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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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Quote from: angelface555 on April 10, 2016, 09:57:10 PM
Again, the reason Anderson Cooper was disinherited was because he asked his mother to do so. He felt that he had enough of his own and did not need hers as well. I'm sure he told his mother that he appreciated the thought however. And that may be one of the reasons they are close.

He spoke of this with David Letterman after he first came out.

I understand, but were I she, I would have refused.

Come the day the others go through their unearned fortune, they will probably go to Anderson for help. He, being a nice guy, will probably help them.

Ah, the problems of the very rich and their estates.

Mary Ann

Yesterday I went to Notepad to write something in regard to the Masters and when I tried to return here, I had a message that "Server could not be found".  I tried a couple of things with my router/modem that didn't work.  Tom was not home and I didn't think it was important enough to phone him, so I had to wait until this morning for him to use his magic fingers to get things working.  Of course, he could not use his computer either.  Much water has gone over the dam since I wrote the message so I'm going to forget it, except to say I have seen Danny Willet on the European tours and I knew he was good.  I felt bad for Spieth with the two balls in the water, then one in a bunker, but that's golf.

Mary Ann


Good Morning on another cloudy with more rain forecast day in the Interior. I was hoping the green would come faster, but who am I to nudge Mother Nature? She does what she does and is best left alone. The weather each day is warmer than the day before so I will take that as a gain.

Sarah has been interesting the last few days. Just now she pulled almost every toy out of the wooden bowl, sniffed or tugged each a couple of times and then took her selection off to play. Like a small child, she never returns the discarded toys to their place. She leaves that to me.

She now turns her nose up at the expensive little cans of cat food and wants dry. But if any remains the following day, she won't eat it. So I take her dish, rattle it around in the bag and replace it so she can eat the remainder happily.

When she was refusing the wet food, she would go and sit before the hall closet containing the bag of dry food. And she still brings me her empty dishes to fill if I am otherwise occupied. I think she feels I need a few nudges during the day but it is what it is so what are you going to do?

Nothing yet to do other than drink my coffee, make a small grocery list for what I forgot yesterday and leave a note for the building manager. I missed Tamra yesterday and we are going to attempt a lunch today before she leaves for work.


Hi Sandy
It could be Danny is the man for the future!


Mary Ann

Patricia, I wish Annie's cat (Kendrick) would be like Sarah.  I do feel sorry for him as he sleeps a lot but that is because he is bored.  I don't have the inclination to play with him as a younger person would do and I can't get down on the floor.  He jumps on my bed and I scratch him for a while, but my arm gets tired doing that.  I leave my hand on his body and he lies there for a while, then ups and leaves.  He'll come see me a couple times during the night.

We do have a ritual at night; I get his dish to refill it, then get a couple of "goodies" from a treat bag.  I put one piece on my knee and he knocks it off, then I put one on the other knee and he knocks that off.  Annie bought some salmon flavored treats and he likes those but Tom bought some of tuna and the cat isn't fond of them. 

The temperature here is just under 50 degrees, but the wind makes it seem cooler.  Tom and I are going to the store shortly but I won't have to wear a coat.

Kelly, I think Danny Willet will prove to be a great golfer.  I was familiar with him because of seeing some of the European tours and I was glad to see him here in the US.

Mary Ann


With luck and a good
winning record, Danny certainly could
be one of the Men of the future of Golf.   

There is just so many more to choose
from now.  Which makes golf today
so much more fun to watch.

My favorite is still Jason Day.   
They all have many years to thrive. 

(Tiger who??)
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Hi Mary Ann
Yes Danny has done well on the European our, so I hope to see him go from strength to strength.

What I would like to see is Lee Westwood win a Major, always there or thereabouts without winning a Major.



Hi Sandy
Yes Jason Day is a good player, but I still think that Rory Mcilroy will return to his top form and regain the top spot.



MaryAnn, speaking of cats, they are normally nocturnal but adapt often to their circumstances. They do sleep alot during the day which is normal.

If a cat doesn't have activities they can begin destructive habits either with their bodies or furniture and others around them. I have toys in a large wooden bowl plus a two story fabric cave with attached balls and feathers.

She can go from place to place on her own to play and these are inexpensive. They also have rings, usually in blue that have either a mouse or ball inside for the cat to attempt to retrieve. Unfortunately Sarah figured out a way to get hers out quickly.

She does like two toys, a chick and a grasshopper that makes squeaking sounds when batted about and occasionally some catnip but not often. Enjoying catnip is not always a cat's favorite and younger kittens also don't care for it.

Bottom line, if Kendrick is not used to toys, you may need to show him how to play. Some cats never learned. This keeps him, alert, happy and healthy.


Mary Ann

Patricia, I once gave Kendrick a ring from the bottle cap from a bottle of milk.  He was just a kitten at the time (he's nearly three now) and it was hilarious watching him bat it around.  I took a movie of his antics.  He does have a stick with a bird on a string that he plays with and I try to play with it too with him.  He has a tilted scratch pad that seems to be his favorite toy, but with no one around, he is hard pressed to play.  He's a beautiful cat, part Bengal.  He likes to go on the front stoop and I let him out when I go after the mail.  He doesn't go far, but today as I came back to the condo, I did not see him.  I found him investigating the bird bath behind the garage.  He doesn't always like to come in when I tell him and that will be harder as the weather improves.  In summer I will let him out on the deck that has a railing.  Tom says I shouldn't worry that he'll jump off the deck, but I don't trust him - if he sees a bird, duck or goose, he's likely to go after them and find he's jumping from on high.  I cannot chase him.  I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. 

Mary Ann


MaryAnn, one thing I've learned in my years with cats is that they have a very bad sense of direction. They can get lost or turned around easily.


Good morning everyone



Years ago, I had a Siamese who would run down the hall and jump up to hit the wall about a foot below the ceiling. One day took a flying leap off the back deck after a bird. I nearly had a heart attack. I should have known better. She it the ground running.


Hi everyone.  It is a gloomy and dark morning but a nice 64 degrees but headed up to 70 degrees this afternoon.  We have a 50% chance of showers at various times today following some showers during the night.  I have the whole day ahead of me with nothing on a planned schedule. 

Yesterday afternoon I used my new gardening tools, a nice size shovel and hand rake and got the 4 twenty-eight pound bags of planting soil in the big planters.  Then as I was putting my hand cart away in the garage I discovered there is something wrong with my garage door opener.  I finally got the door open but had to manually let it down.  I have printed out the manual and will look at it later today.  I did note it is guaranteed for 5 years but didn't see if that extended to labor costs.  We have decided to get a second tomato plants as the container is certainly large enough to support two to three plants.  We will get a different kind and compare the output after the season.  We also need to get the herbs and another nice flower for the ceramic flower vase that is on our back porch. 

Just this week we decided to use our dinette table that is in the sun room rather than our large dining room table to have our meals on.  We have this heavy duty steal cart on wheels that is great for putting the meal on to get to the table in one trip and for clearing the table.  This way we can enjoy our back yard as we eat as have windows all around.  We can no longer see our big family room TV but we can get the Dish Anywhere on our tablets and on my phone. I found a little picture frame holder that serves as a nice holder for the phone and now we can watch the news or another program while eating, which we have done for years.  So the dinette table is going to work very well for us. I have never liked dining at the dining room table over the years. Pat moved her 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle to the dining room table and this was actually what brought on the change for us. 

Patricia and Mary Ann, it sounds like Sarah and Kendrick are getting you each pretty well trained.  :)

Mary Ann

MarsGal, that's what I'm afraid of if this cat jumps off my deck.  I have a walkout condo and the deck is over the patio from the lower level.  I know if he does, he'll be very surprised. 

I slept until 7:30 this morning, something unheard of for me.  I slept hard because I never heard Tom come in.  I did wake up at 3:30 and made a trip to the bathroom, but went right back to sleep.

It looks as if we'll have a nice day today and by the end of the week we should be at 75 degrees.  Shorts weather, but I think I'll wait a while. 

Patricia, I haven't noticed this cat losing his sense of direction.  He seems to know where I am going and gets there first.  He can be anywhere and when I go to the bedroom, he will get there first.  He "helps" me make my bed and expects some loving in the process. 

Mary Ann


Good Morning Everyone,  from the
warmish but dark rocky coast of Maine. 

All is well here,  just not as
bright as I would like it.  But,
I am not complaining :uglystupid2:

Larry,  I like your picture.   
It is large enough and nice
and clear,  so I can
recognize you! 

Good picture.    I see you used
.png  so I changed mine from
jpg to png  and it seems
bigger now.

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


MaryAnn and Patricia My cat Taffy is not interested in toys, and there are a few laying around, but if I am knitting she, sets in my lap and bites at the wool, she also likes my beads and ear rings, if I leave them on the bath room counter, I will find them on the floor.  At night she sleeps on my chair at the computer, it has a soft seat.  If she hears me up at night she is right there and stays with me till I get settled back in bed.
   She has never set foot on the gound since I brought her home from the shelter.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


MaryAnn, I was speaking of being away from home concerning a sense if direction and not in the home.

Gloria, Sarah doesn't play often but she is over eight and was outdoors until 12/2013 so play is new to her and she is older and a cat will not play as much as it gets older. Taffy certainly sounds like my Sarah. They feel they need to guide us at times.  :thumbup:   She will walk ahead of me and keep a wary eye behind, trying to anticipate which way I'm going.

I'm not into golf so unfortunately I cannot contribute to your Masters discussion.

Mary Ann

Gloria, I do not knit now, but I am sure if I did, I'd have a cat at my yarn ball because he does like moving things.  I am in a minority here as to the cat being outside, however, he is not allowed to run outside; he just gets on the porch stoop and rolls around on it.  When/if he goes down the steps, I get him back on the stoop.  If it were up to me, he would not go out at all.  He's very curious and has a lot of hidey-holes here and likes to be in places where he has something over his head, even just a table or chair. 

Patricia, this cat does go along with me wherever I am going.  I have to watch that he is far enough ahead of me so as not to trip me.  I watch like a hawk where he is going.

Mary Ann


MaryAnn I just had this visual of you and Kendrick walking down a hall sneaking quick peeks at each other!  :thumbup:

MaryPage, I had to come back to tell you about an 11 year old fiddle player from Tennessee. He said his "favorite beverage was gravy"!  He was on Steve Harvey's show, "Little Bigshots"!

Mary Ann

Patricia, we really get in each others way in the living area and he's fast!  Very fast and much faster than I am.  He loves to get out on the stoop and it is not unusual to find him lying in front of the storm door.  Tonight with the front door closed, he has been coming into the computer room, walks by me, rubs my leg, walks out, walks back in, by me, rubs my leg several times.  Then he'll leave and shortly he's back again.  I sit in a single chair so he can't get up beside me and my TV is in this room, not in the living room where the couch is.  Things are not convenient for him. 

Tom is sick tonight and I am sure we will not be having lunch tomorrow with Terry and Jan.  I just sent them an e-mail to let them know.  Dot has a book club meeting tomorrow so she won't be going either.  Jan has different ideas about places to eat.  She drives by them, sees the name and suggests we eat there.  They are not convenient to get to and they are different and noisy.  Tom, Dot and I prefer some place more quiet where we can talk without shouting.  So far Jan is winning.  The last time we ate at a hot dog place and Jan brought her parents, both of whom are ailing.  We've known then since Terry and Jan were married so we all get along fine with their mostly memory problems.

Mary Ann


Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper are going to be on the Charlie Rose show tonight on PBS.  It starts at 11 P.M. here, but check your local schedule.

I think they are to be his second interview tonight, so do not be discouraged if you turn him on and he is interviewing someone else.




Just stopping in to say HELLO and see what you all are up to. 

I was hoping SHIRLEY N had popped in today to let us say

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y

I do hope you enjoyed YOUR special day.

Thank you, MARYPAGE for the heads up on Anderson and mom being on Charlie Rose tonight.

MARYANN, I love reeding about Kendrick.  He sounds like a good little kitty.  Sorry to read Tom Is not feeling well.  Too bad you will not be able to get out to breakfast with the family tomorrow.  Just do not catch what Tom has please.

OK, I must say goodnight.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Quote from: Mary Ann on April 12, 2016, 05:27:09 PM
Gloria, I do not knit now, but I am sure if I did, I'd have a cat at my yarn ball because he does like moving things.  I am in a minority here as to the cat being outside, however, he is not allowed to run outside;

Mary Ann

Good for you, Mary Ann. You save a lot of bird lives, and your cat from being road kill.


Hi everyone on this Wednesday morning.  It started early for me as I awoke a little before 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep.  Finally I got up about 5:30 so am getting an early start on my day.  Our garage door quit working on Monday afternoon so I have the repairman coming early this morning to fix it.  Pat has a Church Women's Circle meeting this morning and I plan on going down to the community ministries thrift store to donate several bags of linens and other items Pat cleaned out before my sisters visit.  While there I will certainly visit the Thrift Store to see if there is anything I can use.  This evening Scott will join us at the Church for the Wednesday night dinner.  Tonight the main item is fried chicken.  Then Scott plans on coming out to the house for awhile. 

Mary Ann, I remember how helpful a cat can be in making a bed and found it was something I could live without.  :)  I do hope today finds Tom feeling much better. 

Shirley, a belated Happy Birthday. 

Sandy, I didn't like the picture I had initially used when the discussions were re-established.  Actually I hadn't realized it was a .png as thought I had saved it as a jpg. 

Patricia, I think I saw that 11 year old fiddle player perform on that show with his two brothers.  They all were very talented. 


Good morning WesternJoan



Hi Larry
Good morning to you
