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June 07, 2024, 01:29:47 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Good afternoon, Buddies.  I've been to SS (but that turned into a special presentation to all adult classes from our female co-minister.  She is doing a 3 or 4 week analysis of New testament and old testament stories/chapters about Christ, his birth, his ancestry, etc.  It was interesting and I think we will be doing this through Advent.)  Afterwards Olyne and I and our other bridge friends sat together and enjoyed the sermon, Christmas music, and we had communion today, too.

I've been home for a while, changed into jeans and a sweat shirt, and ate a bowl of my homemade vegetable soup.  I'll probably have some ice cream, shortly!  I'm planning to read this afternoon. 

Marilyn, I'm glad to hear that Keith is improving daily.  You sound in pretty good spirits today--and I'm happy for you.  I'm also glad your cataract surgery went well.  (Do I remember correctly that you were having cataract surgery?).

Joy, I'm not crazy about this format, too.  At my age (81) I am not fond of any change!  I'll keep looking in here and at a few other forums, but will probably only post in this one.  I hope you'll hang in here, too!

Jane, are you still on the road?  I hope the weather out there has been good for travel.  Let us know when you've arrived.

Mary, we had a dreary day yesterday of fog, too.  However, my biggest disappointment was the last half of the Alabama/Georgia football game.  I thought the Bull Dogs were going to win big time, but alas, it just wasn't in the cards!  The second half, the Crimson Tide finally woke up and took over.  I wish Santa would suggest to Coach Saban that he might retire now!

Sharon, you were busy yesterday.  Are you traveling to any of your children during Christmas holidays?  Has John had both eyes done by the Opthalmologist yet? 

Not much else to say.  I need to clean up my lunch things and plan to read the rest of the afternoon.



Sunday morning greetings, Buddies!

Sue...yes, we're here and pretty well settled into the condo.  The big shopping is done.  That is always a challenge...getting staples, etc. from scratch for 3 months stay.  I was hoping FA was going to beat AL, but no such luck!

Marilyn...you sound so much better.  Thank heavens for the caregiver giving you a much needed break. 

Hi to Sharon, Maryz, Joy, Darlene, Jeanne.

We walked a bit this morning. Ray can't go far, yet.  He had to stop and rest three times on a very short walk to the beach and on the beach just down to the next condo complex.  He said he felt better when we got back here.  He wanted to walk then over to McDonald's, which is just two doors over...and he got a coffee.  I then came back and got the car, drove over and picked him up and he rode with me up to the Dollar store for a couple items we needed. 

I guess slow and steady is our best hope for a recovery.  We are meeting Wisconsin friends Tuesday for lunch at a fav place.
They're recovering from colds and didn't want to re-infect Ray.

It's beautiful here...high 60s, low 70s...perfect for me.



A beautiful Sunday here..went to church...and been working on Christmas Cards...Jane glad y'all made it ti your condo...enjoy your stay..Hi to all reading..Darlene


oh no...that isn't clear enough to read...sorry....Darlene


Glad you're getting settled in, jane.  It's obviously going to take Ray a while to regain his strength.  Glad it's coming along, though, and I know the beach and warmer weather will help.

Lovely sunny day here, today - nice to see.  Sharon, it's not the cold and dreary days of December that I don't care for (although there is that).  I'm pretty much of a Scrooge, and really don't like all the commercialism and hype and total immersion in Christmas for well over a month. It's certainly okay for folks who love it - and I know I'm in a minority, but that's just me.  Ignore me and I'll get over it.  ;)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Letters, printed, folded, addressed & stamped. Now I need to see which ones I need to write notes in and that's not easy for me.

We just got off the phone from talking to John's sister in Iowa and a call to his cousin in Wasilla, Alaska.We were worried that they might have been impacted by the earthquake, but it was minimal apparently. They are both around 85 and not real well, but better than the last time we talked to them.

I'll do my letters tomorrow. No appts, but have to go to the urologist on Tuesday.  If it's not one thing, it's another.  Sharon


Monday morning greetings, Bosom Babes.

I awoke at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep.  I suspect a weather front is coming. 😒

We have a couple of things on the list for today, but mostly just enjoying Island time.


Good morning, Buddies.  I'm sitting here in my P.J's, and am thinking about a shower and shampoo, but so far haven't gotten up the "gumption" to get going.  I have a 3:00 appointment with the cardiologist to check my pace maker.  I'll be surprised if I see him--he's often called into surgery.  However, his very able assistant does his check ups if he is in surgery.  Tim will be over about 2:30 to pick me up for the appointment.

I'm planning on one more meal from the veggie soup I made on Saturday.  I'll probably eat it for my lunch along with a sandwich.  My plans for eating the rest of the week probably will involve rice, peppers, veggies (asparagus and/or green beans).  I'm playing bridge on Thursday at Bonney's and need to get someone to take me to Walmart to pick up some gift bags and some goodies to put in them.  I don't know if we'll play again in December.  It will depend on how many of us will be out of town or having company.

I need to get in the shower and dress.  I've been up since 7:00, but just took my time with breakfast.  I've been cooking oatmeal in my microwave and this morning it spilled all over the M.W. and I had to clean that mess up.  I'd be better off if I just put it in a pot on the stove and cooked enough for a couple of breakfasts!

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


Sue, use a bigger bowl for your oatmeal. That's what we do.  Your veggie soup sounds delicious, but John grumbles every time I fix it.  He's grumbling today too because I'm going to fix ham and bean soup with corn bread.  He is so difficult to cook for anymore.  He is feeling better and thinks his cold is about gone, so he's off to play bridge.

I finished printing out all my Christmas letters and John got them all folded and the envelopes stamped and address stickers on.  Today, I need to write some notes, put the checks in for the little ones and get everything ready to stick in the mail. Then, I have to make out cards for our friends and SS members at church. They have a church mailbox with slots for Initial letter of name. That way, no one has to pay postage.

The sun is actually out, sort of, here and we're to be in the 60's, then it's going to drop dramatically.

I did 2 loads of laundry yesterday, so none today.  Have the beans soaking now.

Nothing else going on.  HOpe your heart exam is good, Sue. 

Jane, are you all settled in and supplied now?  And soaking up the heat?  Melanie & Sangmin should be back in FL tonight to their house there. IN weather was miserable, but she got all her dr's appts and scans done and dental appts, hosted all the family for TG, went up to Elkart to visit her in-laws, and then back up on Sunday to Monticello, IN to attend her best friend's mother's funeral, then left on Sunday.  In the meantime, they also cleaned the house well, did all the TG laundry, so that the house was pristine for showing by the realtor. Whew, it must be nice to be young!

Hi to Darlene, Joyous, Jeanne, Mary, Marilyn, Ginny Ann and whoever else pops in.  Sharon


I have been waiting for the crowds to cut down at the Mall and few other places in order to get some things I need. Put off until Sunday but was pouring down. Then figured today would be good. Got snow over night so not today for me.
Got my yearly blood panel done last week and got a call today to go in and take one again. No fasting needed. My glucose was way high.Usually just a few points but this time he wants to talk about it. Will go tomorrow.
Jane. Spoke with Texas family last night.. Looks like nice weather for you. Don't know why I stay in Illinois over winter.
Had some Tornado's close Saturday and did lot of Damage in Taylorville area. Still no Electric. We got the winds but not damage.
Guess that is why I stay here. Always worry about lines freezing and power loss.


This month is full of medical appts.  I saw my primary dr. this morning , he wants me to have lab work done . I told him I'm having lab work tomorrow for the cancer dr. & he said his could be included . I'm happy about that , One last trip to the lab !  Then I don't see him for 3 months !! Then there are 2 more dr. appts. coming up .
We were in a holiday parade on Saturday & afterwards we all went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch . My lunch was so rich I couldn't eat it all & while still sitting at the table I had to take a Tum !


Good morning, Buddies.  I've had breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.  My cleaning ladies have called and will be late today.  After I finish my S&F postings, I'm going to work on decorating my Christmas tree.  I have a call in to Seniors and Friends for a ride to Wal-Mart either today or tomorrow.  I need to get some gift bags and a few other things I need for decorating.

I hope every Buddy is feeling well today and not too overwhelmed by the Christmas rush.  I'm probably going to give checks to my kids and grandkids.  They can use it anyway they want and I have no idea what any of them would like!

I have my Christmas tree put together and a large box of ornaments out in my den.  I am hoping to get the tree finished today.  I won't put everything I have on the tree this year.  Tim and Kris will be the only ones to see it.  We'll have Christmas Day together.  Ard, Kris's mom, has decided to go up to Ohio for Christmas to be with her other children who live there.  I'm planning on making a blueberry pie and a sweet potato casserole as my contribution to Christmas dinner (which will probably be at noon!).

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.


First time in years I decided on a Christmas tree, just a 4 foot artificial tree, one I thought would be simpler to put together and decorate seeings I now have MS and my other half suffers Diabetes and COPD....unpacking, putting together and decorating this tree has been " the blind leading the blind..." who would think a smallish tree could cause so much frustrations and arguments...Anyway now its done, must say it looks good and passes with flying colours...maybe we will do it again same time next year...God willing... ;)

Been back a few hours after my early morning dental hygienist appointment...now my teeth are all ready to munch into our MS Christmas meal that takes place at my next Counties MS social group which is taking place at a golf club tomorrow evening, a place we are not familiar with that will take an hour or so car driving...not great with my MS constant bladder functioning, if I have to stop off en-route to empty, so be it...


Don't think I posted yesterday - just not much going on.  Even less going on today.  But I am getting lots of knitting done.  Crazy weather here - it was 70+ on Sunday, and we're predicted to have snow flurries this weekend.  Welcome to Tennessee!

Alpiner and vanilla-jackie - glad to see y'all checking in.  v-j, I don't decorate anymore, but glad that you've found something that works for you and your sweetie.  Sharon's house looks great with her decorations, too.  And Sue is working on hers.  We all do what works for us.  alpiner, it's always good to have those year-end doctor appointment out of the way, isn't it.  I hope jane and Darlene and Joy are enjoying their Texas and Louisiana weather.  Jeanne, you should consider heading south for at least a little while during those Illinois winters. Marilyn, hope all is under control out on the West Coast.

Happy Tuesday to all the Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Sharon...may time to suggest John cook his own supper or trade off with you some days of the week, rather than you doing it all.  He may not grumble so much then about what you cook...or he can do his own and be happy with the results.   :2funny:

I am enjoying these 70 degree days and sunshine.  It's a bit windy today, but at 72, nothing to complain about.  We met WI friends for lunch and Ray and Pat made tentative plans to golf next week.  Neither one is feeling 100%, so they said they may just chip and put their way around the course. 

Jeanne...interesting on the blood glucose being out of whack.  The docs all seem to be into "prediabetes" these days.

Alpiner...nice to get the blood work coordinated.  Otherwise the old arms get stuck too much.

Sue...hope you can get a ride to get what you need.  Ray's oatmeal often spills over, too, if he doesn't watch it closely.

Mary...going to be a quiet afternoon here now.  Laundry in, and a couple news programs coming up I like...then going to just read for the rest of the day and evening.

Vanilla-Jackie...We have a very, very small tree we brought to put up here in the condo...and I have one stuffed snowman...the extent of our holiday decorations.  We have a niece dealing with MS and know that's a challenge.



Yes it is Primary Progressive MS and my other half has been undergoing hospital tests over these last couple of weeks, X - ray, ECG...he is due a consultation tomorrow for a tube going down his throat, or they might decide a scan...he has become anaemic, breathing, chest and jaw trouble...Oh the joys of our ageing process...anyway, " whats to be will be..." we all seem to have our medical issues...and deal with them we must...

I stopped having a Christmas tree since I lost our three fur babies and we have moved away from each of our families so dont buy nor give presents anymore, so no presents to place around the tree or on the dining table as we once used to do, so just didn't see the point but, since these last few weeks It is bringing it on home to me that life is too short to deprive ourselves of a tree even if no one else we see it, so I have made the effort just for us to enjoy while we still can, even if it wont be the same for me anymore.....


Hi everyone..I see most are busy with Christmas preparations...I have my little tree up and few other holiday things on mantel..another nice day..know Jane is enjoying the warmer weather...we are supposed to have rain Friday..I'm going shopping tomorrow so want have to get out if it does rain...Hi to Joy Mary Sue Sharon Jeanne Marlyin and any others reading...Darlene


Hi Gals.  I went to my urology appt this AM about the frequency I'm having to deal with. He GAVE me enough meds till my next appt because it is very expensive and he wants to make sure it works for me. One tab a day and he says there's no side effects or interaction with my other drugs, so we'll see how it goes. I will see him again in Jan.  I have my last (hopefully) ortho appt tomorrow. I had to cancel and reschedule because of Florence.

My decorating is done, all my gifts are taken care of, and the cards are in the mail.  I may make some banana bread or cookies, but I don't know. We sure don't need them.  I bought some new pansies to put in back as they didn't look like they were going to revive after the deer feasted on them. I coaated them with DEER-OFF, so we will see how it works.

Jeanne, I agree that I would head for TX. Glad the tornadoes didn't hurt you.

Jane, John would probably starve if he had to fix dinner.  That or Lean Cuisine and I'd never hear the end of it.  He does help me chop things since knives and I aren't compatible.  I fix Voila dinners and Lean Cuisine when I'm too wiped out.  Tonight we're having taco salad. We don't go out to eat very often either.

Sue, I'm sure you will enjoy your tree and V. J too. I thought about cutting back on decorating this year, but couldn't bare the thought of a bland house at Christmas.  Probably no one will see ours either, but we will enjoy it.

Alpiner, hope your glucose isn't too high. My dad and brother were diabetic and it's no fun.

All for now.  Hi to all.  Sharon


MaryZ.  No. I am always happy to just Take the Christmas time as just a regular time now.  Never was into Christmas growing up and then when I came here and had the 2 girls I went along. Then when the Grands came I kept it up with the Santa thing. Now they are are scatters over 1000 miles away. All different directions All grands over 35 years old. Some on 2nd marriages with mixed up families. Would not want to go back to it.
They know now that I enjoy the way I do it and don't bug me about travel. We all were together for a wedding in Missouri 3 weeks ago. That was great for me.  Not all the group there. If I counted them now it would be about 30. What with part of them I have never met.
Like you say. Makes me more upset just watching what all holidays have come to. People they say are still paying on Credit cards for past years and now adding on. Just heard on news that spending has gone upthis year for Thanksgiving and Christmas up to 30% more. So much when the world in such a mess.Crazy.
I am happy for the people who still get something out of it.....


Good Wednesday greetings from a windy island.  As Darlene said, temps are unusually high...to be 80s today and then rain to come in and cool down a bit to the 60s-70s.  Still beats the heck out of 32 and freezing rain as is happening at home.

Nothing much on the "to do list" today...one gift to order and have sent to nephew and wife we're so close to.  I've already sent off the checks to my sister to hand out at Xmas to her children and grands. 

With the winds today, I think we may go to the exercise room here and do the treadmill, rather than the walk outside. 

It's been wonderful to not have any of those *&^% robocalls while we've been here. The condo phone hasn't rung once...such a pleasant change from the landline at home. 

Have a good Wednesday in your part of the world.



I am looking forward to this evening but our rains are gushing - bucketing down here and probably will be the same where we are soon to be heading ( leaving in the next three hours ) for my MS Christmas do...

Edited to add: my other half had his hospital consultation this morning, he will be due both a camera Endoscopic Gastroscopy and a Colonoscopy some time soon, hopefully not both at the same time, so I am not sure his mind will be focused on this evenings Christmas dinner...


Good morning, Every Buddy.  It's very chilly here this morning.  I need to go to Big Lots today to get some gift bags and a few goodies which I need to take to bridge tomorrow afternoon.  I went over to Lue's house and asked her son-in-law if he could drive me down there in my car.  I'd planned to ask Tim to take me on Monday after my appointment with the cardiologist, but it was so late when we got home, I decided to ask Sandra and/or Rob to take me, but they have gone out of town.  So Lue's S-I-L said he could take me about noon.  I need to buy gift bags, some candy for each bag, and maybe a trinket if I see something I think the girls could put on their trees (and probably some of them won't be putting up a tree this year).  I got my tree out yesterday and it looks pretty nice, but doesn't have as much as it usually does.  I also decorated the mantle in my den with wooden ornaments and need to get 3 stockings out for the mantle.  Kris's  Mom is going to Ohio and won't be with us this year. 

It's really cold and windy this morning.  Tim just arrived with a new piece of lumber to mend a place on my deck.  He's replacing a piece that has broken.  The deck is at least 14 years old and we've had lots of rain which has caused some problems out there.

Not much else to report today.  I am glad Lue's son will be able to take me to Big Lots where I can get what I need for the gift bags.

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.  I hope it's warmer where you are than here.  It's down into the 40's and windy.  Brrrr!



I'm back from the Ortho Dr. They did xrays to be sure everything was still okay. It was and he said they don't need to see me for 2 years!  They said my right knee still had a little leeway before it was bone on bone, so that's good.

On my way home, I stopped at a new organic grocery store called Sprouts.  Everytime I pass it, I think I should stop. So this time I did. It is lovely and has wonderful products but the prices were pretty high too. Probably won't go again.

Sue, hope you get your candy and trinkets.

Jane, nice to have a FC for rainy days, but I agree that the weather there is better than IA.

Jeanne, my family have been the original Christmas elves, so it's an important time for me. Of course, the meaning of Christmas is our priority.

V. Jackie, I hope your Christmas do was a good one and that your husband is not too worried about the endoscope and colonoscopy. I've had both several time. The only bad part is the prep for the colonoscopy, i.e. drinking all of the laxative drink and the time spent in the bathroom.

It's semi-sunny here, but chilly. They say we might get snow by Sunday!!!  >:(

Have a good day, everyone.  Sharon


jane, glad you're getting the warmth.  You're good to keep up  with the walking - even on the treadmill.

Sharon, good news from the orthopedist.  My right knee has been bone-on-bone for some time - just like the left one, but it just never has bothered me as much.  So I'll stay with the "natural" one for a while longer.  :)   My sister-in-law in Torrance, CA, gets a lot of her produce at Sprouts.
 It's been out there for a long time.

v-j, those tests are never fun, but can definitely be important.  Good luck to him.  Enjoy your MS Xmas party.

jane, I get so many robocalls - even on my cell phone.  But I've gotten where I just don't answer anything unless I know who's calling.  I get a lot on the landline where it rings only once - those are easy to ignore.  And, of course, none of them ever leave a message on the machine.  Phooey on all of them!

Sue, good luck with your shopping.

I went back to the spine clinic to talk about the results from the MRI last week.  The arthritis in my neck is really bad (not a surprise).  He (the PA) says the main problem causing the numbness in my hand is likely at C4-5, with maybe some at 5-6 and 6-7. He's going to have the surgeon in the office look at the MRI and see what he recommends, and also has ordered a nerve conduction study to rule out carpal tunnel syndrome as a cause.  In the meantime, I'm going to wear a "therapy collar" for 30 minutes twice a day to see if that helps.  And go back in six weeks. I'm all for postponing surgery if at all possible.

I watched some of the #41 funeral.  A good life, well lived.  Hopefully we can return to such civility sometime soon.

We're predicted to be getting rain/snow mix over the weekend and first part of next week.  Goody!
Stay warm, Buddies! 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


...I too have had the endoscope Gastroscopy ( hiatus hernia ) and I have told him everything about it...  ;) ...No he is nothing like me, I am a complete worrier, or if he is, he is hiding it well...

Thank you yes, my MS Christmas dinner was most enjoyable, we both enjoyed it...the food and the company...


Sharon.  How I miss the Christmas times when my girls, They grandchildren were into the Plays. My Eldest Grandson was the Boy in "Emon and the Night Visitor"for 4 years. Twice with the Local Theatre group and then 2 churches asked him to do it. ( Can't spell the Emon) He also was the Santa for the grade school Christmas Play. Sad to say but I don't see any of that being done anymore. I have not seen any of the churches here in town putting on any shows. Lots of shows on TV seem to have taken over.
He now is A Dean at Missouri State and still gets involved in the Theatre there that the students put on."


Sharon...good news from the ortho!

V-Jackie...glad the MS party was a good one.

Jeanne...On the news tonight there was talk that  around McAllen  some will be celebrating the Posada...I wasn't familiar with what that was so looked it up..."(in Mexico) a ritual re-enactment of Mary and Joseph's search for a lodging in Bethlehem, performed just before Christmas."  I can remember when churches did live Nativity scenes, but I don't know that they do that anymore.

Mary...I need to get some knitting started...maybe this weekend when we're to have possibly heavy rain.   I think we'll go shopping tomorrow and then be all set for whatever the weather brings.

Sue...hope you got to Big Lots and got what you need for bridge tomorrow.



Good morning, Buddies.  Lue's son-in-law drove me to Big Lots and while I was shopping he dropped off a part for his car which needed fixing.  We'd gone in my car.  I got gift bags and some goodies to put into them for my bridge club where I'm playing today (at Bonney's home).  I have made goodies in the past, but just couldn't get up the "gumption" to make cookies this time.

Olyne is picking me up this morning about 11:45.  I need to get into the shower and dress (and I'm wearing one of my Christmas sweat shirts--Four Calling Birds--which features 4 penguins in 4 phone booths making phone calls.)  It's one of my favorites.  I save my Christmas sweater for Sunday School and Church.

I hope Every Buddy is ready for Christmas (or getting that way) and having a lovely day.  It's pretty chilly here, but I think I'll survive!



Well we are getting another big snow storm this morning. Just to cold to go outside.
This Morning I have watched the Funeral in Huston Tx. for George Bush. Lasted about hour and half. Was beautiful. The whole thing from the 3 hours yesterday . Don't think that there  will be another that will be so well done. Learned so much more about him. What a family he had.

Jane.  Bet you got snow at home today. Hope you don't get much rain in Texas. Some of the younger women at the funeral had on Black Sleeveless dresses at the Bush funeral. Looked so cold there and they were outside. Did not look like raining.

Yes we had about 4 churches in area that did have the outdoor short plays showing the wise men . Had a real baby in the bed. My children loved to go. Also we had one area that had all the homes decorated for about 3 weeks. Cars drove around them by the hundreds. Had gone on for over 30 years. Was beautiful. It ended last year as only a few did it. It covered about 6 blocks.Even our downtown Urban not done any decorating this year. No parade in Champaign yet either. Guess on line shopping and the Mall are the only places into Chrismas.


Want to thank Bubble again. Can see that she put a new picture in for me.  Just had to get that one with the silly hat off.  Thanks BUBBLE.
If I ever get the new computer all wired up and get W10 on it I will than see if I can figure out how to do a few more things myself.