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June 08, 2024, 03:05:22 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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Mary...I was unable to sign in to reply ...had to reset my PW.....now I'm having to put password in every time....Jane or anyone...how do I fix that?... I selected forever or always...but it's still requiring me to put in password......


Candy. I always have to sign in to  SF. Seems like the Keep signed does not work. It did get that it would keep me signed on on the Desktop when getting into the SF web site but still had to sign it to get into the forum itself.
I decided to go out this morning at llam. MY Ipad was not working and I saw that Best Buys open. It was 87 deg even then and not in the 90s. They did get it working again. Some day going to have to buy a new one.
I came right back home.To hot to be out. I may go out and walk a little tonight. right now can hear thunder. A storm my help. Thing is it will maybe mess upthe Fireworks and the Stadium at 9pm. I hate those things but sure get crowds of people. I can see the hugh up ones even though a few miles away .

Sorry to hear about Sharon falling I didn't know she had joint problems. Good that here husband had not left on his 5 day trip. she was driving him to Airport on Sat. I believe.

MaryZ. Hope it will not be to hot for you at the Beach this weekend. Be nice not having as many people there.


Good morning, Buddies.  I've still a sweaty mess after my daily walk.  It's HOT out there!  I have a load of wash in the dishwasher and will do a load of laundry when that is finished.  My plan for the rest of the day is to stay inside and read.  Sandra from next door came over with some dishes for my fridge. They were on their way to Vanderbilt for an over nighter and tests about her continuing heart problems.  I'll not have to cook for several days.  I'm hoping that the doctors at Vandy will find something to help her.  She and Rob are wonderful neighbors.

Not much else planned for today.  Eddie called me yesterday afternoon.  He won't be coming by on Friday to take me to the library and Kroger--he and his partner are going out of town.  I have plenty of food to tide me over, so I'm OK with that.

How was your 4th?  I did go outside for a bit when the fireworks were almost finished down at the Auburn Park, but the trees in my neighborhood are so tall now that I didn't see much.  I didn't watch the "spectacle" in D.C.  IMHO, too much money and military might was spent for the big show there.  I hate to think about how much money was spent on the lavish display!

Jane, I hope Ray is having a good day and you have nice weather for getting outside with him.  Keep us posted.

Mary, I hope all is well at the beach.  I envy you the time spent with your family down there.  Enjoy!

Darlene, I don't know how to fix that, but Jane will probably be along soon with a solution.  How was your fourth?  Mine was slow, but I had plenty to read, so that was fine with me.  Tim and Kris are out of town this week and no visits from Eddie, either.  He e-mailed me and was planning on some activities with his partner.

Jeanne, I have problems signing in almost every day.  The computer sends me back to the picture of Pat and then it takes me about 20 minutes to finally get back to the right page.  I find that VERY frustrating!

Have a nice day, Every Buddy--and try to stay cool!



I'm not sure why some have problems signing in or having to sign in each time.  I can only guess it's something to do with the cookies on each person's computer/Ipad.  If you get an update for your device or something is changed somehow...you clear your computer/IPAD to have it run faster,etc., it can affect the cookies...and that's on your device and what keeps your sign in.

It was a very quiet 4th here...no fireworks and none next week when the city usually does them for the start of the County Fair.  Something about a horse show and fear of the sparks falling on people's roofs. Hmmm...never been a considered problem before. :idiot2:

We went down to friends for supper and it was ok...but it was a long time for Ray, so we left about 7:00.  There from 4:30 to 7:00 is a long time for him to be social right now.

He slept late this morning and is now just having breakfast.  He's talking about going out on the porch, but it's 82 but feels like 92 here and high humidity.  He may not last long out there.  I won't be out there. I can't take the heat and humidity anymore.

I'm hoping my replacement dehumidifier comes soon.  We really need it in the basement. The "old" one...less than 2 years old failed and they're supposed to be sending me a replacement. 

Time, like Sue, to get some laundry in...and then I'll be relaxing inside, too.

Thinking of Sharon...and hope she can get online at her rehab place and heals quickly so she can go home.

Alpiner...I hope you're not in the desert or close to that earthquake in CA yesterday.

Take care in the heat Mary, Darlene, Sue, Joy, Alpiner, Jeanne, and hi to Marilyn, too {where I assume it's not so hot}


Sue, we haven't gone yet, but will be heading out about 7 in the morning - early-early!

Marilyn, glad you weren't in the area that got the earthquake.

Alpiner, are you in the area that felt the quake?  My sister-in-law in Torrance said they felt the rolling, but nothing damaging in their area.

I watched some of the fireworks from the Macy's display (off the Brooklyn Bridge) - it was fabulous. But that was all of my exciting 4th.

Stay cool, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Only noon here but I don't believe I will be going out much today. I do need to run to grocery store which is just 5 min. away. Going to be 91. the Humidity is what the problem is here.
Got my IPad back running again at Best buys yesterday.No idea what I do that causes it to stop closing down. something I had done that changed the settings.
Looked at printers and one I liked they say should be going on Sale in 2 weeks so will wait for it. Lost without one. Hate to part with the Dell I have be they no longer doing the ink or printers anymore.
Sue. Don't you have a senior centre in you area. Ours you can call them and give 24 hours and pick ups to Dr. Appt. Grocery and library. That would help you if only using one day week. I still drive but if ever need we also have great public bus services. Can get every place in both twin cities every 15 min. One good thing about University towns. Would save me money not to drive as I dont put many miles on now but yet Licenses, insurance and upkeep still cost to much. Just the convenience of having the car in the driveway. Think I have only put 400 miles on this new one that I bought April 1st.
People across the frontage road where shooting off Fireworks until midnight last night. The whole area are from other countries like Mexico ets so don't know what they were celebrating. Just like fireworks I guess. They are out of city limits. I can't stand them. reminds me to much  of the war years we had in UK. Same with police sirens even after all the years.


Another very hot and humid day here...weather report says just cloudy today, but the dark clouds look as if it might also rain.  Not a good day for me to be out, but I'd guess the river and white water park is full of tubers and kayakers today. 

We got our car that was hit at SPI back from the shop this morning. He did a great job.  BUT, the insurance company...State Farm...shorted the payment by $2,000!  He said they've done this to him before, and he'll have his wife email them with the estimate he'd submitted and the receipt of the check I'd received. It's interesting that they got part of the estimate right...sent me $2,049.28....but estimate was $4,049.28.  Interesting they "miswrote" that first number. I assume they'll make it good...or we will. 

I'm off to WalMart in a bit to buy a new coffee pot.  We have an expensive one Ray bought a few years ago that grinds the beans, etc. BUT, if the carafe isn't in just right, it goes everywhere...and it did it again this morning.  WHAT A MESS!  Coffee and coffee grounds everywhere...down cabinet doors, all over the floor and counter. That's IT! I'm not messing with that mess.   :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:  :knuppel2:  :tickedoff:

Have a safe weekend, Buddies!



...oh I had no Idea we had lost our Molly ( Mahlia ) now that has come as a complete shock to me, how very sad...


I am off to get a haircut and deliver ssome groceries to a friend who had surgery yesterday for a broken ankle. she is already home.


V-J...I'm afraid many of our former participants are now either passed away or are too ill and infirmed to post online anymore. 

We got a bit of relief from the heat and humidity with a cool front that came through. I was sure it would rain, but alas...not.  We got out for our "driveways" walk...Ray rested in the shade 3-4 times, but that's ok. He's out and trying to regain some strength.  He was, for some reason, quite tired today.  I think it's the heat and humidity and the chemos catching up with him.  I remember being so tired all the time, too.  Luckily, he hasn't had the nausea and only a small  change in his taste of things.

I'm taking tomorrow off for "Jane Day"...I want to watch the finals of the Women's World Cup Soccer match of the US and Netherlands and that's at 10:00 am our time.



maryz....We didn't feel the earth quake , we live 35 miles east of San Diego & we were in a parade on Coronado Island on the 4th of July .  I took this picture while in the parade .


...yes you are right, so sad, so very sad...We have lost so many valued members over the years but it is heartbreaking when posters stop posting and it is only several months or years later we hear that they passed away... :'(

I too lost my constant partner of 20 years just 12 weeks ago...I have someone soon coming to collect me to take me to a church, I know I am going to to cry during the service...


It is hard when we lose our loved ones.  But it doesn't keep us from loving them.

alpiner, your parade looks like so much fun.  Next time, send a picture of you and your hubby.  My SIL and grandson use to drive their antique John Deere tractors in their small town parades.  In fact, one of the tractors was used to pull the wagon carrying the bridesmaids to the start of the aisle at our grandson's wedding in May.

We're finally here at the beach - as lovely as always.  It is just as horribly hot here, though, in the high 90s, even with the breeze off the water.  Everybody has a long drive.  Margaret drove me to Atlanta, where we met up with Sue (at grandson Matt's house).  One car was left there, and the three of us came from Atlanta. (Sue, we waved to you as we passed through Auburn.) It was a total of about 9 hours, so we were pretty well wiped.  Our friends from Houston always have about a 10-hour trip, so it's tough for them, too.  But we're here - even if "only" 11 of us this year - and glad to be together.  I'll check in from time to time.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


maryz....here we are .   My  hair isn't really that dark & it isn't dyed .



Good-looking couple, alpiner.  I love the one with your car.  Is that your only one?  BTW, John's grand-nephew is getting married in Coronado next June.  I probably won't be going, but some of my family will be.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."



Love it, alpiner!!!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."



Alpiner....great to see a photo of you and hubby....and the car, too!

Mary...enjoy the beach!

V-J...hard to know if one doesn't know where a person lives or true name, etc. to check obits, etc.

Women win!  USA women's soccer won the World Cup...again! 

Cool here this morning, but I've had to close the windows and turn on the air. 

I think this afternoon will probably be watching more soccer....or listening to music and reading.



We also have this 1922 Model T Ford roadster . Her name is "Miz Kitty."


Looking good Alpiner and the cars too.


How I love old cars. Those are fantastic.  Love you part of the country. Visited a few times.

Jane. Not to bad here today also. It rained over night and so a little cooler.
Going to head out to walmarts soon. Will wait until about 6 pm. it is only a few blocks away from me.

I meant to watch the Girls last game also. Got on the phone and forgot. I think they all played well. I was not one for watching soccer for years. Fact would only watch Manchester United games.I really enjoy watching all the women teams. They should match one women against one man teem. See how it would go. Love to see it. I would never want to watch women play in a regular American Football game. Doubt will ever be tried.


Beautiful cars, Alpiner!

Quiet day here.  I just took Ray out for a ride...up and through a lovely state park 15 miles north of us...then back and a stop at DQ!



Good morning, Every Buddy.  I am home now.  Tammy came by this morning to visit and spent quite a bit of time trying to get my phones working.  All my batteries had gone kerplunk and I have been unable to call out.  Also had a phone call from Tim and he will come over tomorrow morning.  He was planning to come today, but will come tomorrow when I'm alone.  I bought new batteries at the drug store and am waiting for them to finish charging the phones. 

It's extremely hot here today and I spent so much time trying to get my phone working, that I've not accomplished much else.  I hope Every Buddy is comfortable and inside where it is cool.  Have a nice day, Every Buddy.



Hi everyone...very hot and humid here...I'm walking early then In under aircondionter.but Sure August will be hotter..having daughter and grandson this weekend...sure they will head for the river....hope everyone is doing ok...has anyone heard from Sharon?.Have a great rest of day


Darlene...Stay safe and cool.  I've read on Sharon's facebook page that she's hoping to maybe be released to home later this week.  I'm sure she's anxious to get back home.

Sue...rats on the batteries on your phones.  I'm glad someone got you up and running again.

It's hot and while not quite so humid, it's too much for me.  I did a lot of running around today...WalMart and grocery store, and then it got to me and I came home. I'll do the rest tomorrow.  I also got a bill for Ray's oxygen...and see they didn't submit it to our Supplement.  I called and got someone who understood the problem...someone there had unchecked for Medicare to send it on to our Supplement. She said there are new people in Billing and she'll speak to them and get the bills submitted to AARP. 

Tomorrow is blood draw and then Wed., onc visit and chemo...and then I'll take him with me to CR for my appt with my rheumatologist.  I'll need to have several oxy tanks in the back of the car and hope I get in at my appointed time.



Good morning, Every Buddy.  I've just put a load of wash in and have showered and washed my hair.  Yesterday I had a busy morning as Tim came by to check on my paperwork and also we called my AC guy again as it needed some adjusting.  This guy and his family have been tending to my AC since I moved up here (and came down to the farm after Bob died to work on my AC then). 

It's another scorcher here in Auburn.  I'm dressed but have a load of wash in and won't go out for my walk until I can put it into the dryer.  I need to do some cutting of ivy which is covering my sidewalk out front.  However, as hot as it is, I doubt that I will stay out there very long.

Darlene, it's unbearably hot here, too.  I am planning to go outside as soon as I put the laundry into the dryer, but I know I'll get pretty hot out there.  I have a wide brimmed straw hat that I wear to keep the sun off my face and use a sunscreen, too.  However, I see my dermatologist annually and she always finds something to Zap!

Sharon, if you're home and looking in I hope you are feeling much better.  Keep us posted.

Jane, take it easy while running your errands.  I hope Ray is having a good day.

Have a nice day, Every Buddy!


Medical are  keeping you busy. The 15 mile drive with a stop at Dairy Queen. Sounds perfect.
Like you I did to much running around in the heat  yesterday..  Can't take it every day. Again 90 today. I think will stay home. Put off any walking.

Years ago they said that oa problem with gout in big toe. I thought they were kidding. Now I think got it gain. Forgot what I did for it.will just rest it and see if it goes away in a day or so . Will have to go and get Dr check if not. Wonder what causes that.

Sue glad you now have son back near. Big help for you.


Jeanne...gout is caused by high uric acid in our system.  They have a medication for it that worked well for Ray.

Ray and I are both feeling much better today.  We got him over to the Procedures Center for his blood draw and tomorrow is Onc visit and then chemo.  I changed my rheumatology appt to Thurs instead of trying to squeeze it in tomorrow after chemo.

Our replacement dehumidifier arrived today.  Unless I can get the neighbor guy to take it to the basement it'll have to wait until nephew and wife come down on the 19th.  We also got the transport chair today and I need to get it opened up.  I hope to use it tomorrow for chemo and on Thurs for my rheumatology appt.

It's hot here, too....87 or so...and that's too hot for me. 



I would like to have one of y'all as a friend on Facebook....just in case I have trouble with this site and can't sign in ??


Darlene, you can "friend" me if you like - just my real name.

Jeanne, I've always heard that some foods can bring on gout attacks - like some shell fish, etc.

jane, glad that Ray is doing well.  I hope the chair goes together with a minimum of problems.

Sue, maybe this storm will cool things off for you.  It has around here, somewhat.

Missing Sharon.

Our folks came in from the beach early because of some lightning and thunder.  It's not doing anything right now, but we're predicted to get a lot of rain and storms the next couple of days with this storm that is forming in the Gulf.  Rain won't send us home, but if it should develop into a tropical storm or hurricane and turn back inland before it passes here, we won't hesitate to bail out.

Happy Tuesday, Buddies!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."