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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe for January 1,2018

Started by so_P_bubble, January 01, 2018, 02:04:14 AM

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Soda Shoppe

for January 1,2018



It’s New Year’s Eve, and the restaurant is hoppingâ€"revelers, band, overworked waiters. Wending his way through the crowd is a drunk, staggering back to his seat.

Spotting an attractive woman sitting alone, he says, “Pardon me, miss, did I step on your feet a few minutes ago?”

“Yes,” she says testily, “you did.”

“Good! I knew my table was around here somewhere.”


My friend’s husband is always telling her that housekeeping would be a snap if only she would organize her time better.

Recently he had a chance to put his theory into practice while his wife was away.

When I popped in one evening to see how he was managing, he crowed, “I made a cake, frosted it, washed the kitchen windows, cleaned all the cupboards, scrubbed the kitchen floor, walls and ceiling and even had a bath.”

I was about to concede that perhaps he was a better manager than his wife, when he added sheepishly,

“When I was making the chocolate frosting, I forgot to turn off the mixer before taking the beaters out of the bowl, so I had to do all the rest.”

-Mary I. Costain


Lloyd Hammond

well I am up feeling pretty good Closed the door to bedroom and left Nancy enjoying her rest. I raided the fridge and cleaned up some leftovers. ready to face the new years cold weather, after good light I will go feed the cattle and chop ice for them to get a good drink.hope you all were reasonable bringing in the new year.have a great day starting the new year, Hope your day is just like you Like it with good health. it is -5º here now calling for a high of 10º today.



Good morning everyone..

Happy New Years, may you be blessed with health and happiness for 2018!

We went to bed but I did hear fireworks go off last night. Bothered the dog but we soon went back to sleep.

The neighbour is bringing his snowmobile over to work on in the garage where is it nice and warm. Temp is -35 at the moment.
Not much else going on here..

Jane, hope you feel better today.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



We had temps in the minuses overnight.  I didn't sleep well because of this darn cold and I've decided not to go to WM to get my extra discount today.  It will still be there on most things and since I got two very nice gift cards for the local grocery chain, I decided I don't need to get any extra food right now.  Cheap and discounted is nice but FREE is even better!  And I can do that any time.

The boinger just went off so I'm sure the doggies will be here any minutes to remind me that it's time to eat.  OOPS, there goes Annie sounding off.

I'll try to get back later but if I don't show up, I'm catering to my cold.  I've decided that it's time to take something for it.  Maybe I'll sleep off and on today. 

In the tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch (who were mostly German) I have my sauer kraut in the crock pot for my lucky New Yeat's meal!  My grandfather was actually German and they made their own sauer kraut when I was growing up.  I'm a fan of it and I don't just wait for New Year's to have it.  But I don't let New Year's pass without having it.  I'm not taking any chances!  My grandfather is probably watching!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Happy New Year back to you all !!!   Hope it will be a very healthy, happy and prosperous year for everyone. 

Jane, sorry about your cold.  I have been coughing, but don't seem to have a cold.   I have never heard about the tradition of sauerkraut for Good Luck in the new year.  I think my mother used to get white fish for new year's.  And, I remember years ago, that my uncle would go around to all the relatives to be the first man to enter the house in the new year   I haven't heard of that tradition for a very long time. 

I, too, like sauerkraut, but haven't had it in a long time.  My mother used to fix it with pig's feet and that was good.  We used to have a neighbor who made his own.  I do remember my mother would always try to get it fresh and not in a can.  I wouldn't fix it just for myself, as I wouldn't be able to eat it all. 

It was 0º  when I first turned the computer on. But, it is sunny. I don't remember it being this cold for so long for a long time.  And, it is not going to get any better the rest of the week. 

Amy, hope you have a nice day.  I heard some fire crackers before I went to bed.  Sounded like they were right outside my window.  I was thinking about all the dogs who would probably be afraid.  I was up to see the ball drop and was glad I was inside and not outside in the mob of people.  Thankfully,  I guess there were no unusual incidents.  They sure seemed to have all the security pretty well covered.

Nice that you let your neighbor use your garage to work on his snowmobile.  I guess that is a pretty popular mode of transportation up your way? 

Hope all who are experiencing this big freeze will stay warm and cozy inside.

I meant to thank Bubble for the new heading for us.  That is very nice, Bubble.  You always do such a good job in keeping up with the changes.



Here we are all decked out in the new year and in a brand new forum, thanks to Bubble.

Things were relatively quite in my neighborhood, a few fireworks for a short while but I rolled over and back to sleep.  I guess we will not be having the Texas tradition of Black Eyed Peas for New Years day.  Wife is fixing beef stew and I will whip up some corn bread muffins for our New Years dinner.  One of my favorite meals.

Well to baffle and entertain you I will leave a link for your viewing pleasure.  Tell me how he does it.



Hi Everyone and Happy New Year. We are below freezing here this morning but just barely as it was 31 degrees when I got up.  It will stay in the 30's today but above freezing and then we will be in the 20's tonight.  I know this sounds pretty warm to those of you having such cold weather.  Neither Pat nor I have any appointments this week so am looking forward to a pretty quiet week and getting things summarized from last year in preparation for tax time and new schedules set up for this year and updating various things like a summary of our bills and financial information in case it is needed this year, but I don't expect to happen but one never knows.    I plan on watching Georgia play Oklahoma in the Rose Bowl this afternoon and then perhaps will watch Clemson play Alabama  this evening but probably won't last the whole game as it doesn't get underway until 8:45 this evening and that is getting pretty late for this old man.  There are a couple of earlier games I will probably tune into. 

Hal, putting out the de-icer wouldn't seem very logical unless the highway department knows something that hasn't been made public.  Guess they are using the better safe than sorry philosophy.  I don't think we have tried the ribs at Texas Road House as usually stay with the steak. 

Gloria, I hadn't heard about the "polar bears" postponing their dip in the ocean.  That particular activity never made much sense to me.  I would think playing football in such cold weather would be pure torture.  I see the Patriots won their game yesterday.  If your lease doesn't specify what temperatures you are suppose to maintain in your apartment I wouldn't pay any attention to what the manager wanted.  I bet she stays nice and warm in her office and her home. 

Callie, our housekeeper helped Pat get all of our decorations put away and those we store in the attic back up in the attic.

Bubble, thanks for getting us off to a fresh start with the beautiful graphic.  Funny jokes.

Lloyd, sounds like a good day to stay inside as much as possible. 

Jane, it is hard to beat free.  At Firehouse subs if you do a survey online after you have made a purchase they give you a number to write on that receipt and you can then present it  for a free drink.  I have taken the survey numerous times as it is worth $2.  So sorry you are having to fight another cold and hope you can take it easy and get some extra rest.  I was talking to a lady at Church yesterday who said she was making black eye peas and collards as it is s tradition that you will have a good year when it starts off that way.  The only problem was she said neither she nor her husband liked collards and probably would take only a small bite and throw the rest away.  I am sure glad that wasn't a tradition where I grew up as can't stand collards nor do I care for black eyed peas.   

Joy, I remember my mother making sauerkraut and then we had it with hot dogs.  Pat and I occasionally have that same dish now and I like the Bavarian style of sauerkraut.   


Good Morning - in a new year and a new Soda Shoppe.  Thanks, Bubble!

Patio thermometer says it's 0º out there.   The sunshine is deceptive!!!!

I didn't learn about black-eyed peas on New Year's Day until I married a Mississippi native.  Guess I'll have to take my chances since I forgot to get any.

The Sooner quarterback has been battling bronchitis since the team got to California last week.  Hope that won't spoil our chances in the Rose Bowl.  Of course, since he's graduating, it might mean discovering a new talent to follow in his footsteps.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day.


I didn't grow up with black eyed peas or any traditions for New Year Day, but I do have the wooden mallet that Dad said they used to press the kraut down as it "worked".  The huge stone container was broken when I went with my parents after the sale of the "home place", and Dad had a tear in his eye when he pointed out the "kraut masher" that lay beside it.  It now hangs on a wooden holder downstairs that also holds the dipper that lay upside down on top of the cistern, a huge spoon that looks like acid has eaten into the metal (don't remember what he said it stirred), and Grandma's cane, a well worn piece of wood that was bent at the top to fit her hand.

Larry, I also like the Bavarian style, and Joy, you can get the tiny cans (not Bavarian), Franks brand (only kind I buy) if you really want a taste of kraut.  I even like it cold & known to take a fork & dip out a bite as I put it into a bowl to heat to go over hot dogs.  Didn't serve it often & usually the kids preferred if I cut the sausage or hot dogs into bite sizes & heat with the sauerkraut, called for a skillet of fried potatoes & a bowl of applesauce.  Such a variety of flavors but still sounds good to me.

I checked before coming here, temp was -5 and "real feel" of -17, but the sun is shining!  Cats look at the door & think they should be out in that sun but skid to a stop when the slider opens.  They did go out for short stays yesterday, lay against the house where the wind couldn't hit them & sun on their fur.  The birds are even hiding, I will take bread down to the river & some leftovers for whatever finds them first.  I was horrified yesterday to see some kids playing on the ice near the bank on the other side.  The water is so swift under the ice it pushes up big slabs, if a kid went under they wouldn't find him until it thaws, probably miles down stream.

Jane, hope your cold doesn't hang on, "they say" handling money is the worst germ catcher job of all. 

Hal, the city sprayed those chemicals on our streets a couple weeks ago because of a chance of snow or ice.  None got here & I'm sure the stuff has worn off by now.  At the time I thought it was a crazy idea since we are too dry to think of rain or snow, but we only pay the taxes, huh?  Since I always get my car to a car wash after snow & those chemicals, wonder if I should have cleaned it off this time.   Ah, well..........

I'm stalling, need to get busy & haul those decorations to the basement & put away the Christmas Village... the body is not quite as sore so guess I'll live. 

Gloria, Doris called last night, we talked & laughed for an hour & 47 minutes (she always checks before we hang up).  We talk about the past, her Herb was such a good sport to travel with, we listen to each other's memories & tell about the dumb things we've done.  By the time we hang up we have a sore ear but smiling. 

Good morning, Callie...........


Happy New Year dear hearts. I' m chatting with my favourite Israeli so I'll check back later


            HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018

Good morning everyone, had another sleepless night. That is 2 nights in a row and I do not like it. Not normal for me. At 11am it is now 3°. Sun is bright but will not warm things up on this New Year's day. Wonder how those who spent the time outside celebrating had a bit of frostbite.

MARY ANN  I was wondering how those in NY and here in Providence fared out in the bitter cold last night. Not for me.

JUNE  the CNA who was here Friday wore a mask. She was told that since she had a cold she had to wear it and not give it to me. The company is carefull about their clients.

GLORIA de  I am still getting used to the difference in this computer after being without it for so long.

HAL  been a long time since I watched the ball drop in NY. Wonder how the one in Providene did. First time they tried that here.

BUBBLE  thanks for the new page and beautiful graphic and chuckles.

LLOYD  our high today will get to 11°, mot very warm.

JANE  hope you can rest/sleep as much as possible with that cold. What a way to start 2018. Take care. I like sauerkraut, too.

JOY  like you I cannot remember these temperatures for a long time. We ar  e suppposed to be in this cold all week. This is a couple of weeks and that is a long time. One good thing it will kill a lot of bugs  that manage to survive in the winters we have been having.

HAL  amazing rope trick.

LARRY  I know there are differnt polar bear groups around but the one postpo‌ned is the one here in RI. I did notice the last time I was in the office that she also has a good size heater in it. She is the only one with her AC in the wall under her window. It is there all year and no cover over it to keep cold air out. The rest of us are supposed to have ours out by October 1st.

CALLIE  just checked and it is now 3° so it is warming up a bit.

SHIRLEY  no traditional food here for the new year. The only sauerkaout I buy is Silver Floss. There are a few other brands that I tried but that is the best around here. I have to get in touch with Doris, have not talked to her in ages. I do miss her.

DON  been thinking of you. Wondered how many times you were Santa this season. I hope it was more than that first one about the time my PC died.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Mary Ann

Happy New Year to Everyone.  If you had a bad 2017, I hope 2018 is kinder to you.

Gloria, when I was young, I had two favorite meals - Franco-American spaghetti and sauerkraut and weiners.  My mother would not fix sauerkraut over the weekend because the smell lingered and she didn't want to smell it then.  I know it smelled the same during the week and I don't know what she did about it, but maybe she was more willing to work to get rid of the smell.  Anyway, I still like sauerkraut and seldom have it because there is too much in a can for me.  I'll have to have Tom get some; I don't know if he likes it or not.  Dot fixes it sometimes with kielbasa and potatoes and has me to her house for a meal!

I did not stay up to watch the ball drop but I did watch the New York Philharmonic play Leonard Bernstein music.  When the program ended at 11 pm, the cat and I went to bed.

At 12:15 pm I am not dressed yet and that is because I did not wake up until 9 am and I usually have been up a couple of hours by that time. 

Lake Michigan has a bit more snow covered ice on it today.  It is about 13 degrees in the air and as long as we have those cold temps, more lake will freeze.  I wish the wind would blow to form some formations, but so far, the wind hasn't been too bad.

I'm missing a few people who have not been feeling well and I hope we'll hear from them soon.

Mary Ann


Good frosty Morning to Every One..
High temp today is suppose to be 8 degrees Fahrenheit,
but the wind chill is -7 degrees F..... 

Yes, we are in for a weeks worth (at least) of uncommon
freezing weather..  And so it is.

The heater is awesome ... I am very pleased with it.
Much better then the older one that I have under my desk. 

I have the old one under my desk,  the new one in the middle
of the living area,  and I turn on my oven for about an
hour.      I know that it seems like a lot,  but until the temps
get naturally up into the twenty some thing,  I will
have to work to keep this apartment comfortably warm.

Finally 2018 is here.     
I plan on keeping a positive attitude,  until something
outrageous happens.  (news wise)    Then I will
hibernate until things improve again. 

I am still able to control what news I am
subjected to,  and I will take advantage of
this control  while I can. 

For self preservation,  I must maintain a positive
outlook,  in spite of the nature of world events
(political) around me.   

Bubble  "My friend’s husband is always telling her that housekeeping would be a snap if only she would organize her time better."

Sounds like he needs a good slap up side his
empty head !!!

I would "organize him"  right out the back door!!

:balloons:  Sandy  :balloons:
Happy January  Every One!!!!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good afternoon again, I just lost a shot post. a I wrote befor, baby it is cold outside, and that is all I am going to say :coolsmiley:

bubble, that you for opening this page, and for getting some smiles from us, If you got  to speak to Don, I know it was the starting  of a good New Year.

Callie, My husband was from Ala. do he had his black  eyed peas. We also I herring at Midnight for luck, as that was a Swedish.  I did have my creamed herring a bit early last night.  Now my grandfather believed what every you did on New Years day, you would do all year, so he would go down and work on his boat and fish nets, at lest for and hour.

Sandy, like you outlook, agree.

Larry, with all  that cold the paper said this morning that there were a million darn fools out there

MaryAnn, I was inbed reading, but I did turn on time Sq. at Midnight, then went back to reading

Gloria, I tried to shot Happy New Year across the sound, but the wind was to strong from RI and you didn't hear me :bestwishes:

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Patio thermometer has "warmed up" to 9 degrees!

I enjoyed the Rose Parade but was disappointed that there wasn't more of the OU band shown because of a commercial break.

Hi, Shirley,  Miss Emily should be on her way to Overland Park; classes start tomorrow.  I'll "worry" her to Wichita if you'll take over from there.   :)

Gloria,  my parents were from Kansas and Nebraska and I don't think either one of them had a New Year's eating tradition.   I learned to make quite a few southern dishes but told him he'd have to go to his mother's if he wanted turnip greens. 

Larry, neither my housekeeper nor I is tall enough to reach across the refrigerator to put Christmas dishes in that cupboard - nor to reach the pull-down for the stairs into the attic.  Fortunately,  the men in my family are all over 6'5".   ;)
I asked Grandson to help this time so we can have some one-on-one time.  Taking advantage of his girlfriend gone visiting out of state.   :thumbup:

He's coming tomorrow afternoon so I'm off to the kitchen to bake some cookies.

Stay warm, Everyone



Spent the day so far, eating, sleeping and letting the dogs in and out.  Boy! have I been having some weird dreams!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Callie, I watched the Rose parade at 11, on GH, with no advertisements
just at the beginning, with a Honder ad. When we moved to Charleston, my further MIL, brought over Okra, of course my mother from NY had never seen it before, so she boiled, after cooking for a while she gave one look and it landed in the garbage  My husband would always order fried okra, when we went out

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Yuck! to any kind of okra except fried....crisp!  My kids would eat that like popcorn.


The day has slowly disappeared..neighbour fixed his snow mobile  nice and warm in the garage. He mainly uses it to help a friend make trails in the sugar bush.  I did get some cutting done but no sewing. Maybe tomorrow.
I googled okra.....and it seems to be full of vitamins and good for you....What does it taste like?
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Whoeeeeee Callie did ou see all the red in the Rose Bowl?  anyone left in oKC.


It has been an interesting month just past. My Santa  gigs were plentiful and I was able to earn almost $1800 which almost covers the cost off my flight to Israel which is next month. On the downside I was involved in a car accident which resulted in my car being a total write-off.  The most serious aspect of this incident is that I have no recollection of what happened. I just blacked out or fell asleep and the collision occurred. I now consider myself a menace on the road and have voluntarily given up driving, so the roads should now be a little bit safer in London Ontario. Given the circumstances of the accident I'm sure that by the time the report makes its way through the system my driver's permit would  be revoked anyway. So, the next item on the agenda is to find a retirement home and I'll be attending to that when I return from Israel. But I'm okay and life goes on.

Mary Ann

Oh my, Don, it does look like age has caught up with you, maybe more mentally than physically.  It is hard to give up our independence by not driving.  I am fortunate to have my nephew live with me or else I would be in a retirement place.  Tom moved here four years ago (doesn't seem that long) and after his daughter totaled his car, he took over mine, so I was gently eased out of driving.  I don't mind it now, but it seemed strange at first.  I have a few years on you now.

Who drives for you in Israel?  Does Bubble still drive?  I know people in wheelchairs do drive, so it is not unusual.  You might miss some very cold weather by going to Israel and that would not be hard to take. 

I hope 2018 is kinder to you than 2017.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann those were my sentiments: I'm paying the price for my old age. When I'm in Israel Bubble does all the driving. I drove one year in Israel but never again. They put greater reliance on their horns than on their brakes It's ironical that when I reported my accident the first thing the claims officer did was offer me a  rental car, which I declined.


Don I am sorry to hear of the accident.  I do suppose you have a good public transportation system, ours is not that frequent so you wait a long time between buses.  Thankfully you weren't injured.

Callie I am about to give up on OU. 


Hal,  so close.  I'm too exhausted to analyze. 

Lloyd Hammond

well it is time for me to wish you all good Night and sweet dreams. we got down before daylight to -2º and up to 14º back back to -4º now so as soon as I post this I am going to hit the hay. hope Nancy will snuggle up close with her flannel night gown and keep me warm. when i was out feeding hay and chopping ice for
the cows my hands got pretty cold co held them on the egoist pipe for a couple min. to get them warm. hope to see you all tomorrow.



Callie, seems like this one went like the whole year.  Last team with the football wins.  OU played some great offense and lousy defense.  Oh well, its all over but the cussin.

it is 29 degrees here now, never got above freezing all day.
I am off to bed.

Nite, nite, God Bless and Sweet Dreams
