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Lauri's family

Owner: Beverly
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September 20, 2024, 09:30:06 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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MaryAnn, if Bubble bolds a link you have in a multiuse spot in your profile, it could mess it up for other uses. You could set up a pre-coded message box and save it perhaps in Notebook or wherever you prefer. That way you could have the link always included in your message box along with your other choices such as Bolding.

Mary Ann

Thanks, Patricia, that link is always on my posts and if changing it changes other things, I'll leave it as is.  I just wanted it more visible so others could see it.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann,  in the old, original version of Seniors & Friends, your link to Grand Haven, was much more visible than it is now. The size of the font was larger and I think it was in a blue color??  Not sure, but I think our regular posts in all the folders back then, were only in black??  Maybe the Grand Haven link was in black too, but there was something about it that made it stand out? I always noticed it, and was inclined to click on it and take a look, whereas it doesn't stand out now?   


MaryAnn, send me your code such as size and rather its bolded and I will show you how to fix your link


A little state's humor;

From Country Living Magazine

•Your know what Vernors is.
•You show people where you're from by pointing to your palm.
•You wear tennis shoes, not sneakers.

•You didn't know there was such a thing as "seasonal produce."
•You'd never use the words Cali or Frisco (or worse, San Fran).
•Earthquakes below a 5.0 on the Richter Scale barely faze you.

•You don't notice sweat.
•You dread bug season but you don't mind when a lizard gets indoors.
•You know a good parking spot involves shade, not proximity.

•It's no big deal to see a moose in your driveway or on Main Street.
•You've ever asked the question "the reds in yet?"
•You never had the day off school because of snow.

Mary Ann

Patricia, if you mean the code that Larry told how to do, I don't.  I highlight the copy, go to B, highlight the copy, go to size (4), highlight the copy and go to color (blue).  I think you're right about an earlier time when it was darker and more obvious. 

The cat and I just had a catnap.  Kendrick is still there.

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, your coding is [ B]  [size=4 ] [color=blue ] Remember to remove all spaces when coding and there is no need to highlight your code. Just put in bold, size and color, then message or link then post.


Mary Ann

Thanks, Patricia, I'll work on it Friday when I have more time. 

Tom had a long day so we went to Russ' for supper.  I had a roast beef sandwich.  At this time of night it is hard to see the ships, although at times, I have looked for them.  Just not tonight.

I must call Dot tonight or tomorrow to tell her I won't be going to church Sunday as we will leave for Portland MI at the time church would be over.  I hope my friends at church don't think I am ill because I'm not - at least not yet. 

Mary Ann


Good morning!  The sun is shinning and we are to have a nice weather day....YIPPEE💐💐

I am feeling so sad and sorry for you this morning JANE, after reading about your Annie 🦋. HUGS 🙏

MARY ANN, I know Dot will miss you not being there for church and your meal together on Sunday.

Son Brian has just landed in Phoenix.  He is going to visit my Dad this morning and then he spends time with his best childhood friend.

Bob had a nice Birthday.  Nothing too exciting.  Brian spent most of the day with us and we enjoyed a nice Bday lunch.  He always helps us with many things when he comes over and we appreciate him so much❣️  I have been having some issues with my iPhone and he was working on it......moral of the story is that it is old and very slow and he would like me to replace it.  We are thinking about it but the things are so darned expensive😤🤬

I wish you ALL a good day. 
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Mary Ann

Jenny, I am glad Bob had a good birthday.  It's nice to be able to spread it around and not have everything on the same day.

We are having a nice sunny day and I enjoy it, even sitting inside. 

Tom is home for a couple of hours before he heads for Holland. 

Kendrick just came into the room, probably from sleeping in the living room or on my bed.  He has beds in a couple of places, but sleeps wherever and whenever he wants.  I think he'll finally settle in his bed in this room. 

Tom just got a new IPhone and got such a good deal he could not refuse.  By turning in his old phone, he got a good deal.  It has all of the bells and whistles of his old one except he can't write on the screen but he said he seldom used that feature.  I don't have such a fancy phone so I barely know what he's talking about!

Mary Ann


Jenny - Sounds like you had a nice visit with Brian. Is he the son with the Labradoddle?  Our son and DL, have a young Labrador Retriever, who is now about 9 months old, and is still very much a puppy.  This is their third Lab . . .  first was a yellow, then a chocolate, and now a black. That's nice that Brian, went to visit your Dad while he was in Phoenix.

Mary Ann - Our temps have cooled down the past couple of days, but expected to move back up into the 70's tomorrow and throughout next week.  That probably sounds good to you, but we're all tired of the warm weather, and would like to see some rain!!  I know I will be complaining when it turns cold.  I love rain, but can't seem to get warm anymore, when the temperature drops.  This old house is drafty, and the furnace doesn't do a good job of keeping things warm.  Also the old single pane windows, let in a lot of cold.  I know you're looking forward to you trip to Portland, on Sunday.  I hope the weather stays warm and clear for the drive. 

Mary Ann

Marilyn, many years before he died, my dad had our house insulated, I think by having it blown in.  That house was so warm, but not too warm.  We had a converted gas heater in it and registers in the walls.  I would sit in the living room NE corner and I would set the thermostat at 65 degrees and I was very comfortable.  We had single pane windows too (that house is nearly 93 years old).  If you think you will stay in that house for several years yet, it might pay to have the place insulated.  It would help in the summer with air conditioning too.  I lived in that house 50 years and sometimes wish I still owned it, however, the stairs would do me in.  Our house was two-level, not bi-level as yours is. 

Yes, I'm looking forward to Sunday when we will meet the new baby boy.  I'm also waiting for around the 20th when the other boy is to be born.  Four years ago we were expecting one baby to be born and by March, we will have had six children born.  All Norm's great-grandchildren.  Dot has five greats and she enjoys Norm's so she's a GREAT! grandma. 

In Soda Shoppe, we're mourning with JaneS who was putting her Scottie Annie Laurie down today. 

Mary Ann


...please check your emails as a card has been sent to Bob by me, ( Jacquie Lawson ) apologies as a day late...

Mary Ann

At 10 am, I'm up.  And that's about all I can say.  Nothing wrong; I'm just not wide awake enough to be logical.  I have showered and shampooed so that is done.  I'll get dressed in due time.  It looks like we'll have a nice day today, also tomorrow when we go to Portland to meet Paula and her family, especially Connor James, who is a month old.  It also will be Paula's birthday.

Mary Ann


 MARY ANN - Good Morning to you. Looks like just the two of us, again today! ??? I got out my trusty Road Atlas, to see where Portland, is in Michigan, and finally found that it's fairly close to GR!  Because of the name, I was thinking it would be a "Port" city, somewhere right on the Lake.  So it will be a nice drive for you, and I'm hoping the weather will be sunny.  I can see that your family and extended family,  definitely runs to boys!  Of course the twins are an exception, and Annie, and maybe a few others that I don't know about.    I will visit Soda Shoppe today, and leave a message for JaneS.  I know how depressed she must be feeling today. 

JACKIE - I see your message to Jenny.  Those Jacquie Lawson cards are so cleverly done.  I'm sure Bob will be happy to get one!  I hope you've been feeling better in recent weeks? 

Mary Ann

Marilyn, I'll list them to see how many girls and boys we have, starting with Norm's sons - Tim, Tom and Terry.
Tim has two girls (Paula is one), Tom a girl (Annie) and a boy (James), Terry a boy (Geoff) and a girl (Erin).
Paula has a girl (Avery) and a boy (Connor), James has two girls (Jo and Ellie), Geoff has a boy (Isaiah) and a boy on the way.

So - boys 11, girls 7.

We  have no contact with Tim's second daughter and she is not married. Annie is not married and she'd better not get pregnant living with her SO.  Erin and her SO live together and will marry in a couple of years.  Both Annie and Erin have expressed the wish to have NO children.  But I think 18 descents for Norm is great!   And I get to love them all!

Mary Ann


Mary Ann = I guess was mistaken.  Although there are more boys than girls in your family, it's not as high of a number as I thought. I guess that Annie, and Eleanor and Johanna, are the girls that you see most often, so, so those are the only ones I hear about.  I didn't realize that Terry, had two girls. 

Tonight we're going out to dinner with Brad and Jackie, at a nice Italian restaurant here in town called Little Aldo's. There's also an Original Aldo's, in Santa Cruz, overlooking the beach.  The one here in town is quite popular, and usually crowded, so I hope we don't have to wait long for a table.  (No reservations).  Nothing else going on this weekend of any interest.  I mostly did washing today, and hung a few items outside on the one single  clothesline.  It's such a warm sunny  day and I thought it would be nice to have that scent of fresh air and sunshine on the clothes.

Mary Ann

Marilyn, it was Tim who had two girls.  You're right, I see James and Annie most often, so that is why you hear about them most. 

The best laid plans were changed again and after tomorrow they can't be changed again.  Anyway, tomorrow instead of going to Portland, Paula and family are coming to Grand Rapids where we will eat at Kitchen 67, a place I've never heard of, let alone been to!  Tom sent me the menu and it is not a cheap eatery.  There might be 14-15 people there including kids.  I don't know the reason for the change unless it was a lack of places to eat in Portland.  Portland is not a big city but I thought they'd have something and I'm sure there is something open on Sunday.  Being in GR, Dot can go and she's delighted.  This restaurant is about three miles south of where we live.

I hope you don't have to wait long at Little Aldo's; I hate waiting in a restaurant (I hate waiting too long anytime).  Jan has made all our arrangements so I think she has made reservations, especially with that many people.

I hate it getting dark so early, not because I want to go out, but I can't watch the ships after 5:30 (at 5:50 pm it is already too dark).  Otherwise, the dark does not bother me - morning or night.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann

If anyone would like to chat with Western Joan, she is posting only in "Other Medical Conditions".  She is getting along well and doesn't have any condition to chat about, but she said some time ago that was the only place she would post.  So when I see her name in that folder, I go in to chat, nothing serious, but to keep in contact.

I sent a message to Pat Hanna the other day but I have not heard back.  I am sure she is busy but I hope she'll come in here some day.  I would like it if others would contact her too and I have her/his e-mail address for anyone.

Mary Ann


Good afternoon from the Interior at 2:32 my time, and we never did receive the hurricane-force gusts of winds nor the four to eight inches of snow. Thursday we did have enough breeze to clean the trees.  Friday afternoon we had sleet and blowing snow but all of that's gone now and no new weather advisory. The weather report says we're at plus nine with an earlier low of plus one. It stated dry conditions will not change in the foreseeable future.

I finished my box delivery to my last remaining guy today, (First and third Saturdays); and finalized my trip details to audit some University classes starting Monday. I called Claire to confirm to the right date!  ;)  I have a hair cut and an apartment safety inspection on the 20th and a household inspection on the 30th. The remaining one will be structural and I haven't been notified for that one yet.

 There are three by yearly inspections that are calibrated by your move-in date. I moved here in December 2013, so my appointments are generally in June and December. I also need a checkup for Farrah in December and a dental for her in January. So far, she's fine although no further weight loss after the 2.5. She's right at 13 lbs and still having Iams indoor weight loss kibble of 1/2 cup daily. She always leaves 3-4 pieces of kibble, and I just dump it on top of the new kibble.

I was sorry to hear of Jane's loss. I know losing a pet is hard.

MaryAnn, enjoy your trip to see Paula and the new baby! It will be easier for both you and Dot this way. Give my regards to Joan and I do have Larry's email which is probably the same as Pat's? Let me know if not.

Hi Marilyne!


Patricia - I was just going to mention that we hadn't heard from you in a couple of days.  Looks like you've been busy with your box deliveries.  I remember once before, you mentioning your three-times-a-year apartment inspections.  I've forgotten how extensive they are?  Not "white glove" I hope?

Mary Ann - I occasionally exchange messages with Western Joan, on Facebook. I would rather chat with her here in S&F, so I'll check out the "Other Medical Conditions" folder.   

Mary Ann

Patricia, I have sent Pat Hanna's e-mail to her via Larry's e-mail.  She did respond the first time.  I am sure she and/or they are busy finalizing things.

I don't measure Kendrick's kibble, but he always leaves some.  I got him a different kind recently because I don't want to feed him the same thing forever.  I do stick with Purina, however.  When I renew it at night, he's always anxious for it.

If we had gone to Portland, Dot would not have gone.  She has so much pain in her hips and a long drive like that would have been too much.  I've offered her the front seat when Tom drives but she says that makes no difference.  And Tom and I will be picking her up tomorrow.  She loves Norm's greats almost as much as she loves her own. 

Mary Ann


Farrah's 1/2 cup of Iams diet kibble was a real change from tuna, lots of daily cats treats, and an unending supply of commercial cat food that was loaded with fat and chemicals. She was overweight and hard to pick up with no inclination to play or exercise. Now she's back to playing and is a lot lighter.

We have three by yearly inspections. One is housekeeping; one is structural such as damages, leaks, lights out, etc. The last is safety, which is replacing the fire extinguisher, checking that the house intercom works, vents clean and clear, fire/smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Plus that the door to the balcony isn't blocked, and no excess junk is on the balcony — those types of inspections.

 I don't think it's white-glove as she spins through the four rooms, two hallways and four walkin closets and back out again in only a few moments. There are 196 one-bedroom apartments, eight studios, and seven efficiencies so, inspections go on all year for the manager. I know we have a waiting list, and no apartment is empty for long.


Another day nearly over...they just pass much too quickly 💥💥

Brian and my dad had a wonderful 3 1/2  hour visit together yesterday....I could not help but be melancholy as I thought of them being together❣️

This afternoon we went to our granddaughters choral concert and I loved it.  It was all day choral gathering for the feeder elementary schools, middle and high school.  it was so much better than it could have been....just love seeing young people doing something that they love so much.  I will always have a special place in my heart for organized singing groups as I was involved in many during my younger years.

MARY ANN, I do hope you are sleeping well tonight so you will be ready to join the family tomorrow at the gathering.  I know the confusion of the location changing is a bit stressful but I am happy that Dot can now join in also.  Enjoy🥰

PATRICIA, happy you finished the last delivery and now you ca; prepare for the up coming inspection.  I hope they do not make you do too much to be ready for them!

MARILYNE, I hope you and AJ enjoy your meal out tonight with Brad and Jackie.  Also hope you did not have to wait at all to get in!  I love the smell of anything that is dried outside on a clothes line. 😍. We decided to go out tonight for a nice meal.  We have not had prime rib in a VERY LONG time and we have been told that a place called Duke's is a good place to go.  Well, it was very disappointing....too much fat and to be honest too tough for me.....I brought pretty much all of it home minus the fat I had cut off and a burned crisp edge....I asked for the piece to be rare...it had pink but was not rare enough for me!  We enjoyed a nice time together in spite of it😘. BTW, Jackie's Birthday message to Bob was very nice....like they always are, the Lawson Cards....but this one was very fitting for Bob and he appreciated the kinds words she included....Thank you, Jackie❣️

Also need to answer a previous question from you, MARILYNE.  YES, Brian does have a Australia Labradoodle as do Dave and Michele.  They are both considered miniatures but Brian's Oliver is nearly 10# heavier than Lola is.  Lola is very fine boned and Oliver is as trim as can be but very muscular as he walks and climbs a lot with Brian.  I bet  your son and DIL's little 9 month old lab is a cutie.....our sons have had several labs over the years and I have a special love for a lab. Dave had two yellow labs, Mark has had 4 yellows and Brian had a black... they were all very special doggies. 

OK, I must head off to bed....pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good Sunday morning.  A little cloudy right now, and still cold. 

I have had a couple very lazy days, and not sleeping very well.  Although, last night I did sleep better and I feel a little more rested this morning.  Nothing much going on today.

Tomorrow, I have an early appointment to have the stitches taken out.  I also plan to get my hair done in the afternoon. That should boost my spirits a lot.  Tues, I am meeting up with some family to go out for lunch. We used to get together a  lot for lunch, but it doesn't happen very often anymore. We are all getting older and several of them don't like to drive very far anymore.  Not sure what the plans are yet as to where we will go.  Since one of my DIL's has retired, she will be going with us.   It will be nice to get together.

Too early for any kind of special news, so I will just say I hope everyone will have a good day and keep warm.


Mary Ann

Joy, I didn't sleep well either.  It wasn't that my brain was on overload, I just could not get to sleep.  I'd lie there with my eyes wide open and ready for anything.  I got up twice during the night and came in here so I have done most of my extra computer things but I knew there would be no conversations.  My legs bother me sometimes and last night was one of those nights.  It isn't restless leg but some sort of neuropathy.  Norm had it bad, continually, but mine is obstinate in that during the day it's ok and does not bother me, but some nights my legs and feet really let me have it.   And I get up!

We finally are going to get together with other nearby family members to celebrate Paula's birthday and meet their new boy who is now a month old, name Connor James.  There will be eleven adults and four children, counting the baby - one nearly four year old, two nearly three year olds.  The grow so quick. 

Radar shows no rain or snow on the horizon and it looks as if the sun is trying to shine.

Mary Ann


JOY and MARY ANN - Add me to the list of non-sleepers last night!  Most nights, I just can't get comfortable, and seem to be moving constantly.  I remember my Dad used to to say, "I slept like a top . . . I spun all night". 

JOY, I know you'll be happy to get those stitches out tomorrow, and then get your hair done.  I had my hair cut on Friday, so I don't look as shaggy and wild.  Josie, my hairdresser of the past 20 years, got it a little too short this time, but that's probably a good thing.  It grows so fast, and I have a hard time taming those split ends, that are now more like an overall frizz.

MARY ANN - I got up at 3:45, and started watching the Marine City cam.  The Edwin  H Gott, was on camera, and looking beautiful in the early morning light.  Of course it was  6:45 there, so lots of chat going on that was quite interesting.  I almost joined in, but decided not to. Apparently, a lot of those people "meet" in chat most mornings, and watch the sunrise at about 7:00 there.  It was very pretty, with the first rays of sun on the water.  I know you'll have a great time today with members of your family that you don't see as often. Enjoy those little ones!  I would love to hold a tiny baby and watch those toddlers running around and playing.


Marilyne, had a terrific visit with my daughter yesterday.  We didn't do anything spectacular, but it was like reconnecting because I had been sick for over a week, and would not let her visit, as I was contagious (strep throat). So we hadn't seen each other for 2 whole weeks; lots of hugging and kissing taking placce :smitten: We just took my newspapers to the recycle bin, then got her a tank of gasoline.  Our meal this time, instead of going out, was home cooked.  I had made a giant pot of the 15 bean "soup" for lack of better term; with pork neck bones, cooked them all up and de-boned them, with just the meat in the beans.  So good, and I made corn muffins to accompany! :thumbup:  this part is funny, to me at least.  Had a bit of the muffin batter left over, not enough to bake another pan for just one or two muffins.  So I refrigerated the batter.  This morning I added a little milk, stirred it up, poured into a buttered skillet, and made "corn cakes".  Probably not something strange to folks here, but I'd never done it.  Dusted them with cinnamon and sugar, and wow, I liked that!  Guess you could put syrup like regular pancakes, but I didnt want anything that sweet.  Ah, me, the ramifications of being a tightwad and not willing to waste food!  A lot of food gets wasted here, accidentally, because I forgot I have it (usually fresh veggies). Oh, well, have a good Sunday.  Football games will soon begin on TV.  I might watch the Cowboy game, but would prefer to see the Patriots play, if they're on today.  It's nice and chilly here, but bright sunshine, and headed toward 50, with no wind to speak of.  Have a good rest of your Sunday. 

Mary Ann

Our party is over and I think we all had a good time.  I know there were four children including the baby.  I'll have to count the adults - 12 so 16 in all.  I had a prime rib dip with broccoli.  Things were pricey, but the food and company were good.  The baby is darling, as al babies are, and looks like his dad.  I called the baby the "little surprise" baby, since she was four months along before she found out why she did not feel good.

I did not go to church this morning but Dot thinking of the change from Portland to Grand Rapids, expected me to go.  She stopped and waited for me for a few minutes.

Nothing else going on.  We picked up Dot and I have an idea she has gone to nap.  So I am going to nap too.

Mary Ann


...quoting: " I hope you've been feeling better in recent weeks? "

Well no, i am still by myself, i still cry every day since 11th April, although i have now learnt that at the end of the day, no one will help me so I am placing my trust in the one person who i can trust who will help me, and that is our God...
When one cries out for help and you are abandoned, no human beings will come, so the only person - persons to trust to come to my help is our " Jesus and God "...i wont be let down as long as i place my trust and faith in Jesus and God's comfort arms and guidance....

...I still hold fond memories of the day myself and Richard met you and Bob in London's Regent Park for that coffee..Do you remember we met up outside Baker Street tube train station then walked the short distance to the famous London park..It was our once only chance meeting we just couldn't miss this opportunity...