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September 20, 2024, 09:30:05 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Good morning, Buddies and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.  I've had breakfast and cleaned that up, but still need to get dressed and ready for Tim and Kris.  I think they'll probably come over about 10:30 or 11:00.  Tim is bringing most of the dinner and will probably use my ovens.  He looked them over the other day and decided they will be adequate.  I've made a blueberry pie and set the table with my Christmas china so except for getting dressed and making things tidy, I'm ready for our celebration.

Mary and Marilyn, I hope you're both feeling better today--and Marilyn if you do drive to visit your Children, take care.  I imagine traffic will be heavy today. 

Nothing is worse than having a bad cold and/or infection during the Christmas holiday.  I see that Mary is planning to stay away from other folks at her residence but Marilyn is hoping to feel well enough to travel.  Take care, both of you.

Jane, Darlene, Alpiner, Mary, and whoever is looking in--a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!



We had lots of fun watching Bunny this morning.  We always wrap one of her old toys in tissue paper with a piece of deli turkey inside.  As soon as the tree goes up every years she is under it trying to sniff out HER gift. Of course we don't put it under until Christmas morning. She gets so excited and noses out her gift and tears into it until she gets her turkey!  She's the kid in our house.

John got me some bird stuff and some Estee Lauder cologne set. I always get him a pair of PJ's in memory of Mom, because that's what she always got him in her later years.  His hearing aids and trip are his real gifts.

We've heard from all 3 kids and will call John's sisters soon.

Mary, I'm glad you're feeling a little better and I hope it disappears soon.  A shower always feels good after being sick a while.

Alpiner. Hope you have fun at the casino.

Thank you, Darlene, and the same to you and yours. You're so lucky to be with your family. Ours is so dispersed, it just isn't possible.

Jane, enjoy your sunny Christmas.  Melanie said she was going to take a walk and play pickle ball! They are enjoying being in FL.

Sue, enjoy your dinner with Tim & Kris. It sounds like you've made it special.

We're having dinner about 5 or 5:30--filet mignon, mashed potatoes, broccoli and pie of course.  Nothing to difficult or fancy to fix since it's just us.  I've also done a load of laundry.  That is no respecter of holidays.

Have a wonderful day, Buddies!


Merry Christmas, Every Buddie.

We went to church this morning...it was decorated beautifully with different size Christmas trees with fairy/rice lights along the back of the altar.  It was bilingual which is different for me.  My Spanish is virtually nonexistent, and even with the words projected on the screen, it's lost on me. 

Then back to the condo and Ray cooked his prime rib while I had my ham.  We're having a quiet afternoon with music from the music channel on the Tv.

I think Ray's got bronchitis now...he's so short of breath.  I hope we can get into the clinic tomorrow...he canceled golf tomorrow when we saw his golfing partner and wife right behind us at church.  I have to have another blood test, too, for my rheumatologist, so I'm hoping we can do both in one clinic visit. 

Always SOMETHING, isn't it!!

I hope everyone's day is peaceful and enjoyable. 



Good morning, Jane and Every Buddy looking in.  I hope you were able to get Ray to the doctor and he is feeling better today.

We did have a peaceful day yesterday.  Tim and Kris came over about 11:00 with food ready to go into the oven and we had a glass of wine while opening gifts.  Tim outdid himself as usual with lots of yummy food and I have leftovers here for several days at least.  Jon, Stacie, Alex, and Nic called later in the afternoon, so that was fun, too.  Bill also called from his hunting trip.  He'll go home on the day before New Years Eve and they'll open their gifts that evening.  I need to put the gifts away and start un-decorating the Christmas tree.  That shouldn't take long as I didn't put a lot that I have on it, just family favorites for the most part.

It's cool here again this morning and I hope to get the leaves off my deck and the back yard.  I'll tote them down to my leaf pile, which I really should turn over before taking the leaves down there!

I also have a large bowl of cookie dough which I didn't finish baking, so hope to get those cookies made sometime today or tomorrow.  I have several books calling my name, too!



Cloudy day here, but rain has stopped.  Trying to get a doc appt is frustrating. He'd called MOnday morning and answering service took the call.  She said they'd call us.  Nope. They were closed, but answering service didn't know that.  He called again this morning...office to open at 8:00 but no answer...answering service again.  "They'll call you."  I had to have blood work done for my rheumatology thing, so he asked at the office and got an appt for 3:15.  Our "Iowa ARNP" isn't there anymore, and they have a new system, so lots of paperwork to fill out.  😜. At least we can do that part here, and I keep a printed list of meds and procedures he's had so can just attach that.

Nothing else much going on.  We stopped on way back to island so he could get a haircut and beard trim.  He's found a guy here who does a good job. 



Jane, glad you got an appt for Ray.  Good thinking bringing his records with you. I hope you enjoyed the Christmas service even if it was bi-lingual.  I went to a service in Notre Dame Cathedral and found that even though I was fluent in French, the service was in an older version of French--kind of like King James English--and I had trouble understanding all of it.  Of course, it was a Catholic service too & I'm Methodist, so that added to the difficulty.

Sunny and 55 here today, so I got my new birdbath, water wiggler, and finch feeder up. Hope to see some activity soon. The bluebirds were there earlier this AM.  No real plans for the day. Just read and relax.

Sue, I hope you get your leaves and cookies taken care of and can answer the call of the books.  :D  Glad you had a good Christmas.

Hi to everyone. Hope you all had a good day yesterday and are relaxing today.  Sharon


We went to the casino , just the two of us . Got a call from son they wouldn't be meeting us , he had a scratchy throat .  After lunch I played the slots for a bit . I put in $10 , played
 , played several machines & checked out with $22.97 .  It rained here yesterday , got about 1/2 an inch . There was a bit of snow in our local mountains . Today its blue sky & sunny .


I must have been a "good little girl" this year because Santa was very good to
me. Lots of presents, lots of food shared by my family and me, and lots of company stopping in. Memories,Memories!!!!!!
Louisiana Joy
Share your Christmas joys with us.


Sharon...I'm seeing more birds out looking for food...what is a water wiggles you mentioned? Darlene


alpiner, congrats on winning some at the machines.  I hope your son doesn't have the same cold I do - it's a nasty one.

Darlene, I wish I could put my feeders out again.  I've just had too much trouble with the squirrels - and just don't want to feed them.

I guess I am feeling some better.  I went up to lunch today - just had a bowl of chili and some grapes, but at least I got out.  It really wiped me out, though.  I just fixed myself a sandwich in my apartment for supper.  Margaret and Kate are coming over for a little while tomorrow for a belated Christmas visit. I have to get out on Friday - getting a haircut, picking up an order from Walmart, and going to the hospital for my pretesting.  That should really test my stamina.

Glad to hear everybody had a good holiday.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Buddies.  Yesterday I spent a lot of time taking all the ornaments off my Christmas tree and wrapping and packing them in the boxes for storage in the attic.  I cleaned off the mantle in my den as I put the ornaments (Santa Claus, small wooden characters, etc) back into my storage container.  I will break the tree into parts and put it back into its box, too.  I'm hoping Tim will have time tomorrow to take the ornament box up to the attic for me.  If not tomorrow, perhaps next week.  I can store the boxes in my spare bedroom until he has time to do that.

I still have a VERY large bowl of cookie dough that I need to bake--and hope to get that done today, too.  I also have a small plate of pimento cheese balls that I made to give to Tim and Kris on Christmas Day, but forgot to give them when they were leaving.  It had been pushed to the back of the fridge and I didn't remember that it was there!

Mary, I'm glad you were feeling "some" better yesterday, but hope that today you are feeling WAY better!  Take it easy and find something fun to read today. 

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Alpiner, I'm glad you won a little Christmas cash!  Sorry your son is sick and couldn't join you.

Joy, your truly do sound joyous about your Christmas. I'm so glad it was so nice for you.  I'm afraid ours was very quiet. We exchanged a few small gifts, talked to the kids on the phone, and had a nice dinner.  I think John was happiest with the mince pie I made for him.

Darlene, a water wiggler is a mechanical device that you put in the bird bath and it causes the water to move. It attracts more birds and also prevents mosquitoes hatching.  Mine is solar, so I don't have to worry about batteries, but the battery ones are a little cheaper.  Wild Birds Unlimited carries them, but I'm sure they are available on line as well.

Sue, I can't believe you have your ornaments all packed away and the tree ready to take down!  You usually do it much later.  We do ours on New Years Day.

I'm going to the grocery in a bit. I hope to beat the rain coming in later this afternoon and tomorrow. It's very overcast and in the low 40's! Brrr.  I came south for the sun, but this year, we haven't had much since October.

I also stripped our bed and have the sheets in the wash. My cleaning girl usually changes them, but she is out of town and won't be here for another 10 days!

Mary, I'm glad you're a little better. I hope you've turned the corner now. I know you'll be glad to see the girls.

Hey, Jane, where are you?  Out soaking up the sun? Hope Ray got some help at the doctor yesterday.

Have a good day, everyone.  Sharon


I have a great trips both ways and good  realaning time with family. Returned home about 3 yesterday. The traffic going nsouth and the return trip north was very little. It is a beautiful relaxing drive   along the ocean most of the way, part of it through the redwoods, very beautiful trip both ways.


Marilyn, so glad you got there and back without stress and had a nice time with the family. I was worried about you, but I guess your doctor knew best.  The relaxation was probably your best medicine.  How did K and the caretaker get by?  Okay, I guess, or you would have mentioned it.  Sharon


Joy, great you had such fun times with your birthday AND Christmas.

Sharon, I'd love to have some of that mincemeat pie, too.  It's my favorite, and was always John's.
 His birthday was 29 November, and he always got a mincemeat pie instead of a cake.

Marilyn,  hooray for such great and much-needed "ME" for your Christmas present. 

Sue, congrats on getting your decorations put away (almost).

Overcast and rainy here, too.  Margaret and Kate left about an hour ago - hope they get home before getting into too much rain.  It's supposed to be here mostly during the night-time hours.  I hope so anyway.  I'm due to go to the hospital tomorrow for my pretesting.  I talked to somebody on the phone this afternoon for insurance information, and he didn't seem concerned about how I sounded (still with some hoarseness).  They brought me turkey/dressing/gravy and other left-overs from their dinner (YUM) and a few presents.  Matt and Claire (grandkids) had gotten me a present - a lovely yarn bowl (a bowl with a decorative slot to feed your yarn while knitting.  I've looked at a lot of them, but have never had one, and I'm really tickled about this.

Happy Holiday weekend to all the Buddies!

(I thought I just posted this and it showed up in the ShoutBox - don't know how that happened.)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary...take care of that cold...it can turn bad quickly as we found out.

I read all the comments, but I'm too tired to respond to everyone.

It's been a stressful day.  The Nurse Practitioner Ray saw said we needed to go up to Harlingen for X-rays and he expected them to keep Ray maybe 2 days and withdraw the fluid in his left lung. 

That's what today was about...xrays, IVs, ct scan, two different ekgs, a visit from a cardiologist who said not his heart, and a pulmonologist who will withdraw the fluid tomorrow. 

I'm beyond tired tonight.  I had to drive back to the Island to get his actual Med
bottles...the list with doses, etc wasn't good enough.  First time that's happened to us.

Tonight and tomorrow night I'm in a motel near the hospital. 

I may not be able to post for a day or two but I will as soon as I can.



So sorry, jane.  I know from first-hand experience how hard that is for both of you.
 Check in when you can.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Jane Sorry to hear this about Ray's health. I hope all goes well for  both of you.

All is well here, the roofers have started the roof, It is sure about time. I have moved the car out to the street so they can put their trailer in the drive backed right up to the house. The already have the tar paper on the garage.

When the caregiver gets here today I should go to the gym for a mini workout, just bicycle, rowing machine, and treadmil, I will work in the other machines as ai go on different days. I don't want to over do myself. However, I could sure use a good massage, I have some tight muscles in my back and shoulders. I also need to do a bit of shopping while she is here and go to the bank.


Jane, I'm so sorry to hear about Ray's health problems. Prayers going out for you both. Keep us in the loop.

Marilyn, so glad to hear the roofers are there. Good for you going to exercise!  I should but probably won't today. Maybe tomorrow.

I just got back from the dermatologist. She said I was all clear except for a couple bumps on my chin that she froze. Lots of traffic to and from.  Nothing scheduled next week.

Mary, when is your surgery? If you told us, I've forgotten.

Have a nice weekend.  Sharon


Marilyn, glad the work on the house is getting done - and that you're getting out.  I hope you get that massage!

Marilyn, my surgery is next Thursday, 3 January.  I went to day for the pre-admission/lab stuff, but I won't know the time until the day before.  This was my first time "out" since I got this cold.  I did okay, but it surely wore me out.  Plus I'm already feeling the effects of having to stop the NSAIDs.

After getting around 3" of rain since last night, the sun is actually out (about 2 hours before sunset).  But it won't last - rain to start again on Sunday and be off and on all week long.
 Welcome to winter in Tennessee.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good Morning Buddies. I am feeling pretty good this morning after a great night of sleep. I am breathing much better too. So I hope that my eye surgery will  stay on schedule. The Nsaids were to be stopped 10 days prior however, in the ambulance they gave me 4 baby aspirins,.when I got home from CA. I took two Aleve because my back was hurting, then yesterday without even thinking about it I took a baby aspirin. I will have to tell the Dr about that. I have a follow up appointment with my regular Dr Monday because she wants to check me out after the A fib episode last Friday.

Keith is doing much better as long as he remembers to pick up his wound vac and carry it with him. The wound is getting smaller every time I see it. It is healing  wonderfully.


Good morning, Buddies.  It's not raining here this morning (Hurray!) but looks like it could at any minute. I have lots of leaves down all over the lawn and really should go out and rake at least some of them up.  Unfortunately that is not my favorite job--and I'll probably spend the day procrastinating!  I'm in the midst of a book and will try to finish it today.  Auburn played a great game yesterday and won by a large margin over Perdue which was a big surprise after a disappointing football season.  I haven't checked this morning's paper for the games playing today.

Marilyn, I'm glad you're feeling better and I also hope your eye surgery stays on schedule.  I hope the doctor is OK with the baby aspirin yesterday.  I am glad to hear that Keith is better and the wound is healing so well.  Keep us posted on both of you.

Mary, I hope you can shake off the cold before the upcoming surgery.  We had rain here yesterday, too, and expect more this week.  I am pretty tired of being inside while the rain pours down!  Although I do have library books to read and gift books from Tim and Kris when I finish the library books.  I hope your eye surgery stays on schedule and all goes well.  Will one of the girls be able to stay with you a night or two?

Sharon, it sounds like you'll have a quiet week for once.  I hope you'll take it easy and enjoy your rest!  Woo Hoo on the good report from the dermatologist. 

Jane, if you're able to look in this morning, I want you know that I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a good outcome from the tests and possible treatment.  Having a husband in distress is anxiety plus!  Try to get as much rest as you can--although I know from experience with Bob's illness, it's probably the hardest thing you have to face now.

Have a nice weekend, Every Buddy.


Mary, I'm glad you got your preop-surgery stuff done even if it tired you.  I'm with you on all the rain. We have the same forecast although it is fairly nice today.  Hang in there and we'll be thinking about both you and Marilyn on the 3rd!

Jane, I hope Ray got through his procedure okay and is doing better. Thinking about you both.

Sue, I wonder if the HOA will blow our leaves again this winter. They did a wonderful job a couple weeks ago, but with all the rain, we have lots more down. My son wasn't as happy with the Auburn/PU game as you were. They were crying crocodile tears!  :D


Good morning everyone...hope everyone is doing ok...Jane prayers for your hubby...and others that need a healing touch...my kids all went home yesterday...sure hated to see them leave...the house is so quite..I had a wonderful Christmas...My kids are so good to me and I am so blessed...well better finish my coffee and get ready for church...Happy New Year to all my buddies Darlene


We're back from church. No SS and only 1 service today. Sang lots of requested Christmas hymns/carols. I've eaten and put a load in the washer. Going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Frozen meatballs,so not much effort.  I didn't get to sleep till after 3:00 this AM, so it was a major effort to make it to church.

I hope Ray is better. I had hoped to hear something from Jane today.

Darlene, I'm sure the house is quiet today, but sometimes that's a good thing.

Our rain has temporarily stopped. It was just a light drizzle this AM, just enough to need the ws wipers.

All for now. Maybe I'll check back later.  Sharon


Long day and a bronchoscope done...biopsies taken the pulmonologist told me...but won't have results for about a week with the holiday, etc.  Our niece is coming down tomorrow to be with us.  Her husband and sons are coming Jan. 9-13 as we had planned.  He's still got the chest tube, is hooked up to IVs after the anesthetic (sp?) for the procdure and on oxygen.

Nasty day here...cold, rainy, and wind.  Brrrrr...



jane, are you staying at your condo?  or at an apartment near the hospital (McA??) So glad your niece is going to be there with you.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Buddies.  It's another dreary day here in Auburn and we might get more rain today.  I'm caught up on laundry and won't work outside except for cleaning up the leaves on my back porch deck.  I am reading another Dewey Lambdin Naval novel and will probably spend most of the day doing that.  I need to run my dish washer as I have very few dishes left that are clean!  I don't know if Tim will be over this morning--I have the feeling that he and Kris had a late night last night!  I have all the ornament boxes ready to go back into the attic if he has time to put them up there.

Jane, I hope that Ray is showing improvement today and will soon be home with you.  I am glad your niece is coming today to be with you.  Thoughts and prayers for good results for Ray.

Sharon, our church service yesterday was also lessons and carols.  Our female co-pastor moderated, but the service was primarily familiar carols.  Afterwards my usual ride home (Alice's son) had to take a brother-in-law to Atlanta to catch a flight home, so I had to go to Burger King with the others who go there every Sunday.  I had a cheeseburger and a cup of coffee and was glad to get home after that.

Marilyn, I hope you're feeling better this morning.  Any news on the A-Fib?  Could it be related to stress from the holidays and worry over Keith?  Take care of yourself and keep us posted.

Darlene, what fun to have your kids there for Christmas!  Tim and Kris brought the makings for Christmas dinner and Tim put everything in the oven while we opened gifts.  Bill called me from his hunting trip and Jon/Stacie/Alex and Nic had called on Christmas Eve.  It was a nice day here.

Mary, we've had way too much rain, too.  Sort of like Noah and the flood!  The first winter after I moved up here (Bob had died 2 years prior to that) it snowed on Christmas Eve.  When I took Stubby out for his morning walk, every house in my neighborhood had a tiny snow man less that 10" high in their front yard.  I had to laugh after all the snow during our 2 tours of duty at Brunswick, Maine.  We always got it in drifts up to 4 feet deep!  I was so glad when Bill and Tim were able to help with the shoveling because the squadron always left town during the big storms!

Not much else to report this morning.  I'm planning a quiet day reading.  I have several favorites from the library waiting, plus new ones I received for Christmas from Tim and Kris.  I'm hoping the trash men came back later to pick up my Christmas stuff in the large can.  They did get the papers and plastic bottles early this morning.  I see that they will not be working tomorrow.  We get an annual month by month schedule every January.

Happy New Year, Every Buddy.  Alpiner and Joy and whoever else I've missed today I hope you've had a lovely holiday, too!



Jane, what a holiday season this has been for you and Ray. I do hope the tests come back good. Is he still in the hospital?  I presume he is, but will he have to wait the week for the results while in the hospital? I, too, am wondering where you are staying and happy that your niece is coming to be with you. You need the support of family when a loved one is sick.  Sending HUGS and PRAYERS!

It's gray, drippy, and chilly here too. We've had about 18" over normal!  I never heard of such a thing except in a hurricane.  We've had 2 of those but only about 5" from them.

Sue, enjoy your books today.  I plan to also.  Tomorrow, I'm cooking corned beef & cabbage (no black-eyed peas for this northern girl).  We also plan to take all the decorations down tomorrow and get them packed away. Somehow, they look really extraneous after NY's Day to me even though I know a lot of people wait till Epiphany.



Happy New Year, Buddies!

Nothing going on around here.  Gray skies, waiting for the rain to start.  We, too, are way over our average annual rainfall this year.  I hope folks don't have too much trouble getting home from their late-night parties tonight.

I'm on count-down to my surgery on Thursday.  I stopped all the supplements, aspirin, and NSAIDs last week (and am definitely feeling that in my bones).  Today I had my mani/pedi and had all the polish removed.  I guess it's good to let the nails "breathe" for a while in any case.  Kate will come in on Wednesday to take me to the hospital and see that I'm okay afterward.

We're having beans, greens, and cornbread for supper tonight (favorites around here), so I guess that will count for our traditional New Year's meal.

jane, you and Ray are always in our thoughts.  As are Marilyn and Keith.

OK, Buddies - keep the merry-making sane and sober tonight.  ;D 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."