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June 16, 2024, 10:58:02 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Johann Mc...
... oh it is lovely to come into our forum and see a posting from one of our longstanding member's who have not posted in a long time, just to let us know what is-has been going on with their lives...we welcome their update..

Johann, please continue to post as and when you can..
Until now i was not aware of your Windells struggles and your own struggles but it sounds as if everything is falling into place for the both of you...Happy to know that your seafood restaurants takes good care of you both and know your requirements...
Yes i think yesterdays walkabout ( shufflling ) was probably the furthest i pushed myself to walk for a long time, it was really tough going but i was proud of myself for managing it as i cant control my body, my body controls me, my nervous system is being attacked... Oh how we do take our walking, our bodies for granted, same for our eyesight...if i had known i was to get MS i would have walked my body more when i had all the chances but, we just dont know what is soon coming our way, well i never saw my auto-immune disease coming, of which there is no cure...
Oh well, its onwards and upwards, we do what our bodies will allow us to do, we must listen to our bodies...

...happy you enjoyed the fireworks displays and you bided by the keeping distance advice, your rulings, just shame others weren't abiding by the rules...
I was sad to read on your Micheles recent set back, hope some better news comes soon re, her future medical progress...
Our UK is in another month long lock-down as our numbers are rising up, up and up once again just like they were back in March...what a terrible year this has been - is being, as our year is not quite over yet, at least your America had some good news yesterday...of which even UK will be glad of that...

I have gotten myself ready to try another walk although not comfortable as to how far i shall be able to get and baring in mind my body can change in the blink of an eye and i might not be able to get myself back home but, it is soon to be 11.am and i have my red poppy for remembrance Day... although dont think any service will be held outside in the streets anywhere and if so, not sure where it will be held out in the open, near our Town Hall or near to the centre, i cant make it to both.....


Johann, it was so nice to see a post from you even if you are dealing with some issues. It's all we can do sometimes just to get thru our days. It's the little routines that help and encourage us to get through what we can't get around.


Marilyne, I hope you got to see the Paul go by Port Huron this morning. I am trying not to get too distracted and miss him or CCG Samuel Ridley when they make it to Port Huron. So far this morning I have seen four ships at Marine City, and the tug Sharon at Port Huron.

Also, I would love to know what instrument(s) AJ played and wonder what bands he played with.


Well i shan't be attempting that circle walk again, i not only peed myself as i was walking, did i say walking, i could not even lift  my feet as the electricity and top of inside leg contractions were going ten to the dozen and as strong as they can get...I really have no idea as to how i managed to get back home and not one person stopped to ask me if i was ok, if i needed any help...well this is now the large town i grew up in, how it has changed...
I got myself through the underpass towards the Town Hall where i saw a small Remembrance Day gathering with some of the elderly veterans in their uniforms with medals attached but it took me so long with my walking movements ( i tried to time it right ) that it was as good as over the time i reached them, so i was still on the move at 11.am when i should have stopped on the hour for that one minutes silence although i never heard the Town Hall clock chime, at least i was silent...
Oh did i mention i peed myself as i was walking, my bladder cant be controlled even when wearing a large TENA pad which felt heavy, soaked and full, yes it dribbled all down my legs...dont think anyone noticed..too busy walking straight past me...
And what happened to people dressing smartly on a Sunday, apart from the ex service men in their uniforms with medals attached, our Town-my Town now has so many nationalities, many in jeans and trainers, my late father would turn in his grave if he saw the state of the dress code of people at a poppy memorial or even the fact it is a Sunday, looking so roughly - scruffily dressed, so many seemed oblivious as to what day it is, nor what was going on, one has no respect nowadays...at least i made an effort...smart long black jersey elastic waisted pull-on skirt, with black- white check poncho-cape. As to whether i reached it at the correct time or not, at least i am thankful i made the effort, i kissed my poppy in memory of my late father, ( paratrooper ) i know he would have been proud of me making the effort in place of what he can no longer do, and yes he was one of the luckier ones, he did make it back...


Good morning from a snowy Interior where it's presently 30 above with forecasters saying 100% chance of snow, surprise!  ::)   The local paper says, "Only 2.5 inches of snow fell between December and February last year. This year, 18.2 inches fell the past three days."  We even made a UK paper reporting on Wednesday's snow locally.

Between COVID-19 new cases rising 100 or more per day, a record-smashing rainy summer, and now this record-breaking snowstorm, well, I no longer have a comparison. I won't be making any trips for the foreseeable future as snow is expected thru Wednesday with rain, of course, why not; expected Thursday and Friday.

It's 4:27, and I've been up since two, so no news as yet other than I'll probably crash sometime today. I hope everyone has a better, more productive morning!


MarsGal - Yes,  AJ is a good musician, and played in all sorts of bands and orchestras over his lifetime - up until just a few years ago.   He received a music scholarship, out of high school, but switched his major to engineering, and worked until retirement at IBM.  However, he never stopped playing his trumpet, and or cornet, and was always in demand here in this area - either as a musician, or as an arranger.  He loved doing arrangements for the Big Bands/dance bands.  He played in a number of those over the years, and also loved the small improvisational jazz bands, like your BIL's.

Patricia - That is some extreme weather you're having!  I wonder if it will continue throughout the Winter, or maybe return to more like it was last year?  We are in our usual mode here . . . waiting and hoping for rain, but nary a drop of the wet stuff yet. A possibility of scattered showers predicted for upcoming Thursday.   "Showers",  is a weather term here, meaning cloudy with light sprinkles.  Not measurable except in 100ths of an inch.  ::)

Jackie -  Glad you got out for a walk, even though it didn't end well. At least you got your circulation going, and heart rate up a little.  Our Remembrance Day, which is called Veteran's Day, here, will be this Wednesday, Nov. 11th.  There are usually parades in the cities, and poppies are handed out by Veteran's organizations.

Jenny -  good to see that Mark's golf course has opened!  He will be very busy for the next six months!  Even with the continuing Covid problem, I think people will continue to play golf.  Being as it's an outdoor sport, and could be played with masks, if required.  Like you, I noticed very few masks, at the various outdoor celebrations across the country yesterday.   

Johann -  We posted in different folders, when you were a regular here in S&F, so I never got to know you well.   Now the you've checked back in,  I hope you return as often as possible.  Also will be hoping that Windell continues to do as well as possible, in spite of his various health problems.  Sounds like you're doing reasonably well, and doing a good job of taking care of him. Please return when you have time!


...i chose to walk rather than getting my mobility scooter out as both my lower legs - ankles upwards are still ballooned, even though i no longer have cellulitis, i am trying to get down the swellings, so just want to keep up some form of mobility - exercise but, the only sweat i got up was gripping my hands tightly onto my rollator handles and rollator brakes as i took one step, halted, then took another...plus the hanging onto any buildings handrail bars, even street lamp-posts that came my way...I know my facial expression said terrified, just terrified...

Marilyne, yes officially it is the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month...ours are usually held on the nearest Sunday...
Just watching it on my tv, one elderly veteran has said " the emotions are still there just like it is yesterday " they never forget do they...yet rarely talk about what they saw..
To see them all in various uniforms all marching, ( the march past ) the London Cenotaph Whitehall, the proudness, honour and respect on their faces...


UK Sunday Remembrance Day Service held...Jim Reeves version of Dame Vera Lynn's famous song of There'll be Bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover...


Good Afternoon from a very windy central Oklahoma. I heartily dislike days when clouds are blowing over and sunshine comes and goes.

Jackie,  brave lady to attempt the strolls with your rollator.  Glad you made it around and home...twice!  :thumbup: I remember seeing my parents and another couple sitting at our kitchen table making red crepe paper poppies for Veterans Day.  Dad and friend, who were both Veterans of WWI, were members of The American Legion (organization for Vets) and the members all handed out poppies downtown on November 11. This would have been in the 1940's.

I also remember standing on the beach at Dover in 1985 and being amazed that we could see the coast of France. A lady standing next to me pointed out into the Channel and said that, during WWII, her brother was floating in a lifeboat about halfway out and the enemy was firing at the lifeboat from the other side. I don't remember why they were in a lifeboat but I believe they were rescued and brought ashore safely.

Johann,  how nice to see you!  I remember meeting you and Wendell but can't remember if it was at a Bash or if you came through OKC and Helona, Ginnie and I met you for lunch. 

Patricia,  your temperature is bouncing around like ours is.  Seems as if some of our Arctic Fronts come from your direction and others come straight south from the North Pole region.

MarsGal and Marilyne,  I've missed quite a few boats coming/going at Duluth Harbor lately.  I have the StreamTime website at the top of my Favorites List and usually check out Port Huron, Marine City and Algonac first - then go to Times Square on EarthCam (3 views) and Duluth if I think about it.

I have a bad case of the "I Don't Wannas" today.  Did manage to watch services from my church and have done the Daily Challenge and 3 Daily Goals for 4 Solitaire games but nothing else sounds interesting enough to pursue....even anything on Netflix.

Speaking of Netflix....The OKC newspaper recently had a write-up about native Kristen Chenowith and mentioned her character on a Netflix movie titled "Holidating".  I almost always like her performances (musical and otherwise)  but only lasted about 5 minutes with this one.  Definitely aimed at people at least 60 years younger than I am!!!!

And that's what's going on in my little corner of the world.



Callie K...
...your bout of " Don't Wannas " will soon pass...there is a cure for it... ;D


It is a beautiful Sunday here in the Mile High City......last day before the temperatures start to drop❄️😤

JOHANN, how nice to see your post.  We sure are happy to see you when you are able to come in and say hello. 

My Broncos lost today to the Atlanta Falcons😤😤😪

I made a bread pudding today and it is full of liquid!  What did I do wrong?  It cooked plenty long, so I do not think that is the issue. 

Thank you, JACKIE, for sharing this video.....BEAUTIFUL😍. I am again happy to see you made it back home.....however, as proud of I am for you doing this, I am so worried that you may not make it back.  Shame on anyone who might have passed you and not asked you if you might need some assistance 😤😢😩 Sadly, these days it seems most are just in their own world, and do not look around at others that might be struggling.  I do not quite understand why you do not feel comfortable on your scooter? 

CALLIE, we always attend the Veterans Day Ceremony at our local Veterans Cemetery, Ft. Logan, but last year it was cancelled due to inclement weather, and now this year with Covid, I highly doubt it will happen this year.  It always makes me feel so proud to go and see the many veterans that are always in attendance🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Very sad to hear Alex Trebek passed away this morning.  That man sure put forth the strongest effort to beat his cancer....RIP. you WILL be greatly missed. 

Just heard one of Kate's dancing friends broke her arm at a weekend dance event.....she is headed to emergency surgery😪😩. Always hate to hear this news😱

I must run out to get a few things before I start dinner....

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday 😘

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


... i can give you one important reason, my travel mobility scooter does not have arm rests...
 Been some years now since i last made a bread and butter pudding, have to admit, they always turned out good, with a sprinkle of nutmeg on top....i never put raisins in them....just beaten egg, butter, milk and sugar...cant for the life of me remember if it was ordinary cows milk or carnation tinned milk...and i am sure i buttered the bread...
When i first left home and my daughter was young, this was one of the cheapest, quickest and most filling of things to make and filled our hungry bellies...and of course back in those days we never bothered with calories...


Time now 7.30am, was up 6.30 am, computer and tv straight on, mug of tea was at my desk...a new week hath started, ready to face another day, wonder what my day has in store for me...

Oh and already put my last weeks empty organic delivery boxes outside my front door, i will await my next arrival of healthy goodies, he usually delivers to me early, but not too early...Thankfully he does bring the boxes up to me, rather than leaving them downstairs in the foyer area..


Good late morning from a still snowing Interior!


It's high time I stopped in to say hello! I've been feeling "under the weather" lately, not Covid, just my usual problems.

It's so nice having Donna close-by. Last night they brought us dinner and she and Mike stayed to visit.

Jenny - I'm so sorry that Michele's maintenance treatment hasn't worked out. Too bad about the  Bronchos! Chape is a Giants fan and for a change, they won. They haven't been doing well.

Jackie - What an ordeal! You were fortunate to make it back home safely. Definitely not something you should try again! Thanks for the video. Jim Reeves was my mother's favorite singer.

MarsGal - Your BIL and his friend are great. Thanks for posting the link. It's wonderful that they're still playing in their 80s.

Marilyne - Did you attend some of AJ's performances? I came in at the end of the big band era. Loved the music of bands like Glenn Miller. When I was a child we used to spend part of the summer at a camp on the lake. Across the lake was a pavillion where the big bands played. The music drifted across the lake and we'd go to sleep listening to them.

Patricia - 2020 will go down as Winter Wonderland in Alaska. I hope you don't need to go out often.

Johann - Glad to see you posting. We understand how busy you are with Windell. Your seafood restaurant sounds great. Wish we had one nearby that was being so careful with social distancing.

Callie - I have lots of days when "I Wanna" but the energy isn't there.  ::)  Your "I Don't Wanna" days are a good time to curl up with a book.


... i wonder where that expression comes from, feeling " under the weather " i so rememeber my parents using it and i know well what it means, sorry to hear this is how you have been feeling...maybe you will soon be over the weather and not under it...

I grew up listening to Jim Reeves music, he was also a favourite singer of my late father along with Mario Lanza...also two of my favourite singers, i take after my father..." Welcome to my World...


A quick good morning.  It is another pretty morning, but rain coming in tomorrow.

Just stopping by to say "Hi".

Callie, I am going through the same "I don't wanna" days, also,  Just have no energy or feel like doing anything. I was not feeling real good yesterday, but do feel better this morning.  Just lazy.

Jackie, I am sorry you had such a bad time getting back to your place.  I am sure you were really worn out for a while. 

I hope everyone will have a good day and stay Safe !!



Callie - Beverly - Joy...
...oh how i am taken back to my childhood days..." i dont wanna do that, you cant make me " and being told " oh yes i can, we'll see about that, my girl " remember trying that one on our parents... ;D


Bev, believe me, I'm not going anywhere! It's snowing now and expected to snow until Thursday. The snowplows are regular nighttime visitors! We don't normally have snow, especially as much as we've had. This is normally a dry climate with often cold winter weather but not enough moisture to snow as it has.

Joy, it's always nice to hear from you even if it's just to say hi! I understand the feeling though with Covid-19, and being on lockdown for the past eight months takes a toll!


...where are you... ???
Ten days since your last postings..


Good morning all!  Almost 9:00 here in cold and frosty California.  Early in the season for us to get nighttime temps in the mid 30's, but so it is, the past couple of nights.   Daytime temps in the low 50's, with sharp North wind. 

Yesterday I got bundled up in gloves, scarf and down jacket, and made my usual Monday trip to the grocery store.  I usually go in the morning, but didn't get there until 2:00 PM.   Imagine my surprise to see that many of the shelves were stripped!   No bread at all, except for a few large loaves of French bread in open bags, and some hotdog and hamburger buns!   The frozen section was also very sparse, and no oj or other fresh juices in the refrigerated cabinets.  Not a good selection of anything else in the store.    I guess the hoarding has started in once again. 

Beverly -  So glad to see a message from you yesterday!  I remember the you have some lung issues, with breathing problems, so I hope that will get better with the cooler Florida winter?   That would be a big worry for you, knowing that if you contracted Covid, it would be difficult for you to breathe.

Joy - good to see your post this morning also.  It's really interesting, that so many of us have days when we don't feel well at all. Yesterday was a bad day for me, as well.   I did make the one trip to the grocery store, but that was all I accomplished.  For dinner last night, I warmed up leftover chicken for AJ, and I ate some canned soup.  I had made Jello, in the morning, so we did have a bowl of that, with a scoop of Cool Whip, on top.  I know food like that is frowned on, but I don't think it makes much difference in longevity, once you get up into your 80's!  ::)

Patricia - I wonder if your damp snowy weather will continue on throughout the Winter, or if you'll return to the cold, dry days that are the norm?  We still haven't had a drop of rain.  Some of the cities in the N. Bay Area, like Santa Rosa and Napa, did get about a quarter inch of rain this weekend, but we didn't get any.


Marilyne, perhaps not that surprising due to this entire year's unusual weather, we're told to expect rain on Thursday and Friday. If we do have rain, then perhaps an ice storm? The two we had in 2016 brought this city to its knees as we hadn't had any previously. I'm ready to believe anything with presently over 20 inches of snow.


I'm wondering the same thing, Jackie. Where are you FlaJean?? Hope all is okay.

Jackie - A lot of old sayings are just stuck in my head!  :)

 With my lung problems my voice has become quite hoarse. I often say my voice sounds like Gravel Gertie. I've had to explain it to my kids and a few others. I wonder how many here have heard the expression? I was a big Dick Tracy fan as a child!

Marilyne - Wow! Shelves stripped already? Fortunately we haven't seen that here, but just in case, Chape ordered paper towels, toilet paper and Kleenex from Amazon. He made space for the extra in the office closet. We had a hard time finding paper products last Spring.

We've had a lot of rain the past few days, thanks to tropical storm ETA. There is another storm out there but it's predicted to stay off shore. I hope so!


... my late father was a one for saying all these positive expressions although when i was younger i didn't realise it, now so many years later i too am now following in my fathers footsteps...like father like daughter...:)

Yes this is not like FlaJean to be absent so long...
Just reminding us on the tv, 7.am, a two minutes silence at 11.am...and to observe this silence at home, the service to start at 10.30..


Beverly  -  I'm also a Gravel Gertie!  Sounds like we have similar symptoms, but from different health issues.   My problem is that one of my two vocal cords is paralyzed.  (that's the word the ENT doc uses - meaning it no longer moves).  So I get along with the one that's left.   Having only the one, means it gets worn out early on every day, so by afternoon, I'm hoarse and sore, and have to give up talking for the remainder of the day.  (I mean I should, but it's very hard).  It also effects swallowing, and coughing. 

Your mention of  Gravel Gertie, made me laugh, because I remembered that she was married to  B.O. Plenty!  LOL!   My brother and I used to read the "funny papers" every day.   We had our favorite characters in Dick Tracy and Lil Abner.   I was also a big fan of Brenda Starr. 


I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted.  There really not that much to post.  The weather temps have been great.  Today is a little overcast.  I guess the last hurricane of the season will be going through my old hometown of Ocala but will be a tropical storm by then.

I've been reading and looking at TV occasionally trying to keep up with what is going on in the country.  As far as the election, I'll just say I was glad that Biden and Harris won.

Beverly, I hope you are feeling better.  Some days I feel good but overall I'm feeling my age.

Jackie, I'm glad you got back home OK.  You are fortunate that you can have those good veggies delivered to you.

Marilyne, I notice in the grocery store we don't have any calif. grown avocados.  I can only get Mexican mini avocados.  I try to eat avocados every other day because they are so rich in potassium---much better than bananas.  Potassium is another vitamin that shows lacking in my labs if I'm not careful with my diet.  One of the things I really liked about Santa Cruz when my daughter lived there was the abundance of beautiful vegetables and fruits at the market.  Of course, Watsonville is close by.

Patricia, hope you are feeling much better.

I think I have caught up with all the posts, but I'm just not good at "posting"---just don't have much to say.


Jean, I'm the same as you and have fallen back on our unusual snowstorm from the fifth through the tenth that dropped 24 inches on us. I fell in the deep snow on the fifth and lost my glasses. Now I'm attempting in this COVID-19 closed town to have an exam and get new ones. It's not as easy as usual.


So glad you posted,FlaJean.  Some of us were getting worried!


...happy to see a posting from you, now just dont stay away so long now you are back...

Re, your understanding of MS, your Joey, i feel my diagnosed brainstem inflammatory disease is also playing a part in my progression...

Oh so easy to get dragged into the tv....once in, hard to break away from it...

Yes i am thankful i have two choices of home organic deliveries, one gets delivered start of my week, the other gets delivered at the end..On the odd occasion i have been known to place an order with both companies...

Marilyne - Beverly...
... not heard that term before " Gravel Gertie "


Beverly,  I am sorry that
you are not feeling as
well as you would like...

Everything is so much more
difficult  during these covid
months,  soon to be years,  I
am afraid.   

Have a good week,  everyone. 
It is always good to see people
pop back in when they have been
on a hiatus...   

Stay well,  EVERYONE!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan