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June 11, 2024, 12:31:26 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


Sorry I can't seem to keep up with everything lately but working on it, health problems everywhere and stressful times made worse with this virus. Even poor Tom-Kat jumped up with a horrified look on his face just now. He had his breakfast and wanted back outside. I'm sitting right by the wide open door with screen closed. I heard the roll of thunder that scared Tom, he is terrified of storms and wants right by my side. It warms my heart to be able to comfort someone or something else. Not a leaf moving so better check radar to see if we have a storm brewing.

Jean, I'm so sorry to read about Jason but know sometime we do need to give in and my experience with Hosopice during Cas' mother final illness was those working with that organization were certainly angels.  The ones that took care of her knew exactly what each of the family needed, especially their patient. One of the nurses admitted to me that this choice of "jobs" does drain them and she needed time off now and then, to pull herself back together. My thoughts and prayers continue but am relieved that the family will have the best of care for as long as needed. I will always have a tad of hope since my friend from high school days was given 6 months to live over 3 years ago and doesn't seem to be any worse today. Nobody knows when our time comes but now they will be rewarded with the best possible care and attention for all. I'm sure you are with them in spirit, but be comforted to know what good people will be helping.

Wishing each of you a peaceful day with hopes of smiles and some happy moments. Find something special, even if it only lasts a few moments. I'm going to buy a box of Twinkies and Ding Dongs today, doesn't take much to make me smile, think 8 in one & 10 in the other so one a day gives me at least a week of happy thoughts. Shirley


Good morning to all the Bait and Tacklers

Hope all are doing well.   

Shirley, I like your way of thinking.  I am making myself a chocolate cream pie and even have some Cool Whip to top it with.  LOL




Jean -  Prayers continue for Jason, and for all those who love him, and are with him at this time.  As you said, so many bad and shocking things happening in the world. I wonder where it's all leading, and what it will be like a year from now?

Jenny -  Good to read your post, and see the upbeat message from Michele, that she is continuing on with her treatment, no matter how difficult it will be.  I love her upbeat hashtags . . .  especially, ##kickingrectalcancersass!    I remember seeing that when she posted it on your Facebook page.   I can see that Chadwick Boseman, would be an inspirational role model for her, and for all others who are fighting this dreadful disease.

Shirley - enjoy your Twinkies and Ding-Dongs!   I'm a big fan of Entennmann's goodies, like the Softies Donuts, and Lemon Kisses.  I seem to have very little appetite in recent months, and even those old standbys don't tempt me anymore.  I'm not getting near a scale, but afraid I've lost a lot of weight.

Hello to Joy, Jackie, JeanneP, MarsGal, Sandy, Callie and Patricia.   I hope we hear from Beverly today, as well as others who haven't posted in a long time.


I am just going to turn the computers off. My Comcast gone crazy.
 Keeps clicking on and off every few minutes. TV was doing the same last night.
Now here is another darn Robo Call on my Home line. that things rings all the time. I just let the machine stay on.
Now here in Illinois they have extended again the driving Licence renew and the Lic. plate sticker until Nov. 4. Mine ran out in April. They keep extending every 2 month. I am just not even bothering about it. Got good insurance. this year it is time to do the road test. I not letting anyone in my car. Put 150 miles on since April. Sorry I bought the new car now. Everything I need to do is withing a 4 mile radious and no need to go out of town as no visiting and my best friend in Nursing home so can't go there.


Good Afternoon,

Plan du Jour was to have a "leisurely" day.  So far the only leisurely thing I've done is sleep in.

Phone ringing, yard crew mowing/trimming/trash truck rumbling, HOA skylight inspector clomping around on roof, etc. etc. etc.

I am SO ready for a change of scenery, a change of food and a change of subjects.  Don't think any of them are likely to happen any time soon.

...and now I'll go sit in the corner until I can stop being grumpy.  (That may not happen any time soon, either)

Would send everyone a hug but have to make-do with an elbow bump.  >:(  :tickedoff:  :buck2:


Good Afternoon Everyone,
from the sunny and warm rocky
coast of Maine... 

I had my day out this morning,
for blood work and picking up
grocery's at the store that
takes my order on line and brings
it out to the car.   

I have had good luck doing this,
and either Kelly, or Kelly and I
pick it up after my errands are

We drove by the big park here
in the middle of Portland,  and there
are hundreds of people who are
sleeping on the ground there ..
(Living in the park) ...  Our
homeless people are in big
trouble because soon weather will
be too bad.... rain, snow, wind etc
and they have no place to live.   

It is tragic that here in the
good ole USA,  Covid is making it
almost impossible for the homeless
to find shelter from the elements
or care for the infirm and ill.   

This should not be happening  here in a
country.  We are not a poor nation or
a third world nation...   but our
government has forsaken us.  (IMHO) ... 

Hopefully the future will be
brighter ....  and change is
right around the corner... 

Peace to all
love Sandy 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Whoops.. look like I scared
everyone off..   Sorry .   I didn't mean to
do that...  So come back everyone and
I will try to be nice. 

Nice cooler day here on the
rocky coast of Maine.   It is already
Sept 3rd ... so I suspect cooler days
ahead ..   

I am happy with that.. 

Hope everyone is happy and well 

love Sandy
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


I like the way Einstein contemplated!!!!
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Sharing my post from what I put in the Soda Shoppe. 

I am not logged in as I am sitting in my car at Grandson Matt's Tennis Match playoffs.  Right now he is not playing so I will sit here until his match starts. 

We got up this morning to find the contract that we have been waiting for days for to arrive.  Shock of all shocks🤪 No one will ever believe the fiasco this has all been....the two brokers had to get together and two more agents on their side were assigned to our offer and finally it happened.  We had pretty much said we were done with them, but after looking at everything else available we felt this place is the best for us, so onward and upward😘😘 because of Covid, no one was allowed in to see this home until a signed contract was in hand, so tomorrow our agent will and view the home for us on FaceTime and we can actually see anything we want to look at close.  Of course there are wonderful pictures on the web site and in addition we owned this exact floor plan 16 years ago so we are very familiar with it.
My childhood friend owns a place very near to this home and she has offered for us to stay at her home when we go down to see it next week.  They winter down there and are in Wyoming now and not using it.  This way we will not have to stay at my Dads place as we are a bit concerned about staying in close contact with them due to the virus.  We will see him as much as possible of course.  I have to admit I am getting super excited now about this new event in our lives. 

Michele had chemo yesterday and today she said she feels like a Mack truck took her,out, but it is way better than before when she could not function the few following days after.  She is thankful for this and so are we😘

I did not get this posted earlier as I was not online.  We got home to find a call telling that one of my male cousins passed away this afternoon...by the time I called other family members, including my dad, and got some dinner fixed I just got back to this and I am shot....so will post and get back to the later posts today later.

Mark just called and he is 100 miles from home....it is dark and he is so tired, but he will be there soon.....he said the Grape Vine was awful with all the glare from other vehicles and so many trucks to deal with.
 Edit: Mark flew out of Ontario CA to Sacramento this morning....he picked up a rental truck and drove to a storage place to pick up their worldly possessions and then headed South for their new home....

Sweet dreams to ALL,

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Bubble - Israeli Fire Fighters, arrived today. to help with the wildfires here!   We appreciate their help so much, and will be much needed in the next couple of days . . .  when the temps go up above 100 degrees, and the dry winds start blowing from the East. 

Jenny - Sounds like your new house is in Arizona?   You didn't say where, but if its near your Dad, it must be in AZ?  He will be so happy to have you close, and also will be an easier drive for Mark and family, to visit!  I'm glad that everything worked out for you and Bob.


Bubbles, computer died and she will be back on line as soon as it can be fixed.
Of course it couldn't die during the week ,it had to be a weekend!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Mine here in Illinois bad also. No internet or gmail on desktop. Butgetsome on my iPad. Slow though . Iquit for the day.


A super good afternoon to ALL 💐

So sad to hear BUBBLE is having computer problems😩

We are packing up to head to Arizona tomorrow.  We did not plan to go until Tuesday, but with the holiday Monday and a storm that is coming to Colorado on Tuesday with the word "snow" in it, we thought it best to just get moving.  Also, my dad is not sounding that good either so I want to get down there ASAP!

We just broke another record temperature here again today...101* This will go down as the longest streak of temperatures in the 90's ever.  There are breaking high temperatures all over the SW this weekend.  The high today in Palm Desert was 122*....

MARILYNE, yes the condo we are looking at is in Sun City West Arizona.  My Dad is in Sun City which is less than a 5 mile drive away.  We FaceTimed with Jonah and his daddy a bit ago and they seem to be settling in well, but staying inside to keep cool as it is record breaking temperatures there as well this entire weekend. 

I hope the day is going well for all of you.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


...as the well-known expression goes...you and Bob are " killing two birds with one stone.." You are going to check out your new " winter " only accommodation plus doing another check-up on your poorly father...
As i look out my front window and see the odd Sunday morning traffic ( dual carriageway ) on the opposite side of the road, still in front of my window, there is a sports ground - large playing field, which i notice a group of very young children with coach obviously learning to play tennis in the tennis court, and a tad further i see men playing cricket in their white gear, i can think of worse places to live...for that i feel blessed...I cant get across the dual carriageway road, no slopes for crossing in a mobility scooter plus the entrance is somewhere else, but i dont think it is open for the public to go to watch, maybe just members as i dont see any spectators.....


Site is acting flaky this morning. Not only is it taking me back to the first page of the forum when I post a reply, now I see that "logout" has disappeared. Odd, very odd.

Not much to report other than I got stung, three times, by a wasp on Sat. morning. Two of the spots, are clearing up, but the first one, on my arm, is still a big red blotch. At least most of the swelling is gone down. This morning it seems a little itchy. I tried going over to the fast/urgent care place nearby on Saturday, but they and the next closest are both closed "temporarily". I haven't been stung by a bee or wasp since I was a child.

On my agenda for today mowing the front yard. That is pretty much it.

Hope everyone has a good day today. I expect Shan will be in hiding this evening if anyone shoots of fireworks. There were some bangers nearby last night so he was in hiding for a while.


Been a busy morning...my phone has been busy what with charity shop collection returning phone call, which they aren't going to be collected from my home,  to yet another GP doctor phoning regards to recent vampire blood sample taken, informing me my kidneys are fine but my heart maybe at risk due to cholesterol, wanting me to go on statins, i declined a definite NO to not taking them...Then same time 9.am, my friends recommendation and new to me home visiting hairdresser turned up right on time, 9.am...Then a tad later when i was on the phone to charity Age UK, my once a week neighbour was ringing my doorbell for money for ordering my kebab for Friday, she comes around and takes orders which includes fish and chips...Just had another knock from female manager who has offered to relieve me of some items that were cluttering my hallway as it was making my life harder trying to get past with my rollator or mobility scooter, so thankfully at last it has given me more room, she has done me a favour, of which i thanked her...
Edited, because 3 seater sofa that my Richard died with his head near the corner that is going through a guarantee claim is propped up in my bedroom floor to ceiling and not safe for me, i was on the phone to speed the technician who is coming to inspect it although they have photo and death certificate, he has just this minute phoned and is coming in 2 days time, Wednesday...told already they WILL be paying out...

...hope your yesterdays trip paid off and your new accommodation is as expected to be...


Just had a surprise flying visit from my 31 year old grandson and his boy, my great grandson who is soon to be five, this is the first time we have met each other...
....Strange hugging grandson as he is so tall, not so strange giving a hug to great grandson, although not so easy trying to tell him who i am...although dad had done his bit before arrival in letting him know who i am without complicating things to a young child....
Dad said he understands grandma but not great grandma...I could only tell him i am one of your grandmas - moms, without mentioning names...


Marilyne, have just been looking at the Weather Channel at that wildfire.  My son called and said the temps are terrible in the area of Calif. where he is.  We haven't had any unusual weather here yet.  I'm just hoping and praying as I do every year that we aren't hit by a hurricane.

Jackie, it sounds as though you are more satisfied since you moved.  I'm so glad you had a visit from your grandson and great grandson.

Jenny, I know that you will be glad to get all settled for the winter and be near your Dad if he needs your help.

 Things are quiet here and not much to write about.  I hope everyone is having a good day.


Marilyne hasn't been on the site or posted since the evening of the fourth. We usually email at least once during the week, and I'm a bit concerned. I know they rescinded one evacuation order, but she said they might put in a new order.

I hope she's fine or in a shelter. If anyone hears from her, please let us know, okay?


...for once, today things have been falling into place..


Hello Everyone!  Patricia - Thanks for thinking about me.  :)  I've looked in here a number of times, but didn't post.  We are supposed to keep all major appliances, and computers turned off, (except the fridge and AC), to conserve energy during this unprecedented heat wave.  Rolling blackouts are happening in some areas of N. California, but none here so far.  I don't want to even think about it, if we should lose our AC.  If that happens, AJ and I will probably have to go down to the basement, and just wait it out, with only our cell phones for information.  We're lucky to have a basement.  Most houses in CA don't have them.

Right now, my thermometer say 106 degrees outside, which is the same as the online Weather Underground says for our town.  Supposed to rise to 109 by 4:30 pm.  :yikes:  The humidity here is only 16%.  Easy to see why fires start so easily, and are so hard to put out - between the heat, and the low humidity.  They are still burning everywhere, and the red smoky air, is adding insult to injury. Breathing is difficult.

I don't know how the firefighters can do it in this weather, but somehow they can and they do!  :thumbup:  They are dressed in heavy fireproof clothing, and wear helmets with some sort of shield for their face, ears, etc.  We are so grateful for them, and thankful to all the firefighting teams from other States and Countries as well.  Firefighters are the true heroes, at this moment in time! 

I'll turn off the computer now, and hope to return later or tomorrow, with some good news.   


Marilyne - Everyfriend..
..sad to say but, at some times members dont or wont post ( including myself ) if we feel we have nothing of value to mention, to add...Of course this raises concerns when members haven't heard from someone, especially if they are a daily-regular poster, who suddenly has stopped posting for a few days...

We need to remember that members are awaiting a post whether good news or bad news, our life cant or wont be good all of the time, even if that is the way we want it to go..well this is a lesson i have learnt...we all care about each other on S & F's, we have become a special family...

Happy and relieved to see yesterdays posting from you..


Well now been 17 hours and no posters since my early morning post of 6.30 am, UK, time now 11.15 pm, my time for bed...Just wanted to pop in and check that all N's B & T regular posters are ok..


Has anyone heard from Marilyne?  The evening news showed the wildfires way, way up the Northern California coast.  I'm scared to death for her and AJ.  These fires are simply horrendous, more starting than being put out.  Firefighters exhausted.
No homes appearing to be saved. If anyone has heard, please post here to let me know.


Thanks AngelFace, but I had seen that message.  Today's news report was showing major fires way North in Cal.  That's why I wondered about Marilyne.  I know she is keeping electric stuff turned off.


I am back! Computer is repaired and running smoothly. It was the motherboard that died, probably from the dust accumulating in too much humidity. We had between 70 to 80% humidity the last two months.
I really felt how addicted I was, when I couldn't get here all these days!

Health-wise. I still feel weak, but hope that when the weather will freshen up I'll get more energy. These 30+C temperatures are wearing me out.

I hope you did not miss me  ;) and thanks Amy for advising I  would be missing.

I hope Marilyne is OK. These fires are fierce and...  I just wish she and friends are safe and no loss of life.  :( 


... oh how i sympathise with you, computer troubles, the bane of our life..an issue we could do without it...

Sending thoughts to strengthen your body..



I think everything is working now after resetting some of my settings.

Glad you are back Bubble.

Lucky me! I got stung by a wasp on Saturday. The spot is still a bit raised, still red, and now itches like blazes.

Oddly, nobody set of firecrackers or bangers on Monday night. There were a few, very few and brief, over the weekend. It has been a quiet week so far.