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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe Week of August 21

Started by JoanFL, August 21, 2016, 04:16:54 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Good Afternoon,

Whew!  I'd forgotten what having people in and out and 'round about for several days can do to a person's energy level!  (Of course, I'm quite a bit older than I was when that was "normal"!!!!)

Did I mention that Ellen and Bailey (gr-niece) went out last night?  Ellen ended up spending the night!  Loved listening to their chatter (they are the same age and both in The Arts) but finally told them "good night' just before midnight. I have no idea when they finally settled down.

Bailey had to be at her workshop at 9:00 a.m. - but Ellen stayed until almost noon.   Loved catching up with her but then had to revise the game plan for the day.

Instead of doing errands today and baking cookies tomorrow,  I decided to reverse things.   I'm taking cookies for the two college Grands, who we'll see this weekend - so, of course, baked enough to Bailey to eat now and also take home with her.

When I checked the fridge, I noticed a takeout box that Bailey brought home from the pizza place where she and Ellen went last night.  I also realized there probably wasn't enough room for another dish or two or three - so we're having Fridge Fallout tonight and  then we'll have a calm evening.

I've read all the posts and thought about replies - but just didn't get out that Round Tuit and post them.  Mea Culpa.

MaryAnn,  I would have suggested you eat half the big chocolate chip cookie today and the other half tomorrow but then I thought about how hard it would be for me to leave half on the counter - and rethought my advice.

Hal,  you're really being put through the mill with tests.  I think you deserve a whole handful of cookies!!!!
Our Cracker Barrel is at an I-35 exit and has become very inconvenient to get to from town. I miss going there.

Shirley, our cool spell didn't last long - and now we have wet stuff from the Gulf of Mexico coming over - and the weather gurus are even predicting a "low" chance of tornadoes.
Wish the Gulf wet stuff could just skip over the coastal areas and bring us the rain (although not as much as LA and the surrounding areas have had).

Off to be a Recliner Radish for a while.

Hope Everyfriend Everywhere has had and is having a lovely day.


Had a lovely nap and now I'm going to go get my sheets out of the dryer and make the bed. 

Callie, it sounds like you're having the kind of week that I had a bit ago.  I finally caved in.  I hope you don't.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Janie--Glad you had a good day at work.  I really like oatmeal/raisin cookies.  Glad you got your nap.

halkel--Could you put some of those cookies in the "hidey hole"?

Callie--Your house sure is a busy place this week.  It's a good thing you are so flexible.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


What a week so far. Monday allday messing with a printer. Tuesday they cut off the water main in the area. Was without all day. Thought Wednesday would get electrician out at 9am. My fan in the DR  acting up. 8:30am worst storm of the year. Thunder. LIghtning and Boom. All the lights off. Had nothing. Called of the Election until tomorrow.  No Phones as mine need WiFi. Mobile phone.  no time on it and could not charge it up. Notice now if no power I have nothing working.  After 5 hours the power back on. By this time decided to just go and take a nap. Lasted 90 minutes. Feels good now.
Will now try again tomorrow to get things done. First thing. Find a old phone that works of a Jack in the wall. Buy Flashlight.  Keep lots of water around. Technology has taken over. Have desktop. IPad, Tablet, Mobile phone and 3 other phones and could not get out on any of them.
Now know how the people having the floods are feeling. They cant even take a nap

Mary Ann

I just woke up (or almost woke up)et from an hour-long nap.  I heard Tom leave and I have an idea where he went.  At least if I need him, I know how to get in touch - phone!

Callie, it turned out there was a big bag of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  I'm with those who prefer oatmeal raisin cookies.  I liked my mother's recipe and I may try to make some soon.  She boiled the raisins and used the liquid in the cookies.

We had our family luncheon gathering today at the Score but the weather was not nice enough to eat on the sand.  We were outside, but under a cover.  I had cheese/broccoli soup with a salad.  I brought some of my salad home and that is what I'll have for supper.  I'm not hungry yet. 

JeanneP, I haven't had an occasion to try an old landline phone to see if that circuit works.  When I went to whatever I have (?!) I think I was told the man was disconnecting the line.  I guess I've been fortunate.  We don't have many storms that have us lose power.

Mary Ann


Good Night Everyfriend!  May God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Nite everyone. sweet dreams and God Bless.

June Drabek

I am completely worn out after a most memorable day with my son. But I need sleep.....badly. 'See you tomorrow. Love and prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Thursday morning, Everyfriend.  There's your choice of hot or cold cereal and a cup of cut up fresh fruit to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



Ella Holmes

Sherlock Holmes's sister, Ella, was a bit confused--not that she suffered from dementia or anything--she simply was a bit "blonde." She was always getting her two twins confused, even though they were fraternal, not identical, and everyone else could easily tell Patricia from Theresa.

One day Sherlock's sister invited the great detective and his assistant to a piano recital that Patsy was to give the following evening. When she left, Sherlock's assistant said, rather bewilderedly, to Sherlock, "I didn't know Patsy was studying the piano." To which Holmes replied,

"Ella meant Terry, my dear Watson."

Food For Thought

The Sword of the Spirit

By John Kuperus
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20

Take . . . the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:17
In our ongoing battle with the forces of evil, the Lord commands, “Take . . . the sword of the Spirit.” This is the only weapon we are given among all the combat equipment mentioned in this Bible passage. And what is this weapon? “The sword of the Spirit . . . is the word of God.”
Hebrews 4:12 describes it this way: “The word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Our enemy hates this weapon. He was repelled by the Word of God as he tempted Jesus in the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1-11).
On the festival of Pentecost, as Peter preached the good news of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, the sword of the Spirit “cut [people] to the heart,” and they cried out, “What shall we do?” (Acts 2:37). The Word exposed their sin, and Peter explained the solution: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” (Acts 2:38). Hell lost its grip on three thousand people that day as they found freedom in Jesus.
God’s Word is the true story of how God loves us at great cost to him. Can you see why it’s so important to spend time in God’s Word and make it part of our daily lives?
Father, thank you for your Word, which is alive and active, and by which we can battle the forces of evil. We treasure your Word and thank you for the life it brings. Amen.j

Thought of the Day

“America prays for God to destroy our enemies.  Our enemies pray for God to destroy us.  Somebody is gonna be disappointed.  Somebody is wasting their !@#$%^* time.  Could it be everyone?”

~ George Carlin


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


...good morning....Soon be off to our Toby's pet groomers, I shan't be forgetting that today, like I forgot the correct time of 9.30am on the day it should have been last week...
....We are In for another hot day, even though no sign of sun yet, same as yesterday, started off hot and sunny, but then soon turned to grey sky and thunder, no rain, just the odd sign of rain around, thunder is also due today....
....Well so far this morning I am by-passing having a breakfast, I am just about fed up with this constant stomach bloat of mine, and the heavy drooping feeling in my lower stomach, and as if I am holding onto several days of un-emptied toilet, of which I am not.....just something else that is bothering me, as I am sure something going on that just hasn't been picked up on yet...It really is like being 3 or 4 months pregnant....some days are just worse than others.....Stomach bloat does seem to be another trait of MS but, until I get to the bottom of my bleed, I cant rule anything out....


Here it is, nearly 4:00 am & the thunder & lightning got me up to see if any cats wanted in, even Miss Callie went out last night.  I was surprised when she let me know (sat on the outside & watched the garage door come down) 3 times without making an effort to come in.  She is always right about when it will rain or not, but they all have hidey holes & come home dry so not to worry.  Old Lauren came to the bedroom door when she heard me just now but wouldn't come in because Tom & Tiger weren't home.  It is pouring buckets right now (I wanted to check radar to see how long it will be going on, looks like a couple days).  I'm off to sleep some more.   :sleepy:

Mary Ann, I still have 4 of the old "land line" phones that work when power is out... but son tells me they are not really "land lines" since they are tied in with the modem being they are "Cox" digital or something.  They will work as long as the back up battery holds on the modem.  I don't understand a thing I just said, being a parrot of what my son tells me.   :crazy2:

Oops, there you are, Joan.  Good morning.  Thanks for the readings..... especially "The Word"....   :angel2:

Jackie, my tummy is still giving me fits with much the same yucky feeling....  first time in my life I haven't wanted breakfast but force myself to eat & can't decide if I'm better or worse for eating.  I am always amazed at you & Janie getting the pups groomed.... our German Shepherd never needed it & all the dogs I had growing up never saw a groomer.  I'm thinking twice about how much less trouble to let these cats groom themselves!   But, I'd still like a dog, they are better "companions", aren't they?  Maybe an "only" cat would be more company......   Have a good day!


....not all breeds of dogs need to see a groomer but breeds of cocker spaniels do, to keep them looking nice....believe me, their fur grows so quick...
.......Same here  with my stomach, do I eat more then expect to have a clear out, that is what goes through my mind, but just doesn't work for me like that at times....
......Shirley we often here people say that they are a cat person, or a dog person, I am a dog person but, I have had cats.....A sad story of one new born kitten that came into my possession was, my then young daughter " found " a newborn ( still with its eyes unopened, ) in our then high rise rubbish shoot, brought one home to me, I kept it overnight feeding it from a medicine bottle drip feeder, not expecting it to survive, but survive it did...Had this cat for a good year, that was until next door neighbour complained to the Council that I was keeping a cat, cats are not allowed in stories over 1st or 2cd, I was living ten stories up....I then had no choice but put the cat up for re-homing, called in a cat rescue lady, sad to see him go....The Irony of this story was that these kittens made local newspaper news, and it stated that they were later put down, Of course I wanted to cry out that not all, I have the only surviving kitten, but I couldn't, I had to stay quiet If I wanted to keep it.....
.......I still remember the day man from the council office came into my flat, I hid cat in the spare bedroom, then while in mid conversation, in walks the cat, our cover was blown.....of course I tried to ignore the cat, hoping he hadn't seen it...no luck.... ;D


Good morning everyone..

We are off to the city for dh CT on the way down we will stop at our GP for dh to give blood. I can't believe how quick this CT came about and no I am not complaining ,just happy that it is being done.......maybe now we will get some answers. The up side of the day is we will have lunch with our daughter in love. :smitten: CT isn't until 2:30 so it will be a long day for the dogs at home, I asked the neighbour to come in and let them out for a biffy break .

Waving good morning to Jackie and Shirley.

Joan, thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


......I do hope hubby gets the result of his CT scan and it is good news rather than bad news....
.....Sending a wave back to you....


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've been up for a bit...have laundry in the washer and will be doing a bit of ironing later.  I don't iron much any more but the things I wear to work and church need to be neat.

Shirley, my doggies are Scottish Terriers and they have a distinct cut.  Right now they are way past needing grooming but something had to wait.  I had expensive car repairs and I spent the property tax money that I had saved up to pay the car repairs and now I'm scrimping and saving to get the tax money together.  The doggies will have to wait another couple of weeks.  They don't seem to mind and both stand still for me to cut some of the matted hair away. 

Dryer buzzed so i'll go take care of that and then put what's in the washer into the dryer and another load in the washer.  Another chore that was sidelined for the urgent need to take care of the available fresh veggies.  And I'll need to get myself cleaned up and dressed soon because I'm pretty sure the fellow who cuts my grass will be here sometime today.  He has a way of texting from McDonald's and saying, "I can come right now if it's OK."  McD. is about 5 minutes away. 

Keep doing whatever it is you're doing right now.  I'll be back!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Vanilla-Jackie.  Good morning.  Bet Toby will be handsome after his grooming.  Sorry about your stomach problem.

Good morning, Shirley.  Your cats sure keep you busy with their in and out routine.  I have the same type of land line phones you do.

Amy--Good morning.  Safe travel as you go for your husband's CT scan.  Hopefully you won't have to wait long to get the results.  Enjoy your time with daughter-in-love.

Good morning, Janie.  You sure are a busy bee early today.  Hope your yard man does come after your scurrying around to get dressed.:)


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Back indoors for one hour, it is a half hour journey to groomers, and what with the half hour home, leaves us an hour ....We took our Benji with us, I mentioned a groom on the phone last week, and wanted to take him along to see for herself what I mean by a tidy up, not the full groom and shampoo, anyway she said bring him back with us when we go to collect our Toby, will be leaving again in 25 minutes....I need Tobys back end trimmed for when our vet needs to do his next anal gland monitoring in five days time....Groomer is allowing Benji 30 minutes, we will of course stay there while he is being tidied up, I will be inquisitive to see what she charges us, I am hoping she has time before her next doggy appointment to also trim his spurs along his legs, and maybe his ears....


Good Morning Everyone!

Bible study and breakfast with the men, so catch you later.


Vanilla-Jackie--Hopefully the groomer will have time to get Benji completely tidied up.

Good morning halkel.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


We are back, journey was less traffic, we done it in 20-25 mins, 10-15 minutes less than our first journey.....Groomer has spruced up our Benji, trimmed his backside, trimmed his spurs, and done a bit of a tidy up on his ears but never touched the ear fur underneath, coming out from his neck but basically as I was the one holding Benji on her table, she did ask me what I needed her to do, and at the end when it came to paying, she said she didn't want anything for doing our Benji, she wasn't going to charge.....We both insisted she took some money, what we had both agreed on in the car coming, well I came up with what I considered a reasonable figure, just under half the full price of 42%....she seemed more than pleased with our offer, and it was finally accepted, just took a bit of persuading....


Vanilla-Jackie--That was generous of the groomer to say she wouldn't charge for doing Benji, but it was also kind of you to give her 1/2 the normal charge for grooming.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Mary Ann

Shirley, when I had Xfinity installed (so I could see the programs in High Density), the man disconnected my land lines so if I lose power, I am without phones - except I have my TracFone that I keep in my purse and I charge it occasionally so I can use it.  I use it mostly when Tom takes me somewhere and returns home, then I call him when I'm finished and he comes after me.  I haven't had to test the landline since the HD was put in so I really don't know.

My "only cat" isn't a lot of company but in a way, he is.  He is not cuddly but walks by, marking his territory on my legs and he likes to be in the same room as I am in.  He checks on me if I am on or in my bed, but he doesn't stay.

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

If anyone is interested in the pier at Grand Haven, the Corps of Engineers is going to remove the catwalk over the next several weeks, starting from the lighthouse at the end of the pier.  When the catwalk is down, they will work on the pier itself, then restore the catwalk.  I don't know if people will be allowed on the catwalk when it is finished, so I am glad I had the chance when I was quite young.

Mary Ann

Jeanne Lee

After a couple of days with low 80's and low humidity and open windows, the humidity is back and that means I need the a/c back running again...  at least if I like breathing.   ;)

Yesterday my friend and I went food shopping.  This was my first real outing with the "portable" oxygen and I wanted to see how much time I would have on the small tank.  We were out about an hour and a half, plenty of time still left on the oxygen but it just about did me in.  Just about all I could manage was to put away the freezer and refrigerator stuff and then I just collapsed on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.  Glad I did it yesterday, when the humidity and temps were both pretty low. 

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


I am back.  Nice meeting.

Has anyone heard from Molly?  She hasn't been on here for awhile.


Halkel....I was wondering the same thing, re, Molly...


Also thinking of Molly!  Wonder where she is?

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Do you think if the three of us shouts out, Molly will hear us, and make an appearance?.....all together now MOLLEEE


Mary Ann--Thanks for telling us about the pier at Grand Haven.

Jeanne Lee--Are you using liquid oxygen?  Grocery shopping is very tiring.

halkel, Vanilla-Jackie and Janie--I guess several of us are wondering about Molly.  I hope she is OK.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi everyone.  It is headed up to 93 for a short time this afternoon but now at noon isn't too bad..  I don't think it reached 90 at all yesterday, which was nice. 

Scott did fix us a delicious dinner last night and we enjoyed his visit. He rolled the Windows 10 Updates back on his mother's laptop and it is now working again.  He also turned off the automatic updating of any future updates on our three computers running Windows 10. 

I picked up my friend at his retirement home and we went to coffee for an hour.  After I returned him home I stopped at Walmart, which is very nearby, for a prescription and a several items.  I rode the electric cart today.  Not taking the ACE Inhibitor apparently is reducing the amount of blood getting through my heart and it has sapped my energy and think it is affecting my thinking a little bit.  Pat has her third Chiropractic treatment of the week today at 4 pm.  There was no Wisdom group at the church this week as the minister was out of town.

I did get a good report on the check of my pacemaker/defibrillator yesterday and no adjustments were needed.  She said I had between 3 and 3 1/2 years left on my battery before the device will have to be replaced.

I am having a quick bite to eat for lunch and looking forward to my afternoon rest. I am going ahead and posting and later today I will review the postings (I read all of them that were there as about 7 am this morning) and post again if I see anything I feel led to comment on.