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June 17, 2024, 06:37:36 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Another cold morning here...25, but to warm up tomorrow and then drop 30 degrees overnight Fri to Sat.  That’s hard on this old body.

We have a business appt in Dbq today, will do lunch there, and then home.

Have a good Tuesday!



It's noon here and I've had a nice lunch of leftovers from the mentoring I did last evening.  I had 7 freshmen, most were swimmers, one was from Berlin, Germany.  At first they were shy and didn't ask many questions, but after I talked a bit about my experiences as an elementary teacher, they began to ask questions and we had a nice conversation.  If they stay in Elementary Ed., I will probably see them throughout their years in El. Ed.  They are all on sports scholarships at AU. 

After our sessions with students, we mentors were invited upstairs to a delicious meal with wine and dessert where those still employed by AU talked about upcoming retirement and one woman was new but scheduled to be a Dean (but I forget which department--probably education).

Molly Maids came for my bi-weekly house cleaning and Tim arrived before they were finished, so we sat out on my deck in the sunshine until they left.  I had a Circle meeting this morning, but couldn't attend because of the Molly Maids.

I've done a bit of weeding outside but plan to read most of the rest of the afternoon.  I hope all are feeling well and having a good day.



Hi Gals, I went to the audiologist today for a hearing test a check of my hearing aids. She said my hearing hadn't  changed too much, but said my aids are probably going to have to be replaced in another year. I told her that they were squealing and driving me nuts so she changed the little plastic thing that goes into my ear to a larger one that didn't let the sound escape as much. Made a huge difference. Tomorrow is a free day unless I go to the grocery, then Thursday is the 2nd cataract surgery.  I'll be so glad to get this all behind me.  Especially the drops.

Bunny"s salivary gland seems to have stabilized.  Cross your fingers.  She still has the pooch under her chin, but it seems smaller and definitely not bigger.  She's a strong little thing to have conquered all the health problems she's had.
John leaves next Monday for Gatlinburg for another tournament, his last for a while. I hope to get a guy in to clean the carpet in John's den, and a handyman to do several things around the house.  In between, I'm planning to go through my closet and see what I can give to one of the girls or to Goodwill. I've so many sizes, I don't even know what fits.   Anyone want to guess about whether I get all that done or not? I also have a luncheon and 2 dr's appts!!  I'm so tired of those. Maybe the last for a while though.

Jane, I agree that the changeable weather is rough on our old joints!  Hang in there.

Sue, too bad you had to miss your circle meeting. I gather you can't leave your cleaners by themselves. Aren't they insured and bonded?  Most of those companies are. I wouldn't have one without.

All for now. Have a good rest of the day.  Sharon


The temps are still cool. I am doing pretty much the same.  :'( :-[ Tomorrow the tree guy is coming to take care of the big branches that came down during the last wind storm.


Happy Tuesday....Sharon..good luck with your cataract surgery..I had both mine done a few years ago...really improved my vision...but now my eye Dr says I have scarring..and wants me to have the laser procedure to remove it....I'm not sure I want to do this...have any of you had laser to your eyes...I get nervous when they want to do anything to my eyes...Jane..you should have stayed longer in Texas...we are nice and warm..78 today....Good to see you post Ginny...Hi to all looking in..Darlene


Darlene, I had cataract surgery in about 2003.  About 3-4 years ago, I developed a secondary cataract  (or some such - don't exactly remember) in one eye.  I went to the eye surgeon's office and had the laser procedure.  It took just a few minutes and was totally painless.  If you decide to do it, you shouldn't have any problems.  I'll do anything to keep my sight.

Nothing exciting going on here - just some lovely weather all day long.

Hugs to all the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Good morning, Buddies.  I've been reading the paper, going through old mail I should have thrown out last week, and procrastinating!  I am going to put on my walking clothing and go out to walk.  It's sunny, but still cool, although supposed to be warmer after lunch.  Terri will pick me up about 12:40 to go to bridge at Carolyn's house.  I am having a harder time each morning getting going.  Just too lazy to get started!

I hope your cataract surgery goes well, Darlene.  It's made a huge difference in my eye sight.  I only wear dime store readers late in the evening if the print on the book I'm reading is on the small side.  It seems to be needed when I have to turn on a reading lamp in my bedroom.

GinnyAnn, I'm so glad to see your post this morning.  I hope your health is improving.  Keep us posted!

Sharon, I think you'll be happy with the cataract surgery.  It's been almost 15 years since I had mine and my vision is still really good.  No problems with my eyes since then.    My cleaning ladies are licensed and bonded.  They usually arrive between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.  They work for the Molly Maids franchise.

Jane, I hope you're having some warmer weather today--and NO MORE SNOW! 

Mary, I'm with you on doing anything to keep my sight.  I have annual check ups with my eye doctor and am always happy when he gives me the OK. I still have a spot on the retina in my left eye, but I now my ophthalmologist thinks I've had it all my life and it doesn't seem to bother my vision.  I'm only wearing glasses (OTC readers) if the print is extremely small and the light beside my bed doesn't seem bright enough.

Jane, I hope your weather is warmer today.  We have lots of sunshine, but quite a breeze, so I'll have to wear my heavier jacket when I walk shortly.  It's supposed to get warmer tomorrow and for the weekend.

I've already sent in the first of my quarterly payments to the IRS.  My investments paid well this year, so I'm owing more.  Yuck!

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Sue...I had cataract surgery years ago..what the Dr suggested on my last appt was to have a laser procedure to remove scarring..Im sure I will do it...have a great day..I just got back from walking...Sue what is the number on your reading glasses...think I will check them out next Walmart run..Darlene


Hi , Gals, I'm slow getting going today too, but need to get in there and make some meatloave with the meat I bought.  I also need to make cookies for our Kairos, prison mission. They want 300 dozen from our church. Apparently, the men come for the cookies and stay for the spiritual message. A lot of men have committed their life to Christ in the prisons from these programs.

It's cool but not cold here. Sunny as well. I may take Bunny for a walk later if I still have energy.

Darlene, they told me that the capsule that holds the lens sometimes gets cloudy or hazy and has to have the laser treatment.  They said it was an easy procedure too.

I still haven't heard from the surgical center what time I have to be there tomorrow. If I don't hear soon, I'll call them.  Nothing else going on here.  Hi to all. Sharon


Darlene, you just need to go to a dollar-type store and try on the various glasses to see which one works best for you.  John always went to a Dollar Trees, where he could get them for a couple of dollars.  No need to buy anything but cheap ones.  Buy several pairs and keep them stashed anywhere you might need  to read something.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Both Keith and I have glasses stashed everywhere, however he has many more prs than I and can never find a pair when we get ready to go to the store otr to church.

I took one of the kitties to the vet this morning, she has an upper respiratory infection,  not eating or drinking. She got an antibiotic shot, de-wormer pill and fluids. She still isn't eating but cats do that when they can't smell the food. I warmed some very  odoriferous tuna cat food and she still wouldn't eat.

Iy id raining here so Freckles can't go for a walk yet, if it  lightens up I can take her in her raincoast for a walk.


I suspect I will have to buy some OTC glasses for tiny print.  I do have one of the highest level lenses.

My surgery isn't until 12:15 today, so I have another hour till we leave.  I'm all ready and have even written my church articles for the week.

AND MANY MORE!! :hb2:/b]
I hope you get good weather for your birthday gift!

I may pop back in after I get home. If not, I'll fill you in tomorrow.  Sharon


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEANNE!!    :hb2: :hb2:
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Happy Birthday Jeanne
:hb2: :hb3:


.  Happy Birthday. Jeanne



Happy birthday, Jeanne!  Enjoy your special day.

I've been working in my yard this morning and am pooped!  I've pulled several buckets of weeds and oak seedlings--a constant nuisance in my yard with lots of oak trees.  Since lunch I've been reading and answering mail. 

I need to call members of my garden club to remind them of the meeting to be held at my house next Wednesday, but will leave that for tomorrow.  I need a lie down with a book after my morning workout!

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


I'm home.  Surgery went well. Still feels gritty and I can't read well, but otherwise okay.   Sharon


Great news, Sharon!!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."



Winter weather returning here...talk of large hail, high winds, heavy rain, tornadoes, snow, and temps back down to 30s from today thru Sunday. 

Where is our Spring?




Where is Spring?
Here in Louisiana, although it is not as warm as prior years.  The low this morning
was 67 and the high predicted for night is 81.


Joy, for the moment, we have spring too. Supposed to be 79 or 80 this afternoon. Azaleas in bloom and lots of people putting out summer flowers. I won't do that till May since my pansies are still goinng.

Jane, the MW has really had an awful winter and spring this year.  I hope you get some good weaather that stays and soon!

I posted too early yesterday about my eyes. They really started hurting and weree scratchy and I couldn't keep my left eye open. Ended up going to bed at 9:00 and got up at almost 9:00 this AM!  That seamed to do the trick though. I still have trouble reading because my left eye hasn't healed enough yet and glasses mess up my right eye.  However, I'm not hurting and can open my left eye now.

I've done a load of laundry and refilled the hummer feeders. They had really gone bad, so maybe that's why I haven't seen any yet..

All for now. Maybe my sight will clear up by tomorrow.  Sharon


Just a quickie to say good night!  Tim and I went to Brick Oven Pizza for a calzone (for him) and a large slice of pizza for me and we both had a bottle of Corona.  Then we went to the library so I could get books to read during this next week.  And after that we made my Kroger run.  So I'm good for another week.

I've been calling Garden Club members this afternoon.  The meeting will be at my house on Wednesday afternoon.  I wasn't able to reach everyone today, so left phone messages and e-mails with one reply.  I hope I hear from more tomorrow.

Sleep well tonight, Buddies.


Good morning, Buddies.  I've been up for almost 2 hours and am still in my P.J.'s!  I need to put on my work clothes and go outside and get more leaves raked and down to the curb as well as do some weed pulling and pruning of my azaleas.  Most of them have finished blooming--but I must tell you they have been gorgeous this year.  I think the snow/cold weather helped them.

Yesterday I sent some e-mail notices to Garden Club members I could not reach by phone.  I still have no idea how many will attend the meeting.  I need to organize the program (about birds and birding).  I have a number of bird books from several foreign countries as most of the tours I took included walks where birds were featured.  I have a 10 question quiz which I will give and need to get a small gift for the winner.

Not much else going on here today.  Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Morning....Spring has skipped us, apparently.  It's downright miserable here....30s, high winds, rain, sleet, and snow coming today and all day tomorrow. 

We had one day when it got to 59....I guess that was spring.   :tickedoff:

So...a good day to clean out the cupboards in the kitchen and rearrange some things.  They go clear to the ceiling, but at 5' 1/2", I can't reach much beyond edge of second shelf without a stepstool, so we need to move some things down and other stuff up where Ray can get it.  I also have laundry in, a bed with clean sheets, and an inside day on tap.  I have a roast for the crock pot for tonight.

Hope your Saturday is nicer weather-wise!


nOT TO RUB IT IN, jANE, BUT WE ARE TO HIT 80 TODAY WITH FULL SUN--THEN RAIN TOMORROW AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. Sorry for the all caps.  I was wondering if you were going to get the tornados and bad weather from KS & ARK.  Stay safe, and stay off the stool.  Ray is tall enough to reach anything you need.

I've read the paper, showered, washed & styled my hair, and put in a load of laundry.  I need to leave soon to go to the grocery. By having surgery on Th, my schedule is messed up.  I also want to stop by a nail shop and see if they can put acrylic nails over two of mine that are badly split,  I have such a time with my nails, but hate to go to acrylics completely again.  For now, I'll just get them on the split ones.

Tonight we are going out to dinner at an Italian restaurant. Tomorrow, church, SS, pack John's bag and that's about it. He leaves Mon. AM.

Sue, your azaleas are a little earlier than mine. There are a few in full bloom in Fort Mill, but not here. Mine are also Encore azaleas so I get some bloom off and on throughout the summer/fall.  Hope your gardening members show up. Sounds like a good program.

I just ate a protein bar to hold me over and am sitting a bit before I head out.  Hi to all.  Have a good weekend.  Sharon


Sharon...terrific your eyes are so good already.

The rain has started and winter warnings through 7:00 pm Sunday.  Ugh.

We did get our big kitchen cabinet cleaned out....it’s 4 shelves behind 3 tall doors.   It looks so much nicer now that it’s organized and there’s so more space. 

Beef roast and noodles for dinner tonight.  Good for a rainy, cold and windy night.


jane, sorry you're still having such nasty weather.  Cloudy all day here today, with the severe storm line due to come through overnight.  We've had about 0.5"of rain so far.

Very quiet weekend here.  I was planning to meet friends for dinner at a Vietnamese place tonight, but wimped out about driving in the rain.  We'll schedule another time next week.

Hugs to all the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


I'm still coughing from the bout with pneumonia but I'm feeling stronger every day ( I am very careful if I feel a cough coming on & cough into the bend of my elbow ) . Today I was in  the check out at the grocery store , the woman ahead of me told the checker she had a bad cold .   I was silently saying to myself " thanks a lot ! "  I told her I was recovering from pneumonia . I turned my back to her & hope I don't get what ever she has !   I'm weaning myself off the oxygen as my primary dr. said to do , but I still use it at night .  I mentioned to my husband last night that I wondered if I could go off it at night . He scared me , he said " I don't know if I can get the funeral papers from the safe ( he meant open the safe ) if you do die !!   I see my dr. in a few days & I will talk to him about not using the oxygen at night . I am off it during the day .