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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Photos Old and New

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 02:44:28 PM

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Mary Ann

Jean, the flower made me think of an allium, however, the blossoms are nothing alike.  The only similarity is that both grow on tall stems.

Mary Ann


Bubble. Great shot of Aviv. Now was he walking down the street and they just shot it.  He will be the hit at his school if many of the children saw it.


Bubble. first time I hve seen the new shot of me that you put in. Goodness. Should have put some makeup on.  My little mark on my face really shows up. Little make up covers it. Never have figured where it came from. Think I got a splash from fat while cooking chicken and has my skin  changed lately it now shows up.


"Agapanthus" from me was like above. Ours are usually in full bloom in September.
Photos and Videos are my Hobbies. (S.Sato)


Quote from: JeanneP on April 26, 2019, 08:50:03 PMBubble. Great shot of Aviv. Now was he walking down the street and they just shot it.  He will be the hit at his school if many of the children saw it.

These last photos of Aviv were just photo montage made with a Microsoft program :)  He never was in such a crowd (in NY!) nor in a book.

Mary Ann

Bubble, you could have fooled me.  I didn't notice much of the background with the NY picture; I just wondered if your city had such crowds.  The book I knew that a person could put a picture on the cover.  Interesting anyway.

In my Random Image to my left is a picture of Norm and Dot!

Mary Ann


Finally, one can start to believe that summer is arriving. The municipality gardeners have been busy planting lovely flowers all over town.

Flowers 01.jpg

Flowers 06.jpg




Mary Ann

Bubble, what a nice thing your city does with the flowers.  I don't get downtown here so I don't know if it's done or not.  I do know that when the flowers appear in the stores, I'll get a couple of hanging baskets to liven up this place.  Beautiful flowers.

Yesterday when Dot and I went to our Sunday brunch, we noticed the Bradford Pears are ready to bloom.

Mary Ann


I don't drive myself since a bad fall several years ago.  However, our downtown area has lovely baskets of flowers along the main street across from the University.  Occasionally my friend, Olyne, has taken me by that street so that we can see the flowers along the street.  We also drive by after winning football games because the students and locals throw toilet paper up in the trees on the campus which face the main street.  It's silly in a way, but is a long standing tradition, so it seems like everyone who lives here has either been there or is going there soon!



What a beautiful city you live in, Bubble!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


As you can see the flags are out for Independence Day next week.

Mary Ann

Bubble, I had not noticed the flags, but I did notice a nice picture of you, which I should have mentioned before.  It will be nice when we can be outside without coats.  But today isn't the day!

Mary Ann


Bubble - I loved looking at your colorful photos this morning.  What beautiful flowers decorating your city!  I'd like to sit on that bench, surrounding the pond, and enjoy the lovely scenery!


So many pretty flowers and ways of showing them.  I didn't notice the flags either.  Nice photo of you, Bubble.


Bubble. Yes, you area looks really nice. Do a beautiful job with the plants. Here not even the trees are leafing out good . Grass only thing with all the rain.
I remember the first day of Independence day for Israel. What is it now. It was 1951 I believe. I know that quite a few of my friends went out to Isreal at the time. Many never came back to UK. How the place as now become. Taken lots of hard work but now a proud country. My Eldest brother was in the area around 48 to 50s What year did you get there?


Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948.

I came here in 1964. That is a long way back!  Ben, my husband, came in 1943 when it was under the British. He came purportedly to study at the Hebrew University, but in fact to escape the military service in Turkey. 


Very inviting, Bubble.  A neat and groomed city.


What was Ben's country of birth, Bubble?  I love hearing about where everyone was born & grew up. I also love hearing about history that I remember.... boy, are we getting old or what???  I remember when Truman acknowledged (since he was from MO & we watched his actions closely in MO schools)..... The flowers are beautiful, I keep telling you that they need to hire you as a PR person for the country. You show us such a different image of your "local" living than what we get from the news media. I am amazed at how neat & clean every sidewalk is, so well maintained. Thanks for taking time to post the pics!

Pretty flower & photo, Sato. I don't think I have ever actually seen one. Something about blue flowers that always makes me smile, guess because in Missouri we never had many blue ones. The Cleveland & Bradford pear trees are almost completely finished blooming, leaves popped out fully today with the rain. Our ground, grass, weeds & trees certainly needed moisture.


Shirley, Ben was born in Turkey. He came to Israel in '43 to "enrol at the Hebrew University" so as to escape military service. Instead he helped in the founding of a kibbutz in Galilee with a group of new young immigrants from Turkey too.

The town looks clean and neat because there is a crew of workers sweeping and picking up garbage 12H a day.


...Only just found out how to open this photo that my grandson Daniel 30 sent to me via his phone, a couple of weeks ago of my great grandson Charlie...I can see this must be an older photo as he should now be coming up to 3 & a half...So please may I introduce you all to Charlie my great grandson...This is the first time I have seen him...


Jackie, so cute and adorable!


...yes he is isn't he? :smitten: he is keeping my family surname going...It looks like he is also blue eyed and blonde just like I am blue eyed-was blonde hair, and his great great grandfather was also, I was the spitting image of my late father...


Jackie - What a darling little boy he is!  :smitten:   I hope you get to meet him soon! 


...Daniel wont be bringing him for Richards funeral next week...but I understand the reason why...

Mary Ann

Jackie, Charlie is a cutie pie. 

Mary Ann


Jackie, what a precious little boy.


Vanilla, a real darling! I hope you will receive many more pictures until you can finally meet.