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June 07, 2024, 10:05:08 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Instead of hot sauce, liquid soap mixed with pepper on a rag works too, neither is tasty  and if they insist it makes them sneeze. Just rub the length of wire with the rag.

Mary Ann

Kendrick was 5 months old when Annie got him and a bit older when he was desexed.  He had to stay overnight at the vet's but when he came home, he was his energetic self.  He still has more energy than I can cope with, but he's perfectly normal at nearly 5 years old.  He likes the bed I improvised from a mattress pad and I wake up in the night to find he is sleeping on the pad beside my head. 

Mary Ann


Good afternoon, sunny but cold, no melting snow. Tomorrow will be 44, then snow on Friday again.

MarsGal, now Taffy has a rich taste, When I first got her, she was always after my jewelry, especially my gold chain, I have teeth marks on one flat chain.  I could not put sliver rain, on the Christmas tree anymore also. she ended up in the hospital because of the tinsel. That cost me $400.

MaryAnn, taffy has her own pillow on my bed, that is where she is when I go to sleep.  when I wake up she is sleeping across or next to my legs.

Carol, I guess were are not going to see the moon, as it will be cloudy.  Safe trip, that casserole sounds so good.

Larry,Weatherman, is now saying snow for Fri. AM. Hope this time it is a dusting.  I have two doctor appointments.

When using cloth bags, make sure they are kept clean, especially if you carry meat in them.  In the paper there was a write up about the bags, causing e coli

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


  Hi Everyone.  Just going to check in today as really not feeling up to sitting and writing.  Yesterday was a miserable day of constant coughing and I spent almost the entire day and evening in bed.  Then when Pat went to bed I moved to my easy chair and finally sometime after 4:30 this morning the coughing settled down and I was able to get a few hours of sleep.  I am still hacking away today but not as bad as yesterday and will spend the day resting. 

Mary Ann

Larry, I am so sorry your coughing is continuing.  I have had coughing spells occasionally, but nothing like what it sounds yours are.

Larry, some time ago you wrote that you had had a foam mattress and you had difficulty in turning over.  I bought a foam mattress is October and I bought a Memory Foam mattress.  I find I cannot shift backwards on the mattress.  There is a distinct ridge to my right when I want to move to the right.  I am coping with it OK, but I would not advise anyone to get a Memory Foam mattress, especially if they are getting a firm mattress.  I think the memory foam does away with the firmness of the mattress.  I will say I sleep well most of the time and when I don't, it isn't the fault of the mattress; it's my legs and feet - neuropathy.

I notice our temperature is going down and it's not quite 1 pm.  I think we started out about 33 degrees, but it is 19 degrees on the thermometer I can see.  I notice the weather thingy is at 27 degrees. 

Mary Ann


My weather app has been broken since yesterday, showing the same time and temperature repeatedly.


Mary Ann - I posted here in S&F a number of years ago about my memory foam mattress, and about how much I disliked it.  It's an expensive queen size, from a reputable company. We slept together on it for about a year, and I finally had to give it up and buy myself a standard pillow top mattress.  AJ likes the memory foam, so he still sleeps on it, and I have the Beauty Rest, all to myself!  I have heard that men adjust to the memory foam better than women?  Maybe because they are heavier and taller?  It was difficult for me to roll from side to side on the MF, plus I thought it was cold in the winter, and too warm in the summer.  By cold, I mean that the area where I was sleeping eventually warmed up, but if I moved from that spot, it was cold, and would wake me up!  This does not bother AJ at all, so it's just one of those "different strokes for different folks" situations.


Lindancer, I am being remarkably  :calm: considering some of the antics Shan gets up to, but he does seem to be a hair more subdued since I brought him back on Tuesday. I am trying to use reverse psychology on him. I have opened up some of the areas I blocked in order to try to keep him from going behind the computer and TV, and ignor him instead of yelling at him and chasing him out. It could be that his surgery slowed him down temporarily, but he has only gone back there three times since he has been back, and then only briefly, instead of sometimes five or six times a day. Progress, maybe.

One of my pairs of glasses bit the dust at the library today. I can't read close up with them on so I had them pushed up over my forehead while I was pulling books. I must have tilted my head back too far because they slid off the back and onto the floor. I think I might have stepped on it when I backed up slightly and turned to see where they fell. Good thing I have another pair (which were at home) and that I only had to drive six blocks to get home. My eyesight wasn't that much worse than when my eyes do their blurry thing from too much reading, computing and/or dry eye.

George is coming over for spaghetti and meatballs tomorrow. I have never known the man to pass up spaghetti and meatballs.

It is warmer today than yesterday, but dreary. I think we are getting some more rain or snow or combo this evening and tonight.

Mary Ann

MarsGal, I have heard that male cats settle down a bit after that surgery.  I don't know that Kendrick got into bad situations, but I do think he became more subdued.  Annie was living here at the time and when he tried to mark his territory, she had a spray bottle that she used - it only had water in it.  We haven't had any trouble for a long time.

Marilyn, I would not suggest anyone get a Memory Foam mattress.  The ridge is like a small hill and I can't even find it when I make the bed, but I sure can when I'm lying on it.  What galls me is that I paid $100 more for the MF mattress and I don't like it.  I would have been very happy with the firm foam only .  Live and learn, but I'm not going to buy another mattress!

Our temperature has gone down from 30 degrees to 11 degrees during the day.  Brrr.

Patricia, my weather thing isn't working properly either.  Both the temperature and time are off.

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone!

I just thought of something that I forgot
to mention.

A couple of weeks ago,  Kelly and I
went down to visit her brother (my son Kirk) 
in his new house in Southern Maine.

He and his family are moving closer all of the time.

He raises hunting dogs....  One of the bedrooms in this house he uses for his dogs .... he has them in kennels and will soon be building them Kennels outside on his property.... 

He took me inside the room to see his pups... 
Honestly.... One could eat of the floor of this
room where he has about 14 dogs.... Some are
bigger then others....clean clean clean and
absolutely no doggie aromas... 

I have to giggle because as a child he was messiest child,
but when he grew up he became immaculate...

He is  a much better house keeper then I ever
was  and this carries over to how he cares for his
animals...    (who'd a thunk it???) 

We just never know how our kids are going to turn out. 
In fact most all of mine are better house keepers
then  me, to this day!
:uglystupid2: :thumbup:

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, my mother would never be able to say that about me.  She used to have to prod me to do the dusting and now?  I'd let anyone else do cleaning before I'd want to do it.

Mary Ann


Sandy - Very interesting that your son raises hunting dogs.  Are they Labrador Retrievers, or some other hunting breed?  All hunting dogs have sweet dispositions, and are great family dogs.

Larry - I hope that you got some relief from that cough, and finally got a good nights sleep?


Hi Everyone.  It is a beautiful and sunny day here and we are to get to the mid-50's again this afternoon.  I had to sleep in my easy chair again last night as couldn't get into a position to stop coughing and was able to get several hours of sleep.  However the cough is no better this morning and I already exhausted from coughing.  So this will just be another day to stay home and rest.  I just don't feel up to making individual comments again today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 


 I posted a pic of one of his dog over in photos:

click here ======> https://www.seniorsandfriends.org/gallery/89-020218094234.jpeg
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Larry, I hope tomorrow will see you better with cough subsiding. Have you tried Codeine syrup or codeine pills (some one mentioned it  already)? I know it is prescription but it is very effective for persisting cough.  That is what finally cured me last year.


Larry, hope the cough goes away real soon.  Take care.


It's like a Summer day here this morning.  The thermometer on my back deck says 63, and it's only 8:45 in the morning!  Very unusual for early February. 

Mary Ann - Last night I thought I felt a small earthquake, right after I went to bed.  I looked at the clock, and it said about 11:09,  but I don't know how accurate that clock radio is?  I'll have to do a search later and see if there were any reports.  Right now I want to go to the store early, a get a few things to tide us over the weekend.

Sandy - Beautiful picture of your son's dog.  He looks like an English or German Setter, or Pointer?  They have such a nice dispositions.  I hope he has success with his dog business. 

Mary Ann

Marilyn, are you near the Pinnacles?  There was an earthquake there about 7:16 UTC, which put it about 2:16 EST which would be about 11:16 PST. 

When in the Earthquake site, if you click on a circle, at the left in light blue highlight are the facts about the earthquake. 

Mary Ann


Patricia - The crocheted food is amazing!  Absolutely gorgeous.  Of all those shown, I think I like the Ham, the fish, and the cake. :) 

Mary Ann - The Pinnacles National Park, is about 70 miles South of where I live. Lots of quakes there all the time, but it's far enough away that we don't feel them here.  Same with The Geysers, which is North of here - about 85 miles.  The quake I felt late on Wednesday, was reported to be in the Lexington Hills, which is practically in my front yard!  The epicenter was only a few miles away, but was a low 2.4, which is considered to be insignificant.  You have to be very close to feel it, and even then I wasn't sure.  Our house is old, and tends to make a sharp creaking or grating sound when we have a quake, and I heard that, plus a very slight movement of the bed.

Mary Ann

Patricia, I think someone has too much time on their hands!  That certainly is a good looking display; I could make out almost all of the veggies.

Marilyn, the earthquake site shows only quakes 2.5 and higher so if your quake was 2.4, it would not have shown up on the site. 

I bought birthday cards for the babies today but I could not get cards with the ages on in the 2/$1 cards, so had to pay $1 each!  If I were shopping at my grocery store, those cards are all prices, but I haven't paid over $2 for years.  Actually, Tom paid for my cards because he bought something too and included mine. 

Gloria de and Larry - I'm watching the second round of golf today.  Rickie Fowler is in the lead.

I took a nap and Kendrick was beside me when I woke up. 

Our temperature has been about 17 all day and is now 16.  The weather thing is not working.

Mary Ann


It is another very cold morning, the temp being only 17o right now. It will get to the mid-thirties. Tomorrow, rain.

Lunch was a success yesterday. When George arrived he extended his hand for Shan to sniff. He must have passed muster because after lunch, when George had settled into the recliner, Shan promptly jumped onto his lap, settled himself just under his chin, then briefly licked George's face, and proceeded to take a mini-snooze.


Hi Everyone.  It is chilly, overcast morning here in South Carolina and won't get too warm today.  I seem to be feeling a bit better today.  This is the second day of having the antibiotic completed.  I will not win any races today.  I am planning on going to Wifesaver's later this afternoon to pick up our main meal of the day so Pat doesn't have to deal with cooking.  I did spend another night in my easy chair and had a pretty good nights sleep.

Sandy, that is a beautiful dog.  Has your son been dealing with raising dogs for sometime or is this a new activity for him?

Bubble, I am a bit allergic to Codeine.  I have been taking Robitussin Maximum Strength.  My cough does seem a bit better this morning and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Marilyne, I think we will be in the mid-60's in a day or so and looking forward to it.  I am sure you are sensitive to the earthquakes since they are common in your area.  Glad it was a small one. 

Mary Ann, I watched the second round of the golf tournament yesterday afternoon and plan on watching the third round today.  That 16th hole grandstand is really something. 

MarsGal, it sounds like Shan had adopted George. 

Patricia, I will pass on the crocheted food although it was quite colorful.   


Sandy, what a beautiful dog especially with his pattern of coat colors.

Larry, hope you get over that cough soon.  Glad you and Pat are some better.


Larry, glad you are feeling better.


Larry - Glad you're feeling better.  Getting well again is a slow process, when we're in our senior years.  It takes me twice as long to recover completely from a cold virus, or any other illness or accident.  Seems like it takes forever for even a simple cut or slight injury to heal . . . especially on my hands and fingers.  I always have at least one Band-Aid somewhere on my hands or arms. 

MarsGal - Looks like Shan took an instant liking to George.  Maybe he caught the scent of George's cats right away, and knew that he was going to be feline friendly.

Mary Ann - I think today is the day you're going to Holland, for the birthday party?  Hard to believe that the twins are one year old already!  I hope you take some pictures to share with us?

Mary Ann

We are back from the twins' birthday party and a good time was had by all.  Alicia had baked cupcakes to have with ice cream for refreshments and she baked cakes a little larger for the girls.  They had never had anything like that and they made the most of it, of course, eating by hand.  The cakes were green and orange frosting, I thought in honor of the Green Bay Packers, Alicia's favorite team (she's from Wisconsin), but she said not.  Anyway, the girls had frosting in their hair, on their faces and other places.  I will pick a picture to send to Bubble for posting.  While some of the guests were fellow church friends, Alicia's parents came from Milwaukee, Tom and I, Annie, Tom's former wife, Sue (the other grandma), Dot, Sue's mother and sister-in-law were all there.  It wasn't too crowded, but there was a nice group. 

A funny thing - Tom's former wife, Sue, is going to marry again.  Tom and Sue were married June 2, 1984.  Sue's new date will be June 2, 2018.  I told her all I had to do was take one name off my record and put the other one in (I can get sarcastic at times).  She was kind of taken aback, but realized the humor and laughed.  Dot and I will be invited and a house has been rented for guests.  I think I will go, depending on transportation.

Mary Ann


Hi All..... 

My son Kirk has been raising dogs for years,  but
now he is going to be breeding them....   
He will do very well, as he  is an excellent care
taker  and trainer ... 

Well,  tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday....  for
all interested...     I will watch a bit of it ... 
It seems the Pats are on another roll ...  I am
not a Pats fan but I do like good football game. 

Have a good day Everyone!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Everyone.  I awoke to a rainy morning. Still feeling very tired today so will just take thing easy and probably stay in my easy chair as don't feel up to being in my office.  I just plan on napping, watching some golf this afternoon and then watching the Super Bowl this evening.  Pat plans on fixing a tuna casserole for our main meal and will likely fix it at noon as has a little more energy in the morning than the late afternoons. 

Mary Ann

Larry, we woke to a snowy morning and Dot came along to pick me up.  When I got in the car, she said her neighbor had called to tell her not to drive this morning - and what did I think.  I have driven in such condition when I had to, but I told Dot she was the driver.  We went up the 5-mile hill and turned onto Plainfield which is level and she decided we would turn around.  We did and I'm back home; I'll bet there won't be many at church today.  Also I am sure when Tom wakes up, he will to go to his church which isn't far away.

You take care and get your rest. 

I'll be back later to see who has gotten up.

Mary Ann