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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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June 02, 2024, 08:10:24 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe Week of February 26

Started by JoanFL, February 26, 2017, 04:25:26 AM

Previous topic - Next topic

Mary Ann

Gloria de, while I still have a lot of pictures, several years ago I put the pictures by family and contacted a member of the family (descendant), then sent them the pictures.  I wasn't able to contact someone from all of the families, but most of them.  I know when I am gone that my family will not know or care who some of the people are (and I have tried to identify most of the people) and they would dispose of the pictures. 

It was very windy here today and Lake Michigan was beyond whitecaps, just rolling peaks all day long.

Mary Ann

June Drabek

Goodnight all, sleep peacefully while God watches over you. Love. Hugs. Prayers.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Tuesday morning, Everyfriend, on this last day of February  There's sticky bun waffles (IHOP) to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a great day!!




1. Include Your Children When Baking Cookies
2. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Experts Say
3. Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
4. Drunks Get Nine Months in Violin Case
5. Iraqi Head Seeks Arms
6. British Left Waffles on Falkland Islands
7. Teacher Strikes Idle Kids
8. Clinton Wins Budget; More Lies Ahead
9. Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told
10. Miners Refuse to Work After Death

Food For Thought

Relationship With God
(By Andrew Wommack)

One of the most important things about relationship is to understand the person with whom you're going to have relationship, and that also applies to God. You need to understand the basic nature and character of God in order to have a healthy relationship with Him. Misunderstanding His character and nature is one of the reasons many people don't have a positive relationship with Him. This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent. They entered into temptation, ultimately disobeyed God, and plunged the whole human race into sin. Their lack of understanding God's nature was actually a part of the temptation.

The story in Genesis 3:1-5 is familiar to most people: "Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods [God], knowing good and evil" (brackets mine).

There is a subtle statement by Satan here that God is really not a good God... that He was trying to withhold something from Adam and Eve...that He didn't want them to reach their full potential...that He didn't want them to be like Himself...and that the reason He made the rule about not eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was to hinder or hurt them. In a sense, Satan came against the very nature and character of God when he maligned Him by saying God did not want the best for them. The same thing is exactly what's happening to people today. Satan tells them, "If you follow God and don't experiment with all these things that are contrary to His Word, you'll never experience true happiness. Life will be boring...dead." The sad fact is that people experience after the fact that the drugs, alcohol, sex, rebellion, indulgence of self, success in jobs, and all the other things they tried didn't satisfy them. By the time they realize it, they've already destroyed their lives, their families, and their health.

The truth is that God is a good God, and His will for us is only good. But Satan uses the same temptations on us today that came against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, basically implying that God is not a good God. Those who have only a little understanding of the Bible could get that impression because there are instances in the Word where He treated people in harsh, cruel ways. In Numbers 15:32-36, a man picked up sticks on the Sabbath Day and was stoned to death for failing to observe the Sabbath. That sounds harsh, but there was a purpose behind such punishments, though it's not obvious to most people in a casual reading of Scripture. Careful study reveals that Old Testament Law was given to make the sin that we've committed become exceedingly sinful, as Paul says in Romans 7:13. The purpose was that people didn't realize how deadly their transgressions were and that they were an offense against God. They made the mistake of comparing among themselves and measuring their actions by what other people were doing.

If someone committed a sin and wasn't struck dead, they thought sin must not be so bad, and they lowered their standards. They had lost the true perspective on what right and wrong was. God had to bring mankind back to a plumb line, a proper standard of what right living was, so they would reject the devil and his temptations and recognize what the end result of wrong choices would be. Then when He did that, He had to enforce the Law He gave.

God did not give the Old Testament commandments for the purpose of saying, "Until you do all these things, I can't accept you or love you." That is not His nature or character. Rather, He gave them to make our sense of right and wrong more acute and to bring us back to the fact that we need a Savior. The problem has been that people thought God was demanding perfection before He could love them, which led to the attitude many have that His love for them is directly proportional to their performance. They feel that until they try to do everything exactly right, they will not be accepted by God, and that is not the message of the Bible.

God's heart is to reconcile mankind to Himself not to judge them...not to impute their sins...not to hold their sins against them. That's the heart of God for people in the Bible and also His heart for you today. You need to understand His real heart, that "God is love" (1 John 4:8). He seeks to take away your sins and anything that would separate you from Him. He's already done it through Jesus, and He's offering you relationship today, not based on your performance but on your faith and acceptance of Jesus bearing your sins. You can have relationship with God today regardless of the failures in your life. All He asks is that you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Thought of the Day

"People do not sin, thereby making them sinners. Rather, people are sinners and sin thereby."

- Alistair Begg


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone.

So far no snow or rain and I hope it waits till we get back home. Just two of us going to the vet as hubby isn't feeling all that well.I had better get a move on.
Say a wee prayer please that the operation goes well.

Joan thank you for breakfast.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  The cold has returned to Central PA.  I'm shivering and I'd rather not have to go out in it.  But Wally World calls and I must answer the call!

Amy, prayers and thoughts go with you and your doggie!  I hope everything goes according to plan and God is with you!

Sorry I didn't stop by to say Good Night last night.  I fell asleep watching TV and I woke up in "Zombieland".  It was all I could to to see that the doggies were out, in and settled and get myself ready for bed. 

I wish you all a good day.  Take it and make it as you like!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Bis getting the teck .is not the problem it is when he can fiend the time away from his on line job. he works at home on line,writing codes?

Amy glad you and your hubson has a good relation like you seam to have.
and you are as good of a sport as you seam to be. Have a great day today.

see you all later.



Good morning everyone, glad I woke early this morning. Gives me time to come here before getting ready to go out.

JOAN  sending my CNA to the market is something I can do when her talking gets on my nerves. It has taken awhile but she has learned to get exactly what I have on my list, no substitutes.

JUNE  my starter stopped working early in the mornings except for a few when it starts too early.

JANE  glad you found a contractor to do most all you want done in your house. Hope he does a great job for you.

PATRICIA  several years ago an orthopedic back doctor did the shots in my back but they never worked at all. He kept wanting to do surgery but I did not trust him for that. Other back doctors I went to either said I was too old and others said I could be in a wheelchair the rest of my life.

LLOYD  glad you found a good PC tech.

AMY  good luck today. I pray everything works right.

GLORIA de  I would go for the shots if they would last a few months. To go that long without the pain would be heaven. I did not watch the Oscars. Since I never get to see the new movies I have lost interest.

JOAN  sticky bun  waffles sound yummy and I know I will like them. Love those newspaper headlines. Thank you for today's goodies.

Have a good day everyone. I better get busy if I want to be ready when my ride gets here.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning, Amy.  I hope it doesn't start raining until after you are home.  I'll be praying that all goes well today at the vet.

Janie--Good morning.  I hope your day goes well.

Good morning, Lloyd.  I hope the tech will have the time to get to you.

Gloria--Good morning.  Sounds as if you have your CNA trained to do things the way you want.  Hope your outing goes well.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Gloria you got a date for breakfast or just looking for one. if we weren't so far away and $$ short Nancy would come take you out. sure wish we had a little jingle in our pocket or a good job to put some back in there. good luck and have a great day today.


Lloyd Hammond

Bis he took time and for now things seam to be working fine. If I could get my bode working as good. Thanks for all the help yo give us all and have a great day. I am going to go take my vitals and see if I am ready for the day. I have to go see the vampire after while.


Lloyd Hammond

I have a question for you all. How many of you have grands or great grands
live close enough to you to come often? also have you learned to like or tolerate
pepper pig? see you later.



Hi everyone on a beautiful, sunny and soon to be pretty warm day here in South Carolina.  We are headed up to 80 degrees today.  The men did get the house and fence pressure washed yesterday and I expect them back today to stain the back fence.  I will be gone all morning and until early afternoon.  At 10 am I have a cleaning appointment at the dentist and following that will stop at the Church for the Adult Fellowship monthly luncheon.  The speaker today will be talking about what is going on and is soon to happen in our little town.

Joan, I agree with you on the hospital phones being cumbersome and they never seem to be where they are reachable.  The only thing I worry about is someone stealing my iPhone or iPad so have a little cloth bag that I can put them in at night or when I have to leave the room for a test and at night put them under the sheet with me.  It may be a false sense of security but it makes me feel more secure.  Several years ago, right after the iPads came out, one of the hospitals in Atlanta was having a problem with them being stolen and even visitors were cautioned to be careful where the iPad was used.  However, the hospitals I have been in I usually have a private room so less danger.

Gloria, that is a long book.  I had no idea Hopalong Cassidy's life would be that interesting.  Our minister has quite a sense of humor and usually is able to get a laugh or two out of the congregation during his sermon as well as the children's sermon. I hope your appointment with the pain doctor is more successful today than the last one turned out to be.

Patricia, it is very interesting that your colder weather comes from British Columbia and not from Siberia.  You will have to test out Alexa.  I bet you will like it.  I use SIRI on my iPhone to set timers and alarms, to make calls to numbers I have in my phone and other uses. 

Amy, hope the vet appointment goes smoothly for you and your pet today.  Sorry that your husband isn't up to riding along with you. 

deAngel, I bet you didn't argue with them when they said you didn't need a Procrit shot. 

Lloyd, I have never lived where my grandchildren or great grandchildren could come and visit often.  What is pepper pig? 


Lloyd--All my grands live thousands of miles away, and I have no great grands.  Glad your computer is working fine.

Good morning, Larry.  I do exactly as you do with my devices when I am in the hospital.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Larry if your grand or greats lived close for regular visite you would have nowen
it is a child cartune show on T V for them. first thing the ask fo when they come
even before candy or cookies.



Good morning, Joan.  Thanks for the good breakfast choice this morning.  Something different.

It is a pretty sunny morning here in central Maryland, but the chilly temperatures are back again.  Our beautiful spring weather of last week didn't last long enough.  But, that was to be expected.  Old Man Winter isn't finished, yet, I am sure.  March can be a very cold month.

The Newspaper headlines were good. 

Nothing special going on today. I do play cards on Tuesday nights, so that is all that is going on today.

Hope everyone will have a good Tuesday.



Good morning, Joy.  The sun is in and out--can't decide what to do.  I saw those pancakes in an iHop commercial.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


So much I want to talk about & just can't because eyes are itching so bad.  Mary Ann & all that have old photos you aren't sure who some of the people are..... we have had family reunions that included grandchildren of our grandfather's brother who still lives in the area where they grew up.  He sent my brother a photo because his mother recognized the one child was my mother.  After I worked on the old photo with Paint Shop Pro, I found it was not just my mother, her twin sisters but also the baby sister that died when she was about 4 years old.  We had never seen a photo of her before, but she had on a dress & button shoes that matched her sisters.  We are all so grateful to have that photo & immediately sent e-mail to every cousin we could think of.  So, before disposing of old photos I would suggest seeing if a local (to that family growing up) museum that would accept them for anyone interested to go through & try to identify & copy.  Each photo may be a treasure to someone.

Amy, hugs & prayers for you & the pup, my heart goes out to you.

Larry, with all the trips to hospital that my husband made, he decided he didn't want to worry about phone or laptop with so many people in & out.  Good idea you had.  I always went to see him at least once or twice a day & took him treats &  he didn't hesitate using their phone.  He was a TV watcher so was happy with the service provided. 

Joan, I still have the Bumper Stickers (from day or so ago) on Word Pad to send my kids, thought they were a hoot... and also the one... "Lead your life so you won't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip". (Goes for selling your cell phone or computer, too

Lloyd, I do have grands & great grands that live close, but we all get together so often usually only my sons or daughter come by.  I have a gr-daughter working on a painting at my house but both of us have been sick off & on for a couple months so that is on hold.  The kids all call to make sure I am home since I get out & go a lot.  I grew up not far from you but have no clue what a "pepper pig" is.

Gloria, sorry those shots didn't work as well this time, also sorry no apples this year again.  Hope he doesn't cut all the trees down, I loved the photos & the joy when you were helping, felt like I was there.

June, glad those leg warmers are doing the job.  I had a pair a long time ago & they do make the whole body feel warmer, mine were also kind of a cable knit.  Good that you sent/are sending photos to a relative, bet you will get many thanks for thinking of them.

Joy, we had "almost summer" for a while, then cold winds & then back to chilly days with spring for the rest of the week.  Mighty confusing to trees & plants, but that pollen has filled the air awful early.  I can't believe that Ash Wednesday is TOMORROW already!  I just discovered a big rope garland on top of the hutch that I had missed with cleaning up Christmas decorations.   

Okay, Lloyd, now I understand about the Pepper Pig!   ;D

And now I better go shower & wash hair to get to the Cardio appointment on time.  Just routine because Medicare says "every 8 months check".  I don't make waves, just go when they say. 

Wishing all of you a happy day, one where you smile & just feel joy & love.  Shirley


Good Morning Everyone!

Lloyd I am fortunate, I have all my Children close by, two in Del Rio, which is 150 miles away, but in Texas miles not very far.  I have two three Granddaugters here in town and five greats here in town.  We see all of them on a regular basis and get to break bread with all of them on a regular basis.  I can say we have a very close family and all of us talk to each other on a regular basis.  Oh, I have my oldest daughter just down the street.  Bless her and her husband they watch over me and the wife and tote and carry for us.

Larry, theft in hospitals is pitiful.  My vascular guy told me they have to really careful with their valuables when they are doing operations.  He was robbed while doing an operation, someone got into their locker room and took everything, money, credit cards, everything.  So much for security.  I leave all my goodies at home, except for a few dollars.  Fortunately, with all my problems I have had to spend very little time in the hospital.  Thank you Lord.

Amy, you and your pet have my prayers.  May the good Lord guide the hands of your vet.

Dreary old day here this morning.  Warm, but humid.  I didn't stay awake for the weather last night so it is going to be a surprise whatever comes down the road.  My oak trees, Red Oaks, are leafing out, I don't mean buds, I mean leafs.  Seems just overnight.  And my neighbors down the street are fully leafed out.

I hope everyone has a great day.



Well Shirley, don't you and Lloyd keep it a secret, what is Peppered pig?

Jeanne Lee

It seems as though the Lord is stirring the weather pot.   ;D  It doesn't seem to be "normal" anywhere these days. 

We had expected the record warm temperatures of last week to drop by yesterday to record lows but today it's still way high - supposed to drop by about 30o tomorrow, and tomorrow night will be well below freezing again.  I'm sure glad God knows what He is doing, because I sure don't!   :lol:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Shirley--That sounds like an awful lot of w--- with the photos.  Is Peppa Pig a children's character?

halkel--You are VERY lucky to have so many family members living so close by.

Jeanne Lee--Your weather is sure fickle.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Jeanne Lee, Texas weather is as typical as can be, in my lifetime, anyhow.  Completely unpredictable.......I can remember as a kid running around with no shirt on and barefooted on Christmas day.  And other winters so cold it would freeze you to death.  Our spring this year is not unusual and we will get some cool/cold weather yet, maybe even a freeze.

Joanie, yes I am lucky.  Family wise I have always been lucky.  Family on both sides, Mother and Father have always been close.  And those of us remaining are still close.


Chia, thanks for the suggestion about losing my post, but both times I have lost them, I just had one or two more words to write.  I just hit the wrong button.

Lloyd, I have 3 grands and they all live at lest 600 to a 1000 miles away from NY. One is in Fla.next in Vt and Tenn. DIL in Mass. and Fla. that is all that is left of close relatives. near me.  By the way as of last month my g.son who almost a year ago had back surg. then in 3 different hospitals has learn to walk again. He is now out of the walker and using a cane   Thanks for your prays over the past years.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


DeAngel, I wasn't going to post at this time because my friend is picking me up in a few minutes but I have to say God has been good to your grandson.  I think about him when I pray but I've been afraid to ask.  I thought you would post good news when you could.  Thank you!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Good Morning all, It has been a busy morning on the computer. Had an early call from the gal in charge of our Clinic, saying my Dr. wants me to start a new medication. Seems I have Hypotremia, so of course I had to learn all about that.

I am expecting delivery of groceries today also. Hopefully they will come early for a change, I am usually on the tail end of delivery, and I happen to have two programs later this afternoon. Nothing life threatening, so I will remain composed. hahahahaha

Amy, I hope by now you and your beloved doggie are both safe and sound at home. I recall having to take Penny in for a dewclaw removal. She had the bandage off before I got the key in the car ignition.

Janie, Yes…what you said, I wish you all a good day.  Take it and make it as you like! It really is up to us as how we live our days. We can drag around like an old sour puss, or smile and be grateful for what we are.

Gloria, I too never watch the Oscars, as I never watch any movies. Hope you get good news today.

Lloyd,I rarely see any of my grands and Great grands. One group lives in Idaho, and the others are in their teens, and busy with their own lives…as I was when I was that age. Our high temp. will be 63..low of 45.

Lloyd, my son advised me to leave all my cash at home when being hospitalized. He said to take the medical information and any thing pertinent to the doctor. I MUST have my cell phone and charger, and now my lap top and cord. He also suggests a warm robe and favorite slippers.

Joy, I have two programs downstairs to attend, but I am stuck at home waiting for a grocery delivery. I am usually at the tag end of the route.

Tisie, the lady that appreciates the pictures is the great Grandaughter of my late beloved Uncle. She lives in Iowa, and we have never met, but she always keeps in touch and sends me news and pictures. A real sweetheart. I feel I have always known her.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

June Drabek

what a blessing...my groceries have arrived ! First time in years they have ever arrived this early..not even noon yet.The deliverer had the most beautiful dark brown, long curls..what all we girls would adore to have...he turned out to be a young man.Very polite and kind.

As long as we are here, let's dance.


halkel--I know you count your blessings.

Linsdancer--WONDERFUL news about your grandson.

Janie--Enjoy your time with your friend.

June--I couldn't find hypotremia but found hyponatremia. Is that the same thing?  Glad your grocery delivery was early.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well i hope this works ( a link) If it dose click on it and watch peppa pig untill your heart desires is complete.

It dose not come up as a link so coppoe and paste in search or go toyou tube and search.

Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation # 355

Lloyd Hammond

Peppa Pig English Episodes Compilation # 382

Lloyd Hammond

it is not working proper do not what I am not doing correctly.
