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June 07, 2024, 10:52:50 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Mary Ann & Larry - I plan to vote against dividing the State into three separate states.  There are lots of reasons why it's being pushed by different political factions, but that's a whole other story.  If the vote were for splitting the State into TWO states, I think I would vote for it.  Those of you who don't live here, or haven't visited here in many years, have no idea what California has turned into.

There are too many people living here, and as a consequence, the state has become unwieldy and impossible to govern.   It is already overcrowded, but people are arriving every day from everywhere in this country and from around the world. The new arrivals come because they can make an incredible amount of money working in the tech industry here in the North, or the entertainment industry in the South.  In 2015, the population of the Los Angeles area alone, was 18.7 million. Here in the Bay Area, we now have 8.5 million, and growing every day!  There are not enough apartments for rent, or houses to buy.  Those that are available are beyond the means of the majority of people who are here.  People are allowed to live in their cars, RV's, trailer homes, etc.,and are allowed to park them on certain streets or specified areas near public parks and county property.  There are thousands of people living that way.

The taxes here are the highest of any of the 50 states.  The public schools rank the lowest of any of the 50 states. The homeless population is the highest of any state, and growing every day. The crime rate is out of control.  The jails are so crowded, that people who are arrested for felonies, are booked, and then released, because there is no place to put them.  They are released and told to return for their hearing, but of course the majority never return, and simply disappear somewhere in the crowded cities. Being as this is a "sanctuary state", people can come from other countries, and know that they will not be deported, and if they are arrested for a felony, they will not be turned over to Federal authorities.

Maybe, by dividing the state, things could be brought under some kind of control?   However, I don't see it ever happening . . . during my lifetime anyway. It will be interesting to see how the vote turns out in November.

(I know this is more than you ever wanted to know, but I got started and couldn't stop!) :(

Mary Ann

Marilyn, I'd say what you wrote is what we do want to know.  What are the reasons why the suggestion was made in the first place?  I've heard about the over-population and high prices for homes and rentals and food and gas and, and, and.  I also hear about lack of water unless for irrigation.  People from California are astounded when they move to the midwest and find what they can get in buying homes - nowhere near as expensive and what one would be in CA.  I think the main rival CA has is New York City.  I will stay in Michigan!

I saw the Manitoulin go into the Soo locks tonight.

Kendrick is behaving himself and I didn't let him out once today.  Of course, there also was no opportunity to let him out as when Tom and I left for lunch, we would not let him out anyway.  I think he's downstairs looking out the slider to see if he can see any birds.

Mary Ann


The man who has been attempting for some years to partition the state is trying to do so by party lines. If you look at his two most recent attempts, they closely follow the accounts of voting records.


Patricia - Yes, I did mention that it is politically motivated as well."There are lots of reasons why it's being pushed by different political factions, but that's a whole other story.". Even if it passed, it wouldn't begin to solve the multiple other serious problems that seem to have no answers.

Mary Ann - Lots of people would love to move away to other states, and many already have, but it costs a lot of money to move, and get started somewhere else. 
Younger daughter Sandy, is barely hanging on.  Fortunately she lives in a rent controlled one bedroom apartment, so they can only raise her rent 5% a year.  It's now up to $1,350, which is considered to be a rare bargain in this area.  It takes all of her money every month to pay the rent and buy gas for her car and buy food.  We have been helping her for the past couple of years, by paying for her internet/cell phone, and her car insurance.  She would dearly LOVE to move to another state, but it would cost a fortune to move.  She is not married, so has no help, except for us.  We couldn't afford to set her up in another state.

Mary Ann

Marilyn, moving to another state isn't always the best thing, either, because besides the cost, a person/family is usually leaving behind relatives, friends, memories and much has to be changed.  I think the young can do it better than older people, even middle agers because they often are not so deeply involved in where they live.

Sandy, I think your eagles are getting ready to "fly the coop".  I saw three on a large branch, not on the nest and one in particular was flexing his wings as if to take off.  I don't have time to watch them all day, but I am sure it will be soon.

I'm heading for the shower and I'll check on the birds later.

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone.  It is another beautiful Saturday morning here in South Carolina.  Last evening we had a very nice 20 minute or so shower.  There were more storms in the area but fortunately we only got some lightning, thunder and rain.  Again today it will get into the lower 90's.  The heat here yesterday was very oppressive as the humidity was high and probably will be again today.  I do have to get out to do a little shopping at Aldi's and will likely attend a meeting this morning before doing the shopping.  I plan on watching the last 2 or 3 hours of the third round of the golf tournament.  Pat is going to fix a roast in the Instant Pot so we will be having a tasty dinner tonight.

Mary Ann, Pat hasn't had too much of a problem losing her earrings but sometimes they do hurt her ears.  It sounds like Kendrick went on a hunting foray, a real night owl out catting about.  Was the lunch in Cannonsburg a first time at that restaurant?

Patricia, I opened the quiz site in a new tab and will look at it a bit later. 

Marilyne, thanks for the interesting information on the situation you all have in California.  It sounds like a really bad situation in terms of living conditions, cost of living and taxes.  I feel for your daughter trying to make ends meet. A 5% rent increase each year still quite a significant increase if the income hasn't increased in a like amount, which it normally doesn't especially for one who is retired.  Homes are certainly much cheaper here in the Midwest and Southeastern part of the country.  Even if the separation legislation passed wouldn't it still require Congress and a certain percentage of the States to ratify the creation of the new States? 

Mary Ann

Larry, the correct name of the restaurant is the Cannonsburg Grist Mill.  I suppose at one time there was a grist mill there.  Cannonsburg is a small community about 10 miles NE of where we live.  It is large enough to still have its own PO.  Near there is Townsend Park which is a favorite place for many people to picnic.  Our church used to have the church picnics there, reserving a large section of the park.  I've been through there several times, but not for a picnic.  It was the second time I had been to the restaurant.

This probably isn't the same, but did the states have to vote to admit Alaska and Hawaii as states?  I know they already were territories so it isn't like dividing a state into three parts.  Next we'll have to add Puerto Rico.  I wonder if PR will ever recover from Hurricane Maria. 

My thermometer here just turned to 70 degrees and we are having a dreary, gloomy day.  I had thought we'd have a 90 degree day and we still might, but it is starting out slow.  As such, it is quite humid.

I think cats are natural prowlers and that probably is what Kendrick did.  He had no burrs in his fur and it's almost like he did nothing.  For all I know, he could have slept on someone's patio.  He went right for his food when he came in, so other than grass, there must not have been anything to eat - especially mice!  Which is OK by me.

Some time ago Tom gave me a link to boats going through the Soo Locks.  It isn't a good site, but the good ones all say they're corrupted.  I discovered a map of the area that shows the locations of the boats and I can see when a boat will be approaching the Soo.  It takes a long time for a boat to go through the locks, I suppose because they've got to get the water levels even for the boat to continue.  We used to go to the locks but not now; not open to the public.

Mary Ann


Almost afternoon. It is 75o and to go to around 85o today. I decided to mow the front lawn and part of part of the back yard this morning. It could have waited for a few more days except the next to are to be up to 90o and more humid. After that a few days of possible rain and thunderstorms.

My sister and I are doing the Philadelphia Zoo and the New Jersey Aquarium on Friday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Since the aquarium changed its hours, the tour bus will be leaving an hour earlier than expected. That means I must be to my sister's house by 7am instead of 8am. We'll be doing the aquarium first. Neither one of us has been to the Philly Zoo since we were youngsters. Sue has never been to the Jersey aquarium. I'll be interested to see how it stacks up against the Baltimore Aquarium at Inner Harbor.


MarsGal, I would have loved to accompany you two on that trip! I've been to zoos, notably the one in San Antonio; but never to a large aquarium! It must be fascinating!

Does anyone know the rest of the story about the raccoon who climbed a twenty story concrete office building?



MaryAnn, while I'm sure Hawaii was similar; here's what happened about Alaska.

"Breaking a 42-year legislative deadlock, Congress in 1958 voted to admit Alaska into the Union as the 49th state. The last state to be admitted to the Union was Arizona, in 1912.

The Interior and Insular Affairs Committees of both chambers reported bills providing for Alaska statehood in 1957. Because in 1954 and 1955 the House had killed statehood bills, the Senate leadership in the 85th Congress decided to await House action on Alaska statehood before taking it up in the Senate. But the House Rules Committee for 10 months refused to send the bill to the floor.

Statehood bills, however, are covered by a special-privilege rule that permits them to bypass the Rules Committee, and in May 1958 the bill was called up on the House floor under this rule. The going was far from easy: Five days of debate preceded House passage, and several attempts to kill the bill or delay action were made along the way. A tentative vote to strike the bill's enacting clause seemed to presage defeat, but the next day the House reversed itself, defeating the motion to kill the bill, and HR 7999 was finally passed.

In the Senate, threats of a Southern Democratic filibuster against the bill did not materialize, although there was lengthy debate. Points of order against the bill on grounds of unconstitutionality were systematically voted down. Unsuccessful attempts to amend the bill also were made by Southern Democrats. Had the bill been amended, it would have been sent back to the House, where an objection by one Representative â€" either to concurring in Senate amendments or to sending the measure to conference â€" could have returned the bill to the Rules Committee."



Both states, Alaska and Hawaii had to garner enough local votes to be able to apply for statehood

While those were successful, pushed by business interests, Puerto Rico's referendums have not with the local populace consistently voting against statehood.


Patricia, I remember the TV coverage when Alaska became a state.  At the time, my husband was in the US Army band at Ft. MacArthur, and I attended a ceremony there, where the old American flag at the Post was lowered, and was replaced with the new flag.  The band played a number of patriotic songs, and there were some short speeches.  The ceremony ended with, The Star Spangled Banner.  Funny how I had forgotten all about that.  This was sometime in 1958 or early 1959.  I remember standing for the pledge and the National Anthem, and I was holding our baby, Shelley, who was born in May, 1958. 

I saw the TV coverage of the Raccoon who climbed the 20 story building.  It was an awesome sight to see!  Whoever took the video, did a good job, and followed him/her all the way to the top.  After that, I don't know what happened, except it was reported that the story had a happy ending??  There is probably more on Google?

MarsGal - Your trip to the zoo and the aquarium, sounds like a great way to spend a Summer day.  I haven't been to a zoo in about 40 years!  It was the San Francisco zoo, which is one of the best.  I have been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, a number of times in recent years. 

Mary Ann, I'm glad that Kendrick came home - none the worse for wear. :) I'm sure he was hiding somewhere under a bush or shelter of some kind. Cats are naturally nocturnal, which is why they like to be out at night, prowling around and watching for other critters.  Now-a-days, there are too many hazards that they can get into if they encounter another animal.  Around here, the worse hazard is the coyotes, that prey on cats, small dogs, and deer. Also, raccoons can be vicious if they don't like something or someone.

Mary Ann

I know the residents of Puerto Rico have voted down statehood but I'm wondering now after Maria if they might reconsider.  As a territory, they've suffered a lot and not gotten the help they've needed so I wonder if statehood would make anything better.  The government sent help and money to Houston and Florida, would they do the same if PR was a state?

We're up to the mid 70s now but for a while I wondered if we'd even make 70.

At nearly 1:30 pm I think the mail should be here, so I'll go after it.

Mary Ann


The good "citizens"
of Puerto Rico Have been ignored by the
country of which they are "CITIZENS"...
from the day that they are born....   
they hold a  US American Passport....   

And these good citizens have been
deserted.       Why would they want to
be the 51st State of a country that
doesn't care enough to treat them well,
and take care of them in a crisis???

The old grey mare  (USA)  ain't what she
use to be....  and that is very,  very
sad, indeed.  (IMHO)

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, I agree with the fact the PRs have been treated miserably, but I wondered if they were a state rather than a territory, if their treatment would be better.

Mary Ann


I have to agree with Sandy when a sitting president declares he wants to "send all Puerto Ricans back to Mexico." Why would they reconsider statehood?


The raccoon that climbed the 20 story building
is safe....  and will be released to its natural to a more
friendly raccoon neighborhood.

captured raccoon:
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Patricia, I was looking at it from a different angle - that if PR was a state, the government might take better care of them than they (we) do as a territory.  Obviously, if PR remains a territory, they are likely to be ignored.

I spent much of the afternoon waiting for boats to arrive that didn't and for boats to leave that didn't.  And I spent some of the time watching golf.  I don't think the players are happy with the course because the greens are dry and the balls land on them only to have the wind catch the balls and blow them far away from where they landed.  Balls hit in the air were caught in the wind and blown in different directions than expected.  Today was the third round and there are four leaders with +3 scores.   Usually by this time, the scores are in the -12 range.

Sandy, I knew the raccoon had been rescued, but I didn't know it was being sent to its natural habitat.

Kendrick is out on the deck and I think I should bring him in.  He's being a good boy!

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, I made a bet with someone, that the winning score would be 5, even before they stared  play.  I have been there it more like the scottish and English course. You have to land in the right spot or the ball will roll off. that is why I am surprised the Rory did not do well. The wind there is also bad and we are 15 min. away and there is hardly a breeze to day

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Gloria, I did not hear much comment about the wind during play, but I could see the flags waving in the breeze, sometimes more than others.  The commentators mentioned the wind in telling about the course conditions.  It's a wonder anyone qualified! - well, as long as there were players, there would be a cut.  Jordan Spieth didn't make the cut either.

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, the cut was 9over, that's almost unheard of, some of the bignames did not make it. the paper thought Jason Day had a good chance. As I wrote before both Mark and Dennis caddied there

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Hi Everyone.  It is an overcast morning and they say the rain has moved out for awhile.  I will go to Sunday School and Church on this Father's Day and then if Pat decides not to attend Church I will stop and get something to bring home for lunch as usual as we seldom cook anything on Sunday's.  I do plan on watching the end of the U. S. Open Golf Tournament this afternoon.  It is an extremely hard course and all of the players seem to be struggling.  I need to try to do the walking in the house as haven't done it the last couple days as just didn't have the energy and I had walked a lot at Aldi's yesterday morning. 

I thought this was a really nice, thoughtful and appropriate Devotional that I got in one of the reading I get each morning.

A Praying Father
(By Henry Bosch)
(Provided by Our Daily Bread, RBC Ministries, 6-15-03 devotional)

"Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications! In Your faithfulness answer me." - Psalm 143:1

A minister concluded his sermon one Sunday by saying, "If there's someone here who wants help in getting to know God, and you would like me to pray for you, please raise your hand." A young man stood up and said, "Please pray for me, sir. The burden of my sin is too heavy to bear."

After the service the minister talked with the man and led him to faith in Jesus. The young man had been wandering around the country for 8 years without contacting his parents, so he decided to write to them and tell them about the change in his life.

Several days later, a reply came from his mother: "My dear son, you must have accepted Jesus Christ at the same hour your father went home to heaven. He had been sick for a long time, and that day he was very restless. He tossed from side to side on his bed, crying out, 'Lord, please save my poor, wandering boy.' I'm sure that one of the reasons you became a Christian was Dad's unceasing intercession."

A praying father will "ask," "seek," and "knock" on behalf of his children, persistently trusting his wise heavenly Father to do what is best (Matthew 7:7-11).

Let's thank God today for faithful fathers who never stop praying for their children.

"We thank You, Lord, for fathers true
Who always spoke to us of You;
Their great concern and tender care
Assured us of their constant prayer."

A praying father reflects the love of our heavenly Father.

Mary Ann, I did a little research just now and find that only Congress has to vote to add a new State to the Union. In the past I don't think Puerto Rico has wanted to become a State as they now don't pay any Federal Income Tax on income earned there from a local source.  Federal employees there do pay Federal Income Tax as their income comes from outside of Puerto Rico.  (I did look this up.)  Kendrick know where is food is to be found. 

MarsGal, I hope you will enjoy your upcoming trip to Philadelphia.  Atlanta has a awesome Aquarium that was funded by one of the founders of the Home Depot chain.  I never visited the Atlanta Zoo. 

Patricia, I saw a headline about the raccoon but didn't read it. Interesting information on how States are admitted to the Union and the political process involved.

Marilyne, it must have been a very impressive ceremony with the retirement of the old flag and the raising of the new one.  What instrument did your husband play in the band? 

I am running out of time this morning so will just say I have read all of the postings and will be back tomorrow. 


Good Morning Everyone,
from the Sunny and Cool, 
Rocky Coast of Maine. 
We are having a very nice day!

One of the baby Decorah Eagles
fell out of their tree yesterday and is
now perched in another tree down below.

He accidentally "fledged" ...
meaning flew off to another tree..
Young to do this but not too young.
So now we are just waiting to see if it makes
its way back to its "home tree" ... 
He has been seen and he is safe. 

YesterdAY  we had our Giant
Gay Pride Parade here in Portland.
It lasted over and hour..  it is the
biggest parade that we have here in
Portland.   Lot's of fun
had by all and I get to watch it all
from my living room windows
to the world.

All is well here...
Have a good day,  everyone,
and Happy Fathers Day to all
the Fathers of the world,  and
anyone to accepts that role in
someones life..Related or not!

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Larry - Happy Father's Day, to you, and thank you for posting the prayers for this day. I am fortunate, in that I had a wonderful father, who was wise and loving, as well as being so funny that he kept us laughing throughout his lifetime.  I miss him so much.  Also, I'm fortunate to have a husband who has always been kind, patient and loving, toward me and our three children.  Sometimes it takes us a lifetime to realize how lucky  we have been.

Shelley and  Claire, are here for the weekend.  They live over in the Central Valley, (about 150 miles?), so we don't see them as often as we would like.  They will stay over again tonight, and then head back in the morning.  Our son and family will come  for awhile this afternoon, but will be having dinner with dil's mom & dad.  Sandy will be here also,  so we'll have a house full of women today, except for AJ, #1 Dad!

Mary Ann

Sandy, I could not see the third eagle because they did not show the other view.  There was a branch beside the limb the birds were on that was shaped much like a bird, but I felt sure it was not a bird.  I hope the bird is OK.

We are going to Holland to celebrate Father's Day with James and family.  We're going to have a meal, not pizza, and I said I'd pay for it.  My Father's Day gift to both fathers present. 

I want to take a nap before we leave and I'll write more after we return.

Mary Ann


The bird that popped out of the eagles nest,  has now returned... and it is a
very  happy bird.     I mean, 
"He can fly!"   

Imagine how great an experience
that must be???

I used to dream about me flying,  all the time.    Not recently though...   I hope that these Eagles inspire me to dream more flying dreams.     

I am so glad that the "fledgling"
made it home ok.... 

Such fun!! 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, maybe what I saw was the bird; it was the right shape and size, I just doubted the bird had gotten back by that time.

We just returned from a Father's Day get-together in Holland.  The little girls were very well behaved and I even got a kiss from Johanna, the oldest (by two minutes).

Mary Ann


Hi Everyone.  Hi everyone on a day that starts out at 70 degrees with 100% humidity and will get to the mid-90's or above on a sunny day with no chance of rain.  I did water the lawn this morning.  Yesterday at Church was our Associate Pastor's last Sunday with us and he preached a really good sermon.  He is headed to Hampton, SC and will pastor two small churches.  Our new Associate Pastor will start on July 1.  I had a nice quiet afternoon and evening.  Nothing on the schedule for today but sure I will find something to keep me occupied.

Sandy, I looked at the Decorah Eagles web cam yesterday and saw they were no longer in the nest.  I just checked it this morning and they were still sitting on the tree branch.  I expect it won't be long before the younger ones take off and built their wing strength.  That sounds like quite a parade.  There is a similar one each year in Augusta, Georgia.  Sandy from what I have gleaned from your postings over the years you have lived a life like you were flying.  Your across country van experience comes to mind. 

Marilyne, like you I had a fine father who worked very hard and long hours on the farm.  As I was growing up I didn't realize we were probably poor in money but certainly were rich in love and family support.  I have never gone hungry one day of my life and we always had a well kept home.  I am glad I had the opportunity to grow up on a farm even though I didn't like it and was glad to get away when I graduated from college and got out on my own.  It certainly taught me responsibility.  I have tried very hard over these last almost 56 years to be a loving, kind and and patient husband and father.  It sounds like you all had a nice weekend with your family gathered together. 

Mary Ann, I expect you are seeing growth in the twins each time you see them and it certainly was special to get a little kiss from one of them.  It was nice of you to pay for the meal.   


Good Morning Everyone,
from the getting warmer but over cast
rocky coast of Maine.   

Temps are going up and we have an
air warning f (heat advisory) or those
of us who have issues with  allergies,
and old lungs (giggle)
It is a good day to stay home and run all AC and
Air purifiers,  so as to keep comfortably
breathing...  [color]

Quote from: larryhanna on June 18, 2018, 07:59:08 AM

Sandy, I looked at the Decorah Eagles web cam yesterday and saw they were no longer in the nest.  I just checked it this morning and they were still sitting on the tree branch.  I expect it won't be long before the younger ones take off and built their wing strength.  That sounds like quite a parade.  There is a similar one each year in Augusta, Georgia. 

Sandy from what I have gleaned from your postings over the years you have lived a life like you were flying.  Your across country van experience comes to mind. 

Soon Larry,  they will
have all "fledged" but they will be flying
around the nest,  and hanging out because
their Mom still has to provide them with
food....   It takes about a year for the babes
to learn how to hunt and start their own life.

They do not get their white heads until they
become sexually  mature.  That won't be for
five years.     

In the meantime they are just learning about
life and hunting and fighting for food
and protection.   It takes a long time for Eagles
to mature to the beautiful ones that we recognize  in the wild.       

They have a lot of fun left if
they don't get them  selves in trouble.

I lost my wings about five years ago when
I suffered the strokes while on the road in
Austin Texas while I was headed for

But that was then and now I am
happily settled here on the rocky
coast of Maine. 

All is welll taking it one
day at a time.

Sandy   :uglystupid2:

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan