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Owner: Jeanne Lee
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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe Week of January 22

Started by JoanFL, January 22, 2017, 03:46:00 AM

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Joan, I do the same when the paper is soaked, Today, it was just damp enough that some pages might have torn, I didn't have time to read it before church, anyway, .

June Drabek

Don, I am quite sure that your presence with Bubble is very healing. I am happy she has such a loving daughter, and you.

Mary Ann, I can feel your joy at finding your keys. Best you toss out that cheap purse. I think animals grow more fur when it is to be colder weather. I hope I am wrong.

Callie, after that breakfast we had a huge lunch delivered. A stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, green salad, Apple pie and coffee. I ate the salad, about a third of the chicken and potatoes, most all the peas, then the pie and coffee. Then took myself out for a long walk on three floors on all the hallways. Still feel too full.

Janie, I had a "check up" call from my Santa Cruz son. We had lots of laughs, and sharing of thoughts. We are Blessed to have such thoughtful children. And I am so thankful, as I know you are too.

Bis, the link didn't work for me either…I should have deleted it. It was worth trying to share..the first time Kate Smith ever sang God Bless America. Very heart stirring.

The rain is still heavily falling now, much more than I thought we would get. I am thankful. Just hope and pray my Dori has safe air flight  from Colorado. Rain in our area is to continue through the night and tomorrow.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Callie--They will only bring another paper on the weekends.  During the week we have to take a credit.

June--You sure have good meals. 

We are under a severe storm watch and tornado watch until 10 p.m.  I'm going to gather up some pillows and a blanket and go in my walk-in closet.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Stay safe Joan, I put some lemon tarts, lemon pie and lemon loaf in the hidy hole along with some cinnamon roll.....
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Love the Turtle.  I seem to be moving like one these dark dreary days.

Don. Sounds like Bubble getting good care. Glad you are there.  If it is 60 deg maybe you both will be able to get outdoors a little.  Sunshine always helps.

Lloyd Hammond

I knew were ornery like My self , but never knew you so bad laughing about dumping all those leaves on the neighbors. I am felling better but not like riding a horse to town or harnessing it to drive it to town either. good Night and sweet dreams All.


June Drabek

Bis, I have been watching the news about the devastation in Fl. and elsewhere, really a sad situation. At the moment you look like your in the clear. I pray it stays that way.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

June Drabek

Looks like everyone has gone to bed, so I will do the same. It is not even 7:30 in Ca., but I will read till I am sleepy. See you all in the morning..God willing, and the Creek don't rise. Love you...June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good Night Everyfriend!  I left the night light on and locked the door but the key is under the mat for anyone who stops by during the night.  I also put Shirley's wagon in the closet so no one falls over it.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


JANE S....

...so thats what I fell over when I opened the closet first thing this morning?.... ;D


Well once again I am up and about, slept an hour later than normal, 6.am...that makes a change...I am so used to seeing 5.am...


Good Monday morning, Everyfriend.  There's  French toast and link sausage to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice day!!




Occasionally at the restaurant where I work there are extra desserts, and the staff are given some to take home. Once I brought home two pieces of cheesecake for my son and daughter. Katie had a piece that evening.

0The next day her older brother found her watching TV and eating more cheesecake. "Are you eating my cheesecake?" he demanded.

"Oh, no," she replied sweetly, "I ate yours yesterday."

Food For Thought

A Time to Honor and a Time to Grieve
By Arie Leder
Scripture Reading: Esther 5:9-6:12; Romans 12:3

Afterward Mordecai returned to the king’s gate. But Haman rushed home, with his head covered in grief.
Esther 6:12
It is wise, the apostle Paul reminds us, not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. But people like Haman overrate their importance: Whom would the king rather honor than me? Fools invest only in “me.”
We are familiar with such folly: “My body is mine; I can do with itâ€"intellectually, sexually, matrimonially, gastronomicallyâ€"as I please. I am ruler over my body.”
What truly matters, though, is not what you think you deserve, or what you think of yourself, but what the King thinks of you. If we concern ourselves with the righteousness of the King, says Jesus, all the other good things we need will be given to us as well (Matthew 6:33).
Mordecai, a good citizen of the kingdom of heaven, had saved the king of Persia from an attempt on his life. Because the smile of a king is like rain on a thirsty field (see Proverbs 16:15), King Xerxes honored Haman’s enemy. Even worse, he ordered Haman to honor Mordecai in the exact way Haman had expected to be honored himself.
A fool and his honor soon come to grief.
May we act wisely, not thinking too highly of ourselves, and acknowledge that all our gifts and talents come from the Lord.
We thank you, God, for honoring your Son, Jesus, above all other powers by raising him from the dead. Glory be to you, Lord, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thought of the Day

"There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than 10,000 tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition and of unspeakable love."

--Washington Irving


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


...good morning....dont do what I done, walked into Jane S's closet....theres a mighty big wagon in there...  ;D

Another dry and bitter cold start to our week, we might get the sun out later....our ground has a white coated frost, far too slippery for me to walk onto our decking steps, even with the metal handrail I wouldn't risk it.. keep telling myself I need to buy some safety grip runners for the steps...


Good morning, Vanilla-Jackie.  I won't go into that closet.  Be very careful you don't fall if you decide to go out.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend!  I, too, slept in an extra hour this morning but I had a reason.  Mickie decided to get up and take a walk in the middle of the night.  She really did have to go and Annie decided to join her.  Since they both took care of business at a bit before 3 a.m. they slept a bit later this morning.

OK, I just finished installing a light in the closet.  If you open the door it will come on.  So if Shirley doesn't take her wagon home today, and if you really NEED to open the closet, you'll see the wagon immediately.  Now, is there anything else you need, Jackie?

Doggies have been fed and I've been fed and I don't have any obligations until I pick up Kiran at the bus at 3:45.  I think I might cook something today.  I need some meals microwave ready and I guess it's time to do that.  I housecleaned and rearranged cupboards during the past few days and I really don't want to mess it up but I suppose I better get cracking.

Make the day a good one.  If anyone wants rain, we're suppose to have ANOTHER rainy day!  I guess I should look on the bright side...it could be snow!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Janie.  Thanks for putting that light in the closet so nobody will fall.  We did get rain last night.  It was scary with tornado warnings one right after the other.  I was bedded down in my walk-in closet until after midnight.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


JANE S....
...try walking into your closet when your still half asleep, not sure a light would have made any difference...I thought it was the loo I was walking into.... :-[


Actually, Jackie, my closets aren't big enough to walk into and I'm not sure I would if I could.  If I were in Joanie's place, I'd fear the closet more than the tornado.  I'm just a bit claustrophobic.  If I can see out, I'm OK but blank walls are my "bugaboo". 

I'm glad you survived the night, Joanie, and I understand how scary that can be.  The first time I visited Cindy in Texas the tornado warning sirens went off.  Her designated space is a very large walk in closet under the stairs.  And that's where we all headed.  I watched the kids situate themselves and two large dogs and my daughter motioned me in.  I shook my head, took my doggie and went across the hall into the bathroom.  I laid the mirror on the floor and sat beside it with Bonnie in my arms until the all clear sounded.  I knew if I went in that closet with all that humanity and pets, it was only going to be a matter of seconds before I had a bad case of the "screamin' meanies".  I guess that's why I don't live in tornado alley.

Seems that my days activities have taken care of themselves.  Kiran is home from school today and the only one available to look after her is me.  So here we are.  I told her she has to avoid breathing on me because I'm just getting over a bad cold.   I guess we'll work it out.  Enjoy your day, Everyfriend!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good Morning Everyone,
a sunshinny cold morning here, suppose to get pretty warm later on today.

Yesterday's football was a washout.  Actually boring to me.  And I am afraid the so called "super bowl" is going to be all hype and also boring.  But it may be just me.

I have to get busy working on my taxes.  But have to get my some information from my wife.  Seems like they want more and more info every year that has nothing to do with taxes, proving who you are.  And all along I thought computers were suppose to make our life easier.

JaneS, well your house will be smelling good later on.  What are you going to cook? 

Joanie, it must not be to comfortable in a closet.  Don't they have an early warning system in your area so you could just leave what you need there and you could stay close to TV and be more comfortable?

Everyone have a great day.


a little tip on lights and closets.  I took out the regular light fixture and put in a motion detector fixture (in both closets).  I was always fussing at my wife and granddaughter about them leaving the light on in their walk in closets.  Now they light comes on when they walk in and goes off shortly after they leave.  No more fussing.

I see no post from Larry, hope he is fairing well this morning.  Nor noting from Lloyd, maybe he slept in.


..so now I know the size, and what is in it.... I will make sure I shan't be doing that again...

Jeanne Lee

It's dark and dreary this morning, but it's going to get worse than that.  Rain, snow, freezing rain, high winds...  a "winter weather advisory" from 1:00 p.m today until 1:00 p.m. tomorrow.  The worst conditions MAY be south and east of us.  There are already notices of early closing this afternoon and all day tomorrow for schools in Vermont.  My church friend took care of my food order on Saturday so I am well prepared with a full freezer and pantry and my propane tanks were filled during the past week so I'll keep warm (if we don't lose power). 

Winter is more than 1/3 over!   :cheer: :cheer:

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast


Vanilla-Jackie  :)

Janie--I don't like closed in places either, but I've seen many results of tornadoes, so I go in that closet.  Guess your day got planned  for you--hope you don't catch Kiran's cold

Halkel--Good morning. We have sirens. sand I have warning apps on my iPad and but I feel safer in the closet.

Good morning Jeanne Lee.  Glad you have all  provisions necessary to be snowed in.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi everyone.  We had another very rainy afternoon and evening yesterday and were under a tornado watch for a couple of hours.  Fortunately there were no tornadoes in our area and no high winds.  It was not raining all morning so didn't interfere with going to church and then out to eat lunch.  I felt much less tired yesterday than I had all of last week so am hopeful that situation is behind me for awhile at least.  The schedule is very light today.  I plan on attending my Monday noon meeting and will stop at COSTCO on the way to fill my car with gas.  I had thought about picking up a couple of items and then remembered we should be going back there probably around Wednesday so Pat can get her new glasses and I can get the items then.  I did enjoy the football games yesterday, especially the win by the Atlanta Falcons that put them into the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks.  They really ran all over Green Bay yesterday.  They will play the New England Patriots who won their game over the Pittsburgh Steelers in the late game yesterday.

JaneS, I just now sent a short email to Molly to inquire of her health and that of her husband and family and asked if she minded me sharing her response if she is able to write back.  I did tell her that she was missed and we were concerned.

Sandy, I hope your dental appointment goes well today.

June, my granddaughter is the mother of my four great grandchildren, who live with their father.  She is far from a teenager.  Hope I things will be back to normal at your living facility this week.  June, I think this link will work for the Kate Smith 1938 introduction of "God Bless American":  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zF7a0wB-Lg

deAngel, perhaps you will be getting the storm front that has gone through the South this past weekend with lots and lots of rain.  Those are really strong wind gusts especially when you live in a mobile home.  Sorry to hear your heart is weaker but sure you are more comfortable in your home than in a hospital.  As our hearts get weaker it becomes such a problem to get the water removed from our bodies that is not needed. 

Don, I sure hope this week finds Bubble feeling much improved.  Glad she didn't have to be admitted to the hospital.  I did enjoy your program yesterday. 

Callie, we also had a much smaller group at both Sunday School and Church and it wasn't raining all morning.  I did encounter one man who had a bad cold and was holding his program over his mouth and not shaking hands during the time we pass the peace in our service. 

Joan, we didn't get into a closet but I did get out my emergency radio, that has a light built in, and put in fresh batteries.  It is also hand cranked in case the batteries wear out.  Fortunately, we didn't need it.  We were just under a watch and not a warning to take cover. 

Hal, I am just taking things slowly this morning as don't have to hurry. 

Mary Ann

Jeanne Lee, I had to read your post twice before I remembered you live in upstate New York, not in the middle of the Atlantic states.  I think I get you confused with Phyllis sometimes. 

We have had two or three tornadoes here in my lifetime.  Lake Michigan is a great buffer for the weather.  Storms come up from the southwest, but usually go between here and Kalamazoo and Kazoo usually gets the brunt of any storm.  I have a condo unit that faces south and my lower level has only a north exposure.  I also am in an inside unit.  If we would have a tornado warning, I could go in my storage room which is at the front of the lower level.  The warning siren is just up the road from me and I'll tell you it is LOUD!

Mary Ann


Good morning, Larry.  Glad to hear you are feeling better this week.  I hope you hear back from Molly.  Thanks for the link.  I have one of those weather radios, too.

Mary Ann--Good morning.  The years we lived in Arkansas we had many, many tornado warnings.  We always heeded and went under cover.  Many touched down, but the closest was 8 miles from us.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning everyone. Finally got here. I had set a check disk and it took almost 3 hours to run. First time I did that since this lemon has been running again. It never took that long before. Woke to it raining and even had some snowflakes.

LARRY  I did not see anything on TV about those students walking out, hope the parents had the smarts to talk them out of it. I have emailed Sun several times and never had a reply.  Ttoday's musec-I agree, no melody and the same words repeated over and over.

JANE  I have Sun'semail and as I said to Larry I have sent several emails to her but never had a reply.

GLORIA de  we will be in for the heavy rain and winds late today and during the night. They had said up to 2 inches of rain and last I heard some places could get 3 inches of rail. Imagine if it was snow 2 -3 feet of it and with the winds huge snowdrifts.

JUNE  looks like Mother Nature is giving parts of Ca. the water it needs at last.

JOAN  I saw on the news about the large area under tornado warning. Stay safe.

AMY  I better run to the hidey hole to see if there is a lemon tart there with my name on it.

JACKIE  I like it when I wake up early. This morning I was awake but the computer took 3 hours to do the scan disk this morning.

JOAN  I will pass on breakfast, French toast is something I never liked. Chuckles not nice sister but who can resist good cheesecake? Great Food for Thought. Thank you for all today's goodies.

JANE  I am glad it is too warm to snow or with all the rain we are in for and the wind we would be snowed in.Been there in '78 and that was 1 time too many.

HAL  I saw on the news about the Pats winning and this morning people in the sports stores already buying Patriot's memorabilia. They showed the place where they print the Tshirts and they worked all night  to get them to the stores.

JEANNE LEE  I just hope we do not loose power let it rain. I know what the wind will sound like.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Gloria--Three hours seems a long time for scan disk.  Maybe Sun doesn't use the computer anymore.  Seems along the way several have just dropped out.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good afternoon, rain wind and just ugly out side, but suppose to be much worse by night fall. They are still saying 60 mile winds and very high tide. In fact my radio station said the sound was up within a foot of the station right now.  the next high tide is about 5PM, and they were worried about that. The storm right now is off the Carolinas.

Joan, glad to read you are safe from the storm.

Gloria, that is my big fear right now the power will go off.  I do not like storms that hit at night.

Larry my nurse was here this AM, my BP was up a little, and she told me to keep my feet up, as I am getting water build up. I am setting here at the PC with my foot on and overturned wast basket ???

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Linedancer--I know what you mean by not liking storms at night.  I don't like then anytime, but at night they seem worse.  I hope you stay safe and don't lose power.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good morning from a still frigid Interior although it is supposed to still warm up considerably on Tuesday or Wednesday. I have had nothing of note happening other than the usual. Farrah has been getting behind me on the couch more and doing her version of a cuddle by leaning over on me and purring. This gets her a good scratch and rub down which she enjoys.

I have been so sorry to read about all the rain, snow and tornados. We are still having frigid weather here and have had heavy snows. This year's and the past few have seen such terrible storms here and abroad. I have not been through any tornados but was nearly sucked off a narrow opening in a high building during  a one hundred mile hour wind storm in Anchorage and there is a feeling of utter helplessness that is terrifying. Luckily the four-foot railing was there.