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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Marilyne, Smart idea about unplugging all your appliances because when the power is suddenly turned on the voltage surge can damage them.  Larry use to work in electronics so we have also done that.  Best not to take chances.

Mary Ann, I don't think the cream pie kept me awake.  It was reading some political stuff that bothered me.

Another pretty day, but we could sure use the rain.  It is supposed rain next week.  We will see.  A couple of nights ago we had a strange thing happen.  I put soap on my hands and turned on the faucet and there was no water—-not a drop.  I went into the kitchen and no water.  Here I was with a handful of sticky soap and no water.  We have an outdoor pump for watering the yard so Larry got me some water so I could wash my hands.  He walked over to the neighbor's and he said he had seen a whole bunch of trucks a couple of blocks away but didn't know what was going on.  No one in our area had water.  No car accidents, etc., as far as we knew. We never did find out what happened but it was fixed a couple of hours later.

I read about a terrible typhoon in Tokyo and thought about Sato and asked him if he was OK.  He sent me a message (also a beautiful video of fall roses) and said he was OK.  They didn't receive any damage.

Tomorrow is Canada's Thanksgiving, but my daughter said many Canadians celebrate it over the long weekend.  They celebrated yesterday but were having chicken.  To me Thanksgiving means turkey and dressing.  That and possibly Christmas are the only times we have turkey.  I don't know why as we all enjoy it.

Well, will close for now and hope everyone is doing well.

Mary Ann

Jean, I worked with appliances most of my working life and my entire working time was with an electric utility and it never occurs to me to unplug anything electric.  I will say I don't have anything in a working position during an outage.  We have underground wiring here, so rarely do have an outage but if we do, it's because of downed wire in other locations. 

We've had kind of a rainy day.  It was not raining when I left for church so I did not put on a coat over my sweater.  When we came out of church, we could see it had rained a bit but when we came out of the Cholesterol Pit, all was dry.  I've been home ever since so I don't know what's been going on.  I will say our temperature has not been over 50 degrees today.  Damp chill.

Jean, your trouble with no water reminded me of when I went to take a shower and had no hot water.  I did not shower that day.  At least I was not all soaped up.  I'm glad you contacted Sato about their typhoon so we know he is OK.  I did think of him, but I did not think of contacting him.  I think he has said he does not live near Tokyo.

When I was a kid, our Christmas dinner always consisted of stuffed chicken.  Turkey was not that "big" then, but there were only four of us and we had no relatives near so a chicken was enough.  I think I had my first turkey the year my mother died and neighbors invited Dad, Norm and me to have T-Day dinner with them.  There were six in their family so with three more, a turkey made sense.  They probably had it every T-Day anyway, I don't know.  After Norm married the first time, we always got together with his wife's family and there were five of them, but other relatives were included.  It was turkey for T-Day after that, but we might have anything for Christmas.  Easter was always ham.  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it is supposed to be a family day, but commercials are turning it into the circuses other holidays have now.  This is when I like the "old" days!

Mary Ann


Patricia, I used to work with a fellow who would seek out first person account histories, etc. He figured that was the closest to the real history. I got to thinking about that, and decided that it probably wasn't anymore accurate than a lot of current event books out today. The writer would have personal biases, may have remembered prior personal events not quite accurately or slant the event to put himself in a good light. And, of course, there were the political tracts that denigrated opponents while playing up their faction's good points (ignoring bad points). Even people reporting the same event slant or can't agree on what exactly happened.

Must have been really big to light up the area like a flash bulb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6gQkVqpgIo


Jean - That is really weird about your water suddenly going out. Something similar happened here during the summer - I turned on the kitchen tap, and the water came out a cloudy brown color. Checked all other faucets and they were all bad.  We called the Water Company, and a recorded message came on, telling us not to worry, that the water would be back to normal soon, but in the meantime, the brown water was safe to drink! (Maybe so, but . . . not happening here! ha ha) After a couple of hours, the water was fine, and there was never an explanation given as to what caused it.  We also eat Turkey, only at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I love it, and would prepare a turkey at other times during the year, but you cannot buy them here at any other time.  You can special order them from butcher shops or poultry shops, but I've never done it.  Not many stand alone meat markets or small grocery stores around anymore.

MarsGal - There are so many PC controversies going on in California, at this time, that I'm getting them mixed up!  The beautiful mural in the San Francisco High school, is the George Washington Controversy!  I'll get into that one at another time, if anyone is interested.

The Columbus Controversy, does not involve a mural, but involves many statues throughout CA in Parks and  buildings.  The Italian community is huge here . . .  descendants of Italian immigrants, who started coming here toward the end of the 19th century, and developed this area. They are responsible for the fruit orchards and subsequent canneries here in San Jose area, the vineyards and wineries in the North Bay, and banking and finance in San Francisco. (A.P Gianini) 

Anyway, Columbus is big with the Italian Community, and there are schools, parks, and always big parades on Columbus Day, in all the major cities here.  The San Jose City Hall, had a large statue of him in the lobby. Which was removed last year, after people demanded that it be taken down!  It was vandalized a number of times, and finally saved by the Italian American Heritage Society, and moved to their facility in San Jose.  The protests were mainly focused on the idea that the indigenous people, American Indians, and Indians from Mexico and South America, are the ones who "discovered" America, not CC.  Therefore, the day has now been changed to Indigenous People's Day.   
Here is a newspaper article about the moving of the statue in SJ.

My take on it, is that European people were different back in 1492, when the various explorers started coming to the new land to settle it, and set the stage for settlements, communities and eventually cities and hundreds of years of progress.  Columbus might have been an arrogant jerk, but most wealthy men and lots of others with authority, were, back in that time of history.  How do we really know what actually happened, and what these explorers and settlers, as well as the indigenous people, were really like back then?  It was over 500 years ago!

Anyway, I've once again, written a "book", so I'd better cut it short and get ready for a trip to the grocery store.  AJ is going to a San Jose Sharks hockey game tonight, with Brad.  This will include the two of them having a meal near there, before the game starts.  That means I will have dinner by myself, so I'll pick out some interesting items to eat, that I usually don't get.

Mary Ann

MarsGal, Norm and I would laugh when we'd both remember the same occasion differently.  And we would probably have been standing or sitting close to each other.  Toward the end of his life, Norm's memory of things past was quite good, not always as I remembered it, but ask him what he had for lunch that day - oh, did I have lunch?

As I've said before, I wish people would leave history alone.  Things happened and it may not be the way we'd do it now (even today some things are not PC), but it was OK for the times.  I've heard there are people that do not believe WW I and/or WW II did not happen.  Just because they were not there does not mean it didn't happen.  I saw a headline today (but did not read the article) that some people think certain people did not exist - Cleopatra was one. 

Marilyn, I'm eating alone too so pick out something good at the store and I'll enjoy it too - via online!  I'll see what is in the freezer but last night I had an old favorite - a peanut butter sandwich; I like mine with mayo, not jelly or jam. 

Mary Ann


A dissenting opinion.

MaryAnn, Marilyne, and MarsGal, I agree that any account either verbal or written will have an inherent bias. However, when a multitude of accounts from across the board, both written and eyewitness differ completely from the official accounts, it bears investigation. A good example is the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The official account is totally different from eyewitness accounts from various forts, accounts by the cavalry's Crow Indian scouts, cavalry survivors and from surviving Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho. The archeologist accounts and those who treated the remains, debris, and terrain as a crime scene also totally differs from the prevailing account.

If we close our eyes and accept the status quo, we cannot, grow, change or advance as a people. We will remain in an endless cycle.

Archaeological Perspectives on the Battle of the Little Bighorn
by Douglas D. Scott, Richard A. Fox, Melissa A. Connor, Dick Harmon

"Ever since the Custer massacres on June 25, 1876, the question has been asked: What happened - what REALLY happened - at the Battle of the Little Bighorn? We know some of the answers because half of George Armstrong Custer's Seventh Cavalry - the men with Major Marcus Reno and Captain Frederick Benteen - survived the fight, but what of the half that did not, the troopers, civilians, scouts, and journalist who were with Custer?

Now, because a grass fire in August 1983 cleared the terrain of brush and grass and made possible thorough archaeological examinations of the battlefield in 1984 and 1985, we have many answers to important questions.

On the basis of the archaeological evidence presented in this book, we know more about what kinds of weapons were used against the cavalry. We know exactly where many of the men fought, how they died, and what happened to their bodies at the time of or after death. We know how the troopers were deployed, what kind of clothing they wore, what kind of equipment they had, how they fought. Through the techniques of historical archaeology and forensic anthropology, the remains and grave of one of Custer's scouts, Mitch Boyer, have been identified. And through geomorphology and the process of elimination, we know with almost 100 percent certainty where the twenty-eight missing men who supposedly were buried en masse in Deep Ravine will be found.





Mary Ann

Patricia, what you say is true, but from what I've read about people disagreeing with some of history is from people who are no more knowledgeable than I am and who want to do away with history simply because it does not fit in with today's standards. 

I do not want to be drawn into any deep discussion about this because I have not done the reading and research that Patricia has. 

Mary Ann


Patricia - I don't think either MarsGal or I were talking about anything as recent in history, as The Battle of the Little Bighorn, which happened in the middle of the Nineteenth Century!  I was talking about what would be ancient history, regarding the USA.  What true accounts do we have from anyone - white Europeans or indigenous people - as to what really happened in 1492?   Stories have come down through the ages about Columbus and Queen Isabella, etc., and then his landings in what I think was Central America?  People have speculated on what might have happened, but nobody really knows. After CC, other white explorers landed further North, eventually leading to the Pilgrims and Plymouth Rock.  I'm sure you have noticed that Thanksgivingis now on the endangered list!  Yes, there is a movement afoot, to eliminate Thanksgiving as a National Holiday, because it is said that the Pilgrims were in fact mean and ruthless to the native Americans, and treated them poorly, killed them, etc. The thing I wonder, is where did these new revelations come from?  I haven't read enough about it yet, to get the full story?   


A good Sunday evening  HELLO.

We have just finished watching the Bronco Game 🏈🏈.

A friend sent this to me this morning and I sure enjoyed it....
I hope you all will to


Enjoy your day❣️

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Brings tears to my eyes. Thanks Jenny!

Good point, Patricia, where there is archeological evidence to be found. So much of ancient history, though, is still buried or completely lost to us except for a few surviving eye-witness accounts. Then there are ancient texts that have been stored away and forgotten or ignored. There are texts that still remain remain untranslated, and of course, texts that were mistranslated or misunderstood. Some histories were in oral tradition and not written down until centuries later. So, I wonder if we should consider history as a dynamic, fluid thing rather than something static. What I worry about is how many of these histories we read are biased by the author's world view (some are obvious, others are not). I am betting almost all of them. It is so very hard to be entirely unbiased; some of them can be so subtle.


I love history, I have two degrees. One in European History and one in Mankind and the Transition to City-States from the early seventies. So, of course, I'm biased, and I recognize that everything written, spoken, or thought is full of bias. How can it not as we 're shaped by our perceptions, filtered through our convictions?

The thing about history is yes, its fluid, and it changes as we learn more. There are always oral histories, written accounts(some just now being translated!), good and bad translations, and what some love to propagandize. You look for accounts' similarities that can be proven or unproven. Not all will pass a further rigorous inspection. It is like any science.

The stuff said about Columbus isn't a new revision; it's simply finally been listened to and investigated, and yes, there are written accounts even if they're not from a European language. Columbus was a man of his time and with his own ambition and beliefs.  I'll leave it at that.


Jenny - The video you posted really makes us realize how quickly opinions and actions have changed in this country.  Super Bowl #39, was in Feb., 2005.  That will only be fifteen years in 2020, and it seems like a whole different world now. Thank you for posting, and making me think about then, as compared to now.  It will be on my mind, trying to put together the many different reasons for the radical change.

I as going to relax with a movie last night, while AJ was at the Sharks game with Brad . . . but decided to watch the game instead, and was glad that I did.  Sharks won - 3 to 1!!  They've had a slow start this year, so we're hoping the "tide has been turned"?  Also, I like to watch hockey on the nights that AJ goes, in hopes of spotting him when the camera pans all the fans in the arena.  So far, I haven't seen either he or Brad, or any other friends that I know are there.

Hope you all have a nice day today.  The weather will be bland and mild here, with no wind, which means no fire danger!  Yay!

Hi Patricia - Looks like we were posting at the same time!     


Another nice day here in Northwest Florida.  Our temperatures have cooled some and are so pleasant.

Columbus Day was one of my paid holidays back in my working days so I always looked forward to it for that reason.  My opinion is to keep to the true facts of our past as much as possible.  I worry about the present and what it means for my children and grandchildren and their futures.

Patricia, that is really interesting about what has been discovered regarding the battle.  I have to admit that often when we learn new facts about the past it can affect our feelings in the present.

Has anyone heard from Jackie?  I wonder how her day went yesterday.  I hope she wasn't disappointed.

Well, I need to get busy.  Hope all of you have a good day.


Good Morning Everyone from the
cool,  sunny and very pleasant,
rocky coast of Maine.   

Nice Fall Day !

I will be getting my right eye
operated on on November 12 th
to have the cateract removed.     

I am pleased that they do not have
to do both eyes because I can not see
out of my left eye.    They are not making
me stop my blood thinner...   (HOORAY)

So I am very pleased but still normally
nervous about having this surgery done. 

I am looking forward to seeing better out
of my right eye.

And hoping for the best all around
on "operation day" !

Otherwise,  All is well here.
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

Sandy, I know each case is a bit different, but Norm and I both had cataract surgery at the same time and all went well.  I hope yours goes as well.  We had both eyes done, but not both at the same time. 

Marilyn, I just saw the Weather Channel report that you will be having rain for a few days, so that should quiet the fire threat for a few hours!

We are enjoying a nice, cool day - 50 degrees at 1:25 pm.  I can handle that. 

Kendrick is sleeping near me; he doesn't wander much, even in the house.

I don't get into the truth or non-truth of history.  I read about the challenges, but I'm not historian oriented enough to try to delve into it.  What I get from some of the protests are that many people are trying to apply today's standards to yesterday's history without knowing any of the background.  I will stay out of the discussion, if no one minds.  However, I will read whatever others write.

Jean, we had to work on Columbus Day, but we had a lot of Federal holidays off. 

Mary Ann



HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY....🇺🇸🇺🇸  I know this is a touchy subject, but for now, this is what we call it❣️

I, too, hoped we would have a post from you, JACKIE, telling us about your memorial service.  I do hope it went well and you were at peace with it.

PATRICIA, I did not realize you had two degrees in history.  I understand what you wrote and agree.  I have a bit, not really a bit, rather BIG issue with trying to destroy HISTORY though.  We must learn from our mistakes, but wiping them out, i.e. statues, does not change what happened!  Also, it seems many of our forefathers we not what we thought they were, nor was/is our government, but we just have to move on and try to make things better in the future!  IMHO

I appreciate all the nice comments on the video.  I see many of you had the same "boost of spirits" as I did.  I just do not understand why there are so many these days that just seem to show no patriotism at all, infact they are extremely  UNpatriotic 😢

MARILYNE, glad you enjoyed watching the game last night.  There is no hockey game watching here.   There is a big dispute with the TV channels going on here, so none of our games are televised.  There are a lot of very unhappy people here🤬. I saw that LSU won!  😘

Trying to get packed for our trip tomorrow......I tell you, I am getting slower and slower every day. 

Enjoy the rest of your Columbus Day 🇺🇸

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Everyone who was asking after me, re, the annual memorial -crematorium remembrance service Sunday...

Yes it was a lovely service of remembrance for our loved ones...we were invited up to light a small candle which with help is what i did...Our service topic was " dreams " and the vicar's reading gave us a glimpse of our beloved's New Heaven and New Earth that our God has provided for us - for our loved ones which gave some peace, hope and comfort...Although my reality still sets in every morning that i wake and get out of bed that all i want is my Richard back, i feel so lonely and frightened by myself and coping with my MS alone does not make my life any more bearable...No my loss of Richard is not giving me full closure, although the day will come when Richard will know i am not needing him so much and i am ready to let him Rest In Peace without having to worry over me...I know he wont be in peace while he knows i am not in peace...

Revelation 21 New International Version (NIV)
A New Heaven and a New Earth

21 Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Look! God's dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

5 He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."


Good morning, Bait and Tacklers.  I hope everyone looking in is "up and at 'em" this morning and facing a good day.  Take care and keep us posted.



JACKIE - I'm glad that the memorial service was calming and inspirational for you.  Were there lots of other people there, who were also mourning their loved ones, or was it just a small gathering?  It must be helpful for you, to be around others, who are feeling the same pain the you're feeling. I hope that as result of the service, that you'll begin to feel stronger, and that each day will be easier for you to endure.


Jackie, I was thinking of you and praying you would find some peace in the service on Sunday.  I'm glad you were able to go and participate.

It rained yesterday evening and last night.  So glad to see some rain after several dry weeks.  It is getting cooler and there is a slight feeling of fall in the air.

Trying to get a few things done around the house—-washing clothes, dusting...  would like to drop by the library later and see what new books, if any, are on the New Book shelf.  There is one new book especially I want to read and if the library doesn't get it, I will probably buy it for my iPad.

Sandy,  i was so glad to have my cataract operations over and be able to see so much better.  You'll see a big difference, I'm sure.  It's good news that you can continue on with your blood thinner.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


  Thank you for your good wishes
for my cataract surgery.  I am not going to
worry about this and I also will be glad when
it is over and that I do not have to go
off my blood thinners.   Plus only one eye is
scheduled to be done.   Hopefully the other one, which I can not see out of,  will never have to be
done in the futuer. 

Slowly but surely I am getting my body
fixed up ...  with hopes that I have no more
issues in the near future.. 

Fingers crossed ..

Have a good day,  Everyone.
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

Mary Ann

I knew I was busy today but I didn't realize I was so busy I hadn't posted since noon yesterday.  Actually, I wasn't that busy but I always had something going.  Robin came about 3:30 and cleaned the living, dining and kitchen area.  When she was finished there, I wanted her to help transfer and pack some genealogy material in my bedroom.  She is very interested in family histories and pictures and ended up looking at pictures  instead of moving stuff so that will be a starter for next week. 

It has been a dreary day, rained some but not hard.  The only thing is that it has been a chilly day and is only 54 degrees now.

Tom and I went to lunch at Russ' where I had a fish sandwich and Tom had a club sandwich.  My sandwich was hot, just like I like it. 

When Robin came, she and Tom talked by the kitchen and Kendrick stayed in the living room with me.  Eventually, someone came into the living room and he darted behind the couch and stayed there, even when Robin ran the vacuum cleaner.  He came out of there when Robin left. 

Not much else going on and I think I'll see what I can find to eat.  It just started to rain harder, enough that I can hear it on the roof. 

Mary Ann


Marilyne - FlaJean...
...the crematoriums seating was packed out, some single people, some maybe with relations to their deceased...we were offered to stay for a cup of tea afterwards, which some did, several took their teas outside, i-we ( my NeighbourCar driver) stayed inside the doorway where they were serving the teas and biscuits, as i needed the loo again...Our weather had been viciously raining and windy the night before - early morning, yet just before we arrived the rain had stopped, it was still chilly but our sun was out, i was thinking, a perfect weather for my Richard as he never liked rain...


Good morning. Seems I have not been here for a few days.  If I don't write something first thing in the morning, I just seem to forget to come back.

Jackie, I am so happy to read that you did get to the memorial service and that you were able to participate in the candle lighting.  I hope you  were able to get a little more peaceful feeling.  I think of you a lot.  I just so wish you could find a way to be able to move to a more pleasant place.

Mary Ann, hope you have not had any issues with your nose healing.  I have to go next week to see about a couple places on my face. Some years ago, I had some bad places that needed taking care of and my primary doctor gave me the name of a wonderful plastic surgeon. And, I have been seeing her for a good while now.  My problem is I keep putting it off going.  The last time  she said if I came right at the beginning, it is a lot easier to take care of. So, I did finally make an appointment.  The last time I went, several years ago,, I had about 30 stitches down the side of my cheek, and you can't even see it now, So, hopefully, this time, she will be able to treat me right in the office.  It just is the fact that I go to so many doctors, I get tired of going.

I have been up a while, but need to get some breakfast.  It is supposed to be a very rainy day, so I guess I will be doing some reading on a gloomy day.  I am reading a good book on my Kindle, but I need to charge the battery before I can continue.  I was up during the night reading for a little while and I should have plugged it in then. But, it doesn't really take that long to charge. By the time I get  finished eating, it will be fully charged.

I wish all the friends here a very nice day.  If you having rain, snuggle up with a good book, and if you are having sunshine, enjoy that nice feeling. However, wherever you are, just enjoy the day,I whatever you do.



Good morning, Bait and Tacklers!  I have had breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, read the paper, and am waiting for a visit from a former Daughter-in-Law.  We've maintained our friendship for many years and e-mail fairly often.  She lives in north Alabama and came down with a friend who had an appointment with someone at A.U.  She is thinking about taking some courses at A.U. to complete her Master's degree in horticulture. 

It's cloudy and looks like rain here today.  I doubt I'll get my daily walk in, depending on when Nancy arrives and how long she'll be here to visit.

Have a nice day, Every One!

Mary Ann

Good morning from damp Grand Rapids (GR).  I slept until amost 10 am, which is very unusual for me.  I knew I was tired when I went to bed last night and I went to sleep almost immediately, also unusual. 

Sue, it is nice you still have a relationship with your former DIL.  I have sort of one with Tom's former wife, but she initiates everything.  She was not nice during the divorce proceedings so I'm nice to her, but that is all. 

Joy, I think my nose is healing OK.  The doctor left it that it would heal on its own rather than taking skin from elsewhere to cover it.  I put a bandaid on it at least once a day, putting Vaseline on the cloth part.  The "injury" is about 1/4-inch square and not in the way of anything.  I'll see the doctor Friday to see what he thinks.

Jackie, I think you had a positive experience at the crematorium Sunday.  I hope it made you feel better.

Getting up later just shoved my day ahead and it's after 11 am and I'm barely getting started.  Oh well!  Even the cat is off-schedule!

Mary Ann 


Good Morning from a cool and sunny Central Oklahoma.

Temperature was "turn on the a/c" yesterday. Today, it's "turn on the furnace".  Makes me think of an old Peter/Paul/Mary song about car racing /engine revving that included the line  "The car was internally hemoraging"

Am meeting #2 son for lunch at a Chinese restaurant we both like.  Convenient time for him is very early for me to go anywhere and cut into my "leisurely" morning.



Callie - your weather sounds exactly like mine.  AC still goes on in the afternoon and early evening, but then we need the furnace in the morning, to take away the morning chill.  The sun is still blazing away all day long, but fortunately, the wind is gone, so no fire danger at the moment.   Looks like you'll be having a nice private lunch with your son.  Sounds like a good idea to me!

Mary Ann - I also got up an hour later than I usually do.  It must be something about the cooler mornings?  I remember you mentioned last week that Tom would be going to the UP some day this week, and you would be alone?  Is today the day, or later in the week?  I'm glad you have Kendrick there for company.  It's interesting how a pet in the house, can make you feel like you're not completely alone.

Joy - That's really interesting, that the plastic surgeon did such a good job, that you can't see the scar from your surgery.  I have heard that if you  have any surgery on the face, for any reason, that it's worth it to insist on a plastic surgeon.  My dil's sister's daughter was bitten on the face by a dog, when she was about six years old. It was quite a traumatic surgery, and a plastic surgeon was called in to do the stitching.  She is now a young teenager, about 15, and there is not a sign of a scar!  :thumbup:

Jackie - I'm glad to see that you sound better today.  The memorial service sounds like it was very nice.  Being around others, who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one, can be very comforting.  Even if you don't talk to them, just knowing that they have recently gone through the same loss, gives you a bond.     

Mary Ann

I was watching ships but any channel had the south end of a ship going north and that is not very interesting.  I came back here and lo and behold, there were two new posts. 

Callie, I'll bet you don't mind lunch with your son eating into your leisurely morning.  I drop everything if a relative says "let's do lunch".

Marilyn, Tom left yesterday afternoon and will return some time tomorrow.  It is nice to have Kendrick around but it also seems strange to know there is no one downstairs for another day.  I think they had a lot of rain on the way north and today looks to be a bit damp, but no hard rain.  Tom's friend took her bike which did not fit in Tom's trunk and I think they took a wheel off the bike to make it fit.  If it rains in the UP, she is not going to be able to ride anyway.  Tom used to ride a bike, but does not now.  I just hope the weather is nice enough to make the trip worth while. 

A few years ago, I had another skin cancer surgery.  That one was larger than the one this time.  I have bags under my eyes and the earlier surgery was in that area.  The doctor tied the surgery into the bag and you'd never know I had anything done.  I don't know if he's a plastic surgeon or not, but he does good work.  The practice is Dermatology of West Michigan so I am not sure their work is as extensive as plastic surgery. 

Mary Ann


Sorry I haven't kept up by posting.......The days just get ahead of me.

Last week one of my first cousins (I've mentioned that I have many!) contacted me. She's 11 years younger and the daughter of my mother's youngest brother. She's been living in southwest Florida but now lives just 20 miles away in Ocala. She and her husband drove down and we went out to lunch. It was a wonderful visit with so many shared family memories. We haven't seen each other in 50 years. We plan to get together again soon.

I had one bad week recently. A "bad week" for me means no strength or energy, extreme fatigue and unable to stay awake. Doing much better now.

There's a lot of racket overhead............We're getting a new roof today.

Jackie - I'm glad you were able to attend the service. It would be a help if you could find a grief support group. It's unfortunate that you have to be so isolated. I hope that situation can be resolved soon.

Mary Ann - I need to have my daughter come down and help me organize some of my pictures. She did it once before but I have so many pictures, both old and more recent, that we only did about half of them. She's good at organizing so it motivates me. I also like a good hot fish sandwich with tartar sauce.

Joy - I hope you won't need anything like that last surgery. I wish I'd had a plastic surgeon do the surgery on my nose. Everyone says it's not that noticeable but it is to me!

Sandy- You'll be glad you had the cataract surgery. I saw a forecast for high winds all up the coast of Maine on Thursday.

Sue - It's nice when we can stay friends with our children's ex-es. I have that situation also.

Jenny - I saw on FB that you were having lunch somewhere on the coast of California.  :) Enjoy your trip and  your visit with family.

Jean - Our days here are still quite warm but the evenings are beautiful! We've had lovely breezes every day.

Marilyne - We always have turkey for Thanksgiving but on Christmas, if family is here, we usually have a roast chicken and baked ham. Chape prefers chicken to turkey.