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A Few Steps Down

Owner: Shirley
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June 08, 2024, 03:08:20 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


: Soda Shoppe for April 1,2019

Started by so_P_bubble, April 01, 2019, 01:12:30 AM

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Thanks, Lloyd and Jane.  That helps me a lot.  I have two covered butter dishes that I can use, Lloyd, and I have one of those little butter keepers, too, Jane, but am always too lazy to fill it with butter and water so never use it, though I love the old-fashioned look of it on the table... ::)  Thanks to both of you for the advice.

Joy, I grew up with a Mother who never left the butter out because it would spoil (so she said) so I just did as she did.  But, even if grating works I would never have the patience to do it.  As I said, I'm lazy!

Now, I'm really off to eat breakfast....and to take a stick of butter out and put it in a butter dish and leave it on the table! 



Phyll, I will answer your butter quesion fast because I'm gonna go fix my breakfast & use the "butter-butter" that sits out on my counter until it is gone. I do buy the sticks & think one probably lasts 3 days of normal use. I don't like it hard to spread, either, and have never had it go rancid. I'm probably one of the pickiest eaters around (I do wash salad mixes before eating & bring home from the salad bar & wash)... When I don't think ahead & have to pull a pound out of the freezer or even the frige, I will cut off a chunk, drop in in a single serve type skillet & as it melts & spreads out I place a piece of bread on top to toast... oh, so yummy.

Jenn, don't think I wished your father a Happy Birthday but would you please pass mine on to him?  You are so lucky to have a father still around to say that to. I had a look at the blizzard on Monarch Pass ... white out... this week. Know that whole area has not had a lot of snow this winter because I check the view cams for Salida & Buena Vista almost daily. A little piece of me stays there year around.  :thumbup:

Janie, is your mouse trying to get some extra zzzzzzzzzzzzzs these days?  I finally decided it was time to get a new one so in my search for what is best, Andy came over with 3 that he didn't use & I kept one that fit my hand & works so much better than the one I had been using. I had been using one that daughter had given her father, he like the ones that didn't plug in. I had several that worked on the old computers but would not work on this newer one...haha, it's past it's warranty so not really so new....

I'm looking out the door at the Cleveland pear blossoms all over the grass carpet around the pool... looks like dirty snow or hail. What a mess. For the first time in days the wind is not bending the trees over. Very cold out but sun is shining & looks like spring with redbud, pear & crab apple trees blooming everywhere.

Got the card from the heating and AC company that does the spring & fall check ups... need to get the cover off that AC soon, doesn't take many 80-90 degree days before the house heats up. Also need to call the yard guy, my weeds are growing like weeds.

Talked to the nurse yesterday & heart cath with possibilities of stents to take place next Wed afternoon. I am counting on being released & not spending the night, but know that did happen to Cas a time or two (overnight) when not planned. Any time they are doing "invasive" procedures they do what they think best. I am not looking forward to this and hope the new doctor respects MY wishes & the other cardio's belief in me that we can do this without a lot of stuff pumped into my body. I'm still thinking that stents may fix my problem since the Echo didn't show the Aortic valve so bad. I am not too bashful to walk away from that valve job after reading what all CAN go wrong. I know it is the better option than open heart, but still .... that is a mighty big item they shove through an artery & can see how it could tear & cause bleeding along the way. Fact is, that yellow stripe down my back keeps getting brighter!  Every stent Cas had installed gave him another year of breathing better. The 3 bypasses I got with the valve job did not offer as much change as I hoped. Enough about this surgery, will take one day at a time and know that God has His plans and none of my worrying will change things.

Wow, been sitting here thinking & it's after 8:00 am and nothing done. Cat behind me snoring... they all stayed inside last night since it got below freezing & felt much colder. Tom & Tiger haven't shown up, not sure what part of the house they slept in but nobody was in my bed but me. They don't like it that I close the door to the basement and to the rest of the house because Callie can't be trusted... Tom will go over the Dutch door to the basement either direction... I'm afraid he will break a leg but "what's a mother to do?" Usually Tiger will give me a wink & I'll open the folding door to the rest of the house for her when the other 2 aren't watching. I have those motion detector alarms across the dining & living room entries, they are not allowed in those rooms. Now & then Tom will test them & give me a silly look and race off to hid in the bedrooms.

Gloria, was thinking about your son's orchard, does he have any trees left?  Bet that was gorgeous when in bloom. I'm still checking out apples every time I go to the store & favs are the red & golden delicious. Some new names this year. How I would love to find ANY fruit that was picked ripe.

Oops, you slipped in Phyllis, Joy, Jane & Lloyd, while I was thinking & typing. Great Day to All~~


Yesterday was a beautiful day at the Master's Golf Tournament and it looks like today will also be a good day but mainly cloudy and warm with only a 20% chance of rain until 4 pm when there is a 40% chance.  It is to be about 84 degrees this afternoon.  We did enjoy our visit with our special friend yesterday but yesterday was not a good day for me and as soon as she left I headed to bed.  Scott came out after she left and spent three hours visiting with his mother after a brief visit with me.  I am happy to say I can at least hold my head up today, which I wasn't able to do yesterday except when sitting down.  We plan on just having a very quiet couple of days to recover from a busy couple of days.  She did bring us a Wifesaver's chicken dinner with coleslaw and green beans and a whole pecan pie.  I am going to have to just check in this morning as am still very weary.

Phyllis, you asked if maybe my doctor had changed my medicines and she did take me off a couple of them including the diuretics and prescribed a different diuretic that I was to take only if my blood pressure was 60 or above.  I have been able to take it most morning and in three months I have lost 25 pounds mainly because I have no appetite an eat very little as the food doesn't taste the same.  I also only eat breakfast and then the evening meal as I eat breakfast so late in the morning.  My taste buds have changed and I no longer like sandwiches or apples which I have eaten all of my life.


Phyllis, good question, I have my entire life left my butter on the counter , without spoilage-----so go for it  :)


I am not going to post much today as I have a terrible neck pain.  It was hurting a bit yesterday and kept me awake most of the night, leaving me a lot of awake time to be thinking about Jackie. Most of the day off and on have been spent going through pictures looking for the pictures we took when we were with Jackie and Richard in London.  Sadly we can not find any more than the one's with Jackie and me. 😢 I am so disappointed.  I wanted to have it for you, Jackie.  We will keep looking. 

Around noon, I started to get up an$ all of a sudden a pain shot through my neck.....I screeched...I can not hardly move with out horrible pain.  Bob has a neck pillow the he uses....he put it around my neck and I have just sat still.....so afraid to move.....if I start to I find out it is not a good thing.  Bob thinks it is stress.....I hope that is all it is. 

Michele's hair has completely fallen out and it is hard on her to accept, however she told Dave that it would be so much worse for those with breast cancer as they have that plus have lost a breast.😢. There is always someone so much worse off than we are.  She did get a wig and feels it will help her to feel a bit better about herself. 

I have to stop....I am sorry.

Have a good evening and hugs to you JACKIE. 

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Lloyd Hammond

well I have let the evening slip away so time to bid you all good night and sweet dreams. hope to see you all tomorrow.



JENNY, I sure hope your pain is due to stress and that it lessens by tormorrow.  Having that kind of pain can connect to everything you try to do.

Also wanted to give Michele a big HUG for her attitude.  If she can believe that others are worse off than she is, she has a very big heart!

JACKIE, prayers are still with you as you make some major adjustments in your life. 

I don't know what's going to happen with our work day tomorrow.  It's been raining since about 1 p.m. today and doesn't show signs of stopping.  Thunderstorms are predicted for most of the night and most of tomorrow.  I'm thinking...they won't be up and it's too wet to work and no one wants to work in a rainstorm.  I really don't blame them.  I haven't talked with them because they are "early to bed" folks.  But I'll be in touch early tomorrow.

Now I'm off to bed.  I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Seems I wasn't paying attention and the storms were predicted for Norheast of here.  That's where our TV comes from.  Today is suppoed to be warm and sunny so I'm sure the workday is on!

This will probably be my one and only posting for today because while the kids are here, I'll be busy and after they go I'll be tired.    I wish you all the best of health and te happiest of days!  I'll be back to check on you when I can.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

Feels good to have my hair cut and now it is more manageable.
Picked up meds and butter for my friend yesterday. Rain off and on and the snow is going and the rhubarb is really growing!
I am not sure what today is..normally I would do laundry but I think my hubby would like to go roading so....we shall see how the day goes.It is going to be a beautiful day so we should take advantage of it. I can use the dryer tomorrow when it is to rain.

Phyliss, I too leave my butter out...I cut a lb. into 3 pieces and put it in containers ,freeze 2 and use one. I do have a butter bell but if one doesn't remember to change the water it can be yucky.

Jenny, hugs and prayers for Michele. When my friend's hair fell out she took a positive outlook on it and said. Look at the money I am saving on shampoo and haircuts..I can spend that on fabric!!!

Jane, thoroughly enjoy your day..it will be a happy tired for you tonight.

Gloria and Gloria de are MIA? Hope both are ok.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hope you get your outside work done today, Jane.  No outside work here.  Rainy, rainy!  I have lots of books and the Masters is still on so I doubt that I will get bored today.

I'm shaking my head at myself.  I left the butter out all day yesterday and it was so nice to have real butter that spread so easily.  And then, last night on my way to bed I found that I just couldn't force myself to leave it out all night so I put it in the fridge overnight and took it out when I made my coffee early this morning.  I'm sure I heard my mother's voice in my head saying "put the butter away".  :idiot2:  I manage to find really dumb things to worry about.  Thanks for your answers, Everyone.  I promise...no more talk about butter on the counter. ::)

Good morning, Amy.  Enjoying the beautiful day is much more important than house chores.  Go for it! :thumbup:

Take extra special care, Everyone.


Good morning everyone, just noticed I did not post yesterday. Seems to happen when I get no sleep. Been some time since I went through the sleepless nights. Started raining last night and the rain brought warmer temps, 56° at 8:30 am and windy.

LARRY  hope your company did not stay too long and wear you out.

AMY  right now I do t sit outside too long but bundle yup in layers and sit in the sun. Only time of year I can sit in the sun. Years ago I loved hearing the Whippoorwills at night till one was in the tree outside a bedroom window, woke me and I got tired of trying to sleep with it being noisy. Got up and yelled, it flew away finally. Have not heard one since I moved from our house.

PHYLLIS  when I know I want to use butter I take it out of the fridge when I get up in the morning, does not take to long to get soft. Put it back in the fridge after use. I know I like real butter but don't cook or eat like I used to. When I did I left butter out all the time in a 1/4 pound container.

SHIRLEY  wonder if you are as picky as me about what I eat. Have always been a fussy eater. Like you I do no like any surgery but really have only had minor ones, I hate being put  to sleep, afraid I will never wake. Nothing like fresh picked fruit and veggies, especially tomatoes. Most of son's trees are dead and he has been pulling them out. Will have enough only for family now. The orchard was beautiful when in full bloom, even better at harvest time with the aroma of ripening apples and seeing the apples on the trees.

LARRY  like you I have no appetite and eat only because I know I have to. Sweets are about the only thing that taste good.

AMY  I am OK just getting too lazy to bother with the computer some days. Rather just lay on the couch and watch TV.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hi everyone.  I am just checking in this morning as not feeling like posting more.


I've been up since 6:00 am but nearly noon & still not dressed. Need to trim my hair & wash it so putting off. Got the mail & still no paperwork from the Doctor's office with instructions. Good thing I called yesterday to know WHEN they plan the heart cath!  Nurse did say "no food for 8 hours before"... check in at noon for blood work but procedure not until 2:30.

Was watching Wagon Train while ago & it ended with a quote I'm not sure from the Bible or just a saying.  Maybe one of you has heard it before, I never have & neither has my good friend. We both admit we don't read the Bible but listen to the sermons.  :-[ 
Quote is:The Lord watch over me and thee While we are gone, one from another.

Cats are keeping me busy. Tiger stays in all night most of the time, so she wants in & out all day. Tom & Callie have been staying out all night (except for night before last)... so they come in, eat & crash for the day. I checked weather for the day & night I have the first procedure.... T-storms, so am sad the cats will have to be out the whole time. They do have some place they don't get wet and will be okay, I just hate they won't have a choice. Just a minute ago I was on the phone with my friend & heard this loud snoring from Callie.. looked over at Tom sleeping on the couch as he sat up, stared where Callie was sleeping in old LaurenKat's bed by a furnace vent... Tom got off the couch & walked around the corner to the closed basement door & waited for me to open (usually he just hops over)..he had been asleep so guess he knew he was too drowsy to hop!  Poor Callie, don't have a clue how old she is, but she loves belonging.

Must do something! Wishing all a Super Saturday.

Mary Ann

Shirley, I remember hearing your saying many times, usually as a benediction.  I put the saying in the search line and copied the first three responses.  They are not complete but you can see where the saying comes from and you can expand the answers.

Mary Ann

The Careful Handling of the Word - DTS Voice

Nov 2, 2010 - When I was a child, our pastor often closed services with the ... "May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another. ... In other words we think Jesus would prefer that we be either for Him or ...
Missing: source? ‎| ‎Must include: ‎source?
Genesis 31:49 and also Mizpah, because he said, "May the LORD ...

And Mizpah; for he said, The LORD watch between me and thee, when we ... The Lord behold and judge between us when we shall be gone one from the other.
Missing: source? ‎| ‎Must include: ‎source?
What does Genesis 31:49 mean? - BibleRef.com

and Mizpah, for he said, 'May the LORD watch between you and me when we are ... the LORD keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other. ... LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
Missing: source? ‎| ‎Must include: ‎source?


Mary Ann, you are amazing! I copied your whole response to send my friend.... she will be so impressed! Thank you. Not sure why the quote hit a note with me today, but it did. If I ever heard it before, I wasn't listening.  :-[


What an awesome day!!! We did stay home..sort of. I did laundry , hung it on the line and it blew dry in no time. Did the dogs bedding put it out and it too was in folded in no time. This wind is great for drying clothes.

Forgot to soak my beans last night and thought I would try to cook them in the instant pot. Well...they cooked from dry to soft in 35 min!! We then took the dog landmines to the dump, stopped for tea  and came home. Kyle said maybe tomorrow ,weather permitting we would head to the city. Can't go in a dirty van so I washed it...now tis clean for a moment.

Roast beef with mushrooms, roasted potatoes ,green beans and trifle for dessert. I had thought of making bread and using up some whey but that is all it was...a thought.

I need to figure out something for our anniversary and it is pretty difficult to do when we are always together. I have until May to think things out.

We let the pup go off leash today, all areas where he might wiggle through were boarded up. My goodness does this lad fly!  Both dogs were running full tilt and mercy me if you stood in their way .

Shirley, your furkids will be fine, when you get home from the hospital they will likely scold you for being away but will soon get over it.You just take good care of Shirley please..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


What day in May, Amy?  The best thing I could ever do for Cas... for our anniversary, was to make him his favorite meals. Breakfast had to be scratch not canned biscuits & gravy, one meal Mexican food & the other roast beef with potatoes & candied carrots or fried green beans. We would go out to eat another day... not his favorite thing to do. My parents anniversary was May 17, I never forget it. I am angry at the furbabies tonight, they wouldn't eat their chicken and just now passed on the canned Friskies! They do have spring fever & all 3 are out. At least they don't bring food back for me if they are hunting, like Old LaurenKat did! Ick, how I hated to look out the sliding door in the morning in spring... she brought Cas a baby rabbit, mouse or bird nearly every day. One thing I let him do (and he did) was clean the mess up. She was a good hunter & the neighbors with gardens loved having her show up in their yard! Callie caught a full grown rabbit that walked right up the driveway one day, then crossed over past the iris & she took one leap over the top of the fence & killed it instantly. I yelled at her so she never did any more hunting while I was around. I understand it's nature but I don't want to see it!

Jenn, I am so sorry about your neck & back.... waited in hopes I could keep from reminding you what the cure is.  :-\   So I won't tell you what I'd do.  ;)  But you do get 100% of my sympathy!  So sorry about Michele's hair, think I've probably told the story about my young niece losing hers, being interviewed by the local paper. "Bad enough losing your hair, eyebrows & eye lashes twice, but I still have to shave my legs!"  But she is still here more than 35 years later. I don't doubt your muscles are tensed up with all the stress you are dealing with now. Hugs to you. My daughter was in town this week & went for a massage, she thinks this is the ONLY place to have it done. Her shoulders get so bad she gets blinding headaches. My sister had it so bad a few weeks ago she gave up & got some strong meds that "knocked her out" for a couple days & broke the cycle, is fine now.

Gloria, doesn't seem that long ago you posted photos of those gorgeous apples when you'd go help. How long has it been? I've thought about that every time I see apples in the store... no flavor compared with your tree ripened ones! The whole south end of Wichita used to be orchards so when we first moved here we would go pick apples & peaches. They had a big hay wagon pulled by a tractor to take everyone to the picking area, said to eat all we wanted & then pay for what we took home. Ladders were standing all around so we picked the biggest, prettiest ripe ones we could find. My sister & family were here one year when our kids were all under 12, they thought that was more fun than the zoo. Many years later they planted their own orchard in MO & did everything they said to do (when to spray, etc), but their fruit was so full of worms they sat the bushel baskets on the curb, signs out (lived on a busy highway with easy turn off) for anyone that wanted to cut worms out.

I'd better check on cats, thought they'd be back to eat but don't guess they want to eat as much as they want to roam. Since they will have days & nights to stay out the next few weeks, I'm letting them do as they please. I helped create this problem so can't blame them! 

Sweet dreams to all and God Bless.  Shirley



Here I am ... not quite as tired as I was when the kids left.  They got here around 9:30 and they worked non-stop until about 12:30 when we broke for lunch.

I made a big pot of chicken corn soup with noodles in it and it sure hit the spot.  I had it in the crock pot on low for a good part of the morning so we didn't have to tend it. 

Then they went right back to work and  worked until about 3:30 and then we sat on the porch, chatted and looked over the job.  They sure did accomplish a lot!  Now when I let the dogs out in the morning, I'll have something pretty to look at.  They're coming back another time and spruce up another area. 

I'm really still tired and I'm headed off to bed.  I wish you all a peaceful night and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I'll be off to church in a little while and then I want to go through the WM Garden Center to see what they have to offer.  We have another kind of large area to deal with and they gave me some suggestion as to what might look nice there.

I'm kind of in a hurry so I wish you all a GREAT day!  Enjoy every minute.  Prayers for all who need them..even for those who don't need them...just because!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

We are to have some mixed weather today, guess we shall just have to wait and see if it will be rain, ice pellets or snow.

Jane it will be a while before our stores have any plants in them. I thoroughly love going and looking at all the varieties and wish I had space for them all. :)

Shirley, our anniversary is May 14th..not sure what we will do yet.

Like Janie I am in a bit of a hurry will be back later.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyone,
from the warmer and sunnier, rocky coast of Maine.

Sunday at  The Masters starts earlier
today because  of the probability of
inclement weather.

It is starts at 9 AM being
broadcast on CBS...   Gonna be a good
day until the bad weather shows up!   

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good morning everyone, yesterday was a beautiful warm 70° yesterday. Was outside most of the day. This morning is overcast and rain later but 56°. Glad I spent most of yesterday outside.

SHIRLEY  like that quote. The cats will be OK while you are in the hospital. You are in my prayers. The sooner the better, less time to worry. This year will be 5 years since my son had a good harvest from his orchard. Someone once asked him if any of the apples had bird droppings on them, his answer was "no the birds fly  upside down when they fly over the ofchard" Wonder is anyone believed him. He is great for answering stupid questions.

JANE  you must love looking at all the work your family did in your yard.

AMY after yesterday today is a gloomy one.

PHYLLIS  I often say I feel so lazy to my CNA. She will tell me I worked all my life and now just need to take it easy, that is not lazy, so not that is what I say to you. YOU ARE NOT LAZY.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast



Has it soaked in that NEXT Sunday is Easter?  Seems like we went from winter to Easter awful fast.. and still afraid to leave the hose connected overnight.  ::)

Like you, Larry, just checking in!  Wishing everyone a peaceful, content and beautiful day. God Bless


Good afternoon, I am back.  Was in the hospital most of last week. Went in last Sunday morning..  I am home now under Hospice Nursing care. It seems a good plan for me at my age. I do not want to go into a nursing home.With this plan I stay in my own home, a nurse comes once a week, I can have and aid come in 5 times a week or just for one day.I haveto give up all my doctors, they will take care of everything. If I call and ambulance they take you to their care canter in Westhampton Beach. With no family around, this seem best for me.

Hugs, prays to all my dear friends  With this plan I still an get to my computer :)

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Hi  Lindancer ! 

Good to see you.  Sorry to hear that you have
been in the hospital but good for still being
able to decide what is best for you. 

I would want to be home also, around
all of the things that are important to me. 
Especially the computer!!! 

I wish you love and peace ! 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Gloria de, I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital but it seems you have things under control.  I have written information for Tom as to what I want and what I have and where things are.  I am fortunate that I do have someone here and I'd prefer to not go to a nursing home or a retirement home.  I also am fortunate that we have a nurse in the family and she doesn't live too far away.

Mary Ann


Gloria de,  I'm so sorry you've had to be in the hospital. Sounds as if you are a wise lady and have made good arrangements for your care.
Glad that you're able to be on the computer.  (I'd insert a "thumbs up" if we still had those options).
Gentle hugs to you.....


Gloria de, happy to read you are home. Nice to have "things" in order and I don't blame you for wanting to be in your own home. When our friend couldn't stay in his own home, he said he would go face down in the river first before going in the manor. Instead he came here to live out his days......hugs and prayers for you.

Today we took off...Kyle picked out 3 pairs of pants that all have to go back. He finds it very tiring to try on the clothes in the store so he does here at home. The weather wasn't too bad, we ran into the rain, then ice pellets and yes some snow!!

Where we stop to let the dogs out to water the grass, has the osprey nests and they were both filled with pairs of osprey! I listened to them chatter away for a bit before moving on.

Sandy, love your calico kitten.......so sweet! 

Shirley, yes Easter came on quick!! We will be staying put as the pup has an operation on Wed and we have to keep him quiet......oh joy!!

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers



Still suffering with my neck pain, however it is somewhat better and I was able to sleep last night....thankfully.  Kind of ready for this pain to be gone🤣🤣. I am disappointed in myself that I did not tell you I have a rag soaked in Epsom Salts That is under the heating pad on my neck, SHIRLEY.  BY now, my first go to is always your ES! 

We did enjoy watching The Masters.....kind of nice to have it over and done with time to do something else now.

GLORIAde, I knew you had not posted this week so I am sorry it was because you were in the hospital.  I sure am happy you have such caring neighbors that come in to check on you, but I know that can take it's toll on you too.  I think your medical decision you have made is a ver6 wise one, and I certainly hope it works well for you. HUGS, sweet lady.

MARYANN, I think you are in a very good spot with your life.  I hope you can continue being in your home for a good long while.  HUGS to you too. 

JANE, I enjoyed reading* about the garden day yesterday.  I hope you were able to find some nice plants for your yard.

SHIRLEY, I am aware next Sunday is Easter and I am rather shocked that this is the case....that Palm from Church was a good give away❣️❣️🥰🥰🤣🤣

Oh my, I just found this......Sure am glad it did not go to la la land!

Have a great rest of your day.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"