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September 20, 2024, 06:24:10 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Morning all.

Angel, Shan doesn't remove the skirt, but he does like to drag it around. He mostly tries to get it up on the landing at the bottom of my stairs. He has also taken to grabbing his "fishing pole" toy and dragging that off into the kitchen and back out again.

I don't remember every seeing so many devastating fires in CA as there have been this year. With the extremely high winds  right now, it doesn't look promising. Just saw some "awesome" footage this morning showing a fire along a highway (forget which one). The fire jumped the highway and is now roaring up on the other side. I hate to think about what would happen if those cars that are piled up in the highway trying to get past caught fire too.

My sister is cooking Christmas dinner again this year. I have no clue what to get anyone for Christmas.


Hi Everyone.  It is a rainy morning here and will continue with rain throughout the day and evening.  It is welcome.  We will be staying in the 40's all day.  I plan on going to coffee, after picking up my friend, and then after bringing him home will go back to the Church for our Thursday Wisdom group with the Pastor. 

We enjoyed a nice dinner last night at Church and then at 7 am we got to talk with our 4 great grandchildren.  This included talking with the little 6 year old who we have never seen, except in pictures, and had never heard speak before.  Last week he was too shy to talk but this week joined right in.   Yesterday while at Walmart to pick up prescriptions for Pat I bought a pair of reading glasses.  I am only going to need them for close reading. Today my left eye is seeing almost as well as the right one.

Mary Ann, know it is a relief to learn that the fires in California are far from your great nephew. 

Marilyne, sorry that your niece and husband had to evacuate their home in Ventura and hope their home will survive the fires.  The Weather Channel put out a notification last evening that the Santa Ana winds were suppose to be record breaking last evening and today.  Sure didn't sound good for the poor folks out in that area.  I also heard them say the fires were burning in Bel Air. 

Sue, while the lives are the most important the property loss from the fires is staggering. 

Sandy, I can't even imagine wearing sandals in the winter.  I can't even wear them in summer as my feet are cold most of the time. 

Patricia, do you use a calendar to record things like your apartment inspection.  I have mine on a typing stand where I can see if while at my desk.  You sounds like my wife as being around several people wears her down quickly.  The school district where we did live has a huge school system, around 180,000 students and many languages are spoken.  Fortunately most of the people who come from other countries are law abiding and hard working.  It is the few bad apples that get the news coverage.  There were many ethnic restaurants in our county.  I haven't noticed that many different ones here in the Augusta/North Augusta area.  It sounds like you have had some very good and helpful experiences.  Yes, I did make one brief visit to Barrow.  However, my memories of the visit have pretty well faded after all of these years as that was in the late 1960's.  I really can't imagine what winters there must have been like before electricity.  IT sounds like Farrah got the mouse yesterday when she got the skirt away. 

Mary Ann, last week before Scott and Jennifer visited us on Wednesday evening they stopped at discount store and found this huge rawhide piece that was fixed like a bone.  Last night they told us it had taken Jennifer's dog only three days to completely destroy it and I guess eat most of the rawhide. 

Shirley, it is a good feeling being pretty much prepared for Christmas early.  I think we also are in that state.  The little artificial Christmas tree that has the lights already on it was put out yesterday and our son got the lights connected to an extension cord so it is now working.  Nice you could enjoy your tea room lunch with your daughter and a close friend of hers.  Those are special times. It is going to take awhile to develop an easy relationship with the great grands but I think week by week that relationship will develop.  It is the 15 year old that seems the most difficult so far to speak with as he doesn't talk a lot.  Since we haven't been around them much during their lives trying to find things to ask them is a bit of a challenge, but well worth the effort. 

MarsGal, it sounds like Shan is practicing his hunting skills.  Nice that your sister is doing the Christmas cooking.  We usually just have mainly sandwiches and dessert for our Christmas dinner.  Pat stopped making a big meal several years ago but we sure don't go hungry. 


shirleyn - Sounds like you had a great time with your daughter and her friend.  I haven't been to a tea room, in many many years.  There used to be some nice ones around here, but none anywhere now that I know of.  That would be a good thing, to help get rid of the "Christmas Blues".  I'm suffering with a case of the blues this year, as well. 

It's difficult to explain the Santa Ana winds!  I heard a newscaster on The Weather Channel, say that you have to have charts and graphs to describe the Santa Ana's, and even then it's hard to understand.  They originate in the flat desert areas, like the Great Basin, and they pick up speed as they move through the canyons and mountains, in what is called "The funnel effect". They are extremely dry winds, and Southern Cal has had no rain in eight or nine months, so the terrain is vulnerable to fire.  Usually the winds will knock down a power pole or wiring of some sort, as they move West.  Just a spark will start a fire.  The winds are so strong and erratic, that by the time they reach outlying communities, they are totally uncontrollable.  Embers blow in all directions, and ignite everything they touch.  Unfortunately, no rain predicted for the next couple of weeks.

MarsGal - Shan is one lucky kitten, to be adopted by you!  I'm so glad that everything has worked out  for him, and that he has adjusted to his new life.  Sounds like your other two cats have accepted him into the family? 

Patricia - like you, I am not one to socialize a lot, especially now that I'm old. My friends are mostly gone now, and the ones who are left are stay-at-homes.   I do still drive, so when I get a surge of energy, I will go to the super market, or other types of shopping.  I love to browse around Barnes & Noble book store, and can spend hours there.  Always fun during the holiday season, so I hope to get there within the next couple of days.  A great place for last minute gifts.

Mary Ann

I copied the following descriptions of the Santa Ana winds from the computer.  Rather short descriptions, but they are basically what Marilyn wrote.  I can do better with Lake Effect snow which we had some of overnight.  It is only 25 degrees here now.

When Tom, Annie and I went to California three years ago, somewhere I bought a laminated folding map of Southern California.  I located it last night and it's a great help in finding where the fires are and also their nearness to where great-nephew Geoff lives.  Geoff told me at one time that he'd take earthquakes over shoveling snow and the cold weather.  I'll take the cold weather.  We have had tornadoes that do as much damage as fires, but I think our last one was in 1965.  Every state has some type of disaster and I know we'll take the ones with which we are familiar! 

The Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely dry down-slope winds that originate inland and affect coastal Southern California and northern Baja California. They originate from cool, dry high-pressure air masses in the Great Basin.

Santa Ana winds - Wikipedia
The Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely dry down-slope winds that originate inland and affect coastal Southern California and northern Baja California. They originate from cool, dry high-pressure air masses in the Great Basin.
‎Description • ‎Related phenomena • ‎Historical impact • ‎Health effects

California wildfires: What are the Santa Ana winds? - CNN
22 hours ago - The National Weather Service defines the Santa Ana wind as "a weather condition in which strong, hot, dust-bearing winds descend to the Pacific Coast around Los Angeles from inland desert regions." The winds often pass through Santa Ana Canyon, east of Los Angeles; thus the name.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann - Thanks for a better description of the Santa Ana's! :)  Also, I learned something I didn't know before . . . that the name of the winds comes from the Santa Ana Canyon, East of L.A.

I don't think the L.A. area has had an earthquake, since your nephew moved there? They are not as destructive as they used to be, because of building codes that have been implemented, so not nearly as much damage done.  I've lived through many earthquakes in my lifetime, and although they take you by surprise and scare you, they aren't nearly as frightening as a wildfire or a tornado. I would prefer an earthquake, to a fire, any day.  (Knocking on wood here! ha ha!)


Good morning from the Interior. We're still having alternate periods of rain or snow, and it has gotten warmer out but probably still cold to all you Southern folks in the lower continental states! Our high today will be plus 32 with a low of plus 17, and it's expected to continue over into next week.

Marilyne, we are a fire driven ecology here, but we don't have the high winds or population. Ours are mainly from lightning or dry conditions. The massive 2004 and 2005 fires were from earlier damage from spruce beetles. I cannot imagine the pain and eventual rebuilding and changes California is facing now and in the future.

The Southeast portions of the state have both volcanos and earthquakes, and the Western Plains have high winds, but they have a small population and those winds are coming off the sea so are moisture laden.

Larry, the company puts out a monthly calendar each month that lists the activities for all seven buildings including important holidays and community events. When it reaches our building coordinator, she inputs information more specific to our building and then prints them out and goes on walkabout, clipping a copy to each apartment.

Last year they applied large blue clips to the left side of each apartment, so that is where all info goes. A copy of the more generalized calendar goes on each floor's community bulletin board. So I have the info. I collect it, see it, file it and forget it!  :-[   I've tried more personal to-do lists but rarely keep them up. And since I don't hang around the various breakrooms or social areas, I tend to not see items on the bulletin board which means I've missed some interesting or provocative programs.

I am so bad about forgetting that I've resorted to putting sticky notes on the inside of my front door! For example, Amazon's delivery on the 8th. Farrah's vet appointment on the 15th and now my inspection on the 20th. The only continuous item is the food box delivers on the first and third Saturday of each month, and I check the computer each month, so those dates are fixed firmly in my mind! That is the only volunteering I do anymore and due to various circumstances, it's limited to just three apartments.

MarsGal, I had recently changed the batteries and reapplied the skirt to Farrah's toy so it may not have been affixed firmly. She will pounce on it, lay down and stick her paw and head under the skirt, but I haven't seen her try to drag it. I have seen her jump upon it from a good three feet up, and four feet away so I know it has to be sturdy! Shan may be like a cat I once had, Beau, who would try to hide all the toys from the other cats.  ;)


Patricia ,   Don't worry,  you are not the only one who puts sticky-notes on the back of your front door.

I even have one to remind to make sure all the electric appliances are  all  turned off.  I have one to let someone who comes and I am not here, that I an either in the laundry room, or downstairs in the lounge.  I have another one to remind me to take a sweater, Kleenex and some water when I go down to play cards.  Sometime they remind me and sometime they don't !  Being there doesn't always remind me to look at them. LOL

They are calling for snow flurries tomorrow night into early Saturday.  I have to go out tomorrow, so hope it holds off until I get home.

Have a good rest of the afternoon..


Mary Ann

Patricia, I also cannot imagine having to lose everything to fire.  And isn't it odd to have such dry conditions causing the fires in California and unusually cold temperatures in the South. 

I just went after the mail and walking was OK.  I told Tom I would be careful and as long as the walk and roads were just wet, I'd go after the mail but if I suspected any amount of snow or ice, he would have to get it.  That's OK with him.  I had been known to drive the car to the mailbox and he said he's done the same. 

I'm another who puts Post-It notes on my front door.  Recently, I knew Tom would be going out before I was up so I put a note "eggs" on the door.  Tom saw it and we had eggs.  For groceries, I make a list on my computer and when I have several items, I send it to him in an e-mail.  Actually, we do a lot of corresponding by e-mail because he is working during the day and I don't want to bother him by calling to him. 

Kendrick does not like the cold weather.  When I offer to let him out the front door when I go for the mail, he looks out and backs up.  That's an indoor cat for you.

Mary Ann


Thank you to Joy, Patricia and Mary Ann, for suggesting the post-it reminder notes on the door! What a great idea, and something that I'm going to start doing right away.  I use a post-it on the computer screen  to remind me to do my eye drops, and AJ's also.  Both of us have a hard time remembering the drops, although we never forget other medications.  My drops are for glaucoma, and his are for dry eye.  He is supposed to use them twice a day, but doesn't always remember.

Cool and dry weather here.  The temps have been going down into the 30's at night, but then up to the low 60's during the day. Usually we are in the 50's for daytime temps during the month of December, so 60 is relatively warm.  Still, it's colder than I like, and requires a sweater inside the house, for me. Now I must make a quick trip to Safeway, so will have to wear a jacket.   


I also use one of those mini cassette recorders that some folks use to record where they parked their cars. I use mine for grocery list additions, pertinent info while out and other things of that sort.

I just had a very odd call. You remember the scam where people call you up to get you to say yes on the phone so they have a recording to say you agreed to some nefarious purpose? Anyway, the listing on the phone said US Government.  When I said hello, a very foreign accented man asked if this was "Padtia"? I hung up but realized afterward that I should have just deleted the call without answering.


Hi Everyone. We have a rainy morning and last evening they were saying on the local weather that we might see some snow today.  However, the forecast this morning shows we will continue to have rain but the temperatures will stay in the 40's so not likely we will see any snow and if it falls it will melt right away.

I plan on staying home today and inside where it is nice and warm.  I have several small projects to do after I finish reading and posting this morning.  I did go to coffee yesterday and then to the Wisdom group and finally stopped at Aldi's for a few items, including eggs which had gone up to $0.99 a dozen whereas they had been less than $0.40 a dozen. 

Marilyne, sorry to read that you having the "Christmas Blues" and hope they go away before Christmas.  I have always thought that the Santa Ana winds came from the ocean headed East.  Your explanation helps me understand what is happening a little better.  I can't even imagine having my home and neighborhood burned down.  What a tragedy.  They had on the NBC News last night the video of a young man jumping over fire to save a tiny baby rabbit.  While that was sweet it also was extremely foolish in my opinion.  Do you read books on and ebook reader?  I have about 1500 ebooks that I have gotten free from Amazon.  I had to stop getting the daily notice as there is no way I could ever read so many.  I do enjoy just looking at the book covers.  I don't download them until I decide to read them.  Now that I have my eyes fixed I hope to start reading a few books again but will continue to listen to audiobooks, which I am really enjoying. I have always loved to browse in the library or bookstore but that is pretty much a thing of the past as no longer have the energy to do much of that. 

Mary Ann, it looks like winter weather is approaching quickly.  In a few days we are to have days in the 30's.  Fortunately it seldom stays below freezing during the day here.  At least tornadoes are limited in scope and don't spread like fires.  I wondered why the California winds were called Santa Ana and now I know. 

Patricia, you are correct that your temps do seem very cold to me.  I went through some earthquakes in Anchorage and they were frightening.  However, I hadn't moved there yet when they had the really big one there in the mid-60's.  Your use of the sticky notes sound like a very good idea.  My computer desk has an upper cabinet built in and I just tape appointment cards and other information to it but also record appointments on the desk calendar, which I see everyday as well as on my phone.  That sounds like I really overdo it but it works for me. 

Joy, putting the note on your door when are you away from your apartment is also a very good idea.  I hope you don't get too much snow up your way.  Just as Mary Ann emails lists and things to Tom, Pat and I often email each other especially with telephone numbers.  However, we do talk to each other as well.  :)               

Mary Ann

Larry, Tom and I do talk to each other daily, but he works in my family room and is on the phone a lot, so it is more convenient for both of us to e-mail. 

Tom and I are going out to lunch today as we have not eaten out this week.  I don't know where we will go, but it will be in the area. 

Our cold weather is here to stay for a while and if the snow lasts until Christmas, young kids will appreciate it if they get snow toys as gifts.  I don't mind the cold as I have a couple of warm coats but as I get older, I don't like to walk in the snow or shuffle along on the ice. 

Lots of whitecaps on Lake Michigan today, but nothing like the other day when there was a lot of spray.

Mary Ann


Good morning from the Interior, not much new here, we are having rain like Larry and have the same temperature as MaryAnn, so I'll head on over to my email to browse thru. Everyone have a good day and stay safe!


Good morning.  I have a few minutes to "rewrite" my earlier post, which disappeared. 

Larry, yes, several people where I live do put a note on their door when they are out, and I thought it was a good idea,  but my son didn't think it was.  We do have a secured building which we have to use a fob to swipe to open the door.  However, sometimes people do sneak in.  We are told not to let anymore in that we do not know, but some of the residents don't always adhere to that.  So, it is possible that someone could come in without belonging here.  I don't think there has been any problem with that, but the place where my SIL lives, someone came in, supposedly to deliver flowers, and robbed 4 or 5 apts.  They think it had to be someone who knew somebody. I know there are a lot of people here who do leave their door unlocked during the day.  I have gotten in the habit of locking it as soon as I come in.

My DIL is picking me up in a little while to take me out to do some errands.  I have to make a stop at the doctor's office,  stop at a jewelry store to get a new clasp put on a necklace, the Dollar Tree , and then to the bank.  And, all are within a mile of each other.  So, we won't be doing a lot of traveling.  I need to get some special Christmas cards and a few other things at the Dollar store.  Not sure if I will stop and bring something home for my dinner.  We have a new Sonic's near by, and each time we have tried to go there, the drive-thru line is all the way around the building. 

Tomorrow I hope to do a little bit of cleaning and finish putting a few Christmas things out.  Don't do much anymore.  A wreath on the door and a Snowman and sled by the door, and a ceramic Christmas tree inside.  A friend always brings me a poinsettia, so that will be my table centerpiece.

They are calling for just snow flurries late tonight into tomorrow morning.  I think most of the snow will be down in the southern part of the state.  The Western Maryland mountains have already had snow and I am sure the ski resorts will be open soon.

Jane, I sure hope you will see a big improvement in your finger over the next couple days.  I know it is so awkward to do anything when one of your fingers is messed up.  Your typing was fine.

Mary Ann, enjoy your lunch out today. 

  I hope everyone will have a great rest of the day.



Mary Ann

Joy, my front (storm) door is locked year round, but we also have the doorknob locked at the same time.  We also have a deadbolt lock that gets locked at night.  Preventative maintenance.  I don't know of any building entries here, but I know people have parked outside and left their cars unlocked and they were entered.  One funny thing a few years ago - a woman lost some coins from her car when someone got in her garage (some of our garages, including mine, are "semi-attached").  She asked if she also had to lock her garage!  My garage is also locked at the service door and the overhead door is down. 

We do have some snow on the ground, not much, but with the temperature in the high 20s, it will stay there.  There is thin ice on the pond and there is snow on top of that.

I want to stamp my few Christmas cards and I will get them in the mail for tomorrow's pick up.  What local I have can wait a week but most of my cards go to relatives who do not live near me.  I have some Father Christmas figurines that I will put out and that will be the extent of my Christmas decorating.

Tom always asks me where I want to eat and I'm thinking!  The place will be near here.

Patricia, it seems odd to look at our temperatures and see they are the same, especially considering the distance between us. 

Mary Ann


Larry - That news photo of the man saving the frightened rabbit has "gone viral", as the saying goes!  Last night it was on my local news, as well as national news, and this morning it's in my newspaper, and on my Comcast news page!  I  guess that young man is having his 15 minutes of fame!  Larry, I'm fascinated that you can buy a dozen eggs for 99 cents, much less 40 cents!  I've never seen eggs for less than $1.99, and that's only the Safeway brand.  Around Easter, some stores will have eggs for $1.49 . . . a bargain price for dying Easter eggs.  We don't have Aldi's in California, but we do have Trader Joe's.  Although there is a TJ's here in my town, I rarely ever go there because this one is a small store, and extremely crowded and hard to find a parking place.  I've never checked the price of their eggs?

Patricia - I wish we would get some of your rain, here in California. Fortunately, we had one good storm in November, so that put an end to our fires here in the North part of the state.  Southern Cal hasn't had rain since last March, so that is another reason why these latest fires are so uncontrollable. 

Mary Ann - for some unknown reason, I've been unable to get the Grand Haven web cam, for the past couple of days?  All I get is a black screen, with a little white circle going around and around?  I'm going to check AJ's computer later, and see if it comes up on his?  Like you and Tom, AJ and I email back and forth to each other. (Even though we're only separated by one room!)  Usually it's to remind him of an appointment, or time to make a bank deposit, or, if he's going out for any reason, I'll ask him to please pick up a prescription, or books waiting at the library, etc.  Also, it's easier for me to type out a question or request, than it is for me to talk . . . thanks to my worn out vocal cord.


MaryAnn, perhaps, but both areas are northern forest areas with lots of water, the geothermal is similar.

Joy, while we have a locked entryway with a small security slash package/mail delivery area just inside the doors, we also use a key fob on both outside entries and apartment doors. The outer entry has a computer system where you see an apartment number with digital buttons that call that apartment. You can refuse or approve entry or turn off notifications for a specific time, but the 24/7 security will still stop them and ask their direction.

Letting someone in that you do not know is a lease violation on a charge, the second one comes with an eviction notice. All apartment doors are locked automatically, have a handle rather than a doorknob and have a deadbolt.If you use something to block your door from closing, it is the same penalty as letting someone unknown into the building.

If you leave without your key, you have to have security walk back with you to reopen your door. They also have you sign a notice of entry, and if it is out of office hours, you're billed. The building is situated by a river and by the edge of an industrial area, so security is paramount with disabled seniors living here.

We are not allowed to put anything on the outside of our doors except notes such as oxygen in use, deaf, or other medical types of notes.

Marilyne, one dozen eggs is 2.99 here, but I often buy five dozen for $8.49 because I tend to buy many staples on a monthly plan.  I have seen so much on the news on the abnormal conditions and fires and even photos from space! It is indeed horrifying, and many towns encircled.

I have a blind friend here, someone I deliver food boxes to who is having vocal issues. She has a small tablet provided by a foundation for the blind, that she uses to email, use the web and also make a type of digital telephone call. Technology is amazing, but I worry about a power outage.

We had disaster preparedness classes the last two summers, and we all have packed go bags in the front entryway closets, but you still have to worry.

We might have rain, but it is falling on melted snow and ice and much of that is along ridges, through lower mountain slopes and foothills. The three highways leading out from here to the rest of the world have to go by these routes.


Good afternoon, cold but not wind like yesterday.  Suppose to get our first snow to morrow.  Of course that is when Riverhead, is having their Christmas parade and bonfire on the river. We may get 4 to 6 inches.

Marilyne, the Stop & Shop supermarket on our corner, is having a reopening and they have giving away free elbow macaroni and free dozen eggs if you spend $25. which is easy to do.

MaryAnn, my neighbor and I all Email each other. Helps me where I cannot hear to well on the phone.

Joy, sounds like you are going to have a good time going out with your DIL

Larry, I remember when I lived in Charleston the cold felt worse then is does up here. It snow a few times and they closed the school.

Shirley, you asked a while back about the name of that expensive shot I get, it is Procrit I got is to day. I I have already got 4 shots, I will be getting one every Friday till the 5th of Jan. My car knows the way to the hematologist. I have gone there so much in the last two years.

New week I have and appointment with a doctor every day, except Thursday. then I am taking my friend to lunch, who takes me to all these places. Next week is the primary doc., cardiologist, foot doc. and hematologist. Last Monday was the eye and ear doctors, and I wonder why I am tired.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who takes such precautions in locking the door.  It is also nice for me that Tom also locks the doors.  Younger people don't always understand why older people do those things.

Today I got my Social Security 2018 notice and my increase is exactly as I said it would be the other day - a whopping $1.  Considering we went two or three years with no increase, then to get $1 is underwhelming.  At least, my amount was not lowered.

Tom and I went out to eat this noon and we went to Cheers.  I had a pulled pork BBQ sandwich and Tom had a burger.  I tried to eat the whole thing but ended up bringing about 1/4 of it home.  It was good which is why I wanted to bring the rest home.  Yum!

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, I haven't double checked my notice yet, but the bottom line is the same. They may have raised the SS but they took it all away again by raising the Medicare deduction. They did that the year before too. I think last year stayed the same, if I am remembering correctly. My Medicare Advantage premium also went up.

We are to get some light snow tomorrow and again snow on Tuesday. The air is feeling very "icy" this afternoon.


I had the exact same situation here with my SS and Medicare.

Mary Ann

I did not mention my increase in Medicare and that is the reason I got that big $1 increase in my Social Security.  My pension does not increase so in effect, I get the same as I got last year - total. 

Someone had posted before I did that they had small increases and that is why I expected the $1 increase.  I guess I should be thankful that the amount did not drop.

Mary Ann


Farrah just did something that surprised me! She has always been verbal, only not in regular cat sounds,  often coming up to where I'm sitting, stretching up on her hind legs, speaking to me and tapping my arm. Just now, she did that and kept doing it when I shrugged my arm away until I looked at her.

She looked towards the room when I said "What!" And I looked. On her toy, the skirt had gotten flipped over half way and the toy was lying on it upside down. Once she knew she had my attention, she went back and sat by the toy. I went over and fixed it but then I got to thinking, that was a bit spooky!


Patricia, I think you just have and extra smart kitty.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Patricia, I have heard of cats doing unusual things, like alerting people to a problem, and evidently Farrah knew you could/would help her.  Maybe you should watch your language around her! Ha!

Mary Ann


I was talking with my best friend last evening. He told me that the Medicare increase has something to do with it being taxed now, courtesy of Obama. I haven't  fact checked that yet. All I know is that the government gives with one hand and takes from the other. In this case it is obvious what with the SS going up exactly (or almost) the same as the Medicare.

The other thing he told me is that up in his hometown, where he spends almost half the year, the seniors in subsidized housing are all that much poorer. Every time the SS goes up (regardless of how much is or is not taken out for Medicare) their rent goes up. Bottom line is that they are that much poorer for it.

The good news here is that I got notice a month or so ago that my electric rate has been lowered, and just a week or so ago, the gas company followed suit. This fall I was able to reduce my TV/Internet/Phone bills by switching to FIOS. Previously, I was getting Comcast TV/Internet and the phone was separate with AT&T. Of course the come on rates will go up after the contract is up, but for the moment, I am getting the channels I like at less overall cost. I had lost those channels when I had to go down a tier level to save money.


Hi Everyone.  It is still very dark here as it is early for me.  However, I woke up about 3:30 and wasn't able to go back to sleep so got up early.  We had rain here all day yesterday but didn't see any snow. We have a 50% chance of more rain today and it will stay in the 40's.

My kitchen chores are done until Pat gets up.    I may go to a meeting later this morning and need to stop by the Post Office.  A neighbor brought over a slip from the Post Office with our address on it that had been placed in her box.  We have no idea what this might be but hope to find out today.  I started reading an ebook yesterday and hope to continue reading it today.  It has been a long while since I have read a book but look forward to doing so in the future.

Mary Ann, it sounds like you email Tom for about the same reason I do with Pat.  She also will often call me from another room rather than yelling to me.  I have found some people can't really get this concept.  We are having our coldest days of the season today and tomorrow.  Deciding where to go eat is always a problem for Pat and I.  We are not very adventuresome and don't like to go too far away from home.  Other than eating at Church on Wednesday night we haven't been out to eat this week.  Perhaps today will be the day.  Pat made chili in her new Instant Pot and I think it is the best she has made in a long time.  However, it made 5 quarts so we will be eating a lot of chili in the coming days.  She will probably freeze some of it for later. 

Joy, I think it is wise to keep your door locked when you are home or away.  Do you get many visitors that you are not expecting.  Where my daughter lived they had closed circuit television and if you put in her code she could see who was trying to get in and send a code that would unlock the door.  Otherwise you had to signal the front desk for someone to let you in.  We also had to wear a badge while we were in the building and register in and out.  It was a bit of a hassle but well worth the effort.  There had been no such security in the apartment she had lived in for 6 years and some crimes were committed there.  I want my doors locked all the time.  Last week there was a home invasion here in our little town so one can't be too careful. It sounds like you had a pretty busy day yesterday with your trip out. 

Marilyne, I know the eggs at Aldi's are a loss leader as is the milk but people usually do other shopping while in the store.  It was just a shock to see the price doubled from what we had been paying although know it still is very reasonable and less than the other grocery stores.  I saw an article yesterday about California having 48 earthquakes in one day versus the normal 24.  With your talking problem it makes a lot of sense to email AJ. 

Patricia, your security system where you live sounds very much like what I was trying to describe above where our daughter lived.  Great idea to have the go bags just in case they are needed.  Farrah sure knows how to get your attention.  :)

deAngel, I guess the snow during the parade is appropriate for the Christmas theme.  Had we still been living in Atlanta we would have snow on the ground as they had some yesterday and were to get more last night.  We didn't get a snow flake as far as I know and I am not complaining about that fact.  You are certainly keeping the doctor's busy.  I think Pat and I have one appointment each until the first of the year.  Mine is just a final check on my last eye surgery and hers is to get another shot in her back. 

MarsGal, I sure hope you didn't have ice form from the icy air.  It is always nice to save a few dollars on utilities. 


Well, it is Noon here now and no sight of snow. The weather map does show some light snow precipitation, but it must not be reaching the ground. I see that the East coastal areas are to get heavier snow than here. Some flights have been cancelled mostly because of icing conditions in Atlanta and Charlotte. The update says Philadelphia is still expecting a total of 3-4 inches. Along the coast, east of Philly the Delmarva Peninsula reported they got 6 inches so far. Wow! Some reports of snow flurries in New Orleans.

Shan dragged his motion toy into the kitchen this morning, even got it wedged between chairs under the kitchen table. Silly boy!


Good afternoon, it is now just starting to snow. The Lassies (our women's group in the park) was having our bake sale and Chinese auction to day, but they cancelled because the forecast was for 4 to 7 inches of snow, starting in the middle of the night.  Now it is just starting so we could have had our meeting. as it was 10 to 1

MaryAnn and Patricia I have told this one before about our Tiger cat.  This took place years ago.  my son Dennis said being I left the windows open at night , I should put a row of bells on the ledge  so I did. The desk was in front of the window, and thats where Tiger like to sleep in the summer time.  to make a long story short.  Tiger came and jumped on my sleeping husband making and awful noise. He got up out of bed yelling  at the cat. Next morning when we got up the curtain was blowing out the window and the bells where laying on the lawn in a row. The state trooper that came said they got and teenage girl, putting her 11 year old brother in windows. she had broken in to 5.   By the way, I got a sign, that said and attack cat lives here.

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Good morning, still dark here at 9:39 AM. I'm looking forward to the Winter Solstice and regaining more daylight! We used to say it,(gaining more daylight); also prevented colder weather remaining longer.

However, in the past decade that no longer holds true as we don't have that severe cold. This winter is the first in three years that we've had measurable snowfall and the steady winter rain together causing hazardous conditions.

Larry, other than the name tags, it sounds the same re security. The offices directly by the front door, besides the manager's office, include a security slash post office slash package delivery room. So the only ones roaming the halls besides residents are maintenance, office folks, and security, all known faces.

While we are to escort visitors out,  security monitors 24/7 video cameras in all public areas. Of the three non-main exits, we use our fobs to return and doing so sends a signal to security. There are eight carts by the front door so carrying any packages or groceries via the elevators is easy.

Other than the building front, it has a security fence all around the building, including the dog park and a small sitting area with a couple of picnic tables. All of the balconies have both a screen door, and a dead bolted outside door.

I can never sleep with open windows after teenagers broke in and vandalized my apartment when Marie was two in 1974. There was another case some years ago, when I lived on the third floor, and I was sitting looking out, only to see my landlord/owner's son climbing up to his apartment via the balconies.

MaryAnn, I think we underestimate our pets and other animals. I have heard the same stories about cats and dogs helping people. They say pigs and parrots and crows and ravens are similar to three to five-year humans, even with the ongoing debate about instinct versus intellect.

MarsGal, I would have to say that Farrah's most favored toys are the Smartycat skirted toy, the "Fishing Pole" and the bendable straws. She doesn't try to carry them about as Shan does, but she will sideways leap and pounce on the toy mouse through the skirt, and she is quite fierce!

Gloria, what a smart cat you had, and I hope your husband made up for yelling at him. It sounds like the bells were a good idea.