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September 20, 2024, 09:30:18 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe April 1 , 2024

Started by so_P_bubble, April 01, 2024, 12:17:18 AM

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Patricia, I had a pack of those interlocking mats. They were indeed cat attracters. I was going to put link them together to make an exercise mat. The cats had other ideas.

Looks like we are in for some rain today. I liked the forecast they gave yesterday morning better. Sunny! Hah! What sun?

Got my shelving together and in place. Oscar has already inspected it, jumped into one of the level two cubicles, and tried to figure out how to jump up to level three without success--so far. I will start populating the shelf with books and non-breakables on the open tops. The shelving has three tiers. I expect it won't be long until Oscar, who is much more interested in climbing than Shan, finds a way up the  "step-ladder" to the top level. Therefore, no non-breakables on those open levels.

I need to get to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, so might just stop in the grocery store for a few things. Giant has discontinued it's Giant Direct/Peapod service in this area. What they are replacing it with are the Instacart people. As best as I can tell, I still order online as usual. They will have people in store to pick and pack, then it is given to a third party to deliver. This arrangement has eliminated the distribution warehouse (as the stuff will be packed at the local grocery stores instead), the delivery drivers and, I assume, the trucks, leaving it to part-timers using their own vehicles to deliver. I've used Instacart before. It is not my preference unless I would need something in a hurry. With Giant, Weis, and Aldi's so close by. I don't much have an interest in continuing with Instacart. And, the question is, what about the months left in the annual membership I paid for upfront? Giant's lack of communication to its Giant Direct customers regarding these changes here has been very poor.


:hb3:    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANE   :hb3:

  :hb2:  :hb2: Enjoy your special day with your family.   :hb2:  :hb2: 
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning...

We are to have rain today..that's ok.

Busy day yesterday , loaded all the limbs into the van to take to the dump. Then picked up meds and then onto the hardware store where I bought a chainsaw , a little electric one. Tried it out and it works great!

Jane, enjoy your time away with your family and give all those great grands a hug or millions of them!!

Rick, this is the chain saw.not one to lay down big trees but perfect for the limbing. Thank you for the idea. Best part of this one it was on sale!!  You know ladies can't pass up a good sale!

Since I am behind I better stop and get the day going.. (slept in)

Enjoy your day and stay safe..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I just got off the phone with daughter, Christy who will be travelling with me and she told me not to pack my computer in the suitcase that will be checked.  She said to just bring it along and it will fit in her carry-on.  So now I'm going in and finish that suitcase and close it up ready to travel.

AMY, thank you for the birthday wishes!  I don't feel a day older and thank goodness for that! 

I better get moving or I won't be ready when they come to get me for dinner out.  Have a great day Everyone!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast




Have a good birthday and a good trip and visit with family, Jane.


Good morning, Everyone is so busy, and I only have to rearrange the kitchen on my schedule today.

Jane, :happybday:  and enjoy your dinner and tomorrow's trip!



Thank you all for the good wishes bot for my birthday and for my travels!  I can't wait to make friends with my newest Great Grandson and to visit with the other GGS and my GGD.  She started kindergarten this year and I want to find out in person what she thinks of it.

I have my big suitcase packed, zipped, weighed and ready to go.  And my travel clothes are in a bag hanging next to it.  Odds and ends are going into the other suitcase and my computer is going in Christy's carry on.  She didn't like the idea of putting it in a suitcase that could get lost so she's going to carry it.  She said she doesn't have much to carry! 

The fridge is all cleaned out!  The only stuff left in there is dog treats for when Frankie and Cooper stay here and some stuff that won't spoil.  I'm almost ready to go.  Right now, I have to go get a shower and get ready to go out to supper with my Son and DIL and Frankie to celebrate my birthday.  I told them the only thing I really celebrate on my birthdays any more is getting out of bed in the morning and facing the day!

I hope you are all having a good day.  I'll check in tonight and tomorrow before I pack the computer!  It's sprinkling here but supposed to stop sometime during the next hour.  The roads are wet but no big puddles like the last time!  Bye until later!  I'm not sure when later will be!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


We are having a good downpour here and  looks like it will be  around until Tue. Grass will really take on a growth spurt and bugs will not only looking food over  (us) but will be chowing down :(

Forest fires have already started out west. Saw the devastation of the tornado in Nebraska , one minute the houses are there and gone in the next minute....so sad.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  This is my last post for a bit.  I might be able to hook up at Christy's but I don't know that yet.  We will be leaving here at 1 p.m. today and Philip and Christy will have a nice visit.  It's a 2 and a half hour drive to Christy's and they will be staying there for an early supper.  Philip and Christy are the twins and they take any opportunity for a visit that comes their way.  That's something special about twins.  They've always been that way.  When they were in first grade they put them in separate rooms and when they started second grade they both went in on the first day and asked if they could be in the same home room.  And that;s the way it was the rest of their school years.  I don't understand it but I love it!

Now I'm off to finish the packing and the cleaning up after.  My special cleaning lady will be here while I'm gone!  Frankie is going to do floors and wash windows and anything else she sees that needs done while I'm gone! 

I wish you all a good day...better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow!  Make it your best!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning...

More rain today, checked the rain barrel when we were just out and it is already full!!

A day of rest here, I just may get to the sewing room today. Found a new recipe and want to try it bacon wrapped pork tenerloin. Can't go wrong with bacon!!

Janie, safe trip ,enjoy your stay .............are you back yet???

Enjoy your day and stay safe.

Meant to comment to MG.......cats and boxes and kids and boxes. Buy a gift and the child will play more with the empty box!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers





Good morning, a bit cooler at 37 degrees but clear and sunny. It's going to be busy around here as it's spring, and I've got an eye to decluttering and re-arranging. Hmmm...



Talked with a few people that said they had a terrible storm last night! One lives the other side of town and the other further out.
 I didn't think I slept through it so  phoned and asked the neighbour and they said no storm here. :thumbup:

Patricia, I would love to have that "eye" but also the energy to do so!

I did put out the picnic table on the veranda along with chairs and umbrella..that is one less job to do.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Is it Christmas?  It must be.  Not a creature is stirring.




  Not even a mouse    thank goodness.

Managed to do some sewing,  this pattern is very trying and I won't be sad when it is done!
We didn't  get the rain that was called for , but tomorrow  we may get it.

Oak Island is on tonight.

Enjoy you evening
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


We get Oak Island on Tuesdays. Almost over for the season.



Quick someone, tell me how to get out of this "dark screen, white lettering".
I tried the the color pallette up in the corner and clicked Default, but it won't go back to white with black lettering.  Help. don't know how I got this!


I got it!  Luck of the Irish I guess. 


That works until you get ready to move to another subject, then it goes back to black with various color lettering.


Good morning...

Here is one for you Rick. Rain before 7 ,quits by 11. Rain started around 5:15 this morning, gentle rain so far..
Working around home and hope to put more blocks together in the quilt.

Tome, all I know is to click on the half moon up top and it goes to a sun and light pages. Rick may be able to help you more when he is here.

Rick, that is one of the shows I really enjoy. Interesting to see what makes them excited...a button.....a nail..but it is the age of them! Plus Gary's top pocket finds :)

Callie, you ok? Heard you had tornados your way??

The sooner I get at the chores the sooner I can sew.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Merry Monday.  Saturday tornados were all around me but none came through my area or areas where family lives..  All local TV channels continually broadcast weather from mid-morning until well after midnight.  It was awful!

Today is lovely so son and I are going to get plants for my "pot garden"...if my eyes aren't too dilated after ophthalmologist appointment.

Enjoy the day, Everyfrend  :smitten: !


Quote from: Amy on April 29, 2024, 06:12:13 AMTome, all I know is to click on the half moon up top and it goes to a sun and light pages. Rick may be able to help you more when he is here.
What Amy said above should do it. It should stay as you set it. Let us know'



Thank you Rick, I wasn't sure and I knew you would know for certain.

Must admit I am glad the day is on the way out! Managed to get dogs an appointment at the vet, Jesse gets put under to get his nails done and Babe isn't too bad  ( I hope). In the mean time Kyle took a spill, took some bark off his elbow when he hit the cement walkway.....going to wrap him up in bubble wrap too!!! Tried to get a late appointment changed and said no to another one that was also late in the day. They don't realize we have an hour and a half drive just to get there..and we have furkids to deal with.

The rain did quit by 11 am . :thumbup:

Callie happy to read all is well there..

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Amy, all is well in my area but a big part of central Oklahoma going from Red River northeast to beyond Tulsa area has severe damage.
 Several towns are almost completely destroyed. 
Local tv stations' radars don't reach to where Jane will be (125 miles or so east of me) so I'm not sure how much damage is in that area and OKC paper hasn't said.

My eyes were too dilated to get plants so son is coming back tomorrow to get them.  I've napped in recliner almost all afternoon.


Quote from: CallieOK on April 29, 2024, 06:10:37 PMI've napped in recliner almost all afternoon.
I approve of that. It's a good thing.




Thanks Rick and Amy.  That didn't work the first couple of times I tried it.  It kept reverting to color background and different color lettering.  I guess after the computer was shut down for the night, it decided to accept my input up in the left-hand corner (sun & moon).


So glad to see that Callie in OK is okay!  Sorry about Kyle's spill.
The rain seems to be going on forever, with a few days or hours in between, but not long enough to get the lawn mowed.  It will be raining here several days into next week. If my lawn guy can get here early tomorrow (tuesday is his regular day) I will be good for maybe a couple of weeks.  He wants to do weekly, but I'm on a fixed income, and can't do that.  I want to get a battery operated lawnmower and do it myself, but daughter kinda forbids that, like she does on my getting on a 2 step, stepladder.  Hope JaneS is able to get to her destination in OK safely. Amy keep up the good work on the quilts. and the good cooking and all the things you do on a regular basis. Pets, caregiver, lawn/yard maintenance, etc. etc.  I get worn out just reading your posts and those of Jane, she is a whirlwind too!


I must say no matter how my day went,coming in here you always make me smile. So thank you for that!

Callie , news said there were 4 deaths from the tornado.I can't  imagine the devistation done in the blink of a eye.

Tome, there are, for want of a better word computer driven lawnmowers but they cost an arm,leg and first born! Would there be a young boy or girl that would cut your grass?

Time to take the dogs out

Enjoy your evening

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers