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Crescent City harbor Memorial weekend 2016

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Good morning, Buddies. Sorry to have been silent for a while - mostly just nothing to contribute. Watching the weather. Darlene, did you get any rain from Nicholas? We're supposed to get rain from the outer bands today, but nothing more than that.

I'm certainly with the rest of you in being amazed at people's reactions to being required to do something as simple as wearing a mask. And for crying out loud, don't they get their kids vaccinated for measles, polio, diphtheria (DPT shots), tetanus, etc. And use seat belts. Etc., etc.

On the happy side, I'm starting to think about a short trip I'll be taking in December. My oldest grandson and his lady are getting married in midDecember. It'll be very small, only parents, siblings & spouses, and grandparents, at Barnsley Gardens just north of Atlanta. I'm the only grandparent left on either side, so I think I really should go. Of course, being excited to do so, too. He's the last of our grands to marry, although they've been together for years. Still a happy time.

Happy Wednesday, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning Buddies...it was cool walking thus morning..but will heat up after lunch..Mary...no rain from Nicholas...to far north..hope you get to go to grandson wedding..I decided to go be with family when possible..I have had vaccine..wear mask and use common sense..going to see 2 of my sons next week...Mary P it is scary to get something stuck in windpipe..a Dr told my friend to eat a piece of banana..it would move it down...course haven't tried it..Alpiner...asthma and copd is a lot to deal with..Jane Tex is probably maxed out on covid..I don't go to funerals much anymore..been 8 years since my hubby passed...miss him every single day...Hi to Marlyin Patrica and others reading..Sharon ..hope you and John have wonderful trip...be safe


Mary, I too hope you get to that wedding.  Like you, I am the last of my generation on either side of both children & spouses and granddaughters & spouses.  Unlike you, I am no longer able to travel, for a myriad reasons too depressing to list, so I won't. 

Darlene, I think your friend must have misunderstood her doctor.  The banana might be a great idea, one I've not heard of previously but feel encouraged to try, for getting pills stuck in your THROAT, but when you get something stuck in your windpipe, you cannot speak and you cannot SWALLOW.  Repeat, you cannot swallow.  And for the something to go down further, or even into your lungs, could be fatal.  You can only go just so long without breathing.  So you could not swallow a piece of banana, or anything else, for that matter, and if you could, which you can't, there is no way you could make that piece of banana go into your windpipe instead of your throat.  When something does mistakenly enter the windpipe when it has been meant for the throat, I don't really understand how it happens. It happens in a nanosecond and so swiftly that you are totally unaware until you find you can neither speak nor breathe and you are in great peril.  No, your friend meant to say throat, not windpipe; for surely the doctor did.

We can all be grateful the windpipe thing is so very rare.  Not nearly rare enough, yet still rare.  And if I had not had Bob there, I doubt I would have lived to tell of the experience.  It is soundless, fast, and without mercy.  I go over and over and over it in my mind, even after all these years, and I can only come to the conclusion that it has Something to do with talking while you have food in your mouth.  And I agree that we all have to think about just what we would do were it to happen when we are alone.  But then again, if we are alone, why should it happen if talking triggers the problem?  Unless we are eating while on the phone, how could it happen?


CC, thank you for the information about the banana . I will be passing this on to friends, thank you!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I remember mercurichrome...or however it was spelled.  It didn't hurt.   :2funny:

I went to WalMart for my prescription that the Insurance company finally let me fill....and left with a "few" groceries...and $107.00 less in my bank account!  Those few things grew and grew as I decided I needed to stock up on some stuff.

They had CHRISTMAS TREES out already...and were putting away stuff to make room for Christmas ornaments.  YIKES! :uglystupid2:

Stay safe and healthy,



Good morning. Jane, they call that the 200.00 dollar milk syndrome.  :thumbup:

I started choking one time at lunch and had to go over to the counter and do my own Heimlich maneuver. That was frightening because I felt so helpless! I don't remember what it was other than a piece of fruit.

I haven't had breast cancer, but in 2000 I had colon cancer, my father and two sisters had it, each of us in the nineties, and we all survived it. My mother was the one with breast cancer. Both my parents died later of other causes, but we all survived cancer luckily.


Mary Page...one can not rely on second hand information...I'm sure it depends on the situation....have a great day..CC


Hello buddies. May I ask for good thought anf prayers for my Freckle?

She hurt her back legs slipping on the stairs, so she isn't walking very well. She is resting on one of her beds. She even slips on the house floors.  A few years ago I was told that she has a degenerating disk right above her hips which is the one that causes dogs to logs the back legs. I am hoping and praying that this isn't the case at this time. After all she is 14 now and age isn't very nice to any of us even our pets.


MaryPage, I'm only getting to go because one of the family is coming to get me. I can travel by car, but that's all. I'm not willing to go through trying to get on an airplane.  ;D

jane, I hate it when they put all that stuff out so early. They were decorating the lobby of our building yesterday, and I was getting ready to whine about early decorations. But it turned out they were putting up Autumn decorations. Hooray!

Patricia, you're welcome to hang out with us for any reason.

Darlene, those of us who have lost our guys always miss them every day, no matter how long.

I'm one of those with COPD - smoking will get you, no matter when you quit. I do a once-daily inhaler medication, and have the "rescue inhalers", too. I don't use those very often, though. What was a surprise was when I wound up with two bad heart valves and open heart surgery for replacement. We keep plugging along.

Oh, Marilyn, I'm so sorry to hear about Freckles. Keep us posted. Hugs to you both!

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Buddies!  It's a beautifully cool fall-like morning here.  I did get my garbage bin pulled to the curb and then did a short walk.  I have the windows open for fresh air.  It'll make me sneeze, but I love having fresh air in after being closed up because of the heat and humidity. 

I've also got a load in the washer and I hope to get the refrigerator cleaned this afternoon.   Maybe?  Don't make any big bets on it. 

Stay safe and healthy,



Good morning from another cool but sunny Interior. Another day with chores, email to see to, and a trip downstairs for the mail. Since my February fall, my left leg is still unsteady at times. I purchased an ebook on senior stretches, hoping to get some balance back.


Patricia, on one of the national news network broadcasts last night, or perhaps two of them, ABC and NBC, they showed photos of the Anchorage Hospital (beautiful!) and explained how they are having to turn people away because they have long lines of ambulances waiting to be able to unload their patients and long lines of families also waiting with their ill member to get admitted.  They are over full already with the huge surge in Covid patients.  I expect it is even more difficult, if not downright impossible, to just drive to another hospital there in your huge state.


MaryPage, they have six hospitals in Anchorage and hospitals here and there are hospitals in the various military bases. And they are all overwhelmed. We have regular Covid, the Delta variant, the lambda variant, and the mu variant, but that one is fizzling. The state, while not observing CDC guidelines, has asked the feds for help and an additional 500 medical personnel. Alaska reported 1,100 new cases on Wednesday.

This is from a state that is second only to Wyoming for the lowest population. We had 724,357 in the 2021 census.


Patricia, are you in Anchorage?  We spent nearly a month in various places in AK about 20 years ago. We drove the Alaska Highway, pulling a camper trailer, and returned via the ferry system. What a fabulous time it was!

I had my INR tested this morning, and it was higher than last week. So another change in my Warfarin dosage, and back again next week for another finger stick.  Phooey!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


No Mary, I'm a little over four hundred miles north of Anchorage in Fairbanks. We're actually almost directly on the other side of the Alaska Range from Anchorage and we have forests, lakes, and rivers and they have sea, gulf, and inlets.

EDIT Just in, "Alaska reports the second consecutive day of over 1,000 new COVID-19 cases.."


Patricia, we loved Fairbanks - much more so than Anchorage.  :thumbup:
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Bob & I planned to take one of those boat cruises to Alaska.  Not a cruise cruise on one of those humongous ships, but the ones that include whale watching and are ever so much smaller.  Well, we never made it, due to a constant barrage of things coming up.  I have never seen Alaska or a whale.  But I've traveled quite a lot, and had a good life, on the whole; so no complaints.

It is sickening reading & hearing about the numbers of Covid-19 patients increasing.  I feel for the families and the sick, but I am beyond concerned about the health providers.  When hospitals say they have to turn away patients because of the number of nurses they have lost to sickness, death, and burn out, I cannot fathom how in the world we got to this point in this pandemic.  Everyone was so optimistic at first, especially after they got so many successful vaccines going so quickly.  That, of course, was possible because the research doctors have learned so much from trial & error in the putting together of disease-erasing vaccines for the dread virus forms that have attacked our species in the past.  When a new one comes along now, they know exactly how to swing into action to find the means to curtail the threat.  We might say of them, as we used to yell out in the Saturday moving picture Westerns pre-TV when I was a child: "Here come the Cavalry!"  Except no one Knew that so many of us would not be lining up with the rest of us eager to get their bodies started making the antibodies to safeguard their worlds of work and home and family.  I really begin to feel more and more resentment of those who have started the lies about the vaccines making us infertile or planting harmful chemicals in us or tiny things so that government can spy on us (government does not have the manpower for that!) and caused so many to believe these things to be true, and it blows my mind that all of this has become "Political" when it should not be.  No, these things are a matter of Life & Death, and to paraphrase what someone famous said eons ago, "Every death diminishes us all: our nation, our communities, our sense of being joined together in a terrible ordeal and Beating It!  Tell me what is political about my agonizing so much over the dying?  Tell me what is partizan over me wanting Covid to stop being a threat to my fellow countrymen? I do not think of it as political.  I just want everyone to get well and there to be no more deaths and us all to live happily ever after.  I just want this over.


Mary Page...
...i have intentionally not listened to any UK tv channel news for the past 4 plus months so have no idea as to what has been happening in our world, my country ( UK ) whether good or bad, ( most is just far too depressing or scaremongering with very little good or happy news, ) i just dont want to know so wont follow it, this way i can just get on with my life for the time being and focus on the important things that matter, friends - family...take it one day at a time...

Mary Page, do yourself the best favour, stop reading and listening about it, it will only drive you nuts...our world seems full of depression, dont let it eat you up...

Now all you " bosom buddies " i hope you all continue remaining cancer free...or for those now dealing with it, that you kick it where it belongs...sending (( hugs )) to all who are, or have been dealing with this as i too lost my mother to breast cancer 44 years ago, i also lost my father to penis cancer 33 years ago...advancement has gone a long way since, and i wish you all the very best on your journey of enjoying a healthier future...


Good Morning, EveryOne.

VJ...we appreciate your good wishes for our continued cancer-free life. 

Patricia & MaryPage...I just checked and 46% of our positive covid results have been in the age group 0-29!
I know those little ones can't get the shot yet, but that's why everyone else should...to protect the littles ones.  Good Grief.  I know some mock the "it takes a Village to raise a child," but I believe it's true.  Neighbors need to look out for them and this is one example!

Mary...I agree with you.  I thought Fairbanks was wonderful.  I'm not sure I could take the winters there, but I saw it in early June and it was lovely.

Today is a slug day...the weather is changing again and my body is not happy.  I got a WebMD newsletter the other day on Chronic Pain and the PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) was listed as one of the causes.  I guess I need to come to accept that fully.

I've had clean out the refrigerator on my "to do" list for a few days, so I did that this morning...washed it out and rearranged a few things and tossed a couple more.  The freezer section needs "rearranging" too, but that won't happen today.  I went to the grocery store that has a couple things I like to have on hand, so I stocked up.  With the supply chain in such disruption, I've found I need to keep things on hand since the stores are often out.

It's to be back to summer here this weekend...temps back to the 90s.  UGH...I'm so done with that...want the nice cool fall temps.  My body likes that so much better.

Take care, EveryOne, and please keep posting and be safe and healthy,



We have one of those grey, forbidding days, the sort that make you want to curl up with a really good book and a mug of steaming tea and just let the world go on its way until the sun awards us the pleasure of its company once again.  It is not raining right here, but apparently it is raining all around and about us.

I have too much on my TO DO list to follow my suggested scenario.  I did get my going out mail done early, and Chip has taken it off to the Big Blue postal box up at the sentry station.  We have a small building right in the center of the road leading into and out of Chesapeake Harbour, and this has a security guard on duty 24/7.  Almost right there, just a tiny way along that road, sits a fairly beat up Big Blue postal box.  It gets emptied punctually every day, and every speck of mail I have put into it these last 18 years has reached its destination.  One cannot say better than that!  Our mail persons, on the other hand, have been changing like leaves on Autumn trees, and their hours of delivery and pickup are totally untrustworthy.  So Chip makes certain our mail gets in that blue box.  Thus I am comforted this morning in knowing the electric bill has been paid and a birthday card with some cash money is on its way to great grandson Garrett.  Boys love cash money above all other (affordable) gifts.  Garrett is probably one of the sweetest kids ever there was, and he will be 15 next week.  Why does that make me want to cry?  What a sentimental wuss I am!

The workers who run the big truck lifts (are they called cranes?) being used to refurbish the outside of our building are still today.  That crew must have been sent home because of what looks like imminent downpours.  The other crew is here and busy running up and down their ladders scrapping old paint off (the first proceeding down the length of the building) and painting what is either an undercoat or the real paint, I have no idea which, around windows and doors and other spots (the second set of workers.).  They really seem to have this job of work well planned, and the burly foreman with the black, black beard made a good call when he elected to keep them working this morning, as, so far, there has not been a drop of rain.

Jane, I find in my ancientness that the cooler air is kinder to my body than are the warmer months loved so by the young.  Most especially, my lungs like the cooler breathing.  Who knew it could be so!

Y'all have a delicious day.


And we're back to the weekend. It was 54 when I went out to WalMart at 7:00 am for a few items.

Nothing planned for the weekend...watching mysteries on Hallmark Mysteries and probably one or two football games.

Stay safe and healthy,




Pouring rain here today. I hopeit helps to put out all the fires to the east of here.
Freckles is much better, I cut her pills for incontinence in half and only give to her at bedtime. She is eating well now. when she was taking a full pill twice a day she wouldn't eat and got sick after she did have some to eat.  Her legs are almost back to normal she when for  one full walk around part of the mobile park yesterday and actually walked up the stairs twice., the rest of the time she stopped at the bottom for me to carry her up. There are only 4  seven inch standard steps  for each entrance.

That's all folks!


Good to  hear your beloved pup is doing better with less medication. 


Hi Gals, I've been lax about posting, but seem to be busy most of the time with one thing or another. Between bridge, walking, bicycle, household chores, and getting organized for our trip. We leave next Friday, can you believe it?! I will be so glad to get there and know that they accept all our documents re: Covid.

I've been doing laundry today, as usual on Sat. Almost done.

It was quite a bit warmer when I walked today but to be mid 80's next week. We didn't get much of anything from Nicholas.

Marilyn, I was so sorry to hear about Freckles, but glad she's doing better now. I do hope the rain helps with all the fires out there.

Mary, how nice that you have a wedding to look forward to. It's wonderful how well your girls take care of you. Only 2 of my grands are currently married. Two were divorced, both of which have new serious girlfriends so maybe we will have additional weddings eventually. The 2 youngest 22 and 19 aren't even close.

Jane, I need to clean out my fridge too, but it is so little that it is hard for me to get at. I hope you have a nice weekend without too much pain.

When we went to AK, we only did the inland passage cruise, so I didn't see either Anchorage or Fairbanks and I've regretted it ever since. I'm sure it is beautiful.

I don't even want to discuss the Covid situation. I get so mad. We are getting our booster shot Wed, so I hope that protects us fully.

I better put the last load in the washer before dinner.  Stay safe, everyone.   Sharon


Good Morning....another hot and humid day and tomorrow and then the weatherguessers promise it'll be fall-like. 

Sharon...I envy you your trip to France.  I doubt I'll ever make it back. 

I was working on my laptop when an email arrived cancelling my appt for my flu shot at Target today at 1:00.
 I'm all ready to go.  I started to reschedule...and there the 1:00 slot was open again.  I called and spoke to Pharmacy...they had done something with the system...and yes, I was still scheduled for 1:00 and they have the vaccine...so I'm back on!  Whew!

That's my big excitement for the day.   :coolsmiley:

Stay safe and healthy,



I'm reading about everyone's warm and humid weather. This is the notice I have and it's a steady rainy day.

...Snowfall Likely Tonight and Monday...

Wet snow is likely Sunday night into Monday as a front moves southeast across the Interior. For Fairbanks, less than one inch of wet snow is possible Monday morning. Areas above 1000 feet along the Steese, Elliott, Parks and Dalton Highways will see one to three inches of accumulation.


Ohhh....it's coming, huh!  It won't make it this far south for at least a month...I think.  I'm actually looking forward to cooler weather...and yes, even snow.
 I'm tired of looking at my weed infested flower beds and I'm ready for a change.  I guess I bore easily, huh!

I think I'll get the car out and the AC going and drive on down to CR for my jab.  I don't get to Target often, and I prefer it to WalMart, so I'll wander around with my mask on and see what goodies I can find. 

Stay safe and healthy.



Our usual first snow date is Halloween. But, nothing's usual weather-wise anymore.


Happy Sunday everyone....we still are warm/hot and humid...probably be around Haloween before we get our first norther...we had snow last winter...first time in years...and no electricity or water for 7 days....I guess some of you see on the  news of the invasion at the border...15,000 people...I'm about 80 miles north of that....so keeping my pistol loaded and doors locked....have a great rest of weekend..CC


Crazy weather indeed!  We're in the middle of a 3-day flash-flood watch. My town had almost 5" of rain yesterday and lots of local creek and road flooding. No houses or severe damage that I've heard of, but some of the gals coming in for second shift (2 p.m.) yesterday had trouble getting here, and part of our parking lot flooded. Supposed to keep raining through Wednesday, then turn into fall - beautiful dry weather, highs in the low 70s and lows in the 50s.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."