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June 16, 2024, 08:03:21 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Marilyn, I hope Keith does well - or that he obeys if he fails.  Good luck, whichever way it turns out.

Sharon and Sue - welcome to my bridge world for the last couple of weeks.  It doesn't help, even at duplicate, when everybody plays the same cards.  LOL

No problems at the dentist this morning - and I do love the feel of freshly cleaned teeth.  I did have to take some antibiotics because of the newly replaced knee.  I thought it was funny, though, since nobody ever told me that when I had my shoulder replaced.

Happy Hump Day, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sue....I don't remember exactly.  Ray got it first....violently ill very quickly and then I'm also quarantined until 24 hours without a symptom.  I got to 23.5 hours....and wham bang...I had it too.  The crew brought us all our meals, cleaned our room and bathroom, etc.  We were waited on hand and foot...just couldn't leave our room....and believe me, too sick to want to.  I think it lasted for each of us, maybe 4 days.

Marilyn...From your description, I don't see how K will pass the actual driving test.  When I did the AARP class, it was about the rules of the road.  You indicated he has trouble with that, as well.

We've been to WalMart and HEB.  I hate having to shop both places, but HEB doesn't carry things we 'Northerners' are used to...and so the need to go both places. ::)

It's 86 and that's too hot for me to be out and about, so we're back, into "comfy" clothes for the rest of the evening.  Ray's napping, and I'm about to settle down on the sofa with my iced tea and read.



We've had a really warm January, but temp dropped today and lots of wind. I just got back from the grocery. I had a lot to buy to have for the kids when they come. Afterwards, I went to our new Arbys and got us each a French Dip Beef & swiss cheese sandwich.  They were soooo good. OF course it was 2:00 by the time we ate them, so we were really hungry.

John dropped Bunny off at the groomer's this morning and she still hasn't called us to tell us she's done.  About the time I get comfortable the phone will ring.

To my knowledge, I've never had norovirus & hope that I never do. Sounds awful.

Jane, I'm so glad you've had a good weather month and are having fun for your extended time down there.  It sounds like people are compatible and there's enough to do.  I hope your remaining time is good too.

Hi to all.  Sharon


Keith did well at the AARP class. It seem it was easier for him than when I took the class online. there was no test at the end of the class for him and when the teacher asked a question she called on one person to answer it. I quizzed him this evening on the  lines on the road. he answered them all correctly. He still has to go to DMV and take the written test which is on a computer now. And take the drivers test in order to keep his drivers license.


Early morning greetings.

Marilyn...glad K seems to have the lines straight in his head now.  The actual driving test will be his big hurdle, I'd guess, from what you've said of his actual driving.

The weather is to change to colder and rain tomorrow and so a bad night here.  We're hoping to get out and to B'ville for some items and then plan to be inside for the weekend. 



Hey Jane, I have been trying to get Alf in here so she can understand what happened over here.  I finally got ALF's new email address but had to call my sister, Mary, to get that since she has moved back to upstate NY. I just sent her a link to this page and hope she can get Ginger Wright's address. 


Hi Gals, My cleaning gal was here and spiffed things up for Mel's visit. I have the sauce made for my lasagna and the fruit salad made for a breakfast or lunch choice. I've also washed a couple throw rugs and the dog's blankets. I still need to go over the couch and get it back in order. Bunny sleeps on top of one of the back cushions a lot which has really messed it up. I need to vacuum the cushions too to be sure all the dog hair is off. Bunny doesn't really shed much at all, but there is some.

Marilyn, so glad K did well in his class. Good luck to him on his tests.

Jane, sorry bad weather is coming in for the weekend, but very few places have good weather all the time.  Hawaii and San Diego, I've heard, but don't want to live either place, although visits are fun.

Hi to Sue and MaryZ and to whoever else pops in.  Sharon


Hi Every Buddy!  My Friday Village Friend, Julia, picked me up at 9:00 to shop at Kroger.  She finished first as usual, but it always takes me longer.  I use one of the small buggies and hang my cane over the top basket.  I was able to find everything on my list and we were back to my house about 10:15.  I'd left my key in the door and was happy to see it as when I was searching my purse for it on the way home didn't find it.  AND I AM NOT MENTIONING IT TO TIM OR BILL.   Jon would just laugh and not bug me about it.

Since coming home, I phoned USAA and paid my credit card bill.  Last month I forgot it was due and had to pay a late fee--only $3.50, but Tim carefully read the fine print and it said if I forget again, it will cost $38.00.  So I've put on note on the next several months on the 27th or 28th to go online to USAA and pay my credit card bill.

Sharon, remind me again when Melanie is coming and how long she'll visit.  I know you'll have a great time with her.  I hope your weather will be mild so she can enjoy the sunny "almost" South.  I wouldn't want to live in Hawaii, but I loved San Diego the 2 years we lived there even though Bob was at sea most of those 2 years (on station in Vietnamese waters).

Hi Annie.  Are you the same Annie who went to the beach bash near Charleston?  I picked up Joan Grimes at the Atlanta Airport and drove her down with me.  We enjoyed, especially, the visit  Mary Alice Monroe made to our condo to talk about her first book and also when she invited us to go into Charleston to the museum to look at the rescued turtles behind the scenes.

Jane, I hope you get your shopping and errands done before the rain comes.  It's always kind of fun to watch the storms out of the condo window as long as the winds aren't bad. 

Marilyn, hurray for Keith with the AARP driving exam.  I'm hoping that he'll do as well on the road test.  Have you been taking him someplace safe to practice driving?  Like perhaps a school after the kids go home or maybe a grocery parking lot when the store is not busy.

I'm starting a favorite Susan Elizabeth Phillips book I've read several times.  I need to read some of the books Tim has brought me from his stash of mysteries, but most are pretty dark and I'm in the mood for a good plot which starts out with problems, but the characters are able to overcome the adversity and L.H. E.  (live happily ever after!)

Have a nice afternoon, Buddies.  GinnyAnn, where are you today?  I hope you're feeling well.


Annie....ALF's email is under her name in the Members list at SeniorLearn.  Yes, she and Bill moved back to upstate NY.  I believe Ginger Wright is now in a nursing home type situation and not very well.  I don't know that she has any access anymore to a computer.

Sharon...it sounds as if all will be spiffed up for Melanie and Sangmin.

Sue...Good idea on the credit card...or arrange with your bank to have it automatically withdrawn from your checking account.  I do this so I don't have to be online or remember to pay it.  I've had a lot of my bills auto deducted without a single problem now for about 8-10 years. 

We got to B'ville and the weather suddenly began to change....winds and very dark clouds and the temp dropping.  We picked up some wings at Wing Stop and got home and the groceries in.  We'll be in now if the weather follows the forecast.  There's going to be a church service here Sat. night...somebody has a visiting priest and he's doing the service, so no need to drive to Port Isabel on Sat. afternoon. 



Sue, Mel is coming tomorrow & will leave Tues AM. I'm really looking forward to the visit.  I finished up the lasagna and have it in the fridge to put in the oven when we are ready to. I'll fix a big salad to go with it and I have some toasted baguette slices to put my salmon spread on for an hors d'hoeuvre. That is the only meal I'm cooking other than breakfast & lunch.  I'm picking up barbeque for sandwiches for lunch Sunday before we go to the museum. I'll make some slaw to go with it too + chips.  Monday, we'll probably have left-overs for lunch.  I also made a fruit salad to fill in where ever.  I finally decided not to make a dessert & just got some ice cream to have if anyone wants it.

Glad you got your groceries in. It's a nice arrangement for you.  I don't like too dark of mysteries either.  John did give me a medical mystery to read that he had liked, but I haven't started it yet.

Jane, how nice that the priest is coming to the condo, especially since the weather is supposed to be bad.

I'm crashed for the time being.  I could still find some stuff to do, but don't think I will.  I got the couch all cleaned and the clean dog blanket on "her spot".  Sharon


Marilyn, glad Keith did well with the AARP class - good luck with the official tests.

Sharon, I know you'll have a great visit with your kiddies.

Sue, I agree with jane and do that myself.  I have most of my bills automatically deducted from my checking account, and pay electronically the other few.  I rarely write a physical check anymore. 

jane, I hope your bad weather goes through quickly.

Swimming this morning, and then my mani/pedi.  That always makes for a good morning.  The swimming will continue, but will change for about a month.  The Y is closing our pool for 3 weeks or so to resurface the sides and bottom.  Some of us are planning to go to classes at the downtown Y - still on M/W/F, but at 9 am.  That makes for later sleeping in the morning, but will certainly take up the whole morning.  I'm just glad there's an alternative.  Nothing going on this weekend - just knitting and TV, I guess.

Happy weekend, Buddies!

"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sue, do you live in the Atlanta area? We lived there twice in 20 years. Lived there from 1980 to 1998 with a 4 yr break between
1986 'til 1991 when we lived out in Torrance, CA. We now live in Gahanna, OH.
Yes, I am that Annie!  Didn't we have a good time there?! That beautiful big house was just a winner! My sister, Mary, and you walked on the beach, while Ginger and I slowly followed behind.
Remember that luscious breakfast place we ate at?  And all the delicious food that Eloise and AnnaFair fed us? What a great gathering we had!!


Hi AnnieA - and welcome.  I live in Chattanooga - so not too far from Atlanta.  We moved here in 1986.  And my sister-in-law lives in Torrance - has since the 1950s.  It is a small world!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Hi Buddies.  I just finished a glass of wine and the book I've been reading today.  I forgot to tell you I went for my haircut appointment yesterday.  Cynthia (the hairdresser) and I started talking and I didn't pay attention, so my hair is VERY much shorter than I wanted.  Oh, it'll grow out soon enough, but it's chilly here and my ears get cold--even in the house!

Jane, I hope your weather didn't turn out to be dangerous.  It's nice a visiting priest will give a mass for you and your friends in your building. 

Sharon, your goodies for Melanie's visit sound yummy and I'm sure she'll enjoy them, but I'll bet she'll enjoy seeing you and John most of all.  Have fun!

Mary, a swim and a mani-pedi make for a nice day.  I'm still a check writer for most things, but I do have my credit card bill taken out of my checking account and a few other monthly expenses (water bill, gas bill, electric bill).  However, I don't have the credit card  on a specific date, but usually call the bank or go down there to chat with my young friend who is a teller. 

Annie, thanks for clearing up our meeting for me.  I really had a great time there.  A few years ago I took my grandsons who live in New Orleans to Charleston and Columbia (I'm a grad at USC) for several weeks.  We had a good time, but didn't go out to the beaches.  The boys especially enjoyed visiting the place with the turtles, fish, etc.  Of course I had to tell them about our visit behind the scenes to the recovering turtles.  There are several new programs at that museum.

It's past my bedtime and I just finished reading an old (for me) Susan Elizabeth Phillips novel.  I have a number of hers and like all of them.

Sleep well, Buddies.  Ginny Ann, where are you?


Good morning girls!
Someone just mentioned a priest coming on the Sat.
evening------The Senior Living Facility in which I live
has access to either of two priests who come every
Saturday afternoon at 4 to celebrate Mass, so all we
have to do is go (downstairs for me) at 4.  I am so
thankful for that as I no longer drive.


I have been saying would get my hair trimmed now for over a week.  I am letting it grow and trying to go back to a bob. Thing is I can't handle the back and so it needs shaping really bad back there. I just don't like it down on my neck.

Again today. Weather awful.  Wind, only 30 deg and snow flakes. I am not in the mood to even get dressed. So will put it off again today. Don't care to go on Saturdays. He is usually pretty busy.
My mail box is across the street.  I hear the mailman banging the doors close. Wonder if I can sneak over in my PJs.  Maybe wait until it gets dark. Doubt anything worth looking at anyway.
This winter is making me really lazy.


Windy and cold here, but it doesn't appear to be raining as predicted.  An inside day, to be sure!!




Now can you stay in you Evening Wear like we can when home?


We enjoy our "soft" clothes, as Mary calls them, both here and at home.


JeanneP, don't you live in or somewhere around Binghamton, NY? My daughter lives up in Ithaca.  Didn't we talk about meeting up with you in 2004 after we went to my granddaughter's wedding at Cornell? 
And did you say your sister lives in Torrance? In SL we have a lady who lives in Torrance. Her user name is JoanK and her twin, PatH, lives near D.C. It really is a small world!!!


Hi ladies, We have done our weekly Walmart Run fopr groceries and freckles has been to the  groomer for a bath and nail trim.  I got an email. back from the venue for the Aug. wedding of Keith's youngest son that my Service dog is welcome. She has done quite well with her training, I've been working with her by laying on the floor and calling for her to help me get up. She is to stand with her back stiff so I can lean  on her to rise up, That is one of the tasks I have taught her. She has her Identification and service dog vest already. She is such  smart dog and so easy to teach new thing for her to do.


HI everyone...it's a bit cool here today...so didn't walk...made a big pot of soup...that I can get several meals out of..Marlyin. Hope Keith does well on his driving test....my husband was unable to drive the last 10 years of his life...so I drove all the time..Sharon...you are lucky to have your cleaning lady....my windows really need cleaning...Sue..I know you will be glad to get to drive again...Jane it's cool here as well..but know you are enjoying time on the coast...I'm going to my daughters for a f days next week..Hi Jeanne and any others. Darlene


MaryZ, its you who has the SIL who lives in Torrance! Sorry I mixed you up with JeanneP! 😢😢


No problem, Annie.

It's been a lovely day here today, even though it's chilly.  We'll just enjoy the sunshine.  They're predicting light rain and/or snow for tomorrow, with high around 40.

I've had a bad day with my knee today.  I was sleeping in the chair, and when I woke up about 6, I couldn't bend the knee or put any weight on it.  I managed to get to my cane to help me somewhat, took a pain pill and got back in the bed.  It has gradually improved over the day, but I'm still using the cane.  We'll see what happens overnight - and I'll be calling the doc on Monday morning.  I saw him on Tuesday and x-rays then looked fine. 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sounds like Atlanta temps!  Sounds like your knee gets better and then not so good.  Nothing hurts more than a knee.🙏❤


Annie.  No that is not me.  I am stuck here in Cold,Dreary Illinois .
Now did you use to be on Seniornet.  Was a few of us ladies from the UK on there. some came over to S and F but sorry to say have now past.

Mary.  Julie was having a problem with her knee hurting the other day. Was also in bed.  wonder if the weather is going to bother these knee.?  Like if it rains etc.
I am having a problem with one side of my left thigh about 8 inch above my knee. at the moment. Strange thing. So far had 4 Dr. involved. It is a burning, Tingle . Doesn't hurt.  They have me in PT but Tuesday doing a MRI.  They know now what it is.  very irritating. 


JeanneP, yes I was on SN as Ann Alden. Wonder who that was back in 2004? Hmmmmm!ðŸ¤"


I've been doing more reading lately and not on the computer. Ray wants me to get out more, I think he is a bit worried about me.  :-[  I am having a toothache that is driving me crazy. On Monday the dentist has a clinic where no appointment is needed. Plan on being there to get this tooth taken care of.


Annie. Now I remember your name in SN. So many more of Us back then.

Now did you attend the group in NY for the book group? Seems ilke that was 2004


Hi Buddies.  Olyne picked me up for SS and church.  Afterwards we went down to Conway Hall for a reception for Steve who had just met his 10 year employment--he had finished a PhD at AU and couldn't find a job at the university and a supervisor and jack of all trades was needed.  He took the job and decided he liked it, has expanded his area of work and is a musician as is his wife, the organist.  He sings in the choir, had a solo today, and does just about everything else except preach and keep the books.  We are very glad to have him and Karen as members of our congregation.

Last night just before I went to bed, my computer seemed to be dying, but all seems OK today.  I hope it lasts.  I have a lot of my tax information showing up in e-mails to remind me to download things, so I am especially glad about that.

Not much else to say today, except that just as I was taking my last walk yesterday, I fell (kerplunk) in the street just in front of my neighbors driveway.  David was in their dining room and just happened to see me and ran out to help, but I managed to get myself upright.  I don't know if I stepped on a small rock or just tripped myself with my cane.  No big harm done, though, and I've managed to walk OK today.  I'll sure be glad when I'm totally mobile!

Have a good day, Buddies.