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June 17, 2024, 03:21:18 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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I thought I posted a message here this morning, but I see it was yesterday morning!  The days go by so quickly, that I'm beginning to lose track of time?   :-[   Well, it doesn't really matter, as nothing new is happening here.   I spent the morning doing the usual housework, then took a shower, and spent most of the afternoon talking to Sandy, on the phone.  She's very lonely, living by herself, and never seeing anyone. 

She wanted me to watch a movie called, "Idiocracy", that she liked, and thought I would find it entertaining.    I had never heard of it, so looked it up later, and found out it would cost $4.99 to rent.  That's not bad for an evening's entertainment, but I decided to wait for a couple of days before renting it.   Instead, tonight we watched, "The Red Badge of Courage", which we had recorded off of TCM over the weekend.  It's a Civil War movie, adapted from the novel by Stephen Crane.   I remember reading it in a lit class when I was in college, and liking it, but had never seen the movie.

Jenny - I was also disappointed and saddened, watching people celebrating on Memorial Day.  All pretense of social distancing or wearing masks, was forgotten, as they partied at different beaches and lakes, across the country.  It looked to me like it was mostly young adults . . . the so called Millennials, and Generation X, who would be in their 20's, 30's and 40's.  I didn't spot anyone who looked to be any older, and certainly no in in our advanced age group!

I hope your father is doing well?  I'm sure that he and Diane are doing what's right, and staying home until everything settles down?  It's still going to be a while here in our county,  before things open up.


Good morning all you Bait and Tacklers.  I need to get outside for my morning walk, but so far have only had breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.  I want to walk down the hill and back up before it rains again.

Have a nice day, every Buddy.


I started a post yesterday and stopped to do something and forgot about it.  I'll try to finish this one although there isn't much to write about.

We had a nice rain yesterday but today is sunny and pleasant temps.

Gigi had her root canal this morning so I think she is home now and probably taking a nap.😊

Marilyne, the only place we go is to the grocery store and then we are covered with masks and gloves.  Less people wearing masks now, it seems, but we will until we feel it is safer.

The two astronauts will be lifting off around 4:30 on a civilian space craft unless the weather changes.  This is a big deal but with the pandemic news not much is being said about it.

It is very quiet here in the neighborhood.  The neighbor across the street usually has her lawn mowed today so they will probably be starting pretty soon.  I like to hear a little noise occasionally.

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying a pleasant day.


Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day week-end. Ours was quiet with the only evidence of a holiday being  the small flags lining the streets. Each house puts out their own flags. There is usually a ceremony at the Veterans Park but this year it was cancelled.

I haven't spent much time on the computer lately. Last night I caught up with reading all the messages I'd missed.

Our son Michael drove down from Vermont to see the house he's buying. He came alone because Jennifer was working.  He's very pleased with the place and will be back in a few weeks for the closing. It's a small courtyard villa, just what they need for a vacation home. I am one happy Mom!

Speaking of Vermont, the lilacs are in bloom. How I miss them! The closest thing we have here are the crepe myrtle but they don't have that wonderful smell.

Jean - I watched all the preparations with the astronauts but fell asleep and missed the launch.


Beverly, the launch was scrubbed due to the weather.  Next chance is Saturday.  Good news about your son buying a vacation home close by you!

A nice sunny and pleasant day here in Northwest Florida.  Hope everyone has a good day.  Sure do miss Mary Ann and her frequent posts.  It just isn't the same without her.


Jean  -  I also miss Mary Ann so much.  She posted long, interesting messages a couple of times a day, and usually responded to everyone.  I know she would want us to keep Bait and Tackle, alive and moving along.

Beverly  -  Your son's new vacation house sounds perfect!  A small courtyard villa, must be lovely.  I hope you take a photo, and post it, as soon as you have a chance to see it.  Is it located close to you and Chape, so you'll be able to see them often when they are on vacation?

This morning we got organized early, and went shopping for groceries, for the first time in almost three months!  (We did get a prescription at Safeway pharmacy last week, but didn't do any in store shopping).  It was so nice today, to pick out some fresh veggies, and also to get chicken and meat loaf mix, from the in store butcher shop.  I also was able to buy disposable bread pans, which I've been unable to get at Safeway or from Amazon.  So I'll finally be able to make the Ice Cream Bread!  :)

This grocery store is locally owned, and is my favorite store in town.  During the pandemic, they haven't offered online ordering and pick up, like Safeway, and other major chain stores have, so I've missed going there, and being able pick out meat, bakery goods and local produce.  No one allowed in without a mask, and all the clerks were wearing them, and someone was wiping down the grocery carts and counters. 

You can all tell that I haven't been out for a long time!  :D  LOL!


Good night Marilyne, Sue, Jean and all!


Just a quick HELLO to ALL.

WE have been watching all the protests across the country tonight due to the death of the man in Minneapolis.  I understand that this is a very sad situation and people are,user, but what good does it do to cause so much damage AND give the police so much grief?  It makes me very sad and quite ILL to be honest.

Today is Dave and Michele's 26th Anniversary and tomorrow is our other DIL'S Birthday, so we kept quite busy getting gifts together and delivering them.  The day really passed quickly. 

JEAN, Good to read that Gigi was able to get in to get the root canal done.

MARILYNE, my Dad continues to do pretty well and yes, he and Diane are staying in and family is bringing them groceries and some meals.  I speak to Dad everyday, and most of the time he stays in good spirits, but today he said he was just not very with it.  I so badly want to get to Arizona to see him, but still not sure about traveling. Thank you for asking about them.  Michele had chemo yesterday and she was not feeling at all good today.  The treatment seem to be getting worse for her and we think a lot of it is just simply she is so tired and worn down from all of this.  Bless her heart🙏🙏

BEVERLY, how nice that Michael has been down to see the home he is purchasing near you. You did not miss the launch after, as it was scrapped, but is now planned for this Saturday.

Pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Been sitting outside in our dry, summer heat, made a salad sandwich to take outside with me...Kicked my slippers off, feet on the hot ground, very relaxed and comfortable just listening to the breeze in the rustle of the high trees, and the birds..and dozed off...Then my MS body struggled with getting me back inside....To say the word " lobster " springs to mind is an understatement...Just as well i had ordered sun protection cream, one to put on beforehand, the other the after sun, of course the before got left out as i had already managed a downhill-uphill earlier walk with the help of my trusted rollator, and sitting on my parhome friends outside her home bench keeping our distance around their combined four small dogs, friend has her disabled twin sister now staying with her, they have done a role reversal whilst builders are working on modifying inside her house as my friend and her hubby had been away for several weeks staying at sisters whilst the C-Virus pandemic was doing its worst...Now if my MS body will let me walk, i shall go plaster my chest and arms with after sun lotion..


Good morning! No-one in here yesterday except Jenny......Hope everyone is okay.

Jenny - Happy Anniversary to Dave and Michele.  Michele has endured so much. Donna had what they called "aggressive chemo" and she was so sick! She has said that she doesn't think she would do it again if the cancer comes back, which is worrisome to me.  :(  So far she is doing great.

Jean and Marilyne - I think of Mary Ann often and miss her daily posts.

edit: Jackie - I didn't see your message there! Hope your sunburn isn't too bad. I can see why you dozed off in those surroundings. Sounds lovely.


Good morning all you Bait and Tacklers.  I hope the weather where you live is comfortable and you are able to get outside if you like to work in your yard or walk in your neighborhood.  I am planning a walk down hill for 3 blocks and back up again.  I have a broad brimmed hat to wear while I'm walking.

I know every one misses Mary Ann.  I always loved to hear from her and am so sorry she is no longer with us.  I'm sure her nephews and nieces are missing her so much.  They have a close knit family.

Take care Every One.  Have a nice day and stay away from crowds if your town has cases of the virus.



Good morning everyone!  Lots of things happening here yesterday, and looks like I didn't get in here to even say hello.  I have some catching up to do, so I'll try not to write, "a book", as Mary Ann used to say!

Jenny -  I'm sure it's hard for you to believe that Dave and Michele have been married for 26 years!!  I feel the same way about our son Brad and his wife Jackie.  In September, they will celebrate their 30th!  :o  How can that possibly be, when it seems like AJ and I just celebrated our 30th!  (Actually will be our 64th in October, but that also seems impossible!)
How much longer will Michele be getting this latest round of chemo?  It's so incredibly hard to endure, but I'm holding the positive thoughts that she continues on as long as need be.  She deserves to win this battle!!  :thumbup:

Beverly - I'm so glad that the chemo worked well for Donna,  and that she is now in remission.  I know she feels like she couldn't go through it again, but if necessary, she would!  It's amazing how resilient we human beings are.

Jackie - sounds like you enjoyed your short time in the early Summer sunshine, even though you got a little burned.  Keep in mind that Vitamin D, from the sun, is good for us as we grow older.  I love the feeling of the sun, but now that my skin is so thin, I can't be out for more than a few minutes - unless I have long sleeves, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. 

I will get back this afternoon, and hope that we've heard from others who drop in to say hello.


Since it has been so slow here, I just want to stop and say Hello.  It is a beautiful day here in Central Maryland.  Supposed to be pretty nice most of the week.

I have not done much of anything today.  I had planned to do some laundry, but I don't think that is gong to happen.  All that is going on in our world has really been just so overwhelming.  I just don't understand what makes people do things like all the rioting and devastation in these cities.  Last night, it was bad in DC and Baltimore.  More expected over the weekend.  In Minneapolis last night, the police just didn't show up.  Let the rioters do what they wanted to. Just a crazy world.  So upsetting !!!  And, it is so hard to get away from it all. 

I just finished my lunch, and I think I will read for a little while.  I still haven't gotten dressed yet, but it is so nice out, I might go down and sit outside later.

I hope everyone is just outside and enjoying their beautiful weather.



Good Afternoon,

I had a restless night so was very slow getting started this morning.  Finally, the bed is stripped, second large load of laundry is in, and the dishwasher has been unloaded and reloaded.

I suspect the restlessness was due to spending most of yesterday afternoon and evening reading.  I know I need to move around more but there are many days when the "I don't wannas" take over.

Jackie, so happy to read that you are able to get out and about - and have a chat with a "real person".
It's hard for me to go for a walk because of the unsolvable problems with my feet and a current issue that I have to put up with until I see the doctor late next week. Unfortunately, I'm not too sure it's been resolved.

Jenny and Beverly, I say a little prayer every time I read about Michelle and Donna.

I understand about our "kids" celebrating anniversaries long before we think it's time to do so!  #1 son/dil are coming up on #32 and #2 son has just asked me to put together an album of pictures he has for their 20th in August.

Husband and I were married 34 1/2 years before his unexpected instantly fatal heart attack. These 20th and 30+ anniversaries remind me that sons are approaching the age their Dad was at his death.  "Mama Time" is long past so I'll  :-X  about giving my opinion of a few health habits I think should be changed.  :) 

Lunch time.
Enjoy your day, Everyfriend.


... first time in weeks i took a downhill walk, had no idea neighbour friend was even back until i saw there cars..My MS body does not often allow me to even attempt taking an outside walk, i will only go if i believe i can trust my MS body...Yes to talk to a " real person " takes some getting used to when all i usually do is go around my home talking to my Richard, a one way conversation....


For anyone interested, the Space launch is scheduled to go off in just over 5 minutes!


Thanks so much, Beverly.  I got the t.v. on and was tune in with 45 seconds to launch!   The cameras inside the shuttle showing separations live were awesome!!!!!


The launch went off perfectly. I didn't expect to be affected by it emotionally, but I was! Some neighbors were in the street trying to see it so I joined them. Too many white puffy clouds in the area where it would be. I've seen a few from here, mostly night-time ones. Those look like a fireball with a tail. Nice change from all the terrible news!


Could you have seen it "in person" if not for the clouds?  That's even more awesome.


Beverly - Thanks for the reminder!  With everything else going on in the USA, I had forgotten about the Space Launch!  I got there just in time to see it.  As you said, there was a definite emotional element to it this time . . . for me too!


I forgot all about the space shuttle.  We went to the store and got a few groceries and when we got home it was over.  But I did go to c-span and see a rerun of it.

I think today has been our hottest day so far.  It is 85° and the weather app says it feels like 90.  So our humidity must really be high today.

I saw a potato recipe on Cook's Country Test Kitchen that looked so good (and not complicated) that I wanted to get a few ingredients I needed.  So tomorrow I'm going to give it a try but only make half a recipe.  I have a tendency for low potassium so I like to eat potatoes often and want to fix them a new way.

I've been kind of bored the last couple of days and can't get interested in reading.  I have a picture in my dining area of an outdoor cafe.  It has been a long time since we've been able to enjoy a good meal in a nice outdoor cafe and I sure do miss that occasional outing.  But that definitely is not an option until we feel safer.

Well, think I will go sit on the porch a while.  Have a good day everyone!


Jean, I think I miss going out to eat the most.  Not that we go a whole lot, but usually a couple times a month.  A lot of our local restaurants started having outdoor dining today.  Lots of them that didn't usually do that have started putting tables, chairs, picnic tables and benches anyplace they can find some room.  Down in Little Italy in Baltimore, they are even closing off streets to give them moor room.  One of our favorite local places has created a space, but they only have 5 or 6 tables, and I know they will be filled up quick.  No reservations for outdoor seats.  So, I can wait a little longer.  We have been getting carry-out, but not the same eating it at home. LOL

I always liked eating out, especially places on the water, but my family, don't like it because it can be "buggy".  We would have to go a long way to get to a place on the water now.  I know Annapolis has a lot of waterfront places, and that wouldn't be too far for a ride on a nice day. 



Callie - We're over 90 miles from Cape Canaveral "as the crow flies" so with a clear sky we can see it progress upward and sometimes see the reflection of the sun on it. Not very clear but we know what we're seeing!  :) 

Jean - Let us know how your potato recipe turns out. Some of the restaurants here have opened up with limited diners inside. Two of them are Outback and Longhorn. We have friends who tried it last week and said it was very well done. Tables spaced apart, disposable menus and all the service people wearing masks.

Joy - Glad to see you posting. I have many days when I get up with all kinds of plans for the day and end up doing nothing! I agree, the destruction across the country is terrible. Best idea is to turn off the TV or watch a movie!
edit: Many years ago We spent a summer living in Lutherville while Chape was working on a project at Martin-Marietta. I loved the area but I imagine it's changed a lot since then. 

Marilyne - I'm glad my post reminded you to watch the launch. Michael and Jennifer will celebrate their 39th anniversary on August 8th. You are one year ahead of us. Our 63rd anniversary is in just over a week.  Hard to believe!


Our UK temperatures have been in the low 80's, top 70's for the past few weeks with no signs of the wet stuff, think another 3 days then some " light showers " are due, there will no doubt be gardeners everywhere crying out for it for their flowers-plants..

Oh how i would love to witness a rocket-space shuttle going up into the sky " live, " although wondering if the timing could have been put on hold until after the C-Virus pandemic was all over with, as it is not fully understood ( its repercussions )...what with the two men leaving our earth then coming back into it earths atmosphere...My way of thinking is messing or playing around with our natural atmosphere is tempting fete..

...63 years married, now that is some achievement in today's society...


I have the Dragon feed up on Space.com just now. Docking with ISS is 10:30am EST (14:30 GMT). https://www.space.com/ The Dragon crew just a few minutes ago gave a little tour of the inside of the Dragon. While packed full of stuff it still looked a little roomy.


... another piece of history in the making...I am now watching it ( the docking ) from the comfort of my computer office here in UK...Edited: time now in UK has just turned 2.pm...


A late good morning to Every Bait and Tackler looking in this morning.  I slept late due to watching TV late last night.  It was pretty funny with lots of celebrities making jokes and having a grand time poking fun at the others who were there.

I enjoyed the program although some of it was pretty stupid, but it was also funny.  I am late for my morning walk so will get going now. 

Have a nice day, Every One!


MarsGal - Thanks for the two links to the Dragon crew, and all that's going on.  Such a pleasure to look at Good News, and to  witness success!

Joy - I enjoy waterfront dining also. There is nothing nicer, than having a meal, while looking out at the beach, the boats, the surfers and the vast ocean.  We often drive the 16 miles over the hill to Santa Cruz, to have dinner at one of the many restaurants on the Wharf.  Fresh fish caught every day, so meals were always delicious and varied according to the season.

Beverly - our restaurants here and also in Santa Cruz, are still closed, except for curbside pickup.  Many of the smaller ones have closed for good, which is too bad.  I wonder if things will ever be back to what we think of as normal.  Being able to go anywhere to shop or eat a meal, or walk in the park, without worrying about a mask, or social distancing?  I think we are still a long way from normal, but looks like Florida has opened up, and is doing quite well?

Jean - I also have low potassium levels, and try to eat foods that have high levels.  My favorite splurge is the Odwalla smoothy drink, Mango Tango.  About 500 mg's, in eight ounces, and it's delicious!

Sue - Good morning to you too.  Please tell us the name of the funny TV show that you enjoyed last night?  It must have been, "Saturday Night Live"?  We used to watch it years ago, but haven't seem it lately.  It used to be very funny, and I'm sure it still is.


Good Afternoon,

I watched my church's service on a Facebook Live video and then did a You Tube search for the space station docking.  Got in on a C-Span live showing of the last few minutes of preparation on both the shuttle and the station - and then saw the astronauts come through the opening and the following ceremony.  Awesome - and such a nice change from all the negative news.

Jean and Marilyne,  I'll share some of my potassium with you!  After eating bananas and other high potassium foods 'like we're supposed to", mine was way over the top. Finally got it back down to normal levels and have kept it that way by seldom eating those things and then, in limited servings.

In fact, I can eat very few of the "supposed to" foods.  After a colonoscopy showed two diverticula, I was told "figure out what bothers you - and don't eat it".  First thing I discovered was.......Raw Vegetables!!!!!  Sure puts me out of step with my friends as I'm ordering a sandwich while they're eating a plate full of lettuce and/or other "crisp cooked" veggies, etc.

Spent a lovely evening on my patio yesterday reading an actual in-print magazine and watching birds at the feeder and a rabbit that comes almost every evening to nibble at the birdseed that's fallen and sprouted.  My next door neighbor saw me when she came out to water her flowers and came over for a nice chat.

Looks as if this evening could be more of the same. Only other thing that might be added is a :swing: .


Today feels like a hot summer day.  Think I'll just stay in the house where it is nice and cool.

Marilyne, that smoothy sounds delicious.  I think the Whole Foods Market in Destin sells them.  I'll check it out when I get over that way.  They are very close to the Lowe's store where we buy our flowers, tools, etc.

Callie, when I was growing up we had a swing on our front porch, and I spent a lot of time swinging.  Then in Maryland we wore out one of those glider swings.  Something to think about. :thumbup:

Joy, I hope normal life begins while we seniors are still able to enjoy it.  Eating out occasionally is one of the few things we can still do.  The first meal I enjoy will include crab cakes.

Marsgal, have you seen any ships lately?  I did check the Duluth list the other night but none coming in at a good time for me.

Hope everyone is having a great day.  The ship docking was good news but that is the only good news.  So much sadness and desperation.