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June 01, 2024, 10:09:02 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.

avatar_Jeanne Lee

Soda Shoppe 5-14-17

Started by Jeanne Lee, May 13, 2017, 07:40:17 PM

Previous topic - Next topic


Hal,  so sorry for the new ailment.  You are entitled to a bad mood!

Thanks for the comment and link about headphones.  I went "Googling" and discovered that Wal-Mart has quite a few kinds of t.v. wireless "ears".  Looks as if there'll be a good choice - there or elsewhere.
I've lovingly told Son that he can return the sound bar.  It isn't helping that much and it's a nuisance to mess with.

Sleep well, Everyfriend and have Pleasant Dreams.


Good Tuesday morning, Everyfriend.  There's bagels
and cream cheese to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice



Train Service

A passenger train is creeping along, painfully slow. Finally, it creaks to a
complete halt. A passenger sees a conductor walking by outside. "What's
going on?" she yells out the window. "Cow on the track!" replies the

Ten minutes later, the train resumes its slow pace. Within five minutes,
however, it stops again. The woman sees the same conductor walking by again.
She leans out the window and yells, "What happened? Did we catch up with the
cow again?

Food For

The Vessel
(Author Unknown)

"The Master was picking a vessel to use;
On His shelves there were many - which one would He choose?
"Take me," cried the gold one, "I'm shiny and bright,
I am of great value; I do things just right.
My beauty and luster will outshine the rest.
For someone like You, Master, gold would be best!"

The Master passed on, with no word at all;
He looked at a silver urn, narrow and tall;
"I'll serve You, dear Master. I'll pour out Your wine.
I'll be at Your table whenever You dine.
My lines are so graceful, my carvings so true,
The silver I'm made of will compliment You."

Unheeding the Master passed on to the brass,
It was wide-mouthed and shallow and polished like glass.
"Here! Here!" cried the vessel, "I know I will do,
Place me on Your table for all men to view."

"Look at me," called the goblet of crystal so clear,
"My transparency shows my contents are quite dear.
Although I am fragile, I will serve You with pride,
I am sure I'll be happy in Your house to abide."

The Master came next to a vessel of wood,
Polished and carved, it solidly stood.
"You may use me," dear Master, the wooden bowl said,
"But I'd rather You used me for fruit, not for bread!"

Then the Master looked down, saw a vessel of clay.
It was empty and broken where it helplessly lay.
No hope had the vessel the Master might choose,
To cleanse it, to fill it, make it whole, fit for use.

"Ah!" said the Master, "This vessel I choose.
I will mend it and fill it and put it to use.
I need not the vessel with pride in its self;
Nor the one who is narrow to sit on the shelf;
Nor the one who is big-mouthed and shallow and loud;
Nor one who displays his contents so proud;
Nor the one who thinks he can do all things just right;
But this plain earthy vessel filled with My power and might.

He then gently lifted the vessel of clay,
To mend it and cleanse it, He filled it that day.
He spoke to it kindly, "There's work you must do,
Just pour out to others as I pour into you."

Thought of the

Be fishers of men - you catch 'em - He'll clean 'em!

--Author Unknown


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  And a special "Good Morning" to you Joanie!  It's so good to have you back.  And to see you posting our goodies is special. 

I have my coffee and I'm going to sit over here and sip it while I wait for Annie.  She takes a pill first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then we have to wait an hour.

I'll be off to WM this morning.  I wish you all a good day full of whatever pleases you most.  Wish me smiles in my line.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

So great to come in here and see Joan's post !!! Please take it easy and don't over do it. Let others do the packing for you.....you wear the white hat ( boss) this time.

Hal, I can understand how you feel, thankfully you can fix that with iron pills. Hubby also had a new /old problem flare up and we went to town and bought a cane for him to use.Due to the chemo he had to stop taking a RA med and the RA is now raising its ugly head. Low iron makes you feel so tired and light headed so be careful when you stand up,do it very slowly.

Callie, I sure don't envy the job ahead of you.Years ago we did the same job for a lady and no matter how hard you try to keep the dust down it still gets into everything. Just keep all the doors to rooms shut and maybe lay a towel at the bottom of each to stop the dust going in. (Dust is sneaky )

Gloria, I hope your feeling better today. Any word from your son on how the apple trees are doing? Did the frost get the blossoms again?

Larry, that was nice of the restaurant owner to do that . I think the person should find another job that they can handle better.

June, hard to believe a year has passed that you came to Rowntree, my time flies!!

Sandy, hope you 're healing fast and I can understand about being careful on not causing anymore bodily harm. Prayers that your grandson finds the position that he wants.

Larry, there is one lady in the produce dept. that makes up a wonderful tray, it is all I can do to carry it!!!

Jane, what a wonderful gift to get and your wise to keep on such a lady to help. I would say you also could work and do it all in time past but now we have to let others help us.

Mary Ann ,hope your eyes are feeling much better today.

Jenny, kittens are so cute and so much fun, you will have hours of entertainment from Smokey!

Gosh, I didn't realize time was slipping by on me...

Joan ,thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning Janie.  I wish you smiles in your line at Walmart today.

Amy--Good morning.  Believe me, others will do the packing.

I have a post hospital doctor visit this visit which I am not much looking forward to.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyone!

Joanie, makes me feel better to see you back.  Your little joke about the train was one of my Grandfathers favorites.  It comes from a book "Slow Train Through Arkansas" which he talked about all the time.  He thought it was the funniest books he had ever read.

Got to go have some blood work. 

Callie, Amy thanks for your comments.


Good morning, Joan and all the other friends.  It is just so nice to see your special morning messages show up.  Good luck with your doctor's visit today.

I  sure can understand how difficult it is for you to have to think about moving, but hopefully, it will be a good move and I know your family will be helping you all along the way.  I am sure your family will be glad to have you near-by, so they can help you out when needed.  Just take your time and don't rush doing things.  Take time out to rest in between. 

It is a pretty sunny morning here, and the temperatures are supposed to a lot  warmer this week.  Sure have been waiting for this nice warm weather.  I am one of the ones who like the hot weather.  I don't like the cold at all,  so I am happy that it is finally starting to get warm.  We have had a chilly, rainy spring.

Hal, I sure am sorry to read that you have another health problem.  But, as Amy told you, help is available for that problem.  You seem to handle all thiese little set-backs really well, so, I am sure you will get over this latest hurdle.

Hope everyone will have a good day.



Good morning everyone. This is short. No sleep last night, the darn dampness has done a job on me. Sun is shining today but I am just going to lay on the couch and do nothing.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi everyone.  We are headed for a very hot 95 degrees this afternoon.  Fortunately Pat appointment with the pain doctor is this morning before it gets so hot.  Nothing else on the schedule for today.  Pat did enjoy her Circle luncheon yesterday.

Joan, I know your family will rest more comfortably when you get moved to Fairhope so they can look in on you often.  Will you be moving into assisted living?

Gloria, it seems soggy is a good word for your area.  I am going to have to turn on the sprinkler system as my front yard is already showing stress.

Carol, from what I have read and heard on the news it is computers still running Windows XP that have been attacked over the weekend.  Apparently a lot of companies around the world have not kept their software updated and Microsoft has ceased to support XP.  Glad to see you ignored that scam. 

Jenny, you are so right that we never know what is around the corner for us.  There have been so many things in our lives that we could never have expected. I am shocked that it has been three years that your son and DIL have been in Austin as it seems like they moved just a few months ago.  Pat had an uncle who was a golf pro at a Philadelphia country club for many years and his wife also loved to play golf.  When they retired they moved to Florida in a home on a golf course and after he died of dementia she continued to play golf for several years.  Glad to see your future DIL loves golf.  I hope you will find someone to do your housework so you can do the things you really enjoy.  We have had a housekeeper every two weeks for several years.  Pat tried to do it again when we moved but it was just too much for either of us to do and fortunately we found a very good housekeeper.  We find it money well spent and so enjoy having the entire house cleaned at one time.

Callie, I have Sennheiser RS110 Over-Ear 926MHz Wireless RF Headphones.  They operate on two AAA batteries and I use rechargeable batteries.  Just do a search on Amazon with the description above.  I was going to put the link in here but realized it is from my account where I looked up what I had.  I have a pair of expensive Bose headphones and I cannot tell much difference in the quality of the sound.  If I ever have to replace them I will get bluetooth rather than RF type.  Some of these come with a docking station where you can recharge the batteries although they are more expensive.  The RF headphones require a physical connection to an audio out port which isn't necessary with the bluetooth type.  My TV didn't have the proper port for connection and I had to buy a device that the RF communicated with and fortunately my son knew what was needed and hooked it all up for me.  I am sure this is probably more information than you cared to know but I sort of got carried away. I see Hal and his wife use the same type and he has provided a link for you.  Pat and I both have them and they are great.  The garden cabinet sounds great. 

JaneS, so glad you are pleased with the work of the housekeeper.  So glad to see you have made arrangements to have her do your heavy cleaning.  I think we could well get by with every three weeks or even monthly but Pat is very particular and so it is every other week.  Pat finds it exhausting when the housekeeper is here and she isn't doing the work. 

Hal, how exciting--a new ailment and I bet you were thrilled with the news--NOT!  You can't be blamed for being in a less than good mood.   

Amy, it sounds wise that your husband is willing to use the cane to help him get around.  He sure doesn't need a fall. 

Joy, I wish we could share some of the really hot weather we are having already this Spring as we have an abundance. 


I was doing a quick read through so didn't take notes... planned to post later but couldn't help giggle at Hal's reaction to being anemic.  Having spent a life time fighting anemia and knew all the females of my family constantly fought the battle with iron tablets or B-1 and iron shots..... and had to smile last week when my brother was outraged because his doctor diagnosed him being anemic!  He thought it had to be a scam.  :2funny:  My brother is 92 and never been but a few pounds around his middle overweight. He loves to eat (like I do) and keeps very active.  How can you be anemic when you love to eat???  My sister & I tried to console him saying "it's in our genes".... and suggested all the foods we try to eat, that have lots of iron. So don't take it personally  ;)  .... it happens to the best of us! 

Seriously, we have a theory in our family, that the foods we eat don't have all the nutrition of years ago, but we also don't cook in cast iron (yes, it really does make a difference) and in the old days, we ate dandelion greens in spring, along with endive, Mom always had a bowl of prunes on the table, all high iron.  My iron level was very low years ago & I had to try 8 different types of iron before finding one that didn't cramp my stomach.  Then I combined it with a bone meal tablet (instead of ordinary calcium) and the level came up much faster.  The iron carries oxygen in the blood so yawning is a good symptom for checking it out.  I read somewhere that a huge portion of over 65 people are anemic.  I didn't get the diagnosis until about 26, the doctor was so sure I couldn't be anemic he ran the test twice.  I didn't know I could feel so good and have taken the little pills off & on ever since.  I can tell by my eyes if I am low. Being in a crowd and feeling faint is also a symptom.... oxygen in the air is less.  Amy is right, stand up slowly & have something to steady yourself.  Good luck, it is, in my opinion, the best of all diagnosis 'cause you can fix it pronto!

Had much to think about as I read this morning but will save it for later.   ::)   Another hot day and I have some things to do outside before it gets any hotter.  My body is not liking this 80+ temperature.  Gloria, whine with me!!!  My preferred temps would be 65-70, and will enjoy evenings in the low 50s, thank you very much. (Loving the cold probably has much to do with NOT being anemic).

June Drabek

Good Morning all, up and attum' and eager to hear how you are all doing.I had a perfect nights sleep, 6a.m. I had my blood pressure taken, a nitro patch put on my leg, and the first pill of the day. Since I was wide awake by then, I did all my arm and leg and foot massaging. That takes about half an hour, then on for the first cuppa cawfee; , and an hour of reading and thinking about what God is teaching me.. that is sort of my favorite time of the day now, gives me energy and reason to get up and go. Enough about me !

Callie, it sounds like you are going to have to live with a mess for a while, but how nice it will be when finished. I wonder if perhaps the tiles were not installed properly to begin with ?? You are fortunate to have a handy man that is trust worthy and will build your potting cabinet to your specifications.

Janie, in my thinking YOU are one person that I could never consider slow and slovenly..you do the work of three persons, and joyfully at that. The boxes of ensure come with over 30 containers each, so Gary slips them into the cupboard on the floor..I have no shelf room in this small area for them..my shelves contain a few dishes, glasses, mugs and groceries. These boxes are too heavy for me to lift so they are stored on the floor of my cupboard. Gary usually separates the bottles so there is a vanilla and Choc. side by side, and I wanted to continue that pattern, and did..down on the floor.

Bis, my darling friend, it must be difficult to have the disruption of people coming in so often, but at least you are at home. And getting you well and strong again is the hope of our prayers. This too will pass. I am so very, very happy to know you will be going to Fairhope where the rest of the family are. I can vouch for the contentment I feel now just knowing Gary and Dori are 15 driving minutes from me. I don't expect them to be at my beck and call, but there is a security in knowing they are close by.

Jenny, I am so thankful for the days that I am "up" in body and spirit, but have learned that the body rules now…..not what I want to do, but what the body decides it can do. Today I am going down for a program at the club house on aging, and dementia discussion. I think it will be interesting. I'm so glad you have your little pal Smokey. I wish I had the energy for a pet, but I don't…..so I settle for a few plants. It is still something to care for and enjoy.

Hal, don't let the health issues get you down boy, you are tougher then they are. I find accepting what cannot be changed is better than letting health rule my life. God is still in charge, so keep relying on His Power Hal.

Good Morning BIS !!!!! What a treat to see your usual postings. I feel you are truly at home now. I love the Food for Thought. I feel myself that God created me, and molded me, and made me what He wanted me to be. It is such a secure feeling, to be in God's Hands.

Amy, it was a year in Feb. that I moved from Hemet to Rowntree Gardens. I still miss the friends I had made in the ten years I lived at Sunwest Village, and I keep contact with several of them. But we start another new life, and my roots are spreading down here at Rowntree. People are loving and kind where ever we go.

Gloria,my dear one. I am so sorry you had a bad night. Do spoil yourself today and rest as much as you like. Be sure to eat…you need fuel, even when resting. I am saying a prayer for you my friend.

I have to scoot and get dressed and be downstairs in 30 minutes.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good afternoon, beautiful day.  I cannot believe I just fell asleep here at the computer. :o

Gloria, I also had a bad night, Got up at 2 and went back to bed at 6. I seem to full a sleep when daylight starts,  I fixed myself a cup of Ovaltine, and set in bed and read.

Joan, I join all our other friend, in saying how glad we are to see you posting. Praying that everything straightenes out for you real soon.

Yesterday, I went to the Cardiologist, to day was dentist and next Wed. I have my last appointment I hope of the month. this one with the breathing doctor will be my fifth. No wounder I am tired.

i am going to quite writing and set on the sun porch for awhile. I cannot keep my eyes open.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Just a quick "heads up" for anyone that orders online from Puritan's Pride.  Had a pleasant surprise while ago when checking to see if they finally got my B-1 vitamins in (didn't get the 100 mg)... but they have free shipping today & tomorrow for any amount! .  I ordered my Bone Meal but didn't want the 250 mg B-1 and decided not to get the Pantothenic acid I usually take with my few pills (it helps absorb the others in the body).  I've been stunned at the increase in prices... but after checking health food stores, can't beat the price.  Now I'm rethinking the B-1 so going to get the 250 mg anyway.  I've taken the 100 off & on for years, since an old pharmacists told me to give them to the kids to keep mosquitoes away.  Works like a charm for my bunch, and it also worked to keep the shingles from breaking out again.  I don't like overdosing but maybe the 250 will work even better to keep the mosquitoes away.  I have put some in a ZipLoc bag, smashed to fine grain & mixed with baby oil, rubbed on the back of my neck when mosquitoes are really bad & my vitamins are out of date!  Not ideal but worked for me. By the way, the 100 mg was recommended for adults, 50 for medium size kids & 25 mg for the little ones.  I guess I could cut the 250 in half, right?


halkel--Glad "Slow Train Through Arkansas" meant something to you.  After going to the doctor this morning.  After going to the doctor this a.m. I have to go  to the lab tomorrow.  A few things were askew.

Joy--My family is doing 98% of the work related to the move.

Gloria--Hope you were able to nap.

Larry--I have to take an AL unit until a 2 bedroom independent living unit becomes available.

Shirley--For your sake, I hope the weather in your area cools down. P.S.  I don't order from Putnam's Pride.

June--I keep my Ensure in the refrigerator because I like it very cold.

Linedancer--Sorry that you, too, had a bad night. Thanks for the prayers.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hey there, Everyfriend!  I've been home from work for a while, gave the doggies a snack, had lunch and checked out my email. 

My eyes are getting a bit droopy but I'm not going to give in.  When Tammy took the curtains down in various rooms to do the windows, I threw them in the washer.  Now they all need some touch up ironing before they can go up again.  I'm going to pop a movie in the DVD player and set up the ironing board in front of the TV and iron curtains.  I need to do the bedroom ones first.  When I went in to get ready for bed last night, I felt like I was on stage in a major theater.  I ended up doing everything I could in the bathroom or in the dark.

I also made a major purchase on line.  I've been craving a certain electric canner but the price was too high.  I noticed that the price came down a couple weeks ago but it was still more than I wanted to pay.  This week thay have a Mother's Day special that brought the price down to less than half with free shipping.  So I ordered it.

And now I'm off to do that!  Enjoy your day!  The sun is shining here but it's not HOT yet.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Janie--I am happy for you that you were able to get such a good deal on the canner.  your place will look spiffy with newly washed and ironed curtains.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Joan:  I admire your attitude of going along with what should be best for you and the children - they are a loving family and want to care for you.  Fantastic! 

Jenny:  Glad for your very good news.  It sounds like it could change in the other way at the future too but I always say to be glad for any extra time together.

I am making clam chowder in the crock pot and it will be good as this day is cooling off.  Snow is predicted for Friday - we have no appointments so that is great.  Yesterday, I fixed Alfredo sauce with pasta and invited #3 child - he came to work on my bathroom sink.  It is perfect now - of course. 

Jackie:  Watford, looks like such a charming place.  That bridge should have been saved just for the history - we  tend to destroy a lot of our history as well. 


Carol--I know that once this move is completed we will all be in the same general area.  Clam chowder sounds wonderful,  is here enough to put some in the hidey hole?

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Afternoon,

So happy to see Joan "back at the wheel".   

After "sleeping on it",   I have decided to put off the tile work for a while.  I'll need a lot of help from the family for various things and this is simply not a good time to put those duties on their shoulders. 
The contractor will still build the cabinet and power wash the patio (after this week's Weather! is over and done with).

Janie,  I am so so glad you're getting help with the housework.  I'm very spoiled to getting that done every two weeks.  I use a Cleaning Service but the same girl has taken care of me for several years and she notices things I don't.

Hope Everyfriend Everywhere is having an Enjoyable Day.


Callie, Tammy saw a LOT that I've been missing!  My bathtub shower practically knocked my eyes out this morning and the lights in there are definitely brighter.  She even washed the walls in the hall because "they had dog kisses all over them".  She fixed the towel bar that I thought was gone forever.  She scrubbed baseboards that I haven't done in years.  She seemed upset that she hadn't made it through the whole house.  When I asked her if she wanted to come back next Monday and do the rest of the DEEP stuff and then give the others a once over, she was delighted. She told me that she quit the job she had when her grandchildren started school to make it easier for her daughter who works in a nearby town.  And she decided to clean for others because she likes doing it and she can set her own hours.  So she's getting grandchildren off to school, cleaning all day and then meeting the bus.  This gal has more energy than any two people I know?

Back to ironing the curtains....enough of this infernal resting!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Poof went the day!! I did manage wo wash and wax the van and just finished cuttin the grass....again. With the rain we have been having it grows so fast!! Darn blackflies are out scouting their next meal.

Jane, I have been looking at the Ball canner and will check out WM when I get  into the city and have some spare time to look for one. Hope you enjoy yours!

Carol, you made my mouth water with your clam chowder!!!  When my friend and I would go to Red Lobster that is what we would have along with the ghee and garlic biscuits.

Shirley, thank you, I am going to get some B1 with hopes it keeps the skeeters away. We have them here with post hold augers for bills!!

June, hubby was given a Boost in the hospital and it was more like a juice  than the milky one. The lady gave him a peach flavoured one and he said you could taste the fuzz on the peach it was so good!!

Going to go put my feet up for a bit.

Where is Lloyd???
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


my only grandson  Matt has completed boot camp. 

He also ran 2 miles in 9 min and 12 seconds, so the army is sending him to a training camp in colorado for "team USA" in the next Summer Olympics.....   

Hurrah for Matthew!!!!!

With all that is going on in the World ...  training for the Olympics is the greatest of all places to land!!!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


 :cheer: :cheer:  Congratulations to Sandy's Mathew.... impressive accomplishment!    :cheer: :cheer:

Lloyd Hammond

Good night everyone. it is time to wish you all sweet Dreams.



WOW! Sandy!  You wished for him to be out of harm's way and he is!  Hurray!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Wednesday morning, Everyfriend.  There's DDs to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice day!!



Holmes and Watson

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are hiking. They hiked all day long and then, having gotten tired, went to sleep in their tent.

Holmes wakes up deep at night, wakes Watson and says, "Watson, do you see the bright stars and do you notice how clear the sky is? What can you deduce from it?"

"Well, this clearly tells us the weather tomorrow is going to be dry and sunny."

"No Watson, it's simpler than that. It just means that somebody has stolen our tent."

Food For Thought

Claiming It Never Happened
By Fred Bultman

Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:1-4, 11-15 You are to say, "His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep."
Matthew 28:13

The religious leaders had the opportunity to interview personally the guards who saw the events of that morning while memories were still fresh. They could ask questions to clarify what those witnesses had seen. Did this opportunity strengthen their faith? Did the eyewitness facts from the guards confirm for the religious leaders that Jesus was the Messiah they had heard him claim to be before his death?

No. The Jerusalem chief priests were committed to a different outcome and didn't want to let little things like the testimony of eyewitnesses change their minds. It just wouldn't work that the person the chief priests had rejected, the person they saw as a threat to their own power, the person they had come to hate, the person they had framed, the person they had lied about, the person they had gotten condemned to capital punishment, could come back from the death sentence they had inflicted.

So again there was a need to withdraw some money from the temple fund-even more this time-to buy the silence and false testimony of the guards who had witnessed the events of Easter morning.

Claiming it never happened-that is not repentance. But do we do that? Do we lie to cover up?Holy Spirit, confront me again with the facts. Help me to get out of this state of denial, claiming it never happened, so that I can pray-forgive me, Lord Jesus, for I have sinned. Amen.
Thought of the Day

"We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline practically has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not 'disciplined'?"

- A.W. Tozer


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone....

One can't help but smile in the morning seeing your posts Joan.

Running hubby to our Dr this morning then home to wrestle with the walls of the gazebo. Think the day will be good enough, not windy like other days to get this job done. No skeeters to deal with yet but the blackflies may want to "help" me..

Sandy, WOW way to go for Mathew and what an accomplishment for him!!!

Enjoy your day everyone..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Thank you Joanie for the goodies. 

Gonna be a pretty day here today....and a busy one.  I've already started to gather my things for the trip to State College tomorrow.  I keep telling myself "If Shirley can do all that driving, so can I".  We're just about the same age!  Actually, it's not the driving that bothers me.  At least, not the trip there.  It's having to spend so many hours waiting.  I'm taking things to do and I'll do a little shopping but I don't want to drive all over and maybe get lost.  I need that energy just to get home.

The vet has a nice shady parking lot and an unlimited supply of coffee and I'm taking my iPad and some things I need to finish for Junior Choir and Acolyte awards for this Sunday and my pillow.  There's a very large mall about 3 miles from the vet and I'm in need of some updates to my church wardrobe.

Then, today is the day my high school classmates gather for breakfast.  I wasn't going to go but I do have to eat and why not do it with good friends?

I work 5-9 tonigh and then I want to go to bed kind of early.  I got all the washed curtains ironed and back up yesterday so three rooms are finished. 

I think most of my edginess is on Annie's behalf.  I'm worried about what they will find but I've put that into God's hands and I'm trying not to take it back.  What will be, will be!

Now I'm off to get a shower and get dressed so I can go to breakfast.  After I'm ready, I'll do a bit more gathering for the tomorrow's trip.  I have to be on the road by 6:30 a.m. And Mickie will NOT enjoy being left home alone!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Amy.  I sure hope the blackflies leave you alone.

Janie--Good morning.  Good luck on your trip to and from State College tomorrow. You sure have a busy couple of days ahead.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. good to see you all. and especially good to see you back Bis just do not over it Please. It is cloudy and 68 º  already here , but no
rain as of yet. they say it is going to our north and east. hope this link works for you all, Have a great day.


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