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June 03, 2024, 03:26:05 PM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

Previous topic - Next topic



H A P P Y  🎃  H A L L O W E E N
👻 👀  TO ALL OUR  F R I E N D  👀 👻

Beautiful day here.....we are headed to Dave and Michele's for dinner.  Michele always makes her SPECIAL Mac and Cheese 🧀 and boy is it delicious.  We will sit out side and watch all the Trick or Treaters come buy and pick up their BIG candy bars off of a table that will be distanced from us as we wear our masks and enjoy the kiddos🎃 Not sure exactly how many to expect but the word on the street is it will HALLOWEEN as normal👻. We shall see.  We  NEVER have had little ones come, so that is why we go to Dave's House.

Enjoy your evening. Don't forget to turn back your clocks tonight😩. If I had my choice I would NOT do it!  I do not like for it to be dark at 4:30!

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


...our UK clocks went back last weekend, you are finally catching up with us... :)


I was happy to see a message from Shirley, on Soda Shoppe, this morning.  Sounds like she's doing well. I wish her the very best!

Jenny - We forgot about the time change last night, so it wasn't until this morning when I sat down at the computer, that I saw the time!   It was 6:30, instead of 7:30, and I was already on my second cup of coffee!  It's going to be a l-o-n-g day!  ::)    I'm sure you had fun at Michele and Dave's last night, celebrating Halloween with the family.   Did many children come by for treats?   California is still in the mostly "lock down" mode, so trick-or-treating, was discouraged here by the Health Department.  We live on a cul-de-sac, and I could see that all the houses here had their porch lights turned off, and we did too.  I saw that there were mixed opinions on my Next Door, but that most people here in town were in agreement.  :(   :'(

MarsGal - Poor Oscar!  I hope he's back to normal, and will be able to eat okay, without those two teeth?  Soft food will be okay, but probably no kibble for a long time!  Today I'm going to watch as few boats coming and going at the Duluth Canal.  That's my favorite, because I love to see the crowds gathering, and all the noise and excitement!

Joy - I hope we hear from you today, that everything went well with your cataract surgery?   You probably aren't spending much computer time, but let us know that all is well.   :thumbup:


Good morning everyone! Today, like yesterday is a cold, minus thirteen blustery day with sleeting snow. Since I don't have to go anywhere until the middle of the week, I'll just keep the home fires burning from the couch and perhaps the laundry room.

I'm going to have to go about and change the clocks, those that don't reset automatically, sometime today, and collect my plants from above Farrah's reach and water and dose them for creepy crawlies.

I believe I'm covered for all of life's eventualities. I have an aloe plant, a money tree plant, and a shamrock plant.   🤔 🙂  Rounding those out is a lavender plant for scent and a golden pothos and a spider plant for color.

We had no trick or treaters last night as we've been under lockdown since mid-March and no children are allowed in this building during the lockdown. Actually, the only people coming in are essential workers. 


Hello, Baiters and Tacklers,

Just finished watching live video of church service.  Only 18, plus four musicians and 2 pastors physically there.

Football game watching was fun - more so for me because my Sooners won with a score of 61 - 20 but All My Children's OSU Cowboys lost - although not by such a big margin.

Son/dil brought chicken fingers, chips, dips, a sandwich tray and a fruit tray - all from grocery store deli.  I put out paper plates.  Easy serve - easy clean-up.  :thumbup:

Miss Emily and Sir Carson didn't stay long because they each had "social activities" last night.

I remembered to change non-automatic clocks and automatic ones "did their thing" so everything was on current time this morning. 

Off to finish reading paper and change the very few house decorations from Halloween to Thanksgiving.

Onward and Upward.


Good Sunday Morning !

I am so sorry to hear that Shirley has
tested positive for Corona!!! 
Oh Shirley... I hope that someone is
 checking up on you.  I will have to go
back and read your posts to get the
skinny on your condition. 


I woke up at 8:30 this AM and turned all
my clocks back one hour,  then I went
and layed down and slept until 11:00...

It is an over cast day here on the rocky coast..
weather is cool so more layers are needed
when I go outside.  I don't usually go
out when there is snow or ice on the ground
unless Kelly is out side waiting for me ..

Nobody want Gramma to fall down and break
something, including Gramma !! 

I am holding my breath until after
election day on TUESDAY.. I have already
voted and hope for new beginnings after
the election is over. 

(------------)    I have removed what I said that may
have offended some people.   
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Sorry to hear Shirley has Covid. I'm in my second week of quarantine after being exposed to someone who later tested positive.  I'm fine, though our numbers here in Iowa are at record highs...both no. of cases and hospitalizations.  Our Governor, who used to give daily news conferences about the virus has been mysteriously missing for weeks...saying she's not planning any actions. 

In a small town in rural Iowa with no family nearby and my husband gone over a year now, I find the ordering online and contactless pickup at WalMart is a blessing. We only have one other grocery store and it doesn't offer this and the aisles are much closer together and whole store much smaller.   I suspect I'll use WalMart a lot more this winter with snow, cold and ice here. As Sandy said, I sure don't want to fall outside either.

Stay safe and healthy,



Marilyne,  I have not had the surgery yet.  I don't see the surgeon until the 9th of Nov. and then will probably set up a date for the surgey,  I am even thinking about waiting until after the first of the year.  With the holidays coming, not sure what my plans will be for then.  Have to discuss it with the doctor.

I missed the posting from Shirley telling us that she tested positive for the virus.   I saw a mention of it over in the Soda Shoppe, but I hadn't seen anything there about her having it.  Sure hope she is doing ok. 

I just don't get in here everyday.  But, I am doing ok.  Just very bored and don't do much.  I take a lot of naps.  I did cook a pot roast with veggies on Friday and fixed two nice dinners for my 2 sons. They both stopped today to pick them up.  One son is divorced and lives alone,  and the other son's wife is a vegetarian, so she doesn't fix anything with meat in it, so he is always glad to receive a good dinner.  I have enough for my supper, but not tonight.  I have had it for 2 nights and I want something different tonight.  Not sure what it will be.

I did go back and read most of the posts, but don't really have anything else to add.  Sounds like everyone is "hanging in there".  I will be glad when the election is over and don't have to listen to all the back and forth arguments.  Very unsettling time for our country. 

Have a good Sunday evening.  I will probably watch one of the Hallmark movies.  I know it is early for Christmas movies, but I like them.  Some are a lot better than others, and I do have some favorites.  A new one for 2020 on the Hallmark Movies and Mystery channel.

Stay well !!



MarsGal, sorry I missed this.
Amy, did I miss something with your hand? I had surgery on my hand but all is well. Stitches come out on the 10th and I am good to go....I hope.

Jenny, your snow blew this way ....we have high winds this morning along with the snow. I am off to the dentist this morning so it will be an interesting drive.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone.  I'm back again to day "hello" to all those who have posted since I was here yesterday.  Things are about the same here.   The weather is typical for early November . . . warm and dry.  Yesterday it was 82 degrees here, and supposed to be about he same all week, except for some cool down by Friday.  No rain in sight, unfortunately.  Now almost seven months since we've seen anything measurable. 

Joy- Looks like I was way off, as to your upcoming cataract surgery.  ::)   For some reason I thought it was set for last week.  That will teach me to scroll back and read the posts  before I write anything.  Probably a good idea to wait until after the holidays, as you may need some help with the tight schedule of eye drops.  Hoping the ugly Covid, will have settled down a little by then, so you can have someone to help you?

Amy - glad your hand is healing well, and you're able to do more and more each day.  If you still have stitches to contend with, I can imagine that it's hard to drive.  I remember doing all the driving, the last time AJ had hand surgery, even though he had no stitches. He was unable to grip the steering wheel, or anything else.  So the same thing coming up here again soon.

Jane - good to see you posting here!  Sorry you were exposed to Covid, but being as you're in week #2, you are probably safe.  I've heard that three days to a week, is the most common incubation period for this virus.  Still, waiting two full weeks is the recommended time here too.   Our Governor used to give daily reports also, but now has turned it over to the head of the Health Departments in each county.  The HD head doctor here in my county is very cautious, and has never allowed things to fully open here. Restaurants still have only outdoor seating, and no libraries, theaters, churches, sports events, or anything that requires being inside with others.

Sandy - good to see you checkin in!   We will all be so relieved when the election is finally over, no matter which party we favor.  It's been a long and miserable year, in so many respects.  Covid tops the list of stress producers, followed by the election, then all of the serious weather events, that just keep coming - Hurricanes, tornados, and wildfires!  Everyone is so used to unpleasant natural disasters, that here is California, we expect an earthquake to arrive at any time!  :o   Just kidding, as unfortunately, (or fortunately) we don't get a warning on those.

Callie - something wrong with our Comcast DVR, so AJ couldn't record his usual string of college football games, on Saturday!  So he missed his three of his favorites - LSU, Oregon State U, and Stanford.    Good to see that your Sooners won!  :thumbup:

Patricia - So hard to relate to your minus 13, weather!  I've never been in weather that got any colder than 20, so I can't imagine what it would be like, if you had to go outside for any reason.
I forgot to tell you that a friend of mine is in Fairbanks right now.  She is there to take care of her mother, who is in the final stages of Alzheimer's, and is in a nursing facility somewhere in town?  My friends sister lives in Fairbanks, so she will be staying with her.  She is probably not happy with that weather, but will probably adjust OK, as she used to live there in many years past.


Good morning and it's minus 22 right now but expected to warm up again beginning Thursday. Marilyn, you would not enjoy it weatherwise right now but we are having many of the other issues per climate change as you and the rest of the continent. We have volcanos, earthquakes, fires, and extreme weather along with miles upon miles of rugged wilderness, with those dangers. We don't have the severe cold that the Dakotas and Minnesota have due to their wet climates versus our dry climate.

You are right about the stressors. We were doing pretty well with low numbers of the disease until July when they attempted to cautiously reopen. That did not go well and we've had forty deaths out of 89 since that time. At first, it was the non-residents who came to work in the oil or fisheries, and now its community spread. And just since mid-October our statewide new cases are increasing by another hundred per day!

 And the majority of cases by age level is dropping with 39 and younger now with the highest number. Add to that a record-breaking rainy summer and low crop yields with the rain and you have stress. We have been in a complete lockdown in this building since mid-March, everything closed and no one wandering the halls except for smokers headed out for their fix.

There are three senior homes in the city as well as a number of private homes that take in elderly patients some with Alzheimer's. We had a Korean woman here for about a year until her relatives were notified she had to move. These are apartments for the disabled and on the first floor, there are seven studios for older adults with mental issues. She had one of those but the tenants have to be able to care for themselves independently as well as use the stove and other appliances on their own. We had some bedridden tenants but they were cognizant and had CNAs.

I remember back in the late nineties until she died in 2000, my mother with Alzheimer's stayed in the Pioneer's Home, and at that time, we paid $5000,00 monthly as she was in a semicoma.


A Way with Words

James Nicoll, a book reviewer, once said:

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.


HELLO TO ALL from a beautiful sunshiny day in the Mile High City!

We are to enjoy another week of beautiful weather before the next storm is to arrive.  Our last snow helped the firefighters immensely and we are all so very great full🙏  The videos on TV of the burned out homes is so sad to see.  Many of us are feeling the burden of the pandemic and the political times right now but if we just take a moment to think about the folks that have lost their lives/livelihood in fires and storm damage, we should all count our blessings and pray for all🙏

MARILYNE, I had to chuckle at you forgetting about "falling back" on Saturday Night!  Guess there is no need to worry about it as it is not like you are able to go anywhere anyway....so you couldn't be late😘. We did have a very enjoyable time with the family Saturday Night.  We were shocked at the amount of kiddos out trick or treating.  Michele had 90 full sized candy bars that were sitting out on a decorated table at the front steps to the house, and it was Bob's job to keep the table filled.  We ran out and he had to apologize to a few more that came by that we ran out.  We honestly did not expect that many.  Our kids just went to a few friends homes to social distance and say hello.  Dave and Michele and the kids rode around in their decorated golf cart and enjoyed things from a distance.  It was a beautiful night.....cool but not cold and of course that HUGE BLUE MOON lit the night up very well.

Tomorrow is our granddaughter's 11th Birthday.  Not sure how she got to 11 already.....seems like just yesterday we were welcoming her into our family.  My life long friend is a accomplished artist and painted a picture of Kate dancing and I bought it to give to Kate for her Bday.  Patti, my friend had it framed for me and it is beautiful.  I hope Kate will love it as much as I do❣️

I have a ton to get done today so best get a move on.
Have a good rest of your day.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


(------------)    I have removed what I said that may
have offended some people.   And
I apologize for doing so. 

Have a good night EVERYONE, and
Sweet dreams.. 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan




Good Night to you too !
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Patricia, I love that. I guess I am not the only one whose nose gets stuck to the computer screen or in a book. It is a wonder I get anything else done sometimes.

A little later this morning I am off to do my voting thing. Yesterday I had planned on raking leaves again, but never got the chance. I woke to lots of wind which managed to blow it all away. Maybe I can con myself into mowing the front yard just one more time later this week when it gets up over 60o for several days, or so the weather forecast says.


Jenny - Interesting that you had so many trick-or-treaters!  It was a non event here in this part of California.  Probably was celebrated in smaller towns and communities, where it isn't so congested?   I think it was overshadowed by the Pandemic and the election this year?   
Happy 11th Birthday, to Kate!  Eleven is a good year for girls.  The last of childhood, before the "terrible teens" set in!  ha ha    I remember my year between eleven and twelve, and it was a happy one.  We had a lot of freedom in those years.  I recall lots of fun times with my girl friends and neighborhood kids.

Patricia - Thanks for the cartoon.  I am also one who spends way too much time on the computer.  By the end of the day, my eyes are burning, and both hands are cramped and sore.  Being stuck at home for the past six months, it's hard to get away and disengage from all the drama in today's world!

MarsGal - I did spend some time on the ship webcams yesterday, but didn't see much of anything.  My favorites are the Duluth Canal, and Marine City, but both were quiet yesterday.  I remember that Mary Ann, seemed to find something going on at "The Soo", on most days.  When I check it out, it's always quiet there.

Time to clean up the kitchen, then take a shower and get ready to face the day.  This should be an exciting one, to say the least!  Stay calm!  :calm:


Good morning from an unseasonally cold Interior at minus twenty-six! It was minus twenty-two, but we've gotten colder. I dread going out today, but needs must, and unfortunately, none of what I need will be right outside my door! We're supposed to begin warming up again on Thursday, and I can only hope that the current weather will be an anomaly this winter.

Bubble, that is good news, especially as immunities don't seem to last, and some are getting reinfected. I've read that they don't expect to get a handle on the virus and new normality until 2024. What that new normality will be, who knows. Remember that ancient curse that states, "May you live in interesting times?" I'd like to know what we did!

I, too, wait to hear each day from Shirley and hope this will be a mild case for her.

I saw a YouTube video last night that made me very sorry for the cat. There it was trying to sleep, and an African Gray parrot was hassling it, pulling out hairs and poking the cat with its leg. The final straw was when the parrot got very close and peered right into the cat's eye. I knew just how that cat felt!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOpS4qGILyY 

Since this building is on lockdown and my friends have also been isolating, my cell, my Kindle, and my computer have kept me sane!  I read at least one or more books daily and spend my mornings on the computer. My friends and I spend some time each morning calling around our little circle, checking in on everyone. I don't see any of that changing with this winter.

Farrah has been a  blessing and good company as we navigate through the days. At eight years old, she's like me in that her needs are small.

I start each morning with a jigsaw or other game and then read from here and various sites before going to YouTube. Afterward, shutting down and picking up my Kindle. With a few chores and necessities thrown in, that's my day, every day. When this ends, I'm not going to know how to interact face to face.


Marilyne have you checked out Hollyhock's Facebook Page? They have a bunch of videos starting from Portland, ME. They taped someone's cellphone to the window and let the video run for hours at a time. So we get to see them go through some canals and locks I didn't even know existed. There is audio too. https://www.facebook.com/USCGCHOLLYHOCK Since each video is lenghty, I've just been skipping around a bit.


I am watching Hollyhock in the St. Lambert lock. As they were getting close to tie down, an alarm went off and I heard an all ships MayDay call. I couldn't here it all, but it sounded like someone went into the drink and needed fished out. Also, got a verbal on who the guy with the backpack is; he is a Harbor Pilot. He'll be there for a little bit then he will leave and a Seaway Pilot will come on board. Lovely to see and hear the action from onboard the ship. I have to stop soon because I am not getting anything done, and dishes need washed.


Well this is interesting. Did you know that some locks, like this one at St. Lambert, use big suction cups to hold the ships instead of lines while the lock is filling?


Those have to be some huge suction cups!


"Good Afternoon everyone!" She said, echoing down the large empty room. I'm back from all my appointments and have good news and bad. Depending on the area of town I was in, the temperature ranged from minus 26 to minus seventeen to minus twenty-two and then thirty below. Going west or north is always colder than the other two directions due to the rivers, ponds, and creeks. Thursday is supposed to be one degree for both highs and lows and Friday is six to eight inches of snow. Such is life in the Arctic.

I visited the doctor's nurse and we agreed to get it over with and I'll be starting my trial of limited foods on the fifteenth and finishing on the fifteenth of December. We already know about canned goods, chocolate, and raisins. They're pretty sure of what food caused my latest blip. Would you believe bananas? Evidently, the food has a protein that irritates some lactose-intolerant people and I had previously purchased a large bunch.

The dates of illness coincided with the bananas. They're going to be slowly reintroducing foods after the trial is over to see if I have any reactions. The nurse said one way to look at it is I will be very healthy on only fresh or frozen foods, coffee, and water and have better skin. Not a big or even mini deal in the scheme of things considering the 90,000 new COVID-19 cases reported on election day and Shirley's case.

At the store, all anyone could talk about was higher prices. Eggs, cheese, milk, and meat all were noticeably increased. A neat trick with so many people suffering or out of work. An organic bread I like had gone from 3.49 to 6.99! All the bread had gone up except for the store brand which was all 2.99. Hmmm. Fruit and meats were repriced as well.

When I returned home, there were maintenance guys dressed in plastic with tanks on their back, spraying antiseptic on the walls and hallways. Not good, but people still in public areas without masks.


Hi all!

It is warming up into the 60s and 70s again for the next week. Maybe I will feel like doing a little yardwork. The front yard still needs mowed at least. No, I haven't done that yet.

CG Hollyhock has been making a beeline across Lake Erie and is expected to arrive back home at Port Huron tomorrow evening around 7pm local.

I haven't decided what to do about Thanksgiving yet.


Good Morning Everyone. 
Nice day to get out and take
a walk while the sun is shinning
her..  Good weather should be
with us for a few more days..  Yahoo!!

Our family is not getting together
for the holidays this year...
The Covid Curse  is still keeping
us apart....   

Pray for a Cure or a working
Vaccine to protect us. 

I sure hope that Shirley is
doing better. 

Have a good day EVERYONE. 
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good morning MarsGal, it looks like you're keeping busy on those lakes and ships! I spend most afternoons on Youtube, and I have several cams around the world I keep track of.

I wonder how Jenny and Marilyne are doing? I haven't heard from Johann in months; I wonder if she and Windell are okay?

Hi Sandy! I don't have any plans either, and this six months lockdown and now cold weather are keeping everyone indoors! My friends and I have started a daily morning call around to keep everyone staying sane and safe! Even the few friends I have in this building are calling instead of visiting, which is wise, But how I miss everyone and getting together!


Good Morning from yet another sunny and warm day in Central Oklahoma.

Sandy and Patricia, unless I instigate the communication, I don't have any contact at all with neighbors and friends.  :(  I do get occasional "courtesy" calls from church and calling committee for a women's org. I belong to. However, I really don't like being anybody's "Christian Duty" so am not as grateful for those as I probably should be.

Family is still coming since I don't have any young ones.  Sons usually get together with the in-laws (very large family in one case) for Thanksgiving and I don't always join either group.  Probably won't this year, either.

I remember the days when I thought I'd like to be a hermit but, now that mobility issues and the  :tickedoff: restrictions are limiting activity, I'm beginning to think it's happening - whether I want it or not  :( .

(Yes, thank you, I will have some cheese with my "whine".  ;) )

Onward and Upward.


Just stopping by to say "Hello".   I have been having some "down" days and blaming it on all the mess that is going on.  Just don't feel like doing anything.  I have been sleeping good  so that is a plus.  But, I still am so sleepy during the day.  Spending a lot of time in my recliner and reading until I doze off. I know I should stop watching the TV, but it just keeps "calling me">  It is very depressing what all is going on.    I have heard different ways of trying to help with all that is going on, but  just doesn't seem to work.  I do do a lot of deep breathing and that does help.  But, I feel like most people are going through the same thing and eventually all will be back to normal.   Just wish it would be soon.  Just too much going on right now.  We will never forget the year 2020. 

Callie, I am starting to feel like a hermit also.  Don't hardly see anybody or talk to anybody. 

Please stay safe and try to have a good day.



Patricia - I thought I posted yesterday, but I see that I didn't?  I certainly was not busy with anything important . . . I guess I was just recovering from Election Day. 

Looks like everyone is keeping up with a social life, of sorts?  Nothing of the kind happening here.  We still see Brad & Jackie, (son & dil), every week or 10 days, but always outside on the deck.  Sandy doesn't come as often, but she was here this past weekend.  None of them will come into the house, for fear of infecting either AJ or me, or both.  Neither of us are afraid, but they don't want to be responsible.  Our oldest daughter lives too far away  (150 miles or so), to ever just drop in.  None of us are getting together for Thanksgiving, but not sure yet about Christmas?  Depends on lots of factors.

Joy - I know what you mean by "down days". It's lucky that you can sleep whenever you feel tired or just fed up.  I wish I could get a decent night's sleep, but I guess it's not to be, in this lifetime!   I finally did get some Melatonin, and took it as directed for three nights in a row.   Absolutely made no difference in my ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.   They say a good night's sleep is important for good health and longevity.   If that were true, I'd be long gone by now. :D  ::)

MarsGal - I did enjoy all my favorite cams the past couple of days.  I didn't see "Paul", but hope to catch him (her?) when he returns.

Beverly and Jenny - Hope we hear from both of you today?

Jean - I've been thinking about you, and hope that you and Larry, and your son and dil, are all doing okay?  I know you probably don't feel much like posting, but drop in here in B&T and say hello, whenever you're looking in.