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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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MaryAnn, I go in June to the eye doctor.  I have eye drops to put in 4 times aday.  He said I have macular degeneration starting, but at my age I should not worry.  What ever that mean

the laptop in my bedroom, I use on and old sewing machine table I bought at a yard sale years ago. It is quite small. Paid $5

I am told, that Taffy stays in the bedroom when I am in the hospital

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Marilyn, thanks for the information; I'll look into getting one.  I think Norm had one at one time but I have no idea what might have happened to it.

Gloria, I think a sewing machine table would be too high for me but a "desk" such as Marilyn suggested would only be a bit higher and not too much.  I also have a start on both glaucoma and macular degeneration, but I don't worry about it either at my age.  Age does have its benefits, doesn't it?  (Sometimes!)

I think Taffy probably wants  your scent when you are in the hospital and that's what I feel about Kendrick coming in to check on me as he usually rubs my pant leg, then leaves and comes back later to do the same thing.
Mary Ann


Mary Ann, Target has an adjustable LAP laptop table on their website for $19.99.  I think this is what you are looking for.


Click for Arlington, TexasForecast


George just called a little bit ago to let me know he had to put Orion down. He is pretty upset. Orion was the first cat he got and, I think, his favorite. Turns out, Orion had a fluid build up in his chest and he was so bad off that the doc didn't think he would make it through surgery to try and drain it, nor was he sure that it wouldn't fill up again.

Orion seemed fine the last time I was over; it was Lily I was worried about because she wasn't in the kitchen waiting impatiently for me to feed her the last three days I was over to feed them and check on the house. She wasn't wanting any of it. I guess she is okay, though. George said she switched to wanting to eat the wet stuff in the evening. Cats are funny like that, and they are often notoriously hard to tell if they are sick. I was worried about the wrong cat.

Mary Ann

MarsGal, thanks, I'll look into it. 

I'm sorry about Orion and it is hard to put down a pet.  I worry about Kendrick if I can't find him, however, he usually is down in the lower level, looking out the slider at birds.  He gets only dry cat food and water and seems OK to me.  He's nearly five years old and often is attached to me like glue.  I think he likes me.  He should outlast me and he'll find a new home at that time because, while he tolerates and likes the cat, Tom won't be bothered keeping him.  While I am gone for a few days in a couple of weeks, Tom will feed him. 

Mary Ann


MarsGal - I'm sorry about George's cat, Orion.  It's so hard when a pet is put down.  You feel guilty somehow, like you could have, or should have done more.  Mainly, you just miss the presence of your loving pet. :(

Mary Ann - Do you think Annie, would ever take Kendrick back?  I remember you said her boy friend is allergic to cats, but she may not stay will him long term?  She is still so young.


I am always so sorry when and animal has to be put down.Our pets become our children.

MaryAnn, a desk sounds like a good idea.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Marilyn, I don't know if Annie can break away from her boss/boyfriend.  She knows she is in a precarious situation, but he doesn't pay her a lot, however, she gets room and board (ha!).  He also foots the bill when they go on trips, such as one to Jamaica recently.  He's a control freak and she's between a rock and a hard place.  She is the one person Kendrick will tolerate when she comes here and he does not hide.  With others, he usually goes to the family room.

Mary Ann

Mary Ann

An ore boat is in the harbor at Duluth, on its way to somewhere.  9:15 pm EDT.

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone.  We are suppose to have occasional rain showers or thunderstorms throughout today and tonight but it will get only to 79 degrees. We experienced the same type of weather yesterday.  I plan on staying close to home until late this afternoon when I will go to the Church for our next to last Wednesday night dinner. 

I did attend the Senior (Prime Time) luncheon yesterday at noon.  There was a small attendance as the mother of one of the very active Church members passed away on Saturday night and the service was yesterday in another town.  Apparently quite a few of the folks who normally attend went to the funeral to support support Laura and her family.  We had a nice program presented by a young lady who is working at her first TV weather job as the weekend morning broadcaster.  She had some slides and told us a bit about what is involved in forecasting the weather and presenting it on the air.  The meal that followed wasn't one of my favorite as it was an Italian Pasta Salad.  I did not feel well all afternoon and laid down about 7 pm and then actually went to bed around 9 pm. 

Mary Ann, Pat's computer lap table has the padding built into the bottom of it as does mine but has the hard surface.  We have not had any problems with our laptop overheating and there is ample room for the mouse.  Sorry to read that Annie's boyfriend is a control freak as no one likes to be controlled by someone else.

Marilyne, Pat and I both use the computer lap tables when sitting in our easy chairs with our feet up.  The only complaint is that without a lot of light the keys are often difficult to see, although we both touch type.  My new computer has a keyboard that a light goes on around all of the keys for a few seconds when a key is struck and I no longer have that light problem. I bought the lap desk for Pat a number of years ago at Barnes & Noble.  It sounds like we might have purchased the same or similar items. 

deAngel, do you set a time to remind you to put in your eye drops. If I had to take medicine or do drops that many times a day I would likely get preoccupied and miss a does.  However, I did well when I had to use the drops in my eyes three times a day before and after the cataract surgery.  I am sure Taffy must miss you when you are away overnight. 

Mary, I will have to take a look at the Target site to see what they have in way of laptop tables as the one I have is getting a little worn. 

MarGal, the loss of a pet is difficult.  It sounds like George made a wise decision.  Our dog had a similar problem with fluid buildup due to his heart condition and we had to make the same decision on the advice of the Vet. It will probably be a hard adjustment for Lily as she has lost her playmate.


We were at 93 degrees yesterday, and today is supposed to be the same.  My a/c is going all the time it seems.  Oh well, better than being toooo hot.

Mary Ann

Joan, my computer says we are at 71 degrees with a high of 78.  I think the computer is wrong and we probably are near 80 degrees now.  It is very nice.  I'm happy we are not at 93 degrees.  It was foggy when I got up about 6:45 am and I see Grand Haven is still foggy.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and Tom and I went to lunch at Panera's afterward.  I had a good report with the doctor (cardiologist) and he said to return in a year!  Previously, it had been every six months.  I think I had not seen this doctor for at least three years, maybe four.  He is either iranian or Iraqi, but has been in the US a long time.  He speaks almost unaccented American and I know he's gotten his medical degrees from U of Indiana and from somewhere in Pennsylvania.  I decided I must be in better health than I thought I was.  I also know something could happen tomorrow!

Mary Ann


I'm grateful to be back online at last!   The main Comcast cable in our town was vandalized around 8:00 pm last night, and we have had no internet, TV or landline phone.  So it amounted to about 15 hours without, and only goes to show how dependent we all are . . . I was completely lost without any of those three things, that I count on every single day and night.  Imagine vandals doing such a thing . . . supposedly cut through the main cable with a knife, and brought down the entire system.  The crew from Comcast worked all night and morning to replace 1400 feet of cable. 
So that's my excitement for the day!  ::)


I know what you mean, Marilyne.  We have Cox cable and the TV portion went down for a few hours the other day.  But we still had the Internet and the phone so we survived.  :thumbup:

We are having another beautiful day in the low 80s.  We had to do some grocery shopping and after going to two different stores we were really tired when we got home.  Then it was a rush to get some lunch made.  I do the cooking and Larry usually does the clean up which is nice.  Now it is just relaxing.


I will join you two.  I moved into Aged Care and really needed internet but it has been a real job to feel at last I am connected to the world again.  The establisment internet was just useless so have got my own line,and a couple of visits from a Geek (expensive but what the hec) and I think I am now OK.
This has been a real learning experience but think I know all the rules now and also getting to know some of the “inmates” lol  Hi everybody!

Mary Ann

I'm glad you're back in business, Marilyn.  I know I am on the computer too much but if I did not have it, I'd be lost.  I have AT&T and I know many people don't like it, but I've had good service from them. 

It is such a nice day today.  Kendrick and I went out on the deck a while ago.  He stalked the birds that live below the deck and every so often a bird would land on the railing.  He'd go after the bird but the bird would fly away before he got there.  I doubt he'd know what to do with the bird if he caught it. 

It's good to hear from you Junee and it sounds as if you are getting along fine.  I think you probably read that I had a 94th birthday a month ago today so I really appreciated the cardiologist telling me that I didn't have to return for a year.  I guess I'm in better shape than I give myself credit for. 

Mary Ann


Junee, I’m glad you were able to get the Internet problem sorted out.  The Internet sure means a lot to us older folk, especially as we get more housebound.

Mary Ann

If anyone is interested, there is a boat leaving Duluth right now.  It is only in the harbor so it will be a few minutes before it gets to the bridge and canal.

Mary Ann


Mary Ann,  that is great that you got such a good report from your heart doctor.  I know it was good news for you to receive.  The last appointment I had, I got good news also, so I can appreciate how you must feel.   Just keep going, as long as you can !!!



Mary Ann - I got there just in time to see the boat.  It was long and slow!   I wonder where it's going? Maybe it says on the schedule - I'll take a look.  Great to hear that your doctor visit was a good one, and that you won't have to go back for a year!
My younger daughter, Sandy, has AT&T for her internet, TV and phone, and she's always been happy with it too.  The only time she ever had a problem, they came out right away to fix it. 

Junee - It sounds like you're all settled into your new living situation.  How big of a place is it? I hope you've met some of the other "inmates" by now, and will make lots of new friends!  Keep us posted. :)

FlaJean - We're one of the last to hold onto a landline, but it still works for us.  We are here most of the time, and each of us has a phone beside the computer and bed, so it's convenient and familiar. We also have cell phones, but I've never been comfortable talking on my cell, and prefer the old landline.  We even have the old fashioned wall phone in the kitchen!  ::) :D

Joy - Good to see you here today!

Mary Ann

Marilyn, I don't know what to call my phone situation, but it probably isn't landline now.  I have a cordless situation with three phones - a main one and two others.  I have the same number I've had for probably 50 years, at least.  #1 is beside me at the computer, one is in the kitchen and one in the living room.  Occasionally I take one into the bedroom with me but I get so few calls that I usually forget about it.  I wanted to get a fourth phone, but I bought a Panasonic and a fourth phone would have cost about $50 so I said "the heck with it!"  I have Caller ID and you'd laugh at the voice that announces the calls.  It is a female voice but the words are phonetic. 

I watched for one boat to go out about suppertime, but I notice it still has not left.  They do that sometimes, don't they?!

Yes, I was pleased with the doctor's visit because now if something doesn't feel quite right, I won't wonder what is going on.

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone. After a somewhat rainy day yesterday we ar expecting more of the same this afternoon.  We had a very good dinner at Church last evening with Beef Stroganoff, peas and baby carrots, salad, bread and a chocolate bread pudding.  Pat decided at the last minute that she was up to going to the supper.  We then stopped at Walmart to pick up our online grocery order and didn't even need to get out of the car.  When we got home Scott and Elizabeth, who had been a dinner with us and came on out to the house, carried the groceries in to the kitchen from the car, which I really appreciated as wasn't feeling on top of the world. I have a very light schedule planned for today. 

I decided not to attend coffee this morning but do have to make a quick trip to Walmart for a prescription and to pick up a couple of items that the other Walmart were out of yesterday but that we need.  Later this afternoon we plan on going to Ruby Tuesday's for our main meal of the day as they have another buy one-get one entree special and that is really hard to beat. 

Joan, it sounds like summer has arrived early out your way.  I know you appreciate your AC.  Last evening Scott bought and installed a window unit to put in the small room that Elizabeth has in his house. 

Mary Ann, great news from your cardiologist and not needing to return for a year is very good news.  It is good that you were able to actually see the doctor this time.  I expect my new cardiologist is also from Iraq or Iran as his last name is Shah.  I don't see him until July.  I need to look him up on the Internet to learn more about him and his training.  I don't care as long as he is a good doctor.  I sort of bet that Kendrick's instincts would take over if he were able to catch a bird and he would probably bring it to you as a gift. 

Joy, I hope each day finds you feeling better. 

Marilyne, going 15 hours without the Internet, television or landline phone is frustrating and especially for the reason that caused the outage.  I hope they are able to find the person(s) responsible for such an act of destruction.

Jean, I certainly understand being very tired when we finish shopping.  Pat and I are both so thankful for the online grocery shopping that we can now do as well as other shopping online.  I am not hesitant to ask for help finding an item anymore rather than roaming around looking for it.  I do almost all of the clean up in the kitchen as it is about all that Pat can handle to prepare us something to eat. 

Junee, great to see you back online and I hope you soon really enjoy living in your new place and make many friends.  I hope those "inmates" soon become friends, or at least some of them.  I hope the food is good and tasty that they prepare for you. 

Mary Ann

Larry, when you don't feel up to doing much, you are wise to take it easy.  It is so nice for you that Scott and Elizabeth were available to bring in your groceries.  We have Fast Lane with our grocery store and both Tom and I add to the list.  When Tom really needs something, he places the order, then picks it up later AND brings it into the house AND puts things away.  I feel perfectly capable of putting them away but he does it.  I sometimes forget what I have placed on the list so have to look in the refrigerator to see what we have.  I order some staples but I order for my lunches and those things often are perishable, such as salads.  I have to eat a salad very soon because the lettuce doesn't stay fresh forever.  Being able to see what I am ordering has been a boon for me because Tom and I have different tastes, for instance, he likes salsa and I don't.  If I don't see something, I may not know it exists.

We are headed for a warm day today - in the 80s.  At 10:30 it already is in the mid 70s.  I think I'll find the cat and me on the deck; maybe I'll eat my lunch out there.

Larry, your dinner at church last night sounds delicious.  I used to buy a beef stroganoff packaged dinner that I liked very much - so it was discontinued!  I have found my appetite is not as great as it used to be but my taste buds still work. 

Mary Ann


Larry - My primary doctor's last name is also Shah.  She is from India, and talks with enough of an accent, that it's hard for me to understand her.  She's a sweet and caring doctor, and seems to be genuinely interested in what I have to say, so I really appreciate that.  Some doctors seem to not be listening to you when you are talking, and don't even respond when you ask a question. 

Mary Ann - We are still having the cool, windy and gloomy weather.  Yesterday only in the low 60's, but it's supposed to warm up by Saturday, for the Memorial weekend.  Speaking of appetite - I'm not as particular as I used to be.  We're satisfied with food that I would have not even considered, a few years ago.  I have too much of a sweet tooth now, and I'm trying to break my recent habit of eating a bowl of ice cream every night after dinner . . . usually with caramel sauce over the top!  :-\

Joan - Did Candy finally have her ultrasound this week?  I hope it showed that everything is okay?


Marilyne, yes and thanks for asking.  However she will not get the results til next visit.  It was an internal one... never heard of that but what do I know?  Tis all done on the Doctor's time, not ours.


Good Morning, at least for a few minutes yet.   Pretty sunny warm morning. Supposed to be near 80º.

Larry, thanks, and I do feel better this morning.  Feel more like doing something.  I have been so sleepy and lazy the past several days.  Need to get a few chores done.  Your dinner sounds delicious ,  Nice that Pat felt up to going.

I have an order to be picked up on Friday evening.  My son or DIL  will pick it up. 

I am so looking forward to seeing my grand daughter and all the little great-grands on Sunday and hope I continue to feel ok.

We will be having steamed crabs on Sunday.... a special treat for my grand daughter, who is from Maryland, but lives in Connecticut now.  This will be our  first steamed crabs of the season.  And, the price was reasonable,  for being a holiday week end.  My grandson, where we will be meeting, is fixing hamburgers and hot dogs along with some salads that I will bring.  I am just hoping the weather is ok.  At least,  they do have enough room inside, if the weather doesn't cooperate. 

My oldest son and his wife and another couple are in Nice, France, for a couple days before they go on one of those river barge cruises  along the Rhone River.  They are so fortunate to be able to go on these trips they take.  My son travels a lot, so he gets a lot of  frequent miles and perks.

I, also still have a land-line for my phone service. I do have a cell phone, but all it does is phone calls. I rarely use it , as I am always with someone who has their cell phones.  I don't do texting, so I don't really need a fancy phone. My grandchildren all tell me that if I were able to text them,  we could be in touch better. It is hard to get them on their phones. 

Mary Ann, if you notice on the page where you can bring up the canal web cams,  on the right, there is a list of other web cam sites that show Two Harbors dock.   I checked the map and saw where Two Harbors is a depot on the lake  a little bit up from Duluth.   The other day, I saw a big freighter leaving that depot.  There is a boat ramp right there also, and  the week end boaters are starting to show up. 

And, Mary Ann, I am like you, also. I spend  entirely too much time on this "toy", but I consider it my entertainment and it gives me so much pleasure, plus educational, also.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.



Mary Ann

Joy, I am aware of the list of web cam sites and when a ship is coming in or going out, I follow it on the map until I can get to the cam site.  I also have watched from Two Harbors and Superior.  It is so nice they provide us with all of that entertainment!  I appreciate it!

I have never had steamed clams or the crabs that Maryland is famous for.  Our cookouts are usually hamburgers, hot dogs and/or kielbasa or brats.  Tom may go somewhere for a picnic, but I doubt I will and I don't mind.  I have hot dogs in the freezer and can have my own picnic if I want.  I even have a russet potato to make a salad.  I won't lack for food!

It's interesting how different parts of the country have different holiday picnic traditions.

Marilyn, with the 80-plus degree temperature, I am wearing shorts!  I always try to picture my 92-year-old grandmother wearing shorts (she didn't wear shorts) and it does not come up!  She died in 1951, a long time ago.

Mary Ann


Good afternoon.

Mary Ann, isn't it nice when the doctor says come back in a year or six months?

Larry, my pulmonary doctor is from India, he does not like to use the PC, and sets and writes everything out. I guess his nurse has to do that.He also takes his time with you. There was a big write up in the paper about him, that he goes to India and give his free time to work with the poor.

Joy, do you also have clam bakes?   Most BBQ around here have mussels and clams along with BBQ meat During the depression we always had a bushel of clams, oysters and of course potatoes in the garage,  I have wrote this before.  My family was fishermen. One uncle was a  potatoes farmer, that  is why we always had a bushel of potatoes

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Mary Ann,  I, too, really enjoy seeing all the different places with the web-cams.  And, I do spend a lot of time  traveling to each of them, sometimes several times a day.  One webcam I watch every morning is in Bethany Beach, Delaware.  It is placed on the boardwalk overlooking the ocean, and now that the weather is getting nice. almost every morning,  there are about 5 or 6  older guys who meet there, around 6:30 for coffee.   Sometimes there are 1 or 2 with the rolling walkers.  I guess that sounds silly to some people that I go looking to see what is going on that early in the morning.  LOL

It sure looks like a miserable day in Duluth today.   Yesterday, it was a beautiful day.  One of the things on my "bucket list", (which will probably never happen) is to go to Duluth to see that bridge and the ships coming through. 

Gloria, no, I don't remember hearing about any clam bakes around here.  Maybe down at the resorts near the ocean might have them.  My grand daughter, who used to live in Myrtle Beach  has told me about the oyster roasts that they used to have.  They would lay all the oysters, I think on some kind of screening and cover them with wet burlap and roast them that way.  I would love to have tasted them.  Most places around here have either steamed or raw oysters.
I am not real crazy about clams, tho.  Too chewy and rubbery.  But, I do know you always get a big pile of them at restaurants. They are usually fried.

Have a good afternoon.



Mary Ann - Thanks to AC, I haven't worn shorts in years. I'm uncomfortable with AC, even with long pants, so it would be unbearable with shorts.  It isn't that we have it turned up particularly high, it's that  it goes continuously, to keep the temperature at around 76-78 degrees. The front of the house faces South/West, and is almost solid windows, that are not double pane, so it's difficult to cool this old house, with the sun beating on it all day. The AC vents are on the floor in all the rooms, so it seems to be extra cold on my feet and legs.  It doesn't bother AJ at all . . . he wears shorts most days this time of year, and through Summer and Fall whether AC is on or not.

My grandmother wearing shorts??   She lived with us during my growing up years, and I never saw her dressed in anything but a dress, with long stockings and sensible shoes.  She would often go to the beach with us, and sit under the umbrella in her dress, stockings and shoes!  My mother however, wore shorts all the time in the summer.  No AC anywhere back then.

From your description, I think you definitely have a landline phone, like we have.  Any house phone that isn't a cell phone, is a landline.  The little stands/holders that our phones sit in, are plugged into a special outlet on the wall.  We take them out of those holders, and take them all over the house, and usually forget them.  I have to have the phone close to me when I watch TV, or I can't hear it ringing.  We rarely ever use the kitchen wall phone anymore, because you have to sit there and talk . . .  cannot move around like you can with the other sets.

Sorry for writng a "book" - I got started and couldn't stop!