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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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September 20, 2024, 09:30:00 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Has anyone used - or know about - the companies that deliver groceries after ordering on-line?  I can use Shipt for my preferred grocery store but it won't let me look at details until I register.  I realize I could cancel at any point but would prefer to have comment(s) from someone before I try.


Callie, many of those companies don't ship to Alaska. However, I have friends in Idaho and Texas who've tried different food box companies and didn't last long due to a variety of woes from changing prices to changing ordered foods to sometimes spoiled foods in supposedly sealed packages. Many now say it was a fad purchase.

The stores that deliver groceries have a better track record as they're local and depend on your reviews. I sometimes order from the local store here, and my only issue isn't the store but security in my building. Often, they may not call to let me know an order is in as promptly as I would prefer.

 Security/maintenance has an office by the locked entrance that all deliveries and mail go to, and they are supposed to call us then to come and pick up or make arrangements for building staff to deliver. That doesn't always happen as promptly as promised.

Mary Ann

I've been playing with Kendrick and he likes it.  Annie gave him a plastic stocking with some toys in it (balls and similar).  Some of the balls look as if they are made of tinsel and I hesitate to have him play with that in case he might try to chew on it; they all have catnip in them.  The first thing I gave him was one of the tinsel balls and he got along fine with it, batting it from one end of the room to the other.  I then gave him a red plastic ball with a bell.  He wasn't so enthusiastic about that, but I'll go back later to see if I can get some activity from him.  If I leave the  room, he follows me. 

Some of our Meijer stores deliver and they use Shipt, however, we do not order from Meijer.  I was going to Family Fare when Tom joined me.  He was a Meijer "fan" but he went to FF for me and they offered online shopping where we pick foods from a site, then Tom picks up the order.  I think in the few years we've gotten groceries that way, we have had only one bundle of asparagus that was not to our liking.  Recently, I ordered a couple packages of cookies.  They did not have the size package I wanted, so subbed with smaller packages so I had about the same amount.  They were the same cookies.  Tom has gotten to know the girls who do the shopping and he's a "people person" so I think we get preferential treatment!

Jean, my cherry bedroom furniture is dark but I also have some light cherry furniture in the living room - desk, oval marbletop, end table, cabinet - and it is called Buckwheat Honey; I just love it.  It is more traditional style.

Jean, do your goldfinch wear their bright yellow feathers in Florida? 

Knowing what can happen with meds, no wonder doctors want us to bring the meds or a list of meds when we visit each time. 

Mary Ann


Patricia and Mary Ann,  thanks for the comments.

Patricia, a friend orders prepared dinners shipped from one of those "mail order" companies and loves it.  I don't need nor do I want to use that kind of service.

Don't really "need" to order from the grocery store because it's just a mile from my house and, up until this eye issue I came home with, I have never had a problem going.  My eye is much better but I'm not yet confident about maneuvering the parking lot and  a cart down the aisles. 
Store began using Shipt last year so I thought I might try it - at least once. My pharmacy also uses Shipt to deliver -as do several other local stores I use.

Never have - and still don't - feel sick but family has been "threatening" to bodily put me in the car and take me to the doctor. I finally gave in and made an appointment with my favorite P.A. for tomorrow afternoon to see what's going on. Son will take me and either I'll be able to say "Told you there was nothing that could be done" or he will be able to say, "Told you so..."  :)

Either way,  grocery store is between here an doctor's office so I'll ask him to stop by on the way home. 


Sorry to hear that Bubble is unwell. I do hope she feels better quickly.

Callie, I haven't used any of the grocery delivery offers yet, but my neighbor next door sometimes used PeaPod thru the Giant Food Store. My sister is or was using one of those outfits offering complete meals. She liked it, but if I remembering correctly she was dropping it not because she didn't like the meal offerings, but because the delivery person kept delivery the package to a house up the street. Apparently the delivery person has trouble with house numbers. At any rate, she hasn't told me lately about the meals she ordered or made from them so I assume she did drop it. BTW, I am glad to hear your eye is much improved and hope it continues to improve.

Patricia, et. al. I broke down and ordered one of those mini-drones that changes direction when it comes near something. Assuming Shan is not put off by the buzzy noise, I expect he will go nuts over it. I got one with the blades completely encased in case he actually catches it. I doubt Lucy and Oscar will do anything other than watch it.


Callie, for a while I was ordering my groceries from Weis,  which is a company out of Pa.  And, they use Shipt for their delivery service. Shipt also delivers for Target, also.  I paid an annual fee of $99, which I was ok with.  However, one delivery I had the cash register receipt was left in the one of the bags. I noticed that it was a different amount from what I had paid.  I called up about it and was told that they don't give the sale price on items that are supposed to be on sale. I questioned why, and they told me that the extra is used to pay their delivery people and any other charges that occur. That really did not set good with me.  I had bought several items that had the sale price prnted right on the package, but I was charged more.  And, the difference was almost $10,  When the year was up, I cancelled the service.  I had no problem with any of the delivery people.  Mostly were young mothers working while the children were in school. They were all very nice and polite. But, after paying the $99 fee I didn't think that was right.  Now, I  order from Walmart and , my  DI L picks u[  ,my order.  I don't particularly  like Walmart's  produce but I do get some produce there/  If I get out to shop, I can usually pick up some produce at another store.



Thanks, Joy. A few of the comments about pricing on Shipt's web site didn't set well with me. I appreciate your input.

Mary Ann

Joy, that is a shame they did not honor the sale price.  Family Fare does, however, the difference is that we pick up our groceries, they are not delivered.  Oh, one time we did get something delivered but it was because an item had been left out of the bag.  Tom called about it and within a short time, a man brought it to our door.  I don't remember what happened but it was taken care of in short order.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann, the Goldfinch was a bright yellow so I'm sure it was a male.  I'm not sure I've seen cherry stained that shade  I think I will look on google to see if I recognize it. We have a very nice tall curio cabinet we bought some years ago.  Our living room lamp tables and coffee table are dark mahogany and we thought the curio cabinet was also but when it was delivered it was stamped on the back cherry wood.  The only type of wood I easily recognize is oak because of the grain of the wood.

Mary Ann

Jean, when I bought this condo, it was a shell.  The developer gave me three cupboard doors to choose from for the kitchen - light oak, stained dark cherry and stained mahogany.  Tom was living with me at the time (before he was married) and we both liked the light oak so that is what we have today.  To me it is more natural looking than the stained woods.  My dining room table  is dark, but I think it might be dark cherry.  I've had the pieces so long, I really don't remember.  I have only a few pieces of furniture that go back to my parents.

Mary Ann


I have three pieces of wooden furniture from G Plan ( British brand ) that you cant get today apart from armchairs and sofas, they are still making these...These pieces were bought by myself and Richard when we were setting up our forever home back in Bedfordshire 18 plus years ago, these are the pieces that will move with me to wherever my next home will be, these pieces will never be dated, they are solid built, the type of furniture one cant get today apart from auction pieces...I am angry with myself that we got rid of our matching oval G Plan coffee table-nest of three stackable side tables, dining table, been looking to see if i can get hold of the same ones today but i cant find them...i am now beating myself up that we-i  left them behind to be collected and taken away, i so wish i had brought them with me, they are a darkish - mid  brown, think a mahogany...solid matching dining-living room tv cabinet- tall double drinks, glass cabinet- four drawer sideboard with side cabinets...G Plan is-was one of the best now antique furniture makers, built to last unlike the cheap flimsy stuff of today......

Mary Ann

Jackie, I know what you mean - because I didn't dust it, my dad gave our dining room table to the Salvation Army.  Now I wish I had it.  I have no idea as to quality, but it was a butterfly/drop leaf table, different from anything you see today.  Dad also got rid of his bed because a panel dropped and I wish I had that.  I see new beds in pictures that are very similar.  Fortunately, I am happy with what I have, but - if wishes were horses beggars could ride.  Or something to that effect.  I do still have my mother's dresser, part of the set, and Dad's chest, not part of the set.

Mary Ann



Good morning, Bait and Tacklers.  It's another chilly morning here in Auburn, Alabama, but should warm up a bit later on today.  I'm not dressed for outside walking yet, but plan to do that soon.

I hope everyone looking in is comfortable and has a nice day planned.  I'm hoping to get some laundry done and to spend the afternoon reading. 

Have a nice day, Every One!

Mary Ann

MarsGal, I shouldn't admit this, but I haven't followed Space regularly since the days of Echo, Sputnik etc.  We used to go to our back yard at home and the front yard at the cottage, lie on our backs and watch for the satellites to pass over.  We knew the times they would return and go out again.  Those were the days when there were no neighborhood lights to interfere, days when we could see the Milky Way.  My dad was interested in science and I went along with his interest.  But they put in street lights at home, Dad died, I sold the cottage and house and I moved twice and have too many outside lights in the area and have forgotten about all of that.  It was fun while it lasted.

Mary Ann


MarGal - That is exciting news about the discovery of a new planet, that is much like Earth!  How great that would be if it could be developed and settled, some day - which I realize would be hundreds? of years from now.  Maybe sooner, as this old Earth, is quickly becoming uninhabitable.  Too many people, and not enough resources, plus all of us ruining the oceans and water sources. Well, we won't be around to see it, but I hope for the best for the future.

Mary Ann - I remember the days too, when we could sit outside at night, and see the Milky Way, as well as the different planets and configurations of stars.  Not possible now, unless you happen to be somewhere on a clear night, with no lights.    Well, at least we can say we enjoyed such things in our younger days, but sad that our family members will likely never have that pleasure.

I have very few pieces of furniture that could be considered valuable.  We have one antique table that we inherited from AJ's parents, that had belonged to his grandparents.  It's a round dining table, with solid oak top.  The base is an interesting Mission Oak style, that's difficult to describe.  No matching chairs, so we have oak chairs that we bought, but really don't do the table justice.  No matter, because none of our adult kids or grands will ever want it.  It's a difficult piece to move, even a few inches, because the solid oak top is so extremely  heavy.  I don't remember how we ever got it upstairs here and into our dining area?  We must have brought it around the side of the yard and through the kitchen, but It's been so long ago, that I've forgotten.

Well,  guess it's time to get dressed and start the day.  Already almost 10:00 here, and I haven't accomplished anything.


MarsGal, while that was exciting to read about the possibly habitable planet and also the three others further out, I had reservations. Since I tend to be more pragmatic, I thought first that it reminded me of the old world eying the new world back in Columbus's day. The race to colonize and bring back its treasures as well as impose their values on any original inhabitants never ended, no matter the continent or discovery.

My second thought was the inevitable conflict between different types of settlers. We don't have a good record as humans, do we? Then, of course, we might be Davids to alien Goliaths. In any case, this will provoke controversy.


Don't forget to check  https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html  once in a while. Like Space/NASA or not there are often beautiful images there. There is a forward or backward symbol at the bottom of the page to easily see the older or newer pics.



Wow, Rick! Great photos and site!


Yes, Rammel, they are lovely pix. I used to pull pix off of the Chandra site for my computer background. Lately, I've been using more Earth based photos. This month is one of a penguin on ice (think it is one of those that MS has in their freebie art selection) and the other is a lighthouse surrounded by ice and a faint aurora in the background. Auroras are the other giant collection of art I have saved.

Patricia, I'm with you there. I am both excited by and feel some dread for what how the future will turn out, here and off world. At any rate, in a future life I expect to be on Mars and eventually beyond. How is that for optimism! Unfortunately  I see we are likely heading for problems on the moon or over the moon. Mars wont be far behind.


Here is another earthly reason why I'm pessimistic. Precious few want to admit to climate change and give up support and cash by lobbyists even while it's both irrefutable, and we're way past the middle of results. It is not when but too late now.

The other reason is that even while publicly denying it, Nations are jockeying to take advantage of its effects and in a worsening way. The ice has melted and disappeared for many years now around the North Pole. And there are several available videos and or satellite images of US, Russian, South American, and Scandinavian military and research ships, to name just a few,  searching for natural gas reserves and other supplies to collect in a very delicate area.

Do we actually believe space exploration will be different?


Mary Ann

Patricia, I like Maxine!  Thanks for posting the pictures.

Marilyn, my furniture that I value is only valuable to me.  They may be antiques because of age, but not of value to anyone else.  I have written about the older pieces so the family will know from whence it came.  But they have their own furniture now and have no interest in what I have.  I have a chest I think was made by my great-grandfather Lydolf - at least his name is on the back or it could have been made by my grandfather Tock.  I have been very proud and happy to have furniture made by my ancestors and maybe some day the younger generation will feel the same way when I am gone.

Today I had a "full body scan", actually of my back to check for any basal cell cancer in the beginning stages.  All was clear and they want me to come back in six months.  I wonder if this is a new trend; Tom thinks it is a scam to get more money from the insurance companies.  I don't know and I'll go again in six months, but I don't know that I want to do that twice a year the rest of my life.  Younger people may not mind and if they're sun worshipers, it might be a good idea.

Robin was here this afternoon and did her usual good job.  I have to laugh, however, because she doesn't always put things away.  I found furniture polish in my bedroom so I left it there and told her about it today.  She knew she had left it there because she was the one who used it! I hope I gave her a gentle hint; she really does more than I ever heard of.

Now I'll see about getting something to eat.

Mary Ann


This hasn't been the best of days for me but I wanted to at least check in.

There are still places in Vermont where you can see the Milky Way, etc. When we lived in Oklahoma and did a lot of night driving I loved to watch the sky full of stars and an occasional shooting star. We aren't close to any city here in Florida so the night sky is still pretty, dotted with an occasional plane going by.  :)

Hope everyone has a good night

Mary Ann

Beverly, I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Mary Ann


Good evening.  It was a busy day here of taking down all of our Christmas decorations.  We got rid of a lot of things and managed to get all of the needed stuff in one fairly large box.  I bought some green/red containers to store these things in but they just did not fit well, so back to the box.  We cleaned up, meaning vacuuming all of the sparkling stuff up, dusting etc.  Then I ran out of steam, so I will finish tomorrow by getting the regular things brought back out to the rooms.  It sure looks bare in here tonight!

BEVERLY, I do hope tomorrow will be a better day for you also.

BUBBLE, I hope you are starting to feel much better as well. 

MARY AÑÑ, happy to read that your scan today was found to be clear. 

We really do not have any antiques per se, but I do have a couple of pieces of furniture that are quite old and in excellent condition.  Doesn't matter, no one wants them anyway😢😘 We have 2 grandfather clocks as well as three wall clocks and a couple of coo-coo clocks that we brought back from Germany nearly fifty years ago, and still no one wants them.  I have German China and crystal as well as many crystal accompanying dishes, and there is no need for any of these either!  I have a house full of "stuff" and no one wants it.....no wonder I am so depressed about the need to downsize and rid myself of all of this stuff!!

As you can tell I am not in the best of spirits tonight.....the upsetting news about the attack on our military bases in Iraq.

Have a good evening.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


" no wonder I am so depressed about the need to downsize and rid myself of all of this stuff!! "

...then dont get rid of your stuff if and when you downsize...i do understand we might not fit everything we have in but, do think twice before you part with stuff as once it has gone it has gone, sentimental value...I do have regrets now i got rid of the good quality stuff that have precious memories to me and furniture that my Richard once paid for only for it to be replaced by more modern furniture which holds no precious meaning....


Patricia, you are so right. When I checked out the reasons for Pres. Trump wanting to buy Greenland, on the surface a rather strange desire, I discovered that both China and Russia have a foothold in the country. Russia has a big communications outfit there but I forget what China is doing in Greenland just now. Even though they are not one of the countries abutting the Arctic Circle, they have connived their way into a seat on the UN arctic counsel or whatever they call the committee. Here is one of the articles about China's Arctic policy. https://warontherocks.com/2019/05/chinas-multifaceted-arctic-strategy/ We are sure to see growing concern over national security as well as trade and exploration competition in the region. I wonder how Canada is taking all of this. Think I will go look it up in a bit.

Unfortunately, humans nature pretty much dictates that we will take all our baggage with us to the planets and beyond, the good and the bad. Okay, this kind of reminds me that we are just remembering the theme music to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in the Just Plain Music discussion. This all, of course, depends on whether or not we blow ourselves up before getting solid foothold out there. I am keeping an eye on the growing competition for the moon's resources as various countries try to plant their flags their to claim territory. The UN does have some kind of Moon treaty or policy in place and has had for quite a while. I expect it will be regularly violated by all involved.

Wikipedia put together a list of missions to the moon which includes former, current, and future missions as well as a few that were cancelled or postponed indefinitely. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missions_to_the_Moon There are other countries that have a Space Program but do not have the resources to get out there on their own. They are participating in various programs where they can contribute to the missions of countries that can afford the missions as they build their own missions. Brazil is one of them. So, if you read SciFi and Brazil is mentioned, it is not some kind of joke or fantasy on the part of the authors.


Beverly, I hope today will be better for you.

Bubble, colds are miserable.  I've always heard that hot chicken soup helps at least temporarily. Hope you feel better soon.

Was cold this morning but it is getting warmer and the sun is shining.

Marilyne, how is the weather in your part of the country?

Not much to talk about today.  Just wishing the best for all.


I'm not feeling the best this morning, so I'll just keep it short.

Jean - I hope your grandson is doing well on his new chemo treatment?

Beverly - maybe you and I both have the Winter doldrums? Anyway, I hope that's all it is, and that you will be feeling better soon.

Rick - I loved looking at the NASA space photos.  Spectacular!  I think I'll look at them again right now. There's something very calming about them.

I hope everyone has a nice day today.  :thumbup: