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June 03, 2024, 08:27:06 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


: Soda Shoppe for April 1,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, April 01, 2019, 01:12:30 AM

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Good morning everyone.
Yesterday was interesting to say the least. Started off to the city and half way down remembered that my glasses were at home. I did have a pair in the van and hoped they would be ok for the new lenses if not it would have meant another trip down. They were able to put the new lens in the old frames,by then it was lunch time . Chinese buffet was delicious and the dogs enjoyed some of it too. We then went cross country to the chocolate factory picking up a few goodies there. Went to the quilt  store and picked up some awesome fabric called Sage and Sea Glass for a log cabin quilt.On the way home we drove into a snow storm :tickedoff:  but it petered out as we got closer to home.

Today  is taking the van in to get the winter tires off, I sure hope that was the last of the snow!!

Jane, that is a great report on you furkids.

Carol, Kyle goes on Apr.25th for his MRI.If the symptoms come back I am running him straight to the hospital in the city. I did that when he was having congestive heart failure but I stopped in a village at the ambulance depot and they finished the trip for me. By doing that he was seen to quicker  than if I had of taken him.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem and definitely feeling more chipper than I have in a few days.  I'll be off to WM today for my visit with friendly faces.  I always seem to learn something from my customers and I guess that's good.  My dad used to say "If we don't learn something new every day, we might as well turn up our toes and die."  I'm not ready for that so I keep learning.

AMY, I'm praying for a good rest of the month for Kyle.  Seems like that MRI is a long way off.   Also, I like your plan or a log cabin quilt!

I have a few things to pick up at WM and I'm trying to decide if I want to get ready and go do it early or trust that I'll have some energy left to do it after.  Sometimes these decisions just make themselves.  We'll see.

I wish everyfriend a great day.  Make it yours in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Sorry I didn't make it here yesterday.  Had stuff to do and an appointment with the cardiologist in the afternoon.  He was running an hour late but apologized all over the place for making me wait so long.  It was worth it, I think, since everything is going very well and he doesn't want to see me again for 15 months.

I wish the heart news was better for you, Shirley, and I know you are worried about the surgery you are facing.  You are so strong and your family is close and supportive and you have good medical care available.  I just know you will do fine.  I'm crossing fingers and toes and eyes but, more importantly, I am praying for you.

Finally, it is supposed to be a good day of Spring sunshine, lower humidity, and comfortable temperatures.  I have little planned today.  Only need to open the door for the service man to finish maintenance on AC unit.  Otherwise, just need to finish the laundry and make some Butternut Squash soup.

Take care, All.


Good morning everyone, well will be getting new glasses in about a week to 10 days or so. Boy the price has gone up since I got my last ones. Why is it when I think I have saved enough for a splurge something comes along that is needed? As usual every time I go out  for anything I come home exhausted. I lay on the couch and had an hour nap, last night I was sound asleep by 9 and had a good 8 hours sleep. Then my back acted up because of not moving that long. Oh well life goes on, right? I woke to sunshine and it is already all cloudy. Enough of my complaining for today.

JENNY  prayers that the new doctor helps Michele.

SHIRLEY  better getting that  surgery done sooner than later, no time to fret about it. Prayers for you. I get tired after a phone call or 10 minutes. Never did like talking on a phone. Right now it is 39° and am glad the 80's is not here yet. Need the AC in before that happens.

Better have breakfast and get dressed before my CNA gets here. Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi Everyone.  Finally a sunny and totally cloudless day for the first major even of the Master's Tournament.  However, the weather is looking iffy towards the weekend.  Scott and the girls will be here late this afternoon and Scott will make the Taco Pie for our dinner.  One of my good coffee drinking friends stopped by yesterday afternoon and we had a nice visit.  I am still feeling very tired this morning so am just going to check in again for today and hope tomorrow will be better.

Shirley, to answer your question I did have one cath where they went in on both sides.


Hi Everyfriend!  I came home from work all in but my shoestrings and they were coming in pretty fast.  I didn't even take time to change my clothes.  I just let the doggies out and in and gave them a snack and curled up on the sofa.  After a short nap, I feel a bit better. 

The vet called to set up an appointment for Annie to have a tooth pulled and then after that, Mickie has to give one up, too.  Guess they're not as healthy as I thought.  Also not as cheap as I thought.

I have supper started...well,  have rice cooking to go into a casserole.  I think I might save it for tomorrow. 

I had some good news.  My SIL in Maryland called to tell me his neighbor is moving and has offered him a pile of landscaping rocks if he wants them.  I have to measure where I want them and he and my daughter will bring a load of them up on Saturday and begin some landscape work....FREE!  For my birthday!  Another time, they'll bring another load and do a different job that I've been considering for several years.  All with free stones and free labor!  I really love these kids of mine and the ones they married are pretty nice, too!

LARRY, sounds like you have some pretty nice family to come over and visit and make dinner! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Sorry!  I got hung up and couldn't get my place on the previous post.  It wouldn't let me do anything else so to avoid losing it, I posted without finishing.

I hope you are all having a great day. 

PHYLLIS, put a bowl of Butternut Squash soup in the hidey hole with my name on it.  I don't think I've ever tasted it.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well It is time I bid you all sweet dreams and good night,hope to see you all tomorrow.



Good morning everyone..
Nice bright sunny day here ,chilly but it will warm up later.
 We are off into town, one of the grocery stores has butter on sale for 2.77....far cry from the 5-6 dollar a lb when not on sale.
I will make this quick as I want to be in there early.

Prayers and hugs for all ..

Enjoy your day.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


The soup is there, Jane.  Hope you like it...we thought it was pretty good and it doesn't take long to make.

It is the day to be hunting and gathering.  So glad that it is a nice, clear spring day.  I'm not happy about the off-the-chart pollen count but we do have to eat.  Maybe if I just hold my breath all the time I'm outside?  Nope, don't think that will work too well.

I almost beat Amy in here but she snuck past me.   :)

Hope the day goes well for all of us.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  Thanks to the doggies and my laziness, my day got off and running today.  I forgot that I had to be making dog food last night so before I went to bed, I put some chicken in the crockpot to be shredded to go in the dog food.  After their pill, I had an hour to get it shredded and the food made.  WHEW!  I made it before they started nagging me!

And it also occurred to me that if my kids are coming Saturday to do yard work, I'm going to have to feed them and have some cold drinks available.  Thank goodness, there's enough chicken left that I can make a pot of Chicken Corn Soup and I have plenty of water and Gatorade. 

Thanks for the Butternut Squash soup PHYLLIS.  I'm going to have it for my lunch today.  I'm sure it's delicious! 

AMY, even with the exchange rate, the regular price of your butter seems high.  I hope you got a good supply on sale.

I hope you have a great day.  Make it your own in every way.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, 35° and the sun is shining, hope it does all day for a change. Yesterday turned cloudy, windy and cold. At least this is better that the storm co‌ming across the country. What they showed on TV it looked like white outs and accidents.

JANE  like you I appreciate what my family does for me. Even my daughter living so far away. Have to be careful not to say anything about something I want because she will send it to me or send the money to get it to a son so they will get it.. I thank God my 3 are nothing like their father.

AMY  like you I buy butter when it is on sale and freeze it. By the time I get to the last pound it is on sale again.

PHYLLIS  I like butternut soup, one can add rice of something to it is desired.

Not many posts this morning. Time for me to get dressed and get my day started.
Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi Everyone. We have an overcast but dry morning and it is suppose to be a very nice day for the beginning day of the Master's Tournament. There are tens of thousands of people here than have come from other places to see it. I will be watching on TV but probably not too much until the last afternoons and the weekend.  We have a special friend coming to visit us from out of town and she is bringing us dinner today.  She won't be here until after 3 pm and will likely stay for only a couple of hours, but that is enough as visiting like that really tires me any more.  I really enjoy it but it has a cost.  Scott and the girls were here yesterday evening and Scott plans on coming back out today.  I decided I would try once more to get into the shower after which I had to lay back down for awhile.  By the time I got to my office this morning I couldn't hold my head up.  Once again I have read all of the postings but going to just check in again today.


Between Kyle and I we picked up 16 lbs of butter, I am not long going through that when I bake. 
I am curious on how much you all pay for one pound of butter?

Floors are all washed and I washed a camp quilt and hung it on the like . Noticed the rhubarb peeking amongst the snow too!!!

Need to straighten out the freezer and put this butter away.

Phyliss, I like my squash soup with a dollop of sour cream on it..

Gloria, we are having a lovey day here...too chilly to sit outside yet but tis ok.

Jane another dish I like to make is a seven layer dinner ......all in one pot and easy to make. Used to make it on days we were killing chickens.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning.  I am just stopping by to say Hello.

Nothing special going on and I have already had a short nap.  I need to get the kitchen straightened up.

Larry, so sorry you still aren't feeling much better. 

Jane, you sure do keep busy with making the dog's food.  

Phyllis, this past fall,   I had the butternut soup at Panera's bread place and it was so good.  I am not a big soup person, but that was just so tasty.  I did find a copy-cat recipe for it and made it a month or so ago.  It was delicious.  They served it with some pumpkin seeds on top. Added a little crunch to it.  I am sure yours  was just as good.

Hope everyone has a good day.


Lloyd Hammond

click on Stacy Westfall and click on the bare back bridles and watch the video. if it is easier just type it in your own browser and watch.



I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Mary Ann

Jackie-Vanilla posted in Norm's B&T that Richard had died suddenly.  I don't think she knows what she will do yet; they moved to their present location because of her MS.

Mary Ann


It seems everyone here is experiencing stress on all levels.  We have some issues that we try to stay healthy and accept. 

Sandy:  We only visit Duluth (Don's home town) in summer - remember being stranded there one Easter years ago. 

Jane S.  Are you feeling better and rested now?  Did the doggies eat your stir-fry with chop sticks???? :D

Jenny:  Wishing you and Bob peace and good health - it is harder when it is the kids, isn't it? 

Shirley:  We will all be saying prayers and good wishes for you -

Mary Ann:  Thank you for letting us know about Jackie-Vanilla's husband. 


I am shocked to read of Richards sudden death, JACKIE.

I believe I am the only person here in our group that met Jackie and Richard in person.  Just this morning I was going through some photos and found one of us all having coffee together in London a few years back.  It seems no time ago and yet, I believe it was 7 years ago. 
Thank you, MARYANN for letting us know. 

My only nieces Birthday is today, and I was looking for pictures of her to share with our family.  She passed in 2002, the same year as my dear mother.  She was 31 and passed from complications associated with type 1 diabetes.  Bless her heart, she suffered a lot in her year and spent way too many periods of time in a hospital due to her situation.  She had a terrible car wreck due to a diabetic coma, and towards the end even had to deal with a amputated leg.

CAROL, you are so right, some of the most stressful things in our lives have to deal with our children.  We just always want to be there for them, but we can not take away their pain.  I certainly hope the weather will be kind for you and Don to get home safely. 

AMY, like you, I stock up on butter when it is on sale as it does freeze well.  I buy it on sale for around $2.99, but this week I can buy it for $2.49 with a digital coupon from one of our big chain grocery stores.  Awhile back, Safeway, one of the chain stores offered it to me for $5.79 a pound as my personal price.....needless to say I did not find that to be a bargain at all. I can not say what it might be on a non sale but I suppose as much as 6 or more dollars a pound.  I do not buy it when it is not on sale!  I hope you did not take your snow tires off too soon!

We had quite the snow storm here yesterday.  It was not as bad as they thought it might be but it was bad enough.  The news always has to sensationalize things so much....I know we made the national news, but they made it sound much worse than it was.  I do think they made some prett6 good decisions to cancel some flights out at the airport so people would not get stranded like they did last month  in our BOMB CYCLONE! They tried to make is think it was going to be worse than that one, but it was not.  Mind you the mid west is suffering through so bad stuff as the storm continues east.

I hope you all are having a peaceful day.  ENJOY your company LARRY and the meal she is providing. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Mary Ann

I just checked our butter prices - store brand 2/$5.00, name brand $5.00.

Quite a difference.

Dot and I are going for supper tonight down the avenue where all the "old" folks go.  The food is good but plain.

Mary Ann


My "real" butter price is usually 2/$5.00, once in a great while I've had to pay $2.99, but I also keep a stock pile in the freezer. My brain doesn't "compute" the regular price!  My husband used to say that my "eyes glow when I see a sale sign"..... love to bargain shop. ;)

Cats are in for the night, they sure are disappointed that winter has returned with below freezing tonight. Darn, meant to pick the remaining jonquils while I was putting the trash out. Took some food scraps down to the river bank & whistled for whatever comes to eat. Tom's fur came up on his tail so something was around that I didn't see. Callie had gotten into the garage when I ran to pick up Arby's for lunch (daughter came by). I had been whistling out the front door & back door & was concerned that I hadn't seen her since about 2:30am. I didn't open the door for she or Tom, decided if they wanted to go out right before I go to bed they can stay out all night. I thought she was mad at me when she didn't come in with Tom this morning.  Better go pick myself a bouquet before it gets any darker.

Lloyd Hammond

AMY thanks for the link, that will help anyone that may like to watch and enjoy. I do what i said and watch often then minimize it and click on other horse shows in the right down side. wind has been strong here all day 25 35 with some 45 mph, getting cold here and supposed to before morning down to freezing that is quit a drop form our 80º yesterday, well like  we say here in central MO.If you do like weather here weigh a short while we may have what you like. Good Night and sweet dreams.



Hello Everyfriend!  It's been kind of a crazy day.  Lots of phone calls in and out and a trip into town including a stop at my son's to enlist his aid in our Saturday plans.  He's going to go to the recycle center where all the locals drop off yard clippings.  They grind it into mulch and offer it back to the residents free of charge.  My son will take his truck over early Saturday morning and load it up and bring it to my house; I'll drive him back in to his store in time to open and when my daughter and SIL arrive from Maryland it will be here ready to use.  How's that for a deal?  Free stones, free mulch and free labor.  What a nice birthday present!

Carol, I don't remember what I said about the doggies eating stir fry but if they did they would definitely use chopsticks.  They are very proper!

JACKIE, if you're looking in, my prayers are with you in your coming days of decision.  I'm so sorry for your loss!      

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


It did it again!  The cursor was gone and I couldn't add anything to the above message.  So I posted it so it wouldn't be lost.

Now, I bid you all good night.  I wish you a peaceful night's sleep and a happy tomorrow.  An may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

Rain is what they are calling for today..but tomorrow is to be a lovely sunny day. Rain will help take away the remaining snow and it is getting away nicely.

I am off to get my haircut this morning, I am leaving the phone number with Kyle in case he needs me. Can you just see me flying home with curlers in my hair if he does!!

Will make a pot of baked beans when I get home and let them slow cook on the wood stove.

Thank you for the price of butter..2 for $5.00 is a deal for sure! I do stock up on everything when it comes on sale.

Jane, sounds like a fun /work time at your home on the weekend. Have fun with your kids!

Shirley , I would love to walk with you down by the river and see all the critters that come there. I love bargains and get an email telling me which foods we use are on sale in the grocery stores.

Larry, hope today is a better day for you and yesterdays visit didn't tire you out.

Gloria,I woke to robins singing right outside my window. I swear each year the same robins come here just to do that! If only they wouldn't do it at 6 am!

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


This is probably a really dumb question but.....do any of you leave butter out on the counter?  I prefer "real" butter but don't like to deal with it when it is just out of the fridge so I buy butter mixed with canola oil so it is spreadable even when it is cold.  If you leave butter out on the counter does it stay good or does it turn rancid quickly?  I would like to buy real butter but don't want to throw it away if it spoils quickly.  Butter is not cheap and that is like throwing away money.  Also, wouldn't want to give us a bad case of food poisoning.  Here in  Cary/Raleigh area Land o' Lakes butter is $6.19/lb.---Store brand butter is $3.36/lb. or 2lbs/6.00.  Our grocery prices are not cheap!

Cloudy this morning.  Yesterday was such a beautiful day that I hate to see the clouds and rain come back over the weekend but, maybe it will lower the pollen count and wash that stuff off of the car.  I was going to take it to the car wash yesterday but decided it would be a waste since it would be covered again by the time I got back home.

I wish you felt better, Larry.  Have you checked carefully with your doctor to determine if some of the medications, or combination of meds, are making you so weak and tired?  I take Metoprolol as one of my meds and it just saps all of my energy so I take it at night.  I hope it would be a simple explanation for you.  I'm sorry you have to deal with these issues and think of you often with prayer.

I'm feeling so bad for Jackie in England.  What a crushing shock for her to deal with.

I must be off to get some breakfast.  Take care, All.

Lloyd Hammond

phyllis I do not know if this helps or not,just because we do or not dose not necessarily make it right or wrong. But we keep one quarter stick in of butter in a dish that holds that size. we use it long before it spoil's. the dish has a lid to cover it.
that sets on the kitchen table for the two of us and company that may come by. we also keep a small dish of sorghum and one pint jar of honey on the table. have to take care of my sweet teeth you know. 34º and sunny here and shooting for a high of 53º today. have a great day just as you like it. I slept in until 7:30 A M this morning came here straight away so I now have to go get something to eat. see you all later.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  I got my shower and got dressed while we waited for the doggies boinger this morning because the Radon guy was supposed to come to pick up his equipment "sometime after 9".  He was here and left by 8:30 so I'm glad I got dressed early.

PHYLLIS, I leave the butter out because, like you, I like it spreadable.  Some years ago, I bought one of those butter bells where it sits in water and that keeps it fresh and spreadable.  But I kept forgetting to change the water and then I had little spots of mold on it.  So I just let it sit and it hasn't had any mold and it tastes normal.

I always stock up on butter during the Thanksgiving/Christmas baking season because the WM brand is usually on sale for $2.50 a lb. at that time.  Sometimes it's even less.  And I never seem to run out until it goes on sale the next time.

I hope you all have a lovely day!  Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Friday morning.   When I first was here this morning, it was kind of dreary out , but now it looks like the sun might be making an appearance.  I hope so !!

Phyllis, I am so glad to read about Metoprolol might be the cause of a so-tired feeling. I also take that, and I am always so tired.  I usually take it in the morning, along with all the other stuff I take, so I am going to change till the evening.  Just will have to make a note to remind me.  Maybe that will make  a difference.

I have always thought it wasn't a good idea to leave butter out on the counter.  I saw something about putting a stick of butter in the microwave for 4 seconds on each of the 4 sides.  And, it does make it spreadable.  Also, I have read about grating a stick of butter and that works also. 

I woke up this morning still thinking about Jackie.  I just can't imagine what she is going through.  I sure hope she will reach out to some of her MS group friends.  I know they will be very supportive for her.  It has to be such an awful feeling of not knowing what to do and not having anybody close to her now. 

I hope Larry is feeling better this morning.

Have a good day.
