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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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Oh, MY! Great shot of the goose & babies. This year I saw only one pair with babies ONE time! Such a shame, but know how everyone dislikes the mess they leave behind. Sure do miss Jack's photos. Have you heard from his recently, Bubble? Thanks for keep us afloat in here.


He is doing OK, but slowing down I think.
Like all of us I suppose, certainly like me.


Bubble, lovely shot of the goose and little ones.  Would have been a good entry for one of those contests we used to have.  :thumbup:

Haven't heard from Jack in a while but still hear occasionally from Sato.  My how I miss those days when we had such a nice group participating.  


I love color but occasionally I do a black and white.  I liked the way this one turned out with the light on the leaves.


Our park is now down to just 70 CAnada Geese. They did slaughter 100 even though people tried to stop them. The mess did get bad and now so many restaurants around the park. Going to also do something to stop the eggs from hatching as they do not want them to get any higher than the 70. sort of going against nature. Kids did love them. Fact grownups also.

Still so hot here 92 and so humid. Glad I am staying home. not much going on in town. No celebrations anywhere. The only fireworks are still the Hispanic People across the highway. They going crazy. Maybe end tonight.
I was doing so good until this hot weather by just getting out a little to shop etc. Now feeling so tied in. Only people talk to are on the phone. Not much of that anymore as I think they are all feeling the same. Just hope that lots more will not get  Ill after this weekend. I know of 2 big get togethers going on.


FlaJean, striking photo.  I think black and white  accentuates the atmosphere or creates a dramatic effect.


Jean - I love black and white photography, and enjoyed looking at your photo.  We rarely see any new pictures in b/w anymore.  I have many old albums of snapshots, (as we used to call them), of family and friends, and I love to look at them.


Jean, my brother (the photographer) thought black & white the "ultimate" in photos, mostly had to do with the play of light. A friend that painted took photos in b & w to paint from, to get the changes that color won't show. Your photo fit the bill with showing light & shadows, neat shot.

I love painting gravel roads & the shadows trees make on the rock. I have a fairly small 9 x 12 painting of my husband his mother & brother walking along a gravel road on the wall beside me. No question who the people are but the main interest was play of shadows on the road. Enough sun shining through to make it interesting. Probably would have been more effective in black & white.  :-\


Agree, yes, miss Jack wv, Sato and our dear Sachiko on their photos and video clips.." those were the days my friend, " as the song sang by " Mary Hopkins " reminds us...


Jack (WV) is alive and kicking in West Virginia.  We've been friends for many years (I was born and raised in St. Albans, WV!).  Jack is doing well, but staying closer to home now.  I think his daughter has been living with him.  Mimi (his dog) and he are taking daily walks which they both enjoy.  I live in Alabama now and haven't seen Jack for quite a while.  I miss him as I'm sure many of you who remember him must also miss him.



I heard from Jack just last week. He is doing well.  Not out much. Just to walk dog and go to park. He did, like me bought a new auto but not putting miles on them.
 Didn't say daughter with him. I know son lives  closer and I thought they were taking care of his shopping. Doubt they are going out for their couple beers they enjoy doing.


Jeanne, Jack did tell me that his daughter is living with him now.  (At least that is what I thought when I read his letter!).  He and Mimi are walking every day and he is glad to have his daughter with him.  I'm hoping that he will write more often--and if he does I'll pass his letter on to everyone who'd like to hear from him.




For Shirley

I mentioned about re-potting a plant that was looking so silly in it's tiny pot....
I think the new/big pot is a little TOO big, but only one I could find that would work at all. So far it is still looking okay, took help from all 3 of my kids to get the job done (2 helped get it out of the trunk.... it weighs just over 60 pounds!)

small pot.JPG

Large pot.JPG


Shirley, the new pot is prefect!! No pun intended but it will grow on you. Love how the drapes and pot complement each other.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

well I am up but not at it yet. see you all later.



Thanks, Amy. When we were looking at houses this one fit the bill for the furniture we already had.... that chair & tables (and couch you don't see) all nearly 60 years old, had the chair & couch recovered about 32 years ago in fabric as near to original as I could find. Haha... I don't like changes! The pot was necessary, you can see why I laughed when I realized how much that plant had outgrown it's pot! There is an alarm to keep the cats from going into that room.... it works! Just a beam that crosses the entrance, easy enough to turn off.

Thank you, Bubble, for resizing & posting. You are so kind to take care of us!


Shirley, love your new pot.  Will give the tree roots lots of room.  Everything looks so pretty!


Love the new pot for your plant, SHIRLEY.  I think is looks fantastic in your beautiful living room😘
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


I have not been to this page for a while,  I love your new flower pot, Shirley.  Looks beautiful and very fitting with your beautiful décor.

Sue and Jeanne, I, too, keep in touch with Jack (WVA) and heard from him not too long ago.  I don't remember him saying anything about his daughter living with him now.  But, it did seem like he was doing well.  I will have to go back and see if I saved his message. 

I know he has mentioned several times, that he doesn't have any intention of coming back to the group. And, he is surely missed.



Thanks, Jean, Jenny & Joy! Glad you like my living room, hard to believe it survived 3 kids growing up & that it was used by all. My husband & I nearly split when we each visited the furniture store alone & picked out what we wanted. He wanted what was on one side of the show room & I wanted the other & was so determined (never stood my ground with him before), and insisted "he could get what he wanted but didn't need ME to like it". Finally we went together and discovered they had switched the show room & we were both holding out for the same pieces! I still like it 60 years later, actually slightly less than 60, maybe 59. The tables & lamps we found in MO & hauled in the back seat of a Ford Fairlane & had both kids in the front seat with us. Back when the kids were young they set up hot wheels in that room, but they never stood on furniture or scratched the tables (inlaid wood), daughter's boyfriends alway came in to visit before they left on a date... as I said, well used & life time of memories. Thanks... sure isn't new! It fit 4 houses so far, like bought for each one. Guess I have a one track mind & Cas went along with it because it was the easy/cheap way out.  ;)  Now about that flower having room to grow, much more and it will take over the whole house/room!



Tome, I couldn't remember what my son called it (for sure), thought he said "Money Tree"...  got the little tag that came in the pot says it is "Pachira Aquatica, sometimes called the money tree". Supposed to bring good luck. He has given me other plants that didn't do well with our dark tinted storm windows. He also loves finding the solar lights with funny things that glow. My other son gives me practical things, like the battery powered saws & drills or blowers. He makes sure the batteries are interchangable so I can get a job done... after he shows me how to use them. My daughter loves to shop and sends me anything she thinks I might like.

When they were growing up we didn't have money for anything but necessities so they all had jobs to earn spending money and to pay for gas & liability insurance on the cars we provided since we "lived out in the boonies". Not new cars, but their father kept them running. I have 3 really good kids, I not only love 'em but like them as well.

We built a house, 2600 sq.ft., won't go into details but will say I was the other pair of hands doing everything except the plumbing, (he said a lot of naughty words with that job). I'm a pretty good roofer & can sling a mean paintbrush. He always took the top half when painting & I wore disposable clothes because with Kansas wind, I'd have his paint dripping in my hair or blowing sideways to catch me. A year well spent, nice new area & we all worked hard and learned a lot along the way. More than you wanted to know, but it has been a good life and I wouldn't change a thing because everyone and everything has turned out just fine.


The pot is perfect.I love it. Did look a little overloaded in the other one. What would make it look perfect i think would be to put a larger round rug protector under it. Maybe a glass one.
Like you, without realizing it I think all or most of my furniture in every room has to be over 50 years old. I have been alone here that long and so many things not even been sat on that much. I just plop in the same old spot of maybe two now that AC on because my comfy lounge chair it to close to the blower and so I flop on the love seat. Miss the reading lamp on it. I also eat all the time when alone on a tray. Spill soup the other day eating on the love seat. Got to watch myself. The whole place need cleaning  for top to bottom right now but just Not the time. To hot.     


Beautiful plant - it looks perfect!

Still on racoon watch here - it is the fifth day of the cage hidden under the huge evergreen.  I had to call once again for someone to come out to put the critter food in there and set the trap.  We paid for the service and it has been poor.  Otherwise, we had a doe in the ravine two days ago and a pretty big buck is grazing out there right now. 

My physical appointment was at 7:40 this morning - it was not too bad with traffic.  Don is waiting for a new hearing aid - his fell apart.  It is not easy. 

Yesterday, 4 of us sat on a deck spaced apart and all of us were so happy to just have a neighborly chat.  I think it helped each of us just to have time to visit.

Good luck with that frozen bird.  I can send you a racoon if it is ever caught.   :)


Now I was once given Raccoon meat without knowing it. fixed sort of like a sloppy joe on a hamburger bun. Almost threw up after they told me. I will not eat and wild meat. People I know always were offering Deer meet, Squaral, Rabit. My SIL goes hunting but never brings it home..Same with fishing that I love to do but would never eat anything caught.Friends use to have lots of Fish fries parties. If they had caught them I didn't eat.  Now maybe up in Canada, Alaska I would eat the Salmon caught. I eat lots that are at the fishmongers in the stores.


Jeanne P...
... i remember when age 31 i lived briefly in St Lucia ( West Indies ) where the person i was staying with at one point took both me and my then 13 year old daughter down to the fishing docks around 5 pm'ish to catch the end of the day fish just before dark started to set in, where to both my, and my daughters horror their was a local St Lucian elder man fisherman with bare feet, very little else, cutting up a long black fish on his wooden block with its blood on the block where his bare feet were trampling in...I asked him what the fish was and he said " dolphin " I was horrified, saddened and angry, as i told him, " they are protected fish where i come from, England, " the man i was also with, a Venezuelan business man said " yes, and they are also in Venezuela." We had gone down that evening specially to buy freshly late caught Tuna, which he did buy, a 10 or 12 lbs fish.....

I also rememeber my late father telling me as a young child how dolphins were known to bring stranded to shore, save humans lives...whereby they clung onto them...


For Shirley

Here's what I saw this morning when calling the cats for breakfast at 6:30... amazing sight.
The clouds/shapes changed so fast, think these were a minute apart.

sky 01.jpg

sky 02.jpg


Shirley, how dramatic the sky looks!! I see two of your furbabies ready to meet the day. Great photos!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


WOW! That sure is a quick change!  And the kitties are so cute!

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