Seniors & Friends

Village Square => Soda Shoppe => Topic started by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:52:19 AM

Title: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:52:19 AM
Soda Shoppe

for March 15, 2020 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:53:26 AM
Lace Frame.jpg
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:53:59 AM
Irish Flag.jpg
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:55:03 AM

One day at a time,

Oh my god I'm only a man, nothing but a poor man
Help me believe what I can be, what I am
Show me the way to progress
My god for my good
Always guide me one day at a time
One day at a time, oh my God
That's all I ask
The courage to live, to love
To be loved, one day at a time
Yesterday, it passed, oh my God
And tomorrow is not mine
My God help me today
Guide me one day at a time
Guide me one day at a time
You lent me everything, life, health
I want to believe in you
In all your kindness for humanity
A voice to sing, a soul to love
Help me live, yes help me live
One day at a time.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:55:24 AM

Accept the past without regret, manage the present with confidence, and look to the future without fear.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 15, 2020, 02:55:40 AM

A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a
living thought and may vary greatly in color and content according to the
circumstances and the time in which it is used.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.,
jurist (1841-1935)

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 15, 2020, 06:24:40 AM
Good morning everyone, looks like after I hit post yesterday I did not wait to see that it took because I did not see it this morning. Oh well nothing new to talk about from here anyway. Was just thinking that I have not been outside since
Wednesday, March is living up to it's name of the windy month, it has been quite windy lately. The kind of wind what makes you cold no matter how many layers one is wearing.

BUBBLE  thanks for the new page. Nice Irish graphics and lyrics.

Don't feel much like chatting this morning, rather still be sleeping. Just thought I would let you know I am still alive and complaining. Family is all doing good, no virus  thank God. On TV Friday night they showed a couple of the high school basketball high lights but no on in the audience. That was closed. Wonder if those kids missed the cheering from the crowds. Our governor finally closed the schools here and she was telling everyone not to panic. Well if she stopped repeating herself no one would. I have plenty  rolls ot TP, paper plates and other  paper  stuff and a freezer of food that could last me a few months or more if I had an appetite.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 15, 2020, 07:35:09 AM
c454662a-75c7-4ffe-9c35-97a37a8fffa8.jpgGood Morning Cat.jpg
Good morning everyone..

Chilly out there this morning  but at least it is +10 and not - 10F

Snow is making its way to be gone but not fast enough for me. So far no robins in this area..yet.

A day of rest here. Meals will be easy s we have some leftover chicken to eat plus I want to do more bacon wrapped asparagus..oh my is that tasty!

Bubble,thank you for the new start page..I like to tease my son that he put me in the hospital ,many years ago on this date :)

Gloria, mass panic here also....I guess common sense has taken a vacation.

Jenny, as always prayers for your family  and yes stay in away from crowds.

Better make a move to get ready for the day..

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 15, 2020, 08:04:14 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  No church service today so I'm making up for it by getting some things done around the house.  I didn't get the bed changed on Friday so it's stripped today and the first load is washing.  I'm taking a chance and removing one blanket.  I don't like the blanket anyway and I'm glad to see it go.  I still have a comforter and that stays on year round.  So the blanket will get washed and stowed until next winter.

As I said before, I'm going to make one quick trip to the closest store for milk this morning and I've added a couple of other things to my list but if I don't get them, it's OK.  I can get along without them.

Mickie and I are awaiting the boinger for breakfast.  I think we should have about 20 minutes to go.  I wish you all a happy, healthy day!  make it your own in every way.  And don't forget to share it with your nosy friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 15, 2020, 09:37:05 AM
Good Morning. 

Thanks, Bubble, for the new Shoppe and the pretty images.

Still gray, gloomy, damp weather in central Oklahoma.  The early church service and Sunday School were cancelled and the late service is being streamed on the church's Facebook page.  I like to watch an OKC Presbyterian church on t.v. when I don't go to my own - and that's what I'll do today so I can sit in my recliner instead of my desk chair.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day.

(We need an icon for an "elbow bump"  :D)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 15, 2020, 09:46:09 AM
A dreary morning here but not terribly cold....mid 50s.  Supposed to rain a little later.

Quiet here in our town because everything is closed.  All schools, public and private, from primary on through all the universities have shut down until the first of March at least.  All large events have been banned.  No church services.  People are staying home.  The children are playing hockey in my circle and there are lots of walkers out.  Looks like "old times".  A neighbor called yesterday to ask if I was alright and if she could get groceries for me.  Kind of nice the way people are responding.  I'm doing a lot of reading and Netflix, Prime Video, etc.  I'm content to stay right here.  David makes an occasional run to the grocery store but goes at a time he thinks it won't be very busy and makes sure he washes very carefully when he comes home. 

I baked a round loaf of bread and it turned out nice.  I plan a meat loaf today because we like it and it stretches to another meal and sandwiches.  Also, have several large bags of frozen fruits and vegetables and meat or meatless dinners that I can use.  And, always soup...think I'll make a pot of "The Very Best Lentil Soup" this week.

Not particularly exciting....perhaps even boring...but just to let you know that I am still here.

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 15, 2020, 04:08:29 PM
Well, I did go to church in spite of my kids & even one of the grands pleading with me to not get exposed to germs.... but I told them all, "unless I plan to isolate myself, not go to stores or do any fast foods, etc, I will enjoy going to church. Hey, doesn't hurt to get in a few brownie points at 85!!! Seriously, I'll do what I can to avoid germs but am not going to hide out in my house. That food brought in comes from all over the world & I am not going to disinfect everything that enters the house. Robbers may start stealing TP when they break in, as scarce as it is this week!!!

Bubble, I especially loved the saying "Accept the past without regret, manage the present with confidence, and look to the future without fear." I've always preached to my kids to not go through life with "regrets"... that doesn't help anything.

Hummmmm, I just looked outside & see the water is above the pool cover right now. Too early to have it taken off & summerized, but afraid it will be a mess this year. I don't think the water froze this winter, at least not hard like most years, so the ickies that grow, probably did.

Phyllis, soup does sound good. I've enjoyed my friend's Taco Soup more than anything, so have made it several times & always freeze some, but none in the freezer right now. Think a nap sounds good.... 

I picked some of the mini jonquils to put on my kitchen window sill.... They are so small you can't see them from the street & are behind a brick pillar so can't see from my window, so I might as well bring them in, right?

Can you believe this is the "Ides of March" already?... and Cas' birthday. Time for spring cleaning and all that fun stuff.  Back in the old days of Senior Net, people in the MIssouri folder would start a cyber party to liven up the crowd. Maybe we need to have a spring picnic and everyone bring their favorite type picnic food, okay?  Mine really is fried chicken but I don't fry chicken anymore... mine comes from KFC, so how about I fix a couple dozen deviled eggs, do y'all like the smoky flavored paprika? I bought a bottle last time I fixed them, used it on half the batch & plain paprika on the other half. could not get opinions of like or dislike the smoked flavor. Surprised me, I did NOT like.  MO is about mid USA (maybe KS is officially, but always too windy to eat outside in KS).... Since this is a cyber picnic I guess we can pick a favorite spot, no germs or ants invited! Think back at the picnics you went to as a kid, what was your favorite food?  Bring on the watermelon! YES?!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 15, 2020, 04:57:53 PM
SHIRLEY, I love your idea of a nice virtual get together!  I was surprised that your church had services today as ours are all closed down!  My favorite picnic food has to be home made potato or macaroni salad!  I would sure enjoy some fried chicken too!  Right now, EVERYTHING sounds good except for what I have here in the house to fix🤣🤣

Our kiddos are asking us, actually demanding us, to stay home and they will get us what ever we need!  We need nothing..... We do like to eat out and we do it a LOT, so this staying in is getting old already and we have just begun! 

Our friends that are on a world wide cruise have just been told their ship, The Queen Mary 2 is not going any further and they have been told to disembark in Fremantle WA.  Everything seemed just fine and overnight it all changed.  They were able to make airplane reservations to fly to Melbourne, then to LA and on to Denver.  They just do not know if they are going to be able to do this or will they be quarantined along the way?  I do not think there will be international flights or domestic flights for much longer.  All ski resorts in Colorado are shut down and there are a lot of unhappy people out there.  I know it has to be a shock to many that had planned to be here all week skiing, as it is spring break in many places.  I feel bad for EVERYONE.....the monetary hit is bad for all! 

I truthfully expect to see all food establishments shut down....many are trying drive through only already, but I think it is just a matter of time before we will be just like Italy...
and sadly, I think that is the only way we are going to slow this virus down.  The worse part of this is we are just going to extend the time that this virus is going to be an issue...but at least it will help the medical situation a bit of a chance to be able to handle it all. 

I know there are many different thoughts on this subject.....and to be honest, I think if I had my way I would just go on with my life and just be vigilant in washing my hands, etc.... but that being said, honestly ... we MUST be shuttered 🙀🙀😩

I hope you all are doing well and no one gets Covid-19!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 15, 2020, 05:04:47 PM
I must be getting slower or the hours in the day faster!! The day was perfect as long as one didn't have to stay out in it for any length of time. Managed to finish up the one quilt and started to work on another.

Shirley, my son's birthday is today also. I love pot lucks, will bring bean salad and raspberry pies.

Phyllis, love meatloaf, hot or cold! Especially between two slices of fresh bread with either mustard or Mrs B's pickle relish.

Better go see if the birds have enough food.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 15, 2020, 06:46:43 PM
good afternoon everyone. well it is a shame as a whole we are all getting shook up about virus.  In 1950 something ? we were all shook up about the Hong Cong flue. and we all survived it. Panic Or fear is our worst enemy's.
I think we best do what we go to church for, to learn and trust in God. I am off the pedestal now, enjoy the rest of your day, may it be just as you like it,

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 15, 2020, 09:21:47 PM
AMY, I can relate well with your comment about the days passing quickly, and the taking longer to get things done!  There is a lot of comments being made about how thankful we are and very well should be to all the truckers out there that are getting our goods delivered to us.  So please thank your son for me for being one of these people, AND wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and you a HAPPY BIRTH DAY! 

We are watching 60 Mintes and they are doing a segment on driverless semi- trucks! 🙀

Enjoy the rest of your evening.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 15, 2020, 10:47:16 PM
I'm in for the picnic!  I'll bring pickled eggs with beets and brownies!  Where did you say we're having it?

Got a bunch of stuff done today but none of it shows.  I always feel a little cheated when that happens.  Some of it should show!

Had a nice visit with Cathy and she ended it by choosing her birthday present. I told her on her birthday that I started to wrap one of my family heirlooms for her and then decided to let her choose one.  We walked around the house today and she looked at a lot of things and finally chose a large painted plate that was always on my grandmother's dresser when I was growing up.  It was her "catch-all" for hairpins, earrings, pencils, rubber bands and anything else that found its way to her dresser.  I remember her telling me she loved it because her mother loved it.  The funny thing is, that's the item that I almost wrapped for her and she chose it for herself!  She was named for my grandmother because she was still living when she was born and because I loved her name.  She was Catherine, too but always called Kate.

Phyllis, I made meatloaf for supper tonight, too.  And there's plenty left for sandwiches or a couple more meals.  I made scalloped potatoes to go with it.  Around out family you never make meat loaf unless you made scalloped potatoes to go with it.  I had red beets for a veggie.  Good supper!  And just as good tomorrow!

I'm off to Dreamland now.  I wish you all a peaceful nights sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 15, 2020, 11:38:16 PM
Amy, a last "Happy Birthday" to your son!

Lloyd, I caught every one of those Asian type flu bugs, sicker than a dog each time, but didn't get the bird flu and rarely get sick. I am shocked at how the whole world is struggling with this virus... and seriously believe China was working on a "germ warfare" type since we don't have anything that is familiar about it. What do I know???

It (and the news media) has done a good job of wrecking the world economy and do think we will see many businesses go under because when they can't operate like normal, they don't earn money to pay their bills so the businesses they owe can't meet their debts, and so it goes. WE as the government won't have money to pay extra taxes to cover all those losses so many home owners with big payments will have their houses default. Many of us came in during the end of the depression of the '30s and were told about the bread lines and WPA. We saw the rationing of WWII, but our kids & grands have never known that kind of sacrifice so will struggle. I sure don't have any answers but do feel the panic is almost more dangerous than the virus.

Jenny, my daughter just got off the phone, said she was at her store when they were hauling in a load of TP so she asked the guy if he didn't need an armed guard! She said he gave a big laugh at the thought.

Gloria, so glad Regina & Gary are out there in that fresh air. Glad he is doing so well. I do hope she can get back to painting one of these days. Hope she sends you some photos one of these days that you can post, showing how they are doing. We built from scratch as well and I still drive past that house and think of the year we spent putting it together.

And now it is bedtime again. Sleep in peace, God bless and watch over each one of you.

Oops, you snuck in, Jane! My mother gave each of us "treasures" one Christmas but she picked what we got, since the 3 brothers might not have picked what she wanted them to have <grin>. She gave me a vase that was special blue/green carnival glass, and since my daughter in law loves carnival glass, I gave it to them for their 25th anniversary, in hopes she would love it. When Mother gave it to me she cautioned, "Honey, don't put this out for a garage sale, it is worth $250".. When I told that to a lady/friend that held estate sales for people, she said she would give me that for it right now. Of course, it wasn't for sale. I did put a woven basket out for a garage sale that Mom gave me, next door neighbor lady that collected baskets said she'd buy it but wanted me to know I had it marked too cheap. I had to tell her that I didn't want to know what it should have been marked because anyone else would have bought it at the $1 price". That was before computers to help with research..Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 16, 2020, 04:22:48 PM

Good afternoon evening.
Micheal, thank you so much for getting us back on line!!

Today was a mixed up day but so far so good. Took hubby to get his blood work done. Nurses dressed in long gowns, covers over their face were at work.
Came home and finished up another quilt to go.. but the caner quilt group has cancelled their meeting..

I pray everyone is safe from this darn virus..we are ok here but I will be glad when everyone can breath a sigh of relief again.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 16, 2020, 04:26:42 PM
Jenny and Shirley, thank you for the birthday wishes for David..
Has anyone figured out how they age so fast???
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 16, 2020, 05:26:44 PM
Amy, thank you for the tidbits you add to your posts.  I enjoy them whether they are funny or serious.

One day I will feel better, the next not so good, but on the whole, I think I am improving.  My cousin's sister-in-law said it took her six months to feel normal.  I am only 1 1/2 months from my attack.

I don't eat much but it is here, so I'll be back later.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 16, 2020, 05:39:57 PM
I have a little piece of good news to share with you.  I was waiting until I could share it personally with SHIRLEY after she returned from her sad trip to her brother's. I did that this morning so.....

On the day she was notified that she had lost her brother, God sent another life to live with us.  My granddaughter, Allison, in Oklahoma will be presenting me with my second Great Grandchild.  And she told me on that same day.  If this one can live his/her life half as well as Shirley's brother James (known as Jay) lived his, it will be a good reflection. 

AMY, I think I must have missed wishing David a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I hope it was a good one.  And I don't know either, where the time goes!  Seems like just yesterday, mine were little kids.  Where did all that time go?

I paid my school taxes today.  Seems like a waste when all the schools are closed and all the kids are probably home watching TV. 

Supper time is creeping up on me and I'm not one bit hungry so I think I'll take Mickie for a walk before we eat instead of after.  I missed my nap this afternoon so I'm sort of planning to watch some TV through my eyelids tonight. 

My new floors are supposed to be installed tomorrow.  I wonder if they'll make it.  Seems all unnecessary businesses are supposed to be closing.  I guess I'll just wait and see!

I hope you all have a "virus-free" rest of the day.  In fact, that's my wish for the rest of your lives!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 16, 2020, 06:02:04 PM
Jane. thank you. I was talking with David today and he told me what was for supper last night. Along with the usual he had fried radishes . He loves them!!

Mary Ann, thank you.
Take it easy and don't over do it. Let others help you as you have helped others in the past.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 16, 2020, 07:42:08 PM
AMY, I've loved fried radishes ever since I ran across a recipe for them about 5 years ago!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 16, 2020, 09:01:03 PM
I'll be so glad when I can start with "Hello from a sunny Oklahoma"!  Skies are still gray and gloomy and supposed to stay that way all week.  :(

Janie, Congratulations on the anticipation of a new great-grand!
Your mention of meat loaf and scalloped potatoes reminded me of my Mother's "put it all in the oven at the same time" meals.  One of the best was meat loaf and scalloped potatoes.
I make meat loaf the same way she did but it's never tasted like hers - even when I made it while she was standing next to me and saying, "That's right".  Good memories.

I gathered up my courage and went to the "big" grocery store (Crest) this morning. Couldn't believe it when someone was backing out of the handicap parking space closest to the door just as I drove up. 
Store was crowded but not overly so and everyone was being very considerate of others.  Had to chuckle at the big displays of paper towels and toilet tissue. Looked as if they're now over supplied.
However, the soup section had limited selections and the bread aisle was empty.  That truck probably hadn't gotten there, yet.

Miss Ellen has been caught up in the NYC shut-downs.  The gym where she worked the front desk has closed "indefinitely".  Same for the places where her 3 roomies worked - so they have settled in to stay at home.
One of the apartment building's fire escapes is right outside their windows.  I suggested they could all entertain the neighborhood like the Italians are doing from their balconies.  That was met with silence  ;)  but I could imagine her  ::).

Miss Emily is home on Spring Break and wanted a Gammy/Emily day while she's here.  Plan A was lunch and a movie but when neither of us could find a movie we wanted to see, we switched to lunch and shopping.  Now that's out (partly because of the weather) so we'll just find some kind of mischief to get into here.  Maybe we'll go through a genealogy album or two.

The big metro library has closed but e-books are still available.  So I checked out 4 in case there was a run on them. 

Onward and Upward.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 16, 2020, 09:07:48 PM
I 💕💕 radishes, but have never had them fried!  I will have to find out how to do this! 

We went out for a little walk today......the sun was out and it did feel good to get some fresh air.  We saw 3 people at a good distance away and only 5 cars...... it definitely means folks are staying in.  All restaurants, bars and casinos are closed.  Some places will still do drive through and some restaurants are doing delivery, but we are not sure we want to even risk that.  This shut down is real🙀

SHIRLEY, we all know what this current situation is going to do to our will bankrupt more than just little family businesses.  Many businesses will try to continue to pay their employees but more will not than will.  The ski areas have pretty much closed down for the season now as they can not afford to keep the employees on.  It is so sad.  Many will loose their jobs.....  I totally expect the airlines to all be grounded......including domestic.  😢😢😢

Congratulations GREAT-GRANDMA JANE!  How exciting, and new little bundle of joy on the way💕💕

AMY, I do not know how my children can possibly be the age I still feel I am😩🤣🤣🤣

Brave of  you to venture out to the grocery store today, CALLIE.  We have been threatened with in a inch of our life by our children, if we go out.....they want to come do it for us, but we do not want them to do this, so Bob is hoping to head out for a quick trip tomorrow morning.....🙀🙀🙀

I wish you all a good evening.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 16, 2020, 09:45:35 PM
I don't tell my family unless they ask if I need anything..  :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 16, 2020, 11:42:05 PM
I've been told by my daughter that I shouldn't be going out either and she has decided that her job offers too many contacts that are iffy and she's not going to come here unless I need something.  I'm not telling her that I went out today but my only contact was my granddaughter and we didn't touch because of the job she does.  She said she disinfected her hands before she got in the car and every time she got out she wiped again before getting back in.  She works in a grocery store so she's still working so far.

Thanks, JENNY, for the nice words about my new "soon to be" arrival.  We're all delighted but I sure am praying that Ali is protected.

I'm off to bed now and I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  I wish the same for the whole country and the world.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 17, 2020, 12:21:43 AM
Before I go to bed I want to thank you, Jane, for the very sweet thought of this new life coming that will fit into Jay's space. I will think of him/her as long as I live, and for sure, if that baby is anything like my brother, it will have a wonderful & exciting life.

Sounds like all our children are trying their best to protect us... and as my son would say, "like trying to train fleas".... My store had no TP but I got bread & discovered when I went to put it in the place I store bread, that I had already bought my Oatnut & loaf of white. Sorry to say, peanut butter & jelly just doesn't go with oatnut bread. I eat both kinds, one because I like and the other because "it's good for me". I did get some Hostess cupcakes, Ding Dongs & Twinkies... thought we may have to start bartering for that TP...... :D

Callie is walkiing the floor, wants me to go to bed so she can. Tom is still outside so I am stalling. They have been inside because of rain so much they don't have a routine to follow.
Sweet dreams to all and God Bless.  Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 17, 2020, 02:33:13 AM

good evening and good night and sweet dreams.It is already tomorrow,I let midnight slip by again. but my wishes are still the same for the rest of the sleep time,for yesterday and today's part also.I am going to go shave so hopeful my breathing machine won't leak and I get some good sleep. see you all later today.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 17, 2020, 07:24:01 AM
I'm up and attem and waiting to see if the floor guys show up this morning.  Nothing seems to be sure these days.  I'm hoping too, that the boinger beats the floor guys otherwise, Mickie will be pretty put out about breakfast.

The said not to worry about the furniture. They move everything to one side and do that side then move it back and do the other side.  But I didn't realize I had so many knick knacks to deal with.  I had to pack up everything in my curio cabinet and all my "sitty-around" stuff in all the rooms.  I'm tired already just from that and the bad part of it is that I have to wash it all and put it all back when they're finished.  My kitchen counters are LOADED.

And now there goes the boinger!  Later friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 17, 2020, 07:38:06 AM
download.jpg Happy St Patty's Day.jpg

Good morning everyone..

Woke to a winter wonderland!!Snow is gracing the trees and it is so beautiful outside.

Jane, another grand baby to love and cuddle. How special is that!!

Shirley, funny how we like foods only with other ones. Seems you have your supply of healthy choices in...main stays .

Jenny, this is Janes fault, she was the one that shared her love for the fried radish and my son loves them. He does his with bacon.

Better cut this short and get a wiggle on it.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 17, 2020, 09:28:09 AM
Amy, I was just getting ready to ask if your son fries his radishes with bacon and you answered me so radishes have gone on the grocery list.  Thanks for the idea.  I cooked up some hard cooked eggs in the IP yesterday so will have them on hand for egg salad and also to use as quarters in green salads.  We always try to eat as healthy as we can but am concentrating on that even more right now.  The freezer is well stocked with vegs. and fruit and fish and other nutritious food.  I plan to order a baked ham soon but I have to make space for it first.   ;D

More virus cases here.  Up to 15 in the county now with more expected.  With all the international business travel here it is unavoidable.  David insists on going out for a dental appointment today but he did call the office and they said they haven't had any reports of contact with patients who are infected so he is going.  I'm staying home.  The library is closed but still sending e books and I got a big one yesterday so I'm all set as far as reading is concerned.

Love hearing the good news about new babies. 

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 17, 2020, 11:29:21 AM
well good morning everyone. i was so late yesterday getting in here I was today. I was after midnight so I guess that counts as a early post and a second. I was scheduled for a rehab appointment too morrow but am canceling it so wont get the bug bite form the virus. have a great day just as you like it.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Carol on March 17, 2020, 06:29:33 PM
Good day everyone!  We are getting ready to drive home this weekend and found that snow is expected in the Denver area - not surprising at all. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 17, 2020, 09:10:46 PM
I'm sorry about the snow, Carol.  I imagine it will get to Michigan sooner rather than later.  I have no appointments so it really doesn't matter. 

As soon as my get-up gets up and goes, I am going to bed.  With no appointments, I can stay in bed as long as I want, but then my get=up finds it has to go, so who knows what time I'll get up.  It has been a pleasant cool day here today, no rain, no snow.

Robin was here to make things look nice overnight, but then I move around and things get messed up.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 17, 2020, 11:04:41 PM
Good night and sweet dreams everyone. either I am not seeing what is posted or you all are hiding from me. sorry If i did something wrong.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 17, 2020, 11:43:18 PM
I haven't been in all day because my house was full of men!  They are putting down new floors and I was pretty much restricted to one room except for trips to the bathroom and out to see what they were doing and walks with Mickie.  When they left, I was so tired you'd think I'd done all the work.  I'm trying to keep ahead of them with the getting ready and following after them with the putting things back where they belong.  And a lot of the stuff from closets isn't going back in the closets.  Some is going to the car for Goodwill and some is heading for the trash. 

And now, I'm heading for bed because they said they'll be back around 8 tomorrow morning and they are usually 5 to 10 minutes early.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!  I KNOW he has blessed me!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 18, 2020, 04:20:41 AM
Ah, Jane, I do understand your misery right now.... and I only had one end of the house floors replaced. We had no idea what they would find underneath what we could see & it was a nightmare. The original owners had put layer after layer over, I don't remember how many now, but even the installers had never seen anything like it. Take it easy, it will be over soon and look so neat & clean..I envy you the later. :thumbup:

Carol, I check the Monarch Pass cam nearly every day. We made one trip over it during an ice storm that still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Had to stop every few minutes to help the windshield wipers scrape off because they would get packed & only a peek hole to see out. Safe trip, you know a road grader will be along as soon as possible, but my husband couldn't wait! We were the last vehicle from Durango, thru Montrose & finally by the time we got to Salida the snow stopped & it was gorgeous with the snow covered golden cottonwood trees all along the river.

It is too early to stay up, not sure what woke me but all 3 cats are sitting at the back door, insisted they wanted out to smell the fresh air. It is drizzling so they are not getting away from the over hang of the roof. 50+ degrees and to be up in the mid 70s today. That sounds like spring storm weather to me, but I'm NOT a professional weather guesser! Last summer was totally taken up with replacing the roof on the RV and house, don't want to go through that again!

I think I am already getting cabin fever, stayed home 2 days in a row....I did go to church & McDonald's Sunday, well, maybe on to Sam's Club & grocery store in the afternoon because I stopped for KFC on the way home. My kids keep telling me to stay in, they will go to the store for me, even had a couple neighbors call to offer. Makes me feel old. The pollen is awful right now, could not go 5 minutes without a Kleenex for my nose. I can't take any of the pills so just keep pockets full of Kleenex or Puffs Plus. We'll get through this, be talking about it for years, right?

Phyllis, I also boiled some eggs & think I will mix up another batch of meat spread. I sent the last batch home with #1 son. #2 son often comes by after work on Wednesdays, so now that he is working from home, maybe he can come over for lunch instead. I love feeding my kids.  :smitten:

Back to bed for me, hope you (Lloyd & Mary Ann) are dreaming happy dreams. Take care. Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 18, 2020, 06:12:35 AM
Good morning everyone, finally made it. Thank you BUBBLE for fixing why I could not sign in yesterday, just would not accept my password. This morning I just signed in and it went through first time.  There was supposed to be a corned beef dinner here last night but was canceled. Not company sponsored but a couple of ladies coledted the money from those going and had the corned beef and were going to get the veggies later. The big kitchen was locked the end of last week. Hope they had the corned beef in the freezer down there. The CNAs are still coming in for their clients every day. Thank God for that. Don't know what I would do with out the help I get from the one I have. Yesterday she had to go to the pharmacy to get a couple of scripts for me. There is a Subway near it so she got me a small grinder and boy did I enjoy it. All they are doing is take out. The one who made it must have been lonesome or not making many of them it was filled with as much as for a foot long one. I ate almost the whole thing. A frightening world we are living in right now.
Yesterday morning when I got up and pulled the shade in the bedroom up I looked out and just kept looking out. It was snowing. The trees were all dressed in white and so were the cars and the roof of this building. So beautiful. I sure have missed the snow this winter. It was all gone by 11am. We could sure use at least a week of below freezing temperatures to kill germs in the air. My CNA told me when she went shopping over the week end that even all the Oatmeal was off the shelves. She makes sure I am well stocked with every thing I need. Before she goes to the market for me she checks every thing I am low on. I am so glad she is back again. The almost 5 months she was on sick leave and the ones I had while she was out left much to be desired. She is like a family member in that she cares for her clients. One of the markets here is going to be opened for 2 hours at 7 am only for seniors so they have a chance to get what they need before the crowd gets there and cleans every thing out. Would be nice if more markets did that. That is the one I have gone to for years and also the one who delivers. I have received a couple of emails  apologizing for deliveries being slow. They have shortened the open hours to give staff time to stock the shelves again.
Both sons have been calling me to ask if I need anything. I tell them I have everything that Yvette-CNA- makes sure I have everything. Monday she made a batch of mac and cheese, have 3 containers of it in the freezer. Came out good and I sure enjoyed the meal I had of it.

That is what has gone on the last couple of days. Now I have had my coffee it is time to get breakfast.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 18, 2020, 06:42:46 AM

Good morning everyone.

Chilly day to start with. Have friends coming over in a bit, he is going to do some work on the vehicle for us.

Not much else is on the agenda for the time being.

Gloria, great to see you got back in.  We also had that snow but by night fall it had melted off the driveway.

Lloyd, we are still here..we would never hide from you.

Jane, once everything is done you will be able to sit back and enjoy what has been done.

Shirley, that sounds like one drive I wouldn't want to make. Hair would stand straight on end!

Carol, safe drive home.

Better get ready for the day...

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 18, 2020, 07:18:06 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem!  I have my first cup of coffee and Mickie has had her pill.  We're waiting for the boinger, breakfast and then the guys. 

I slept better last night than I have in a Month of Sundays!  Guess I was really tired!  It started with 2 deep sleep naps on the sofa and then a very good sleep in bed!  I have 2 boxes (both small) and a couple of loose items for Goodwill and one pretty good size bag for the trash.  And that's only one and a half closets.  I'm also going to have some (hard-used) bedding for Mostly Mutts (a local animal shelter) by the time they are finished.  And I have one box of books for the library.  Just think of all the nice space I'm going to have!

CAROL, I wish you safe travels!

GLORIA, you sound so much cheerier now that your favorite CNA is back!  Let's hope she doesn't do anything to hurt herself again.   

SHIRLEY, you understand what I'm going through.  Most of the carpet in this house was here when I moved in and it was new at the time.  But that was 23 years ago this coming May! And the kitchen and bathroom floors are the same.  I did replace the carpet in two bedrooms shortly after moving here but that's going on 20 years now for them. 

I better get this posted since it's almost time for the boinger and breakfast and then Mickie's (and My) first walk of the day.  I wish you all a lovely, healthy day.  Make it your own in every way!  And don't forget to share it with you (nosy) friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 18, 2020, 08:32:32 AM
Jaanes you may call us nose friends, but I cal us caring,sharing one's. have a great day just as you like it.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 18, 2020, 09:05:26 AM
I have had my morning meal. Nancy really out done her self with it. she got the bacon and eggs just right. and I got a box of straw biers and a box of blue biers at sams club the other day she had a little bowel of them set out also. It is raining here and 48º calling for a high in the mid to high sixties. so I will be a couch jockey today. top of the day to you all.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 18, 2020, 09:25:48 AM
It looks like we may actually have some sun today.  That will be welcome.

All is well here for now.  More restrictions for North Carolina are in place now but the new cases keep coming.  It is sad for those who are affected but it is what it is and eventually we will get through it.

Gloria, several of the grocery stores here have started the "shopping for seniors only" time...usually an hour or two when first open in the morning.  At that time the shelves are well stocked and cleaning and sanitizing has been done in the overnight hours.  It is such a good idea.

I think I can finish the taxes today and get them filed even though they have delayed the filing date.  Might as well go ahead and do it.  One more thing to cross off the list.

Take care.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 18, 2020, 09:39:45 AM
LLOYD AND ANYONE ELSE WHO IS OFFENDED BY BEING CALLED "NOSY".  It's only meant to be a joke.  I really didn't mean it that way and I'll stop using that word.  SORRY  :'(  :-[
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 18, 2020, 10:56:23 AM
Good Morning from a still-wet-and-gloomy central Oklahoma,

Shirley, something really needs to be done about this  :tickedoff:  weather you, Jenny and friends in Texas keep "sharing" with us Okies in the middle!!!!  :smitten:
I understand about your sniffly nose.  Love the blossoming trees but not the drip drip they cause.

Janie, one of my "pen names" with certain friends is "Nosy Rosie".  One of them once told me I'd make a good prosecuting attorney because of the questions I ask.  I think he was referring to my asking questions that require actual sentences as an answer instead of "yes", "no", "because" or "nothing".  ;)

A friend called yesterday to see if I was doing okay by myself.  I told her I was enjoying lunch with my granddaughter, the cleaning lady has just come and the Orkin man was on his way to spray the outside perimeter of the house.  We were all, however, doing "social distancing"  ::)

Didn't have much on the calendar for the next two weeks, anyway - and what was there has been cancelled or postponed. 

Every place that might attract a group of people has closed down in OKC and surrounding towns.  The state school superintendent closed all schools everywhere for two weeks.  Would really appreciate if "the media" would offer something other than endless discussions about the problems and provide us with some real entertainment.  They certainly do re-runs at other times; why not now?

Miss Ellen and her roomies have all been laid off work because of the situation in NYC.  They're "hunkering down" (her term) in their small apartment. Hope they're all still speaking when this is over.

Miss Emily will be home for two extra weeks doing classes on-line.  She rode home with a friend and says she may make a quick trip back to Kansas to get some clothes, books and her car.

Sir Carson, who lives off-campus, stayed in Stillwater to work.  He has a job with a construction company and the project is far. 

I'm never lonely and rarely bored being alone.  Could be it's because I'm an only child and we lived just outside the city limits so I couldn't walk out the door and have neighbor kids to play with. Hubby was a h.s. coach/athletic director and then a basketball official, so I was used to him being gone a lot.

Plenty to do in my office and plenty of e-books to read and Netflix movies/programs to catch up on.

Wishing Everyfriend a safe, healthy Wonderful Wednesday.  :cheers:   
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 18, 2020, 11:12:29 AM
hahaha, Jane, in MY world, being NOSY is actually caring about others. Right?  We also replaced carpet in 2 bedrooms, bathrooms & hall but that was at least 15 years ago, we bought this in 1988... few years back.  ::) You are younger than I am this year!

I'm going to check to see if my stores have thought of a Senior's hours since I plan to get out. I have been thinking about fixing a meal for each of the families now & then, just to give them a chance to have something different. All are used to going out often so will be hard for them to not at all.

Gloria, you are sounding so much stronger since your CNA is back & feeding you better. Tell her she gets my vote for Best Buddy of the Year!

Got to get moving. Kind of peaceful here this morning, a dove is cooing loud enough to hear through the walls. Been listening to the wrens that normally shack up in a little house across the street, but the owner died that cleaned it out every spring & his wife went to a retirement housing. She doesn't want to sell yet so her kids bring her over now & then & guess they never thought about the wren house.

Thought of you, Ms Callie, when reading breaking news about the quake in Salt Lake... those things keep pressing on around the earth & know we had another small one near Caldwell, KS.  Wonder if fracking will be blamed for this round of quakes.  Thank goodness for fracking, at least we are not dependent  on foreign oil.  We have drizzle again today, the pool cover is under water since it is full to the brim..Do hope all your children are safe, since they are in more crowded places that us. I did get a couple big bottles of V8, a large bag of oranges & my jars of grapefruit so am working on staying healthy. Sorry about all this rain, but we actually need a good soaker.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Radioman34 on March 18, 2020, 11:45:48 AM
I have been posting this past week  but I'm not sure the posts ever got to the screen. I went downtown yesterday to a ghost town. The stores were closed as were the restaurants so we ordered takeout and ate at home. But at least it was nice to get out on my scooter
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 18, 2020, 12:42:35 PM
Shirley,  I check a web site that lists "Earthquakes in Oklahoma" and there have been small ones almost every day in one part of the state or another.  Fortunately,  none have been in this area or made the news.

The sun came out and I scooted around to the Braum's dairy/market store.  Restaurant side was closed and there was only one other customer, who was way behind me.  This, plus trip to "big" grocery store on Monday, makes me fully stocked for at least a week.
Miss Emily told me she uses Door Dash to have meals from restaurants delivered.  I may be tempted to try that.

Had to brush pear tree blossoms off the trash bin before I brought it into the garage.  That, plus being out, has made my eyes water and my nose drip.  Even so, it was really nice to be out in the fresh air.
Predictions are for possible tornadoes overnight and a freeze on Friday morning.  :uglystupid2:  Oklahoma weather!!!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 18, 2020, 12:59:32 PM
Yep, Shirley, nosy is another word for interested or friendly in my book, too.  But I don't want to offend anyone.  And I think I'm only younger than you for about 6 more weeks.  I'll be 85 the end of April.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Carol on March 18, 2020, 01:51:38 PM
Oh, how nice it is to sit and read the notes from almost everyone! 

Thanks for the "safe travel" notes - we were told over a week ago to travel right away and we made reservation for a Santa Fe night this Saturday.  Now, the warning is to stay in place.  Am so wanting to be near at least 3 of the 4 children.  We do this all the time by staying one night it helps so much on the drive.  Also, at each end of the trip, I have an order for Walmart groceries online.  This time, everything is messed up and I have not been able to get that online.  So it goes. 

Mary Ann, I wrote "get up and go" by your name and now have forgotten why I even thought of it.   :crazy2:   Stay safe

Jane:  I hope all that flooring is perfect.  Good for you!  What else is happening?  I have not had time to read any notes for quite a while.

Shirley:  Yes, there are some tense moments in driving through the Colorado hills - We used to go from Grand Lake to Fort Collins through the park.  Yikes!   People so scared they took up more than half of their lane - steep drops all around and then someone just has to take a picture and stop where there is no place to park.  We miss Grand Lake but it is just too hard to do that anymore.

Gloria>  mac and cheese - a good comfort food.  How nice!

Amy:  A bear!  Where was the bear? 

Radioman:  How nice to "see" you.  I have been lax about posting.  Too much going on and visiting here.  How about you?  Are you not happy to have spring around the corner?

Bubble:   Many thanks for fixing this site.  I could not get in - someone heard me knocking at the door.   
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 18, 2020, 06:49:14 PM
Good morning, EVERYFRIEND 💐

Another beautiful sun shinny day before a big snowstorm ❄️☃️

Safe travel home to Colorado, CAROL.  I am surprised you are headed back already! 

GLORIA, I am so happy to read about how well things are going for you now that your CNA is back and taking such good care of you.

JANE, I know going through this process of getting no your new flooring is hard on you, but how nice it will be when it is all done!  I did not think your "nosy" comment was anything to be offended by at all, in fact I smiled at it!

We did go out yesterday to our local grocery store.  I stayed in the car and Bob went in.  We needed to pick up a few prescriptions at the pharmacy and you can't afford to not get them as soon as possible as we never know if there might be a problem down the road.  One of the doctors on TV said that we all should keep 2 to 3 MONTHS of prescription drugs on hand!!!  With our insurance we can only get our scripts at one month at a time, and it sure makes it hard.  We used to get it through the mail, 3 months at a time and it sure worked out a lot better for us.  If one wants to go on vacation it is nearly impossible as you have to be at your home location to get the scrips. 

When I was sitting in the car at the store I saw so many elderly folks going in to shop.....some of them could barely sad.  So many couples going in vs just one of them doing the shopping😢 I would like to see the major grocery stores dropping their fee to do pick up shopping and help these poor folks out.  Non of our stores are doing a special time for those in need of a bit more time to shop without a crowd! 

I have been on the telephone for a bit, so I better post this now before I do something dumb and loose it.

Have a good rest of your day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 18, 2020, 08:00:52 PM
Good evening.  I am feeling very well.  Hoping to be able to go home soon.  I did 3 walks up the hall today.  I can do most things by myself.  Just need to gain some strength.  Still no visitors allowed in.  My DIL leaves things at the door for me. Hardly anybody around.  Stores here are having hours for seniors, also.  No activities at all here .  Have a good evening.  Joy
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 18, 2020, 09:04:41 PM
Hello Everyfriend!  I have a finished living room and dining room.  They were having some discussions as to whether the fridge would fit back under the cupboard and that's where they stopped for the day.  I LOVE what's done so far and one guy even told me if I want to take my nap on the sofa tomorrow afternoon, they'll try not to disturb me.

CAROL, I still wish you well for your trip home.  I know it's going to be difficult with all the restrictions and worrying about everyone you meet on the way.  You need to do what's best for the two of you!

JOY, great to hear you're doing well and that you might be heading home!  We miss you a lot!

JENNY, people are still shopping around here, too but the stores all have wipes and "degermers" available.  I haven't been anywhere this week because I've been entertaining the "floor guys" in my house.  They're really nice guys and I have not heard a single curse in three days we've been in close quarters. 

It's really tiring for me because I'm trying to keep all the little stuff out of their way and then put it back when they leave for the day.  I've been busy before and after they're here.  And tomorrow I have an eye dr. appointment and when I told them that, Jayme said, "Don't worry about your doggie.  We'll look after her!"  Wasn't that nice!

I guess I better wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy and healthy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 18, 2020, 10:20:02 PM
well my computer must be on the torment. It showed me as the last post @ about 8:oo AM. then i clicked to go fix it and it there there was nine post.I am going now to see if I can get them.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 18, 2020, 10:35:11 PM
 JaneS you have a lot more $$$$ than i do or lot;s better credit and will to be in debt. remodeling that much of your house all at once even if I am nose. good night and sweet dreams.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 18, 2020, 10:46:48 PM
well it is my bad spelling and gamer that get's me in trouble. the head knocks I have had do not help either, and I love you all friends. and I say as long as you are picking on me you are leaving alone someone alone that can not take it as good as i can. good night and sweet dreams, Hope to see you all tomorrow.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 19, 2020, 06:34:13 AM
Good morning everyone, here I am with my first cup of coffee. 39 and raining. Glad I got outside for awhile yesterday, sunshine and warmer. I still had my winter jacket on and felt comfy. Several other ladies were sitting out there on the porch and joined them. Was enjoyable for a change.

I got a letter yesterday from the company my CNA works for about this virus. If I even have the sniffles I have to let them know so she will not come.  The company is going to supply them with gloves, sanitizers and 2 masks a week. I showed her the letter and she laughed and said they were supposed to supply those items all the time.

JANE  that new carpeting will make your house look different and nicer. I would like getting the cheap wood flooring this place had installed ina few apartments, it never was finished right and the finish they had on it is wearing off. You can see the tracks made where I walk most from the wheels of my rolator.

LLOYD  I call this group our Cyber Family.

PHYLLIS  you make me glad my taxes are very simple, do  them myself and send in. No paying out and nothing coming back either.

JANE  to me your nosy was always meant as a joke. Nosy ones are those who keep interrupting private conversations and ask what you are talking about or ask personal questions.

CALLIE  I never feel lonely living alone, subce I was the youngest and 7 years beween me and he next older one I was alone aowing up. As long as I have a book to read I am content.

SHIRLEY  it does feel great to have Yvette back, I never have to tell her what to do and she always keeps busy.

DON  always good seeing you here. Here right now some restaurants will only have take out and then from the doorways or take out windows.

CAROL  seems like a long time since I saw a post from you. Hope you can get food when you get back to Denver and that very scarce TP. Have a safe  trip.

JENNY  love the little Leprechaun for an avatar. There is a second market setting an hour in the mornings for senior shopping. This one is a family owned business, not a big chain.

JOY  no activities in this building now. All the public rooms on the first floor are locked up except the laundry and mail room.

LLOYD  I have not been picking on you lately. You are behaving better.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 19, 2020, 06:51:19 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem and I have a few minutes to spend with friends!  I guess I have some explaining to do.  I hope you will all understand.

LLOYD, I probably have a lot less $$$$ than you or anyone else on this panel but Pennsylvania understands that some of us are in need of help in our old age.  The state has a tax-supported unit that is run locally by each county.  A person can apply for help though their local unit.  After checking your finances, a representative comes and walks through your home, looking for things that will save energy, keep down the cost of living and make it possible for Senior Citizens to remain in their own homes longer.

I applied for this program and was approved and by the upcoming end of the year they had completed most of the electrical, plumbing and carpentry projects that were on the agreement.  The local director called in December and asked if he could come do a walk through.  He did and at the end he asked me how I'd like new floors.  Of course, the answer to that was obvious. 

It seems that I was the last applicant for 2019 and they had some money left.  He said that if they let it revert back to the state, they wouldn't get as much in 2020 so it was a case of "Use it or lose it" and I got VERY LUCKY! 

And that's the whole story!  I think God is watching over me.  What do you think?

Now I have to get ready for my eye dr. appt before the guys show up! I hope you all have a great day!  Make it your own in every way!  And don't forget to come in and share it with your "loving, friendly, caring" friends on S&F.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 19, 2020, 06:57:30 AM
IMG_6171 (2).jpg

Good morning everyone..

While the men were in a garage working ,my friend and I were downloading recipes from the internet . We enjoyed our time gabbing and catching up on the past. Since I made too much meatball bean soup she went home with two sealers for her and her hubby.

Today we are going to go stock up on a few things, this virus isn't giving up and it is in for the long haul.

Gloria, happy to read you got a chance to sit out with your friends and enjoy the "warmer" weather. We have rain on the way in the next few days and hope it takes away the snow.

Don, please be careful..this virus knocks the socks off of us older folks.

Callie, I have a friend that gets so bored, I just can't imagine being bored. There are so  many things one can do here. Read, sew, crochet and the dogs keep one busy.

Jenny,in the city there are letting seniors in certain stores so they may shop before the shelves get bare. Thank you for todays imagine, seems appropriate for the times ahead.

Joy, so good to see you. Happy to read you are doing better.

Jane ,enjoy those new floors!

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 19, 2020, 09:12:16 AM
well here I am up and ready to eat morning meal, 7.5 hours sleep according  the tattle tail on my breathing Machine. we are having light rain again and heave thunder storms around close, the weather guesser says. i went to v a day before yesterday and they were a group of ladies setting at the door. questioning us about what and where we had been. I checked out safe so they put a blue band on my left wrist. it is a shame how Casey we as a nation have gotten. a few hording t p and some other things is just making hard on everyone. we could use news paper or junk mail but just throw it in a waste basket , do not put in the stool it will not dissolve like T P dose. take it out side and burn on leaves in the fall or in the fireplace if you have one. Have a good day

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 19, 2020, 09:59:02 AM
Goodness, we went early to shop and there was a line of people outside!!! First time I have stood in a line to get into a grocery store. Paper  aisle was empty as we sections in the frozen food units.

 A sign of the times ahead? Stay safe and well everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 19, 2020, 10:12:02 AM
I just finished filling out an online grocery order and David will pick it up in font of the store on Saturday.  We added several more cases of the virus here in the county over yesterday and I finally convinced him not to do the shopping himself.  We'll see if we get all the things I've requested.

We are fine and practicing "social distancing".  Several friends and neighbors have offered to run errands for us but so far haven't needed to ask it of anyone.  David still goes out to walk but stays away from the bookstore, etc.  Our new regional library is closed but we can still check out online e books.  We are all managing.  A couple of people in the area have turned their "Little Free Libraries" in front of their homes into "Little Free Pantries".  Added canned and boxed foods to books for those who might need something.  Nice idea.

Take extra care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 19, 2020, 11:33:54 AM
I am up and not quite atem yet, but I am managing.  Of course, I am not going out to any place but it is hard to imagine waiting in line for a grocery store.  We place an order online and  when it is ready, they call Tom and he goes after it.  It is a great thing whether necessary or not. 

I have one therapist coming today and I really don't feel it is necessary but when she is scheduled, she comes - ready or not!

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 19, 2020, 12:19:24 PM
Good morning,

The sun is shining and there's not a cloud to be seen!  :dancingdog:

Amy, hope it's okay to copy your positive poster to share.  I'm  a long way from being a chirpy cheerful Pollyanna but know too many people sighing over what they can't do instead of commenting about what they can.

Janie, what a great program to help those who need household repairs and replacements. So happy you got in on the "year-end clearance" fund use.

Went out to fill bird feeders and dropped the seed feeder as I took it off the hook.  Wasn't able to scoop quite all of the spill back so squirrels will think it's Christmas.  ;)

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 19, 2020, 01:55:03 PM
Just saying "hi".  I had 2 long walks this morning with the rollator.  The therapist said it was around the perimeter of the building.  Much further than I have been doing. Hope I can go home soon.  And,  I have decided to go home and see how I make out.  I know I have to be careful and I feel I can.  I do plan on getting someone to clean, maybe every 2 weeks.  Specifically the kitchen and bathroom. After being cooped up here,  I want my own things.  I will be able to know if I can do it.  My family isn't real happy about it.  But the therapist thinks it is ok. I want to sleep in my own bed.    Hope everyone has a great day!   Joy
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Sandy on March 19, 2020, 02:40:46 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone...
I am not sure if I mentioned it or
not but my store where I can pick
up my order, is no longer having this

So now I have to depend on my daughter
Kelly to get it for me.   Next week
I have to go get my blood drawn,  so
perhaps I can talk kelly into
letting me go in with her,  and I  will
stay behind my cart  and cover up my face.

Yikes,  what  a Mess !!!!

So I woke up this morning and decided
to re arrange my apartment...  this
included moving my bed and other

Now my apartment is totally cluttered
up and it is going to take me
days to get thing to where I know
what I have and to clean out and throw
away stuff that I am not using. 

In the meantime,  I still have not
eaten today (it is 2:30 PM)..
so I need to go make myself
something  and have a cuppa coffee.

My back is starting to hurt now as
I had to move my double bed...   YIKES!!!

I feel like I am living in a different place!

We have 52 cases of the Virus here in
Maine....  the number of cases  is rising

I am off to eat

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Carol on March 19, 2020, 03:45:51 PM
Thank all for concerns about our travel.  We now see a snowfall coming about half way on the drive home.  Wondering if we stay or go.  Everything is ready here and fridge is clean plus the bath & all house.  I really get tired anymore from housework - have been at it since 8 years old when I was taught to iron, etc. 

Otherwise, all is changing a bit with so many activities being stopped.  We can not go to the buildings for lectures or the activity center of exercise either.  So, it is to walk outdoors and I can do that at home. 

I hope we are not going to drive in snow - it is predicted though.  Keeping on....
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 19, 2020, 07:36:33 PM
Carol, when I checked the Monarch Pass cam this morning it was a "white out"... and thought of you, do you come home that route?  Safe trip, we do have another cold front with snow for NW KS, so do take it easy.

Joy, I am so in hopes you will get along fine at home... we are tougher than others think we are and I know I do appreciate my own space.

I am sitting here with the door wide open, 75 degrees today with a cold front moving down. "They" change their predictions too often to quote today. Need to go walk the cats down to the river, along with a pan of bones/scraps that a coyote or fox (or somebody's dog) will clean up. The yard is greeing up but weeds are out growing the grass.  ::)  Will need to call the yard guy soon, to see if he is still in business. They are firefighters & do this in their spare hours.

Sandy, you amaze me, I haven't moved furniture for 31 years, actually, once it is in place it isn't moved (except to clean under) as long as it stays in the house. I did move bedroom furniture the first year we lived here, headboard of bed from one wall to the other. I find I sleep better if my body is lying north/south. Strange, huh? Maybe not. Instead of moving the bed a few years ago I decided to lay cross way on the queen size bed! Nothing lazy about me. ;)

Callie, bet you will be surprised how many birds love the seed on the ground. I need to put that on my list for shopping, wonder if it is sold out. Warm out here & the Bradford pears are starting to bloom. Spring today & winter tomorrow.

Amy, don't know how you will top todays "poster".... perfect! I am not real good about being bossed, but this time I do understand so am trying hard to play nice. Might have to just go drive around a bit to exercise my car.  :-[

Mary Ann, you sound like you are doing great, happy for you since you do keep the rest of us in line. 

My 94 year old brother that died recently should not have died, was joking and carrying on as they wheeled him into surgery. From what I understand is they did not realize the fluid they were pumping into his body to ease the stents into place, was filling his lungs. I don't know if they had reached replacing the valve yet, but since few of the family understand the details at a time like that, probably will never know. It is an almost routine procedure these days. In my case the doctor that was doing the heart cath was prepared to insert stents and the valve replacement was scheduled for later. I had a problem with that liquid so opted not to let them replace the valve yet. I know that "shouldn't have died" is not reality, but a mistake was made because some of us don't react exactly like others. We need to learn from mistakes, so that is what I pointed out to his grown children. They may or may not have these same genes. He did not like the way he felt so that decision was his to make.

Phyllis, I filled out my census report while ago... was not as bad as I expected. My internet is off & on all the time so I hate having it skip in the middle of doing something. Running a lot slower with so many people working from home. Was listening to a man on TV that owns a lot of the health clubs, how many thousands of employees he has to lay off. Sad world....

Seems we are missing some friends today... Jane, Gloria, who else? Maybe I just can't see them on this page....  :crazy:  :nahna:  :wave:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 19, 2020, 09:34:23 PM
Shirley,  Oh, I know the birds will love the seeds on the ground.  Just won't be as much work for the squirrels if they don't have to try and get on the feeder.  I took off the baffle because they had figured out how to leap to the top of it and grab hold of the feeder.  "Greased" the pole like I used to do and - darn! if one didn't jump up and grab hold of the brace the baffle was resting on!  Haven't tried to take that off, yet -but it's in my "game plan".

I filled out my census report today, also.  Easy peasy.

Also had door open and ceiling fans going.  Cold front is supposed to get here after 10:30 p.m. and wind chill is supposed to be in the low 30's tomorrow. 

Interesting that we sleep best in opposite directions.  I prefer east-west.
I remember when hubby and I had a dual-control electric blanket.  He kept turning his side down and I kept turning my side up; then we discovered we had the cords crossed under the bed and were actually using each other's control.

Got a Care Mail from church this morning.  A family's 2-year-old son has been hospitalized with "breathing issues".  No mention of the virus but.....    They also have a 5 year old son and an almost-brand-new daughter.  Prayers appreciate for Maddux (in the hospital) and the family.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 19, 2020, 10:18:27 PM
Had a real horse laugh at your crossed wires, Callie.... bet y'all did, too, when you discovered it. Prayers for little Maddux & the family.

My son was saying tonight that they won't be baby sitting their grands "for the duration"... because they will be working from home and they, as well as the other grandparents, "deal with the public" and they don't want to pass any germs to get back to me. What she isn't saying is they also don't want to risk bringing germs to him since he is one of the "at risk" people with his artificial heart valve and fact that the doctor that didn't treat his infection in his leg from the start and now has no working lymph nodes in his leg. His new doctor put him on record that the slightest sign of any cold or infection he is to start antibiotics immediately. He isn't 60 yet so is not happy with having been put in this position because .... All we can do is the best we can do, right? 

Wishing all a peaceful sleep, pleasant dreams and a really happy tomorrow! God Bless, Shirley :calm:  :kitten:  :sleep:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 19, 2020, 11:22:25 PM
I'm off to bed!  I've had a busy day and for a large part of it, I was closed off from my office because the guys were working in the hall where it goes both ways and they blocked all passage to any other part of the house.

AMY, I did post today.  I had to go back and repost because you beat me in while I was typing. Maybe you missed it.

The kitchen is finished and that was a real chore for the boys.  They had to move all the appliances and unfortunately, there wasn't enough room under the cupboard for the fridge to go back in. So they took the cupboard down and cut a quarter of an inch off the bottom and remounted it.  And I still haven't heard a curse!  I like these guys!

CALLIE, prayers on the way for the little guy!  And for the rest of his family, too!

JOY, take it easy and work up gradually.  I know how good it will feel to be home!

Now I'm heading off to bed because I have to be showered and dressed and both Mickie and me fed by the time they get here tomorrow.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 20, 2020, 12:31:56 AM
Good evening EVERYFRIEND from snowy Colorado.  It snowed all day and we have a good 8 inches accumulated now and quite a bit came down as rain before it started sticking. 

CAROL, if you and Don did take off driving home, I am quite sure you did get in some bad weather conditions.  I wish you safe travels.

JANE, I read somewhere that you feel VERY LUCKY to have the home help that you have had, and I just want to say that I do not know of anyone that deserved some good luck like this more than YOU🥰

SHIRLEY, I have to admit I am happy that Andy will not be caring for the children anymore until this virus issue is over!  Good move.  Wow, 75 degrees.......that sounds like a perfect first day of spring😘. We of course had a typical "spring time in the Rockies" day! 

CALLIE, if this storm we have now is going to come visit you you better be prepared for a LOT of snow! 

PHYLLIS, I hope your order will be complete that David will pick up on Saturday..... some of the basics like eggs, milk and bread are still missing on our shelves. 

It is late......I am off to bed..... New avatar is Jonah loving his kitty! 
Pleasant dreams to all.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 20, 2020, 02:03:53 AM
Shirley and everyone, else I am living proof that you wont die until god wants you all with him. when I was working for they County as a road grader operator.
i was standing in the door opening of the grader doing a nature call and the wend gusted and jerked me out of it. I should turned loose and jumped or fell to the ground.but no I tried to hold onto the door. when it hit the side of the grader I was not stought enough to hold on so I hit on the corner of the back tire Back first. it crushed the cartilage out from L4 and L5 I crawled into the hospital form my car on my hands and knees crying like a baby. they took exrays and  right away did surgery. the doctor told me when he made the cut,that the cartilage just popped out.they had to cut a notch in the spine cord for the nerve cord to lay in. it hurts all time but I get mined over matter and live with it. when they put the needle in my back and put the die in my spine,I was watching it on the scope, when it hit the roupterd place, it looked like you had threw a egg on a window splattering. that was when I died. when I came back to doctor was pushing on my chest in rithyom and the other was standing there with the Paddles they shock you with saying Lloyd come on back you are too young to die.( I did ) Nancy say's I am a accident looking for a place to happen. good Night and sweet dreams.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 20, 2020, 06:46:13 AM
I hope every one of our SFriends are taking the necessary precautions to keep away from the famous Corona.

This made me think of old member in SN after seeing his photo on the random photos coming on the side of the screen.
Any one has news about Robby?

Here too I am restricted about going out or having interaction with others.  I am glad I have the computer's company!
Stay safe, friends.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 20, 2020, 06:51:02 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up  Mickie's been out and had her pill and I have my first cup of coffee and I'm checking in with my friends.  I have to get my shower and get dressed before the boinger and before the guys show up so I'm ready to go to the eye dr later this morning.  This is a follow up for the tests they did yesterday. 

I worked off and on putting things back in place after the guys left but first I took a short nap.  I never knew doing nothing and trying to stay out of the way could make a person so tired. 

Jenny, please keep that "Springtime in the Rockies" the Rockies.  I'm finished with snow for this year and we didn't have much at all.  I think we're having the fall-out from the snow.  It rained most of yesterday and it's supposed to rain most of today, too.  But today the temp is supposed to reach the 70s.  I think SPRING has SPRUNG!  We even have robins and they were SITTING on the fence...not flying!

JENNY, thanks for that special compliment.  I don't know what I did to deserve this but it's nice to know someone down here thinks I do.

It is a great program and I'm glad I got to be a part of it.  I've already told several people who could benefit from it that they should check it out.

LLOYD, that must have been a terrifying experience you had on the road equipment!  I'm glad you are here to tell about it!  I agree with Nancy.  You ARE and accident waiting to happen!  Watch your step!

I guess I better hit the shower now or I won't be ready when I have to be.  I wish you all a lovely day!  Make it your own in every way!  And don't forget to share it with your loving, caring and slightly nosy friends in S&F!  We're waiting to hear from you.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 20, 2020, 06:52:54 AM
BUBBLE, I wonder about Robby quite often.  He's in one of the Bash photos that circulates on my computer and when it comes up, I always wonder.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 20, 2020, 07:11:42 AM


Good morning everyone..

We have rain ,hope it puts the run on the rain. Can hear the crows hollering back and forth outside.
Both dogs fed but Jesse hasn't touched his yet..may later on. Babe has had both her pills, one crushed in her food and another wrapped in cheese. She is getting picky about the cheese now as she did with peanut butter on bread and a  wiener. Lots of fun trying to out smart her.

Need to pay bills this morning so into town and quickly back home.

Callie, I must admit I also had a laugh at your mixed wires.

Shirley,I am listening to the crows and now the geese are chiming when the lakes are free of ice it will be the loons. Can't wait for them.

Bubble, stay safe, let others bring your supplies to you. This virus has scared the bejeepers out of everyone. Nothing to make light of either.

Gloria, thankfully you have your amazing CNA back and she sees that your pantry is well stocked. My friend went to the grocery store yesterday to buy TP but it was gone....she saw a manager and asked him when more would be in and he told her to stay put. Of he went out back and came back with TWO packages and gave them both to her. She said she was so surprised she could have cried. Amazing what makes one happy now.

Lloyd, Nancy is right and hope you are taking it much easier now. Time you both started to rest and enjoy like.

Jenny, Jonah is so cute. They seem to grow way to fast ,enjoy them while you can.

Better get a move on here.

Take care everyone and stay well.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 20, 2020, 07:22:42 AM
Good morning everyone, 38 now and is still wet outside.  Wonder if we should start building an Arc. I should not complaoin about the rais when many area of the country pray for rain, like the southwest. We now have 2 markets open for an hour or so in the early morning for seniors. My son called and asked if I needed anything, he would take me. Of course my 3 are all seniors now, too.
The one market in this town will try something. People in this building will call in an order and they will deliver to the front of the building. Every one will have to go out to get their orders.

Welcome Spring

JANE  you finally got something that worked in your favor, good for you. After all the years you worked for every thing you deserve it. This state has nothing like that. Here they just want to tax people more every year. At least we do not pay a tax on food or clothing. I bet I have less money than anyone else in here. Not complaining at least I can still move around and get outside, not confined to bed or in a wheelchair. Have a wonderful CNA who spoils me, 3 wonderful children, a few good friends and this cyber family. What more do I need?

AMY  your post for yesterday morning is perfect for these days. Today I int end to call doctor to cancel my 4/1 appointment and then my eye doctor for yearly check up on 4/15 then the dentist for extractions. No appointments while this virus is around. We are being told to keep 5 feet between us and the next person. I had to laugh with the ladies on the porch the other day, they were sitting much closer than that but said they were out in the fresh air so they could sit close. My older son and DIL have been staying close to home since they got home from their cruise. My other son is out of work because people do not want anyone coming into their homes to work on anything.

LLOYD  back in the days of those little houses out back before the days of inside plumbing you could use anykind of paper.

PHYLLIS  I think my CNA would dry up and fade away if she could not go  shoping. The company she works for have given them masks and gloves for protection. She keeps changing the gloves and wears the mask when she goes into a market. As for me I spend mos t of my time in here, too many things to keep my mind going to  lonesome or bored.

JOY  nothing like being in your own place with the things you have.

SHIRLEY  like you I really HATE being told what to do no matter who is telling me.

JENNY  would love to have that 8" of snow. I sure missed this winter with hardly any snow and a lot of rain.

LLOYD  yes you are an acident looking for a place to happen. Slow down and live longer.

BUBBLE  wonder what we would be doing without our computers and S&F. Stay in and be careful if you have to go out.

Have a good day everyone, and be careful.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 20, 2020, 08:10:14 AM
Bubble, Unfortunately we lost Robby last year, too.

His posts in SeniorNet were always a joy.

We are OK here.  Practicing "social distancing.  Our county's cases of the virus has gone over 25 now (the state is over 100 and more being tested) so everything is closed...even the banks, except for drive-through.  Restaurants are closed, except for take-out.  Groceries and other stores are limiting hours or have closed.  Hard times but we are managing.

Stay well, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 20, 2020, 08:43:57 AM
good Morning everyone.we are doing alright here.thank God for all the Blessing's we have. also S & F, Makes my day. I wish more of us would use Skype. Peter and I have not lately but I enjoyed our time on that. Have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 20, 2020, 11:17:42 AM
Good Morning,

Good news about the 2-year-old who was hospitalized.  His Dad, who is a church Elder, called this morning because I'm on his list of "people to check on".  He said that Maddux is better and they expect to bring him home tomorrow.  PTL

Miss Ellen and roomies are choosing to stay in "for the duration".  Her Dad shared a link to the NYC metro library having 300,000 e-books available for free loan.  She replied,  "Oh, yeah!  I'm in heaven!".  Good attitude, IMO

Her mom/sister decided to go grocery/supply shopping "around town" this morning.  They asked if I needed anything.  I really don't but decided to take advantage of the opportunity and sent a rather long list.  Miss Emily just called and said they were able to get "almost all" of what I'd asked for and are on the way to my house.
They were to stop first at a friend's house because she had managed to find toilet paper.
Looks as if it's a cooperative effort!  Good idea!

Jenny,  no snow but cold temperatures and windy - so wind chill is Brrrrrr.  When I look at the Leadville Facebook page and see pictures that remind me of spring snows there...I'm almost - but not really - thankful for our short-lived severe storms.

The "crossed cords" aren't the only funny mix-ups we had early in our marriage. Will save those stories for another time....

Enjoy your day, Everyfriend.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 20, 2020, 01:48:31 PM
Shirley you could share some of that seventy's weather. be a sweetheart we are at at 36º and cloudy here.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 20, 2020, 02:40:54 PM
First the rain, then pea soup fog..a glimpse of sun and now back to cloud. Birds are even quiet today?

Callie, that is good news! Maddux will be more happy at home with his family. When my friend was living on his own ,he would get morning calls...called Are You Well.he alaways called them Are You Dead.  He said they called to see if he was alive and well. I always called in the evening to check on him.

Joy, what about getting a alarm to wear? That way when you're home if you need help you can rely on the alarm?

Gloria, Jenny shared that with me and it is appropriate for the times.

Now what mischief can I get into ??
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: junee on March 20, 2020, 07:17:25 PM
Hi Bubble,
I would like to let you know that Robbie passed on ..August 6th 2019.
He was a character and I had met him  at a couple of bashes.
Keep well over there. Where I am, we are in total lock down.  It seems to get worse every day, but so far none in this Aged Care.June
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 20, 2020, 08:45:58 PM
Junee, so pleased to see a post from you!  Hope all is well with you. I always envied your photos of the beautiful parrots and think of you often.

We are freezing in Wichita today, far cry from the 76 yesterday. Wind is howling so even in a well insulated house, it feels cold. Cats are in deep depression today, they thought we were headed right into warm weather.

My daughter helped me set up Facebook, a group of my kids, nieces & nephews & kin. Since I am the oldest of the clan that belongs, it is taking a lot of concentration how to "befriend" each of them. My sister is older but doen't do Facebook as far as I know. I made copies of my parents old photos before they died but most went into large collages, one donated to the Historical Museum. had 80+ photos with names. I do have all those negatives (back in 35mm days) but they are in no special order & many had been pulled out of their packets to have more prints made, and did not go back into the right packets. I was not meant to be organized, I just did the jobs...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 20, 2020, 09:13:06 PM
Junee, it is good to see a post from you.  You may remember I had a heart attack in late January so I am still recuperating.  I think I am getting along OK.  I see therapists but not doctors; most therapists are RNs.  I hope you keep well at your Care place.  I am home.

Shirley, that is a big drop in temperature you had.  No wonder people get  colds, flu or virus.  You are so active it would seem you could outrun any germs!  Stay well.

Tom has suggested that Robin and I work on pictures I have had out so I can identify the people.  Most are older family members and I'm the only one in the family who can identify them.  I would love some help and Robin is interested in genealogy, in fact, I have done some of her family.

Mary Ann

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 20, 2020, 09:34:13 PM
Mary Ann, I am working on staying healthy, eating all the fruits & veggies (and Twinkies, etc). Seems all I do is eat or be on the computer (sitting). Do hope you take time to name all the photos. What I did with the copies I made for my parents was to put a number on the back of each photo and then a notebook with matching numbers with the names & how related. So much better than some of the photos that already had names on the front of the photos. The photos that I framed into collages, I put the numbers in a corner of the front & made a laminated list that stayed with each collage. I have the huge collage I put together for my parents at the head of the guest bedroom bed. Mom & Dad loved it because every time one of the kinfolk visited, they spent a lot of time looking at it. Dad was the photographer from young teen (he was born in 1898 so started with the old developing & printing.) At one time I sent off over 100 of his old negatives to have them cleaned & printed. I think my brother that just died kept those negatives after our father died. He has a couple sons interested in photography so hopefully they will preserve them.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 20, 2020, 11:25:05 PM
good Night and sweet dreams.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 21, 2020, 12:38:57 AM
I'm a bit late checking out tonight mostly because I fell asleep on the couch and was out of it for about 2 hours.  All this "house" work is wearing me out. 

I read every post and loved it all...especially the one about the little boy going home!  I just really cherish the contacts in here.  It's almost like having you all come over for coffee or tea and brownie and little chat.  I'm sorry to hear about Robby but he lived a long and productive life.  He made a difference in lots of lives along the way.  Thanks, Phyllis, for posting the link to his "Tribute".

Now I HAVE to get to bed.  Tomorrow is another day.  The guys finished up all the floors that are visible to anyone who comes in the house but the bedrooms and bathrooms have to wait.  They have been ordered to cease and desist as of midnight tomorrow night.  The last thing he said as they were leaving was that they would be back as soon as they could and if I heard someone outside my windows I shouldn't worry  The were taking all the bad screens with them and would work on them at home.  When they're fixed, they'll come back and put them back on the windows.  They don't have to come in for that. These are really NICE guys!

And now, I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 21, 2020, 05:12:49 AM
Good morning everyone, a chilly windy one again. The cases of this virus are going up every time I hear the news. No gathering in the lobby lately and it looks like most only come out of their apartments to get mail or do laundry. I did get outside a bit yesterday, when my CNA left I walked her to her car and walked aroung the parking lot a couple of times. I wish t hey would tell us what part of this state have the cases of the virus. The governor keeps telling everyone to stay home and not go out. The shelves in markets are almost bare and trucks are slow getting here so the stores get supplies. This state put a tax on trucks entering the state. Many now just go around the state rather than pay the tax. Wonder if this time will be remembered as the TP hoarding. One thing I did yesterday was cancel all my appointments. Think it is better to stay home than get into a doctors office where many sick folks go. Don't want to have my teeth cleaned right now either.

JUNEE  so far they have not stopped anyone coming into this building. I don't know what I would do if they stopped the CNAs and other helpers from coming in.

SHIRLEY  I had an old album of my Mom's. I mean OLD. The covers were wood and the front one had a design on it. Was 4  inches thick. All old family members that  she remembered but no names. All were pasted on the pages. Another thing from my family my ex threw away because he said it was taking up too much room and I knew none of them. I have a niece who would love to have that  album, she has been wworking on family ancestry for quite a few years. Her Mom's family and her dad's (my brother) family.

Think it is time for my second mug of coffee.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 21, 2020, 07:28:12 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend! I slept better last night than I have in a month of sundays!  Even after about 2 hours on the couch, I slept soundly in bed.  I feel rested and ready for whatever happens today. 

I think I'll continue to work on the closet in my office.  I took a whole bag of stuff to the dumpster yesterday and I bet I get another bag today. 

Right now, Mickie and I are waiting for the boinger and breakfast.  After that, who knows?  We're just going to spend the day as we feel like spending it.

I wish you all a happy, healthy day!  Make it your own in every way!  And, please, share it with us.  It's lonely in this house!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 21, 2020, 07:29:38 AM

Good morning everyone..

Rain and wind have stopped and the temp is +3° F at the moment. Suppose to be a nice sunny day so out will go the laundry on the line.

Gloria, the cases here are also going up . What makes me annoyed is snow birds coming back and not self isolating. Now a cashier in a drug store is now in self isolation all because a woman wanted face cream!!

Shirley, I have a huge box of photos that need names and dates on.....names I am ok with but dates??? Some do have the year already printed on them from the development process.

Better get at the laundry, it won't do it itself..

Enjoy your day everyone and stay well.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 21, 2020, 08:18:20 AM
Thank you Junee and Phyllis re Robby. I also met him when I visited NC in 2005. He was the most interesting person I ever met.
In SN he was leader of the The Story of Civilization, by Will and Ariel Durant.

In Israel too we are confined to home and no going out except for groceries and medicines. Computer and cyber friends is a great help in this ghost town.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 21, 2020, 08:40:04 AM
Pretty quiet here this morning.  David will pick up, at curbside, the grocery order around noon today.  He woke up yesterday with pain from recent dental work so he is now on an antibiotic and has to go for a dentist follow-up on Tuesday.  I wish he didn't have to be out but it seems to be necessary.  We aren't on "lock down" yet but everyone is pretty much staying at home and most places are closed or limiting openings.

I have finished the taxes but since they have delayed the filing date I haven't e-filed them yet. I want to check them over one more time.

I downloaded several more books from the library yesterday and the streaming channels are all still working so we are set in case they do go to "shelter in place".

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 21, 2020, 09:44:30 AM
good morning everyone. it is 28º and sunny suposed to get to 46º for high today.
Have a great day just as you like it. see you all later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 21, 2020, 06:05:03 PM
Where is everyfriend!  Nobody's been in here all day!  I unplugged the coffee pot because it was boiling dry!  And all those cookies and cupcakes dried up!

I have two more empty boxes and another bag for the dumpster.  I also have 2 more boxes of books for the library sale and another box for goodwill....if they ever open up again! 

I'm going out and get some supper.  Mickie says she's hungry and I'm getting there myself.  I'll try to check back and see if anyone is prowling around in here.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 21, 2020, 06:27:40 PM
My daughter got me connected with Facebook since "all the cousins" decided to have a special folder just for the family to exchange photos. So fun to see some of the nieces & nephews GRAND children after it being so many years since I saw those gr-parents. I am surprised how many of their grands can be identified by how much they look like their elders!!  Certainly is entertaining, but I am ready for some social life, even going to the store (which I will not).

I can't imagine not getting up early in the morning to be at church around 7:00 am... I will obey since they canceled all Masses! First time in my life to have this happen, is this really the first time to have anything to be so contagious? At least some of the political sniping has quit, not all, but the news media has something else to chew on. I may have to go get the last box of Russell Stover turtles out of the frig downstairs. That always makes me smile.  :thumbup:

Carol, if you are heading back to CO I just looked at Monarch Pass view cam... can't see anything but white out, can't tell if snow, fog or what. Hope you are not taking that route!

Stay healthy, everyone. I had a couple glasses of V8, some beans with ham and applesauce, then a Twinkie. May take getting those Turtles out of the frig to smile.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 21, 2020, 10:09:17 PM
Good evening.  A quick  visit.  Amy,  I do have a medical alert pendant at home.  Had another good walk today.  Eating for the nurse to come In and fix my bed.  She knows exactly like I like my pillows fixed and she is just so nice.   I sleep so good here.  Usually don't wake up all night.  I am sure many Will miss going to church.  Sure hope things will begin  improving soon.  I am starting to get very "antsy" .  Have a peaceful Sunday.  Joy
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 21, 2020, 10:13:12 PM
Should be WAITING. NOT EATiNG. For nurse. Lol
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 21, 2020, 10:44:50 PM
Well, a few people drifted in!  I'm going to bid you all goodnight because I'm really tired and ready for bed.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow. And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 22, 2020, 12:45:53 AM
JANE, I am sorry I did not get in here before you turned off the lights and headed off to bed!  I hope you have another night of great sleep...You have been mighty busy this week so no wonder you are so tired and sleeping well.

SHIRLEY, I am happy that you have joined Face Book so you can have contact with your family.  Carol and Don will be driving on the Interstate's I am quite sure.....but I would not be surprised if they didn't go through some weather.  Hopefully they are home here in Highlands Ranch tonight🙏  There are going to be many folks that are going to feel very strange because of not being able to go to church.

Our family all continues to be safely sheltered at home.  We Face Timed with two of the families today and it sure was nice to be in touch! 

Sadly, we lost one of our big and beautiful Pine Trees today between our neighbors home and ours.  It uprooted itself due to shallow roots and the heavy snow on the limbs.  We had nearly 10" of rain and snow and the limbs were really heavy ladened. We are going to really miss this tree😩😢

I a: headed off to bed.....sleep well EVERYFRIEND 💕


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 22, 2020, 01:31:01 AM
well looks like I will have to say good morning this time. I fell asleep on the couch when watching TV. woke up and came over here to bid you all good night and see where  Denver had already closed up shop and I had missed the end of the day; Oh well hope you all are sleeping good and I will see you all after while .I took my shot and am going to the real bed good rest of the sleep time.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 22, 2020, 04:41:22 AM
For Shirley (
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 22, 2020, 04:59:13 AM
Proposed by one of our members: a new game in PHOTO AND MORE: "GUESS WHO" (
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 22, 2020, 05:13:52 AM
Good morning everyone, now that spring is really here on the calander we are getting cold temperatures. 24 now and looks like it will not get much into the 30's later. My son did make his Saturday visit yesterday but did not stay long and didn't get close to me, not even a hug-just in case- because he had been out where oters were. Still have not seen my oldest son since they came back from their cruise.

JANE  makes for a good day when we get a goo sleep at night. I am tired of waking between 3 and  every morning lately, no matter what  time I go to bed.

AMY  some folks think the world exhists just for them and they don't think they what they might be doing to others.

BUBBLE  when I look out at the parking lot I notice very few cars have been moved. Looks like every one is staying in their apartments. Even the witch has been in just in the morning and leaves supposedly to work from home. Her side kick only works 3 days a week and is here 3 mornings. The only one in the building all day is the maintenance man but he also lives here, too.

PHYLLIS  we are in the sheltering in place unless really have to go out. Glad so far that the CNAs and housekeepers still can do their and am thankful Yvette can come  5 days a week.

LLOYD  still dark here so do not know if the sun will shine later or not.

SHIRLEY  now those Turtles would make me smile, too. They would make my mouth water too. With no bottom teeth I cannot bite into a nut so pass them by, boo hoo,  :(

BUBBLE  thanks for the link to Shirley's Jonquils.

SHIRLEY  I like those little ones, They sure are smalll compared to the big one.

That little cutie I have no idea who.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 22, 2020, 08:02:43 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've reached a conclusion and it's greatly relieved the stress in my life.  I've concluded that God knows what in my life will bring me before Him so I'm not going to worry if it's the Coronavirus or something else.  PERIOD!

SHIRLEY, your flowers are really Springlike.  My grandmother always called them "Johnny Jump Ups" I guess because when they bloom, they seem to jump out of the ground.  I have some of the blooming in my yard too.  I didn't plant any where they are blooming so I guess they are what my Dad always referred to as "volunteers" although I think he was mostly referring to weeds when he used that term.  However, it seems to fit for anything that grows where we didn't plant it.

I checked out the little ballerina!  She's looks like she's ready for her recital, don't you think?

GLORIA, I bet your place is very quiet these days, with everyone keeping to their quarters.  Nice that you son still stops by.  My daughter picked up a couple things for me when she went to the store yesterday and when she got here, she wouldn't even let me have the bag.  She took everything out of it and put it where it belongd and then took the bag with her when she left.

When they rolled up the braided rug under my dining room table, it had a place where the braids were separated.  I checked on line for people who fix them and the closest place is 50 miles away.  I think I'm going to make a quick trip to WM to see if they have some large eye needles and some heavy thread and try to fix it myself before it gets worse.  I bet I won't even meet anyone there.

There goes the boinger!  It's time to feed Mickie and have my own breakfast and then she'll tell me it's time to take a walk so I better get moving.  I wish you all a happy, healthy day. Make it your own in every way!  And scoot in here to share it with all your interested friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 22, 2020, 08:27:28 AM

Good morning everyone..

Beautiful sunny day here, tad chilly +3°F but will warm up as the day goes.

Yesterday must have been a day for cleaning for not just Jane, I was cleaning closets along with laundry .Just talked with son and he also was cleaning file cabinets .

A day of rest here but I do think some oatmeal cookies will be made.

Jane, if you can't find heavy thread, what about using fishing line? You can buy a package of needles at the Dollar store that has a curved needle in it.

Gloria, I have no idea of why some people think the world revolves just around them. Now the cashier, who depended on the job is not getting a pay check. All one can do is hope the company does pay her while she is in isolation.

Jenny, hope your Dad is doing alright.

Lloyd, take it easy .

I slept in so had better move it!

Thought for all.

We are always in Gods church, no matter where we are. No matter where or what time prayers can always be offered up. We are heard. The choir, birds singing, rain falling, babbling brooks and just sheer silence in the back ground.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 22, 2020, 08:37:35 AM
David picked up the groceries at curbside yesterday.  The picker had to make only four substitutions/removals but I wasn't surprised except for no eggs.  I was a little surprised at that but I still have a few in the fridge so no big problem.  I will try again later in the week.

The weather turned cooler overnight and we had a little rain.  That helped knock some of the pollen down.  We've got a lot of the yellow stuff this year.  Everything is coated with it.  Thank goodness, it only lasts about 2 weeks.

I did a little cleaning yesterday, too.  Just some vacuuming but no big closet clean-out.  Oatmeal cookies sound so good.  I wonder if I can tackle that.  It is mixing up the stiff dough that is kind of hard for me.  Maybe I'll try anyway since I forgot to put cookies on the grocery list and David is getting low.   :o 

It sounds as though all of you are coping well.  Take care and stay well.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 22, 2020, 10:51:45 AM
I immediately thought of my curved carpet needle, Amy, had it so long I don't recall where I bought it. I also have the heavy duty extra long and another slightly fatter heavy duty with big eyes so maybe they all came in a package. I usually have a spool of the heavy duty carpet thread on hand and find lots of uses for it.

Good luck, Jane, you can do it! My mother-in=law called the violet type different colors "Johnny Jump Ups"... because the seeds pop off & spread everywhere. I am all for anything that grows on it's own. I did plant some giant morning glories along the sidewalk one year, nothing came up. The next year some came up at the corner of the driveway and years after that I have them growing on the end of the garage. Nothing grows where it is planted. I did not grow my mother's green thumb.

Gloria, I am still sad about the album of photos your ex threw away. How awful for all the descendents of those people. We have had the best surprise from a distant cousin we met at a family reunion. My gr-father's brother's grandson had photos he wasn't sure about but mailed scans of them to my brother. Turned out to be our mother, her sisters and the little sister that died when she was 3 or 4, and nobody ever had a photo of her. No question when I sharpened the photo and could see detail better, the girls were dressed alike and I remembered Mother telling about "the dressmaker stayed with them for weeks to make all the girls matching dresses". I e-mailed copies to everyone that had e-mail and am sure all those little girls in Heaven rejoiced to have their baby sister finally recognized. Maybe you have a way to reach out to the younger generation of your cousins to see if they have old photos they don't recognize. Good luck with helping the family gather data.

Phyllis, oatmeal cookies sound good to me, too. I think I have enough eggs for a week but I use quite a few hard boiled in meat spread & beakfast, haven't done much baking lately.

Amy, I do feel the same about being in God's church when outdoors. The birds are so busy building nests right now, and one robin makes a point of coming to talk to me when ever I am out. It is drizzling here this morning, but when I opened the door to let cats out & back in a little later, the birds were singing their little hearts out. Now & then I hear a difference voice and know it is one migrating and separated from the flock. 

Happy thoughts and memories as we share this new world of isolation. Phyllis, I'm not sure what kinds of trees have the yellow pollen on, thought evergreens, pines. But something along our street leaves big patches of the yellow stuff on the street and we haven't had any pine trees for a number of years. I do have a huge evergreen shrub that billows yellow if touched. We never had evergreens growing up and after thinking about it, I realize my father never had them in a yard all his life! He grew trees like most people grow flowers, but never evergreens, even pine. He did always go cut down a cedar for our Christmas tree, had to be perfect. He had friends that owned farms and they always "owed him" for fixing motors or whatever they couldn't fix, so invited him to hunt their land. At the same time he would look for a Christmas tree for when the time came. As the oldest of his siblings, I guess he probably did it for them. His father had serious allergy problems so not an outdoors type.  The mind wanders.....
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 22, 2020, 02:30:47 PM
Jane check this out.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 22, 2020, 03:01:59 PM
Amy, can you provide a link to the site where you get those cute t.p. jokes you're putting in Jokes and Humor?  My #2 son would love them.

The newspaper bag wasn't tucked in this morning so I had to dry the pages on a rack and then act like an "English butler" and iron the wrinkles out.

Put some ham steaks in the slow cooker,enjoyed a long phone chat with a local friend and now it's time to find some lunch.  Granddaughter brought 5 cans of tomato bisque soup in my grocery stash.  As Miss Ellen said about discovering e-books on loan from the NYC library....."Oh, yeah!  I'm in heaven!"  :)

Only struggle I'm having is keeping my mood from being as gloomy as the weather.  Wish the sun would shine for longer than 15 minutes.  :(

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 23, 2020, 04:59:20 AM
From Mary Ann (
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 23, 2020, 07:10:11 AM
Good morning everyone, a chilly 28 now. Just heard forecast and we have snow in the forecast for tonight. Happy spring? Crazy world we are living in now. Don't think we are liking it much either.

JANE  you are right, no one is being social here now. Only a few cars are moving in the parking lot but they aren't gone for long.

AMY  glad it isn't as cold as where you live. I get cold so easy now I always dress in layers now and have a sweatshirt on top. Could be because I cannot move fast enough to warm up? Yum home made oatmeal cookies. My CNA told me there is no oatmeal on the shelves in the markets here now. Glad I do have a couple of the big containers of it. She does make sure I run out of anything.

PHYLLIS  when my 3 were young I used to make a double batch of oatmeal cookies every week and some different coo‪kies, too.

SHIRLEY  my family is spread out all over the country that I have no idea where they are anymore. I had one sister who kept in touch with everyone but when she went home to our Father  no one ever continued. Only one I am in touch with is a niece who lives in NJ, the one into the ancestery.

BUBBLE  thanks for the links to photos.

Goodness we are asked not to get too close to others and keep a 5 foot distance from others but I did not know it meant for we who converse online here to stay away, too.

Have a good day and keep safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 23, 2020, 07:13:02 AM

Good morning everyone.
We had a light dusting of snow overnight and it looks like it could keep it up .

Did make cookies and blueberry bran muffins yesterday ,now we have something to nibble on.

More cleaning to do today and I just may get some sewing in.

Mary Ann ,what a lovely photo of Johanna, just love all those curls!!

Bubble, thank you for posting the photo.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 23, 2020, 07:15:51 AM
Gloria, good morning to you. I don't mind the house being around 80 in the winter but 80° in summer is way too hot for me so on goes the CA.
Enjoy your day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 23, 2020, 07:21:04 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  We were supposed to have some snow overnight but if we got it, it didn't lay very long.  It's a bit wet out there but not enough for it to have been snowing since midnight.  It's saying we could still have some up until noon and then rain thereafter.

Well, I hit a snag with my cleaning out.  They've temporarily removed the bid for donations to the pet rescue place, Goodwill is closed and the library is temporarily not accepting books for their sale this summer!  The back seat of my car is full and the top of the washer and dryer is loaded...all with nowhere to go!  It sure put a snag in my will to clean out.  And I just ran out of milk!

I'm putting some chicken in the crockpot this morning.  In my first layer of cleaning out, I found a recipe that I used to use all the time and I have everything I need to make it so....

I also found a recipe for "Impossible Custard Pie" that makes it's own crust as it bakes.  You put everything in a blender including flour and then pour it into a pie plate and the flour makes the crust as it bakes.  It turned out pretty good so I have dessert and I put some in the hidey hole just in case there's someone there who likes coconut custard pie.

I hope you are all having a happy, healthy day!  Make it your own in every way.  And don't forget to share it with you interested friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 23, 2020, 07:22:19 AM
OOPS!  Looks like I missed a couple people while I was posting.  Good Morning to you, AMY and GLORIA!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 23, 2020, 07:51:56 AM
Jane, check your email please.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 23, 2020, 01:53:18 PM
Still snowing here....
Just had this sent to me...thought the pups were cute and the message worth listening to.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 23, 2020, 10:59:23 PM
It's been a funny day here, weatherwise.  Snow was predicted and then snow mixed with rain.  We did get some snow but you couldn't see it coming down and it didn't lay in most places.  The only place I saw it when I was out with Mickie was one place where it slid off a car and made a little pile on the ground and then a little corner of grass that never seems to get much sun or air.  I could feel it when I was out in it but I couldn't see it.

I cooked up a pretty good supper and along with the coconut custard pie I made yesterday, you'd think I was expecting company.  It was a really easy crockpot recipe that I used to make a lot years ago then I misplaced the recipe and now I ran across it again.  I have enough left for two more meals for me and I'm going to give my daughter two for her and her husband for all the running she does for me.

Mickie and I are off to Dreamland!  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 23, 2020, 11:59:14 PM
Wishing y'all a good night, sweet dreams and wake rested. Janie, that is a darling photo of you practicing for your dance recital....   :smitten:

Tom and Callie opted to stay out tonight, a balmy 50+ degrees, but what they don't know is we have T-storms moving in and should show up in about an hour. They know where to hide to stay dry, but I worry about them so will peek at the bedroom door until they do show up.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 24, 2020, 01:47:51 AM
It was a cRaZy day around here today with a lot of activity with the chopping down of our beautiful Pine Tree 🌲 SO sad😩

I see that the mystery game of "Who is this" turned out to be YOU
JANE 💃💃💃. What a darling little girl you were 💗. Oh no....all of your hard work of cleaning out and now you have no way of getting rid of your items that you want to dispose of😢😩😤

AMY, loved your avatar of checking in on us....very cute and the puppy dog telling us to be safe!  Thank you.

Pleasant dreams to EVERYFRIEND 🦋🦋

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 24, 2020, 04:23:28 AM
Good morning everyone, 34 but feels like 25. Just afte r CNA came here at noon I loo out  and it was snowing. So pretty  but gone already. It turned to rain and poured all night. Only a little left on car windshields. I was hoping it would snow all night. The pine trees were beautiful all dressed in white.

AMY  cute nosey chicken yesterday morning. 80 in the witer is OK keeps the dampness out but in summer 80 is way too humid for me and thank goodness I have AC.

JANE  I had a book with all Impossible pie recipes and forgot about it. I always loved coconut custard pie. Then I love coconut anyway.

AMY  that is great. The only one I have been near is my CNA.

SHIRLEY  I enjoyed watching it snow yesterday afternoon, just beautiful but not enough of it.

JENNY  those greetings from Amy every day are great. Glad you like them, too.

Hello to all who come in later.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 24, 2020, 04:38:25 AM
Good morning, Gloria. I woke up to thunder so got up to see if Tommy wanted in. He freaks out when it storms, has a place to hide when caught outside. He won't be home until all clear. When he is in he goes to the center of the house, hall, or on the side of the bed where he can't see the lightning. I tried to tell him it was going to storm before he went out but just wouldn't listen.  ;)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 24, 2020, 07:09:10 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I slept well but I sure did dream a lot.  Fortunately, I can't remember any of the dreams after I wake up but when I do wake up, I KNOW there was a crazy dream back there. 

GLORIA, coconut is my favorite ANYTHING, too.  If it has coconut in it, I'll eat it. 

SHIRLEY, thanks for the compliment for little HONJANE.  That's what everyone called me when I was little. 

JENNY, thank you, too for the compliment.  And I know how you feel about losing your big tree.  When they told me two of the big trees in my yard had to come down, I felt like I was losing two friends.  And when they were removing them, I couldn't watch.  It brought tears to my eyes!

I have to go get a shower and get dressed before the boinger goes off.  Cathy s dropping off milk for me on her way to work.  She's one of three that are keeping the local Area Agency on Aging open by phone for senior citizens who need it.

I also noted that WM is doing a pre-opening hour for seniors to shop every Tuesday now.  I think 6 to 7 a.m. is a little early but I'm going to plan to do it next week.  Maybe I can get what I need to fix my rug.

I wish you all a happy, healthy day.  Make it your own in every way.  And don't forget to share it with those of us who CARE!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 24, 2020, 07:13:39 AM
thumbnail.jpg Every day may be.jpg

Good morning everyone..

Woke to the sound of a robin singing, better get some food out for her plus the other birds.
We need to pick up Kyle's meds this morning and that is it. The pharmacy is now offering free delivery due to the outbreak. We will knock on the door and they will pass them out. He now has a months supply coming instead of just two weeks. No need to go to the Dr for refills as the Dr will fax refills to the pharmacy. All non essential businesses have been closed down .

Jenny, sad to see such a beautiful tree die. I love to hear the wind through the pine trees.

Shirley, you made me wonder on just how this pup will react to a storm. Babe doesn't like storms  but golden girl didn't mind them. When does a male listen???

Gloria,, the snow that fell yesterday is still here with more rain/snow on the way. I just bet we will get more snow. We usually get a dandy snow storm in March too.  I won't mind when the snow blower gets put away.

Enjoy your day everyone, stay  safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 24, 2020, 07:17:30 AM
Sorry about the photo being too big.

Jane you snuck in on me.. you were a cute ballerina and still are. The neighbour cut down a row of pines (on his side) and I missed them so much. At night I would lay awake and listen to the wind  but after he cut them....silence was the loud reply. He just got tired of raking up all the pine needles.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 24, 2020, 07:57:17 AM

good morning everyone. it is 43º now and calling for high of 52º today. Nancy was having a bad night with stuffy head last night. I got out some nose spray I have and had her spray in her nose fixed her up, but she finished the night in her ease chair, I went to bed after taking my shot and pills had about four hours sleep was all so a couch jockey I will be today. hope you all are doing better. and have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 24, 2020, 08:36:12 AM
Just to let you know that we are still here.  No virus but staying in to keep safe.  More cases overnight and the governor is considering putting NC on lockdown.  I'm heading back to bed.  Allergies are really bothering me and the meds aren't working too well.  Maybe some sleep with a heating pad will ease things a bit.  Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 24, 2020, 12:38:31 PM
So far it is a nice day, no rain or snow yet. Have bread baking in the oven and when done will run a loaf over to the neighbour. I dropped off a pkg of romaine lettuce this morning and he put a quart of fresh maple syrup in my hands. I think it only fair that they also have some fresh bread to go with the maple syrup. Flour is difficult to find here  even though we have heard of no shortages. Will go and see if I can get a big bag tomorrow.

For those of you with bread machines you may enjoy this site.

Phyliss, take care and stay safe.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JeanneP on March 24, 2020, 01:05:58 PM
I don't often get into soda shop ,it's good to see it so active. See more people posting here. Will be back more.
Things here in my town are being handle well. We have quite a few people negative .all is closed down other than food and drug stores. Tents up around both hospitals that people have to stop on to be checked. The quietness is so strange as I live at the turnoff of a main interstate where traffic usually bumper to bumper. Lots of school buses. My stock of food etc is good. Lots can find to do. Weather is warming up and so aim to get out walking. Lot country around me..
You all seem to be doing as they are telling us to do.

Junee. Glad to see you posting and well. Know you are in a good safe place. Has not been any problems in our senior living places.
Hope your family all o.k .i was thinking one in nursing service. We are owing so much to them.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 24, 2020, 02:50:38 PM
Bubble, I am not sure where to put this.

 The journey of life over the years.  Time Gets Better With Age
Read it through to the end, it gets better as you go!
I've learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we sing "Silent Night." Age 5
I've learned that our dog doesn't want to eat my broccoli either. Age 7

I've learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop what they are doing and wave back. Age 9
I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom makes me clean it up again. Age 12
I've learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up. Age 14
I've learned that although it's hard to admit it, I'm secretly glad my parents are strict with me. Age 15
I've learned that silent company is often more healing than words of advice. Age 24
I've learned that brushing my child's hair is one of life's great pleasures. Age 26
I've learned that wherever I go, the world's worst drivers have followed me there. Age 29
I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.
Age 30
I've learned that there are people who love you dearly but just don't know how to show it. Age 42
I've learned that you can make someone's day by simply sending them a little note. Age 44
I've learned that the greater a person's sense of guilt, the greater his or her need to cast blame on others. Age 46
I've learned that children and grandparents are natural allies. Age 47
I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on and it will be better tomorrow. Age 48     
I've learned that singing "Amazing Grace" can lift my spirits for hours. Age 49
I've learned that motel mattresses are better on the side away from the phone. Age 50
I've learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the way he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. Age 51
I've learned that keeping a vegetable garden is worth a medicine cabinet full of pills. Age 52
I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your parents, you miss them terribly after they die. Age 53
I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life. Age 58
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance. Age 62
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back. Age 64
I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you. But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work, meeting new people, and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you. Age 65
I've learned that whenever I decide something with kindness, I usually make the right decision. Age 66
I've learned that everyone can use a prayer. Age 72
I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one. Age 74
I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch - holding hands, a warm hug,  or just a friendly pat on the back.  Age 76
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn. Age 78
I've learned that life is what you make it, and your life is much better when you make someone happy. Age 80+
I've learned that you should pass this on to someone you care about. Sometimes they just need a little something to make them smile.   

If Things Get Better With Age Then I'm Approaching Excellent.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 24, 2020, 04:46:01 PM
AMY, I read this before and I loved it even more this time!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 24, 2020, 08:38:39 PM
Amy, Time Gets Better with Age reminds me of two of my sayings:

You're never too old to learn - and - You learn something new every day.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 24, 2020, 11:16:01 PM
We've had our last outing for the night and we're off to Dreamland.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 25, 2020, 07:05:54 AM
Good Morning Anyone who reads this!  I did have a peaceful night's sleep and I'm hoping for a happy, healthy today...Thank you very much.  I'll be back later when more people get up!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 25, 2020, 07:31:37 AM

Good morning everyone

Looking like we may get something weather wise out there. More and more little chores that have been put off are getting done.

Mary Ann, we are never too old to learn something. Hope you are feeling stronger each day.

Bubble, is that a photo of our Lloyd and wife?

Jane,some of our stores are offering early shopping to seniors and those with compromised immune system. Back yard is still covered in snow/ice .Kyle found the makings of a doves nest on top of the wood pile of all places. Just hope the weather warms up and we don't need to use the wood in that area.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day and stay safe everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 25, 2020, 07:54:17 AM
:) Go and check, Amy :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 25, 2020, 08:41:03 AM
Good morning everyone, when I opened my eyes this morning I was surprised it was light and not the middle the night. It was a bit after 7am and that meant I had more than  4 or 5 hours of sleep. Had over 8 hours and at least I do feel awake. Landscapers are here this morning, I was surprised when I pulled the shade up in the BR.
HEARD on the hews that there has been a big sale on guns and ammo since this virus hit. Crazy, guess they are expect ing crazies to break in and steal their TP.

SHIRLEY  tell me, do cats ever listen when you try to make them understand? On top of that who can make a stubborn male understand anything?

JANE  remember years ago when we would buy a whole coconut, punch those 3 spots and drain the milk out and then break it open and get the chunks of the coconut out of the shell and keep it in the milk to keep  it good? Last time I bought one it was bad, all dried out and haven't seen any in the stores in years. Great that more stores are opening for an hour or so for just seniors to shop. My CNA said she wished they would add health care workers to the list when shopping for elderly clients.

AMY  since Walgreen bought the pharmacy I went to I dislike it. The old one did not deliver and this one does not even call when a med is ready to pick up. They have let me run out of a couple before I thought to call them. They were ready and waiting. I think I just might have  to  back to CVS in town and they do deliver but I also dislike them. I used them before and found the count short every month. It is also about 4  miles from where I live.

LLOYD  sorry Nancy had a stuffy nose but you helped her, what a good husband you are. Hope you had a goo nap yesterday.

PHYLLIS  I wnt out for a little fresh air yesterday and not one person around. No one sitting in the loby waiting for the mail man and no one outside. It is like living alone in this building. Do not see the cars in the parking lot move and even the bus that takes some shopping on Wednesday has been cancelled.

AMY  wish I had a bread machine now. I used to make bread with the kneading -taking out my frustrations?- years ago and boy it sure tasted better than any from a market.

JEANNEP  hope you do come and post more often here in the SS. We are like a family and welcome all. Big families are more fun.

AMY  I read that a long time ago, this time I have saved it. Thank you.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 25, 2020, 08:45:15 AM
Good morning!  It is a much better day today in spite of the rain and I am up, got my head back on straight again, and found my attem today.  Yay!

Loved the TIME GETS BETTER WITH AGE, Amy.  Gave me a big boost to read the wisdom of all ages.  And, thanks for the bread machine site.  That's the way I use my machine, too.  It mixes and kneads the dough and I shape it and let it rise before baking it in the oven.  Makes a better loaf and saves my aching muscles.  What lifts the spirits more on a day of gloomy weather and gloomy news than the smell of baking bread!  :thumbup:

Eggs are still hard to find so I pulled up this oldie.....Depression Cake.  I used to make it often because I loved it a lot but, I called it Vinegar Cake.

Don't mean to turn the Soda Shoppe into a Bake Shoppe but I can't read or watch TV all the time so, of course, my thoughts turn to food.  Where else!

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 25, 2020, 09:30:28 AM
Good Morning everyone. thanks for the posting of I have learned,Is great. I think we will survive this ordeal Just like we did one that are old enough to reamber in the mid fifty's the hon kong flue scare. just cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. cowmen curtisey goes a long way to a good day. smile and the hole world smiles with you. the best thing about a smile is you can keep it your self and give it others at the same time.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 25, 2020, 11:37:33 AM
LLOYD, I haven't thought of that line in a long time but it was used on me a lot when I was growing up and I used it on my kids.  There's more to it though.  My grandmother used to say...

Smile and the world smiles with you.
Gripe and you gripe alone.
For a cheerful grin
Will let you in
Where a griper is never known!

It taught me not to gripe if I could laugh at myself instead!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 25, 2020, 12:04:31 PM
Good morning.  Rainy day again.  I found out that I will be going home on Sat.  My place is not locked down so I will be fine.  Just telling residents to stay in their own place.  At least I will have a couple rooms to be in.  I know I will have to be careful.  My family can leave things at the door. 
Hope all are staying well    I will be glad to be able to use
My computer.   Joy

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 25, 2020, 01:06:34 PM
 :angel4:  :nanadance:  :nanadance2:  :bravo:  :bunny:  :dancingdog:  :cheer:  :crazy:  :dancingdog:  :excited:  :jump:  :happydance:  :pineapple:  :whistle:  :clap: Joy gets to go home!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 25, 2020, 02:16:57 PM
Oh!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you !!!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Sandy on March 25, 2020, 03:08:18 PM
Congratulations Joy
for getting to go home  where you will
be more comfortable... 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 25, 2020, 03:55:04 PM
Isn't it amazing how ones good news makes us also want to jump for Joy :)
Nothing like your own home, bed and hours that you like and maintain.
Thank you Joy for sharing the  good news.

Sandy, how are you doing? My Christmas cactus has one bloom on it now :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 25, 2020, 04:52:17 PM
Makes the day a little brighter..... (song in there!)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 25, 2020, 10:00:37 PM
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 25, 2020, 10:01:59 PM
And now I'm going to bid you all goodnight.  I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy, healthy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 26, 2020, 12:11:00 AM
well I am late again but good Night and sweet dreams. Hope ti see you all in the morning. In good health and good spirits. Just use good common seance In this crises. Good night.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 26, 2020, 06:03:25 AM
Good Morning everyone. 56º and mostly clear here saying we are going to high sixty's or low seventy's today. have a great day just as you like it we hope.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 26, 2020, 06:12:50 AM
Think I am going to make it, whatever I ate or caught seems to be better this morning, I am actually hungry. Going to fix some bacon & eggs, couple pieces of toast & coffee & go finish my night of sleep. 4 hours & 17 min is not enough for this old lady!

'Morning, Lloyd. Hope Nancy is feeling better. Does she have allergy problems? Mine and everyone I know is suffering something awful this year, feels like I've been hit in the head from top to neck & nose won't quit running. Give her a hug for me.....

Wishing all a "Thuper Thursday"... or is that Terrific Thursday, Callie?  Right now it is 60° & supposed to get to upper 60°  today, yesterday was the 70s & I had to pull out some cooler slacks. Goodness, this is changing way too fast, the whole world is mixed up! Have a HAPPY! :walkwhistle:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 26, 2020, 06:16:09 AM
Good morning everyone, 31 but feels like 25. comfortable inside  so will be another day of being inside. No rain in forecast till Sunday now.

PHYLLIS  when I was quite young I remember waking to the smell of the dough rising and not much later the bread baking. My son gets my eggs right from a farm so always get them. I have not been into a store in about 6 months or more so have no idea of what they look like now. I used to love baking. Loved making pies and cookies rather than cakes, they were too easy. I remember ruring WW2 my Mom make that vinegar cake. She always managed to make some kind of dessert on Sunday. Seems like we always talk about food here. What better?

LLOYD  if all we did now was worry about this new virus we would really stay in our homes and hope our food supply lasts till it  is over.

JANE  the way I heard it  was Smile and the whole world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone. What always got to me is those who do nothing but complain, glad we have none of those complainers here.

JOY  you will be in heaven when you get back into your own home. Nothing like it. So far people can still come in here.

SHIRLEY  I think you would fing a song in everything. Love it.

LLOYD  y ou were the last one last night and the first one this morning.

SHIRLEY  you sneaked in on me.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 26, 2020, 06:18:08 AM

size=4]Good morning everyone..

Need to make this short as I want to get some staples, flour, butter and shortening when the store opens.

Lloyd, our temp is also go up today..hope it takes away this snow!

Enjoy your day everyone...bbl.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 26, 2020, 06:20:48 AM
Gloria, good morning, you tippy toed in on me. I love the smell of bread baking and I enjoy the crust part of it..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 26, 2020, 08:58:48 AM
I slept late this morning so I'm slow to catch up on everything.  So glad to hear your good news, Joy.  Home is always better.  Take extra care and enjoy it.

I made the Depression Cake yesterday and it is sooooo good.  I had forgotten how much I like it.  I'll keep that recipe close at hand.

I made out my grocery list to pick up at curbside and the earliest date we can pick it up is next Sunday because so many are ordering online for pickup or delivery right now.  Luckily we have enough supplies around here that we can tolerate the wait time provided we can make a few substitutions.  The dish washing detergent is low so we may have to do some hand washing before we can get some more deterg. I don't think washing a few dishes by hand will do me any lasting harm.  ;D

I read online that so many people are baking bread at home during this crisis that there is danger that the supplies of flour and yeast will run out.  Maybe true or maybe not.  It is a different world we are dealing with right now but we'll manage.

Take care and stay well, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Tomereader1 on March 26, 2020, 11:07:32 AM
I am trying to figure out if I can post something in "General Discussions".  I looked there, but found no place to "post message".  Is that forum closed?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Carol on March 26, 2020, 12:03:32 PM
Hello all!  Yes, we had weather driving through southern Colorado - winds shaking the car just like an elephant would push us. 

Jenny: We left Santa Fe (almost no sleep that night because of a party or construction going on upstairs.  We drove north on 285 - instead of I-25.  It was wonderful, maybe one truck and barely any cars.  It is longer that way but well worth the fantastic scenery.   

Two of the boys had taken care of our house and they had even bought groceries.  They did not know we were able to get a couple of basics at two small towns.  No panic in those towns.

Callie:  Love your electric blanket story! 

Stay safe - I am grateful for this site so we can stay together. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 26, 2020, 01:25:26 PM

I have to admit I honestly had a melt down early last evening after loosing a rather detailed post😩 I of course did not keep saving it as I went along, and it was nearly done and something came across my screen and I clicked on it.....tried to go back to the post and it was no where to be found😤😤. My own stupidity......but it was the straw that broke the camels back😡.

CAROL, so good to read that you are home and the boys had things ready for you👍.

JOY, happy to read you are going home...that is wonderful news. 

SHIRLEY, somehow I missed that you were feeling a bit under the weather, but I am happy to read you are feeling better❣️

AMY, I did enjoy THINGS GET BETTER WITH AGE.  Thank you so much for sharing.

I am going to post this......have a good rest of your day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 26, 2020, 06:29:22 PM
Glad you are home, Carol... So nice when the kids do something thoughtful like that.  :smitten:

Jenny, I hold my breath with every post from you, concerned about your father & Michele... how much more stressful in times like this, when you have to worry about carrying germs to visit them. Hugs for you & all the family.

Phyllis, not long after Cas died I quit using the dish washer, got a white drainer & just wash & leave in the drainer & never have them stack up. For some reason it seems easier/quicker.

Didn't realize it was so late, got to get out & break down some boxes to put in the dumpster & push it to the street. Where did the week go?

Gloria, I got out today & went to Sam's Club... got my hamburger & bottled water & did NOT look for TP, thought I'd settle for 2 out of 3 and not be disappointed.  ;D   At both water & meat the workers were surprised that I only took one of each, so I explained I wasn't hoarding and would be back next week! This can't go on forever, right? 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 26, 2020, 08:05:13 PM

Just talked with Janes daughter and she told me that Jane fell this morning and broke her shoulder. Please take a moment and say a prayer for her..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 26, 2020, 08:57:32 PM
Oh, NO, Jane.... prayers, hugs and more prayers. Lousy time to need to go to the hospital. I know the kids will rally around you so in good hands and we'll all be here waiting for more news. 

Thanks for letting us know, Amy.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 26, 2020, 09:05:07 PM
I was checking on "new messages" and am so so sorry to read about Jane.

Dear sweet Janie, I join Shirley and everyone else to send prayers and loving wishes for your speedy recovery. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Tomereader1 on March 26, 2020, 09:07:37 PM
Depending on where/how bad the shoulder is broken, they can't cast that.  Now if she has surgery on it, that is a different matter.  Mine was broken last June 1st.
Recovery is a real pill.  Was it her dominant side shoulder?  She has my sincere wishes that she can recover quickly.  My orthopedic told me up to a year, even with P.T. which I am still doing (when they let us out from this shelter at home). Also broken at the time was my wrist, which gives me the most trouble. Not a good range-of-motion in the shoulder yet, but good enough to do all the basic stuff, shower, shampoo, cook, dress myself. Please Jane, get well soon.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 27, 2020, 12:54:10 AM
I just came in to say GOODNIGHT and I read the terrible news about your mishap, JANE.  I am so sorry to read this and I hope you are resting comfortably tonight.....I sure hate to think about you being in a hospital, so I hope and pray you are not🙏🙏🙏

Thank you, AMY, for sharing the news with us so we can keep JANE in our thoughts and prayers🦋

Sweet dreams to all.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on March 27, 2020, 01:48:18 AM
Jane S...
... Sending a gentle hug to you all the way from UK, ( hugging your good shoulder only. )

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 27, 2020, 03:04:28 AM
Jane is at home at this time and will talk to Drs via phone today. She is well looked after with her family taking shifts to see that she is comfortable and watched over.She will  appreciate all the prayers.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 27, 2020, 06:21:41 AM
Good morning everyone..

Jane, I hope you found a comfortable spot to get some sleep.

Will be doing some sewing today after I get the laundry put away.

Should put a pot of chicken soup on  and figure out what to have for supper.

Shirley , is Sam's club the same as Costco?

Gloria, thinking of how well your CNA has your pantry stocked and  little did everyone know just how important it is now.

Joy, hope you are in your own home now .

Phyliss ,stay in away from the virus.

Lloyd, hope you and Nancy are well.

Better move it.

Enjoy your day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 27, 2020, 08:43:19 AM
JANE, I am so sorry.  Prayers for you and let your family take care of you.  Glad you can stay at home and not have to go to the hospital or any where else.

We are under Stay at Home orders here starting this afternoon.  That won't be different for me since I've been staying home all along.  David has been taking his daily walks but he is careful to maintain a distance and he will still be able to do that under the order.  People are adapting as well as possible.

At least we had some sun yesterday afternoon and that helped lift the spirits.

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 27, 2020, 10:11:41 AM
Good morning everyone, wow I got 9 hours sleep last night, was shocked when I woke and it was light out and when I saw the clock to see it was almost 8:30. I did stay up later last night hoping I would wake later than 3 or 4am.
Heard on the news last night that the governor wants stores to limit the number of people going in at one time in order to keep their 6 foot distance.

AMY  hope you got what you needed in the stores yesterday. On local TV they showed some of the markets with bare shelves. Seems like even the trucks are late getting to the markets with supplies. 

PHYLLIS  in some way with this shortage of supplies it reminds me of the rationing in WW2. We needed those stamps/chips or what they were to buy most every thing. Cannot remember the right word for those things now.

CAROL  glad you made it to Denver OK. I envy yo u the scenery you saw. Ask Jenny, I never traveled much outside of the New England states and scenery is something I love. Mountains or desert I love all of it.

JENNY  love your new avatar. Your litte sweety is so adorable.

SHIRLEY  if everyone shopped for just what is needed we would not be having a shortage of TP or anything else. I know I replace something before I run out but never stock up on anything.

AMY  poor Jane. Things were going so good for her lately and now this. I will add extra prayers for her.

JANE  if you can get here to read, I pay it is not a bad break and will heal fast with no problems after. HUGS  and prayers to you.

AMY  I know her family will make sure she is looked after.  She raised her family with love and they all love her. MY CNA is a coupon queen. She uses coupons when things are on sale and she has a well stocked home. Her sister an her son never run out of anything because she has it. She has saved me money using her coupons for some things I need. Not that she is a hoarder but she loves to shop and save money

PHYLLIS  so far they have not stopped anyone from coming into this building and most everyone is staying in their apartments. Today I just might go out for a walk but there will be none outside enjoying the warmer sunny day.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Mary Ann on March 27, 2020, 10:20:32 AM
Jane, I am so sorry to read about  your fall and broken shoulder.  I am so afraid I will  fall some day.  I know your family will give you TLC.  Even with a walker, I want to go from grab bar to grab bar to prevent a fall and it isn't easy.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 27, 2020, 10:49:35 AM
Good morning .   Oh, I am so sorry to hear this news about Jane !I sure hope it will be a quick recovery.  I know her family will be there for her.  Will certainly have her on my prayer list. I just had my last PT session for here.  I will have people come to the house for a while.  People can still get into my building.   My DIL already got my grocerys.  Some ready
to eat meals. I will be ok !   Can't wait to get back to my computer.   I'm sure I will have tons of emails to get rid of.  Again,  thinking of you,  Jane. 😢        (from. Joy)

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 27, 2020, 03:54:38 PM
I had a long post earlier & "blew it".... got busy explaining how pretty it was with fog and the trees blooming and lookng so eeri.... got side tracked & away it went.

Amy, Sam's Club is like Costco as "membership". Sam's used to brag their goods was Made in America, when Sam Walton was alive. No more, everything from China. It is the "Papa" of Walmart stores, have to buy bulk & a tad cheaper.

I got out to fill my car with gas.... would you believe with my dollar off I paid 69¢ a gallon? My son came over to fill his, since you get up to 35 gallons.... we just park on each side of the pump & pass through. Everyone takes advantage when it's that big of a "gift". Came home & put together a big box of arts & crafts books... had bought at a garage sale next door, those expensive ones for $35-$50 that had been her mother's & never looked at. My daughter is going a little stir crazy with keeping her distance & her husband working from home part time. Husband is a priority type that is allowed to go in when needed. Since she retired last year she has been a buzzing pink bunny and loveing being retired, does a lot of shopping, killing her to keep the 6' away. She sent me a couple care packages this week, with TP & Hunts Spaghetti sauce (couldn't find around here)... Clorox wipes, sanitizer, etc... these books should keep her busy through Christmas! ;)

Joy, I'm anxious for you to get back home & know you will do fine. Mary Ann, has Kendrick finally decided you are okay?  These cats are so funny. All three of these have been protesting their food (how many ferals get Chicken of the Sea tuna or salmon for breakfast, canned chicken breast or raw angus hamburger mid afternoon, half a can of Friskies canned food before bed, and all day the "Indoor Delight" Friskies dry food).... I was out of raw hamburger for a few days so they turned their noses up at everything! Seriously, would go to their dish & put nose in air & walk off..... Got them fresh hamburger yesterday and they all are eating everything just fine. Is that not spoiled.. going on a hunger strike!!!

Gloria, I had my bedroom to myself last night and think I had a full 6 hours, will double check later.... that's how I lost my post this morning. But, I can hardly keep my eyes open so am off for a few zzzzzzzzzzzzs while I have a chance. would like to turn off phones but the kids would send paramedics.... I've been getting call after call from the same robo... about insurance. I know they are picking on me bacause I used the little personal alarm in the speaker end of the phone... no human but someone listens to see what the response is.... calls with same recording from all over the US, at least 3 or 4 every day. Last few I've been saying, "this call is being traced to turn over to the District Attorney"... but they are too smart. Would love to send a virus through the wire/air to who ever is on the other end! They wake me as soon as I am sound asleep. 7 or 8 phones in the house & not all have caller ID.

Janie, hugs & prayers, are the kids playing nice?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 27, 2020, 03:56:42 PM
AMY while we were visiting on the phone our internet came back on that is good Nancy and I both enjoyed the visit very much. Please do not spread the bad of me Nancy told you.
( here is a good quote to use everyone)
( there is so much good in the worst of us)
( somuch bad in the worst of us)
it behooves those left to talk about the rest of us)
But we do anyway. our prayers are for all of us that need them.
Have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 27, 2020, 04:04:14 PM
Shirley I think you and I are two peas in same pod. we both love loving and teasing.put us both in a sack shake it up debates who would get out first.
Keep on living and loving is my motto. Have a great day just as you like it.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 27, 2020, 04:15:03 PM
Shirley, thank you for 'splaining that to me. I do know that there is no way we will be going to Costco anytime soon.

Lloyd, I thoroughly enjoyed talking with both Nancy and you!! You are such a special couple. Please take good care of each other.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Sandy on March 27, 2020, 04:22:55 PM
Good Afternoon from
the sunny but empty streets of
Portland Maine.    WOW!

I am so sorry to hear that
Jane  has fallen and broken her
shoulder..  oh dear, how
awful...  I wish you well
Jane,  with a quick recovery.. 

I am working around trying
to get my apartment de cluttered
and re organized.  Not easy to do
but each day I am working at

I love the way I moved my
bed over to near my office and now
have a table off the kitchen
to use once I get it cleared of
all the clutter that I am

You know the old saying, 
"a place for everything and
everything in its place?" 

Well I have 10 places for
everything and never can find
only one place to put "what ever"

I am working on this and
it ain't easy.. 

So that is my day..
Best wishes to everyone and
hope no one comes down
with Covid-19.   

Fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 27, 2020, 08:28:35 PM

I talked with Jane tonight and she is doing alright. I will let her tell you, as she may pop in tomorrow.
Somehow I found some of Jane's zzzzs this afternoon  had such a good sleep, better than last night.

Hope everyone is staying in and staying safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 12:53:40 AM
well I am late again, getting to be a habit,but sweet dreams and good night.
see you all tomorrow.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 28, 2020, 07:40:17 AM

Good morning everyone...
Slept in again.

Work around home, yard needs some cleaning up, will do what we can but a lot more to do after the snow all goes away.

Enjoy your day everyone..
Stay safe!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 07:55:12 AM
Good Morning everyone, I did not rest well again Last night, another bad habit it seams. AMY sure was good to talk with you on the phone yesterday; Nancy relay enjoyed also. Now all I can think of that will top that Is when this virus thing gets settled and things get back in a good step where we can travel. and we can get in the r v and come see you in the north east.
Quote from: Lloyd Hammond on March 26, 2020, 06:03:25 AMGood Morning everyone. 56º and mostly clear here saying we are going to high sixty's or low seventy's today. have a great day just as you like it we hope.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 07:56:32 AM

Pooch1: Click on "Chat" above, Lloyd.  Nice to see you again.  How's the horses?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 08:18:19 AM
well I am confused again. (Pooch1: Click on "Chat" above, Lloyd.  Nice to see you again.  How's the horses?) witch of you lovely Lades is Pooch? I do reamber talking with you but am mostly brain dead now days after the head knocks in fourteen. I took my laptop over to the computer teck. and got it working again. also took my big desk top over to try to get to turn on again. he said too many things wrong with it , not worth fixing. I would liked to have things back but not as many $$$ as he wants. so I am going over and pay for fixing the laptop and let the desktop go by by. Have a great day everyone. Nancy left the door open between the garage and Back Porch garage door was up and a bird came in she can't get it out so I have to go to do it. see you later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 28, 2020, 08:42:07 AM
The sun is taxes are done, filed, and accepted by both federal and state...and all is well with my little "stay-at-home" world today.  Good morning to you All.

I hope Jane is doing as well as can be expected and will feel like talking to us a little bit today.

Is it good to be home again, Joy?

I've been reading a lot and can still find a lot of on-line books to download.  I would do more cooking but I am beginning to get a little low on some things and the reserved dates that I can get staples shopped for and to pick up curbside from the grocery are getting farther and farther away.  So many people are doing that now the grocery stores are swamped.  Also, there are many items that are out of stock.  We are making do the best that we can.  Just need to change our habits a little more flexible.

Off to get some breakfast.  Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 28, 2020, 09:10:38 AM
this will be short because I only have one usable hand  I fell early wed morning and broke the humerus bone in my left shoulder.  its very painful and there is nothing to do about it but a sling and wait.  ill take all the prayers I can get and ill try to come back and check in,  I hope you are all well.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 11:21:36 AM
 JaneS sorry you fell and got hurt. I cant say any thing as many blunders as I have done. wish we were close so we could help you while you are recuperating. you are in our prayores. just take it easy and try to keep smiling. do the best you can having a good day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 28, 2020, 11:31:56 AM
Jane, I am not sure which of the two evils would hurt more ,your shoulder or humerus?? Just take it easy and I know you have lots of help , your turn to be looked after till you are better.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on March 28, 2020, 11:44:06 AM
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 28, 2020, 11:57:04 AM
Good Morning,

So happy to see a note from Jane.  The only thing I can think of - other than sending Prayers and Love - is.....OUCH!  :smitten:

Phyllis,  I also have plenty of e-books to read - on loan from my local library.  I had put Hilary Mantel's new one on Hold way back when the "coming out" date was listed.  It appeared this week- apparently just a few days after the launch.  Not an easy read but I'm working on it because I doubt I'll be able to renew and who knows when I'd get it again.

I had a "fibro" day yesterday so spent most of it in the recliner reading.  Was startled by a SMACK on the west windows which turned out to be ping pong ball size hail.  Thank goodness, nothing cracked or broke.  It melted almost as quickly as it fell.

Mr. and Ms. Mallard were wandering around the yard last evening.  She was checking out the fallen bird seed and he was checking out her.  ;)

My morning routine has become Take before breakfast pill, Go out to get the paper, Read the paper, Do the Daily Challenge and 3 Goals for four solitaire games on my Tablet, Eat breakfast, Take after breakfast pills, Check in on S&F folders and Find a Project du Jour.
Looks as if that will be Domestic Duties today.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 28, 2020, 07:42:30 PM
Good afternoon everyone. I took a laze day enjoyed some good movies and a Nap, then I went over to the computer repair mans shop. do not know what changed his mined but he did, lowered his price a lot,to affordable, got both my laptops fixed and took the mother board out of the old desk top and putting it in a much smaller case and building a new computer with window 10 on it. i will be right up town. have a rest of the day great. I have something to tell you all for  your hungry sweet teeth. you get a can of big instant brisket's and role them out very thin round, put your favorite fruit fruit on then fold them in half, seal the edges. put some cooking oil in the skillet,bring it up to good temperature,fry them on one side and then turn them over cook until they are golden brown. we used cheery pie filling out of a can store bought. Delishes. fruit is best, but i am going to experiment with some pudding's like chocolate and Butterscotch,what ever we can think of maybe even some mincemeat.


Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 28, 2020, 09:30:24 PM
im here to say Goodnight my friends.  its almost time for my pain pill and they make me sleepy.  I didn't get to walk with them today because it was raining most of the day.  while we were eating supper we had two of the rumbliest, loud cracks of thunder I've ever heard. the house even shook a bit! 

I wish you all a peaceful night's sleep and a happy healthy tomorrow.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 29, 2020, 04:25:50 AM
Good morning everyone, sorry I never got here yesterday. I just could not sleep Friday night andfelt like I just stayed off the computer. I laid on the couch most of the day and with the TV on I dozed most of the day.  Woke this morning just after 3 am. It is raining and you know I am not up to par with my back.

JANE I hope you are not in a lot of pain with your shoulder. For you that is always cooking or cleaning or doing something I know you are not a happy lady right now. I so have a fear of falling and maybe I am to careful

SHIRLEY  I have not been getting many of those robo calls for the last week  or so. Phone has been pretty quiet. I never pick up the phone till I hear on the machine who it is, I do pick it up if I know the number or the name that shows up.

PHYLLIS  glad my CNA likes to shop because so far she has found what I need. She will go shopping for herself and see something I like and usually have on my list she will buy it and I pay her for it when she gets here. I finished reading the boo I got from the library here but now the door is locked so annot get anymore or return the ones I have here.

JANE 3 times I have had my right arm in a sling and learned to use my left hand with the mouse. Got pretty good with it. Typing with one hand is no fun and I know how slow it can be. Hugs and prayers for you.

Think I will go lay on the couch and see if I can get some snoozing in. Looks like we will have rain today and tomorrow. Not my kind of weather.

Have a good day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 29, 2020, 07:20:33 AM

Good morning everyone...

Gentle rain here,robins belting out song along with mourning doves to wake up to. Need to make bread today.. and do some  sewing. While the oven is hot might throw a cake in..chocolate cake mix ,3 eggs and a can of cherry pie filling then bake at 350°.

Joy, hope you are home now, much safer environment away from the virus.

Lloyd, your recipe sounds good!!

Gloria, we can use all the help possible at this time. Rain can cause aches we never knew we had!

Take care and stay safe...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 29, 2020, 08:09:30 AM
It is good to hear from you Jane even though it is hard.  Thinking of you.  Keep in touch as much as you can.

David will pick up a grocery order at noon today and if I am lucky there will be some yeast in it.  If so, I'll be making some bread today, too, Amy. 

Cloudy and almost summer-like yesterday and today.  Nearly 90 deg. and humid.  The attic fan and the air conditioning and ceiling fans are working just fine, thank goodness.

Take care, All.  Stay well and no more falls, please.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 29, 2020, 08:49:06 AM
Normally I'd be about ready for church and it seems so sad to me, that this country was basically founded for freedom of religion and we can't go to church. Don't mean to blame anyone, a fact of what is best for all.... but still sad. I happen to enjoy going to church, even if just to sit and talk to God, it is HIS house and like going home when my parents were alive.

Last night I went down to the river, as I came past the berm the forsythia bush reached out & touched me, I had not even noticed it was in full bloom as I went down. Came inside & got my clippers and went back out to cut off the branches overhanging the berm so the mower guy won't get slapped in the face when he comes next week. Now I have 2 vases full yellow blooms sitting on my kitchen window sill and a much larger vase full on the table in the entry hall. We might as well enjoy, just me and nobody else but God, the cats don't seem to notice.

Have a load of laundry going, ran one last night about 10:00 pm, but didn't put it into the dryer until this morning. That one is folded & put away. I need to take sheets off my bed but may crawl back in instead. Sound like a plan?  Why not? Not sure what the weather is supposed to be today, yesterday was WINDY~~ like only in Kansas. Better get busy, getting light outside and I want to get a few zzzzzzzzzzzzs before I dress.

Jane, I have tried very hard NOT to comment on breaking your humerous humerus, so will not giggle out loud, but you know I am ready to explode with mirth. I truly am sorry for your pain and the irritation of being limited with what you can do in that greening up yard... I would love to give you a hug and got a feeling both of us would break up with laughter just knowing what crazy people we are, right? You will overcome and give us another reason to be proud of you. I've already told my daughter about "my online friend MY age that broke her ...." and she offered you her deepest sympathy. I know you are in good hands, that it is nice to have your kids rally around. Take care, I'm sure the pup is understanding and sympathetic. (Why did "they" ever name that bone humerus, sure ain't funny!?)

Gloria, I had one of those days this week, you think it's catching? I did nothing but sleep with TV on but never knew what was showing. Not sure I even got dressed that day. Take it easy, I do believe we are all feeling uneasy about this virus and constant talk of it. Think happy, it helps.

Sounds like the washer is done, a load of towels. Will put in the dryer & get those extra zzzzzzzs. It takes the dryer about twice the time to get clothes dry than the last washer did. Have had this dryer forever (would you believe still that avocado green from the '60s? It really is that old! Anyway, wore out washers at least every 10 years but poor old dryer hangs in & does the job.

Morning, Phyllis... we aren't that hot, only one day warm enough to think about cooler clothes. Not long till our summer, year, winter, sure has passed fast.

Amy, don't you love hearing the happy birds early? The years we had Missy (robin) building nests all around the house, we got to watch how she did it. Of course we could pick her nests out since she used the colored Easter grass I kept on the porch for her. When she wove it in with the twigs and then would dash down to the river for mud to fill in... hope in the nest to rub her breast feather back & forth to make it smooth and solid, then back to the river for more. The females work so hard...she usually had 3 nests per summer.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 29, 2020, 11:31:57 AM
Good Morning,

Shirley,  we had wind yesterday....and dust...but today is sunny and mild.

Big News!  Miss Ellen is home!!!!

The general situation in NYC plus continued confinement in small apartment was  "getting to her" last week.  Dad put his foot down and she flew in last night for an "indefinite visit".
She'll have to be quarantined for 2 weeks, but a good-sized bedroom with bath has been set up and sanitized for her and, if someone else opens the door, she can go out in the back yard.  Bedroom location is such that she will be able to see and hear family from a safe distance.

She was able to fly Southwest through Houston (no plane change) and, other than being bumpy through storm zone, flights were early arriving in both Houston and OKC.  She said LaGuardia looked like a ghost town and there were only 2 gates open in the SW terminal.  There were 66 on the NYC-Houston flight.  7 were connecting and were joined by 19 others for the flight to OKC.  She said she was one of 3 who stayed on the plane instead of getting off during Houston stop-over.  She thought they went to look for food because nothing was open at LaGuardia.  Fortunately, she had taken her own – necessary, anyway, because she is so gluten intolerant.

I was checking flight status and noticed that the two early morning NYC-Houston flights on Southwest had been cancelled.  So ones on her flight may have been left-overs. 

    Not being able to get out in fresh air was a big part of the issue – plus the phone in the apartment room right over her bedroom kept ringing at 3:30 a.m. and waking her up.  She said it must have been on the floor and she wondered if it was someone in Health Care who had to go on duty and had set it as a wake-up alarm.
One of her roomies had already gone home to Connecticut but the other two were staying. They are both still employed and working from home.

I've seen Mr and Ms Mallard Duck wandering around the back yard.  She was checking out bird seed on the ground and he was checking out her. 😊
Also saw a hummingbird while I was eating breakfast.
Nice to know that Nature is still functioning normally.

Off to make syrup and get the hummer feeder out.

Onward and Upward...

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 29, 2020, 02:37:00 PM
SHIRLEY,you are 100% c0rrect about the giggling that would be taking place over an injury to the humorous/humerus bone. i've already had that one with Cathy. I hate to hunt and peck so im quitting .   
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 29, 2020, 05:19:10 PM
good afternoon. it is 66 and bright sun,not a cloud in the sky, only supposed to rise two more degrees, I had a good nap.if it wasn't Sunday I could go to shop and work. well maybe will be good tomorrow and I can catch  some shop time. I hope and pray we get this virus thing over with soon so we can get in the R V and do some traveling. I have something to tell you that is funny. Nancy was playing a card game, when I woke up. she was at a study place.we have two mice that will either work on that computer on the T V. so I picked up the other and started Playing It.that sure woke her up in a hurry. Have a good rest of the day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 29, 2020, 09:21:05 PM
Hello everyone.  My name is Tom Tock, Mary Ann Tock's nephew, and the late Norm Tock's son.  My aunt wants me to catch all of you up on her condition.  The pain in her leg has become very severe. The doctors do not believe it is a blood clot nor a fracture but cannot explain the pain she feels just sitting up in her right thigh down to her knee.  In order to get the level of pain meds necessary to deal with this, we determined it would be best to enroll Mary Ann in hospice at home for now.  We met with them this afternoon.  Mary Ann will remain at home for the duration. She pretty much stays in bed because sitting up is too painful.  We will see tomorrow how she does with the new meds. It is Mary Ann's wish to improve and no longer need hospice.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 29, 2020, 09:22:53 PM
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 29, 2020, 09:35:33 PM
Tom, I am so sorry to hear the news about Mary Ann's condition, but thank you for letting us know. For sure she will be included in MY prayers, as she knows, we old timers have a way with our prayers being heard. Hugs to you, Mary Ann, and hope Kindrick will figure how to wait on you! Tom, you are a blessing for her and I know you will take good care of her. (((hugs))) to you both & a head rub for Kindrick.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: CallieOK on March 29, 2020, 10:13:54 PM
Tom thank you for the message about Mary Ann.  She will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. So glad she has you - and Hospice - to care for her.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Denver on March 30, 2020, 01:04:56 AM
A late note tonight......but, better late than never❣️

Thank you AMY, for the cute "good morning" and "good night" greeting graphic!  Love them and look forward every day now to see what you will have for us to enjoy💕

Welcome home to OK, Miss Ellen.  I must say that I know your family is happy to have you home and I am happy that you are there safe and sound with your family.

Than you, Tom, for the update on Mary Ann. I am sad to learn that she is suffering so with the leg pain, but I am glad that this decision to bring in hospice to help her through this.  Positive thoughts and continued prayers for her and I hope she can improve and no longer need the hospice care. 

SHIRLEY, I know you miss being in your church and I certainly hope it will not be too much longer until we all are able to move around freely and do what is important to all of us🙏🙏🙏

JANE, I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to have to hunt and peck!  We will understand if you can not post and we will survive, but only because we want you to get better ASAP and then you can come back and join in like we are all used to💕. Continued prayers that that shoulder will heal quickly and completely. 

We played Yahtzee with Dave, Michele and kiddos yesterday, thanks to iPads and today we had a group party with ALL of the sons and their families.  Boy did that ever lift my spirits🥰🥰🥰🥰

I wish you ALL a very good night of rest and may you wake up to a beautiful Monday 🦋🦋🦋

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 30, 2020, 01:50:40 AM
well once again I fell asleep on the couch, wok up a few min. I will have to say good morning instead of good night,see you all after while. I took my insulin shot and got a godie to satisfy my sweet teeth. see you all after while'
Good night this morning.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 30, 2020, 05:27:12 AM
Good motning everyone, still raining. 3 days in a row. Getting water logged around here. At least the ground is not froaen ot every thing would be muddy. Mostly it has been soaking into the ground.
Yesterday after 3 hours sleep I wasawake and in here, had my coffee and breakfast and pulled a SHIRLEY. I went back to bed and woke just after noon.

PHYLLIS  wow that is unbelievable that it got that hot there. Still have heat on here. I have a nice warm Tote vest that I am still wearing to keep warm.

SHIRLEY  I did one of your things yesterday, woke early, had coffee and breakfast and then went back to bed, slept 4 hours. We had a friend who every Sunday morning he would go outside and walk through the woods, to him that was God's home, not a man made building. No matter what the weather was. When I see lilalacs in bloom I know that spring is here. We have some forsythia here but cannot pick any of it, the witch would yell at us if we did. I have days where I stay in my nightgown and robe all day, too lazy to get dressed?

CALLIE  you make me happy to know Ellen is home. Best place for her with family.

JANE  I don' t think I would have the patience to hunt and peck with my left hand now. I was about 10 years younger the last time I did that.

LLOYD  I think we will all thank God when this carona virus is a thing of the past. I feel like I am alone in this building and it is a erie feeling.

AMY  thanks for the news about Mary Ann. Hope she improves fast.

TOM  thank you for letting us know about Mary Ann. 

JENNY  I still chat with my daughter on Skype every day and both sons have been calling me often.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 30, 2020, 06:53:05 AM
Good morning.  Just wanted to let you know I am home and trying to get back to "normal".  I am still tired and haven't done much. Today will be a busy day with nurse visit and a video visit with my primary care doctor.  That should be interesting.  My DIL is coming this morning to stay while I take a shower. I will feel better with someone in the apartment with me.

Glad to see the message from Tom Tock.  Hope the new meds will help Mary Ann.

I will check back again in a day or so. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 30, 2020, 06:54:43 AM
Don't understand why I can't get the font, color and size to enlarge.  Did the same way I have always done it.

Sorry it isn't working right.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Joy on March 30, 2020, 06:57:32 AM
Well it worked that time.  ???????
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 30, 2020, 07:27:47 AM

Good morning everyone..

More rain today and it is taking away the snow!
We are to go sign our tax forms this morning  then they will e send them in.

Will do some more sewing later on after I chase dust bunnies.

Joy, so good to see you!! Glad to read you have someone there when you shower, one can never be too careful. Pop in and say hello when you are up to it.

Gloria ,we are also getting a lot of rain...puddles every where. I would imagine some rivers will be over flowin their banks if this keeps up.

Jenny, sounds like a fun time you had with your family!

Jane,  easy does it. Hope each day is a better one for you.

Better git.

Enjoy your day everyone..stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 30, 2020, 08:30:27 AM
I'm sorry about Mary Ann but Hospice is so good about getting help to the patient I think it is a good decision to have them come in for her.  Prayers for her and thanks to Tom for letting us know.

Cooler here today and it is laundry day so back to the normal weekly routine.  David picked up the groceries yesterday.  I was able to get most of what I ordered (yay) but still can't get yeast.  Not even online.  Out of stock everywhere.  I'll keep trying.  I did manage to get eggs.  :thumbup:  Yes, Gloria, it's like the old WW II days of rationing.  I very well remember the ration books and how carefully we used each ration stamp.  I was 12 when the U.S. entered the war so remember it very well.   We survived that and we'll survive this, too.

Glad to see your "hunting and pecking", Jane.

Good to see you here, Jenny, and to hear about your family time.  I see so many more families out walking in our neighborhood now.  So nice to see.  More like the old days when we first moved here.  Families were always out either walking or in the yard talking or playing.  There was no Internet, no video games, and no cell phones then....almost 37 years ago.

Take care, All.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 30, 2020, 09:58:54 AM
Good morning Gloria and everyone else. I read the post's and by time i get through them forget what i wanted to say. Gloria I did want to tell you that peter and i used to visit on Skype but have not lately it dose not seam to work good either. but if you would like and have time to work it in,would be fine with me, might even get Nancy to join in some. a million friends not a friend too many one enemy is one to meany.I use my Owen Name but if you like we can figure out a nick name for you to use, Have a great day
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 30, 2020, 10:12:39 PM
I just lost my post and I cant do it again prayers for all who need them and my love to all
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 30, 2020, 11:00:24 PM
well it is that time. time to bid you all good night and sweet dreams, Good night and hope to see you all in the morning. I am now going to go take my shot and my Night time meds. and hit the hay.we had a very beautiful sunny day, a little Wendy day with some hard guests but good alle in all, good night

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Gloria on March 31, 2020, 05:43:43 AM
Good morning everyone, still raining here and  34. I have not been out since Friday and getting cabin fever. When Yvette came yesterday she said all the couched and shairs in the lobby were gone. Most likely behind one of the locked doors. Sure do not want anyone gathering.  Doesn't sound like a friendly building does it? They had taken the chairs on to porch when it got warm and now they are put away again.  I know the governor keeps saying to keep 6 feet away from anyone and the witch is making sure we do. At least they have not stopped anyone from coming into the building yet. Don't know what I would do with no CNA help.

JOY  so glad you are home at last. Just be careful and don''t try to do too much. 

AMY  according to the last forecast I saw we are to have rain on Thursday and again on Sunday. The water table must be high now with all the rain we had all winter. Will see if April has the showers it is noted for.

PHYLLIS  I was 10 when the war broke out but I remember a lot about it. I remember my father putting new so on shoes, the shoes were not too great when we had to get  a new pair.  More like cardboard than leather. 

LLOYD  I  only have my daughter on Skype, that is enough for me. Cannot sit here at the compuiter too long. I used to have several on Skype but dropped them when my back would act up when I sit here too long. 

JANE  even a few words from you every day is enough. We understand how hard it is to type with one hand.

Have a good day and stay safe.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 31, 2020, 06:33:47 AM
 Gloria I understand, but it is good to see and talk at same time. I think you and I both and a few others need to learn how to leave those afternoon naps out ans sleep better at night. I abused my bode too much In my younger days when truck driving over the road. I think my brain thinks it should stay awake and do the same now. Have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Amy on March 31, 2020, 07:47:51 AM

Good morning everyone..

Dull looking day and we may get more rain.
General work around home today and more sewing.
Gloria, we are in state of emergency until April 13 and that could change if it gets worse. So far 9 people in a nursing home have passed with more with Coid-19 including staff. Grim time for sure.

Lloyd, good morning to you and Nancy, hope you both stay healthy .

Jane, take it easy. I know n, not a word in your vocabulary but try ...

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: phyllis on March 31, 2020, 09:00:06 AM
Just checking in on a cloudy day.  We are OK but staying close to home.  The state is under "shelter at home" rules.  The number of cases continues to rise rapidly.  I'm going to bake some more bread today but running out of yeast so may bake some soda bread.  I like it so it will be fine as a substitute.  I might even try making my own tortillas.  New experience for me.

Please take care, All.  Stay safe and stay well.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on March 31, 2020, 10:40:10 AM
Good Morning everyone. phyllis I was reading the post and sen where you said running out of yeast,and was going to make soda bread. what is soda bread? I asked Nancy and she did not know either. she is going to look in her cook book see if it is there. but if she dose not fiend it would be good to see and learn about it. we do have a bread machine in fact i think two of them. we also have some yeast in the frig if it is still good. You have me wanting some good home made bread. I will see if Nancy will make some. Have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: JaneS on March 31, 2020, 11:11:40 AM
good morning everyfriend!  my son is stopping by soon to take Mickie for a midday walk,  she misses all our walks.  I wish you all good health.  I haven't had soda bread for a long time. im another one who likes it.  have a good day!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: Shirley on March 31, 2020, 08:29:17 PM
I've been here a few times today, phone rings or cats need something. Just got back from the river and need to sit a second before fixing something to eat. Brought in some chives to go on a baked potato, remembered to get sour cream at Walmart this morning. Also got a fresh loaf of Italian bread & already had a couple slices of it. I do love my bread. Have some steamer corn left from last night, a little lettuce & Roma tomato and meat spread that I mixed up earlier today. I will have some fruit ice later & already had a small bowl of grapefruit. Sounds like a fairly balanced meal, yes?

Jane, you are lucky your son can walk the pup.... my kids would gladly  come feed the cats if they could, so I could be gone sometimes. Sadly, even after knowing them all their lives, the cats would disappear if they came around. No amount of years can wipe out what their mother taught them in a few short months.... and she is friendlier with my boys than they are! Glad you are able to do what you can.

Lloyd, like you, I am eager to travel but sounds like they may close the campgrounds, even the National Forest campgrounds. We have reservations (paid for, 2 sites) in mid June so not sure how they will handle that. CO is one of the states with more than normal cases of virus, I think, so will be a wait & see.

Phyllis, I love the refrigerator rolls I used to bake for every holiday. My recipe makes 3 loaves or at least I divide the dough into 3, make butterhorn rolls with 2 parts & make a loaf of cinnamon/sugar that I roll out & cut into 3 equal lengths attached at one end & braid. I add the sugar & cinnamon as I braid. When baked I make a powder sugar/butter icing to pour over. It is gone as soon as out of the oven. I have never heard of soda bread so hope you will explain in here.... I don't visit the recipe section.

Gloria, have you had any cases of the virus in your area at all?  We've had quite a few here the last day or so. I still had to get out today but was noticing that my hands that get cleaned all the time with the Clorox wipes... sure irritates my allergies. I was shocked at the deserted streets, all along the fast food places with empty parking lots. Like those movies back in the old days of germ warfare or science fiction & people living underground. Gave me the shivers.

Amy, the little white egrets aren't back yet so spring not here. I had some bread to feed the fish tonight, couple Canada geese came over for a bite. The carp kept coming up under them but don't think the catfish are back. River is up, so dirty, no sign of baby ducks or geese yet. We don't have near the wildlife as other years. The trees are starting to fill out, tiger lilies are about 6"-8" high all along the bank. Supposed to get rain again Friday. We never had ice on the river this winter or had it get high enough to clean out the banks. Doesn't seem to be any "normal" to weather anymore!

I want to put a load of darks in the washer & have it dry before going to bed, so better get a move on and put it in before fixing my supper!

Hi to all that drop by.... let's hear about your days of "confinement".  Hugs to all.  :thumbup:  :nanadance2:  :nanadance2:  :nanadance2:

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe for March 15, 2020
Post by: so_P_bubble on April 01, 2020, 12:21:39 AM
    Let's make a new start HERE (