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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 20, 2024, 09:29:57 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Larry, so good to see you in here today.  Everybody worries about you.

MaryAnn, I would give anything (almost) for a good old fashioned Michigan chili dog.


Mary Ann

Shirley, if I thought one would make the trip and taste as good there as when it left here, I'd consider sending you one.  But can you imagine the mess you'd have when it arrived?  In the summertime, come up here and we'll take you to the Corner Bar!

I hope things are improving for you.  One more treatment?

Mary Ann


Good evening, well now they say we aregoing to get oer 2 inches of rain instead of snow, but will be more dangerous, as the temp. is going from 42 to 8. So everything will be ice. Snow you can handle but not ice,

Jeanne, I use to have car port, and I could stand in my bedroom and start the car and let it run for a while.

Mary Ann, we use to go to Charleston for 3 months and pay my neighbor to take care of the mobile, as we left the heat on, and she took care of Toby (our other cat)
The man who is taking care of his father who now has bladder cancer, said he will take care of my front porch and walk. It in our contract we have to keep our walks clear in case the ambulance has to come in. They keep the snow plows going all the time.  there are many roads. Glenwood Village has many roads.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Gloria, Norm would turn the heat to either 55 or 60 degrees and when I knew we were going to have very low temps, I'd open the doors under the kitchen sink which was at an outside corner of the kitchen.  I may do that here tonight as we are expecting low temps tonight and tomorrow morning.  My thermometer reads 15 degrees now.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann - I've never been where the temps were as low as 15 degrees.  We spent one Winter in Eastern Washington, which to me was extremely cold.  I don't think it went below 25 degrees, but it's been so long ago that I've forgotten?

Gloria de - The news tonight was all about the freezing temperature in the Midwest and North East.  I think about you, all alone in that cold weather, and wish that your nephew could come back and stay with you.  I'll bet you wish you could step back in time, and go to Charleston again for the Winter.   

JeanneP - I agree with Mary Ann, that you might consider spending a month in Texas, with your daughter.  No point in suffering in the Winter cold.  I know you have your parrot to take care of, but maybe you could board him at the vets, or he could stay at a friends house?  There must be places that will take care of pet birds?

Shirleyn - I've never had a chili dog!  I'd sure like to try one, but I don't know of any places here that have them?  Maybe Mary Ann, can send us both one!

Larry - I hope you'll be feeling much better, when you read this message in the morning! :thumbup:


MaryAnn, yesterday and today I feel pretty good.  It is almost three weeks since the last treatment.  It seems it takes that long for the chemicals to exit my body.  Next week should not be too bad, I get the prednisone for 5 days & that gives me energy.  It will be the following two weeks I do not look forward to.  By the way, I would love to visit Michigan one more time, in the summer.

Marilyne, maybe we could meet MaryAnn next summer?  Wouldn't that be fun?  When I was in Hi School, my friend and I went everyday for a coney  island (what they were called) for lunch.

Hi Gloria, I hope you can stay dry, warm and safe today.



Good morning on this dreary morning. The rain has stopped, but supposed to still be a cloudy day with temperatures plunging down to the single digits.  I do plan to just stay put.

Shirley, I did get 2 loads of laundry done yesterday.  Still have several more smaller loads to do, and might get some done again today.  Usually, most people here do laundry during the week, so, I usually have the whole room to myself on the weekends. 

I am hoping that Larry will feel well enough to let us hear from him today sometime.

I will try to get back later in the day. I have turned the heat up and plan to read for a little while. I have already had breakfast, so, even tho, I did sleep pretty good, it won't be unusual for a nap to show up.

Have a good day,


Mary Ann

I'm up but it is time to get ready for church so I'm not going to write much.  I was hoping there would be something from Larry this morning, but so far, nothing.

I think if you have Coney dogs in your area, they are the same as chili dogs.  Chili dogs are just hot dogs with a chili sauce on them and the chili sauce includes onions.  If I didn't say so before, we did not go to the Corner Bar yesterday.

It was -6 when I got up about 7 am and last I looked, it was -7.  One thermometer read -16 but that was in a sheltered spot and is now at -3.

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone.  Our morning starts out clear and sunny but it is suppose to be cloudy most of the day.  We are to get to the low 50's today, which I know sounds good to many of you dealing with very cold and unpleasant weather.  I had a rough day yesterday and spent a good part of it either in bed or laying back in my easy chair.  Around 8 pm last evening I suddenly realized I was feeling better than I have for several days and I was able to get a good nights sleep.  I have done a couple of things this morning that have pretty well used up my energy, at least for now.  I do appreciate your concern and welcome your prayers and kind thoughts.  I am still not up to trying to go to Church this morning.  I forgot to write yesterday that our ministers surgery was a success and I am sure he is now home and I know he has a meeting planned this afternoon with the new leadership of the Church for this coming year.

I can't think of anything to write to all of the comments that has not already pretty well be said by others.  So am just going to make this brief again this morning.  I may be late posting tomorrow as have someone coming to the house at 9 am to work with me for an hour or so. 

Mary Ann, I am not getting up as early as I have in the past and it is taking me longer to get dressed.  So don't be concerned about me if I am late.


good afternoon. Pouring rain, no snow.

Mary Ann, I am going to open the door under the sinks to night, they are still saying 8 to morrow morning.  I will also let the water run lightly, in our mobile the underneath  is near the ground. I do not think my heattap works any more, after 35 years.

Larry and Shirleyn I pray for better days

Marilyne, I sure wish I was able to go down to Charleston again, It is a beautiful city. My son Dennis graduated from the Citadel, I have a lotof happy memories there.  That is where I met and married
cyriel. He was from Ala. Yes I miss my nephew, but his father still needs him, as he is still in a wheelchair

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Larry, it is good to see a post from you and thanks for telling us you would be later tomorrow morning. That way we should not be concerned.  Take it easy and if all you can do it drop in to say "hi", that will be enough.

Tom just came upstairs and said he didn't feel well this morning, so he did not go to church.  I never can tell until he makes noises downstairs whether he's away or not.  I assume he is at church when I return at 12:30 or so.  So now he has gone out to get him something to eat and I told him to get something nourishing.  He drove to Holland last night and he and Mary had a pizza.  He blames his odd hours driving because the previous night he drove to Grand Haven to eat with friends. I told him only he could control his long distance driving, but he likes to keep in contact with many people who do not live around here - and I don't blame him.  He has some very nice friends. 

Dot and I did our usual this morning.  We both dressed warmly because of the weather and it was warm in church.  Dot counted noses this morning (she sits at the back of church where the comfortable chairs are) and there were 55 people in church today.  One reason might have been a guest speaker, but he was good.  He is head of a County-wide Food Pantry and gave a good presentation. 

I noticed my thermometer in this room reads 74 degrees but the sun is shining outside and in the window.  Usual temperature is 72 degrees and I have the main thermometer set at 73 degrees.  This room is on the south side of the unit and unless the wind blows hard from the south is always very comfortable.  Tom is the one who has it cooler and he likes it that way until it gets too cool with wind from the north.

Gloria, I forgot to open the doors under the kitchen sink, but nothing bad happened.  It got cold here but the thermostat was set high enough to keep the place warm.

Mary Ann


Good morning from the Interior. After having temps in the minus thirty to minus forties last week, yesterday was zero and today is minus six. By Wednesday we will be back in the plus twenties, such is life in an Arctic winter in January or February. My coldest temperature I have gone out in is minus seventy. However, I need to mention again there is a large difference between wet and dry colds and you dress for it in layers.

Larry, I'm glad to see you posting and that you're resting. I hope your cardiologist will be able to help when you visit him.

The Cony islands I've had are either beef or reindeer sausage with a meat sauce of ground meat, onions and yellow mustard. In the summer, there is a man, daughter, and son who have vendor carts selling them in the city.

MaryAnn, this unit would be very comfortable if they could or would fix the heat leaks around the balcony doors. It isn't the cold as much as it is the windy air coming through. The previous four winters were milder. It doesn't help that we no longer have control over our thermostats.

Hi Gloria. Stay warm, please! I too wish your nephew was there but I understand about his father.

Mary Ann

Patricia, would a "draft dodger" help with your air leaks? Years ago I crocheted something, using rug yarn, then stuffed it with old panty hose (anything would work) and I put that in front of my storm door sometimes when i want to take advantage of the sunshine from the south.  I know you can buy the things, but I did make mine.  I have no idea how many places the cold air comes into your apartment.

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, the living room is a rectangle with the balcony door at one end flanked by long narrow windows. The trouble is that the air leaks come from the sides as well as the bottom. The hallways and the five common rooms are chilly. AS I understand it, the heat for all state buildings is controlled by a computer in Juneau, not to me, an ideal situation.

I wish we were still privately owned but the Canadian company pulled out due to new US policies.

Mary Ann

Patricia, if Farrah wouldn't object, I'd consider clear plastic over the windows, then perhaps a draft dodger for the door.  Maybe even a draft dodger by the entrance to your apartment.  I know it would cut down the light, but it also might cut down the drafts into your area.  I have no more suggestions so I won't bother you with more.

The thermometer near me reads 13 degrees outside and I feel the air outside the window is trapped between the building and garage.  It's not far from being right. 

Kendrick and I just woke up from naps. 

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, my drapes which when pulled cover the whole wall are plastic vertical binds which aren't much help. I would use clear plastic if it were installed by maintenance as I cannot climb on a chair. Oh well, just getting to March will do. Thanks for the ideas.

Mary Ann

Patricia, I can't climb on a chair either.  It's all I can do to get up two steps to my front stoop.  Getting old isn't for sissies!  Hang in there!

For supper tonight I had my version of Eggs Benedict - English muffin bread, mayo/mustard mix, sliced lunch meat and poached egg.  Went down real good!!!

Last grocery order, instead of getting English muffins, they gave us English muffin bread for toasting.  It is smaller than regular bread and more square, not round.  If I wanted, I could use regular bread too.   For the next order, I've ordered two kinds of Canadian bacon and I forget what the difference is.

Mary Ann




Chili Cheese dogs are very simple to make
right at home,  so you don't have to spend
a lot of money finding out what they are like. 

Easy to make chili cheese dogs 


They are great and I wish I had the easy fixings for them

Enjoy !
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Sandy, chili cheese and coneys are not the same dog but they're both good!

Mary Ann

Sandy, I don't think Kraft wanted me to read their recipe because a box with Welcome came up where I should Login or Join and I didn't want to do either.  Not only that the 'x' at the top right corner would not work.  What I saw sounded good, but I'll pass.

Mary Ann


I doubt the computer people will make Tuesday, it out as snow still heavy piled in the area. Took me a long time to chip 4 inch of solid ice off my car today.  Tried it and will not start. I put a new battery in 3 weeks ago but I think the alternator has gone bad. I have put enough money in the car now but not been able to get out to look for another.  Hate to even think of getting one in this weather as mine sit in the driveway. I am just going to forget about it all and stay indoors.
It got down to 1 deg here last night with a little more snow  We have a really cold wet week coming. Will not be going out much.  Even my furnace is working hard.
Hope it will get much warmer and dry in Texas for Family. soon. No point in me going there for winters anymore. Been really cold this year.  Jane. Will be time to go home soon  for her stay down and not had to many nice day. I know my Family up in Houston not happy with their weather this winter. Lots of rain.
All of a sudden my joints in my thumbs are beginning to hurt with this cold weather. Hate that.Not good at taking pills.

Just saw a football game going on as I was switching Channels. 21 deg and crazy people sitting out in the stands. One of our HS games on Friday night playing in 24 deg.   We had another young HS boy die on the football field last week. that is the second one in the 10 mile area this year.  I just glad that none of my middle and HS Grands play in School Now. Into Ice Hockey one . (His Father Canadian and played for Canada for years). Caden is very good . Now I do like to watch that. They can get hurt but have a lot of protection on. 3 are into swimming and Basketball. Track.  Kids get into so much these days. Use to be just one when my girls went. Seem to learn less in Schools these days. Stopped most home work in C/U schools now. I don't think kids ever pick up a book. Sure like their phones though.
TimeTo to watch Victoria and so off the computer goes.


Disappointed, I too never saw the Blood Moon, cant see the moon anywhere this morning...Woke up for a bladder emptying around 3 am, looked out the window, nothing, then woke up and got up 5.am, ( chart says maximum eclipse 5.am ) still nothing to the front nor back....Hope you all had better luck...
Link to chart - scroll down.....



I didn't see it either, Jackie. I looked out the window around 9pm here to see if the moon was up. It was, so high in the sky that by the time the eclipse was due here, it would not have been seen through my windows because it would have been directly overhead. I'll be darn if I was going to go out in the wind and cold. Wind chill is at -11oF here this morning. It is 60F right now. Weatherman says it won't get out of the teens today, and it won't be much better tomorrow when I must get up early to pick George up for his Colonoscopy appointment. Major UGH. Not looking forward to that.


Good morning.  I am just marking my place.  Nothing interesting has happened so far this  morning. But, I am up and not quite "atem" yet. Need to get some breakfast and then, hopefully, I will get back later. 

Have a good day and try to stay warm and cozy to those who are experiencing this COLD spell. 



Hi Everyone.  We had a sunny day all day yesterday which was enjoyable.  I had wanted to go out mid-afternoon for our main meal but didn't feel up to doing so when I got up from resting.  So Pat fixed us each a hamburger, fresh spinach salad and applesauce.  I did watch both of the pro football playoff games, which turned out to be super games both going into overtime.  I am up early as couldn't go back to sleep after Pat came to bed around 2:30.  I have nothing planned for today as not feeling perky. 

Once again I am going to be brief today and just check in.

Mary Ann

I'm glad you checked in Larry, even if no other message.  Keep on resting to regain some strength.

I'm up for the second time and I'm sorry to say I forgot all about the Blood Moon last night.  I don't know if it was visible here or not.  I wouldn't be surprised if people here could view it because we're at -4 degrees now and it was clear overnight. 

When I got out of bed the second time (9:15 am) Kendrick was on my bed and he never moved a muscle when I left and he's still there.  It's hard to make the bed when he is on it. 

MLK day, so no mail today.  On the up side - no bills. 

Mary Ann


I had a restless/sleepless night, and got up a number of times. I also had forgotten about the Blood Moon, but I remembered right away when I walked into the kitchen around 1:00 am, and saw that  the back deck was illuminated brighter than I have seen in a long time. It was absolutely beautiful to look around the yard. I could count every leaf on the camelia and the oleander. I looked out the front windows, but our neighbors directly across the street keep a number of outside lights on all night long, so that makes the moonlight not seem as bright. There is also a street light out there, whereas when I look in the back yard, there are no house or street lights.  I did not stay up late enough to see the eclipse.

Lots of things to do today, in the way of housework, so I had better get dressed and get started. I'll check back later.


I see I was the last one to leave a message here! :-\ Everyone must be busy today, but it is a holiday, so maybe you are all visiting friends or family, or going somewhere nice for lunch or dinner?  We were planning to go to Kirk's tonight for hamburgers, but there is always a long wait there on weekends, and today would be an extension of the weekend . . .  So we'll likely go tomorrow instead. 

It's very cold here today with a North wind blowing like crazy, so it's not pleasant to go out side at all.  I'm not complaining however, when I read what most of you are going through in the way of Winter weather!  I guess that Shirleyn and FlaJean, are comfortable and warm, in Florida, but they are probably the only ones. 

I hope we hear from others, before the day is over?

Mary Ann

I read your previous message, Marilyn, but I guess I didn't have anything to say, so did not write anything.  I did take a nap, then decided to print some unread messages in my Inbox, but I have to print from another older computer.  I could not get online.  I think it had to do with the recent change from AT&T to Comcast.  I worked for some time to connect and had just gotten to the new password when Tom came up the stairs, wondering if my phone was working (it is not).  He took my other computer and got that to be online - so one down, one to go. 

I don't get a lot of phone calls, except Robo calls, so my TracFone has been handy.  I think only Dot and Tom have the number and Dot has called two or three times, especially because of the weather yesterday prior to going to church. 

My printer is not compatible with this computer but it is with the other one when it will connect!  I need to print some things for taxes, otherwise, I'd have to have Tom print them but he said he had not changed the information on his printer, so that would have been a bust!

It is 11 degrees now at 5:30 pm ET but it's warm inside - 73 degrees and that is what our thermostat is set at; the thermostat is just outside the door to this room.

More than you wanted to know, but that is why I didn't post since your last message. 

Mary Ann


Marilyne, our temp got down to 31 last night.  But it has been a sunny day so it got up to the 50s by noon.  The rest of the week will be in the high 50s and 60s so I'm not complaining.  Every quarter we get the baseboards inside and around the house outside sprayed so that was done today. 

 I think my son-in-law is getting ready for the Super Bowl.  They went out shopping for a bedroom dresser and ended up with a big TV.  They both work long hours so TV is often their only entertainment  and Jeff loves watching sports,especially football and hockey.  They use to go to ice hockey games when they lived close to Miami but we don't have anything like that in this area.  

I didn't see Blood Moon last night either.  We have a skylight in the hallway to the master bathroom and I could see the moon shining brightly when I got up in the night but didn't even think about the eclipse.

Glad everyone seems to be OK.  The days are getting longer and spring will be here soon.  The days seem to fly by sometimes and other times they drag by. 😊