did it burn through your clothes. so I mainly was a couch jockey soaking up the AC cool. Have a appointment at VA tomorrow. to see the sawbones about heart readings. so good night for sure now.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 16, 2019, 10:50:11 PM
And Good night from me, too.  I decided to put the tomato sauce in the crock pot overnight but being a bit leery, I'll be getting up at least once to make sure it's doing what it should do.  I'd be delighted to find that this process works.  The cooking down is the most tedious part of making tomato sauce for recipes.  It has to go to almost half.

GOOD NIGHT and God Bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 17, 2019, 06:07:12 AM
Good morning everyone..

We are off to the city with a multitude of stops today. Hope  to get in and out before it gets too busy.

Lloyd ,hope you hear good news at the VA today.

Jane,how did you like doing the sauce in the crock pot?

Joy,you must have needed the sleep or you wouldn't have slept that long. Always another day to get your hair cut.

Jenny, we also had potatoes from the garden last night. One that had started to grow in the bag in Spring and I just threw them in the garden ,if they grew ok if not they would make fertilizer. A win win situation.

Better get ready for town.

Enjoy your day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 17, 2019, 06:25:57 AM
Good morning Dearfriends!  I must say that trying something new overnight doesn't make for good sleeping.  I set the alarm but duty called before the alarm and when I finished that, I went to the kitchen (down that extra long and growing hall) to check the sauce.  It looked fine, was hot but didn't appear to be much lower in the pot.  So I went back to bed and let it do it's thing.  But I guess I worried a bit because I woke numerous times and I dreamed some of the strangest dreams I've ever dreamed.  They weren't scary, just really ODD!

Now I have the rest of the sauce on the stove to cook down and season and I hope I have enough jars.  Today's going to be a busy day! 

I wonder where PHYLLIS is!  I hope she's OK!

Sure was nice to see CALLIE posting!

Wish me luck with the sauce! And enjoy your day!  Make it your own in every way!

P.S.  I sure hope AMY brings back some CHOCOLATE for the Hidey Hole!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 17, 2019, 06:29:52 AM
Good morning everyone, a chilly 47°. Woke at 4:30 so have time to co‌. My son is picking me up at 7:30 to get to the vampire.  Got a call from my doctor yesterday. Have to go for a CT scan. Had a chest Xray last week and they didn't like the look of something. Never had one, have any of you had one? Is it a long time? I should have asked how long it takes. Will have it next Thursday morning. My CNA gets here every day at noon and wonder if I should cancel her. I went for years with nothing happening and now suddenly the xray and now this. Gee looks like I an starting to fall apart, ya think? Oh well at 88 I really cannot complain, been healthy  and I know others younger than me who have so many health problems. Just look at Jenny's DIL and what she is going through and she has a young family.

AMY  one son came Saturday with a bag of tomatoes, he is cleaning his garden out. Sunday my other son came with a bag of tomatoes. OK that was more than I could eat before they started going bad so yesterday so with my CNS's help blanched and peeled them and now have sauce to put into containers and in the freezer. By the time is had simmered down enough I was worn out so when it cooled I just put it all in the fridge. She will help me get it in the freezer this afternoon. She never did anything like that before and she thought it was a lot of work. To me the time it takes to do anything like that is not work, just think how good it will taste later. She gets that sauce in jars at the market, yuck.

JANE  we are the opposite, I love pies, almost all of them except pumpkin and mince. Only thing now I use the bought crust and it is not as good as home made.

TOMEREADER1  if you read here often  wish you would post more often, too. Some of us have been together since the old days of SN and Bis' Busy Nest and we like and welcome  newcomers.

JENNY  we have clothes lines here but  even if my CNA hung the clothes out I would not be able to reach up to take them off the line. Every time I see sheets hanging in the fresh air I remember how fresh the sheets smell on the bed. My oldest son plants potatoes every year and he always fives me some, taste is so good. My daughter has been growing sweet potatoes for 3 years now, those are the  ones they like best.

JOY  this morning I woke too early so will be in bed early tonight. 4 am is too early to start the day. If I could sleep in the afternoon I sure would.

JANE  there are so many things I can no longer do that I get angry at ME. Like having a nice clean home. I cannot even mop the floors  and my CNA does it but she avoids corners till I tell her the corners need cleaning, too.

LLOYD  glad it is cooling off here at last. Yesterday it never got out of the high 60's and I did enjoy some time sitting outside. Hope you get good news at the VA.

AMY  after my morning visit to the vampire this morning my day will be for resting-after I get my sauce into the freezer.

Of course this is a morning I woke too early and just knowing I have to fast I am hungry. Figures doesn't it?

Have a good day every one.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 17, 2019, 08:20:09 AM
I forgot to answer AMY"s question asking if putting the tomatoes in the crock pot overnight worked.  It did if you'd like to have the most beautiful spaghetti sauce you ever saw or tasted but it didn't if you want sauce in little jars for recipes.  It didn't really cook down or thicken.  So now I'm doing it the old fashioned way...on the stove....with the watching and the stirring until it's ready for the flavoring. 

GLORIA, many years ago when I was working on Saturdays and my kids were helping with the housework, I told them that, if you clean the corners of a room really well you can probably ignore the middle  When my daughter wanted to know how the middle would get clean, I asked her if she thought she'd be able to get the mop or the sweeper into all four corners without going across the middle.  Smart kid!  She got it!  And the corners turned out as clean as the middle from then on!

Gotta go stir!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 17, 2019, 08:26:01 AM
good Morning everyone. Gloria well I suspect the fact we went through hard times short on money and food, is what makes us go for excess food. as I have said before. we have a upright a chest type and a side by side freezers full of food and shelves of canned food also. it shows on my front side I eat too much. I suspect if i would do push backs more I would feel and breath better. but I have the sea food dieat down better,see food and eat it. Gloria I should know but seam to have forgot where you live state and all. if you do not miend remind me please. If i had your address we could drop by and take you and your sons and families out for a good feed,some time while on our travels. emails would be fine or phone. If we had your phone number, we have free long distance could and would call.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 17, 2019, 04:47:18 PM
I just took 12 little jars of tomato sauce for recipes out of the canner to cool and I put 8 more empty jars in to get hot and sterilize.  I don't think I have enough sauce left for 8 more jars but I sure don't want to run out just in case. 

I spent some time trying to find an email address for PHYLLIS this morning.  I'm getting a little worried.  It's been while since she posted.  If anyone has an email for her and would like to share it or email her let me know.

I better get back to work before I decide to quit before I'm finished.  I do that sometimes and I'm usually sorry.

Just noticed, LARRY is in the margin.  I do miss him and his gems of wisdom!  I bet he's making a place for himself on God's staff.  He would have to make himself useful to anyone who asked!

Back to work!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 17, 2019, 05:23:47 PM
Jane, when I was fixing my egg with the "bacon crumbles" this morning & wondering how Pat is doing without Larry. Little things mean a lot.... song in there.... & friends pop into mind so often.  I just checked & don't have an e-mail address for Phyllis. Sorry. Wonder if she can get a personal message through here?  I don't know how that works. Time for me to feed cats & put that taco soup in the frig & freezer. I do think I am addicted to this recipe.  Had a small bowl to see if it needed anything, now it's time I can eat a big bowl.  :thumbup:

I'm on the old computer downstairs... the other one insists it isn't connected to the internet. I've restarted several times, did the thing to turn off modem (or router?), one pop up asked if it's wi-fi key was turned off.  I don't know where a wi-fi key is... but know this computer is working & same wi-fi.  :crazy2:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 17, 2019, 06:58:42 PM
The trip to the city went well Came home with loaded van and empty wallet :))
Jane, Shirley, guess this a day of Larry. We had lunch at DQ and I had a Dixie Bell for dessert and wondered if Larry had had one.  Oh my gosh they are so good , ice cream. chocolate AND butterscotch sauce cover in toasted pecans...I don't have them very often and it is a kids size I get and enjoy each mouthful. :smitten:

Company came to talk for a bit and pick up the chicken chests I get for them ,they cook them up for the dogs.

I have already played frisbee and I am done for the night. Wish I had the energy of this pup!!

Enjoy your evening everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 17, 2019, 08:12:36 PM
I went back until I found a post from Phyllis and there was no way to post anything to her that I saw.  Maybe I'm just missing it.  And maybe she'll see these messages and let us know she's just busy with her therapy or tired from it or something like that....I hope!

AMY, did you go to the chocolate store?  And did you get some for the Hidey Hole?  We're all waiting!

I'm all finshed with the tomato sauce and I ended with 16 jars.  6 half pints and 10 quarter pints.  They popped and popped until they were cool.  Nice sound!  Mow I have to put all the utensils away and I'm ready to hit the hay!

Boy am I tired!  I think I'll watch a little TV through my eyelids, take the doggies out one more time and then check out the zzzzs in the bed!  I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 17, 2019, 09:04:02 PM
Jane , I sent a message  to Phyliss,hope she is alright.
One thing I have learned by watching tv through  eyelids is there are no commercials!
Saying goodnight also..
Shirley, don,t forget to turn the lights out.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 17, 2019, 10:09:06 PM
Well, guess I'll leave the job of turning out the lights to Jenny.... she is an hour later than I am so checks in last. I have lights under the eves all around the house, all but one comes on at dusk & off in the morning, but there is one in the back that I wanted brighter light to aim out at the pool gates & it has to be turned off in the morning. I do have LED in it so not quite as expensive to forget all day... but feel guilty when I do.

It doesn't take much to throw me off my "routine". Having computer problems throws me off.  ;D Since this computer is connected there is no question that I've touched something that turned the wi-fi off on that HP. Have not said the right words yet today to fix it. Texted a plea for help but both sons must be swamped, they usually send cures right badk.  :tissue:

My washing machine sounds like it will wing up through the ceiling during spin cycle so guess that is next of the list to replace. With our hard water I don't think we've had one last but 7-10 years at most. Poor old dryer was bought back in 1967  & only had the belt replaced a couple times (by Cas). Remember when avacado green was the in color?  ;D

On that note I wlll bid y'all good night, sweet dreams & God Bless. That was Hal's sign off, remember? Shirley   oh, heck, let's dance a little.... :dancingdog:  :nanadance:  :nanadance2:  :nanadance:  :nanadance2:  :nanadance:  :nanadance2:   
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 18, 2019, 01:05:22 AM
My ears were ringing, so here I am making sure the lights are turned off tonight❣️

GLORIA, I hope you got your blood draw done and then got something to eat!  I am sorry you have been called in for a CT scan to be done on Thursday.  I hope and pray it turns out to be nothing serious. No ce to read that you, to9 have some tomato sauce ready to put in your freezer.  I sure wish I could get some home grown tomatoes. 

JANE, you will sure enjoy the jars of tomato sauce this coming winter.  I remember fondly canning with my mother and grandmother, but sadly I have never done it myself. 

SHIRLEY, I thought sure Scott might keep in touch and let us know how he and Pat are doing!  Maybe he still will.   

AMY, glad to read that you and Kyle had a good day shopping.  Your lunch sounded yummy.  Thank you for reaching out to PHYLLIS.  I do hope,she is OK. 

Michele had her PET scan today......she will see her doctor tomorrow and I certainly hope and pray that there is nothing new that shows up! 

OK, sleep well and now OFF GO THE LIGHTS.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 18, 2019, 06:48:06 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I guess I was really tired last night.  I went to bed and slept straight through to 5 a.m. this morning.  Then I crawled back in and slept another hour.  Today has to be a good day.

JENNY, as I read your message, I stopped and asked God to be with Michele today as she gets her report. 

AMY, I thought I knew all the parts of a chicken but I've never heard of one called a "chicken chest"!  Clue me in!  What is that?

And I've noticed that you're ignoring my questions about the chocolate.  That either means you did get some and your keeping it all for yourself or you never made it to the chocolate shop!

We're just sitting here waiting for the boinger and while I waited for the coffee this morning I looked over my home canned goods storage area and it's full.  I'm trying to decide where to put the sauce I just did and the veggie soup that's coming up next.  All of a sudden it dawned on me.  My empty jar storage area is EMPTY!  I'll fill it up with FULL jars.  I'm not dumb!  It just takes me a while to get a good idea!

I'll be off to Wally World this morning and I'll need all the smiles I can get.  So wish me smiles!

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 18, 2019, 07:20:15 AM
Good morning everyone.
A cool 40° F here......
Today will be working in the garden and if I have enough cucumbers will make another batch of pickles. Need to run to the co-op to pick up a bag of cracked corn, seems the new bag of bird seed doesn't have corn in it and the crows like it.

Jane ,sorry, forgot about the chocolate ? .We didn't go that way:( There is some chococlate left from the last trip to do for a bit. Check the hidey hole I just put some Laura Secord chocolate in there. LOL Jane, chicken chest, chicken breast, chicken boob all the same :) I have never bought chicken lips though ,they are as scarce as frogs hair!! Have a fantastic day at work!

Gloria, I love doing pickles, sauces and yes it is a lot of work but well worth it and way better than store bought. I know there will be a time that I can't do it but until then I am going to. CT scans are easy enough to do, Kyle has one on the 27th.

Hope Michele gets good results from her PET scan. Thank you for turning the lights out.

Lloyd, hope you and Nancy have a good day today.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 18, 2019, 08:07:03 AM
good morning everyone. it is 70º @ 7:02 A M and calling for 90º today. I do not need that temp. oh well what ever will be will be. I went to v a and a good visit and good reading on the heart a gram they gave me. see you all later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 18, 2019, 08:07:54 AM
Good morning everyone, warmer today-59°-, yesterday did not get  out of the 60's all day even with all the sunshine. Local guessers are saying this cold front kept the current  hurricane Humberto away from us and sent it out to sea. The week end is supposed to hit the 80's. Ahh the fickle Mother Nature just cannot make up her mind.

JANE  if you want the tomatoes to get thicker you could take the cover off the slow cooker and turn the heat up for it to simmer more, when I have had real juicy tomatoes I add a can of tomato paste to thicken it. Even my sons are great at keeping their homes clean, my daughter helped me so much when she was young that it is second nature to keep a clean home

LLOYD  like you I have more food in the cupboard and in the freezer than I can eat and I never went hungry. Just too hard for me to cook anymore and have no appetite. I live in the tiny state of Rhode Island in the New England states. Conn. is on the west and Mass. on the north and east of us and the Atlantic along the south of the state. I think I have your email address, will check the list I have.

JANE  I just checked and I don't have an email for Phyllis. I agree, much to long since she posted. I hope she is not back in the hospital or if her son knows how to let us know.

SHIRLEY  if I remember with the personal message sends an email to let the person know they have a PM. Been a long time since I had one.

AMY now you did it, I enjoy anything from DQ. Wish there was one around here I would be after my sons to take me for a treat.

SHIRLEY  I have had trouble with this HP since day 1 and wish I never bought it.

JENNY  yes my son took me for breakfast yesterday and I enjoyed it. I love spending time alone with each one. Nothing like the taste of sauce made with fresh-not can tomatoes.

JANE love that pop sound on what is just canned. I like those jars better than the old ones with the class tops and the way the wire clips were.

AMY  how long does it take for the CT scan. I know the MRI seems to take hours.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 18, 2019, 08:37:24 AM
GLORIA, the lid WAS off the crock pot all night and it just didn't cook down enough for the kind of sauce I wanted.  I was making the kind you buy in the very small cans that is just enough for a small recipe.  It's thick but all tomato with no additives.  I put a little salt in mine so I can do it in the water bath canner and it helps to keep it.  But I went back and looked where I saw the recipe for doing it in the crockpot overnight and it's for making spaghetti sauce.  However, it is a way to keep the extra hot while I'm working on what fits in the canner. 

Gotta go jump in the shower....well, I think I'll just STEP in.  That's a bit safer.

AMY, thanks for the chocolate.  And I'll look in the meat department and see if we carry "chicken boobs"!

I'm more ways than one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 18, 2019, 10:35:26 AM
Gloria, I asked Kyle as he gets them every 6 months and he said maybe 10 -15 min.  not long.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 18, 2019, 10:46:35 AM
Re contacting Phyllis - to begin with, someone said they had already sent her a message.  I just checked on how to do it -

Go to the Member List, find her name, click on the name.  What comes up are a few lines, one of which is Send PM.  If she looks at SS, there will be a message about a message.

I hope this isn't too confusing.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Tomereader1 on September 18, 2019, 01:58:19 PM
I would imagine that "chicken chests" are chicken breasts, but I can't see feeding them to the dogs! What a waste!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 18, 2019, 04:56:33 PM
MARY ANN, thanks for the info.  I did that this morning too and I sent her a message but I was hoping someone had a direct email to her.  I wonder if anyone knows her last name? 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 18, 2019, 05:49:15 PM
Jane, no reply as of yet.Her vertigo could be giving her the dickens.
Sitting here listening to pop  pop  pop..15 pints of mustard bread and butter are done. Looked in the garden and saw there were enough cucumbers to do another batch . Winter can be long and we will enjoy this....very much!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 18, 2019, 06:05:11 PM
Jane, I think Phyllis' last name is Lewis (was her husband Tom Lewis?).  I'll look in the White Pages and if there is anything, I'll get back to you.  I think her son is David and lives with her.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 18, 2019, 06:39:05 PM
Jane, I don't know if I hit the jackpot or struck out.  I found four Phyllis Lewis with different addresses.  When I clicked on Profile, I got a list of 63 Phyllis Lewis, one with the age of 88, another 81, several in 70s.  Only one had a relative named David and his address was not like any of the four.  So I looked for David Lewis and I figured he'd be in his 50s or 60s.  Again there were four, all with addresses different from Phyllis and there were a slew of Davids when I asked for the Profile and not one of them had a relative named Phyllis.

I could be very wrong with the last name, but I seem to remember her saying her husband was Tom.

If I have any more ideas, right or wrong, I'll let you know.  I think Cary is near Raleigh.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 18, 2019, 07:25:58 PM
It has been a long day waiting for the news on Michele. 
Unfortunately it was not the news we wanted to hear😩
The tumor in the lung is much smaller, so the chemo has worked, but now there is a pea size spot on her spine.  She will see the radiation oncologist tomorrow to find out if they can radiate this spot on the spine, and what the plan is for the lung.  Her chemo oncologist thinks that radiation is not necessary, but he is the only one.  She will continue on the chemo pills, and will probably do so for the rest of her life😤

It is of course scary that now it might be in the bone.......

Michele is in good spirits.....bless her heart🙏

More prayers needed good friends.......thank you for your continued support❣️

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: CallieOK on September 18, 2019, 07:56:16 PM
Good evening,

Wrote a post answering a question I was asked and then realized this isn't the forum it was in!  Sorry 'bout that.

Jenny,  I did say I am so sorry the news about Michelle wasn't what you wanted to hear.  Prayers will certainly increase for her.

I went to a Book Club discussion today and then took the friend who picks me up for this and other organizational events out to lunch.  We went to Pepperoni Grill and had panini sandwiches along with tomato basil soup.  I may skip dinner!

Enjoy your evening, Everyfriend.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 18, 2019, 09:14:58 PM    This song has been in my head all day & just had to hear it. Same singer we listened to back in the early '50s. I love the one that follows, too.

Oh, Jenny, I am sorry the news was not as good as prayed for.  More prayers and hugs for all. 

Ever have one of those days, not bad, not good, just not satisfying. Nothing to show for my time & so much to do I can't get anything done. Have 2 cats staring at me, ready for their midnight snack so they can go on out. I didn't walk them down to the river tonight (no bread for the fish), I didn't get to Walmart for bread or Sam's for meat to cook & grind. So the cats are put out with me tonight. Will feed the 2 & call for Callie, bless her heart, she isn't sure why she isn't invited to spend all day inside like during the winter. She tries to please but does not understand that if she would only follow their example all would be okay!  Take care...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 18, 2019, 10:14:19 PM
DEAR JENNY, this was NOT the news we were all praying for and I've already said a prayer for Michele and her extended family.  Please know that we all care and we will continue to keep all of you in our prayers!

I'm off to bed and after my poor sleep last night, I'm hoping for a good night tonight.  I have a bunch of things I want to do tomorrow and I want to get up feeling like doing them.  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow!  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 18, 2019, 11:34:57 PM
well I was posting a good night hit the wrong key and away it went. so I am starting over. good night and sweet dreams. I was saying I fell asleep on the couch and Nancy woke me up, she has gone to bed after a good night Kiss. I best get me a cool drink of water and join her. see you all tomorrow.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 19, 2019, 12:34:07 AM
I coming in to say good night and pleasant dreams to all.

I will turn off the lights, but before I do, I think that we need to have a little night light on just incase someone stumbles in over I will plug it in. go the lights.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 19, 2019, 07:22:29 AM
Amy and Jane, I got your Personal Messages and it made me so pleased to know that you were thinking of me.  I have had a long tough time with the Meniere's Disease .  I had to tell the therapist not to come because I couldn't stand up.  The vertigo was pretty bad and keeps coming back.  Yesterday was better and today is starting out OK.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

My email address is in my S&F Member Profile but I'm not certain if anyone but me can see it.  Just in case you want to put it in your Address Book it is (removed).  My full name is Phyllis Irene Lewis.  My family, close friends, and neighbors call me Irene.  Everyone else (business, legal, etc.) call me Phyllis.  David is my older son but his legal name is Tommie David Lewis and he does live with me.  Tom Lewis was my husband and his name was Tommie Joe Lewis.  He was a member of S&F but rarely posted anything here.  Our names are confusing to people but you can blame my parents for always calling me by my middle name.  You can blame me, however, for always calling my sons by their middles names.  :idiot2: 

I hope I can come back regularly from now on but I will just have to wait and see.  I haven't done any cooking...David is keeping us I don't have much to say about what I'm doing.  I've mostly been sleeping....a lot! 

Jenny, I'm so sorry that the news about Michelle wasn't as good as we all had hoped.  She, and all of her family are in my prayers.

Gloria, a CT is a piece of cake.  You aren't as shut in as much as you are with an MRI.  And no loud noises.  It only takes about 15 min. or so.  Make sure they give you a pillow under your knees so your back won't be stressed too much.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 19, 2019, 07:29:05 AM
Good morning everyone.
Labeling and putting away the jars of pickles this morning then working around home.
Jenny, thanks for leaving the night light on Prayers for Michele and hugs to you. Not easy for anyone especially those watching.

Need to get a quilt block in the mail, a lady's husband passed and the group I am in are making blocks to be sent to be put into a quilt for her.

Enjoy your day everyone
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 19, 2019, 07:30:24 AM
well good morning everyone. 71º at 6:17 A M and clear calling for 90º here today. am going to try to get the R V taken in for service on both engines, the pusher and the generator engine. Hoping that Nancy get's to feeling better. She is waking up every day with a stuffed up head. no fun traveling with a stuffed up head. I will check in a gain later on today and see how everyone is doing.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 19, 2019, 07:36:46 AM
 Amy top of the day to you. you slipped in while I was typing takes a while for me to post typing with one or two fingers on each hand and doing the spell check at the same time. I never payed enough attention in English class. so takes a while to get it readable.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 19, 2019, 08:09:48 AM
Lloyd, good morning to you and Nancy. Just heading out the door. Enjoy your day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 19, 2019, 08:13:24 AM
Good morning everyone, had frost on the cars overnight. When I pulled up the shade I looked out and was surprised to see all the tops of the cars white. The weather  report had said it might go into the 30's in places here and it did get here.  Got a call yesterday from the xray place asking about the blood work. Well my doc had given me the blood work paper 3 months ago and they did get the results of that but not the blood work they need so the CT scan is postponed till I go for another visit to the vampire. Son will take me tomorrow and then I call for a new appointment. Hope next Tuesday. Seems like too much of the left hand not knowing what the right one is doing. Seems like everyone can change things and want other s to do as they say. If I still had a car and drove it would not be a problem.

JANE  now I know what kind of sauce you were talking about. I always have some cans of the Hunts sauce in the closet.

AMY  when I called the xray place yesterday I did ask how long and she said 30 minutes. Still better than an MRI.

JENNY  so sad about Michele. That monster sure has a hold on her and does not want to let go. Her attitude is good and that helps her fight. With her wonderful family she has good reason to fight. I will keep her in my prayers.

SHIRLEY  I like the one with Doris Day better but I do remember listening to Kitty Kallen.

PHYLLIS  so good to see you. Not being able o stand up is hard when you have been on the run for years doing everything. I will remember t o ask for that pillow because laying on my back on a hard table is a killer. I pray you will st art feeling better soon. No fun getting to be our ages is it?

LLOYD  good morning.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 19, 2019, 08:55:18 AM
OH MY!  I breathed a "Thank you" prayer when I saw Phyllis's post!  I've been so worried and now I have put your information in my little red book with the rest of the S&F people whose info I have.  Thanks for sharing it with us. 

SHIRLEY, that picture of your family in the airport with the little one riding the suitcase is in the margin right now and I know I forgot to tell you that when I saw it the first time it brought back a memory to me.  When my grandson, Daniel was about that age, they lived in Montreal and on occasion they flew down to visit.  I picked them up at the Harrisburg airport and they would come out with Christy pushing one of those little airport carts with her suitcase and other items on it and Daniel perched on top of everything.  I thought that was pretty smart of her.  I bet if her suitcase had wheels, she'd have thought of using it like your son did.  They are resourceful, aren't they?

I did sleep better last night but I got up with a pain in my side that went from my underarm to my waist and around my back.  I put stuff on it and took two Aleve while we waited for the boinger and it feels somewhat better now.  I must have slept "funny" or something!

I better get out of my jammies and get busy.  I have things to do today.  I haven't organized myself but then I hardly ever do.  I just do stuff!  Enjoy your day, Everyfriend!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 19, 2019, 08:59:19 AM
Good Morning, Friends!  So happy to see your post Phyllis, and hope you keep on feeling better.

Lloyd, sorry Nancy is having the stuffed up head... hay fever/allergies are are terrible this year....everywhere in KS & MO and mine didn't get better in CO and that was spring!  My daughter is sniffing and rubbing her eyes in MO and never had a problem before in all her nearly 64 years. These RVs sure need a lot of attention, don't they? 

Pretty graphic, Amy, did you create that yourself?  Thoughtful of your group to make the quilt blocks for the lady that lost her husband. Something like that will give her comfort and warm thoughts as long as she lives. I still have not given in to buying an IP..... but am off this morning to buy several eye of round roasts to cook & grind for my gang. My daughter has found a mayo that works better for her system (Crohn's) so I just give her the packs of frozen ground beef. My boys & the grands all like chopped onions & celery (along with the hard boiled eggs & pickle relish)... one grand prefers the mayo made with olive oil but most of us prefer Miracle Whip. Anyway, hopefully the one Sam's will still have them this week. The one I've been shopping at quit carrying them... can't imagine why.

Hey, Jenn, thanks for thinking of the night lights! I have 2 in my hall from bedroom to kitchen & faithfully turn them on every night. You'd think after more than 30 years in this house my body could navigate in the dark, but not so. The hall  has a "bend" in it when passing the front doors, even the guys that moved our furniture in kept running into walls, they were unloading the truck after dark.

Tom and Callie have had their breakfast, Tiger not home yet (or sleeping late). She came for breakfast yesterday morning, sniffed & wanted back outside. Didn't see her all day until their supper time. Not sure what is going on with her. I am hungry so will fix me an egg with bacon crumbles, white and oatnut breads, have a busy morning lined up. Besides the meat & bread for the fish, I am out of milk so can't cook my oatmeal without that!  Still wishing for cooler weather but not yet! The roofer said they will deliver shingles next Tuesday & if Mother Nature co-operates, will get the roof on before the end of Sept! Been a long time getting everything taken care of and absolutely no excuse except that one lady with the insurance was being a pain... and after all said & done, she's the one to eat crow.

Expect Gloria will be in when I go to post... you've been getting up early lately, Gloria. You haven't mentioned if you got that cream & if it helped at all. Do wish you lived nearer, I'd get you fattened up. I am feeling the effects of eating 4 boxes of Russell Stover turtles... some slacks that were comfy a few months ago are not wanting to meet in the middle comfortable right now. I asked my friend if she thought it might be because of the heat & humidity. Got a horse laugh for that. She hates that all the years we've known each other (40+) I've gotten away with eating everything in sight & don't gain, she just watches me & gains. Pay back time.  :tissue:

So Jane is sleeping in? Not true... those pups would not let her get away with that.  Will try to post & see who snuck in while I have been typing.

My son stopped by yesterday afternoon & tested this HP for why it won't connect to the wi-fi. The wi-fi is totally missing, he said "it happens"... and had a little dongle thing he plugged into a port & connected it again. It passed warranty (naturally) but he was going to see if others have had this model fail. I thought I must have bumped a key or something, but what do I know??? The other 2 old computers were still online so problem had to be internal. Both of them have gotten so slow it drives me nuts waiting for anything to move, one has the printer connected & the other still has the old Paint Shop Pro on that I use sparingly anymore. I bought 2 newer versions of PSP over the years but can't get them set up to know how to do anything with them. It helped when there was a group working with it & the lessons (Steps) at the time. I've forgotten anything I ever knew but can still make birthday cards for family. Pretty limited in what I do.

Ah, HA... there's Gloria. Move over, I want to live where the cold weather is! I couldn't remember which version we listened to most. I liked anything Doris Day did.. and the other singer I hear on my "oldies" radio is Diana Shore...I liked the ones we could sing with (even though I have a terrible voice). The screaming of today has me turn off almost all music, how sad is that?

Well, about time you got moving, Jane! Sorry about the side ache... actually happened to me this week but only lasted part of one day. Like you said, must have slept crooked. Now & then it is because I've had too much coffee or chocolate. Hope it goes away fast for you.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 19, 2019, 11:15:38 AM
It's gone, SHIRLEY!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 19, 2019, 03:11:34 PM
Good, Jane glad the pain is gone!  I don't know if I mentioned at the time that the family trip to Disney World (both gr-parents, parents & the 2 little ones) had been put off because son (Andy) had that emergency aortic valve replacement. It was his daughter that managed to get airlines & Disney, etc to allow them all to move their dates to travel 4 months after his surgery. I had pangs when I saw him "toting" that little grandson since he was under a "weight" limit. Nearly a year later & he will face problems the rest of his life because an infection in his body wasn't healed nearly 3 years before. It festered & damaged that valve & destroyed the lymph nodes. BUT, sweet to think another parent or gr-parent figure how to haul a kid around & keep them happy & not be yelling at them, huh?  Aren't memories great?

I'm back from the doctor, got that cyst removed & will go back in a week to get the single stitch out. He is so good. Had lunch & now off to 4 stores. It's HOT out there.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 19, 2019, 06:07:02 PM
What a fantastic day, light breeze  kept one cool when working outside or sitting on the verandah having tea :)

Shirley, no I did not create it but really enjoyed it and thought others would also.
 I just printed off a beef barley soup that is done in  18 min after you brown the meat. Works for me!!  Will let you know how it is when I make it. Just be careful and don't hurt the area or rip the stitch out! Hope Andy feels better soon.....and takes it easy also!

Jane, glad you got rid of your "stitch" in your side.

Phyllis, hope that soon goes away for you Dr gave me meds to help with the vertigo but there was no way I would drive at that time. Walking was difficult enough ,so I can sympathize with you. If you can you should remove your email address off the site or you could be inundated with spam.

Played outside with Jessie, now to enjoy the evening.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 19, 2019, 09:03:43 PM
Amy, I've had my e-mail in here all through the years & it rarely gets any spam.... I also use it for a couple "commercial" places. I have one mailbox with my server, one with Hotmail, g-mail, & 2 with Yahoo. (One for family). The one with family gets the most spam & I think it is because a couple family members & friends will forward mail without deleting all those other addresses... & mine is added to that list when someone gets hacked into. Hotmail & g-mail I hardly ever use because the Yahoo ones are instant. I can be talking to my friend here or brother 2 hundred miles away & while we talk I can send them a photo or message & they've got it that fast. The others don't work that fast.

I'm ready to crash, never did get a nap today so 4 & 1/2 hours is not enough sleep. I did get my bread & the fish flipped & splashed in appreciation. Met a nice couple at Walmart that recently moved here from 20-30 years in Alaska. Their daughter is teaching here so they bought a home to spend part of the year here & plan to go back to Alaska for summers. We didn't exchange names but I hope I run into them again, they seem eager to find out what Wichita is all about.

One more cat meal and I will go to bed. Somebody else can turn out the lights and ON the nightlights!  Can't believe it is another Friday, I know it was just day before yesterday that we talked about it being Friday the 13th!   :idiot2:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 19, 2019, 10:36:10 PM
The doggies are asking to go out one more time so I better do that little chore.

SHIRLEY, I think AMY meant to take Phyllis' email out of her actual post.  They do advise us not to put them in our posts because anyone can come here and read. 

I'll be off to bed when I come back in with the pups.  I had a surprise visit tonight.  MY nephew, (son of my heavenly sister) has recently moved in with his father to assist him and he and his daughter were out walking their dog and stopped by.  They used to live a couple towns away and now they're right down the street.  I'm expecting to see more of them now.

I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 20, 2019, 12:47:37 AM
Almost time to head off to bed, so I had best see how your day went, and the; get these lights turned off.

I thank you all so much for your kind and loving comments about Michele.  She did go see the radiation oncologist today and he does want to radiate the tumor on her spine, as well as the spot on the lung.  He wanted her to wait until after the kiddos have their fall break in a couple of weeks, but she wants this done ASAP.  They are on hold until the insurance company gives them the OK. 

I did manage to get my hair cut today, and I feel like a new person.  I always dread getting it done, but then I am so happy after it is done!

Yesterday a nasty Öl Squirrel decided to destroy one of my plush seat cushions on my out door furniture.  I am NOT happy about it, of course, but the damage is done.  Today he came back and tore it up some more. 😩😤

MARY ANN,  I wish you safe travel and do enjoy your visit in Indy.

What a nice surprise to have your nephew drop in to say hello, JANE.  Nice that he is living right down the street from you and you can see him often.

SHIRLEY, glad you had the cyst removed and that it went well.  I do hope it heals well.

PHYLLIS, so happy to see your Post.  I am sorry this darn Meiner's Disease has you so messed up....vertigo is awful and I hope you can feel much better very soon.  You were sure missed as you can well tell!   

AMY, I loved your HAPPY THURSDAY greeting to all.

I must say goodnight.....pleasant dreams to EVERYFRIEND, and off go the lights! 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 20, 2019, 06:24:41 AM
Good morning everyone..
Today I am off to a quilt meeting, first one after the summer break. It will be nice to see the ladies again after being away for a couple of years. I have popped in with quilts or to pick up items but this is a stay for a while. Then my sister and I are going out for lunch  :)

Jenny, I hope this is sooner than later and I can't see why the insurance company dictates on ones health..that is what you pay them for .

Jane, thank you, yes that is what I meant and should have explained it better.

Gloria, please keep that heavy frost there..we have had some that has wilted some plants in the garden but the hardy ones are ok for now.

Phyllis, hope today is a good day for you.

Better get moving ,have to be on the road soon.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 20, 2019, 07:03:33 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem and I didn't sleep "funny" last aches or pains anywhere and  truly feel rested!  That's good because at 9 today I have to have my smile in place and my attitude adjusted to meet my public at Wally World. 

It's cooler nights and foggy mornings in Central PA now.  Down into the high forties and low 50s overnight an up into the high 70s during the day.  I LOVE this season!

I still need to get some tomatoes for my veggie soup and that's on the agenda for next week.  I might make a quick trip to the Farmers Market after the kids leave on Sunday but I'm playing that one by ear.  I think I have everything except the tomatoes and my plan is to make that not this coming week but next week.  My weekend is full.

Almost time for the boinger and the doggies are going to want breakfast when they hear that.  So I'll close and be on with my day.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 20, 2019, 07:37:51 AM
good Morning everyone, Hope all is going well for all of you. things are still in a turmoil here. nothing settled as of yet. we went to grand daughter's last evening. had a good visit. see you all later. yesterday V A called with good news , they had got my rt, hearing back from factory. we went and got it sure is good to here better.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 20, 2019, 08:13:27 AM
Peter I am leaving this message to you here because I have Skype all messed up and can not get it fixed. you are still one of my best friends. maybe you or someone else can fix it for me.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 20, 2019, 08:20:00 AM
Good morning.  So far it is a better morning.  Finger's crossed. Cool morning and last night the temp. actually got down into the 50's!  I slept good.

The therapist will be here this afternoon.  David had to cancel the visit yesterday again because the afternoon was not going well for me.  We'll see if he makes it today.  Also, my younger son and dil will be here sometime late this evening.  They are driving down from Northern Virginia.  I warned them that I had not been able to do any housework for quite awhile and not expect too much.  But, they assured me they were coming to see me and not the house.  It will be good to see them.  It has been a year since they were last here.

Mary Ann, hope you are doing well.  I checked the Duluth cam this morning.  They are having a very foggy morning up there but the fishing fleet still was going out under the bridge.

Thanks, Amy, for reminding me to remove my email address though I get so much spam now I would hardly notice any more.  I'm very careful about what I open and I NEVER click on any links contained in their emails to me.

I am loving the look of Fall that I see outside my window. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: roley on September 20, 2019, 10:55:36 AM
 :) . OK Lloyd got your message, sorry to hear that you have a problem with 'SKYPE' again,doubt if I can be of much use from this distance Lloyd but i'm sure you will sort it out in the end :thumbup: , remember the old saying,if at first you don't succeed, try,try and try again, good luck. :thumbup: .
                                                CHEERS.  Roley.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 20, 2019, 02:37:37 PM
HEY!!!  There's ROLEY!  He's another one I've been missing!  Nice to see you in here.  You have to remember that LLOYD's not the only one who I your friend around here.  We all like to hear you say "hello" every so often.  Don't e a stranger!

I'm home from work and I'm kinda tired.  I was going to take my trash to the dumpster but I think I'll put that one off for a while.  Maybe i'll just do.....NOTHING!

Hope Everyfriend is having a perfect day!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 20, 2019, 02:58:18 PM
Oh my I am stuffed with shrimp!! It was so good, breaded shrimp, popcorn shrimp and coconut shrimp! No supper for me tonight. My sister has a lot of her packing done and there is just a bit more to do ready for her move on the 28th.

Nice to see the ladies at quilting ,helped with a few things ,folded flannel for backings then left to met my sister. On the way home I stopped for the chicken wings that Kyle likes....that and a salad is it for him  plus biscuits from Red Lobster.

Great to see you Roley and Phyllis. Now where is Joy??
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Joy on September 20, 2019, 06:08:37 PM
Amy, I am around.  I just have tried to limit my time on the computer. I am trying to get some things done that I have been putting off.  I still am not "up and atem' early, and even tho I do read the messages here and in Norm's Bait and Tackle page,  I just don't always write a message.

But, it is nice to be asked about.  I sit too long and I really need to get myself moving.

Sometimes  I just post in either one or the other. But thanks for thinking of me.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 20, 2019, 10:44:52 PM
well it is time I bid you all sweet dreams and good Night. Joy Like you I read or try to. but maybe I do not do a good enough job of answering or comment on post.I do not wish to slight anyone, If I do please forgive me.hope to see all you friends tomorrow. a wise person once said if you have a million friends you have not one to many. one enemy is one too many. good night.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 20, 2019, 11:51:15 PM
A quick Good Night and I am off to bed. Had a long call (welcome one) from a long ago friend, think we talked 2 hours. I am so sleepy I can hardly see the screen. Sweet dreams to all & glad to see posts from some "missing in action" folks (you know who you are.  ;)  )  God Bless.  Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 21, 2019, 12:02:30 AM
A Good Friday night HELLO.

AMY, your day sounded delightful.  Your shrimp lunch with your sister sure sounded yummy.  I hope Kyle enjoyed his chicken wings....oh and the cheddar biscuits you brought for him.

Brian, our youngest son brought us a delicious chicken sandwich for lunch from Shake Shack. We sure did enjoy it.  He brought Oliver Doodle over as he will be staying with us for the next two weeks while Brian and Cathy are in Asia.  He always has something to help Bob with when he is here.  Today he had to help with some issue on the internet to help Bob be able to watch special football games! (Like he needs MORE of them to watch!🙀)

This afternoon we had to go and watch the local high school homecoming parade as our grandson was on one of the floats.  It really was a nice parade and it does the heart good to see young kids looking so happy as they smiled and cheered their way along the route. 

PHYLLIS, I hope your PT went well and that your son and DIL arrived safely for their visit with you.  for you and David.

JANE, I hope you decided to do NOTHING and took the evening off.  You know you deserve a bit of down time after the schedule you keep up!

Nice to see your posts, LLOYD, JOY and ROLEY.

Night, night SHIRLEY.....

You all have a Good Night of Rest, and pleasant dreams to EVERYFRIEND . 


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 21, 2019, 06:45:56 AM
Good morning everyone, didn't sleep good last night, I just read the posts but think I will head back to bed and see if I can get another bit of sleep before my son gets here later for his weekly visit. I look forward to it every week. Even after more than 5 years I still miss him coming upstairs every day when he got home from work. I think it was his way to unwind after the work he does. 
If I don't  get back later
Have a good day
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 21, 2019, 07:20:00 AM
Good morning everyone.

Another fine day in the making here. Soon laundry will be blowing on the line and garbage taken away to the dump. Should make some cookies as the cookie jar is empty!

Joy, good to see you and understand trying to get some things done. The more I try  to get jobs done the more I find to do! My back tells on me ,better to keep moving and just make quick stops at the computer. Just as long as you are ok, that is the main thing.

Jenny, it was all you can eat shrimp and I sure gave it a good go..fell short of what I thought I could do though. Thoroughly enjoyed the time with my sister.

Shirley, nice to catch up with old friends. Are you still feeding the catfish, do they stay all winter or take off for warmer waters?

Gloria, I slept sound last night but feel as though I could use more. The apples are starting to show up now at the markets, guess I had better make Pa ( Kyle)and apple pie!!

Lloyd, happy to read your hearing aid is fixed and working well for you. The next hearing aids Kyle gets in Oct are ones you don't have to put a battery in. Just put them in a charger and that is it!!
Phyllis, hope you are feeling better..

Better go get ready for the day.

Enjoy your day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 21, 2019, 07:47:31 AM
My younger son and dil got here in the late evening.  They said the trip went smoothly until they got near Cary and the traffic was really heavy.  We sat and talked for a few hours but everyone was tired so we all went off to our beds by about 10:30.  So far I am the only one awake.

Take care, Everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 21, 2019, 08:14:48 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I got up this morning with that stitch in my side again.  But I slept through the night.  I don't know which I like better....sleeping through the night and waking with a stitch or a restless night and no stitch!  I'll have to ponder that one for a bit.

The doggies have been out, had their pill, waited for the boinger, had breakfast and are both waiting for a walk.  I've had my first cup of coffee and I'm craving the second 

I have the morning to myself and this afternoon is our Girl Scout Camp Ioka Reunion.  We've done this every year for somewhere around 30 years now and it's always fun but this year is a special one.  The niece of one of our members has been the executor of her estate and found an attic full of memorabilia which she has put on display.  Her aunt was one of my favorite counselors and then I had the pleasure of growing up and becoming her assistant unit leader for one summer.  I think this afternoon will be more special to me than anyone else who goes.

Mickie is itching to go out so I guess I better answer her call.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 21, 2019, 09:17:26 AM
well good to here you girls are all doing good. AMY never before heard of aids that go on a charger but sound like a good deal. As a Vet you tax paying people pay for my battery's, thank you all. a battery last at least 4 - 5 days each ear, except when I have excess perspiring. 74º here now and cloudy calling for 77º and cloudy later today, and thunder storms tonight and tomorrow. the rain will be welcome. we can use a little rain to settle the dust. have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Carol on September 21, 2019, 02:48:09 PM
It is Saturday and we can make it to church tonight.  They have a more quiet service with a smaller group and we enjoy "hearing better".

Jenny:  Hugs to you and Bob -

Phyllis:  Thinking of you and the battle with Meniere's Disease.

We had a surprise from granddaughter - she came unannounced to stay over night and take us out for supper.  She now works about 20 minutes from our place and has a much longer drive from her home.  We want her to live here and save gas money,etc. until she gets enough money saved for an apartment.  We shall see. Winter driving from her home can be awful - her boss lets everyone work the hours any time so that is really nice.  With the huge influx of newcomers here, rentals are sky high. 

Wishing stress-less days and nights for all.   

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 21, 2019, 04:11:24 PM
A good Saturday HELLO to EVERYFRIEND 😍

We were up early this morning tending to the grand 🐕 needs😘. It allowed us to talk to Brian before they winged their way to San Francisco.  They are now 2 hours into their 12 hour flight to Seoul Korea.

I have a nice corned beef in the oven.  It is starting to really smell delicious! 

CAROL, I hope your Granddaughter will agree to live with you and Don so she will not have to do the winter driving from her current location.

GLORIA, I forgot to comment on you having frost the other night.....hopefully that will take care of the darn mosquitoes that are causing the triple e virus!  I heard it would take a frost to do it!  I bet you do miss not having your son coming up to visit after his day of work.  Enjoy your visit with him today.

JANE, if the stitch in the side leaves you after a bit, I think having a good night of rest might be worth the discomfort...... now please tell us it is gone! 

PHYLLIS, happy to read your Family arrived safely.  Now relax and enjoy the visit! 

AMY, having to chuckle that you falling short of the amount of all you can eat shrimp❣️❣️🤪🤪  Kyle's new hearing aids that will recharge sound nice.  I do hope they work great for him.  Bob and I both need to get our ears checked as we are saying, "what" "what" much too much.  Hope the clothes washing and drying are over and maybe even some cookies are made.  What ever you do now, be careful to not let any grass grow under your feet🤪🤪

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday EVERYFRIEND.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 21, 2019, 10:29:58 PM
It was a really fun afternoon!  This very resourceful niece of my favorite camp counselor did herself proud.  We had a nice table of "finger food" for eating, lots of pictures, newspaper articles, old uniforms, old camp clothes, camping items and she even found one of the original tents that we camped in and had it set up in the yard!  We all gabbed, took pictures, gabbed some more, sang old camp songs and remembered when for several hours.  I came home tired but happy!

And now I'm read to hit the hay for another night because right after church at 8, I'm going to meet the young lady who will probably be my granddaughter in law one day. 

And yes, Jenny, the stitch does go away so you're probably right.  It's worth a good night's sleep.

CAROL, that would be great to have your granddaughter right in your house for a while.  If my granddaughter, Frankie's job and apartment don't mesh, I might have her for a couple of weeks.  I know she's looking forward to being on her own but I wouldn't mind sharing with her for a couple of weeks.

JENNY, how nice that you got visit with Brian and ??? before they took off. 

Must go to bed.  Morning comes very early around these parts.  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

SHIRLEY, get the lights!  Jenny's already been by!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 22, 2019, 01:47:47 AM
I am still up......had to finish watching Colorado University beat Arizona State.  Also waiting to see that Brian and Cathy's plane is in Seoul safely.  They have 18 minutes to go.....then I am off to bed!

Pleasant dreams to all.

Off go the lights......sorry you did not make it in SHIRLEY.  I do hope all is well with you😘

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 22, 2019, 05:27:19 AM
Good Morning everyone. it is 73º @ 4:19 A M Sunday morning: and calling for 75º and thunder storms this afternoon and night. the rain is welcomed as long as we do not get Physical damage with it. Have a great day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 22, 2019, 06:30:12 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  This will be a short one.  LLOYD, it's always good to see you dropping by.  Our temp right now is 56º and heading for a high in the mid 80s today. 

JENNY, sorry, I didn't mean to take away your "light" privilege.  And you'd think I wouldn't forget your Cathy's name since I have one of my own.  I'll remember it the next time.  I guess they must have arrived safely.  Good!

I off to the showers so I can pretty much be ready for church by the time the boinger goes off to feed the doggies.  Maybe even have time for a short walk with them before church.  Enjoy your day Everyfriend! 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 22, 2019, 07:04:13 AM
I'm peeking in & all's well, looks like. I got less than 4 hours sleep (so Fitbit tells me), so hope for a nap to make up.  Right now a very slow rain, can't hear it on the roof but will need windshield wipers on the way to church. I had a poached egg on crackers with lots of butter, yummmmm. I grew up on those & my kids, grands and now my great grands being taught how good a mug full is.

It is 70° & think under 80 for a high.. I'm excited about tonight's low... 56°. Can't remember when it's been that cool. Now for an early freeze so I can quit rubbing my eyes. Always something, huh?

I take my Sunday shower before going to bed Sat.night, since I must eat & wouldn't leave until cats are fed, takes a while. I better go take my weekly Bayer (full strength but only blood thinner I take)... since only "routine" I really keep up with, the Bayer comes with Sunday morning church.  Prayers for this family as well as my blood family. Hugs to all.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 22, 2019, 07:11:28 AM
Good morning everyone..

Muggy here with 58° F temp and calling for rain later on in the day.

Day of rest here. Will just take the day as it comes.

Did get all the laundry, ironing done yesterday but no cookies :(  Always another day..

I am so tempted to put the air on as it is muggy in here..

Shirley ,we use to eat hard boiled eggs in a mug with lots of butter mixed in with it. You just brought back a lovely memory ..

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 22, 2019, 09:02:11 AM
well I am going to go eat a morning feed Now. we are having light rein nice and easy at the time 72º and calling for thunder storms later after noon and 75º. see you all later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 22, 2019, 09:55:56 AM
Good morning every one. Woke at 3:30 AND THOUGHT IT WAS TOO EARLY SO WENT BACK TO BED AND SLEPT TILL AFTER 8:30. Yikes again I hit the cap lock again, sorry I did not mean to yell and to lazy to repeat the typing.

AMY  I know I could not do justice at an eat all you can shrimp anymore, If I could eat a dozen now I would be shocked. Have not bought any in awhile, seems all they have these days are big ones and I rather  have the small ones. My older son brought me some dried apples he did. He has a great dehydrator his sons bought him for Christmas and he did 3 varieties of apples and I could taste the difference in them. Good to snack on.

PHYLLIS  always good to see family and glad your don and DIL arrived safely.

JANE  I know you enjoyed your reunion yesterday. You mentioned it before and how much you enjoyed it. Pray that stitch in your side goes away and does not return again.

CAROL  how nice to have your granddaughter drop in like that. Now that is great grandparents to ask her to move in with you till she can get her own place. Bless you for it. These days I refuse to let stress get to me.

JENNY  we had 2 night with a light frost but we need a killing frost to get rid of those miserable "skeeters"

LLOYD  don't think you would like the feet of rain  -not inches-in parts of Texas got last week.

SHIRLEY  we both want a killing freeze/frost to kill different things so hope we both get what we want PDQ

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: roley on September 22, 2019, 10:06:52 AM
Hello all, , Sorry i have been missing for a few weeks, but have been reading your and Lloyd's messages in here and i thank you all, i'm still under the care of our Nursing services at home, unfortunately i have not been able to get to my pc as much as i would like too,but i have found another 'Armchair Walk' that i hope may be of interest to you ?, this one is a short walk around various points around this area of London, again there is another item linked to America that surprised me and perhaps you too ?,especially if your from Texas,just listen and watch !, enjoy, hope to get back to normal soon, best wishes to all.
                                  Cheerio for now.  Roley. :thumbup:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Sandy on September 22, 2019, 10:44:39 AM
Quote from: Shirley on September 22, 2019, 07:04:13 AMI'm peeking in & all's well, looks like. I got less than 4 hours sleep (so Fitbit tells me), so hope for a nap to make up.

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Shirley..  if I had a Fitbit and checked it
every morning,  I would never get another good
nights sleep. 

I don't know how you can stand it.

Bless you and I am sorry that you do
not get as much sleep as I suspect that
you need or want. 

Since I am a person who chooses not to
"Worry" (like my Mother used to do),  I
avoid anything that would encourage me to
worry,  worry,  worry,  worry,  worry !!!!

I dont' smoke or drink and haven't for decades, 
but I know wearing a Fitbit wouold drive me into
the bottle and a pack or two adiction/ habit.   

Hugs to you
love Sandy

(Sorry if I am repeating myself...
I just can't help it !!) 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 22, 2019, 11:40:14 AM
Hahaha, Sandy, instead of bothering me it confirms my excuse for naps so actually makes me feel better just knowing that there is a reason for being sleepy & not just lazy!  Strange how something can be a help to one & an irritation to another. My best friend here feels the same as you do. I've never needed as much sleep as most so set my goal of sleep to 6 hours. I have improved since getting the Fitbit but really think sleep is the biggest factor in MY health issues. At almost 85 I am still doing okay, not great, but keep hoping the next fix will improve things.

The dried apples sound good, Gloria. I have a "cheap" dehydrator & after a few tries gave up. My parents loved to dry apples & then they would store them in a "gunny sack" in the attic & Mom would get a few handsfull to soak & cook for stewed apples or applesauce all winter. After drying them in the sun & various other ways, Dad figured how to turn their gas clothes dryer into a dehydrator by putting a rack in & turning off the tumbler.

Amy, I think the reason Mom added the crackers was to disguise the eggs... I had a problem looking at gooey eggs. I love the flavor of real butter so anything with butter on or in is okay with me! This was a way Mom would get protein down us when we were sick.

Thanks for the walk, Peter, I will go watch when I get this posted. Sorry you've been having health issues. Between computer problems & health issues, we don't have anything else to worry about, do we?  I don't listen to news anymore, nothing I can change so ignore. I do what I can to stay healthy but tell my doctor that "I'm going to LIVE until I die and enjoy what I can every day". He doesn't push me about pills or anything, lets me decide what I am comfortable with. Thanks, again, for the link.

I'm off to go to Lowe's to order a new washing machine before this one goes into orbit. I can't find the manual that has the receipt attached to even know how old it is... less than 10 years, I am sure. I do believe it was a lemon from the start but didn't know how to prove.... I will go buy Lowe's gift cards at my grocery store to pay for it so I get the gas points, will get me either $2 or $3 off for 35 gallons each fill. In other words, $70-$105. off on gas. The RV holds 55 gallons so will love seeing that pump show the cheaper rate! Better get a move on. Have a Super Sunday (morning, Callie). :wave:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 22, 2019, 12:30:15 PM
Shirley, I not only have a problem looking at gooey eggs but eating them also!! I like mine hard and if  eating out I ask for hard eggs, throw them on the ceiling then floor, break the yolk  and put your foot on them hard!!! I helped my friend in her restaurant and we had a group of workers come in each morning and one lad wanted his eggs with the white still yucky..don't turn over just warm' em  up.  My husband also likes the yolk soft and kept telling him he is going to be pulling feathers out of his mouth one day. Near Easter they have little wood stick nests with a chick in it so I waited till he looked away ,exchanged plates and said I told you so!!

Jane, I bet you had a fun time plus made more memories to tuck away in your heart.

Peter aka Roley, thank you, enjoyed the stroll and loved the scenery . Please take it easy and take care of yourself.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 22, 2019, 02:06:20 PM
I'm back from church and meeting my grandson's girlfriend.  She's definitely a keeper!  She talks AND listens and she's open and caring.  Whatever you ask her, she shares her opinion in a way that if you disagree with her, it's OK.  I could almost SEE what she and Kyle have between them and it's good!

ROLEY, enjoyed the walk through part of London.  When I had the opportunity of visiting London, we did a lot of walking.  I think you see and feel more of a place if you walk than if you ride.  Thank you for sharing!

GLORIA, I'm sorry if I bored you with the "before" and "after" of my reunion.  I'll try not to do that again.

I hope Everyfriend is enjoying the day as much as I am!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 22, 2019, 03:37:28 PM
All the large strips have been cut for this quilt,now to cut them down to size.

Jane, I think Gloria was just saying she remembered you enjoying your get together with the ladies and knows how much you enjoy your time spent with them. Wonderful time for both girls and leaders.  Plus we love hearing about it too!!!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 22, 2019, 05:14:08 PM
Good afternoon EVERYFRIEND 🦋

JANE, I did not feel like you took my light privilege away, I just thought since it was so late and I was still up that I should just go ahead and turn them off. 😘 Glad you enjoyed the Girl Scout did sound like fun and everyone enjoyed the time together.  Next weekend we are going to FINALLY have Grandson Matthew's Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  As you know he has been qualified for a long time but they wanted to wait until Michele's chemo was over to do this.  We are all very excited to attend the ceremony, and we will have a gathering of friends and Family at Dave's Home after it is over.  Regarding the stitch in your side....I just would like you to just NOT have it at all!
We just talked to Brian and Cathy on the phone and their flight went well and they got to their hotel safely and managed to get a decent amount of sleep over night.  He is starting to watch the Bronco Game at 5:15 AM. 

SHIRLEY, you have it all figured out how to get the most out of your gas points and that is great! 
Sorry you are having to replace your washing machine already.....they just do not last like they used to! 

GLORIA, I figured it would take a few hard freezes to kill of the skeeters! 

ROLEY, I sure enjoyed the clip you shared....loved a walk in London.   My husband and I were lucky to be able to spend 3 weeks in London about 7 years or so ago.  Our son and DIL were living in Kensington and they were going to go to the continent and asked us if we would like to stay in their flat while they were gone?  Of course we did....and we had a delightful time seeing London quite well.  While we were there we met JACKIE and Richard.  We had not been there in nearly 50 years and it sure had changed a lot!   My husbands mother was born in Liverpool. 

I have to tell you all that my corned beef that I cooked yesterday was just fantastic.....might be the best one I have ever fixed. 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.  My eyes are starting to say my late night last night is taking it's toll.....might have to have a little siesta😍

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 22, 2019, 05:24:53 PM
JENNY, please tell MATTHEW that one of your old lady friends can appreciate all the hard work that went into his award and that if I could, I shake his hand and give him a pat on the back.  I've worked with Girl Scouts who have earned their Gold Award and it's not easy.  Tell Matthew I'm clapping for him "Clap, clap, clap, clap......"  I'm proud to know him through his special Grandmother.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 22, 2019, 07:22:53 PM
Oh, shoot! I forgot to take notes but have been smiling & giggling so much it has the cats confused!  First of all, Amy, your joke with the bird nest cracked me up. Cas like his eggs soft when we first got married but learned they were better hard if I was going to fix them.  :2funny:   He insisted that I "vulcanized" them (check that definition & it'd be what he thought). He knew he'd have to cook unless he took the good with the bad, & he loved the days when I fixed him biscuits & gravy. Yes, I do feed the fish most nights & they are waiting at the end of my trail to the water. I whistle as I get near & the water churns.

Jenn, less I forget, please pass on my sincere congratulations to the new Eagle Scout. One of my gr-sons (Andy's son) climbed the ladder to earn Eagle and Andy still enjoys going to the Scout camp outs a couple times a year to teach the CPR class/badge to the boys. He puts effort in keeping his certification current every year to do this.

It wore me out going to Lowe's to order the washer... always shocks salesmen when I show up with a photo on my phone to show them what I am there to buy... and ready to pay & get it on the way. Will be delivered tomorrow & haul off the old one. I will find out some day just how old this one was, not going to worry 'cause every load the last few times I have been afraid it would either dump water everwhere or stop with the tub full of water & I'd have to figure how to empty. BUT, I have to do a big clean out tonight since I put a litter box in there because I can't trust Callie to go to the basement or bedroom where Tom & Tiger go. Naturally they all use the one in the utility room & scatter litter all over the floor. I have neglected cleaning around in there because hardly any room for feet with a big litter box in the middle of walk space. I would get a failing report for cleanness if being graded these days. Got to get busy, this week will be rush-rush every day.

Gloria, we talked about this a long time ago, my love of the red delicious for eating & golden delicious for baking pies or just "frying".... wonder if they would still be as sweet if dehydrated. I only buy Mussleman's applesauce & was told it is made with golden delicious. You said your son brought 3 different kinds & you could taste the difference. Any chance you'd remember to ask him if the golden would dehydrate the same.... I might drag out my old dehydrator & try if I don't have to use all the syrup the instructions called for. I don't think I want them "candied". I tried pineapple when I got the thing & it was candied. I do love it but know not as good for us as not so much sugar. I never had to use a lot of sugar for apple pies because I used the golden, & they were not as crisp. I brought home 2 of KFC apple pies with my "$5:00 fill up" lunch. In case you haven't tried, the one I like comes with 3 tenders, wedges or mashed potatoes & gravy, biscuit, drink & a yummy chocolate chip cookie. I get the pies on the side & love them, save one for after my breakfast next morning. I will make me a little skillet of gravy for that biscuit in the morning. I do enjoy eating & would love to fatten you up!   :thumbup:

I'd better get moving or won't be down to feed the fish before dark. Been wearing long sleeve "hoodie" so the mosquitoes won't bite my neck... afraid they will get around the place where the cyst was removed & can't scratch until the stitch is removed. I spray my legs, those critters are carrying another disease & have not heard the city is doing any spraying.

Peter, I also enjoyed the walk. When Cas died I thought I would get a chance to travel but had not even thought about needing to take care of these cats. He promised for years we would go back to England to see where our married life started, but hated traveling & had to do a lot of it for his job. I'm starting to think I may NOT get to Alaska or back to England, won't say never, but I wouldn't hold my breath I'll get there. It's okay, life has been good & too busy to cry about what I can't have or do. Maybe my next life~~  ;)

Sorry, was going to keep this short buy my fingers keep going & the mind brings up new thoughts. Wishing every friend peace and love.... hope this has been a good day in your world.  We didn't get the storms predicted & 81° is better than the 90s we have been having. Going to feed the fish. The cats were sure watching something when we came up the hill last night, they scamper up fast when I let them know I'm heading home. What ever is down there has all 3 on alert.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 23, 2019, 12:55:18 AM
Well It is 11:45 here now. I went to bed at 10:30 and can not go to sleep so up and going go to the TV and watch it for a while and see if I can get tired enough to make another try. we went out to a good restraint and had a good noon feed with daughter and grand daughter and grandson great's. Made a good day. should made tired enough to sleep but not so so far, see you all Later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 23, 2019, 12:58:05 AM
Quote from: Lloyd Hammond on September 23, 2019, 12:55:18 AMWell It is 11:45 here now. I went to bed at 10:30 and can not go to sleep so up and going go to the TV and watch it for a while and see if I can get tired enough to make another try. we went out to a good restraint and had a good noon feed with daughter and grand daughter and grandson great's. Made a good day. should made tired enough to sleep but not so so far, see you all Later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 23, 2019, 01:04:18 AM
           O U T.......

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 23, 2019, 06:14:48 AM
Good morning everyone, 66° tp start my day. Was 80 and a bit over since Saturday but the air is not humid so feels much better than it did a month ago. I spent most of the day outside yesterday enjoying it.

ROLEY/PETER  so good to see you this morning. Sorry you have not been well, I hope you are starting to feel better. I enjoyed the London walk. Nice seeing places we have heard or read about. We have some old buildings in this part of the USA but looking at the ones in London that were there before the USA started building really are centuries old. Thank you.

SHIRLEY  I had a dehydrator, a cheap one, and even after leaving it plugged in 48 hours nothing I tried ever really dried out. Got rid of it. I do buy a lot of different dried fruit and mix them together and put a handful in the water I cook my oatmeal in every morning. Makes it tasty.

AMY  I want the white of an egg cooked but like a soft yolk, like to dip my toast in it, yummy.

JANE  did I say I was bored about your reunion? If I sounded that way I sure wasn't. I think it is great that a group of you can still get together like that, not many folks keep in touch like that. Better than a class reunion where they can get catty or jealous of one who did great and they did nothing. Keep telling us, I envy you, not bored.

AMY  your post to Jane is just how I do feel. Just think of all the years they do that reunion, not many would keep it up so long.

JENNY  glad your son and DIL landed safe in ?? is it Korea? Hope hey have a wonderful time there. All you world travelers cannot make me jealous. I did go out of the US twice. Over the border into Canada from Maine and over the border into Mexico ( Tijuana) from San Diego. I always wanted to travel trough the 48 states but never happened.

SHIRLEY  my son brought me Gala. Macs and Honey crisp dried apples. The Galas are so so, don't care for them fresh either. Macs a bit tart and the Honey Crisp very sweet. I have not been to a KFC since I stopped driving and never had their pies. I usually stay away from bought apple ones because I find the apples still hard I like them cooked and soft. My son only had 1 Golden delicious tree and I was the only one who ever picked them. This year that tree is dead and he will not buy them. He did not add anything to the apples, just peeled and sliced them. I used to enjoy eating but now I am never hungry and it is so hard to try and cook anything. Will not bother with TV dinners, too many preservatives in them and something in them burns my throat. I used to make my own and would enjoy one at times when I got home from work.

LLOYD  hope you finally got to sleep. I know what it is like not to be able to fall asleep. Not nice.

JENNY  looks like I turned the lights ON.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 23, 2019, 06:45:05 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I have nothing to report because yesterday afternoon, I did mostly nothing and I've already told you about meeting my grandson's girlfriend!

I'll be off to Wally World this morning and on the way home, I have a list of stuff that I need to buy.  I hope I have enough energy left to get it because one of the items is vitamins.  I'm going to take my last 2 today!

I hope you have a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 23, 2019, 06:57:51 AM
Good morning everyone..

We had a lovely rain during the night and although it has stopped I hope it rains more today.

Had to put the a/c on last muggy out difficult to get any sleep. Saturday night was not much sleep  but I sure slept with the /c on. last night!

Today is pick up dog food, need to also pick up more asa 81 as that is what I give Babe. Then home to get some cleaning done.

Jenny, glad your son and dil arrived safely and kudos to your Matthew  for his accomplishments!

Gloria, I have a dehydrator and really liked making banana chips in it. I should try apples and see what they are like. I think one would have to put them in a lemon juice bath first to keep them from going brown.

Jane, Kyle sounds like he has a keeper there and she also impressed you!! Have a great day at work, lots of smiles with time flying by  for you.

Shirley, what a sight that must be with the fish churning the water!! Wonder what is was that put the cats on alert???

Phyllis, hope you're enjoying your time with family.

Lloyd, did you finally get some sleep?

Better put and egg in my boot and beat it..
Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 23, 2019, 08:01:31 AM
I slept late but I'm still sleepy.  I think I'll take a nap after I get the laundry started.  Had a wonderful weekend with my son and dil.  We talked and talked while they were here.  She brought food....lot's of it....and wouldn't let me do anything.  I hated to see them leave. But I'll admit I am really tired.  That's OK.  I'll catch up.

Take care, everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Joy on September 23, 2019, 08:25:22 AM
Good Monday Morning on this first day of Fall.  Although it feels like a summer day. It could stay like this forever.  I know a lot of you prefer the colder weather.  Buy, I am sure not looking forward to the winter.  I hate the cold.

I am just marking my spot. I need to get a move on as I have an appointment to get my hair done at noon.  And, I am so slow moving in the morning.

I will try to get back later today.  Have a great morning. !!1

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 23, 2019, 09:47:05 AM
I've been in Indianapolis since Friday and I'll head for home today.  We'll leave here about noon and meet my nephew, Tom, at Merrillville and he will take me home.  We had a nice gathering of some of the family down here - my second family - with a kind of pizza party.  I think there were ten of us all together. 

In a few minutes, I'll get dressed for the day and get my luggage arranged.  The last thing to get packed is this computer.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 23, 2019, 10:05:29 AM
Good Morning everyone. yes ladies it is not good to not fall and  stay asleep. It is almost nine A M here and I just woke up and have not ate the morning meal. need to eat a little at least. I do how ever need to push away from the table and loose some more weight and the fat tummy. we got only a 1/2 " rain yesterday. but it came slow and easy ll day. I suspect we got more but think the wend blew some of it past the rain gauge, Have a good day everyone I hope just as you like.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 23, 2019, 03:10:10 PM
Mary Ann, glad you have had a good visit, thought about you (missing your posts) but remembered you said you were off to visit that "other family".

Lloyd, sounds like you are finding a new way of life at last. Plenty to do in spite of being retired, right?

My week just got a little more complicated with a call from the roofer. Not only going to deliver the shingles but going to start taking the old off. Thank goodness the mowers will come today so the yard can have a week without attention. I have the pool pump running, already dipped out leaves & will run the vac tonight... so it can go until the roof is done. Can't run the pump with nails & pieces of "stuff" in it. The new washer can be delivered any time from now to 7:00 p.m. & I have the utility room floor scrubbed & litter box plus laundry detergents moved to the bathroom next to where the washer goes. I am making progress but would love a nap! Have to "up the jacks" & move the RV before 7:00 am tomorrow for roofers to come. I won't leave it across the street overnight so an extra job morning & night. Depending on weather, hope to be done by this week end.

Hi, Joy.... had to smile at your slow moving in the morning & for me it is slow moving all day. If not for the cats, I think I am ready to let someone else worry about maintenance where I live! You sound so content with life, being as busy as you want. Good for you!

Phyllis, much as I enjoy visiting with family I find I am exhausted when they leave.  My mother used to say Dad was worn out because he talked all the time (we did hear those hunting & fishing trip tales enough times we could repeat word for word). Mom was the listener.... Dad only talked when he was comfortable with who (whom?) ever was there. Mom & I would sit up until the wee hours to catch up with our gossip.

OOOh... the clock is ticking so I'd better get a move on. Had a wonderful cool night with door open in the bedroom. As usual, Tom & Tiger wanted in & out every hour or so. My fault, but do love the cooler air & didn't want to miss it. Not here for long, "they" say.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 23, 2019, 05:11:17 PM
MONDAY, MONDAY.......a little Mama's and the Papa's humming from me! 

Happy Fall to all!  Leaves are falling.......the falling leaves, slip by my I can hum this one for a bit!

Laundry is going, although it took me awhile to decide I just had to get up and get it started. 

JANE and SHIRLEY, I missed both of your posts last night......

AMY, I do hope you got that egg in your boot and beat it😘

JOY, I know by the time you read this you will be feeling good.....a nice hair do always makes us feel better!

MARY ANN, safe travels back home today.  When I spoke to my dad this morning, he went on and on about why my kiddos want to travel out of the country with so much strife going on?  I told him they are just as safe in other countries as they are here with all the nasty stuff that goes on.  As my kids always say..."if something happens to them at least we know that they were doing what they wanted to be doing, and not just caught up in some being in the wrong place at the wrong time" and I have to agree with them.  They have travel in their blood, as we love to travel and have been very blessed to see as many countries as we have.  Our Boston Son and DIL are leaving for Portugal on this coming Friday....I think that news is what sent my dad on his rampage! 😩😘

SHIRLEY, I wish you the best with the roofing going will be SO HAPPY when that is over!  I can sure appreciate that you always wanted to go back to where you lived in England, as we did too, but sadly when we did, it was NOTHING like it was when we were there, in fact we could hardly find anything that we. Old even recognize, including the military was gone, and it was a nature preserve!  Beautiful but not the place we had hoped to see! 

PHYLLIS, smiling as I read about your nice weekend with your family. 

JANE, I do hope your people coming through your line were nice to you today!  I am happy you enjoyed meeting Kyles lady friend.  I will certainly tell Matt hew what you have said and I will also tell him that I truly wish he could meet you and get tha5 hand shake and the pat on the back in person! 

Dryer is I go to get the. Lot he's out, hung and folded.

Enjoy the rest of your day, EVERYFRIEND.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 23, 2019, 08:01:33 PM
I am back - since 6 pm tonight.  I'm tired.  I know each time I travel that it will take me a couple days to recuperate and there is a man coming in the morning to look at the TV modem or whatever to see why my TV doesn't work.  I think Tom will be here to mastermind things, though.

It was a busy long weekend and I loved the kittens.  Are they lively!!!  They're about four months old. 

It was good to see my niece who lives in Indy; I seldom see her. 
I know I should respond to things in your posts, but I am so tired. 

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 23, 2019, 09:27:57 PM
I came home from work and shopping so tired I didn't even want to put stuff away.  I've taken the doggies for two walk, had lunch and supper and fed the doggies, picked the last tomato of the season of my very prolific vine and took a short nap.  I'm still tired.  But I have the night and the morning to recuperate.  Then I'm going with friends to see the movie of DOWNTON ABBEY.  I've seen the entire series on TV and I'm looking forward to the movie.

When I come home from the movie, I'll see to the doggies and then I'm off to dinner with my previous work mates from Pennsylvania House Furniture.  We do it about 4 times a year and it's really fun to see where they've gone and what they're doing.

MARY ANN, welcome home!  I'm glad you had a good time.

SHIRLEY, as usual, you're overbooked!  I wish you well with all your projects.

JENNY, I wish your kids happy travels and safe journeys home.

AMY, are you still "beating it" or have you returned home?

Anyone I missed, I love hearing from all of you.  Our lives are so different yet so much the same.  Who could have ever imagined that I'd be friends with people in Maryland, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Canada, Alaska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Maine, Rhode Island, Michigan, Texas, Israel, England, and so many other places without ever meeting those people face to face!  My mother would be astounded and my grandmother wouldn't believe it!

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 23, 2019, 10:25:50 PM
And good night from Kansas.... my tongue is hanging out tonight. Got to have the RV out of the driveway by 7:00 am so will be up before birds to get cats & me fed before action starts. Washer arrived & set up, appears entirely different instructions OH, NO! I hate reading instructions, but bottom line says it will empty water if paused to debate too long. I am used to filling water & add detergent before clothes going in, this one says water will not fill if top open. I may just sit down & cry before I get the first load done. I'll think about it tomorrow............ Cats fed & out for the night, may not open the door if I hope to get any sleep. Sweet dreams. Love ya all........Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 24, 2019, 06:25:17 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I feel great this morning!  I went to bed last night and slept 7 hours straight through!  Mother Nature didn't even bother me during the night! 

This morning I have to go by the ATM and get a wallet refill and then pick up eye drops and since the pharmacy is practically next door to the meat market, I'll get my soup bone for the veggie soup while I'm there.  And that's it for this morning. The rest of the day is LOADED!  But I'm ready.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 24, 2019, 07:22:04 AM
Good morning everyone...

Looks as though we had more rain in the night. Today has a lot of running about then home to do beets. Need to make a quilt delivery also this morning.

Jane, have fun at the movies, I am going back to bed to wake up!!!

Shirley, Kyle would say you read those as a last resort!!!  He was having a problem with a blade staying in his jigsaw and said we would have to take it in for repairs.........then HE read the instructions and found out this one is different than the others and now knows how!  :2funny:

Mary Ann, welcome home. Nice to be home and in your own bed.

Jenny, I for one think it is great when kids spread their wings as long as they come home to roost. :thumbup:

I had better cut this short and get ready..

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 24, 2019, 07:55:24 AM
Yes, Amy, it was good to sleep in my own bed.  In Indy, I slept in Tom H's bed.  He is 6'5" tall and, of course, has a king sized bed.  That was not my trouble.  But I am less than 5' tall and his bed sits high off the floor.  It was all I could do to get a small part of me on the bed so I could swing around to lie flat.  After I got into position, I was fine.  My bed is a bit higher than I need but at least I can get into it easier.

Tom T and I are both up earlier than usual to await a TV repairman to see why my set does not work.  I'm not needed, but I have to pick up some things that are in the way.

Kendrick ignored me for about a half hour after I got home  yesterday but ever since, it's been hard to get rid of him.  He missed my attention and is trying to make up for lost time.  He jumped on my bed at least a half dozen times during the night and left just before I had to get up.  Fortunately, his "mother" (Annie) came over during the weekend and she pays more attention to him than I do. 

Have fun with your new washer, Shirley.  Appliances are very different these days.

Jane, take time to breathe!

Time to get my act together.

Mary Ann

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 24, 2019, 08:22:38 AM
Good Morning everyone. 57º and clear here today shooting for 76º and sunny.
Hope you all have a great day just as you like it, two hitches and I got in 7.5 hours sleep. not bad for this old Man.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 24, 2019, 08:56:08 AM
I had a great night of sleep.  I hope that means I will be a little more "with it" today.  There is a bright sun shining and the humidity is lower so that makes a good beginning to the day.  Hope it keeps going that way.

Shirley, even though I told the Lowe's salesmen I didn't want a lot of bells and whistles on my new washer and dryer, it seems to be what I got, anyway.  Sounds like mine is like your new one.  Read the manual and still had trouble understanding what to do.  It's better now after several months but there are still some new features that I don't understand why they made them that way.  Nothing is simple anymore.

I've had no vertigo for 4 days now.  Oh, please, let it last.  Probably will never be able to drive again since an attack can happen anytime, with no warning.  Thank goodness, David is here and he is a good driver.

Take care, Everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 24, 2019, 09:46:18 AM
While I was out with the doggies this morning, I saw and heard my first flock of geese fly over.  They must be roosting somewhere for a while because they were on a path from the river in a northwest (a little more west than north) direction.  Definitely NOT flying South.  The first sign of FALL!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 24, 2019, 10:04:34 AM
Good morning everyone, back to the AC running again. Turned it on late yesterday morning and just shut it off. Sure happy it was not put away yet. A few cold days and so many put away theirs for the cold months.
Well saw my medical professional -now doesn't that look impressive?-another words my doctor. Changing one med and getting 2 new ones. How nice ==NOT. Oh well if one helps with the constant pain I will welcome it. I was just coming into the building and my son pulled into the parking lot. He came with a couple of bags and one was of potatoes from his garden and the other was a bag full of small Acorn squash, just enough for one person. He cut one in half and I cleaned it out and stuffed the centers and baked it for my supper, really enjoyed it.

I read all the posts but so late I have to get showered and dressed before CNA gets here and also need to have breakfast. That is what happens when one wakes late in the morning.
Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 24, 2019, 03:01:49 PM
Good afternoon. Not much going on around here.  We are headed out shortly to run some errands and blow the stink of of us as we have not been out of the house for a couple of days until last night.

Last night we decided to go to one of our local craft breweries for dinner as they had a food truck with German Food.  It was OK.  I normally only get a schnitzel as I love it plain, but opted for the Yeager Schnitzel and it was a bit too much for me.  It came with fried potatoes, and I just was not in the market for them, so I brought them home.  I am a spatzel lover, and it just is not right without spatzel😩

Welcome home, MARY ANN. 

GLORIA, you are right, the extra pill will be worth it IF you get some pain relief!  Nice of your son to bring you the nice home grown potatoes and squash.  How nice of him to fix one of the squash for your dinner.  I hope you enjoyed it!  The weather can be fickle, so it was good that you did have your A/C unit still in the window.  I hope by now the TV is up and running!

PHYLLIS, wonderful to read that your vertigo might just be gone!  I sure hope so! 

AMY, everyday you have involvement with a food item that makes my mouth water......I love beets.  I do not care for pickled beets, just fresh beets.  I got some at a farmers market in California that were called candy cane beets, and they were spectacular.  Hope your delivery and all else that you have planned will go well for you? 

JANE, happy for you that you are going to see the Downton Abbey Movie.  No wonder you have to go to the ATM to refill your, meat from the butcher, movie and then a fun time with the friends from work 🤑🤑. Have fun and get home safe to your doggies! 

LLOYD, sounds like you are doing well! 

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 24, 2019, 08:45:28 PM
Well, I opted out of the movie.  Just decided I was overprogrammed for today and something had to go.  I stopped this morning at a Amish farm stand and got a pie pumpkin, a head of broccoli and a little box of cherry tomatoes.  When I put them I the counter I told the farmer I had a snack (the tomatoes) dinner (the broccoli and dessert (the pumpkin).  He laughed and said it would be a good day's meals. 

I'll be going back there for apples.  He has Honeycrisp and they're CHEAP!  And boy do they look good!

Want to tell you that my pumpkin is all cooked and put away.  I did it in my Instant Pot.  I don't feel like I've really given it a good tryout because I was so hung up on summer veggies and canning all summer but it took 9 minutes to cook the pumpkin, 15 minutes for it to cool enough to handle and another 20 minutes to peel, puree and pack it.  I've never done it that fast before.  I might make a pie this weekend.  Or maybe I'll try that pumpkin thing in the IP that I saved a recipe for.  We'll see!

Dinner with the people I used to work beside was so good.  We laughed so much and remembered when!  Nice people!

I'm going to try to get to bed early again tonigh.  Tomorrow is a work day and I'm hoping for another good night's sleep.  I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 24, 2019, 09:10:26 PM
Jane, I am right behind you as soon as the dogs come in we are also off to bed. 30 lbs or 35 pint jars of beets later..

Sweet dreams everyone..

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 24, 2019, 09:35:10 PM
Me, too.... off to bed. My head is still ringing with all that hammering (staple guns?) Such a nice bunch of guys, so hard working & did a super job cleaning up their mess before leaving. I told them it didn't matter if they left the stuff in the pool area until they are all finished but they insisted they had to do it every night. Up again by 7:00 am to move the RV and the little car out of the garage this time. They need to get into the attic to replace a pipe that goes to the furnace (I think)... My daughter is flying in & will stop for lunch & oldest son will join us & since the youngest is to come by tomorrow after work, I'll give him a call or text to see if he'd rather come for lunch to see the others. Going to be a little crowded on the street, but the roofers get the driveway! 

Storms heading our way, MamaCallie wanted in HER garage after their last meal, Tom sticks by my side but Tiger went out to explore. She is the curious/fearless one.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 24, 2019, 10:21:59 PM
well it is time for me to bid you all sweet dreams and goodnight. I pray god keeps all safe and sound,lets all wake up in the morning well rested and safe.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 25, 2019, 04:07:16 AM
Good morning everyone, once again I did not sleep all night. Got up after twisting and turning for a couple of hours, read awhile and then decided I would come in here in case I do get sleepy. Oh well it has happened several time before so I will survive a sleepless night.

PHYLLIS  hope the cool temperature and lower humidity helps you feel much better.

JENNY  I had read several times that one pill for depression can help with pain and that is what my new med is. Took one yesterday and will t take another after breakfast. Reading the list on the pill it said can make one more depressed. If I start getting depressed I will stop them. I have never been depressed.Might also give one an appetite. Now that I would like. The other pill is a new calcium pill to take twice a day. Hope I don't forget the second one. My son did cut the squash in half for me. The skin is very thick and hard. I did enjoy it and ate the whole thing. The ones he brought are just big enough for one person.

JANE  if that farmer has Honey Crisp at a nice price grab some . I know around here they are the most expensive ones. My son and DIL will be going Co.. and a huge orchard to pick apples next week. They want some of the later ripening ones that are good keepers. He said he would pick a bag full for me of different varieties for eating and applesauce. Of course I will have to make an apple crisp, too.

AMY  my daughter never cared much for beets but she bought a jar of pickled ones that have vanilla in it and she loved them. Never found them again. I told her to put the beets in a jar add vinegar and some vanilla extract to her taste, she did and now she has them often. Beets are one vegetable that my SIL likes. He never had different kinds of vegetables before he married my daughter  and the only fruit he ate were seedless green gapes and golden delicious apples and bananas.
Now he eats a wide variety of what is good food and not TV dinners his mother fed him.

SHIRLEY  I hope it doesn't take too long for the roof to be done. You waited too long as it was.

Still wide awake so might as well make my breakfast and get dressed for the day.

Have a great  day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 25, 2019, 06:32:58 AM
We had a storm brewing last night before I went to bed so kept Tom & Mama Callie in, Tiger parked herself not far from my bedroom door so when it started to sprinkle she came on in. She & Tom don't like to share my attention so if one is being cozy the other goes off to another room. I fell asleep but woke up to Tiger crawling into bed to sleep on my arm, when it is stormy Tom lays by the side of the bed so he can't see the door. Not a lot of sleep, Fitbit won't even tell me, so little~~ Finally got up about 4:00 am to feed the cats & myself to move those vehicles before daylight. That's my world today.

Phyllis, think we are all relieved when "one of our gang" has a turn for the better. Sorry it means no more driving but good that you have such a handy person around to do it for you.

Gloria, my mother pushed the veggies as well...  Dad loved to plant stuff he grew up with & we had some things (collards, kale & some other little pod like thing kinda furry (okra)... Cas loved the fried ones when he found them on a menu, but not my kind of food. Mom thought beets, pickled or plain & green beans were a must. Not so strong on corn, peas & beans. Dad grew sweet potatoes & would bake a whole tray full of the baby ones & eat like a snack. Dad was not a fast food junky or even a snacker... but Mom loved salty snacks or M & Ms, but that was after we were all grown.

Jane, I've got to ask my daughter again if she uses the IP... I'm pretty sure she said she has one but this week & some weeks before with all the roof mess.. had got my brain begging for air. Can't remember anything because I know I don't concentrate when talking. I am amazed what you & Amy come up with when using the IP (but still holding out for myself).

Amy, yesterday, being in & outside so many times, I noticed a lot of great blue herons flying around, single ones, so I don't know if they fly in formation when going south. I love hearing the ducks & geese over head. My dreams used to always include being able to fly & float around in the air.

Mary Ann, yesterday when I was busy in & out, I left the TV on in the bedroom after trying to get a nap, Tom came to lay by me, upset with all the strangers around.... so he stayed on the bed when I got up & left. Had I turned the TV off, he would have followed me around. I had forgotten it was on & was surprised to find him happy as could be still laying there an hour or so later.

Jenny, you would love the October Fests in central MO where so many German families settled. It's been a few years since I got there to enjoy Oct Fests, but at funeral dinners they still serve some of those special dishes. Most of the little towns in that area were French & German & the last time I tasted, they had passed the recipes on down.  I get one of the old songs in my head & hum it all day. Most I remember word for word & as long as nobody around to hear me, I sing along. We have an oldies station that I have on a lot when I'm alone.

Lloyd, you are near enough to those little towns along the MO river, you & Nancy could drive down in the motorhome & stay in campgrounds in the Lake area & not have to drive so far. How did it work pulling a car? I was sorry the one place we stopped so many times was closed... home made pies & only a couple different meals each day, so people when on the day they liked what was on the menu.

I'd better get a move on, cats fed & on out but I'm the one that has to be dressed & ready to move vehicles. Company coming for lunch so a little house cleaning also. Have a Wonderful Wednesday, Everyfriend! 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 25, 2019, 06:38:16 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm afoot early this morning, too.  The doggies haven't acclimated to the fact that it gets light later, yet.  Maybe they will and maybe they won't.

All this talk of beets is making me hungry.  I might have to get some and have  a mess of beets one of these days.  I've always leaned toward the pickled beets and I like a couple of hard boiled eggs dropped into the juice.  Makes for a quick, healthy snack.  OK!  Now you all did it!  I'll have to make some pickled eggs today!

I'll be off to Wally World later this morning so wish me smiles. 

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 25, 2019, 07:18:07 AM
Good morning everyone.

Looking to be a lovely day here. Need to put away all the jars after I label them . Jane, did you hear me say thank you, thank you ,thank you yesterday? I sterilized the jars in the canner instead of on the stove. Works great!

Will work in the garden and see what needs to be pulled /dug before tilling it.

We will be looking after "our" dog next door today, his Mom fell and has three broken bones in her foot and they are taking her to a specialist today.His Mom is 92yrs old.

Gloria, I love the smell of apples,and the different tastes. Can't eat them raw but can when they are cooked??? Hope the new meds work for you. Some people will put cloves in the jars but we don't care for them that way.

Shirley, that is good workers when they clean up their mess each night. We have worked behind other workers that leave their mess till the end and you were always tripping over what they left. We always clean up each night, much nicer going to work the next day and having a clean work place.

Jane, we love beets ,Kyle could eat a pint in a sitting but usually two days. lol. I like them cooked with butter and could make a meal out of just them.

Need to move it..can't get the work done sitting here..

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 25, 2019, 07:41:57 AM
well yes we are close to several points of interest. Jefferson city and the tom sawyer cruse ship at Hannibal MO. now for heritage mine is germane and Irish scotch Irish and even tho mother denied it great grandmother was full blood cheerer Indian. and in current blood Line our youngest sons wife is full blood Navajo. so our grands are half pure and half mixed up. Have a good day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 25, 2019, 08:35:25 AM
AMY, I heard those "thank you's" floating around but just couldn't place where they were coming from! You're very welcome.  My mother taught me that and I've always done it that way so.....Thanks, Mommy!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 25, 2019, 09:32:32 AM
Good Wednesday morning.  I was able to sleep in for a long sleep this morning, getting out of bed at 9 am.  I haven't been able to do that in a long time, even in Indy.  I had a cat at the foot of my bed, sleeping away.  He got up just before I did.

I'm not fond of beets, but I can eat them.  I have an idea Tom doesn't like them because he doesn't order them and I don't think about them.  My mother used to make Harvard beets once in a while and I have no idea what they taste like.

Mother's sister married a man from a German family and I think they lived in Benton MO.  Shirley, would that be right?  If not, I'll have to look at my genealogy.  His given name was not German, but his father was Dietrich.  My aunt met him when he was in the Navy and they settled in northern Wisconsin, then Illinois, then Indianapolis.  My family always considered themselves to be Danish but the area is now Germany.  When the family came to the US, they settled in Wisconsin, which is much Scandinavian.  I'll bet if I looked, I would find the two families were not far from each other in Germany.  My mothers family was English and Irish.

I haven't looked out, but it sounded like rain a few minutes ago. 

Mary Ann

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: CallieOK on September 25, 2019, 05:07:02 PM
Good Afternoon,

I've missed quite a few things for the past several days.  Sister-in-law in Amarillo died in the wee hours last Thursday and I went with sons/dils to the funeral. Got home late yesterday afternoon and am "leisurely" catching up on computer sites because I could not get the wi-fi to work on my Tablet from the motel room.

Several relatives commented on how a funeral can often bring give a family more time to interact than even a reunion can do.  Such was the case for this one. Four generations of SIL's family/extended family really enjoyed the opportunities for conversation and "getting to know you better" time.

The weather was gorgeous and we all enjoyed two long evenings of visiting outside - particularly at one great-niece's home built on the rim of Palo Duro Canyon.  It's been ages since I've been where there were no city lights blocking the stars.

Saw mention of green beans in one of your posts and that reminded me of the green beans served by SIL's "church lady" friends after her service. They had bacon in them and were slightly sweet. Yummm- Oh! (as Rachael Raye would say).
Also saw mention of beets.  I use cold canned beets as a salad because I can't eat raw veggies.  Also like pickled beets.

Shirley,  I learned to fry okra after I married a Mississippi Man.  My boys would eat it like popcorn!
All the roofs in this complex were replaced a couple of years ago and the workers did the same as yours did - cleaned up after every session.  I was able to be at the opposite end of the condo from where they were working so it wasn't too bad.

My ancestry is Irish and German....period!  No wonder I've been told "you're the most stubborn person I've ever known"  ;D

Exciting news is that granddaughter Miss Ellen has signed a contract to be in the cast of the Christmas Show at the Palace Theater in The Dells, Wisconsin.  She will fly there from her home in NYC late October to begin rehearsals for 31 performances between Nov. 1 and Dec. 29. 
There are no performances on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day but she won't have time to come home. So....we are all going to Wisconsin!!!  Her Dad and I have booked our flights and show tickets for the performance on December 23 (which is my birthday).  He/Miss Emily are looking at vacation rentals for the 5 nights we'll be there.

I was so pleased I had no 'issues" on the trip to Amarillo and am looking forward to the best birthday ever watching this beloved granddaughter in her first major "gig" as a professional.  :smitten:

That's enough from this corner!  Back to catching up....
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 25, 2019, 09:36:08 PM
I will make this short to be the first to congratulate OUR Miss Ellen. We've watched a lot of Grands grow up & blossom during the years we've been computering.... and what a thrill when one has a dream fulfilled. Tell her we'll be wanting some way to peek in, even if a still photo!

Roofers think they will finish up tomorrow but the "Gutter guys" are more than a week behind, some time in Oct. I do have to move that RV by 7:00 am so off to bed early. No nap today & exactly 5 hours sleep. (Fitbit says, Sandy  ;)  )...

Mary Ann, I Googled Benton, MO & "due south of St.Louis" so agree it probably is/was a German settlement.

Lloyd, my 3rd grade teacher told me when we discussed where everyone's ancestors came from, that "since mine were mostly French I probably had some Native American in me because the French & Indians got along well". I did have black hair & eyes, so all all these many years I assumed I did... until I did the 23 & ME test.. and they tell me I am 100% Northern European. That fits in with the French, German & English, but I was disappointed no Indian. Thought that was why I loved the woods & wildlife.

Off to bed. Sweet dreams to all and God Bless. Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 26, 2019, 01:53:32 AM
This day just plain slipped away.......
So I will wish you all a good night of rest and then I will turn off the lights.

See you in the Mañana,

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 26, 2019, 06:33:06 AM
well Good Morning everyone. well I have a full day at v a there appointments today. Have a great day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 26, 2019, 07:00:52 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I totally forgot to check out last night and now I'm checking in with a really BAD tic in my side.  I'm beginning to think it might be due to some of the lifting that I do at WM because it seems to occur after a work day and the days I don't have it are following days that I don't work.

CALLIE, like Shirley said....we want pictures and we are proud or OUR MISS ELLEN's achievements.  We are a bit possessive of OUR grandchildren.  Isn't it nice that we can share!

Today is a catch up day.  I'm going to pack the pumpkin for the freezer (and maybe bake a pie), finish juicing down most of MY tomatoes for MY soup and then pull up the vine.  I want to get MY soup started today and I need to clean out the fridge.  I also have some peppers that need to be chopped and frozen for reciped.  Moving along.....

SHIRLEY, it sounds like progress is being made on your roof.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 26, 2019, 07:32:33 AM
Good morning everyone.
Beautiful rain here with the threat of a t storm this afternoon. I was going to pull the garden but that is out for today. Have lots of work to do inside, wonder what I can avoid doing??? :2funny:

Callie, way to go for Miss Ellen  and yes I do hope you can post photos!

Shirley, we are also waiting on a roofer, they are up to their ears in alligators with work. Tis a Dad and son business and they are one of the best.

Lloyd, safe trip to the VA appointments.

Jenny, hope you got your sleep last night and wake bright eyed and busy tailed. Now if so STAY AWAY from your patio cushions! :))

Jane, do we ever catch up? I can find work before it even looks for me!! Enjoy your day at home.

Mary Ann bet Kendrick is also happy you're home. Does he throw a sulk when you go away?

Joy and Phyllis  hope all is well with you.

Better boogie..

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 26, 2019, 07:34:36 AM
JaneS you sure picking on me today. I cant have anything to eat or drink until after the appointments and here you are talking about food. especially sweet Pie, you know only too kinds of pie are good Hot with ice cream on it or cold just eat it. still Love you but talking about Pie today duh.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 26, 2019, 08:15:46 AM
Everything is OK here.  I went out to get my haircut yesterday.  It was my first time out of the house in more than three weeks. It went just fine but I was really tired when I got home.  And I can't seem to get awake this morning.  Maybe a nice long nap will happen this afternoon.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Joy on September 26, 2019, 08:34:51 AM
Good morning.  I am here in body only. Like Phyllis, I am still not fully awake.  I have had something to eat so that I could take some meds, but I feel a nap coming later.

It is another pretty sunny morning.  Might be a couple scattered showers, but nothing to amount to much. They are still calling for a pretty day on Saturday.  I am looking forward to seeing some family that I don't get to see very often.  I am sorry that none of my little great-grandchildren will be coming.  They had other plans. I am disappointed because I really like to "show them off". A couple family members are also disappointed because they had not seen the little ones for a while.
I told my grandson that I thought he could change his plans, but he didn't want to do that.  If I was able to have watched them, I would have offered to take them myself. But, I wouldn't have been able to keep up with them. My son usually has some activities planned for the kids.  A scavenger hunt is always fun, and they can ride the horses and go on the hay rides.  Everybody really looks forward to this annual get together. Plus, lots of good food.

I will try to get back later.

Have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 26, 2019, 08:44:21 AM
Good morning everyone, a little foggy here 54°. Was so tired from lack of sleep that I remembered I had some melatonin and took one about 7:pm and was in bed a little after 8. Woke at 1 for a pit stop, back to bed and woke at 7:30. Feel awake but oh I don't appreciate laying down all that time. My back is now telling me it did not appreciate it. Might have to take an 2  pain pills this morning and skip the noon one.

AMY  sorry you cannot eat a fresh picked apple. Nothing beats picking one and shining it and taking that first bite, crisp and juicy and so good. I sure miss doing that. Talking to my son the other day and he said they will be going to the orchard he likes and will bring me a bag of a variety of them. He did not get much from his orchard since he is pulling up the trees that were killed by the gypsy moth caterpillars.  I add no sugar or spices to the applesauce I make, different varieties make a taste that is too good mess with.

CALLIE  good news about your Miss Ellen.

Sorry did not write more but have to move around a bit. Sitting here is not helping my back.
Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 26, 2019, 08:47:20 AM
I'm up and almost atem.  I think I am over the tiredness of the last two days because I've napped every day, in fact, twice in one day.

Amy, when I'm away, Tom says Kendrick wanders around, meowing a lot.  I have an idea he sleeps a lot on my bed.  When I'm here, I don't hear his meowing and that could be my hearing - or lack of it - but maybe he doesn't do it.  When I got home Monday, I opened the door and called to him and he didn't respond.  I went in the living room and he was resting in his scratch lounge and ignored me.  After a while, he came to me to be petted and scratched.  We're friends now.  When I woke up a couple of times, he was at the foot of the bed.  He knows who feeds him!

I'll be back later when I'm more awake.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 26, 2019, 06:48:01 PM
Well for pity's sake!  Everyfriend must really be busy today or out visiting elsewhere.  No one has been around since MARY ANN posted at 8:47 this morning!  I hope you are all having a fun day and that you'll be by later to tell us all about it.

I got out the little containers to freeze my fresh pumpkin in half cup containers and I decided that I needed to bake a pumpkin pie right now today.  So I did!  And it's scrumptious.   I took two pieces across the street to my friends who help me out when I need it and I ate a piece myself.  The rest is in the Hidey Hole and whoever gets there first will get a piece.  Enjoy!!

I started the veggie soup but I didn't get very far on it and I didn't get the fridge cleaned out.  I did get the rest of the tomatoes peeled and ready for the soup and I pulled up the tomato vine and picked off all the rest of the green tomatoes.  Then I hit the internet to see if there's anything to do with all those green tomatoes and there is!  I copied a recipe for Green Tomato Bread.  It sounds really good and really easy but I'm not going to make it until the pie is gone because I don't want anything getting moldy and this recipe makes 2  9x5 loaves.  There are a couple other things I'm thinking about trying, too.

Now I better get started cleaning out the fridge or I won't have anywhere to put the soup beginnings.  And I really have to get going on that! 

I hope you all are having a good day and the next door dog is happy, the roof is getting done, Kendrick is getting his scratches, lots of people are passing by Sandy's window-on-the-world, Lloyd is safely back from the VA hosp., Joy got lots of things cleaned out, there's no vertigo around, plans are jelling for the show weekend, and you are ALL having a special day!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 26, 2019, 08:30:59 PM
YAY!!!!  The fridge is cleaned out! There wasn't as much "sludge" in there as I thought!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 26, 2019, 09:11:23 PM
Popping in to say goodnight.

Jane, doesn't it make you feel good when that job is done?

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 26, 2019, 10:27:57 PM
It is late again, but not as late as it was last night. 

We decided to take the morning off and went to the Zoo.  The weather was perfect and we had a delightful time.  We have several new babies there, but the bet one is a 2 month old lion cub.  He is so cute and I could have stayed there and watched him for ever!

We normally go out to eat when we are "downtown" but today we had to stop at a dealership and pick up our oldest sons car that was in for the airbag recall.  The car was there for over a got lost in the shuffle and we finally pinned them down and got it completed this week.  Then of course we had to get home for Bob to walk Oliver Doodle! 

CALLIE, how nice to read that Miss Ellen has another gig!  How exciting for her and for the family. 

Yesterday Brian and Cathy flew from Seoul Korea to Hanoi Viet Nam.  We texted this morning and he sent a few pictures but we did not talk.  They are having a great time.

AMY, we caught and relocated one Squirrel, but so far another one has outsmarted us.  He can get in the cage and lick all the peanut butter off and not set off the trap!  He has done this twice.  In the mean time he continues to eat away at my cushion! 

Pleasant dreams to EVERYFRIEND.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: CallieOK on September 26, 2019, 10:41:01 PM

Thanks for the kind words about Miss Ellen.  I'll be glad to share pictures....if we all remember in 3 months that you asked and I agreed.  ;)

I had regretted for Bridge today because I wasn't sure how I'd feel when I got home from Amarillo.  So I was glad I could help when the hostess called at 8:45 a.m. to say she'd had a last minute cancellation and really needed me.
Took care of some errands on the way home and have watched t.v. all evening.

That's what's going on in my corner of the world.

Sleep well, Everyfriend and have pleasant dreams.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 26, 2019, 10:43:08 PM
Good Night Everyfriend!  Sleep peacefully and wake refreshed!  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 26, 2019, 10:58:33 PM
Roof is done! Got the stitch out on my neck, pulled the RV into the driveway to open up & turn the frig/freezer on. Going to MO for a night next week to class luncheon & donate the old McGuffies'& some other school books from 1880s-1915? Weather looks promising (cooler) but unsure when I will go, except the day of the luncheon, weather will determine if do my other visiting before or after. In the meantime............

Got to call some people that advertise "yard clean ups" & get some estimates what they will charge to take a little wooden building down & dispose of the gates from the fence around the pool & have some other stuff, 4x4s, half a holly bush my son cut down while he was here tonight. Monster bush & he was in the mood...had the time. I insisted I was going to find a crew to do clean up so he'd go home & relax. I also insist he take what I would pay a stranger to do similar work. He objects but knows I mean it that, "I'll get you something you don't want if you don't take the money!" Somebody's got to do it & I'm not up to it anymore.

Mary Ann, these cats are so happy to have their house & yard back but were disappointed when Andy showed up tonight. They have known him all their lives but will hide when he is here. That "feral" mentality never leaves, even when we've had them since they were babies. Their mama stayed with them until they were weaned & taught them how to be "feral", but I don't think they could survive in the wild as it is today and I don't want them to suffer.

Jane, my only thought for green tomatoes is piccalilli relish. Your food sounds delicious.

Amy, same with you, I love all the foods you can and cook & especially all the nice things you do for everyone.

Joy, your family party sounds wonderful, so sorry your grandson & the great grands can't be there. We've already heard that one family will be missing both Christmas & Thankgiving with us. I feel bad their kids won't know their cousins very well. But we have to let go, right? Be thankful for the ones we do have near. Enjoy the day!

Phyllis, I'm holding my breath with you, that you've conquered this problem and it doesn't return.

Lloyd, hope all the tests came out great... stay safe & enjoy the fall.

Gloria, I guess that cream didn't work on your back?  So sorry... I really hoped it would & that WE would be able to recommend to others.

Jenny, I know how busy you are and what a heavy heart you have. So hard to watch our kids & grands suffer the dread of what may come. Wishing you a peaceful week end with happy moments.

Good night, Callie. I know you'll all enjoy that trip, sounds like a great way to spend Christmas!

I better get to bed before I fall face first onto the computer. SO sleepy. Sweet dreams and God Bless.  Jane, I'll turn out the lights & turn the night light on. Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 27, 2019, 06:03:35 AM
Good morning everyone..

We are on the road  to the city this morning. Kyle has a CT scan after his blood work. Then a meeting in Oct with the oncologist, we hope that he can do this once a year instead of every six months but we shall see.

We were to  look after "our" boy Rex next door and Callie the cat but due to his Mom breaking 3 bones in her foot their trip has been put off. They are waiting on surgery for her foot and that may happen this Sat or Sun.

Making this short, need to get ready, get the dogs water and ours . I was raised on city water  but sure can't drink it now .

Enjoy your day everyone. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 27, 2019, 06:26:38 AM
Good morning everyone, another night with just a few hours sleep. I try staying up later but just cannot do it.

JANE  how about green tomato piccalilli? My Mom used to make it and it was yummy. What about fried green tomatoes? Some people love it.

JENNY  sorry that squirrel. They sure can do a lot of damage.

SHIRLEY  that cream works good My CNA can out it on when she is here, can be used  times a day but I cannot get my arms back there to put it on. Does not leave a greasy feeling on my back either.

AMY  the water we have here is artesian well water and tastes great. Each village in this town has their own water supply. Of course there are a lot of back roads where people have their  own wells.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 27, 2019, 06:49:26 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  Night in the mid 50s and getting up to the mid 70s during the day.  My kind of weather!

Thanks, everyone for the suggestions for using up the green tomatoes.  I've already set aside 2 nice sized ones for fried green tomatoes.  And AMY sent me a recipe for Traditional Nova Scotian Green Tomato Chow.  It's kind of a relish and I might try that but if I do, I'll only do half a recipe and I found a recipe for green tomato bread that I AM going to try.  It sounds delicious and I have all the ingredients.

We're waiting for the boinger for the doggies pills and then I have to get ready for Wally World.

JENNY, those darn squirrels can be pesky!  I had my own fight with one last summer! 

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 27, 2019, 07:05:35 AM
Good Morning everyone. hope ypu all had a good night and peaceful sleep.
we have 67º and thunder storms according to the weather guesser,but right now is a genteal breeze out of the south but calling for sun and 88º this afternoon. every thing went well at V A yesterday. on the 10th am supposed to get measured for a 4 wheeled scooter and carrier for on van hauling and for in house use. my diabetes has gotten worse and breaking out with wounds on my lower legs from knees down to ankles mid way.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 27, 2019, 07:10:16 AM
I like fried green tomatoes But Nancy dosent so have a hard time getting her to fix them. oh well all is well that ends well,

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 27, 2019, 04:36:30 PM
Well, I guess Everyfriend is off doing their own thing again.  Nobody posted since LLOYD at 7 something this morning. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Carol on September 27, 2019, 04:47:35 PM
Time fly's when you are overwhelmed. 

Jenny:  A good friend from Scottsdale died from encephalitis - mosquitoes are always near horses and there are enough horses in that area. Even the Mayo Clinic couldn't help  her. 

Shirley: Bayer and it that hard to sit in your church?    :2funny:

Shouting with all caps! 

Sandy: Any new pictures of the grands?  How about some Maine leaves?

Phyllis: nice that you have a reprieve of Vertigo.

Hi Gloria!  I cannot read what I wrote. 

Callie: 1 to 3 FEET of snow predicted in Montana (north)--it is coming!!!!!!We have a son in Montana. Some predicted for CO peaks in the north. 

Yes, we love our grands.  So hard working and sincere - she just started at a tech company and was given a bigger client after three days.  Atta girl.  \

Lloyd:  Sorry to hear your diabetes is not doing well.  Will it help if you set an alarm so you keep right on track with meals?  I wish you the best in keeping your wounds and dressings up so all will mend soon.  Take care.  (Are you Army, AF, or Navy? )

I like pickled beets. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 27, 2019, 05:08:41 PM
We're back safe and sound and happy to be home. My gosh the CT scan area was full of people waiting to get a scan. Had a lot of laughs and enjoyed others company. I thought I could finish cutting the rest of the fabric for the log cabin but not tonight.

Lloyd , you have me worried, I know how serious that is and hope you wear compression socks. Take care you sure don't need any more problems from that.

Jane,, it was a hurry up and wait day or we would have gladly taken you with us :)  Trees are really showing their colour now.....

Seems the pup thinks I should have enough energy to go play....ha ha ha ha ha   but I will..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 27, 2019, 09:27:17 PM
Don't know where the day went but I didn't get much done, some running around but didn't come home with half that I went for.

Carol, I was trying to remember what I said that tickled your funny bone.... but was not going "back a page" & lose what I am typing down here in the Quick Reply. Not using a Word Pad so gotta be careful. Must have mentioned taking my Bayer on Sunday? I do it Sunday morning for sure & try to remember to take one during the week since I'm not taking Plavix or the other blood thinner. I had so many side effects I told the cardio I'm not willing to live that way so if aspirin isn't enough I'm in big trouble & will take my chances. I had no idea there were so many side effects with Plavix & that other blood thinner (starts with a B...). Scary about the mosquitoes. I've been wearing long sleeves & hoodie & spraying my legs to go down to the river, but tonight am really tired so skipped the spray & long sleeves. Just as I unlocked the gate one got me on the hand & I swatted with the other hand & blood went all over my hand. ICKY! I rushed feeding the fish, they are getting huge~~ & got me back inside. I'm blinking my eyes to stay awake. Snow! I hope I dream about it tonight.  :thumbup:

Gloria, I'm glad to hear that cream works! You know me, always looking for something to recommend that is better than taking a pill.

Lloyd, you love to eat but are you really watching the starches as well as sugar?  I was surprised when my neighbor mentioned that "she could have a piece of my apple pie or a baked potato with her supper".  we had a lot of health classes during high school and my mother was a fanatic about us "eating a balanced diet"... so I did know that starches turn to sugar in our body but I had not stopped to think that a potato was as bad as a piece of pie for diabetics. Good luck.

Amy, I'm jealous that your trees are showing color already. We were in the 90s again today & that is misery to me. You are like me, enjoy visiting with others when waiting in a doctor's office. 

Jenn, maybe you need to put a piece of that cushion in the trap to see if the squirrel with trigger the door that way. I think the cats may be why we aren't bothered with the squirrels near the house, they do come to the bird feeder but a big tree near so they can out run the cats & better climbers than the cats.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 27, 2019, 10:05:15 PM
I've fallen asleep in front of the TV twice so I think I'll see if it carries over to my bed.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 27, 2019, 10:33:41 PM
well If some people physically close were as good as my friends here are life would be great. I am not talking about in my/our household or kindredship either. well I hope the rain keeps cumming this way it is getting closer hope it dose not peter out it is about 30 miles to the north west. the TV weather man is saying we should get some later tonight and tomorrow and Sunday and and even Monday. that is good except they are saying we may likely get some Hail if we do and it is big not good. oh well I am going to bed and leave it to god.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 28, 2019, 05:50:02 AM
Good morning everyone.  52° was a good night to sleep but once again I woke just after 1:am. Tried going back to sleep but no way did I  get any more. If I could get some during the day I would love it.

JANE  glad you have some recipes for the green tomatoes.

LLOYD  sorry your diabetes is getting worse. Time to start watching what you eat? My Mom went blind from her diabetes, a nephew had it hit his kidneys and died from it. I am the only one in my family who does not have it. I tell my children to tell their doctors that there is diabetes in the family so they get checked for it.

CAROL  there have been cases of triple E around here and several deaths. They are warning everyone to stay inside from dusk till dawn because that is when they are active. They have sprayed in areas where there are more mosquitoes. Seems like they should spray every where. They worn people to stay inside when they spray. No windows open and no AC's running either.

SHIRLEY  potatoes and pasta are loaded with starch, so is corn. Anything made with white flour is very starchy, too.

This SS is getting fewer posts every day it seems. Glad some do post  every day.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 28, 2019, 07:06:58 AM
Good rainy morning everyone..

Not sure what is happening other than laundry today. Hope the rain keeps up for most of the day here..

Gloria, that must be really good cold water from that well. Happy to read that the salve is helping your back..what a blessing that must be.

Shirley we will make a trip to the Park soon to see all the leaf .The sugar maples are bright red now, we just have to hope the rain or high winds doesn't put them down.

Better get the laundry ready, no hanging out today but that is ok.....

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 28, 2019, 07:19:20 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  The doggies and I are waiting for the boinger for their pill and then breakfast.  My only plan for today is to roast the broccoli that I bought the other day and eat some of it and freeze some of it. 

I might go back to the Amish food stand for some of those Honey Crisp Apples.  GLORIA, you're the one who told us they keep better than any others.  Do you do anything special to keep make them last longer?  Do you refrigerate them or let them out?  I'm open for advice.  I've had good experience with apples but it's not because I know about them.  I've just been lucky.

The boinger went an I had to go feed the girls.  They know what that sound means.

Good Morning AMY, you sneaked in on me!

I hope you all have a great day.  Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 28, 2019, 07:32:50 AM
good Morning everyone. we had a little rain in the night. there are more this morning north and west of us, i think it is going mostly east missing us, but they are saying more cumming for us today tonight and tomorrow.
Have a great day and a better tomorrow.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: phyllis on September 28, 2019, 08:41:00 AM
Good morning!  I'm back.  Unfortunately, the Meniere's vertigo did come back on Thursday evening but yesterday was a very good day.  Like most of you who are dealing with "stuff" we have good days and bad days.  We have to cherish the good days and just try to get through the bad days.  I share your relief and happiness when good things happen and I'm sorry when things are not going so well.

Still summer here.  Hot and humid.  We need some rain, everything is looking wilted and burned out.  We were supposed to have some last night but it didn't happen.

The Algonquin Park is beautiful, Amy.  Wish I could see it.  Autumn in the North East was my favorite time.

Still cooking, Jane?  You should eat very well this coming winter.  Can't help you with the green tomatoes except to mention my mother used them in piccalilli.  Canned lots of jars to carry us over the winter.  I'm not a big fan of tomato pie but it is popular around here.

I'm still not cooking any more than I have to to keep us from starving.  David has been doing the grocery shopping.  He does a good job but doesn't look for those extra things that would be good to cook.  That's all right.....he keeps us going until I can get back to it.

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 28, 2019, 09:19:26 AM
Oh, Amy, what gorgeous colors! This is a week end so my internet is "beyond slow"...  I bookmarded to watch again. I don't think I've ever seen an area with so many maples. We were in Tennessee one year at peak color, more yellows & gold than reds. Colorado has more yellows & like your area, the evergreens/pines make a beautiful contrast.

Gloria, I did forget that corn is also starchy! I have a guilty conscience for putting so much butter (yes, real).

Jane, I've been up several times & all together still only 5 hours & 32 min. sleep so I will treat myself to another nap. Am thinking it sounds good already. Cloudy & cats fed. I do have laundry & a new washer begging for attention but think my brain is asleep so must be bright eyed & bushy tailed to take on the electronics in that washer. I hate to read directions.

Sorry, Phyllis, that the enemy struck again. For sure we do have good days & bad, but I've discovered more & more things trigger the bad. I've been nursing a sore knee... behind the knee, feels like a grapefruit stuck as I try to bend. I know it is from sitting on these oak chairs (even with cushions) at the computer, cuts off circulation because my feet don't touch the floor. I know, there is a solution, like foot stool or stay off the computer but been listening to those roofers for a week & pretty much trapped inside the house. No excuse, should have been deep cleaning.  ::) Well, that's life, right?

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 28, 2019, 09:43:13 AM
Amy, those are beautiful colors in the park.  When I used to drive to upper Michigan, I'd see stands of color, but not so close to the road as in one of your pictures.  I think our UP would rival that, but I haven't been there in the fall.  I like both Spring and Fall for the color of the leaves.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Sandy on September 28, 2019, 11:55:04 AM

Good Morning Everyone from the Sunny and
pleasant rocky coast of Maine.

It is very nice here this Saturday

As I live in the city,  I really do not see
a whole lot of Foliage... The one little
tree that I can see out my window, is still
green and hasn't lost it leaves yet...   But
soon,  I  am sure.

New England has the most beautiful foliage
season ...Lot's of bright reds and oranges
show up before the Deciduous Trees start to
loose their leaves.

It is hard to believe that the beginning
of our Winter season is just around
the corner.

Have a good day,  Everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 28, 2019, 12:11:29 PM
Sandy, when I was in New England, leaves were still green.  Lots of trees and lots of green.  The pictures I've seen of fall color picture are fantastic.  While we have lots of color, it doesn't compare to NE.  But I'll take what I get because it is beautiful to me. 

Our condo complex is half surrounded by trees but they aren't maples because they only turn yellow before they drop.

I asked Tom to take me on a color tour this fall.  I'll let you know if he does.  Last year I asked and he took a lady friend instead!

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 28, 2019, 12:21:15 PM
Gloria, they've been showing commercials on the ME channel of bringing back the Flinstones... and I always smile at the TV and think of Regina's husband (Gary, is it?) standing inside that car with the engine out..., and think if you still have it, you should post on one of the medias (here, too) with "Yabba dabba do....."  Bet it would get so many hits they'd be surprised. I thought it was priceless, still think of it & been years.  :thumbup:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Carol on September 28, 2019, 04:19:47 PM
AMY:  Thank you for the Algonquin Park photos. Outstanding!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 28, 2019, 10:36:41 PM
Well, it's been one of THOSE days around here today!

I got going this morning and was going to take the trash to the dumpster, swing around by the Amish farm roadside stand and then make a quick stop at the grocery store for some things I still need to finish the veggie soup.  I got about a half mile from home and as I pulled away from the stop sign, my poor old car began to roar.  I gingerly drove it back home and checked to see if my son had any idea what might be wrong.  Without seeing or hearing and after a few questions, he thinks it might be the fan belt.  Of course it's Saturday afternoon and all the garages are closed until Monday morning so I'm  afoot!  And my car sits quietly in the driveway for now.

I wondered what would be next!  Now I don't have to wonder any more.  I just have to try to figure out what to do!

Like Scarlett O'Hara, I'll think about that tomorrow!  Now I'm going to bed!  Good night Everyfriend!  Sleep peacefully and wake refreshed! 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 29, 2019, 05:55:34 AM
Good morning every one a warmer start at  65° and supposed to be a nice day. We got the flu shots here Friday and the first time it bothered me. The one who came from CVS must have practiced sticking a needle in the skin of an acorn squash. Never had one hurt like it and he put it in the muscle on my upper arm. Yesterday could hardly use my arm and couldn't even get dressed. Stayed inside all day and it was nice out. Today it is much better but still swollen. Shouldn't complain did not have to go anywhere to get it. One nice thing they do for the residents here.

AMY  the instructions for that cream says can be used  4 times a day but only get it once a day when my CNA is here. None on week ends and I cannot get my arms back to apply it myself. I do have a long -not really a brush-that I could put some on and reach my back but once again I can no longer get it where needed. There are maples at the back of the parking lot that block the sight of the street but this year they are not the deep red  they have been before. At this time of year when I pull up the bedroom shade I like looking out at them and watch them change color from the top down. Will check your link to the park after I read the posts.

JANE  I remember you saying you watched JAG  and now I can see it, too. On WGN at 3pm daily. I sure enjoy it even it they are repeats. I  find that if I keep them in a plastic bag like they put groceries in at markets and put them in the vegetable bin they last a couple of months, like putting them in cold storage. A hard apple will last longer. A Mac gets soft fast and will rot in the bin. It is already past here for good macs.

LLOYD  last week on the news they talked about a lot of rain and flooding in Arizona, my daughter said they got 1/4 of an inch where they live.

PHYLLIS  like you I enjoy the good days but learned to put up with damp days when the arthritis acts up. Does no good to cry about it. I have not been in a market in over a year. My CNA loves shopping so I can send her with a list.She has learned that I want just what is on my list and no substitutes. I can also go online to PeaPod from Stop & Shop for delivery. I only do that when I need a lot or when I need some heavy things.

SHIRLEY  like you I use real butter no margarine for me, that is all chemicals anyway. Like you I spend too much time in my computer chair but with the new air cushion and a small cushion at my back I do not have as much pain in my back all day.

MARY ANN  I enjoy early spring when every thing comes to life again until we get the first too warm days then I long for autumn and cooler weather and beautiful colors.

SHIRLEY  my daughter and I were talking about that photo of my SIL in the truck the other day and I was telling her how it struck you. I still have it in a folder on my external drive but don't ask me which one or what year. I have her pictures in folders with the years as the name. I still come across your photo of the ducks-Bottoms Up. That one had be LOL. Loved it.

JANE  sorry about your car. Always something with them no matter how new or old.

JENNY  high schools football games have to be in the afternoons now because of the EEE  and that is the way it wee be till we have a couple of killing frosts.

AMY  I would love to drive through that park, so many different colors,nature at it's most beautiful. Thanks.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 29, 2019, 06:02:31 AM
good Morning everyone. 70º Partly cloudy and shooting for the high 80 tys. and sunny. Nancy woke up at 4:30 and dizzy headed so she is staying home no church today dose not feel safe to drive. have a great day. see you all later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 29, 2019, 06:11:18 AM
 Gloria what part of AZ dose your kin live?  my brother lives in Page AZ. and son and his Navajo wife on the reservation east and south of page. My brother and I both have wives are both Named first Nancy, so we call my wife Nancy and his Nan. so we know which one we are talking to when we are together.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 29, 2019, 06:50:44 AM
Well it's morning...getting light and not so warm out.  Doggies have been out and we're waiting for the boinger for breakfast.  I have my first cup of coffee and I'm ready to face the day.

LLOYD, my niece has the same type of "name" problem that you do in her family.  Her son married a gal named Patty and then her daughter found herself a guy nicknamed Pat.  Sometimes her son calls his wife Pat when they are all together and everyone is confused.

My grandson and his new sweetie pie are here for a wedding that was yesterday and today we are all going to lunch at The Fence.  It will be closing soon for the winter and we need our "fix".  They are going to come over and pick me up on the way since my car is having a fit!

I'm going to prevail on them to make a quick stop at the grocer store on the way back so I can get the two things I still need to finish my veggie soup and maybe I can get it canned this afternoon. I don't want to come this far and watch it spoil! 

It's almost time for the boinger so I better close this up....

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 29, 2019, 07:54:06 AM
Good morning everyone..

Got down to 0°F last night..yet all this coming week the temp is going to be near the 80's!!

Didn't get all taken to the dump yesterday so that may be what is happening later today.

Jane, oh dear, broken fan belt is an easy fix but with no garage open and having to wait till tomorrow is not nice. Enjoy your time with your grandson and his sweetie today.

Lloyd, hope Nancy feels better today..

Gloria, I just love the fall...sights,sounds and smells.Hope your arm feels better.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 29, 2019, 01:54:46 PM
I sent an e-mail to Pat Hanna to let her know we thought of her and mention her often.  She said she might post in S&F sometimes.  She's getting along as well as expected.  I put the message in Norm's Bait & Tackle.  If anyone cares to contact her, I have the e-mail address - Larry's.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 29, 2019, 02:02:09 PM
A good Sunday HELLO to EVERYFRIEND 🦋🦋

TODAY, in our world it is all about our Grandson MATTHEW and his EAGLE SCOUT COURT OF HONOR ceremony.  It is at 4 PM and we are feeling so blessed and honored to be attending this wonderful achievement ceremony.  We are so very proud of Matt and his Dad Dave for the comments that they both put forward to accomplish this honor. 

I hope you ALL enjoy a wonderful day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 29, 2019, 04:06:29 PM
Jenny, what a handsome young man!!!You must be so proud of his achievements.

Not much accomplished today other than taking the waste wood away . I do have a double batch of yogurt brewing in the instant pot.

Thank you all for the comments on the Park..this time of year it is like a sardine can  on the weekend. Not a time I like to go,.rather go during the week.

Although the temp did rise there is a cool breeze blowing and the temp is 62° my kind of weather. :)

Mary Ann, thank you. I hope Pat will pop in and say hello.

Phyllis and Joy, I hope you both are feeling better..

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Mary Ann on September 29, 2019, 04:22:03 PM
Jenny, thank you for posting Matthew's picture.  He's a fine looking young man and I expect he will go far.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 29, 2019, 10:21:18 PM
Had a rather busy day today.  I didn't make it to church because of my roaring car and no mechanics on weekends.  But they picked me up to go to THE FENCE for lunch with grandson KYLE, his new girlfriend and one of his high schoolfriends and his girlfriend!  It was fun. Then we sat out at my Daughter's house and chatted until they were ready to leave and I came home.

My friend and I made a quick trip to the grocery store ad we each picked up a few things.  I have the stuff I need to finish the veggie soup and since I'm calling off work tomorrow due to lack of transportation, I'm going to finish and can the soup. 

Both doggies are clean due to baths and that's a good thing. Only problem, it doesn't last long.

So nice to actually SEE the new Eagle Scout!  My congratulations to him and those who helped him achieve this honor.

I'm off to bed!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 29, 2019, 10:33:16 PM
well today has been a great day. today was Nancy birthday. she caught up with me, she Is only a year younger than I am now. we have a place In warrensburg MO. called king chef,great place to get stuffed cheep. they have five food lines you can walk down both sides of them getting food on your plate. has all types of food fixed all sorts of ways. the have a sign up that says eat all you want but eat all you take. you name it is there fried, boiled,and baked. only Is thing wrong is brain goes wield and you leave stuffed and miserable. it just lacked a few cents of $24.00 for the two of us. good thing i do not go there too often or I would brake the scales. good night and sweet dreams.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Denver on September 30, 2019, 01:44:18 AM
Thank you my kind and caring friends for all of the supportive comments about Matthew.  Yes, we are so proud of him and of our Son Dave for the unconditional support to not only Matthew but to his entire troop as the assistant scout master.  The ceremony was very impressive and of course mama could not keep the happy and proud tears from falling😘

JANE, happy to read you were able to spend more time with Kyle and his lady. 

LLOYD, please wish Nancy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

OK, I am ready to head off to bed, so I will turn off the lights and wish you all pleasant dreams.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 30, 2019, 06:24:42 AM
Good morning everyone..

We are off to the vets this morning, Babe is getting her shots and the vet will look at her foot, the meds did their job!

Jane, you have a busy day ahead of you. Since you have the day off I hope you find time for you!! Hope you get your car fixed today.

Lloyd, Happy birthday to Nancy :hb2:  :hb3:  :hb2:  sounds like you had a wonderful time at King Chef.

Take care and enjoy your day everyone
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 30, 2019, 06:59:49 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!

My best (but belated) wishes to NANCY for her recent birthday.  I'm glad you both were able to enjoy it!

I have only a few minutes until the boinger goes off and the doggies get fed. Then I'll be called the mechanic about fixing my car and WM about not coming in!  I don't know how the rest of the day will work out but we shall see.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 30, 2019, 08:20:56 AM
good Morning everyone. well I got Nancy to come over and see the nice wishes for her. but she will not try to post her self. only thing she will do with the computer is the other Laptop I have hooked to the TV so I can watch the westerns and highway patrol. she will turn it on and play games. ( solitaire and such)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Joy on September 30, 2019, 08:45:38 AM
Good Monday morning.   A very cloudy morning, and a little rain expected.

I had a busy weekend.  The family party at my son's was wonderful. Turned into a beautiful, warm, sunny day, after  a kind of cloudy morning.  I was really holding my breath.  For the past 10 days they had been calling for a beautiful weekend, but it sure didn't look that way when it started out. By noon, the sun came out and the day just got better and better.

I would say there were about 200 family and friends at the party.  Just from my family, there were about 65, including all the little children.  The kids all enjoy the horse/pony rides, and the hay rides, and I think there was a corn-hole game, also. I stayed up on the deck the whole time. Saw some relatives that I hadn't seen for a while, plus several long-time friends.  Lots of good food and anything you wanted to drink.  My son has a neighbor who has something to do with the Maryland Seafood industry, and he always brings several huge bags of fresh oysters and spends all afternoon shucking oysters.  And, they were huge ones.  He also makes up some kind of a vinegar sauce that you can sprinkle over the oyster. I know it has a name, but never can remember it. Vinegar, and cilantro and some other kind of spice. It is so good with the oysters. Everybody really enjoys them.

Yesterday, I kind of rested up and had a couple naps.  It is always so nice to see old friends.

Today I have an appointment for a test that I don't think will be a big problem.  Just a follow up from the UTI's that I had problems with all summer. Hope this will be the end of that problem. I am taking a low-maintenance preventive drug and hopefully it is working.  "Knock on wood"

Jenny, congratulations on your grandson achieving his Eagle Scout award.  That is such an honor for him and I know it takes a lot of hard work, and perseverance to achieve that honor.  Good for him!  I am sure he is a wonderful young man and I know how proud his family is.  Especially his grandparents.

I hope everyone has been having some good days and will continue to feel well.  I didn't go back and read all the previous messages, as I need to get myself moving along. My DIL is picking me up a little after noon. 

Mary Ann, nice that you have heard from Pat Hanna. Takes a while to get your life back to some kind of normalcy after you lose your spouse.  Still miss Larry.  And, I am sure she does, also.  He certainly was a special person.

Have a good day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Gloria on September 30, 2019, 09:44:45 AM
Good morning everyone, a nice 59° now at 8:15 so was a good night for sleeping and I finally had a good sleep and do feel awake this morning.

LLOYD  my daughter lives in the mountains outside of Kingman. Way out in the boonies, enjoying the peace and quiet.

JANE  hope you enjoy ed lunch at the Fence yesterday. Hope you got what  you needed for your soup. I would cry if I had all the prep work you did go bad.

LLOYD  Happy Belated Birthday to Nancy.

AMY  from 0° to 80° is a big jump. Hope we don't get into the 80's again this year. With tomorrow being the first of October don't think there is much chance for that. Like you autumn has always been my favorite time of year. The air and smell and colors are always so welcome after a hot humid summer.

JENNY  first thing I noticed was your  new avatar and knew you and Bob were "busting your buttons" with pride for Matthew and his accomplishments. 

JOY  always great to see old friends and family but so tiring as we age. I know it takes me a few days of rest before I feel normal (whatever that is) again.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Amy on September 30, 2019, 02:55:54 PM
Been to the vet and back. She gave me some salve to put in Babe's  ears for the next 5 days. This is going to be fun! 
Have an apple pie in the oven and when it is done will put some in the hidey hole....careful ,it is hot!!

Joy, my goodness that was a lot of people, nice to catch up with family and friends . Hope you get a good report today..I think you have had more than enough of that darn UTI!

Better go get the food ready for the dogs, they now have some whey to go on their dry kibble!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: CallieOK on September 30, 2019, 03:11:21 PM
Merry Monday,

Lloyd,  Here's another Belated  :hb3: to Nancy.

Jenny, I hunted far and wide for the picture of Matthew that's been mentioned before I realized it's the avatar with your name!  :uglystupid2: 

Joy, so glad you had a good time with so many family and friends. I, too, am hoping to read a good report on that UTI.

Janie, should we say "thank you" to the fam belt for giving you another day at home?  ;) Sounds as if you also had a good time with family.I think mine is getting used to my having a list of Things To Do "while we're out".

I'm just about finished with the Projects du Jour I've needed to do since getting home from Amarillo.  Next is using my newish shredder to get rid of enough stuff to probably fill 2 garbage bags. Would like to have those ready for the housekeeper to put out with the trash when she comes tomorrow.

"Get busy, Callie"......
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 30, 2019, 05:47:26 PM
well am home from VA. the news is mot good, the done another heart ogram on me It was showing more damage. My mother died a little older than I am with heart problems. dos not on one hand bother me I have lived a good life.  On the other dose I do not to leave Nancy alone. she deserves even more help than I give her. 88º hot and humid. we stopped at Sam's club got a few things. one thing was we got two boxes (flats) of Peaches. very good just right of repines. top of the day to you all,

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 30, 2019, 06:01:33 PM
CALLIE, my daughter ordered a new shredder and had it sent to my house with the request that I shred all the papers she's been collecting.  She's NOT a hoarder so I said, "Thank you" and "No problem".  After the shredder arrived, I texted and told her to bring her paper over.  She did and I saw immediately why she didn't want to do it herself.  When I finished with the shredding, I had 4 and a half tall kitchen can bags full!  She definitely has been a paper hoarder.  I didn't read anything but I did notice there were student loan papers for both her kids.  They both graduated on time and Natalie is 29 and Kyle is 25!  She did come and pick up the bags to take to the recycler but that was in June and I'm still finding shreds!

It is nice to have my own shredder again though.

I sitting here waiting for the canner to cool enough to take the jars out so I can fill it up again.  There are 7 quarts of veggie soup in there and it smelled so good while it was cooking.  I think that's what I'll have for supper before I fill any more jars.  The rest going in pint jars for lunches.  But I do have to test it first.....don't I?

I better go check the canner and see if the lock dropped.  Maybe I'll be back later..... and maybe I'll forget.... or be too tired.  Anyway, I'm taking my pie with me right now. 

Take care, my friends.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Shirley on September 30, 2019, 07:47:16 PM
Will try to get a post in before internet goes out again. It's giving me a headache with seconds on & off. If you don't hear from me for a few days, I am swamped with "to-dos" & stressed with all going on in the neighborhood. House across the street starting the roof & other repairs today so nearly impossible to get in & out of driveway. It's HOT HOT HOT & the cool down keeps getting pushed back. Not happy the new washer insists I use HE (high energy) detergent, etc. so when to Wally World & spent a forture... told the checker I have a dear online friend that works for Walmart... and that I may start going dirty if it costs this much to keep clean clothes & linens!  She wasn't a very smiley person, not our Janie!

Hi to all... oh, Callie, I did the same, looked in Photos & in here for that photo...  :crazy2:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on September 30, 2019, 11:23:12 PM
Past my bed time sweet dreams everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: JaneS on September 30, 2019, 11:32:35 PM
CALLIE and SHIRLEY, I have to tell you that I saw the picture BEFORE I read JENNY's message.  I've sort of developed a habit of looking at the picture first because she's always changing it to reflect her love for her grandkids!

SHIRLEY, thanks for the kudos.  I try to have a smile for the customers even if I don't feel like it and if they crack a joke, I ALWAYS laugh!

I have 7 quarts and 8 pints of veggie soup cooling in a couple of places around here.  And there might be 5 or 6 more pints tomorrow morning.  I'm going to have to get at it early because my friend and I are going to see Downton Abbey in the afternoon.  I had some for my lunch and it's good enough to serve to company.  Anybody wanna come over for lunch?  I'll even make a sweetbread for dessert!

Now I'm going to hit the hay because I'm beat right down to my socks and that's bad beause I'm not wearing socks.  I wish you all a pleasant night's sleep and a happy tomrrow!  And my God bless us, every one.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019
Post by: so_P_bubble on October 01, 2019, 02:57:32 AM
    Let's make a new start HERE (