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Owner: phyllis
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September 20, 2024, 09:31:20 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Good Monday morning to all. 

We had our Sunday dinner at Dr. Dave's last night.  Our only granddaughter had her 13th birthday on the 3rd and with all of her school and dancing we celebrated her yesterday.  Bob and I both had a tiny sliver of her ice cream cake....the very first sweet that we have consumed in nearly 2 1/2 nmnths.  It sure tasted yummy and did not spike my blood sugar one bit🥰

Thank you MARILYN for your kind words and positive thoughts.  No telehealth call yet.  I need to call the office as they told me I could make the appointment online, and I can not see how to do it. 🤪

Laughing at your comment about the pill coming back out, no matter how long you held the snout, JACKIE.  🤪

Getting things organized for the suitcases today. 

Have a good day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning to you all today. The weather will be fairly nice today, but tomorrow we are expecting rain from Nicole, last I heard maybe up to five inches worth.

Sue and I went out to her new favorite Chinese buffet yesterday. She wants to wait a few weeks before trying the Enola Family Restaurant, once the opening rush dies down. Sorry, I had the name a bit wrong before. Initial reports are that the food is pretty good.  Not surprisingly, they offer a salad bar. After all, the salad bar fixture was already there from when Hoss's had the building.

Can't say I am excited about the outcome of the elections in PA. It was pretty much as expected this year, so I am mildly happy with the results. Nationally, I was pleased to see a number of firsts for women this year. Oh, and the PA Speaker of the House is also a woman, the first here.

Surprise! The cats are enjoying the new prescription cat food, chicken and Vegetable from Canin and a salmon from Purina UR. It is easier for me to just feed them both the same thing than have to police which gets what. Now it will make no difference if they switch bowls. The Vet says it is okay for Oscar to eat it too. The dry food is a little more problematic at the moment. I still have some of the old stuff left and since Shan wasn't thrilled with my first dry food choice, I have had to mix it in with the regular cat food. Oscar, at least, eats both. The food price is almost twice regular food, but if they eat it, it is better than having to play food referee or throw out half of it.


It does seem to get harder every time we have to  adjust to the time change.  It's now about 7:15 here on the West Coast, but I've been up for an hour already, because my body is still on Daylight Savings time.   I wish so much that they would settle on STANDARD TIME, but for personal lifestyle reasons, most people prefer Daylight Savings. 

I've seen a lot of articles online this year, about why human bodies are meant to be on Standard Time.  There are good reasons why time was that way for centuries, until we started fooling around with it. Supposedly, DST  upsets our Circaidian Rhythm?  (I'm sure that spelling is wrong?)  ::)  I know I'll never see the return of Standard in my lifetime time, but I believe it would be best for us humans beings.   

MarsGal - Good to see that Oscar and Shan have adapted to the new diet, and are both doing well.  I remember the Canin brand, from when we had our last cat, Winnie.  It was his favorite of the canned foods.  I think that was the brand that had a good selection for senior cats?  If you remember, he lived to be 19 years old, and was reasonably healthy, up to the very end.

I thought about you during this controversial election!  PA was one of the big ones to watch again this year.  Always fascinating to me, the candidates that people choose to support.  It comes down to many just voting a straight party line and not looking at the long term.


We have a dark grey day on tap.  Lots of rain, but not pelting.  No wind at all!
 I am quite certain this is the edges of Nicole, and we are most definitely not being hammered in any way.  The rain is welcome.
My great grandaughter Ava had a field trip to the Washington (D.C.) zoo yesterday.  Ava is in the 1st grade, and lost her 2nd front tooth during this outing.  As they went to herd the class back on the bus to return home, they discovered the bus had been stolen!  Fortunately, there were a number of parents, including Our Kathryn, along as chaperones.  So the children were crammed into the available vehicles, and they just got everyone on board, and back to Annapolis they paraded, minus one small tooth and one large yellow school bus.


MaryPage, sad to say, getting that bus stolen will be a forever memory that probably would  not have been for a routine field trip. One of my gr-grands lost a tooth yesterday as well.

I read with interest about your cats. Since mine are feral and terrified of all humans, I vowed when we took them in & had fixed, I would take in for rabies shots & that was it. By the next year it was all I could do to take one in at a time (had 3 at first). They were indoor & out so when one got hit by a car a week after getting "fixed", I realized they were not like a dog you could keep in a yard or pen to be safe.

No check ups but they do get what they want to eat. They quit eating the lean hamburger last year & that was a favorite for a long time. Uncooked. We still had 3 at that time & they all quit eating it at the same time, I tried off & on for a while but no deal. They will eat eye of round roast if I cubed it bite size. They get the Friskies Indoor Complete dry food in bowls around the house until I couldn't find it so switched to same only 9 Lives. I'm near the bottom of the last 20lb bag of that & can't find it anywere. I buy the Fairlife milk for their breakfast but like with the meat, it has to be fresh every few days or they walk away. I've given up with all Friskies canned food for them, had to take out too many cans full out for other critters to eat.

I even took the last can of people salmon out for other critters because Tiger (last of the cats) had a few bites & decided that was it. I've given them people salmon once a day since they moved in, the kind with skin & bones as I thought more nutritious. I made a point of mashing the little round bones but got a kick out of how many they would lick clean & leave in their bowls if I didn't mash! 

My yearly post in here, I think, and time for bed. I didn't get a nap today because this oxygen line won't stretch to the far end of the house where I prefer daytime naps. Guess I will get used to it eventually, this is only the first day. Lots of improvements since I was around my brother's system. The doctors I've been to this past couple weeks remind me that nothing but replacing those valves will fix me, but oxygen might help these next few months with easier breathing. I went into detail over in the SodaShoppe so won't repeat.... I'm making the choices & do what I hope is best for me, didn't come in to talk about ME.  ;)


Quote from: Shirley on November 11, 2022, 08:54:28 PMI didn't get a nap today because this oxygen line won't stretch to the far end of the house where I prefer daytime naps.
Shirley --- You can get more hose added to what you have, so that you can reach where you want. Talk to the people that provided and or set up your Oxy.



I have also found the oxygen folks to be willing & quick to deliver anything needed, as well.

I had a heart valve replaced the new way (up through a vein that starts down near where the leg attaches to the torso), and the whole experience was easy and a pleasant one.
 It was done at a special clinic in Washington, D.C. where, apparently, they invented this technique.

It seems that the First Graders from St. Anne's Elementary here in Annapolis are not to be told their bus was stolen.
 I do not feel at all certain as to how that information can be kept a secret, but I have sworn not to mention the facts to Our Ava.  Speaking of whom, her little sister, Cleo, turned one year old day before yesterday.  Cleo, an extremely happy child, is the youngest of my 28 great grandchildren!


Any comments on a good pain relief cream for joints or muscles?  Is there a good one?



I use  Aspercreme with Lidacaine.  It diminishes the joint pain very quickly. 
Some people might be bothered in some way by the Lidacaine but it doesn't bother me.  It is an Over the Counter medication and not terribly expensive.  I get mine from Walgreens.


Rammel,I use the Walgreen's brand of Emu cream (OTC) for muscle pain due to Fibromyalgia - but also like Aspercreme.


Rammel, I use Voltaren Gel.  It has some cortisone in it and is very effective, No prescription needed  in Israel.


Reading y'all's comments about using something for pain....I have pain and burning in my feet...wonder if this would help my problem....


Quote from: so_P_bubble on November 16, 2022, 03:11:56 AMRammel, I use Voltaren Gel.  It has some cortisone in it and is very effective, No prescription needed  in Israel.
My son mentioned that and I think he is going to try it (This question was for him).

Thanks to all for those responses.

COTTONCANDY - If it's a neuropathy(sp) thing Gabapentin might help, but it is Rx.  Talk to your Doctor about it. It may, or may not, be good for you.




Thanks Rick...don't think I want to add another script med....but would try otc...have a great day


Good Morning . . . good in some ways, and not so good in other ways?  I guess that's to be expected at our age.  Seems like it's just one thing after another, once we hit eighty and beyond! 🤔

Cottoncandy - good to see you posting here!  I often read your messages about your problems with BP meds.  Bystolic is the only one I had no  bad reaction to,  and brought my my BP down to good numbers.  Unfortunately my doctor took me off of it because it caused my pulse rate to keep dropping and became dangerously low.  I'm only taking hydrochlorothiazide now, which doesn't bother me.
Mary Page - Was your gr-granddaughter's school bus ever found?  Cars are stolen and hi-jacked here all the time, but that's the first time  I've ever heard of a bus!  That should be easy to spot - so I wouldn't think the thief could get very far away?

Hoping we hear from others here today, as well as in the all of the S&F folders! :thumbup:


Good afternoon, all!

We had our first snow this morning. Well, it didn't stay snow, it went all to mush. Good thing it warmed up enough to push right off the car because I had to go out early this morning.

I played "lost and found" twice this week. First my brandy-new cell phone disappeared. Actually, no it didn't. I just didn't check carefully enough. It was still in my purse all along. Then yesterday I had to go on the hunt for instructions that I had run across the other day but forgot where I put it. There it was, right beside my recliner where I left it, but I forgot it was in the box that the product came in, not as I thought, hanging out in the open like I thought I left it. I only discovered that after I gave up looking. Hah!

I've been picking around at things to get rid of again. The old swivel desk chair that Shan likes but hasn't used lately fell victim. In order to get it downstairs by myself I had to dismantle it into three parts. The chair back is still here but laying down. I thought the size and shape might please the cats for a while, but so far Shan and Oscar have only just checked it out but didn't stay on it any length of time. I might fashion something to augment their furniture because it is mesh and in good shape. I don't have anything specific in mind for it yet. The wheelbase could actually be turned into a wheeled cart for large planters if someone is so inclined to bolt on a sturdy piece of plywood where the chair seat was. It is heavy, though, because of the ballast weight that helps the chair height mechanism.

Well, that is about it for now. Not much going on here.


Rammel, my doc just recommended the other day the Voltaren. If you read the label carefully, it has several contraindications. However, although I have a couple of those things the doctor said it would be okay for my knee and hand pain.  It would be up to the user to decide if the doc says OK.


Thanks Tome, and everyone else.  Our need is for knee, so your comment is of interest.



My rheumatologist gave me a prescription for Voltaren several years ago.
 It works to cut my sometimes quite severe hand pain, but the trouble is I wash my hands frequently during the day, and this negates the pain-fixer in the gel.

I have not asked whether or not the school bus was found or anything more about it.  Maybe tomorrow.  I havenj't seen Ava to hear what she has to say in simply ages. Day before yesterday, I went to hospital in the early hours.   Spent one night there.
 My congestive heart failure acting up.  I spent the night, and Becky flew in from Kansas City, MO to take care of me yesterday.  Today, 5 of my children & i had a wonderful luncheon (lobster Newberg) and played Mexican Train for a few hours.  Life chugs along.




SANDY - Happy Birthday to you!  Hoping your day will be a good one.         

Mary Page - Sorry that you had to spend the night in the hospital, but good that they take such good care of you.  I haven't had lobster Newberg in many years, but  remember how good it was.    I still haven't yet had the pleasure of a lobster roll, but hope to enjoy one some day.  The ocean water along the Pacific coast, is too cold for lobsters, but  we do have plenty of Dungeness crab, and other shell fish.

Older daughter and granddaughter will be here for Thanksgiving this year, but son and wife and their two adult kids will be having dinner with her parents.  Our younger daughter recently moved to Palm Springs, so she's still getting settled, but will come here for Christmas.


Mary Page, I am glad you are back home in short order and doing okay.

Happy Birthday, Sandy!


Wishing you ice cream & cake & presents & balloons!
And a beautiful rest of your Life!


A good Monday HELLO to ALL🦋

My goodness, I have been so busy enjoying life in San Francisco I just have not taken the time to check in on my very special friends🤪🤪🤪

I have looked in though to see how you all are doing, but just did not post a word....shame on me😩‼️

We truly have been enjoying each and every day that we are here.  The weather has been perfect and I feel so good to not have to have the oxygen on here at all.  Overall I feel so much better‼️

Last Thursday we took a drive down to Stanford University and checked out the San Jose area.  Oliver Doodle was delighted to be out and about and enjoyed himself too. 

Yesterday we drove across the Bay Bridge to visit my fist, and very favorite, cousin and his family.  It was a delightful time that passed much too quickly. We drove all around the Warf and enjoyed seeing all the craziness down there.  Bought a delicious loaf of the famous sour dough bread here and deliberately broke our Keto Diet and enjoyed it so much.  Yummmm‼️

Our family returns from their trip to India the day after Thanksgiving.  We will have the weekend together and then head back to Colorado on Tuesday the 29th.  Our time here is passing much too quickly and I will not be anxious to head home to the cold and high altitude one bit😩😤😡

I wish you all a good day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny, I enjoyed reading your post this morning. I am glad you are enjoying your time in San Francisco.

Yesterday I watched the World Cup match between the US and Wales. Being half Welsh I tried to stay neutral, so I was pleased with the tie score. Pulisic, so I discovered, is from nearby Hershey. Another reason to cheer for the US team. Loved watching Gareth Bale (Wales). He put a lot of speed into that shot into the net for the tying point near game's end. So next up. The US will be playing England on the 25th and Iran on the 29th, watch on Fox. Wales will be the opposite, with Iran on the 25th and England on the 29th, watch on FS1. I don't know about Iran, but I do want to watch the matches with England. The sportscasters are expecting the Iran vs US game to be contentious if not downright trouble causing.


Jenny - Sounds like your long vacation in San Francisco has been a big success.  :thumbup:  The weather has been calm and pleasant, which is perfect for sightseeing and relaxing.  Like everyone else has suggested . . . consider moving to the California coast in a few years, so you won't have to worry about breathing problems and oxygen.

Mars Gal - Are you a soccer fan, or was it just the US and Wales match that you were interested in?  We know very little about soccer, but out of curiosity, I would like to see the US vs Iran!  It should be quite interesting to watch.  Lots of controversy right now,  regarding Iran/US politics, nuclear, etc.  Just hoping they don't turn it into a hate match.   


The day is done, No more sun.
It's time to sleep. No further peep.



:thumbup: Rammel, hope you slept well last night.

Marilyne, I used to follow Soccer, but that was a while back. Once in a while I will tune into a game, but nothing regular. So, in this case, it is mostly because it is Wales and the US. But I hope to see more now that I know we have a local playing. The other sports I don't mind watching, but don't very often, are College basketball and wrestling, and golf. During the Summer Olympics I like to watch Fencing and the Equestrian events, and skiing and bobsledding during the Winter events. On the whole, I am not a big sports nut.

In case I don't get back in today, everyone please have a lovely Thanksgiving.


Thank you MarsGal.  Actually I did sleep quite well - better than usual.
Your sports interests seem  to be wider than mine. But I should follow your lead on the soccer. I also have a background from Wales, on my fathers side (The name Stopford rings a bell). Wouldn't it be odd ------ ?



:pumpkinpie: to all the Baiters and Tacklers! Enjoy!