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September 20, 2024, 09:30:30 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for March 15,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, March 14, 2019, 06:31:08 PM

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Good Morning Everyone, 
from the Sunny and warmer,
Rocky Coast of Maine.

Weather is turning here and
going to reflect more "Spring Like"
Temps.     Soon I should be able
to get out and do more walking
around the city  (If my spirit moves !)

I hope everyone is feeling
better and listening to and doing
what their Drs suggest.   (Even
though they do not wanna.. 
 :knuppel2:  :knuppel2:  :knuppel2: 

Enjoy,  Sandy 
P.S.   Hi to Joan.   Glad to
see that you are back after
recovering from a fall.

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


I have so many irons in the fire this morning I am going in circles, afraid to sit down because I really am sleepy. Waiting to see if my grandson will call to say he'll be over to do some jobs for me... an hour or two. I pay $25. an hour & usually give a bonus if they work harder/faster.  ;)   

Gloria, since I have a couple of those bills that must be called to keep the price down, I watch them all for any increases & call before writing a check. I get the person's name & make a note on the bill when less than what it shows! I pay fair and like to be treated fair.... don't usually give anyone a chance to cheat me twice (you know that old saying)..

Larry, so sorry you are feeling such low energy but we can hope & pray it is spring.... and as Arthur Godfrey used to say, "time for that sassafras tea to thin the blood".  Guessing you take enough blood thinners so probably don't need sassafras. You are good at knowing what you need to do.

Lloyd & Amy, sympathy for the bumps on the head, I've had my share. I notice that Larry also warned that "the bump is better on the outside than pushing in," he grew up in my neck of the woods & our mothers gave us the same warnings!   :thumbup: 

Jane, I got to church on time and had the fun of watching my 2 year old red headed great grandson "talk his way through church". On the other end of the pew was the little 2 year old gr-grandgirl doing the same. I think I grinned all the way through the service remembering back when mine were growing up. Must say, mine toned it down when I threatened them with dire consequences when we got home.  I don't think that is cool now.  :-\   

Better get moving, got to clean this floor & clean off the table before (and IF) gr-son comes to work. This the the day to clean bugs out of those lights... I don't now how they get inside those covers but they hardly let any light out now. Wonder if they grow after they get inside.... :knuppel2:  :idiot2:


I just checked my email and got an email from Dori, June's DIL. I sent her an email this morning.

  Dear Gloria,
Yes, things have been pretty crazy around here. I am so sorry to say that my dear, beautiful, precious Mother-in-Love went home to be with the Lord on March 6th. She died as she lived... with grace, dignity, faith, hope and joy...and with love and gratitude for her Lord and loved ones on her lips.
We have company/family flying in tomorrow morning and her service is tomorrow afternoon, so I covet your prayers for all involved. We are at peace, and so happy for her that she is well and whole again, and in the arms of Jesus... but we will truly miss her so. She was everything lovely!!
I apologize for not contacting you first and I thank you so much for contacting me.
Dori Drabek
""Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
Proverbs 31:29-31 NIV
"He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler."  Psalms 91:4 KJV

Rest in Peace  our Dear June

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


I am reading this through tears.....we have lost a wonderful friend and mentor. What a blessing she was to everyone she came in contact with. What a void she will leave.........but I am thankful for the memories she gave us. God truly has an angel ...
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Gloria, sorry, I meant to say thank you for posting this. Not good news for us but knowing June, tis good news for her to be with God and her hubby.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Gloria, thanks for posting Dori's e-mail.  June's death is a shock, yet it is not a shock because of the many spells she's had.  Now she is at peace, no pain, no problems.  I am so sorry Dori did not let us know earlier, but I know they have busy lives. 

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

I went to the Stanton CA and Heber CA newspapers for obits but found none.  Perhaps there will be something tomorrow since that is when the memorial service will be.  I have no idea where her husband was interred and he died several years ago.  I will keep looking and post something - if I find anything.

Mary Ann


Oh, I am so sorry to hear about June's passing.  I was kind of afraid that, since we hadn't heard anything for a while, that maybe this was the case.  She was just a lovely, gracious lady, and we all are blessed to have had her for a friend.  I know she is just where she would want to be.  The heaven has another very bright star.  She had a lovely family and I know she will be very much missed by them, and by all  of us. 

Gloria, I know that was hard for you to have to relay Dori's  message.  Thank you so much !



I'm so very sorry to learn about June.  She was a dear, loving, caring person with a positive happy attitude.  I loved the saying at the end of every post of hers...something about "As long as we're here...let's dance".
And so she did.


Like all of you, my heart aches knowing that June will never console us with her wise sayings again. There was one day I felt that June had gone home, but it wasn't the 6th, maybe the 16th, I was going to remember that date but don't. Already I will have to re-read to remember when the service will be, my thoughts & prayers with all that loved her, she certainly was one of a kind.

We have had the pleasure of knowing so many unique people through these computers, I started thinking of names that left their mark on my life & probably most of yours. The list is amazing, each of us probably had a special spot in our hearts for different people. June will be one of the highlights for me.

I've done all the work (demerits from Joan) I plan to do today, Sunday or not, when help shows up we do the job! Cats are looking at me like they expect to eat again. I'd rather sleep than eat. I'll check in later, been watching for word about June and now such an empty feeling. 

Thank you so much for contacting Dori, Gloria. I don't think any of our families realize exactly how important this group is to us.  You all are my best friends that I share a cup of coffee with every morning, that I check several times a day to see how everyone is doing.. that I tell more about my personal feelings than I tell my own family and more understanding in many ways than the people I can touch & talk to.  Thank you all for the time you spend joining in this conversation. Shirley


June, may you forever rest in eternal peace in the comfort of our lords kingdom
Such a inspiration to me and others I know, you will be missed forever.
Love, Your friend, Mycheal


I am so sad to learn of Our June's passing.  I, too, was afraid this might be the case after our not hearing from this dear lady in so long, but I hoped it was not the case.  I am saddened that we did not hear sooner, especially since someone did come in a couple of times......maybe it WAS Our June and she was trying to tell us❣️❣️

Thank you, GLORIA, for reaching out to Dori, so that she would let us know.  I think this is something that many of have been concerned might happen......IF June's Family did not come forth right away, sadly, I do not know who's family would.  I hope you will ALL understand my thought!  What can we do to make sure that our family do know how important it is to let our SF Friends know how important it is to send out the word??

I am feeling so deflated right now.....there is so much sadness surrounding me.  Please understand that I am not trying to say poor me, I am just trying to acknowledge that more than ever I need to count my blessings rather than let the concerning things take over.  I know WE ALL are filled with grief.....the friends we have here are in many ways equally as special to us as our close friends and family members. 

Michele is having a very hard time right now.  She has very high anxiety that is overwhelming her.  Dave is beside himself just not knowing what he can do for her.  Having to take the daily does of chemo in pill form have her feeling very low bot mentally as well as physically.  Your continued thoughts and prayers are so appreciated and I wish I did not have to share the concerns I have for her and Dave right now.  I know many of you or your close loved ones have been through this so you DO understand. 

SHIRLEY, you are so correct that we ALL will miss Our June's comforting words.  We are all so blessed to have had this ladies wonderful influence in our lives. 

RIP JUNE DRABEK......I am smiling now, knowing you are holding your Beautiful Daughter Susie once again🙏🙏

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenn, my mother used to call what you are going through as "a heavy heart".... almost like you can't bear the weight of pain in your heart for everyone you love. Hugs to you. I found a "chat room" when my brother-in-law had another kind of cancer and read their opinions of what helped the cancer patients and ways to take their mind off if even for only a few minutes. I was surprised that one person taking the worst drug possible at that time, for causing all kinds of terrible side effects.. and said, "if you can make us laugh even for a few minutes, that is a break in the constant pain."  During the year he was taking that drug (gave up after 9 months) he went from being an over 6' husky man to a shriveled up head shorter person. Surprisingly, he gained his weight & height back after the chemo was over and is still going strong 30+ years later. Miracles do happen and I will keep on praying that Michele can hold on. Know that helping them with the kids is the best thing you can do, I'm sure that gives them more peace of mind than anything else you could do. Shirley


I had just planed on checking out the post to night.Now as I read I have a heavy heart. I feel like I have lost a close relative. I am in tears.Everyone has put into words what I wold like to say. Our 90's club has one less spoke in our circle of friendship. Now June can dance again without the rollator. God Bless

Gloria, thank you

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Jenny, words don't come easy to me for what you are going through, but I do have you in my thoughts and prayers.  Also, I am with you as to the timing of hearing about June.  I know her family has busy schedules, but they must have been unaware of how important S&F was to June and how important June was to S&F. 

Gloria de, I had the same thought that now our 90s club has lost a member.  So, to you and Junee, I say "hang in there".

Mary Ann


I really don't know what to say....

I MISS JUNE and I can't stop the tears.  She was one of the first to welcome me to Senior Net and she said such nice things.  I loved her so much!  I didn't think it would be possible to miss someone you've never met!  So many thoughts are going through my brain...so many loving memories....

I know they welcomed her home with all that heaven has to offer.  She deserves the best and I'm sure she has it!  Funny, the first thing I thought of was, I bet she's hugging her long missed daughter!  And I bet she has a doggie!

JENNY, there were 50 people at the service I want to this morning at my church and we all prayed for Michele and her family.  That included YOU, too!  There was a later service and that is a lot more people also praying.

God be with you all, my friends!  May he bring you peace and love!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jenny,  I have Michele in my prayers, as well as your whole family.  I can  understand  her anxiety.  I think that is a normal feeling to have.  And,  even with her husband being a doctor,  it is so hard on the rest of the family.  As the time goes by, I think she will be feelling better.  I have been on a chemo pill for over 4 years, and the first few weeks can be very difficult.  Fortunately,  I  do not have too much trouble with the side effects now.  At first, I did.  Just give her a lot of support, which I know you all do.  Tell her to just hang on. Things do get better.

Still feeling  sad about our June.  But,  she is is a better place. 

I have an busy morning, before I have a doctor's appt. early afternoon. I am getting my hair cut, so I have to be up early and get my shower and wash my hair, just to save a little bit of time.  The gal who does hair comes to our place on Mondays and I have a 10 a,.m appointment.  I should be done with a little bit time to spare. She is pretty quick, and with me washing my hair myself, that will save some time. I meanst to get it cut last night, but forgot to tell her before she had it almost all rolled up.

Have a good night.



I am going to bed shortly, but I do want to thank you, SHIRLEY, MARYANN, JANE and JOY, for all of your kind words.  They mean the world to me.  Nice suggestions and comfort of knowing that others DO care.  We know that prayer do work and JANE, just your prayers from your church TODAY is fanonimal!  Thank you, thank you!   

GLORIA de, I just want all of you in the 90's club to stay strong and know that we 💞💞 you all❣️

Sweet dreams to EVERYFRIEND!

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone..

A nights sleep didn't take away the heavy heart.......but knowing June she is dancing her heart out.
Today is off to the city for CT scan .then next week to the oncologist for the reading.I keep telling Kyle it will be all good news she has to say to him.

Jenny, not easy for anyone of you to go through but as a family I am sure you all can get through this. Prayer is a miracle in the making and you have a lot of those coming your way......for everyone.

Better get my city dudes on..

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Not much time this morning but I do want to.....

Remind you, AMY, that KYLE and his family are also on that active prayer list at my church.

I'll be off to Wally World this morning and then I'll be awaiting the return of my daughter Christy and her twin brother Phil from their flying trip to Canada.  They should be here between 2:30 and 3 if they are on schedule.  Christy will change cars and take off for Maryland almost immediately.  No visitors tonight but everyone safe at home.

I wish you a very good day.  Make it your own in every way.  Dear June is constantly in my thoughts!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I took a break from the computer yesterday so I didn't know about June until this morning.  I'm sad for losing her and her wisdom about life but I know she was distressed about not feeling well enough to do the things she enjoyed.  She was loving and loved by all who "knew" her.  I agree....I think she is dancing now.

Please take care, Everyone, and live your life with grateful joy.


Hi Everyone. Today at least I am able to hold my head up, which I had some trouble doing yesterday. We are going to have some nice weather again today although probably won't see the sun much as suppose to be cloudy with a 90% chance of rain tonight, which will be welcomed as maybe it will help with the pollen.  Nothing on the schedule for today.  After four days of basketball from noon until late at night I will feel lost this afternoon so back to the old afternoon and evening schedule.  I should finish up another audio book this afternoon.

Like all of you I am also saddened that we have lost our dear June, always a ray of sunshine regardless of how she was feeling.  I know the last few months have been difficult for her but she will suffer no more and think of the wonderful memories she has left us with of her kindness and wisdom. 

Am just going to sign off for today with this check in.

Mary Ann

I have looked in the Stanton and Heber CA newspaper obits and have found nothing in either of them going back to March 6.  I even looked in the St Peter MN obits, just in case.  I'll continue to look, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know.  I even looked to see if I could find something about June's husband, Ed, and found nothing.  There are a lot of Drabeks!

Mary Ann


Good afternoon dear friends. Do not feel like writing to much

But have to tell Jenny our hearts, love andhugs are with here and  her family/

My cleaning lady did take mr to the grocery store and Starbucks.   My experience with the new grocery store was not that great.  Of all days I forgot my hearing aide and the young fellow that was checking out got annoyed with me as  had to ask him a couple of times what he said A lady in the back of me offer to help..To top it off I had bought a roasting chicken and it was still hot. He gave me two heavy bags with all my frozen food in the same bag as the chicken.

Now you see why I am in a mood    Sad  and mad

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Mary Ann, you do know that her name is Marjory June Drabek, don't you?  Reason I know is in my long ago list of "contacts" is that "Marjory" and "June" both had the same last name... took me a long time before I connected the two names!  I did a Google search but came up with nothing. I do think we would have all felt the "closure" if we had the obit to read. My mother-in-law insisted her obit not be put in the paper, I thought that was selfish because her son that she lived with was having to explain every time his friends asked about her. Too often we don't think that a decision we make will have a totally opposite effect on others than what we wanted. I think we all would have liked to express our sympathy and loss to her family, to let them know we were grieving as well.

Thinking about the best way each of us could have someone let the rest of us know if "all of a sudden we couldn't come here", whether we had a stroke or died. My 3 kids know I have all passwords listed on a WordPad on each computer, they can access my e-mail without any searching. I'm sure they know how tied I am to all of you and would want you to know if I came up missing. Jenny has met Andy and I think would recognize his name on caller ID should he want to get word to y'all, how about that, Jenn? So I am covered. Remember back when Gladys was in re-hab for such a long time, her family helped her keep in contact with us. I'm sure it meant a lot for her to hear about our days as well as letting us know how she was doing. Her family was so good to take time to keep her in touch, they even posted pictures of her during that time, I was so impressed with them.  So, think about it...

Oh, Gloria de... how frustrating! Too bad you didn't have someone like our Jane to check out, bet she would have made it much easier! Drives me nuts if a sacker put stuff in the wrong bags, mainly why I just go through the do it yourself lines. I don't like the "non food stuff" in the same bag as fresh food or for sure, not the hot & cold in the same bag. The store I shop at most hires a few "mentally challenged" people and they are so careful about sorting as they bag, given a chance they will explain how they are taught to "put the food separate from cleaning supplies", and so on. So many of the sackers that are young just work to be paid and take no pride in how they do it. Sorry about today, think all of us are slightly over the top with thinking about June. Hugs...

Mary Ann

Thanks, Shirley.  I did know about Marjory, but I thought it was spelled Margery.  I found I had looked in the Heber newspaper and should have looked at Hemet, which I just did.  I found nothing there.  I feel bad there is no obit and I'll keep looking for a few days.  In January 2018, Halkel (Hal Kelly) died.  His wife called Don (Radioman) and that's all we ever learned.  He lived in San Antonio.  I looked for a long time, but never found anything.  I have been writing a note for Tom for when I die and I will include two or three whose e-mails I have of people here along with relatives and friends. 

Incidentally, I did find a June Drabek from Oklahoma City who died a few years ago at age 81.  Looking up her husband, I found a lot of Drabeks but no Edward.

As I said, I'll try for a few more days.

Mary Ann


Our new cashiers work the register with an "old hand" before they are turned loose on their own.  First they learn to bag while they "observe" the regular cashier run register.  Then they run register while the "old hand" bags for them.  Then they do both while they are being observed.  This process takes about a week...or as long as the "old hand" thinks it takes until the new one can go off on his/her own.  I've noticed the CSMs seem to assign the new people to a register next to an experienced cashier for a time.  And everyone tells everyone, "If you don't know the answer, ask.  Someone knows!"

Hot and cold is a definite no-no and clothes go alone.  Also cleaning things get their own bag and soft and hard is separated.  Lots of the rules are just plain common sense!

My twins are back from Montreal and my shed and my back room accumulated all the stuff that didn't fit in Christy's car.  She's on her way home to Maryland now with orders to let us know when she gets there safely.

She brought me a hug from my granddaughter in Maryland and my grandson in Montreal.  She also brought me some Armenian goodies from Montreal.  UmmUmmmGood!

My kids have order to go onto my computer and open up Seniors and Friends and let you know if something happens to me.  We've done it with everyone but my son and I'll catch him.  I also have some people in my "contacts" listed and S&F and they will email those people.  If anyone wants on that list all you have to do is send me an email.  So far, I think....Shirley, Bubble, MaryAnn, Larry, Phyllis, Callie, Carol, Jenny, Amy, Marilynne, and I think Sato are in my email. Oh, yes, so is Jackie/Vanilla. and Maybe Patricia/Angelface.  I'll have to check that one out.

Time to go feed the pups.  Enjoy the rest of your day!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, that is the right word common sense. He put the frozem fish in with the hot chicken roast. My fault I ws not watching, I was writing a check and trying to hear at the same time.  A lot of checkers will even put it in the basket of the rollator for me.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

I do not know how you reamber all the names and where they belong, I do good to reamber my own name.good night everyone and sweet dreams hop to see you all tomorrow



Yep!  I did forget one.  LLOYD is also on my email list and so is JOY as of this morning.  And I have Lloyd's phone number on my cell phone from when he visited this area.

Good Morning Everyfriend!  This will be short this morning because the boinger is about to go off and then I have to get dressed and ready for the cleaning dynamo.  I hope you all have a great day.  Grab it and make it your own.  Boinger going off, doggie whining.  I'm off and running!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast