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June 03, 2024, 07:32:46 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Bosom Buddies

Started by Pat, March 29, 2016, 01:17:18 PM

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I'm in the clutches of a giant cold... :-\   and doing nothing but lounging around.  I was fine Monday at rheumatologist...but Tuesday...WHAMMO...so I skipped bridge yesterday and am just hoping things clear up. 

Sharon...I must have written it wrong...it's not arthritis...it's Giant Cell Arteritis, also called temporal arteritis,  an inflammatory disease of blood vessels. Symptoms may include headache, pain over the temples, flu-like symptoms, double vision, and difficulty opening the mouth. Complication can include blockage of the artery to the eye with resulting blindness, aortic dissection, and aortic aneurysm. GCA is frequently associated with polymyalgia rheumatica.--Wikipedia   I'm concerned because I have had the Polymyalgia Rheumatica.  Scary stuff.

Marilyn...  Have you been able to get your stove working?  Did you get the wheelchair and how's that working for getting around the house? 

Sue...hope the bridge hosting went well.

Mary...Hurrah on new baby coming and hope all appts go well.

Darlene...we're plunging down into the 40s and 30s...this weekend will be chilly...and yep...snow is possible.  Just flurries, I think, but I guess I better get my snow blower tuned up.  It sounds from the northern tier of states, as if the big snows are just around the corner.

Shirley...always good to see your posts.

Jeanne...I guess we'll all know when it's time to make a change.  I'm not ready for that yet, either, but who knows in a year or so.  Health  issues can arise so quickly. 



Good morning, Jane and Every Buddy looking in this morning.  I didn't get out of bed this morning until 8:30 and have accomplished very little.  It is cooler outside this morning with some wind and I need to get out there and walk but I also need to do some laundry and other chores.  I want to make a pumpkin pie (a little small one) to give Eddie tomorrow after he takes me to the library and Kroger.  I'm hoping it will turn out OK.

Bridge was good except for getting the tables and chairs out and then putting them away after every one went home.  I had some good hands and some not so good.  However, I enjoy having bridge here and visiting with friends.  Unless I'm playing bridge I seldom see anyone except members who attend the same church as I do.

Sharon, please keep us posted on your plans about moving.  I hope you find a place that will meet your needs.

Have a nice day, Every Buddy.  Marilyn, I hope you're feeling better today.



Jane.  I am allowing the  bigger burner controls to dry bout for  quite a whele before I try using it again. I use the small burners then immediately   close the breaker. Just having in it on  while I cook something. Hopefully  it will work again, if not I will have to get someone in to fix it. That stove top isn't very old maybe 5 years My friend will bring the wheel chair next week.

I go to then nurse practitioner on Monday for the pro-op exam, then to the lab for blood work and  back to get an EKG.  Some days my feet don't hurt as much as others.


Sitting waiting for it to warm up a little. Need to do a little painting outside. they said would be 75 today but its past noon. windy and only 64 deg. Then it is really going to get cold. I hated the heat but not ready for winter.
Got my Flu shot yesterday. Usually arm little sore but seems O.K. Got the Pneumonia one last year she said usually they give 2 but she said not bother with the second one Usually for the younger people and people that have weak systems and get sick more.

Need to dress. Think will leave paint for later. Do some other things. Need to go buy paint anyway.


Congratulations, Mary, on the great grand baby. We have 3 now. The recently married couple will probably give us more, but not until she finishes her Nurse Practitioner classes. Bet that mani/pedi felt good. I still need to get mine, but John won't sit around while I do it. I've done what I can. Mo is due within the hour. I've been walking some on my own, so think I'm ready.

We haven't put any $$ down on the retirement center. We're still thinking about it. The name is Windsor Run in Charlotte, NC. They don't have an assisted care unit yet but it is on the planning board. A doctor is on staff all day and on call at night. John thinks we shouldn't take Bunny to live in an apt. I don't see his reasoning, but I often don't. That's still under debate among other things. Jane, that arteritis sounds really scary. Take care!! I also hope your cold clears up soon. Can't believe snow is in your near future!

Marilyn, good luck with your pre-op at the hospital.

Darlene, you're probably enjoying the cooler weather. It's 75 here, but drops a lot at night.

GE man was here to fix my icemaker. Pest guy came and said we didn't have a problem. Mo here soon. 

I was so tired yesterday. I was in and out of the car a lot and even though John pushed me in a wheelchair, I was still tired.  If I go to any of these places, I'm going to have to get a motorized scooter or wheelchair unless I suddenly transform.

Have a good day.  Sharon


Well no painting done today. Fact still in pJs. Didn't loaf around but once I start doing something in the kitchen i never quit. Love cooking. Went to store yesterday and they had this sweet peppers all colours for $1 so got 4 and today cut them all into inch size and put in freezer bag. Same with sweet onions. I keep frozen pizza dough all the time so I just baked the way I eat them . Lots Mrooms, onion, peppers cheese and sausage.,did 2 and baked cut into slices and put into freezer bags. (Did eat 2 for lunch) Then make chili to freeze so that will be dinner today.Now cleaned the kitchen and will watch Rachael for a hour with cup of tea, That has been my day. Thin will shower now and do little of anything more today.
Hope you all  are feeling better that are fighting such as colds.
I will pick Windsor Run up on line Sharon, Could you part with your dog. But I know it is getting older now and you most probably will take you time deciding the move. someplaces here that are really nice will let you move into one of the furnish ones for a month or 2 for the winter months just to try out. That I may try when trying to decide.



I went up to the walk-in clinic at 4:00 and got right in.  They tested me for influenza A and B and strep.  Both are around, but I don't have either.  She said my throat is raw from all the drainage and gave me a 'script for 10 days of antibiotic and to take corisidan For high blood pressure.  The coughing tears me apart.  Pharmacist went and got me some water when a coughing spasm wouldn't quit. 

Dropping temps and rain started as I left the pharmacy.  I hope I can sleep tonight.



Good morning...whoa....it's 48 and raining here...but in few days be back up to 80 plus....Jane hope you are feeling better this morning...yeah I knew it was to early to tell about your new BP med...was just wondering about side effects..if any...Sharon...hope you find a suitable retirement apt...I will stay in my home long as I can...Jeanne good luck on your painting...Sue...of course I didn't walk this morning...mabey later if it stops raining...Hi to Mary ...Marlyin and all others...have wonderful day


Darlene..no side effects from the metropolol...BP was 146/76, but she said you're sick...so not a good test."  I will go up for a check when I feel better.

40 degrees here, windy, and dark clouds.  Freeze warning for tonight.

Throat still so sore it's hard to swallow anything. I don't think I have ever had this bad of a sore throat.



Good almost still morning, every Buddy.  Eddie just left after taking me to Kroger and the library.  I returned most of my books and checked out enough to tide me over until next Friday.  I read most afternoons and enjoy most of the books I check out, although I sometimes come home with the occasional Dud!

Jane, I'm so sorry you're having a really sore throat.  I hope you feel better soon and also hope that you are taking it easy.  Take care of yourself and keep us updated!

Darlene, I didn't walk this morning, either, but hopefully will get outside when the shade is all over my walking area--probably about 5:00 or later.

Jeanne, you've had a couple of busy days.  I hope everything is soon accomplished and you can take it easy for a while!

Marilyn, I hope you are having a better day.  Any news on upcoming surgery?https://www.seniorsandfriends.org/Smileys/alive/smitten.gif


Just got home. Had. To go give blood for a full panelcheckop. Not had one for three years.
Now I stayed on the Losartan.just picked up refill. Right now my testing coming up in around 29/68/67 I am happy with it. Also balance back normal. Will see Monday if sodium better on today's test.
Pouring down still and getting so cold.
Fired the handyman when he called this morning .first time in. Years I have had to do that. He was bad. Was taking 3 hours todo a hour job. Glad it was bad weather before he came out today to start on anything else. He is not happy but could tell not a worker. Gets his money from gov. To easy Medicaid ,Food stamps. All free stuff available. For years. It makes people lazy.

Books Igot last week not to good. Have a couple. On order. May go to library. House nice and warm so not sure.
Making a meat loaf at the moment.
Jane. Is it ok to take corisidan if taking BP pills


I am sure having trouble reading the small font so please excuse me if I don't respond to them. They are very difficult to read even will my  glasses I have to get out the magnifying glass   and that is a pain in the rear. So I just have to skip over them. Not being rude just can't read the posts.


Good chilly Saturday morning.  It looks beautiful out there this morning, but I'm not going anywhere. ;)

Jeanne...sometimes you just can't deal with workmen.  We had a "handyman" who also took FOREVER to get a job done.  Finally Ray told him that Friday of that week was his last day.  Mike argued he didn't know if he'd be done by then...Ray's response, "Yes, Mike, you WILL be done.  We've run out of money for this project. Friday is your last day."  Then Ray and I did the porch he never got to in a half day.  Another local fellow told us he'd gotten an estimate from Mike for a job...and then the final bill was 4 times the estimate!  Here that's not done.  The final bill is the same...or very close to whatever the estimate is you're given. 

Marilyn...I hope this size 3 print is readable for you.

Slept better last night...things are beginning to get better but the Augmentin is causing some intestinal issues...one of the side effects mentioned...and I remember that from before, so added Imodium to my gazillion pills.  I'm using honey to try and
stop the spasms of coughs.  It also makes it possible for me to swallow food without the pain of the raw throat. 

It's going to be an inside day...and watching sports from my recliner, I'm sure. 

Have a good Saturday!


Good morning, Every Buddy.  I've had breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen, but am not dressed yet.  It was pretty warm again yesterday and will also be hot today.  I need to get dressed and out for my morning walk while we still have shade in our neighborhood.  Almost every home in our neighborhood has large trees, so not too bad for walking outside.

I also need to study my Sunday School lesson.  Our teacher and his wife are off to Italy for a tour and I will teach this week and perhaps the following one.  I am happy that we  have returned to our regular lessons which more or less follow the sermon topics.  One thing I don't like, though, is that a group of Elders is working to get more donations to our church and they are pressuring members to elevate donations.  This might be fine for those who are still employed, but for retirees who like me may be facing a move to a nursing home is not very reassuring!

Jane, I hope You are feeling better this morning.  Having continuous coughing spells is tough and I hope that you can keep it under control.  I'm glad you are sleeping better and hope the side effects will subside.

I hope Every Buddy looking in is feeling well this morning. Take care, Buddies, and keep us posted.



Jane. When did you get your flu shot?
I got mine we'd. No sign of cold then but today just sneezing and coughing away. Nothing hurts but nose running  get like a tap.
I think some men who call them selves handy men are just men that did not to stick with a steady job. I can do the jobs faster and better than this one . I learned a lot when young and worked 10 years around big construction companies here. Can estimate and hire. Just don't want to take time now.need to hire one that needs the money now. Use to be lot of them. A lot of Mexicans in town now and they are going to be taking over lots of this kind of work. They seem happy to work. I will just do  small things. now for this year and look for good man Spring.
Sun. Is out but cold so nothing outside today.  Fact could be a lazy day. Just going tomakesome soups for freezer . Maybe clean the love set and lounge chair as have ordered new covers on line. Not sure on carpet cleaning. Have gotten all throw rugs cleaned and all comforts cleaned. Every thing just needs put down for winter.
Jane will you be staying home this winter. No Texas?.


Hi Gals, no rain here, in the mid 70's.

We have decided not to move to an independent living for several reasons. Maybe when we need more care. Kids are upset though.

Mo gave me his last therapy yesterday. I walked some down the street without a cane and am walking most of the time without one inside. He said to use it when I felt I needed it, but that I didn't really need it.  Yea!!!

I need to read my SS lesson this afternoon, too. Although we aren't teaching.  I did make a pot roast and vegetables for him and his wife last week. His wife is very ill and in hospice and he is 87.

Nothing much else going on here. I can understand the handyman problems though. I go to my primary on Wed. Hope to get clearance to drive. If not, I may shoot him!!  John's birthday is Monday and mine is on Friday. I can't believe I'll be 80!!!  Liam's 2nd birthday is the 20th. I just addressed his card. Time goes so fast.
Jane, hope you feel better. Hot tea with lemon and honey is my go-to for a cough.

Jeanne and Sue, enjoy reading this afternoon.  Sharon



Unless you think you really need full help I wondered why you would want to move into assisted living. Maybe independent one would be better if you want to move into smaller home with no yard to take care of. You still have John to help.

You seem to enjoy a little gardening.at 79 years old you lot younger than most of us.
My daughter in Texas has been on to me for not moving to be close to them in Texas for years now.. I just can't see it.
She now is having back operation done Monday. Had her knees replaced and other things over past few years and she still  in 60s. Think doctors in Texas believe operations the thing.that and pills.

I go more for right food and exercise.
Remember the saying. Once you think your old you will never feel young again......


Jane I have always been able to ready your posts just fine.

Sue Jeanne and Sharon I can barely read your  small font posts so I have a vague idea what they said.

Sue said something about Sunday school
Jeanne talked abou tMexicans and work

Sharonshe isn't going to move.

Not sure If I got that right.


For those who need to use a larger font:
Before starting your post, click on the big A with an "up and down red arrow" and there on number 4. Your cursor will be positioned just right for starting your message. End your writing with hitting "post" as usual.


Sunday morning greetings.  It's in the 30s here and overcast.

Sharon....you and John have made an informed decision, after checking out 3 or so places, and you know what is out there, what's involved and the $$$.  I think you were very wise to do that.  I think, as your health returns, you will be glad you didn't make a hasty decision. It sounds as if you've made fantastic progress.

Jeanne...no, I canceled our reservation for the condo in Tx back in August.  Driving 1500 miles by myself to spend 3 months there alone is not what I'd enjoy.  I can be here, warm and cozy in my house and close to friends and medical people.  I might go somewhere for a week or two, but that's all. 

Tks, Bubble.  This is a size 3.  Some like this size 4.

Hi to Sue, Darlene, Mary, Marilyn, Joy, Shirley,

 Doc gave me an inhaler yesterday, and I swear that thing tried to kill me this morning. I about coughed myself inside out after using it.  So much for "calming my bronchitis."  It "uncalmed" everything!

My thermostat is really wonky in my bedroom....again at 79  w(en it's supposedly turned off.  I went down to th furnac room and cranked the lever for that zone to what I hope is OFF.  I can't sleep in a hot room.  Temp down this morning.   

Time to get some breakfast in me, and see who's playing this afternoon. 


I use the size 4 font, and Bold.  Makes it easier for me to read, too, Marilyn.

It finally cooled off here, too.  I turned the a/c off and the heat on this morning.  It was down below 70 in the house, so it was time.  The heat hasn't clicked on yet, and I doubt it will until maybe in the morning.  At least we're finally through with the 90+ temperatures for this season.

Nothing exciting going on around here this weekend.  Hope everybody's team wins!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


Marilyn, I'm sorry. I try to remember, but still forget much of the time.

Yes, Jane, we investigated things a lot before deciding not to move. If something happened to John, I would probably mov right away. Jeanne, we were never interested in assisted living unless our health changed dramatically.

We're back from SS & church and I'm tired.  Tomorrow, we have to go to a funeral for a  SS member at 11:00. He was such a nice man and we hate to lose him.  Dr's appt on Wed. Hope I get clearance to drive then. Mo will discharge me sometime this week too.  Nothing else on the docket.

It's rainy and cool here. Furnace is on too.  Have a blessed day.


Hi everyone...home from church...temps still cool...I'm still having problems getting right BP med...it's been up this weekend so will call my Dr in the morning..Jeanne what strength is your Losartan...mine is 50mg....Have a great Sunday everyone


Hello Every Buddy. We went to church this morning I was able to stand to sing without pain in my foot. But I had taken some Tylenol  about 8:30 this morning so it had time to work before church.

After we got home and had lunch, I took Freckles for a walk then got busy to make her food for the week. That burner on the stove top works now that it is dried out. However,  as I turn the know  there are places where it goes completely off  and others it goes to high when it should be on low. I really have to keep an eye on it. I do  throw the breaker to off when I am through cooking, just don't want to take any chances.


Looks like my Losartan is 100 mg and 2 months he added a pill for metroprol at 25 mg. seems to have now. Worked good for me .not getting any bad numbers. Let's see how my full panel comes out . Should call me in this week. The take 6 vilest of blood for it and tests everything.

Jane. I can't see your going all that way this winter either. Texas is having some auful weather this year so never know what it will be like.
I feel like spending a couple weeks someplace myself to make up for our horrible summer.  I have always thought. Would like to visit Barbados. One island run by UK up to few years and people say it's like NZ very British. It's never to hot or cold. Will still try for UK in spring?
But just for now relax and get a little work done around the place.

Lost most all my friends now. Just my best friend of 55 years but now she has gotten Alzheimer's and in a nursing home 40 miles away. Will have to spend time with her.

Jane mine gave me a inhaler last year. I don't use often as the seem to make my throat sore. One just has to not inhale much. I very seldom see need of it. Keeps air line  open he says if have congestion.


Good morning, Every Buddy.  I slept late this morning and have accomplished very little.  I've had breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen, but nothing else. I need to get outside and walk, but haven't managed to get that done, either!  That's my next job after I finish writing here.

Not much going on here today.  I hope Every Buddy is feeling well and will have a good day.


30s here this morning but sunny and bright.  First day in 6 That I don't have a swollen and sore throat!  It's so nice to be able to swallow without pain or gagging. 

Cough seems to be breaking up, too.

No ambition, however, so it'll be a recliner chair day.   ;D



I am going for my pre-op this morning, trying to drink a LOT of water before I go so the lab  will not have problem,s  getting a vein to come up. They will also do a EKG.

Hope you feel better soon Jane.


Jane...Jeanne Marlyin...I think yall take metoprolol....did your Drs tell you to check your pulse before taking?...My Dr told me to...just wondering.....hope everyone is having a good Monday holiday....


Gee don't know what happened to my message.....doubt it can be read...,sorry