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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 20, 2024, 09:29:42 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for February 1,2018

Started by so_P_bubble, February 01, 2018, 02:06:05 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


strewth !. What a 'palaver' that was, for whatever reason my 'longstanding password' was rejected.  i do not know why that was ?.  but at last its all sorted now, i hope. Back to the original Email address again, with a new password.  :thumbup:


Good morning Everyfriend. The snow stopped last night around 8 and my nice neighbor called to see how soon I needed to be out this morning. I don't but he's already done my driveway and is now doing our neighbors.

Amy. You made me hungry for baked Lima beans. I think I've seen the beans at the Amish store. I'll have to look the next time I go there. Yes we do put onions in them too I forgot that.

Can't figure out what I'll be up to today. I know I have to shovel a small section of sidewalk that's inside the fence but that shouldn't take long. If I had the stuff I could make barbecue sauce but I need to get ketchup and I want to get that at the an
Mush store. It's a lot cheaper there.

I guess I'll figure out something. Enjoy your day and whatever you do go with The knowledge of Gods love.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Quote from: Gloria on February 05, 2018, 06:49:49 AM

I may have been in Continent, but I don't
remember what country I was in. It's an age thing.
They tell me it is very wet and damp there.

Ha ha ha ha ha!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. slow getting in here today. the current temp. here is
2º and calling for a high of 34º today. I am going down stairs and build a fire down there and watch good westerns today all out side is feed the cows after while. hope you all are staying well and warm. see you all later on again.



Hi Everyone.  After a very rainy day yesterday today is sunny and beautiful.  I spend all day in my easy chair as was feeling pretty punk.  However, this morning I seem to be feeling better and actually felt like getting a few things done.  However, by the time I finished my shower I was ready to lay down and rest for a bit and am just now getting around to eating my breakfast.  While I was laying down I did read the things I ready daily plus all the postings in the discussions I follow. I did watch the PGA Golf Tournament in Phoenix.  They have the biggest crowd there of any golf tournament in the world.  They had over 700,000 people in attendance during the days of the tourney.  It is not the usual fairly quiet fans watching.  It was an exciting finish and required an extra hole to be played to decide the winner.  By the time it was over it was time for the Super Bowl to begin and that turned out to be a very good game.  I found the commercials not entertaining at all and turned off the sound during the halftime show.  Guess I am getting to be an old fuddy-duddy.  Nothing on the schedule for today other than getting more rest.  I think I may be able to lay on the bed this afternoon, which I haven't been able to do for a few days. 

Gloria, it seems that winter has hit your area pretty hard these last few weeks.  I have never been found the the chocolate covered cherries.  There was another bad Amtrak train crash in Columbia, South Carolina yesterday morning with I think 1 dead and 100 people injured.  I read that a switch had not been properly set and that was the cause of the crash.  I didn't watch any of the hype for the Super Bowl and didn't turn it on until perhaps fifteen minutes before the kick-off. 

Shirley, does your son have any after effects from the disease he had starting when he was 5?  That sounds like quite an unpleasant device he had to wear for a long time. It is going to take me awhile to get my strength back (what little I have anymore).  This is the beginning of week three of this cough.  I will see my primary doctor on Friday so will get a third opinion then but hopefully will be much better by then.  At least I have felt like being in my office this morning and that wasn't the case yesterday.  I am sure God understand the antics of little children.

Jane, we have a lot of meat loafs and do like leftovers for sandwiches.  I bet your kids love to help you know you wouldn't take advantage of them. 

Amy, it has been a long time since I had a piece of cherry pie with vanilla or any kind of ice cream on it and I can't remember the last time it was made from scratch.  I have never cared for lima beans, one of the few types I don't like. 

Roley, glad you are able to post once again.   

June Drabek

Just finished enjoying my email and other pictures of the beloved four legged "kids". Thanks to all you dog lovers.

I am awaitng my grocery delivery.  I paid extra for a one hour delivery time, but what the heck...money is to be spent...my kids push me NOT to save. I was brought up frugal...lived the depression.

Nothing special happening today. A movie on the big screen at 1:30, but I may be sleeping by then. I am wakened each day at 6:30, so I need that nap.

We are having fine weather..as usual..it gets a bit boring. I like rain.76 for a high, low51. Sun is shining.

I did go down for the football yesterday...not to watch, just to eat. delicious hot dog on bun, smothered with chilli and melted cheese, and raw broccoli and celery with a glob of sour cream dip. No beer....not here at Rowntree, just root beer or coca-cola.

Larry, you are wise to stay tucked in at home till you are healed up from this cold or flu or some of both. We can't afford to have you feeling so bad. Your messages are always so welcome to read, so heal up soon.

As long as we are here, let's dance.


Look at that sweet face - thanks, Sandy.  You are blessed.

Don:  Hugs to your Emily. 

I did take notes but they are too short for me to remember what you wrote ---

Jenny:  I am remembering you mentioned high price tickets.  Agilent flys from the Springs to Mesa.  Who knows if they stop anywhere - yes, it may be grim but you do "get there".  Just a thought -

Lloyd Hammond

Good Night everyone sweet dreams see you all tomorrow.


Mary Ann

Carol, from what I've read about Allegiant is they are all direct flights, no stops, and no connections with other airlines.  We have Allegiant in Grand Rapids and they have one flight out and the return flight in - that's all.  They fly to several cities - I think Denver is one, Orlando, Las Vegas (airline home) and more.  Norm and Dot used to take Allegiant to St Pete and a friend picked them up from there to go to Sun City Center.  At home, Norm's sons picked them up.

Mary Ann

June Drabek

My Dori and Gary are in Ontario Ca. tonight Parked in the hotel lot. They will be taken to the airport to fly to the Island in the morning with their good friends that they have traveled with for years. My prayers are with them for safe travel, a good rest, and a lot of fun. God knows they have earned a rest.

Our weather remains quite mild tonight so my sheet will be enough covering what with flannel nitey covering me neck to toes.

Time to bid you all a very good night and a happy tomorrow. God is watching over us so have a peaceful sleep, hugs, Love and prayers, June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good morning everyone.

Snowing here now, with a temp of +8 ° F. I managed to get a lot done yesterday after snow blowing. Took my vehicle in for an oil change after washing the floors. Thur I will take hubby's vehicle in to see about the abs braking.
VON comes today and I need to make a banana cake with over ripe bananas.

June, hope Dori and Gary have a fantastic time on the island.

Larry, the pie was delicious topped off with real whipping cream.

Roley, the computer gremlins gave you a hard time but I am glad you made it in here :)

Gloria, I passed the travel plans on for others to get a laugh.....that was a good one!

Jane, you are blessed with a good neighbour.

Better get a move on here

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, Amy.  You are all alone here this morning.  We had the snow and freezing rain yesterday morning, and more expected tomorrow morning.

I have been awake since about 3 a.m. and decided to come in here and maybe I will get sleepy.   I have had 2 mini-donuts to hold me over until breakfast.
I see where it is 25º  now at 6:45.  I am thinking I might go back to bed, as it is still dark out.  Maybe I can get another couple hours of sleep.

I did push the thermostat up and it is getting nice and cozy warm.  Will feel good to crawl back in my warm bed.  I  will take my trash across the hall to the dumpster and then I won't have to worry about not getting it out in time for the maintenance man to pick it up.  Otherwise, it would have to wait until tomorrow.   

Hope you and all the friends will have a good day.



Good morning Joy, I think everyone else is as snug as a  bug under their covers. I filled the wood box and brought another load in . I don't blame you for going back to bed, I will likely catch some zz's later on this afternoon.
Enjoy your day..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


jGood morning Everyfriend!  Our temp is in the teens and we'Re supposed to get more snow today. I have to be at work at 10 and home by 2. I really hope there's not much accumulation until then.

I did go out yesterday and got some groceries and other stuff at WM but I couldn't make it to pick up my computer. So that's on the agenda for today. But that will only happen if it doesn't snow too much and if it stops before 4:30. I'm thinking I might ask my son to pick it up. That's a "maybe for sure"

I hope you all have exactly the kind of day you're wishing for and that God blesses you with good health!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, cloudy again with  rain due later. 19°. Hope it warms up before rain starts.

ROLEY  the last few weeks I have had to log in every day when I get here. Then it did not want my password. One day I just clicked on the log in a few times and I was in. Crazy, had the same password since I first joined.

JANE  you have a wonderful neighbor who believes in helping. Nor many like him these days.

SANDY  glad you got a chuckle with the Travel Plan I posted yesterday. I know I laughed when I first read it.

LLOYD  glad you can stay inside when it is that cold. I know  I no longer go out when it is cold anymore.

LARRY  I heard about that train switch that caused the accident. My first thought was wondering is someone did that on purpose. So many weird people in the world who knows. This is Patriots country so od course there was too much talk about it on TV. Sunday was too much on the NBC channel, from noon till well after the game was over. I did not know till Monday morning the Pats lost. Just heard that in Gardner, Mass. A school bus skidded on an icy road and went into the side of a house. At times the towns. States do a good job on main roads but forget all the side roads.

JUNE  I remember after the first year my daughter lived in San Diego she wrote to say she never thought she would get used to sunny weather all the time but she would love to see rain or snow.

CAROL your saying you took notes remeinds me of when I first joined Bis' Nest in SN and I would make notes and then when I would go to type in the postbox I couldn't read them. Then Oscar told me about notepad and from then on that is what I have used.

AMY  glad you passed the travel plans on, it really is good for some chuckles.

JOY  you mean you get sleepy here in the SS? Goodness we will have to see if we can stop that and wake you up.

JANE  hope you do not get much snow and it gets treated fast.

Time to get my breakfast made.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Blame the Internet
Author Unknown

I don't want to do the dishes,
I don't want to do the wash,
I sprinkled clothes a week ago
And now my iron's lost.

I don't wanna clean the pots,
I don't wanna rattle pans,
I wanna read my emails,
And chat with all my friends.

The table needs some dusting
and the floor could sure be mopped,
But I know if I get started
There'll be no place to stop.

The closets are stuffed so full
Now things are falling off the shelves,
I wish for cleaning fairies,
And magic laundry elves.

They could sprinkle fairy dust
And twitch their little nose,
And the windows would be sparkling,
And I'd have no dirty clothes.

I don't know what I'm saying,
My head is in the sky,
I must cook that meat that's graying
And bake that apple pie.

My husband needs a flea bath,
The dog needs some attention...
Oh, the other way around I mean!
My brain is in suspension.

I'm running around in circles,
I'm getting nothing done,
I keep thinking of the internet,
I'm missing all the fun!

I know I'm not addicted...
Though I hear that all the time,
But I guess that stuff will have to wait,
'Cause today I'll be ON LINE!!!

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi everyone. I am just not feeling like writing this morning as don’t feel up to doing so. I have read the postings.  Hope to feel better tomorrow’ as have to get out for a doctors appointment.


Good Morning one and all ..... 

Larry,  I  hope that you are feeling better soon. 
It is not like you to not feel like posting....  so I
hope you feel up to it later.   

I have to giggle about in continence .. 
Might as well giggle and always be
prepared.....  cus there is not a
whole lot one can do about it...but
make the best of it.   

:crazy2: :uglystupid2:
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Larry, I am sorry you are not feeling well this morning.  Rest and I hope after you see the doctor you will feel better.

Mary Ann


Larry it is concerning to know you are not feeling well.  I hope you feel better soon.


Good afternoon, Cloudy, have had a few snow flurries this AM.  I am suppose to go to Lassie meeting to morrow.  (Women's club, here in the park) but it is going to snow.

Larry, we all will be so happy, when you write you are feeling, my neighbors across the street have both been sick of two weeks. they got the flu in Aruba  while they were on vacation.

June, hope your family has a great vacation, but know you will be happy when they return safe and sound.

Gloria, thanks again for your post, you wrote about me in this last one, always wanting to come in and check my PC

MaryAnn, the last few time I flew to Charleston, I went by way of Cleveland, OH, did not make mush sense to me, but it was the airlines hub.

Joy, good that you could go back to bed. I got up at 2Am and went back to bed at 4. then got up at 8.

Jane, hope you got home from work, before snow, also was able to get your computer back.

Roley, glad to see you were able to join the group again.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


I came to check on everyone & didn't take notes, just enjoyed the posts.... All of a sudden I got a whiff of something that smells good...

Oh, I forgot I have the oven on, baking "chicken breast under glass" to the tune of a recipe for pheasant under glass.  When we lived in Western Kansas everyone hunted pheasants, most only ate the breasts and I was not fond of having to pick out the "shots" from  the shotguns used.  The pheasant breasts were much like chicken so I decided we'd just skip the wild game & stick to what came out of the store.  Any time I've fixed it for family or friends they swear it's the best food they've ever tasted.  Today my DIL is having to have her mother moved to the "Memory Care"/Alzheimer's part of the facility she is in.  She advanced much faster than expected so all the plans they tried to make fell apart.  Food is the last thing they have on their mind but is needed, and all I can do to help.   

Larry, no Andy hasn't had any sign of the Perthes damage but he wouldn't admit it until he couldn't walk.  The doctors said "30% of the kids that have this will have it return later in life and will need hip replacements."  When in college he volunteered with other engineers to help a group of "handicapped", mostly Cerebral palsy patients, customizing wheel chairs & means of communication.  One of the other volunteers was also a Perthes "survivor" so they compared notes & research.  Treatment was so different among doctors and I've always wondered if any decision was made to what worked best for the "long term".  We took him to 4 orthopedics that agreed to the treatment/braces that was recommended for Andy.  It was a long 5 years, the 5th year was trying to slow him down without braces while the new bone hardened. 

Don, glad to know when to expect the new cards.  I'd hate to be in charge of handling that job, wouldn't you?  :-\

Off to deliver food..............Shirley


I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK THIS AFTERNOON!!!! :nanadance: :cheer: :happydance: :jump: :pineapple: :headspin: :wave2:

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Wow! Jane, doing the happy dance

Shirley:  I remember a friend mentioning the "shots" in the cooked pheasant - after we bit into it. 

Lloyd Hammond

well I think as far as doters go I am going to take the same opinion My brother did with hearing aids. he got fitted with hearing aids when they told him how much they cost. he said it is amassing how much better his hearing got all at once with out them. Bare in mined the quality and model of care doctors drive.
Have a great day.


June Drabek

Amy, I tried to send you an email to thank you for the pictures, but It wouldn't go on..my iMac is is not a youngster anymore so, like me, it ends up doing what it can, which is never enough. I really love your girls.

This has been a really pleasant day. Started out in Low gear, but picked up as the day progressed. A nice surprise. I really felt like I was coming down with something nasal so went downstairs to the clinic, Eric took my temp..it was normal so he said, " go and enjoy" and I did.

Had supper downstairs and enjoyed a fish dinner with good company.

Joy, I do hope you were able to go back to sleep. I feel too wiped our all day when I wake early as you did. We put our trash in plastic bags and put them outside our door, on days starting with T……for trash, they do there best to heip we oldsters remember the day.

Janie we had a mostly cloudy day, which I welcome. Rain would be even more welcome. I hope you get your computer home all fixed up by tomorrow.

Gloria, does Regina get a variety of weather or is it similar to So. Cal. ?

Larry I hope and pray your doctor can do something to heal you up really quick ! You have put up with illness for too long now.

Gloria de, the kids will be back home on the 14th. and yes, I surely will be happy to have them back.  They really needed this time out….they do so much for so many.

Janie….YAY !!!!! Hope it came home all healed up.  :thumbup:

I have a few dishes to wash then I am going to get read for book and bed.Have a peaceful night my dear ones. Peace, Love and Prayers.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good morning everyone..

They say we are to get a good amount of snow today, I have the blower gassed up and ready to go!! Hope the snow doesn't start till after I get home from the chiropractors.

Jane, so glad to see you have your computer home. :thumbup: We really miss them when they are in getting fixed.

June,you are doing just fine. We know computers have an attitude at times  ;) Glad you liked the photos  and will send you more .

Larry, I know you said to not worry BUT it is easier said than done. We can all bend God's ear with prayers for you and do!!

Shirley, will you share your chicken under glass please? Andy is one amazing lad but you knew that already.

Gloria, everyone I sent the Vacation post to more friends and they loved it..a lot of good giggles in that one. Blame it on the internet is good and so true too!!

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good moring Everyfriend!  It's snowing hard and has been doing so for a while.  If the weather report is to be believed it started around 4 a.m.  and is supposed to continue until about 3 this afternoon. 

Everyone in a 3 county area was in WM yesterday replenishing their bread and milk....and potato chips, Pepsi, cinnamon buns, fried chicken, video games, mucinex, chocolate candy, TV dinners...and anything else that would fit in the cart.  It was horrendous!

I think this is one of those days that I call off.  I'm really timid about driving in bad beather and I don't look forward to shoveling my car out from under a day's worth of snow so I can come home and collapse.  I'm going to be an ornery old lady and stay home.  Maybe I'll make barbecue sauce today.  We'll see!

I think I'll tell my nice neighbor with the snow blower to stay home until the snow stops around 4 this afternoon.  That'll be a good reason to stay home.

I hope you all have a lovely day with unexpected good things happening!  Stay warm. Stay well and enjoy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, happy to read you are staying home , no fun travelling in dirty weather and not nice having to clean your car off. Home is where the  :smitten: is :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers