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Owner: Beverly
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June 16, 2024, 06:46:43 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Well now i fathomed out my bedroom widow was actually part open, it opens in a strange way, where it can be pushed to open from the top or sideways, anyway once i realised it was open tucked away inside the net curtains that were left behind for me and my curtains i closed the window and did not hear any traffic, same for the living room, no sound of traffic, although the corner of our road is the road ambulances come speeding past onto the dual carriageway onto the way to the hospital with their sirens blaring, i could hear that but was not loud, and of course one often wonders who is inside, and says a little prayer for that-those people, and being thankful it wasn't me inside it...
I am sure it was around the 10.pm mark i took myself to bed, didn't even read, turned the table lamp out, and must have dozed straight off, dont even recollect getting out of bed for one of my now famous bladder emptying's woke up 6.am, now sitting at the computer awaiting the tea-bag to brew in my mug of tea, now what could be a better start to ones day...more unpacking to do later if and when my MS body feels up to it, well no one else around to offer to give me a hand, and it is still a chore that has to be finished...
I now have my new landline phone number so will update companies i deal with my new number..also to fill in this form the young ( well young to me anyway ) lady who had to take off with speed, so could not listen to anything from me yesterday, bet she will be quick come Monday to come collect this form from me, now will she or wont she have time for me, that is the question..First things first, lets get that mug of tea down me...
then continue the unpacking process, and the packing rubbish i have accumulated saved in one of their very large cardboard boxes, all other boxes i have broken up but are still long, the concertina up...now i have to fathom out how to walk with my rollator and go down in the lift to outside the grounds, carrying them, and where are their recycling rubbish bins...


An hour ago i knocked on 4 doors along this corridor to ask where outside the building are the outside rubbish bins, only one answered, she was half British - half Japanese, she took me down an hour later but oh did my MS body struggle with walking, so far to walk once outside for a struggling disabled body like mine causing pain and crumbling underneath me...Weather is lovely i so wanted to stay out but my body just wanted to get me inside my room, plus i came out without my fob key, so would not have gotten back inside the main door without it, and she was in a hurry to get back inside, so i had to go with her....

She told me no, " you will get no help here " plus i was told mobility scooters etc can be left outside in an open - on show covered place but i was not informed i need to put my name down to put my mobility scooter in it, now baring in mind we have to check the downstairs foyer notices to see what time the non resident manageress will be in our premise on a day to day basis...i will see if i can catch her Monday if my body will allow me to find my way down in the lift, as i cant go looking all over the place for her and i very much doubt she will pop up to see - greet me.....


Good Afternoon Everyone
from the sunny and pleasant rocky
coast of Maine.... 

All is well here...

Jackie congratulations on
your successful move...  plus getting
your computer set up so you can stwy
in touch...

Take it slow and easy as others
have recommended...A little at a time..
and eventually things will fall into

Moving during Covid is difficult for
everyone... so take care and
be happy, ins spite of the delays. 

I need to go over and see the
new pictures of the old Senior Net

Have a good day,  Everyone!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Tom the Turkey Vulture at the Duluth Harbor Cam, yesterday;



... i am quite impressed with BT's Openreach, last time when we had moved, it took a good 5 weeks to get online, plus our landline phone up and running...I remember this well as it was during a Birthday and so many had posted cards and wishes that i missed the day, and only saw them weeks later..
Well our temp weather has been hot hot hot, and i have been so uncomfortable, going to stay with us another week..

Met my landlord neighbour and yes, he is a very nice person to talk to, still never offered me a hand but feel it is down to age on his part...


Thanks Patricia, I laughed myself silly on that one.


When you live inner city or town,
the service tends to be much easier ...
especially during the age of Covid ..  They
want people to stay indoors as much as
possible.   Having good computer access
makes it easier.   

Great picture of Tom the Turkey Vulture !!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Its time for another quiz, short and sweet with only nine questions, and two answers are given to fill in the blanks. https://www.seniorsandfriends.org/index.php?msg=182484   


Yes that was funny, what goes on inside a Turkey Vultures mind if only it could talk...


Well i shan't bore you with too much details apart from, i have not done toilet in 3 or 4 days, oh yes plenty of bladder emptying's but not the other one...I am now assuming this is why my MS, my MS stomach, my MS top inside nerve movements, my MS balance, are at their very worst these past few days..Oh i am eating but nothing happening at that end, just plenty of pain, loss of balance and stomach bloatedness...even struggling to use my right hand, the hand with the nerve numbness...i have become much more clumsy, holding-spilling and dropping things..

And baring in mind as of yet i have not registered with a new GP surgery, so have no Doctor....

Our Towns temps are still touching the 90's F, will continue for the next few days...I have my curtains drawn, making it rather dark inside here...plus two floor fans going...


I enjoyed the turkey vulture video.


Thanks, I had never seen a turkey vulture nor heard of it, and it was an odd-looking bird as if its head was scalped.

I was proud of myself yesterday. I've been slowly going through room by room, deep cleaning, wiping down, throwing out, and donating to the table set up in our security center's mailroom.  I had the bedroom, all three closets, including the 4 foot by five-foot walk-in, and the bathroom finished in July and this month.

 What I was proud of was doing the Pullman style kitchen in one go. Because of my balance issues, I had listed it as the left side and then the right side. All of the bottom shelves have pullouts while the top shelves do not. I was afraid of falling, so when I was doing the upper cupboards, I put two chairs, so I had more than one to grab on.

I do have to defrost the fridge today, and then that leaves only the living room and the balcony. I did have a few issues this morning, however, as I had forgotten which cupboard now had the coffee, and where was my oatmeal?

I remembered those lost days when I did this twice a year on the weekend. I also thought of what will I do next as we're still on lockdown. All-day yesterday, no one had triggered the automatic hallway lights. I felt as if I was the only one in the building.


Patricia, we have lots of turkey buzzards at the dump. Always fun to go and see them ,some just sitting in trees or on the vehicles or wings spread out full sunning themselves. There must be over 50 of them.
Thank you for sharing your video..

Way to go on ALL your accomplishments!!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


There are no vultures here, and I had always thought of them as a desert bird? You learn so much from friends on the web! I also learned that Benjamin Franklin was in favor of having it instead of the eagle as the country's mascot. Eagles are scavengers, and other than ravens we have the Golden Eagle here while in Southern Alaska, there are thousands of Bald Eagles drawn to all the fishing boats, etc. The city of Homer has a festival each Thanksgiving when there are as many as three thousand Eagles overwintering there.   https://duckduckgo.com/?q=eagles+in+homer+alaska&atb=v229-5&ia=web

Thanks, Amy! Some of that stuff, such as the large back walk-in, had set there since 2013, but it was getting hard to open the door.  :-[  On a nine-foot top shell living room unit, I had my Money tree, bamboo, lavender, and aloe vera plants.

 I added a golden pothos, heart-shaped philodendron, and a striped spider plant. I'm also looking to replace the shamrock plant that I killed last fall. This may not be a good idea because one, spider plants contain the same chemical makeup as catnip, thus drawing cats. And two, I only have one nine-foot shelving unit, and its top shelf is now full. Farrah is very interested each time I take a plant down for watering as the group is blocked from her reach.

My friends with cats say get rid of all the live plants and buy faux. I may be courting an eventual disaster, but I need some greenery in my life! If we weren't in the middle of a pandemic lockdown, I would purchase another black iron shelf and have Alan set it up for me.

Sorry, my magpie trivia inclinations were activated


There is some place on-line where you can read which house plants are dangerous to cats.  My daughter has 2 cats, and she buys using those guidelines.  I will try to find out where she found that info!  You can also ask the "gurus" at the nursery or garden center, most are good with that information.


I went ahead and finished the fridge today. Taking some stuff out, spraying the inside, tossing some stuff, wiping the inside, creases and all, and finding a place to store what's left took me four hours! The worst was that a bag of frozen cheddar had split, in the freezer and I had all these bits and pieces of frozen yellow gunk everywhere. And it did not want to come out!

But now all that's left is the living room and the balcony. After this, I'm going to look into hiring some senior assistance. I have no idea of the requirements or financial ceiling that's needed. I hope that my circumstances qualify because it's going to be a long, long time before I'm able to do this again


A new week has arrived once again.  That's a good thing, I guess, but one week is exactly the same as the next, so nothing ever seems to change?  I did get a few things out of the way last week.  I do have to return to the dermatologist next week for a follow-up, but my blood work at the lab was satisfactory, as well as test for UTI, so that's out of the way for a while.

Yesterday, Brad and Jackie, (son and dil), came over for a long visit in the late afternoon.  We sat out on the deck, and drank lots of ice water!  It was in the 90's yesterday, so not comfortable outside.  I was hoping they would come inside to the downstairs family room, where it was cool, but they had their dog with them . . . a young and active Labrador Retriever.  Best that he could run around the back yard, drink lots of water, and work off his boundless energy. 

Today, Jackie and her sister, are driving down to Palm Springs, to stay with their brother for the coming week.  Talk about, "going from the frying pan into the fire"!  It was 95 degrees here yesterday, which sounded cool, compared to 105 plus, in Palm Springs!  :yikes:

Time for breakfast, so I hope to return later, and say hello to everyone who has posted in the past 24 hours.


An overcast day and I am hearing a little thunder in the distance.

Another day and another dollar as the old saying goes.  It will soon be time to think about eating, and I don't have any idea what it will be.  Maybe we will just get some take out.  Oh, poor me! 😁  I do hate to cook.  Larry's brother and sister-in-law were visiting one time and she told me that I didn't have a lot of variety in my menu but what I cooked was very good.  I took that as a compliment from a woman who served meals to a large family, but sad to say my menu hasn't increased in variety over the years.  Anyway, Larry is a picky eater but he never complains for which I am thankful.

How did I get started on that conversation?  I surely do not know.  I'll blame it on the pandemic!

I just heard a loud thunder and think I will close with the hope that everyone is surviving these trying times.  Jackie, I hope things have improved even a little?


A good Monday HELLO to EVERYONE  🦋

We had a nice weekend.  Got to spend some time with our Jonah Boy Saturday afternoon.  We went to #3 sons temporary home where they are staying while they wait to get set up n a new job location.  Jonah was in his own environment so he seemed so much more attentive to us.  When he is here at our house he interfaces with us, but still seems a bit reserved at times.  He played and talked up a storm and we had just a delightful time with he and his parents.  We had dinner together on the beautiful big deck and it could not have been anymore perfect.  We sure enjoyed it. 

It was a bit of a stressful weekend as well as our Boston Family was driving straight through from Vail CO to their home in Boston.  They arrived home safely at midnight EDT so I slept so much better last night after we heard from them😍

JACKIE, I have thought about you all weekend and hoped you were getting along well after your arrival in your new location.  Sadly, these days no one seems to recognize tha5 one could sure use a helping hand after what you have been through and with all that you could use help with.  My Bob is the only one on our street who is here for anyone that needs help and several of the neighbors sure do appreciate him.  I hope you are feeling better today and your body has done what it needs to do so you can be more comfortable.  Just know that you can only do so much at a time and it is going to take you awhile to get things settled in.  I sure wish your grandson would be there for you....shame on him and your daughter too😤😤

MARILYNE, it sure isn't a great time to go to Palm Springs if one wanted to escape the heat in your area😘. I know our family are certainly going to be uncomfortable when they move but then they do have a nice winter to look forward to😹😹

JEAN, I hope you had a nice rain and not one of the famous Panhandle downpours!  Continued thoughts and prayers for you, Jason and the entire family.  One of my cousins that is old enough to be my dad is coming to the end of his life as he suffers with this horrible cancer.  Michele found out her MRI looks good and she will find out details about it and the PET scan this week when she visits her oncologist on Wednesday.  🙏🙏🙏

It is a bit cooler here today......not to be confused with thinking it is cool....just cooler! 

Enjoy the rest of your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny  -  Sounds like you and Bob had a nice weekend, spending quality time with Jonah, in his own familiar surroundings.  Sorry that your Boston family, has gone back home again.  I will be nice when the pandemic is over, and you and Bob will feel comfortable visiting them again.

You mentioned that Mark has accepted a  job in California, and they would be moving back again, but you didn't say where?   Or if you did, I must have missed it?   "Inquiring minds want to know?" LOL!  :D   You said they would be having a mild Winter, so I'm guessing it's somewhere in Southern Cal?   The golf courses are busy year around down there.  Up here too, but not nearly as comfortable.   

It sounds wonderful, that Michele's MRI looks good!   I'm hoping to hear more good news about her Pet Scan.  Looking forward to hearing from you about her appointment on Wednesday.

Jean -  You and I are on the same page, as far as cooking is concerned. I was pretty much through with it,  but then Covid-19 happened, and we had no choice but to get back into it again.  ::)   Up until then, we were enjoying dinner protein, from those hot food trays at Whole Foods or Lunardi's. We would select chicken, meatloaf, etc., all cooked, and then buy veggies or salad to prepare to go with it.  Life became very simple for awhile, but now I'm back to the old ways of scratch cooking. At first I sort of enjoyed it again, but now, not so much!

Patricia - So, you're done cleaning your fridge!  Now that you're on a roll, you are welcome to come to visit me, and tackle  my fridge, along with drawers, and cupboards!  8)    I just cannot do that kind of deep cleaning anymore.  Fortunately, AJ is willing and able, and is cheerful and good natured about it too.

Hope we hear from Beverly, Callie, JeanneP, Tome, Sandy and Jackie today,  as well as Shirleyn.   I wonder how wjoan is doing?  We haven't heard from her in a long time?


Marilyne, as I said, I used to do this on the weekend, twice a year. Except for this time I didn't wash the walls. I did three closets plus walk-in, bedroom, bath, and kitchen. I pulled everything out, deep cleaned, reorganized and polished, vacuumed and trashed, donated, or repositioned everything. Except for the living room and balcony, I'm done. This is what happens when you're bored under lockdown.

I'm a lazy cook. I spend a day twice a month, cooking up a storm. Then after it's cooled, I place everything in portions into ziplock freezer bags and freeze. I keep a running checklist on the freezer door to keep track of next to my grocery list. Then I grab something from items a, b, and c to reheat.

Another trick is to cut up potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini, and squash and place them on a long oven sheet, spray them with a mix of spices and olive oil and broil. Then I cool down and freeze. There's an entire month of sides right there. I have two homemade loaves of brown bread and one sourdough in my freezer now.


I'm concerned about Johann and Windell. I hope hear from them soon.


That is the way I do also. Can't understand people saying that because living alone they can't cook. I even did it when married and 2 girls at home. Cooked mostly all day Sundays make main items for 6 dinners.Put into freezer bags. Did most veg. by just cleaning,dropping in boiling water. then ice and into freezer bags also. All family far away now but still do mostly the same thing. Now added my homemade pizza. Bake,  cut into 6 slices and one slice to a freezer bag. So easy to just pull one out and eat for lunch with one small bag of home made soups. I don't care for eating out.Did it for over 30 years almost nightly when working. Not one for fast food. so was lot more expensive than eating at home. Love cooking since young so that helps. it been a hobby for me.


Jackie, I am so happy that you have moved into another place.  I hope that you are slowly getting settled and finding out where different things are.  Please don't overdo, as the work will wait for you, LOL  Just better to not get too tired.  I feel like once you get settled in you will meet up with more people, and hopefully will find a couple people that you can make friends with,  In turn, they may be able to offer you a little bit of help or lead you to someone who can.  Just take it slow.  Is it a place for all age people or is it just for older people?? 

What about the lady who has been helping you to move??? Is she able to give you a little bit of help or maybe get someone who could?  I hope so. 



Good Afternoon,

I have been working on the photo album son wanted me to do for their 20th anniversary.  I've only gotten through the first 6 years of their marriage and haven't actually "attached" anything to the pages because I want him to okay the process.  Guess I could "lift" some pix from Facebook pages but I don't have enough colored ink to print all of those out.  He needs to decide what to do about that. 
I see it as a "Memory Album" that won't include each and every picture from each and every year. 

He and I are having a "dinner date" every two weeks on the night dil gets her nails done. So he'll be over tomorrow night and we'll have a "consultation".

We're taking turns providing dinner and this week is his responsibility.  I'm hoping it will be leftovers from a cookout they recently had with friends.

Our weather has bounced from heat indices over 100º to high daily temps in the 70's.  That's playing havoc with my "squeaks and creaks" so, although I've been reading posts and thinking about each one, my hands just haven't felt like doing a lot of typing.

Hope Everyfriend is feeling the Good Thoughts I'm sending your way.  :smitten:


JeanneP, we're kindred spirits! My mother worked from the time we were babies, and she also meal prepped. I've always done it, especially when I was married and had my daughter while working full time. It became crucial when I first ended up in the hospital with analeptic shock and had to keep a food diary after, and we didn't know the hows, what, and whys.


I have a new quiz in a different format. You can each post the answer to one question. Afterward, I'll open it up to more.



My Eldest GSon was at the University here in my town and lots of times he would drop in with a usual 3 or 4 young men. always ready for a meal. (They use to run out of money end of month I think.) But anyway I use to say . just stay and I will fix dinner. Always shocked them when I could put a full meal on the Table within a half hour. 3 of my children went to this Univ. and so had about 10 years of them dropping bye to eat of talk. Now all grown and been gone over 1100 miles away. Sure miss the days when they were young.But enjoy seeing how they are Making out in life. Going to fast as now 2 have children starting Univ. this year in other States. (Not sure if they are opening up yet.)Sure a mess with school age of all 6 of mine right now going from Age 9 to 18. I don't think it will get back to normal this year.


JeanneP. they're talking about a new normal predicted for 2024. This virus, it's said, will never go away, but how we deal with it will be similar to the flu, HIV, and similar pandemics. What we knew before is gone forever.


Stopping by to say Good Night. I went to the dentist today and had a couple fillings done. This dentist is new to me and I think I'm going to like him. Plus, he's less than two miles away.

We had quite a thunderstorm earlier with a lot of rain.

Since I posted last, Donna turned 62 on the 7th, Michael and Jennifer celebrated their 39th anniversary on the 8th and Lisa and Jim were married 16 years ago on the 8th.

Marilyne - Thanks for mentioning me. Hope to see you all tomorrow........
