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June 03, 2024, 03:36:42 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe for September 15, 2019

Started by so_P_bubble, September 15, 2019, 12:12:44 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Good morning everyone.

Another fine day in the making here. Soon laundry will be blowing on the line and garbage taken away to the dump. Should make some cookies as the cookie jar is empty!

Joy, good to see you and understand trying to get some things done. The more I try  to get jobs done the more I find to do! My back tells on me ,better to keep moving and just make quick stops at the computer. Just as long as you are ok, that is the main thing.

Jenny, it was all you can eat shrimp and I sure gave it a good go..fell short of what I thought I could do though. Thoroughly enjoyed the time with my sister.

Shirley, nice to catch up with old friends. Are you still feeding the catfish, do they stay all winter or take off for warmer waters?

Gloria, I slept sound last night but feel as though I could use more. The apples are starting to show up now at the markets, guess I had better make Pa ( Kyle)and apple pie!!

Lloyd, happy to read your hearing aid is fixed and working well for you. The next hearing aids Kyle gets in Oct are ones you don't have to put a battery in. Just put them in a charger and that is it!!
Phyllis, hope you are feeling better..

Better go get ready for the day.

Enjoy your day everyone.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


My younger son and dil got here in the late evening.  They said the trip went smoothly until they got near Cary and the traffic was really heavy.  We sat and talked for a few hours but everyone was tired so we all went off to our beds by about 10:30.  So far I am the only one awake.

Take care, Everyone.


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I got up this morning with that stitch in my side again.  But I slept through the night.  I don't know which I like better....sleeping through the night and waking with a stitch or a restless night and no stitch!  I'll have to ponder that one for a bit.

The doggies have been out, had their pill, waited for the boinger, had breakfast and are both waiting for a walk.  I've had my first cup of coffee and I'm craving the second 

I have the morning to myself and this afternoon is our Girl Scout Camp Ioka Reunion.  We've done this every year for somewhere around 30 years now and it's always fun but this year is a special one.  The niece of one of our members has been the executor of her estate and found an attic full of memorabilia which she has put on display.  Her aunt was one of my favorite counselors and then I had the pleasure of growing up and becoming her assistant unit leader for one summer.  I think this afternoon will be more special to me than anyone else who goes.

Mickie is itching to go out so I guess I better answer her call.

I wish you all a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well good to here you girls are all doing good. AMY never before heard of aids that go on a charger but sound like a good deal. As a Vet you tax paying people pay for my battery's, thank you all. a battery last at least 4 - 5 days each ear, except when I have excess perspiring. 74º here now and cloudy calling for 77º and cloudy later today, and thunder storms tonight and tomorrow. the rain will be welcome. we can use a little rain to settle the dust. have a great day.



It is Saturday and we can make it to church tonight.  They have a more quiet service with a smaller group and we enjoy "hearing better".

Jenny:  Hugs to you and Bob -

Phyllis:  Thinking of you and the battle with Meniere's Disease.

We had a surprise from granddaughter - she came unannounced to stay over night and take us out for supper.  She now works about 20 minutes from our place and has a much longer drive from her home.  We want her to live here and save gas money,etc. until she gets enough money saved for an apartment.  We shall see. Winter driving from her home can be awful - her boss lets everyone work the hours any time so that is really nice.  With the huge influx of newcomers here, rentals are sky high. 

Wishing stress-less days and nights for all.   


A good Saturday HELLO to EVERYFRIEND 😍

We were up early this morning tending to the grand 🐕 needs😘. It allowed us to talk to Brian before they winged their way to San Francisco.  They are now 2 hours into their 12 hour flight to Seoul Korea.

I have a nice corned beef in the oven.  It is starting to really smell delicious! 

CAROL, I hope your Granddaughter will agree to live with you and Don so she will not have to do the winter driving from her current location.

GLORIA, I forgot to comment on you having frost the other night.....hopefully that will take care of the darn mosquitoes that are causing the triple e virus!  I heard it would take a frost to do it!  I bet you do miss not having your son coming up to visit after his day of work.  Enjoy your visit with him today.

JANE, if the stitch in the side leaves you after a bit, I think having a good night of rest might be worth the discomfort...... now please tell us it is gone! 

PHYLLIS, happy to read your Family arrived safely.  Now relax and enjoy the visit! 

AMY, having to chuckle that you falling short of the amount of all you can eat shrimp❣️❣️🤪🤪  Kyle's new hearing aids that will recharge sound nice.  I do hope they work great for him.  Bob and I both need to get our ears checked as we are saying, "what" "what" much too much.  Hope the clothes washing and drying are over and maybe even some cookies are made.  What ever you do now, be careful to not let any grass grow under your feet🤪🤪

Enjoy the rest of your Saturday EVERYFRIEND.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


It was a really fun afternoon!  This very resourceful niece of my favorite camp counselor did herself proud.  We had a nice table of "finger food" for eating, lots of pictures, newspaper articles, old uniforms, old camp clothes, camping items and she even found one of the original tents that we camped in and had it set up in the yard!  We all gabbed, took pictures, gabbed some more, sang old camp songs and remembered when for several hours.  I came home tired but happy!

And now I'm read to hit the hay for another night because right after church at 8, I'm going to meet the young lady who will probably be my granddaughter in law one day. 

And yes, Jenny, the stitch does go away so you're probably right.  It's worth a good night's sleep.

CAROL, that would be great to have your granddaughter right in your house for a while.  If my granddaughter, Frankie's job and apartment don't mesh, I might have her for a couple of weeks.  I know she's looking forward to being on her own but I wouldn't mind sharing with her for a couple of weeks.

JENNY, how nice that you got visit with Brian and ??? before they took off. 

Must go to bed.  Morning comes very early around these parts.  I wish you all a peaceful sleep and a happy tomorrow.  And may God bless us, every one!

SHIRLEY, get the lights!  Jenny's already been by!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I am still up......had to finish watching Colorado University beat Arizona State.  Also waiting to see that Brian and Cathy's plane is in Seoul safely.  They have 18 minutes to go.....then I am off to bed!

Pleasant dreams to all.

Off go the lights......sorry you did not make it in SHIRLEY.  I do hope all is well with you😘

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. it is 73º @ 4:19 A M Sunday morning: and calling for 75º and thunder storms this afternoon and night. the rain is welcomed as long as we do not get Physical damage with it. Have a great day everyone.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  This will be a short one.  LLOYD, it's always good to see you dropping by.  Our temp right now is 56º and heading for a high in the mid 80s today. 

JENNY, sorry, I didn't mean to take away your "light" privilege.  And you'd think I wouldn't forget your Cathy's name since I have one of my own.  I'll remember it the next time.  I guess they must have arrived safely.  Good!

I off to the showers so I can pretty much be ready for church by the time the boinger goes off to feed the doggies.  Maybe even have time for a short walk with them before church.  Enjoy your day Everyfriend! 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I'm peeking in & all's well, looks like. I got less than 4 hours sleep (so Fitbit tells me), so hope for a nap to make up.  Right now a very slow rain, can't hear it on the roof but will need windshield wipers on the way to church. I had a poached egg on crackers with lots of butter, yummmmm. I grew up on those & my kids, grands and now my great grands being taught how good a mug full is.

It is 70° & think under 80 for a high.. I'm excited about tonight's low... 56°. Can't remember when it's been that cool. Now for an early freeze so I can quit rubbing my eyes. Always something, huh?

I take my Sunday shower before going to bed Sat.night, since I must eat & wouldn't leave until cats are fed, takes a while. I better go take my weekly Bayer (full strength but only blood thinner I take)... since only "routine" I really keep up with, the Bayer comes with Sunday morning church.  Prayers for this family as well as my blood family. Hugs to all.


Good morning everyone..

Muggy here with 58° F temp and calling for rain later on in the day.

Day of rest here. Will just take the day as it comes.

Did get all the laundry, ironing done yesterday but no cookies :(  Always another day..

I am so tempted to put the air on as it is muggy in here..

Shirley ,we use to eat hard boiled eggs in a mug with lots of butter mixed in with it. You just brought back a lovely memory ..

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

well I am going to go eat a morning feed Now. we are having light rein nice and easy at the time 72º and calling for thunder storms later after noon and 75º. see you all later.



Good morning every one. Woke at 3:30 AND THOUGHT IT WAS TOO EARLY SO WENT BACK TO BED AND SLEPT TILL AFTER 8:30. Yikes again I hit the cap lock again, sorry I did not mean to yell and to lazy to repeat the typing.

AMY  I know I could not do justice at an eat all you can shrimp anymore, If I could eat a dozen now I would be shocked. Have not bought any in awhile, seems all they have these days are big ones and I rather  have the small ones. My older son brought me some dried apples he did. He has a great dehydrator his sons bought him for Christmas and he did 3 varieties of apples and I could taste the difference in them. Good to snack on.

PHYLLIS  always good to see family and glad your don and DIL arrived safely.

JANE  I know you enjoyed your reunion yesterday. You mentioned it before and how much you enjoyed it. Pray that stitch in your side goes away and does not return again.

CAROL  how nice to have your granddaughter drop in like that. Now that is great grandparents to ask her to move in with you till she can get her own place. Bless you for it. These days I refuse to let stress get to me.

JENNY  we had 2 night with a light frost but we need a killing frost to get rid of those miserable "skeeters"

LLOYD  don't think you would like the feet of rain  -not inches-in parts of Texas got last week.

SHIRLEY  we both want a killing freeze/frost to kill different things so hope we both get what we want PDQ

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Hello all, , Sorry i have been missing for a few weeks, but have been reading your and Lloyd's messages in here and i thank you all, i'm still under the care of our Nursing services at home, unfortunately i have not been able to get to my pc as much as i would like too,but i have found another 'Armchair Walk' that i hope may be of interest to you ?, this one is a short walk around various points around this area of London, again there is another item linked to America that surprised me and perhaps you too ?,especially if your from Texas,just listen and watch !, enjoy, hope to get back to normal soon, best wishes to all.
                                  Cheerio for now.  Roley. :thumbup:


Quote from: Shirley on September 22, 2019, 07:04:13 AMI'm peeking in & all's well, looks like. I got less than 4 hours sleep (so Fitbit tells me), so hope for a nap to make up.

Good Sunday Morning Everyone!

Shirley..  if I had a Fitbit and checked it
every morning,  I would never get another good
nights sleep. 

I don't know how you can stand it.

Bless you and I am sorry that you do
not get as much sleep as I suspect that
you need or want. 

Since I am a person who chooses not to
"Worry" (like my Mother used to do),  I
avoid anything that would encourage me to
worry,  worry,  worry,  worry,  worry !!!!

I dont' smoke or drink and haven't for decades, 
but I know wearing a Fitbit wouold drive me into
the bottle and a pack or two adiction/ habit.   

Hugs to you
love Sandy

(Sorry if I am repeating myself...
I just can't help it !!) 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hahaha, Sandy, instead of bothering me it confirms my excuse for naps so actually makes me feel better just knowing that there is a reason for being sleepy & not just lazy!  Strange how something can be a help to one & an irritation to another. My best friend here feels the same as you do. I've never needed as much sleep as most so set my goal of sleep to 6 hours. I have improved since getting the Fitbit but really think sleep is the biggest factor in MY health issues. At almost 85 I am still doing okay, not great, but keep hoping the next fix will improve things.

The dried apples sound good, Gloria. I have a "cheap" dehydrator & after a few tries gave up. My parents loved to dry apples & then they would store them in a "gunny sack" in the attic & Mom would get a few handsfull to soak & cook for stewed apples or applesauce all winter. After drying them in the sun & various other ways, Dad figured how to turn their gas clothes dryer into a dehydrator by putting a rack in & turning off the tumbler.

Amy, I think the reason Mom added the crackers was to disguise the eggs... I had a problem looking at gooey eggs. I love the flavor of real butter so anything with butter on or in is okay with me! This was a way Mom would get protein down us when we were sick.

Thanks for the walk, Peter, I will go watch when I get this posted. Sorry you've been having health issues. Between computer problems & health issues, we don't have anything else to worry about, do we?  I don't listen to news anymore, nothing I can change so ignore. I do what I can to stay healthy but tell my doctor that "I'm going to LIVE until I die and enjoy what I can every day". He doesn't push me about pills or anything, lets me decide what I am comfortable with. Thanks, again, for the link.

I'm off to go to Lowe's to order a new washing machine before this one goes into orbit. I can't find the manual that has the receipt attached to even know how old it is... less than 10 years, I am sure. I do believe it was a lemon from the start but didn't know how to prove.... I will go buy Lowe's gift cards at my grocery store to pay for it so I get the gas points, will get me either $2 or $3 off for 35 gallons each fill. In other words, $70-$105. off on gas. The RV holds 55 gallons so will love seeing that pump show the cheaper rate! Better get a move on. Have a Super Sunday (morning, Callie). :wave:


Shirley, I not only have a problem looking at gooey eggs but eating them also!! I like mine hard and if  eating out I ask for hard eggs, throw them on the ceiling then floor, break the yolk  and put your foot on them hard!!! I helped my friend in her restaurant and we had a group of workers come in each morning and one lad wanted his eggs with the white still yucky..don't turn over just warm' em  up.  My husband also likes the yolk soft and kept telling him he is going to be pulling feathers out of his mouth one day. Near Easter they have little wood stick nests with a chick in it so I waited till he looked away ,exchanged plates and said I told you so!!

Jane, I bet you had a fun time plus made more memories to tuck away in your heart.

Peter aka Roley, thank you, enjoyed the stroll and loved the scenery . Please take it easy and take care of yourself.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I'm back from church and meeting my grandson's girlfriend.  She's definitely a keeper!  She talks AND listens and she's open and caring.  Whatever you ask her, she shares her opinion in a way that if you disagree with her, it's OK.  I could almost SEE what she and Kyle have between them and it's good!

ROLEY, enjoyed the walk through part of London.  When I had the opportunity of visiting London, we did a lot of walking.  I think you see and feel more of a place if you walk than if you ride.  Thank you for sharing!

GLORIA, I'm sorry if I bored you with the "before" and "after" of my reunion.  I'll try not to do that again.

I hope Everyfriend is enjoying the day as much as I am!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


All the large strips have been cut for this quilt,now to cut them down to size.

Jane, I think Gloria was just saying she remembered you enjoying your get together with the ladies and knows how much you enjoy your time spent with them. Wonderful time for both girls and leaders.  Plus we love hearing about it too!!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good afternoon EVERYFRIEND 🦋

JANE, I did not feel like you took my light privilege away, I just thought since it was so late and I was still up that I should just go ahead and turn them off. 😘 Glad you enjoyed the Girl Scout Reunion....it did sound like fun and everyone enjoyed the time together.  Next weekend we are going to FINALLY have Grandson Matthew's Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  As you know he has been qualified for a long time but they wanted to wait until Michele's chemo was over to do this.  We are all very excited to attend the ceremony, and we will have a gathering of friends and Family at Dave's Home after it is over.  Regarding the stitch in your side....I just would like you to just NOT have it at all!
We just talked to Brian and Cathy on the phone and their flight went well and they got to their hotel safely and managed to get a decent amount of sleep over night.  He is starting to watch the Bronco Game at 5:15 AM. 

SHIRLEY, you have it all figured out how to get the most out of your gas points and that is great! 
Sorry you are having to replace your washing machine already.....they just do not last like they used to! 

GLORIA, I figured it would take a few hard freezes to kill of the skeeters! 

ROLEY, I sure enjoyed the clip you shared....loved a walk in London.   My husband and I were lucky to be able to spend 3 weeks in London about 7 years or so ago.  Our son and DIL were living in Kensington and they were going to go to the continent and asked us if we would like to stay in their flat while they were gone?  Of course we did....and we had a delightful time seeing London quite well.  While we were there we met JACKIE and Richard.  We had not been there in nearly 50 years and it sure had changed a lot!   My husbands mother was born in Liverpool. 

I have to tell you all that my corned beef that I cooked yesterday was just fantastic.....might be the best one I have ever fixed. 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.  My eyes are starting to say my late night last night is taking it's toll.....might have to have a little siesta😍

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


JENNY, please tell MATTHEW that one of your old lady friends can appreciate all the hard work that went into his award and that if I could, I shake his hand and give him a pat on the back.  I've worked with Girl Scouts who have earned their Gold Award and it's not easy.  Tell Matthew I'm clapping for him "Clap, clap, clap, clap......"  I'm proud to know him through his special Grandmother.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Oh, shoot! I forgot to take notes but have been smiling & giggling so much it has the cats confused!  First of all, Amy, your joke with the bird nest cracked me up. Cas like his eggs soft when we first got married but learned they were better hard if I was going to fix them.  :2funny:   He insisted that I "vulcanized" them (check that definition & it'd be what he thought). He knew he'd have to cook unless he took the good with the bad, & he loved the days when I fixed him biscuits & gravy. Yes, I do feed the fish most nights & they are waiting at the end of my trail to the water. I whistle as I get near & the water churns.

Jenn, less I forget, please pass on my sincere congratulations to the new Eagle Scout. One of my gr-sons (Andy's son) climbed the ladder to earn Eagle and Andy still enjoys going to the Scout camp outs a couple times a year to teach the CPR class/badge to the boys. He puts effort in keeping his certification current every year to do this.

It wore me out going to Lowe's to order the washer... always shocks salesmen when I show up with a photo on my phone to show them what I am there to buy... and ready to pay & get it on the way. Will be delivered tomorrow & haul off the old one. I will find out some day just how old this one was, not going to worry 'cause every load the last few times I have been afraid it would either dump water everwhere or stop with the tub full of water & I'd have to figure how to empty. BUT, I have to do a big clean out tonight since I put a litter box in there because I can't trust Callie to go to the basement or bedroom where Tom & Tiger go. Naturally they all use the one in the utility room & scatter litter all over the floor. I have neglected cleaning around in there because hardly any room for feet with a big litter box in the middle of walk space. I would get a failing report for cleanness if being graded these days. Got to get busy, this week will be rush-rush every day.

Gloria, we talked about this a long time ago, my love of the red delicious for eating & golden delicious for baking pies or just "frying".... wonder if they would still be as sweet if dehydrated. I only buy Mussleman's applesauce & was told it is made with golden delicious. You said your son brought 3 different kinds & you could taste the difference. Any chance you'd remember to ask him if the golden would dehydrate the same.... I might drag out my old dehydrator & try if I don't have to use all the syrup the instructions called for. I don't think I want them "candied". I tried pineapple when I got the thing & it was candied. I do love it but know not as good for us as not so much sugar. I never had to use a lot of sugar for apple pies because I used the golden, & they were not as crisp. I brought home 2 of KFC apple pies with my "$5:00 fill up" lunch. In case you haven't tried, the one I like comes with 3 tenders, wedges or mashed potatoes & gravy, biscuit, drink & a yummy chocolate chip cookie. I get the pies on the side & love them, save one for after my breakfast next morning. I will make me a little skillet of gravy for that biscuit in the morning. I do enjoy eating & would love to fatten you up!   :thumbup:

I'd better get moving or won't be down to feed the fish before dark. Been wearing long sleeve "hoodie" so the mosquitoes won't bite my neck... afraid they will get around the place where the cyst was removed & can't scratch until the stitch is removed. I spray my legs, those critters are carrying another disease & have not heard the city is doing any spraying.

Peter, I also enjoyed the walk. When Cas died I thought I would get a chance to travel but had not even thought about needing to take care of these cats. He promised for years we would go back to England to see where our married life started, but hated traveling & had to do a lot of it for his job. I'm starting to think I may NOT get to Alaska or back to England, won't say never, but I wouldn't hold my breath I'll get there. It's okay, life has been good & too busy to cry about what I can't have or do. Maybe my next life~~  ;)

Sorry, was going to keep this short buy my fingers keep going & the mind brings up new thoughts. Wishing every friend peace and love.... hope this has been a good day in your world.  We didn't get the storms predicted & 81° is better than the 90s we have been having. Going to feed the fish. The cats were sure watching something when we came up the hill last night, they scamper up fast when I let them know I'm heading home. What ever is down there has all 3 on alert.

Lloyd Hammond

Well It is 11:45 here now. I went to bed at 10:30 and can not go to sleep so up and going go to the TV and watch it for a while and see if I can get tired enough to make another try. we went out to a good restraint and had a good noon feed with daughter and grand daughter and grandson great's. Made a good day. should made tired enough to sleep but not so so far, see you all Later.


Lloyd Hammond

Quote from: Lloyd Hammond on September 23, 2019, 12:55:18 AMWell It is 11:45 here now. I went to bed at 10:30 and can not go to sleep so up and going go to the TV and watch it for a while and see if I can get tired enough to make another try. we went out to a good restraint and had a good noon feed with daughter and grand daughter and grandson great's. Made a good day. should made tired enough to sleep but not so so far, see you all Later.



           O U T.......

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good morning everyone, 66° tp start my day. Was 80 and a bit over since Saturday but the air is not humid so feels much better than it did a month ago. I spent most of the day outside yesterday enjoying it.

ROLEY/PETER  so good to see you this morning. Sorry you have not been well, I hope you are starting to feel better. I enjoyed the London walk. Nice seeing places we have heard or read about. We have some old buildings in this part of the USA but looking at the ones in London that were there before the USA started building really are centuries old. Thank you.

SHIRLEY  I had a dehydrator, a cheap one, and even after leaving it plugged in 48 hours nothing I tried ever really dried out. Got rid of it. I do buy a lot of different dried fruit and mix them together and put a handful in the water I cook my oatmeal in every morning. Makes it tasty.

AMY  I want the white of an egg cooked but like a soft yolk, like to dip my toast in it, yummy.

JANE  did I say I was bored about your reunion? If I sounded that way I sure wasn't. I think it is great that a group of you can still get together like that, not many folks keep in touch like that. Better than a class reunion where they can get catty or jealous of one who did great and they did nothing. Keep telling us, I envy you, not bored.

AMY  your post to Jane is just how I do feel. Just think of all the years they do that reunion, not many would keep it up so long.

JENNY  glad your son and DIL landed safe in ?? is it Korea? Hope hey have a wonderful time there. All you world travelers cannot make me jealous. I did go out of the US twice. Over the border into Canada from Maine and over the border into Mexico ( Tijuana) from San Diego. I always wanted to travel trough the 48 states but never happened.

SHIRLEY  my son brought me Gala. Macs and Honey crisp dried apples. The Galas are so so, don't care for them fresh either. Macs a bit tart and the Honey Crisp very sweet. I have not been to a KFC since I stopped driving and never had their pies. I usually stay away from bought apple ones because I find the apples still hard I like them cooked and soft. My son only had 1 Golden delicious tree and I was the only one who ever picked them. This year that tree is dead and he will not buy them. He did not add anything to the apples, just peeled and sliced them. I used to enjoy eating but now I am never hungry and it is so hard to try and cook anything. Will not bother with TV dinners, too many preservatives in them and something in them burns my throat. I used to make my own and would enjoy one at times when I got home from work.

LLOYD  hope you finally got to sleep. I know what it is like not to be able to fall asleep. Not nice.

JENNY  looks like I turned the lights ON.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I have nothing to report because yesterday afternoon, I did mostly nothing and I've already told you about meeting my grandson's girlfriend!

I'll be off to Wally World this morning and on the way home, I have a list of stuff that I need to buy.  I hope I have enough energy left to get it because one of the items is vitamins.  I'm going to take my last 2 today!

I hope you have a lovely day!
Make it your own in every way!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone..

We had a lovely rain during the night and although it has stopped I hope it rains more today.

Had to put the a/c on last night..so muggy out difficult to get any sleep. Saturday night was not much sleep  but I sure slept with the /c on. last night!

Today is pick up dog food, need to also pick up more asa 81 as that is what I give Babe. Then home to get some cleaning done.

Jenny, glad your son and dil arrived safely and kudos to your Matthew  for his accomplishments!

Gloria, I have a dehydrator and really liked making banana chips in it. I should try apples and see what they are like. I think one would have to put them in a lemon juice bath first to keep them from going brown.

Jane, Kyle sounds like he has a keeper there and she also impressed you!! Have a great day at work, lots of smiles with time flying by  for you.

Shirley, what a sight that must be with the fish churning the water!! Wonder what is was that put the cats on alert???

Phyllis, hope you're enjoying your time with family.

Lloyd, did you finally get some sleep?

Better put and egg in my boot and beat it..
Enjoy your day everyone.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


I slept late but I'm still sleepy.  I think I'll take a nap after I get the laundry started.  Had a wonderful weekend with my son and dil.  We talked and talked while they were here.  She brought food....lot's of it....and wouldn't let me do anything.  I hated to see them leave. But I'll admit I am really tired.  That's OK.  I'll catch up.

Take care, everyone.