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September 20, 2024, 09:30:28 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Lost my post, darn it.


Got up at 8:00 AM, made coffee, stirred up a pan of Oat Bran Cereal with cranberries and started on my project.  I made up a pan of banana bread, and hope it's as good as the last one I made (using this recipe).  House sure smells good, not too much longer to cook.  Waiting on it to cool is the hard part for me!

Guess I will go into the back bedroom and hang up some clothes.  I tend to wear something, put it down on the bed and forget to go back and hang it up. Should take about 30 minutes, then I may proceed to other housekeeping chores...or may not.  I am into a Mystery novel on my Kindle and might just sit and read that, finish off my coffee and see if the spirit moves me to get into the "hard labor" of cleaning house.  When I was a teenager, my mom used to make me clean the house on Saturdays, before I could even go hang out with friends.  I could do a living room, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms in no time flat and still have some "get up and go".  Unfortunately, these days, my get up and go, got up and went!

The weather here went from really warm and sunny, to cloudy and overcast, with thunderstorms last night, rain and wild lightning, and thunder to knock you out of bed.  Consequently, I didn't sleep well last night, so I may be running out of steam pretty quick (preferably after I have a slice of that banana bread  :)  Bye for now.



I guess I haven't had much to say either.I think memory care for Keith is going to come a lot sooner that I expected.I didn't get any sleep last night, Keith was up in the hallway rattling my door knob several times, I tried to ignore him but at 1"30am I told him to leave my door knob alone. This mornng he has no recollection of even being out of his bed. Help me Jesus.


Marilyn, I'm so sorry. It's very hard on you, I know - physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Hugs from here.

tome, I know you live in Texas. I grew up in Houston, and still have some family in the Valley. Darlene is in the Hill Country. What part of the state are you in?

Rain here for several days - predicted 4-6" over that time, but with temps in the 50s. jane, glad you're getting some melting and some sunshine.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Just got the notification to sign up for my appt to get the Moderna Vaccine this Sunday. YAY!!!



Marilyn, Hooray!   :nanadance:

Tome, I don't know the Dallas area well. My parents were both born and raised and are buried in Bonham (Fannin County), but I never spent much time there. My in-laws lived in Ft. Worth, but they moved there when John started college (Rice - where we met), so he never lived there. All different from when I lived there in any case. We moved to TN in 1962 when John graduated, and never left.

We just found out that after Monday, when residents and staff get the 2nd shot, we're going to be able to have in-room visitors, an hour at a time, with documented full vaccination or within-3-days negative Covid tests. Plus tests can be done here in-house. Hooray!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary, what good news regarding visitors.  Our weather seems to be about the same except we've had no snow. We had 2 70 degree days this week but it's down in the 40's now. We can have visitors, but everyone who wants to come is waiting for the 2nd shot + 2 weeks before coming.

The family had a Zoom "Gender Reveal" party for our 4th great grand.  It's to be a GIRL!! After 8 boys in a row in the family, it was time. I love the boys, but girls are special.

Bunny had her surgery and teeth cleaning yesterday and came through it fine, but we won't hear from the biopsy for at least a week. Think good thoughts that it is benign.

Marilyn, so glad you're getting your shot. What about Keith?  I'm sorry that he is declining so rapidly. I still say you should raise cain with his boys about helping.  Have you sold the Corvette yet?

Jane, glad you are finally thawing out. Life isn't very exciting for any of us.

Tome, your banana bread made my mouth water. I love it!  My recipe is about as old as I am, although sometimes I use applesauce instead of oil and a Splenda/sugar mix instead of all sugar. Cuts the calories and doesn't change the flavor surprisingly.  You sound more energetic than I.

I'm doing my usual Saturday laundry.  Whoo hoo!

Have a good day and stay safe.  Sharon


Tome....your Banana Bread has me very envious.  I LOVE that bread.
 I usually buy small ones at the Farmers' Market in the summer and stick them in my freezer, but I'm all out, so need to check the small bakery at a local small store. 

Marilyn...HURRAH on the shot appt.  I'm still waiting and waiting.   Maybe it is time for Memory Care for Keith and a lot less stress on you. 

Sharon...hope Bunny is ok.

Mary...sounds like good news on having visitors soon.

Yesterday I did go out for a tour of the new jail and Sheriff's office.  It's quite a place...very high tech and secure and safety measures for the guards.  They have both minimum and maximum security cells and even a padded room for those totally out of control.

Two of the County Commissions I recognized were helping with the tours and I spoke to one about handicap accessibility at the Court House.  It's very hard now.  Steep ramps that make handling a wheelchair person difficult.  He listened and said they'd realized that. 

We're under another weather advisory... winds up to 40 mph ahead of a cold front. 

Nothing exciting here...tomorrow is a haircut and grocery shopping and Tuesday a bond issue for the schools to vote for.

Stay safe and healthy,



jane, it's amazing to me that sometimes government offices are not easily handicapped accessible. I remember the City Hall in Chattanooga was VERY late in even having a wheelchair ramp into the building.  Sorry you're getting another wave of winter.

Areas in TN just west of us got some lines of really bad thunderstorms last night, flash flood warnings, and even one set of tornado warnings. Just grey today, so far.

Margaret is getting my tax documents mailed to the CPA this morning.  :thumbup:  Always glad to have that stuff into the right hands. CPA asked if I had received any stimulus payments. I told her I didn't know - didn't even know what to look for. I know I didn't receive a paper check in the mail, and didn't find anything electronic on my statement, but I wasn't sure I'd know it if I saw it. Oh, well...

Happy March, Buddies!
(birthday month for me and my two granddaughters)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Rabbit, Rabbit for those who do that on the first of a new month!

A sunny but cool morning here...low 30s, high 20s.  I'm off to get a haircut in a couple of hours.  I checked on vaccination news and there is none here.  "Not available in your area" is frustrating, to say the least.

Take care and stay safe!



I see Mary and I were on the computer at the same time.

I'm waiting for one more tax doc and then, I can hand it all over to my CPA...and I love doing that.
 My sister, who worked for H&R Block says I can do it myself, but my nerves would be more frayed than they already are. 



Regarding taxes, I am also waiting for the last tax doc, but I think it is in the mail today, so need to go over and pick up the mail. I have the rest organized but not on the questionnaire yet. Mary, we got the direct deposit of the stimulus checks + a letter that said we didn't have to declare them on taxes.

Bunny is reluctant to do #2 since her surgery, but John took her for a long walkie yesterday which stimulated her. No luck today though. Poor thing. Otherwise, she seems fine.

Got all the laundry finished & folded, so can start the week clean! :D

Jane, I hope your cold front doesn't bring more snow. I do hope you get an appt for a shot soon.

Saw some tulips coming up in my neighbor's yard! Also a couple daisies. However, the deer have been here again munching on our pansies. Pulled several clumps out! I put them back in their holes, but couldn't really reseat them, but it rained last night, so they are blooming today! They are so resilient!

Nothing else going on here.  Stay safe everyone. Sharon


Hi Buddies...hope your Monday is going as you like...had all my kids here for a week...my older son lives here...the other 2 sons and daughter does not...so my sons checked my pipes.And other things on my Mom to do list....loved having them....now it's too quite...it's 50 and very windy in my part of Tex..warmly days forecast..Jane...not heard that saying...Rabbitt...Rabbitt....Sharon..my stimulus check was DP to my account...they say we will get another...not sure...Hi to Mary...Marlyin...and any I missed....have a good rest of day


Hi every Buddy: Got my shot yesterday, no side effects not even a sore arm, I got the Moderna vaccine. My Ca, realtor and ?Gilbert checked out a place yesterday, it is sure an answer to prayer and everything that I wanted Double pane windows, laminate flooring with some rugs already there a large fridge with water dispenser and double doors and freezer drawer, both washer and dryer. 3  bedrooms 2 bath,living room and Den, the bathrooms and kitchen have all be completely remodeled. All the doors in side and out have been enlarged to accommodate a wheel chair. There is even a dog yard in the carport with astro-turf.  I am bidding $4000 more than the asking price to insure that I get the place. I am so excited.

Here it is Wed. morning. I have decided not to take that place as the down payment and closing costs would deplete all our savings leaving us nothing to move on.
[/col or]


Marilyn, the house sounded wonderful, but as you decided, the bottom line is more important.  Hurray on the shot!

Darlene, sounds like you had a wonderful week with your kids.

For any of you not on FB, Bunny's biopsy came back benign!  :dog4:

My cleaning girl came today.

It's sunny & nice out and we're supposed to be rain free for a week! Yea! Mary, I've seen that there is a lot of flooding in KY & TN. Hope none of your family are impacted.

Not much going on here. Bible study yesterday and Spanish on Friday, but that's about it.

Jane, I haven't heard "Rabbit, rabbit" either.

Hope you are all leading a more interesting life than I am. Take care everyone.  Sharon


Marilyn....wise decision.  You can't deplete everything, as you well know.  Glad you've obviously gotten approval on a loan when the right thing comes along.

Sharon...Poor Bunny probably has a very sore back end.  It's in the low 50s here, so I got out to WalMart.
 My friend, Kathy, said a store here in town told her they no longer were making Oxiclean spray.  That didn't sound right to me, so I looked at WalMart and they had the large refill bottles, so I got her one of those.
 I hope, like a lot of things, it's just a supply chain thing.

Darlene...how great to have all the kids at Mom's place.

I spent the morning on the phone trying to find a vaccine.  Tried Cedar Rapids and Dubuque both.  They're not taking any first shot people...trying to get second shots to those who need them....so hurry up and wait.

I also did a short walk when I got home, and do another one this afternoon. 

Stay safe and healthy,



Sorry about the house, Marilyn. It does sound great. I wish Keith's sons could help you out some with the initial moving costs. Oh, well...  Glad you didn't have any problems with your vaccine. I had no problem with either shot. The folks here got their second shot on Monday, and a number of them have had some or a worse reaction from the second than they did with the first. I hope your second one goes as well as mine did.

Darlene, glad you got to see your kids for a time. I hope I'll be able to see more of mine since our rules have relaxed somewhat.

Sharon, how nice to see the tulips. Margaret has been sending me pictures of crocuses blooming at her place. Such lovely harbingers of spring. Glad to hear the news about Bunny. I know it's a relief.  No problems in my immediate area with flooding.

jane, what I had heard about "rabbit, rabbit" is from my friend who grew up in Virginia. You're supposed to get out of bed on New Year's morning by jumping over the foot of the bed and yelling "rabbit, rabbit".   ;D

I haven't had anything show up on my "new posts" thing from S&F in two days. I had to go to "Forum" to check in here.  Oh, well.

Hugs to all the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Well, finally I've been SHOT!  Yes, got the first covid shot this morning at a grocery store in Cedar Rapids.  As I was waiting the 15 minutes after, I realized two other women waiting were also from Manchester!  Honestly, I don't know why our County is not getting the "surge" of vaccines the papers talk about.  Anyway, I'm first "Shotted" and have appt for second one at end of the month!  Whoo Hoo...what a relief. 

Spring kind of day here...temps in low 50s as we still have snow on the ground, but I hope it all disappears in the next week or two.  I'm ready for spring!

I'm still wearing my mask out and about, of course, regardless of what our Idiot Governor says.

Stay safe and healthy,



jane, amazing how many "idiot governors" we have managed to acquire since Covid19 inserted itself in our lives?  Right?

So glad you got your shot!  (I'm still "on the fence" about getting mine.)



Tomereader1, as a Nurse I am curious as to why you are "on the fence" about getting the vaccine. Some think the vaccine came on board too quickly but they don't realize work on Corona Virus had been in the works for YEARS!! I do hope you get the shot. You need to protect yourself and others around you.  Stay safe.


Speaking of idiot governors, Texas and Mississippi governors have declared the pandemic over and are opening up their states in a move that Dr. Fauci calls inexplicable, and Biden calls Neanderthal.

Recorded serious vaccine reactions account for just under three percent of all of those given in the US.


HOORAY, JANE!!!  My Kate just got her first one today, too.

And I got a very special treat yesterday. Margaret got to visit me in my apartment!!! This was the first time she's been here since right after I moved into this space. And Kate may be coming down to visit this weekend.  :smitten:

Hope everybody's getting at least a taste of spring now. 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I can't tell you what a relief I feel since I've gotten the first shot.  [My Mom was a RN way, way back in the day...the 1930's, and from her I know I got the pro-medical view.]

 It also feels like spring is just around the corner....or maybe under the snow we still have! 

Mary...what a blessing to have your girls be able to come in and visit with you.

Tome...it's a decision everybody needs to make for herself.

  Stay safe and healthy,



Congratulations, Jane, on finally getting your shot! I know how relieved I was, so know you were even more so after the wait you've had.

We've been bouncing around temp wise from the 50's to 60's and everything is greening up.

Mary, how wonderful that Margaret was able to visit and Kate this weekend. Sure wish my kids were close enough to.

Joc's oldest turned 6 today!  How did that happen?! He is so smart and good looking and sweet too--at least from what I hear. I haven't seen him since May 2019 at Thomas' wedding.  Same for all the family except my kids who came individually for TG, Xmas, & March before Covid got serious. Those visits were to celebrate my 80th.

John's TV went out last night, so we will be going shopping tomorrow afternoon. He's such a news junky, he's going into withdrawal! So I have to give him some time on mine. We had hoped it was a cable problem and had Spectrum out, but unfortunately it was the TV. It's 13 yrs old, so I guess that isn't too bad.

Hi to everyone popping in. Stay safe. Sharon


Sharon...I am so relieved...didn't realize how stressed I was.  I had to carry my cell phone everywhere for fear of missing a call from the "List" at the hospital.  Don't need to do that now.

Our temps are slowly edging up and will be higher once we get all this snow off the ground.  Low 30s this morning, but to be to near 60 by middle of next week ...so 'they' say on TV weather.  It's actually good that it doesn't melt overnight so the rivers aren't overwhelmed.

Only reaction to shot is a bit of a sore injection site.   ;D

I've changed my bed, gathered up towels in the bathroom, but I think I'll wait to start laundry tomorrow.  Don't want to get all my "work" done in one day! :idiot2:

Our Friday group isn't meeting tonight since Gary has Jesters...the eat and drink part of the Masons...so he's off to do that somewhere ...Waterloo or Cedar Rapids or ??  So, Kathy and I are going out for supper here locally.

I actually "shopped" yesterday....with a mask....at the gift section of one of our local drug stores.  I haven't been in there for over a year. 

Stay safe and healthy,



I too m very relieved  after getting my first Covid shot. Yesterday I got a call from one of the nurses, asking is I had my first shot and were there any reactions since Sunday  and did I have any questions.Having been a caregiver to elders for over 20 years and being a Veterinary Recovery Tech for anther 6 years,  I too know the importance of getting the vaccine, Everything medical is a part of  my entire being.

Today I cooked Freckles her meals for a week and still need to divide  it up and put away. She will be 14 in a few months and still raring to  go for her walks every day. Here breed is so active and has good longevity.

So that said  it is time for a walk. I'll put on her rain coat and get into my rain suit and out we go rain or shine.


Glad that everybody is getting the vaccine. My Margaret got a chance to get here today, and jumped at it. She had thought it would be longer. So she's a happy camper, too!  She and Kate will be coming to visit with me tomorrow. Our Exec Director here still can't tell me when I can get a mani/pedi, but says I'll be among the first to know when she knows.  :thumbup:

Margaret brought me a lot of my knitting patterns from the storage unit today, so now I have more things to choose from to work on.

Do y'all watch PBS? Our station is in the midst of their beg-a-thon, so they're showing some of their old, but good shows, with the long pledge breaks. I tend to record something so I can fast-forward through all that stuff. BUT, the other night, our station played something called "The Colorado", which is about the Colorado River. I've watched about half of it, and the scenery and photography is spectacular. Can't wait to watch the rest of it. Just wanted to recommend it.

Happy weekend, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Mary...hurrah for seeing 2 of your girls!

Hopefully we are truly seeing that light at the end of a verrrry long tunnel!

So all of the Buddies now have at least the first shot?

Spring appears to be making a sneak peek into our weather.  I will be glad to see the snow and ice gone.

Stay safe and healthy,



So glad everyone is getting their shots or has gotten them.

We went to Best Buy yesterday and got John a new TV. When we got home, I discovered it was a much more complicated setup than before, so spent about a half hour or more on the phone with Spectrum tech. She was absolutely great! We got it all set up.  Unfortunately, the picture doesn't seem as clear as before. After John's bridge game, I will go in and check out the settings and see if I can improve it any. If not, we'll take it back Monday and get another one. It's supposed to be a good one--Samsung, but who knows.

One the way to BB, we saw all kinds of daffodils and cherry trees in bloom! Made me so happy. It's sunny today, but in the 50's. Will go up to the 60's or so tomorrow.

I'm doing laundry too, Jane. My usual Saturday routine.

Hi to all.  Sharon