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May 31, 2024, 11:48:35 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Sorry, I don't keep my days straight now that I'm not working.

I'm impressed by the mind over body stories, Patricia. I just thought: we all know how often a doctor will claim an ailment is all in the patient's head. Why do they think a cure can't be in the mind as well?
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
- Albert Einstein


Sasha, no need for apologising, I often get my days mixed up and have to ask, " what day are we in," followed by, oh, I thought that we had that yesterday..still not fully convinced.. :-[


Hi Everyone. We are to have a partially or mostly cloudy day today with it getting up to 65 degrees.  I think we may have had a brief shower this morning that helped clear the air of some of the heaven pollen's in this area. I didn't get to sleep until about 6 am this morning but was able to get about 3 hours sleep.  So I am draggy today and will practice my new profession watching of alot of the NCAA Basketball Tournament games that start at noon and will be on all day and evening.  It is starting today with 64 teams and they are televising the games on multiple channels.  Half of the teams will play today and Saturday if they win and the other half on Friday and Sunday.  Scott and the girls were out for dinner last night.  We had Scott pick up food from KFC plus Pat fixed a big dish of baked beans.  After dinner the four of them played a couple of games of Farkle.  Pat and Scott are planning a trip to Costco this afternoon as Pat is out of coffee and that is a big motivator for her.  I don't think she has too many items on her list so it should be a relatively quick shopping trip.  She doesn't have an order for Walmart this week.  Of of the ladies from Sunday School brought over an Italian dinner with salad and dessert that we will enjoy tonight and Pat won't have to cook, which she appreciates.  Different ladies have brought in several meals these last three months.

Patricia, enjoy your Spring weather.  I don't have much choice but to rest. 

Jenny, I do not remember Toni Lee Neikens. 

Jackie, years ago we had a psychic here in American named Jean Dixon and she was often featured on TV.  There have been a couple of other ones over the years. 

Sasha, I expect many of us have the same problem in keeping the days straight.  We also don't get any days off like we did when we worked since every day can be a day off.


Hope this gives you a laugh...Not long took in my newly ordered game of Triominoes by Jaques of London, one of the games we played that we both enjoyed at our weekly Monday box games group..Whilst I was passing bits to read to Richard, he heard me talking out loud " now where did I put my glasses " a reply instantly came back.." in your hand " as I was swinging them around, followed with laughter from both of us and him saying to me " you are worrying me.." I worry about me myself sometimes...  :idiot2:  ;D


Hello everyone . . . good to see S&F is working this morning.  I had an email from Mary Ann, waiting for me when I woke up, and she was still unable to access S&F. This would have been about 9:00 AM, Michigan time.  I see that her name is not listed at the bottom of the forum, where it says Users Online?  I'll send her an email right now, and let her know that it appears that everyone who posts here in B&T, is back online?   


Good Morning,

Jenny - first of all.....I'm praying for the best for Michelle. She is a brave lady and I'm sure a big part of that courage comes from having the loving support of family.

Sorry to hear about Toni Lee.   I met her at several Bashes and when a tour I was on spent 2 nights in Hershey PA, she "kidnapped" me for lunch with several other S & F members from the area who she had invited to join us.
She told me we were going to a newly opened restaurant that they thought was very interesting.  I expected something Amish so had to keep from laughing when it turned out to be a Texas Roadhouse.    I felt right at home! 

I wondered why the site was unavailable for so long yesterday.   Had been having some issues with my computer and thought it was just another one to deal with. 

The Bradford Pear trees and other white shrubs, etc. are in full bloom.  Unfortunately, the red cedar pollen is also way up there  and I'm snuffling and looking like I'm crying.  Definitely not doing that - just wishing I could spend more time outside in the lovely sun shine.

Enjoy your day.


From FDJ;

"If you have cats, be extremely careful about any Tylenol or Tylenol-like product such as NyQuil that contains Acetaminophen or Paracetamol/Panadol. It is extremely toxic to cats and can be fatal if ingested.

A good friend of mine took NyQuil and her cat Ace, my Trillian's litter mate, licked the empty but not rinsed out yet cup. Even under the care of specialists at an emergency vet, he couldn't be saved.

This is an unfortunate accident, not myself or anyone I know would have thought that licking a NyQuil cup can be fatal to a cat. There is no fault to be had here but there can be education to make people aware. Please share."


Almost noon,  so I will just say  "Hello to all",

Glad to see the site back up today.  I also was wondering if something had happened where the whole site was just closed up.  Glad that wasn't the case.

It is a rainy, dreary, cold day here today.  SUpposed to be  a lot of flooding around.  Don't have to worry about any flooding in my area.

Larry, glad to see you this morning.  I have been hoping that you have been feeling a little bit more rested.  Hopefully, when the weather is a lot better, maybe sitting out in the sunshine will help.  I know I am looking forward to being able to sit out in the sunshine soon.

Nothing special going on in my little corner of the world.  I can't really complain about the rain.....just glad that it isn't snow.
I did hear where up in the western mountains there could be a little more snow predicted.

I woke up cold, so pushed the thermostat up and went back to sleep.  Now I am rushing to get things cleaned up.  I need to finish loading the dishwasher and then get it started.  I will play cards tonight, so that means an early dinner and a snack when I get back. 

I do remember seeing the Toni Lee's  name on a lot of the messages. I do think that she goes back to the original Senior Net. 

And, yes, I am another one who gets my days mixed up. I have to really keep a good track on the days that I have an appointment to make sure I have the right day. 

I hope everyone will have an extra special day today.  Enjoy the first full day of spring.



We are having a lovely day here in Northwestern Florida.  I'm not a too frequent poster but sure missed the forum when it was down for a while.

Haven't seen a post from Mary Ann or GloriaDe.  Hope all is well in Michigan and New York.

Larry, good to see you checking in.  My husband put out some dried mealworms and it didn't take long for the bluebirds to show up.

Everything is going OK in this area, but the flooding is really bad in some areas of the country.  I feel so sad for those people.


Good to know, Patricia. I'll have to make darn sure that I keep the caps on tight, as some of the meds I keep by the bedside. Now what worries me is that one of them might find a pill that has gotten dropped and I can't find.


There are so many items besides vitamins, medicine, antifreeze, RoundUp, and other chemicals, besides many of our bath products and different spices and foods we eat that it is always safer than sorry for all of our pets, birds, cats, dogs, reptiles, rabbits, etc. And not to mention children!

One item you may be surprised at is those green strips you burn like incense to kill mosquitos. Are you aware that pets and small children might stick them in their mouths when cold? Or that when burning they not only kill mosquitos but also butterflies, birds, and other small creatures such as squirrels and baby animals? Or that their smell is incredibly toxic to cats and dogs? I've complained about this and all the managers, etc. point to the "toxic to" part of the labeling that evidently absolves them of all responsibility.


Duluth Harbor webcam watchers:   Click on "Home" to watch two videos of Coast Guard cutter and ship (boat?) arriving in Duluth Harbor on March 20.  Camera automatically switches views to show vessels going under the bridge and into the harbor. 
I didn't find anything showing the cutter breaking ice but it may be there....somewhere.

Looks as if we're about ready to start having the big ships coming and going.

Mary Ann

I'm here and I would have been on sooner if I had clicked on the link to get here.  The link read "Gateway Time-out" and as long as it showed that, I assumed the site was still out of order.  I had sent a message to Bubble, wondering if the powers that be had shut down our site and she sent back a message that she was able to get here.  I tried the site and as I said, here I am.

Larry, good to read about your day and I'm glad to see you are taking things easy.  It's good that Scott can go to the store with Pat; that eases things for her.

I sent a message to Western Joan yesterday and got a reply.  She is doing OK but lost the sight in her right eye when she fell.  She said to get online she needs help.  It was so good to hear from her. 

I'm watching about some of the flooding in Nebraska and Missouri, what a shame.  All of those acres of land under water.  Our Grand River does flood yearly, but it is from ice jams; the Grand empties into Lake Michigan at Grand Haven.

My computer had its own outage a while ago.  I had been online earlier and when I tried later, I got the message that the server could not be found.  The network was on, but I still could not get online.  Finally I read where WiFi was not on, I fixed that and I was in business. 

Tom is home from teaching today, took a nap but I think I hear him on the phone now, so he must be up and awake.

Mary Ann



Mary Ann - Good to see you back.  Looks like you got hit all at once with computer problems, along with our S&F outage.  I wonder if anyone knows what caused the outage, and who fixed it?  I like to know the why's and wherefore's, but I know that most people don't really care. The important thing is that we're back in one piece!

Yesterday, March 20, was our son Brad's birthday. Last night he and his wife, Jackie,  went up to San Francisco to have dinner with their daughter, so we will see them tonight.  We're going to take them to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, that's actually only a few blocks away from us.  We don't go there often, because it's a bit too pricey, but we do like it for special occasions. They like it too, so we're all looking forward to it.

Now I'm going to take a look at all the webcams, and see if anything is happening?  I've really missed the ships, this past couple of months, so
I'm looking forward to some activity once again. :)


Hi Everyone. The morning starts out with a nice clear sky and it is suppose to stay that way all day with a high of 67 degrees. I did get a good night's sleep last evening and feel more alert this morning.  This is the morning for the housekeeper to be here.  My plan is to finish up our taxes and get them submitted today.  I just need to review them once again to be sure I haven't missed anything.  This afternoon and evening I will watch some more basketball.  Pat and Scott did get to Costco yesterday afternoon.  When they got home Scott put everything away and later had dinner with us.  We enjoyed the dinner that was brought over to us two evenings ago.  Yesterday morning the man of the couple who visited us Sunday came back with more food and he stayed and visited with me, which I really enjoyed, although I wear down pretty fast when talking.  Fortunately he did most of the talking.  Then last evening I had a call from another lady in our Sunday School who said she would be bringing us meals from the Wednesday night dinner on the 1st and 3rd of each month.  This is something they do for the shut ins (hard to believe I now fall into that category but guess this is now reality).

While I was having the Chamomile tea around 11 pm last evening I opened up my iPad for the first time all day and read all of the new postings since I wrote yesterday.  I will limit my comments today as have other things I need to tackle this morning and time goes by so quickly. 

Patricia, since we no longer have children or pets in the house I guess we don't have to much to worry about with medications other than forgetting to take them of misfilling a pill box or dropping one of the small pills and having difficulty finding it. That was a pretty card you posted for us to enjoy.   

Mary Ann, thanks for the update on Western Joan.  I know she had eye problems before the fall.

Mary Ann


This link is the CGC Mackinac in the Duluth area, breaking some of the ice.  The Mackinac (older cutter) was stationed in Grand Haven at one time and during the Coast Guard Festival in August people could tour the boat.  Many years ago financial problems hit the country and they moved the Mackinac elsewhere.  They brought it back to Grand Haven at Festival time.  They still have the Festival but I'm not sure it is the Mackinac that has always come to Grand Haven.  At one time Grand Haven was known as the Coast Guard City - when the Mackinac was stationed there.

Good to see a nice long post from Larry.  I am so glad you moved to North Augusta so Scott can help you, but also that you can see him more often.

Tom is teaching/subbing this morning.  He picks schools in the nearby areas because he knows more about the systems - how good they are.

I think I want to fine tune my taxes and send them in by the weekend.  Then I have much to do otherwise and Robin will be here this afternoon to help.  I have an antique cane rocker that I am going to give her for her favorite thrift shop.  We also will see what we can do with my linen closet.

Mary Ann


Today we will have another high of 70 degrees.  The sun is shining.

Friday already.  Time just flies by, it seems.  Good to see Larry's and Mary Ann's posts.  Kind of quiet in here this morning.

We haven't had rain for several days so will need to water the new azaleas that my husband planted.

I've been reading how healthy salmon is and neither one of us care for fresh salmon.  So thought I would give salmon cakes made from canned wild salmon a try.  It seems as we have gotten older, my husband and I find our appetites aren't what they use to be.  So many types of food that we once enjoyed either do not agree with our systems or we just don't care for them any longer.  Ageing affects us all in so many different ways.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


Good morning.   I am waiting for my grocery order to be delivered.  That is such a great service,  even tho it is a little more expensive than getting my groceries from  Walmart.   I like this store where I get groceries now, but they are a little more pricier, but their produce is a lot nicer than Walmart.  And, I do have to pay a yearly fee.  However,  my DIL is getting ready to retire, so I might decide to go back to Walmart when she is able to go to the store more often.  I don't go myself that often anymore.  Too much walking, although I do like to go to see things that I might miss.

Jean, I love fresh salmon.  I just season it with some butter and herbs and wrap it in foil and put it in my toaster oven.  And, I make salmon cakes once in a while, also.  I like most any kind of fish.  And, all kinds of shellfish.  My grand daughter is coming to visit in a couple weeks, and she lives in Connecticut.  I am hoping that we can find someplace that has steamed crabs already.  I know they won't be Maryland crabs, but she really wants some crabs.  And,  last fall, when I was sick, I had planned on getting my last taste of crabs when I went to the hospital.  So, didn't get them then, so I am more than ready.  I am not sure if we will all go out to get them, or my son will be able to make some space in his basement to put some tables up so we can get them from a carry-out place.  I have to start checking around to see who has some early ones.

It poured down rain all day yesterday, and now this morning, it is very windy and still cold.  But, I think the week end might be a little warmer.   The sun is trying real hard to make an appearance, but it doesn't  seem to be doing a very good job right now.

Not sure what else I will do this afternoon.  I was up early to get my kitchen counter cleared off for the groceries, so I might find a nap hiding somewhere.

So glad to see Larry and Mary Ann this morning.  I think the site being down the other day created some scary thoughts.  But, happy, it is back up and running fine.  Glad to see the ice breaker doing it's work.  Looks like a lot of it is breaking up up at Two Harbors, also.  Probably no more ice fishing.

Marilyne,  Hope you enjoyed your nice dinner last night.  I know,  sometimes you just have to splurge a little bit. 

Patricia,  thanks for sharing your pretty Spring picture.  I guess Spring is somewhere out there hiding.  I am afraid, that when it finally comes,  it will be short-lived and go right into summer.  But, that would be fine, also. It can never get too hot for me. I love the summertime.  Can't wait !!!

I just had a call that my groceries are on their way, so I will close for now.

Hope everyone has a great day,



Good morning everyone:

Joy . . . Speaking of fish - our dinner out last night was delicious!  I was going to order the salmon, but decided to try the sea bass, cooked in a lemon butter sauce.  I'm not sure if it was poached or what, but it was so tender that it was melt-in-your-mouth delicious.  A huge piece, so I have plenty for dinner tonight.  AJ had veal parmesan, and Brad and Jackie both had the roasted salmon.

Jean - Salmon cakes are good too!  I sometimes buy them in the fish department at Whole Foods, where they make them up every day from fresh salmon. They also have crab cakes, which are good for a change.  I know what you mean by not having the appetite we once had. I only eat two meals a day now - breakfast, and dinner.  Breakfast kind of late, between nine and ten, and then dinner at 6:00 pm.  If I eat lunch, it seems to stay with me for the remainder of they, and then I'm not hungry for dinner.  So I rarely have it, except sometimes maybe a glass of Boost or Ensure.

Mary Ann - I'm enjoying watching the beginnings of Spring activity, on all the different webcams. The Boat Launch cam, that was totally frozen over last week, is beginning to thaw.  Little puddles everywhere in the snow, and spots on the lake where the ice has melted and you can see the water.  Also, I see ships listed on the Duluth boat schedule!  :)

Mary Ann

Jean, I am not fond of salmon either, but occasionally I'll order it.  We have Coho in Lake Michigan, planted there years ago and they have reproduced.  I'd like panfish if someone would remove all of the bones.  My dad would catch them and I'd eat them, but I really didn't care for fish because of the bones.  I think I did not order fish in a restaurant for many years, but now I often do.  I had a fish sandwich the other day.  I am one whose appetite is much less than it used to be, but I can't tell it by my scale!

Marilyn, I've been looking at the various webcams too.  It was interesting with the Mackinac cutter that it was in the Duluth harbor so we saw familiar places.  And the cam shot was taken yesterday.

Joy, you, living closer to the ocean, have different kinds of fish available than we do.  There are plenty of fish in Lake Michigan but mostly Coho salmon and lake trout.  We do get walleye from some of the inland lakes.  When i get a fish sandwich, I have no idea what kind of fish I'm getting, often pollock.  Doesn't matter - it tastes good.  At a good restaurant, I seldom see anything "crab".

I like to think I've finished my income taxes and I'd like to print it for my own review.  I can't get from here to there!  Tom put Adobe Acrobat on the computer the other day and when I try to print, it tells me I don't have PDF.  I checked Properties of the program and it says it was installed in September 2016, not yesterday.  I'm waiting for him to come home.  I'd like to e-file this weekend, but I do have time!

Mary Ann


Good morning from the Interior where we're enjoying warmer temperatures and both the cat and I are doing our usual routine. I saw lions on the African cams last night and the new eagle chick on their cams before watching the ice breakers and an earlier ship from 3/20 before a western train ride via yet another cam.

We have several river and oceanic fish here and while I've enjoyed plenty of Alaskan salmon, grayling, trout and Alaskan King crab in my youth, it is not something I tend to eat a lot of now. I tend to eat so little, usually one meal daily that it will take me a long while just to find my way through what I've already put back. Unfortunately, with decreased activity, my waistline doesn't reflect that either!

Thank you, Joy, and Larry for enjoying my "ode to Spring," I'm looking forward to it this year!


Good afternoon,sun is trying to shine, been raining the last two days.

Patrician, thanks for Spring card. I keep thinking Spring, and know in a few month I will be complaining it is to hot.

Joy, I just started getting grocery deliveries called PeaPod, from Stop and shop.  the first 60 days is free delivery. I use to like to shop as I use my pushmobile and I could get my walking exercise, but could  set down and rest.  My new housekeeper just said she would take me to Target next week, for the price of a Starbuck coffee. How can I refuse that.

Marilyne, when I have left over mashed potatoes I add a can of salmon an egg and roll in bread crumbs and cook. My husband like me to do that. Of course it is a way my mother use up leftover mashed potatoes.  She always had a way of using left overs.

MaryAnn, I am lucky this year,  I have money coming back from my taxes

Jean, I like a solid fish. so like cod.  Of course shell fish mussels, lobster and shrimp cocktails. Of course snappers and flounder. they are in thr waters around here. This year I cannot afford bay scallops. You have to take out a bank loan to buy them

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


I am back again.  I do not know if anyone was watch Duluth channel. I had my heart in my moth. 3 young children were the only ones there,  They were fooling around first they set on the bulkhead,then one turn around with his feet toward the water, while the other one stood on on that narrow bulkhead and with a backpack was walking back and forth toward the light on there was still little ice floats going by, if he fell in that cold water with the pack he would not have a chance

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Gloria, hopefully they have someone regularly on duty.


Facebook accused of storing user passwords in plain text

Security Alert for Facebook.com

A data breach from Facebook.com  was announced from January 2019. This breach includes usernames and passwords. Facebook is recommending that all passwords be changed.

We read about security breaches every day, but Facebook holds so much of our personal data that it's especially important to keep your account secure. Unfortunately, yesterday we found out that Facebook has let us down, yet again.

According to reports and confirmed by Facebook, hundreds of millions of Facebook user names and passwords have been stored in plain text on Facebook's servers for years. That means anyone with access to these internal databases could simply look up your password info. Worse the databases were widely accessible to thousands of Facebook employees.

Fortunately, there's no evidence, so far, that there was an actual security breach, but we can't know for sure. And you may see warnings from your password manager, like the one in the image above I got from Dashlane. So take a few minutes today to take the following precautionary measures:

Change your Facebook password to a strong password that is at least 8 characters and a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
Use a password manager to save your new Facebook password (Here are our picks for the best password managers). A password manager will also help you create unique, complex passwords for every site. And yes, it is safe to store all of your passwords in a password manager.
Set up two-factor authentication for your Facebook account so if there is a breach you're still protected.
And, follow our articles on protecting your privacy for more critical privacy and safety tips.

Read more
Suzanne Kantra
Founder, Techlicious


Feedback on last nights Psychic Sally Morgans show...To be truthful I came away unimpressed and the more I think and talk about it since, the more unimpressed I get...Her one night only show was more of a hit and miss, with more misses than hits...This maybe said for the audience as well judging by some reactions...I am sure there were as many who were there to try to catch her out, than there were those who were there as a firm believer...you could hear the odd snigger's..


Good Morning Everyone,
from Spring Time on the Rocky
Coast of Maine!

I love this time of the year, 
with lots of good weather in
the future...

Have a good weekend, Everyone!

:witch:   :hat:
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Everyone on another beautiful sunny day with a high temperature expected of 68 degrees.  Yesterday turned out to be a pretty busy day and Pat and I have decided that today is a take it easy day.  I did get my Income Taxes finished, filed and accepted by the IRS and the State.  It was a good thing I looked them over again as I found two major errors I had made.  As a result my large tax refund went way down but at least I didn't have to pay more taxes.  I did lay down for a couple of hours and then got up and as Pat went to Walmart I folded a basket of clothes and then worked on Pat's computer coping a lot of files from the one she used to use to the one she is using now and a few other things.  I plan on watching more basketball today just as I did yesterday afternoon and evening.

Mary Ann, I can't imagine trying to manage now without the help of Scott and we are thankful every day that we made the move and when we did.  If I have fish I want the filet portion without the bones.

Jean, we also could use some rain to clear out the pollen and we are under the normal rainfall for this time of the year.  That is hard to believe considering how much rain we have had already this year. 

Joy, hope you are successful in finding some steamed crabs while your granddaughter visits.

Marilyne, I have always liked crab cakes but usually the ones we find in the restaurants are full of filler and little crab.  For awhile Ruby Tuesdays offered them on their menu and they were mainly crab meat so I often ordered them.  They have disappeared from their menu now.  Pat has cooked salmon cakes over the years and I always enjoyed those as well as baked salmon.  I am now down to two meals a day.

Patricia, I know that fish are a big item on menus up your way along with wild meats.  I think we are all looking forward to Spring.  Of course it comes much earlier here in the South. I had seen the Facebook alert about the need to change the passwords.  Facebook has not been have a good time the last few months.

Lindancer, I hope you get to go to Target but those stores are so large.  I expect I will never go to Target again as none are close to us and they are too big. 

Jackie, at least getting out to that show gave you an opportunity to have an evening out.  It doesn't sound like the audience was too impressed.

Sandy,  this is a great time of the year as the weather gets better.

Mary Ann

Jackie, I expect I will remain a non-believer in physics, or should I say I leave my mind open about them, but I'm probably more of a skeptic.

Larry, I was ready to review my taxes and I wanted to print the preview.  I can't!  The computer tells me there is no program to do that.  Tom put PDF on that computer and now it tells me it isn't there.  I looked at the directory and it says PDF was installed in 2016.  I get so frustrated with what these computers will do or will not do - this computer tells me my sbcglobal information is out of date and I should change my password.  I've used sbcglobal for so long, I don't remember if I have a password or not, especially what it might be.  I should go to computer school!  NOT!  I'm getting too old for the changes being made. I'll cope!

Mary Ann