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June 08, 2024, 02:39:25 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.

avatar_Jeanne Lee

Soda Shoppe 5-29-17

Started by Jeanne Lee, May 29, 2017, 08:57:59 AM

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Lloyd Hammond

JaneS you  have ex ray vision ? Sean where you told Hall you can't see through anything to mount a light to. I spent a rough night craze dreams, did not rest good at all Last night. It is already 71 º here @ 4:36 A M. and Going to high
90 º ty's I think I will stay in and be a couch jockey today.have a great day everyone.


Lloyd Hammond

Good morning Gloria ,  you posted while i was typing S & F said , so top of the day to you. i wish you a great day today. I had a bad night lot of crazy dreams. It is already 71 º here and calling for the high 90 ' º . I think I am going to be a couch jockey and stay in with the A C today.



Good morning Everyfriend!  I'm sorry for all of you who are not sleeping well.  I know how that is but I did have another good night last night.  I remember waking twice, changing position and going right back to sleep and I do feel much better this morning than I have in many mornings.

I have to remember to remind my son about the electrician this morning.  He gets to the store right around 9 and I want him to have the message before he gets busy.  He can fix any radio, TV or stereo on the market and the accounts have never been in better order.  He's pretty good with most appliances unless it's electrical.  That's his one weakness and I can't say I'm sorry about that.  I'd rather he didn't get into something that could zap him.  He does have some good electrical people working for him and that's who he's going to send over.

We're in wait time for Annie's pill and then we'll have breakfast and I'll get dressed.  I have a very important form to fill out today and I want to finish it and get it in the mail today.  It seems there's always something urgent nagging at us these days.  It sits there hollering "MY TURN" so loud you can hear it all over the house.  And it doesn't shut up until you see to it.  Today is the day.

Make today your best by far!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone
Going to be another hot day here....only 64 at the moment but it will be in the 90's like yesterday!! I slept good but woke to a 70 lb dog sitting on my stomach, our power went off and when that happens my power pack for the computer beeps loud.She does not like loud sounds :(

Yesterday went well, finished a quilt and have the binding party made but then hubby wasn't feeling well so off to emerg we went. Waiting is one of the worst things at a hospital but we finally made it out after about 4 hours,so not too bad. Today we need to pick up a med and then I am going to pile wood and get that job done..I hope.

Lloyd, sorry you did not sleep well...being a couch potato today is the right job for the day.

Gloria, finally a good nights sleep for you :thumbup: Sure makes the day go a lot better when one is rested.

Jane,you just reminded me I have to make an appointment to get an emissions test done on my vehicle so I can get my sticker for the plate.Hope your electrician can fix your light for you.

Better get a move on here.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good Morning Everyone!

Janie, hope the guy gets your fixture to working okay.  I'm sure he will find the problem.

Amy, sorry your husband had to make a trip to the ER.  Hopefully they got the problem fixed.  Give him my best regards.

I have a 9 apmt with skin lady this morning.  so got to get moving if I want a cup of coffee.

Lloyd sorry you had a bad night, for a change I had a decent one.  And feel better for it.


Going to be hot here for this coming week.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the AC keeps chugging along.  I used to live in Mississippi when we had no air conditioning....don't think I could ever do that again.

Back to the normal household duties today....laundry, etc.  And I would like to try to wash some windows but since I do every thing pretty slowly these days I plan to take window washing in very small pieces.  Slow and steady wins the race....so they say.

Hope that Joan can make contact with us soon.  I really miss her.


Larry:  I can't remember if there is a cross - isn't that strange?  This is an old building. 

JaneS:   I can cut branches from trees - one grandfather had a sawmill and a farm - my dad could fell a tree exactly where it should land and I have an itch to climb a ladder and trim branches but these trees here are not mine.  Tree trimming is in our genes.

Gloria de:  I take 1/2 of a sleeping pill and that helps me go back to sleep if awakened. 

Amy:  On this pattern, the sashing is a darker gray to accent the hearts.  It was noticeable when hung on the wall - at least it wasn't finished.  Another teachable moment that wasn't expected.  Do you hand sew the back part of your binding by hand?  That is such a comforting ritual to me -
Sandy: Happy Cast Day Off - hoping it is so.

Jenny:  287 is nice to take from FC down to Denver when the freeway is clogged - at least it used to be - these poor little cities are flooded and changing too quickly. 

This is a really full week - not looking forward to it at all. 


Hi everyone.  It is an overcast morning and will be cloudy all afternoon with only a 20% chance of rain.  Yesterday at Church we had a commissioning service for the eleven members of our Church that will go to Boliva on a mission trip.  This is the 32nd year for them to go and this year is a building year and they plan on putting in a wooden floor for the church that has been built by missionaries in the past.  They also hold a Bible School for the children.  Where they are going is over eleven thousand feet above sea level.  I would have great difficult breathing at that height.

This should be one of the lighter weeks on my calendar in sometime.  No appointments and only a plan to go to coffee on Thursday and a meeting on Saturday.  I just got in from hooking up one of the hoses for the summer and washing off our front porch under the birds nest.  Those little birdies have been very busy the last couple of days doing what birds do and left a lot of little deposits.  While outside I grabbed my hedge shears and trimmed off the tops of the three little bushes on either side of the walkway and driveway.  Last year these little jobs would not have tired me but it sure did this morning.  I do plan on a quick trip to Aldi's later this morning as we need several items.  However, that may have to wait until after I rest this afternoon.  I also need to fix some sausage muffins later today.

Callie, it sounds like you have a good tile man who wants your new tile to be level.  However, it seems that one thing usually leads to another problem or two.

JaneS, I will check to see if that show is available on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.  We just finished the 9 season series call Inspector Foyle, which was very good.  It was set during Britians struggles in World War II and talked a lot about the conditions the people had to deal with during and after the war.  Pat and I both use wireless headsets while watching programs and it makes the speech so much easier to hear and understand.  Unfortunately our cherries have pits in them such as your electrical problem.  Hopefully that is a minor problem. 

Amy, I wasn't born until 1941 and was pretty oblivious to the hardships of the WW II.  This Inspector Foyle series has been a real eyeopener and what I read about the writer was he wanted it to be as close to reality as possible. 

Hal, I find I never miss those unexpected contributions.  Our sermon yesterday was about doubt based on the last few verses of Matthew where it says even after Christ had appeared to the disciples some still doubted.  It was an excellent sermon. 

Jenny, glad you have a great trip to Wyoming.  You live in such a beautiful part of the country. 

June, I agree with your comments about husbands and wives.  Fortunatley my wife and I believe we each need to have our separate interests and some shared interests and no to smother the other.  One of the analogies we use in Al-Anon is about the sandboxes.  I have my sandbox, you have yours and then we have a common sandbox (or hula hoops).  It is a way of reminding me to mind my own business unless I am invited into someone else's sandbox.  I find examples like this a good way to remember important points.   

Gloria, glad to see you are feeling better today. 

Lloyd, sorry to read that you didn't have a good night.  Hope you stay in and stay cool today.

Phyllis, hopefully we will never have to live without A/C again although it could happen but will worry about something like that if and when it ever occurs.

Lloyd Hammond

Larry it is @ 12:14 P M here 85 º full sun and they are currently calling the upper ninety's  before the day is over. I would sure trade some of your overcast for some of this hot sun. a bit of Jane's rain the other day would be fine also. Nancy just fed us a wonderful meal our first vine ripened tomato and beats form my raised beds. most tender roast from our calf, potatoes were store bought.



Merry Monday,

Just returned from lunch and a good visit with Miss Ellen, who is home for 3 weeks.  Probably the only time I'll see her by herself but will be with her at a couple of other family gatherings.  Life in New York City seems to be agreeing with her and vice versa.

Tileman and helper are just about through grouting.  They'll be back tomorrow to put the washer/drier back in and power-wash the garage and driveway.
I really like the new tile.

I think we're to get into the 90's today.  Glad I have nowhere else to go.

Hope Everyfriend Everywhere is having an Enjoyable Day.


Good Afternoon Everyone, from the hot and dry rocky coast of Maine.

Off came the cast today and I am now wearing a soft cast,
which is removable.   

My arm is healing nicely, but still tender.   Next appointment ,
six weeks ......    treating it like a baby.

Happy to be free from the hard cast...
All is well.
Sandy.     ::)

Miss seeing Joan
  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan

June Drabek

Good afternoon dear ones, I woke up very tired, after a very good nights sleep, so it is "at home" for me today. A girl just stopped in to see why I am not down for lunch, they sure take care of us here ! I promised her I would have lunch…I have some packs of Mac and Cheese. Just add water, plop into the microwave and eat…even a throw away bowl. Plus I have lots of fruit and canned vegetables.

Gloria, San Diego would have similar temps to the L.A. area, plus Orange Co. but I understand Ariz. temps would be more similar to those I had in Hemet. Higher elevation and much drier and warmer climate. It sounds like they are very happy with their move, and I am happy for them.

Lloyd, it makes me very happy to know you are listening to your body and just being couch jockey when necessary. I am having one of those days today.

Amy, I'm sorry your hubby had to make that emergency trip to the e.r., in my experience in that area, it is for the pits. I was told to call the ambulance for the need of emergency care, as they take you in sooner. Sure, the ambulance is great, but once I got to the hospital it was a long wait on a hard gurney in a busy hallway. Where I live now, they handle it right here, with the exception of a heart attach or bleeding to death. At least that is the arrangement I wanted, and was told that is what I will get. When I needed a transfusion of a medication they took me to our Care Center, just steps away from my apartment building.

Hal, I hope your appt. today was a good news one. My Edward went through so many treatments for skin cancer, and now my older son is doing the same.

Sandy, I'm glad the cast removal went well. Be cautious for more healing now.

/time to fix some lunch, see y'all later.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Hooray! the cast is off!

I took today off.  I did almost nothing and now I have to go make dog food or the doggies won't be eating supper.

It's 93º here right now and I knew I'd be retretting my gripes about all the rain.  It's really HOT!

Larry, I got the DVDs for Home Fires from the library.  I don't think you'll find it on TV now.  And I'm really disappointed that this series has been dropped.  It's really good!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

JaneS sorry I did not rember how to make ti into a attachment. was a picture of the first tomato we captured off this years t vines.


June Drabek

Hi Janie, I'm going to explore some of our other colors for a while. Sounds like your day was as busy as mine. I was useless. Stayed home with one trip down to pick up a package from Amazon and returned a book to our library , did a lot of reading and napping. Have a good evening my friend.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Time to get this day started so...

Good morning Everyfriend!  I hope your day is everything you wish it to be.  I think so often of our missing friends and I wonder what their lives have become.  If they should happen to look in, I wish they would just say a quick "Hello". 

I'll be off to Wally World to do my thing this morning.  I really don't mind being there but I really don't like getting ready to go.  I sometimes wish I could just wiggle my nose like Samantha on BEWITCHED and be ready to go.  Oh well!  we do what we must in order to enjoy what we wish!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

 JaneS you seam to be the only one here so far this A M. wish you to have a great day with big smiles in your Line at work and all else that follow. 5:22 AM here now and already 74 º shooting for 89 º they say. I most likely be a couch jockey again today Like yesterday.



Good morning everyone..

Today is a day of catch up in the house, I managed to get the wood all piled and the grass cut yesterday.

Jane,have a great day at work and hope your line is full of smiling people.

Hal,hope you made out alright with your appointment yesterday.

Sandy, bet your arm feels so much lighter now.

Carol, I love sitting and hand sewing the binding on also, I find it so relaxing.

Gloria, hope you had a better nights sleep.

Wonder how Shirley is enjoying her trip??

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning Lloyd,  have a great day holding down the couch :)
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Ok thanks Amy will try. is too hot out side to do any thing . @5:58 A M is already 78 º and shooting for 89 º they say. Wednesday before a slight chance of any rain and most likely will miss us here. see you later I am going to couch and see if I can find a good western movie on the T V on you tube.



I had an earache yesterday and part of last night - so far, Amoxicillin is helping this morning and that is good because the quilting group is coming tonight.  Yesterday, I baked cookies and all I will serve is that and a pound cake and three kinds of sherbet along with Sun Tea - but it is cloudy outside today.  We need a break with all the fire danger and wind. 

Our daughter and family have been in Costa Rico and she sent pictures of after going on a very muddy zip line.  You can't even tell who is who on the picture.  They had a ball, of course she did admit she could barely breathe after that episode.  They caught Blue Fin tuna that was dinner - funny, as she doesn't like fish (and she came from our family who fishes).

The pound cake will be packed with blueberries.  I'll save you a piece.  :)


Good Morning Everyone!

Amy apmt went okay.  She froze a few places and told me to come back in a year.  I got on to her for losing so much weight.  Told her she was skinny as could be to put some weight on.  She said she was working to hard.  I also see her husband, he is my pain doctor, but never get to see him on routine apmts, just one of his PA's.  She told me that hopefully they had a new doctor coming on board at her husbands office this week.

Got a 10 apmt at the Warm Springs for a pool session.  Means three times a week to the PT, I just hope it gets me back in some kind of shape so I have some energy and strength.

Lloyd wish we were having you cool weather.  We are in summertime here for sure.  We are in the mid 90's and will soon be going higher than that.  But only have July and August and things will start to cool down again.  Hopefully we will get a little rain thrown in somewhere.

Got to get to getting.


Good morning, I am waiting for and AC fellow, as when it went to 0- yesterday, my AC started to act up. It cools only part of the house. Also my irrigation does not come on in the back yard, only the front.

Larry, you ask me to tell you about the Instant POt.  Well it did arrived yesterday, mailman set it on the living room floor, and it is still there. I cannot lift it. It is large, but the cooking unit is not that big. I did read the literature sounds good, but I do not know where it would fit on my counter. I now have the coffee pot, toaster and crock pot taking up room. Of course this is a mobile home kitchen. I think I have bought my DIL in Mass. her Christmas gift. :)

Amy, I like to knit, I am making gloves and scarfs right now for Christmas.  My favorite is working on plastic canvas, I relax more and do not have time to think, about other problems.  You really have to concentrate. Hope hubby is feeling better.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Hi everyone.  It is to be another hot 91 degree afternoon with little chance of rain.  We plan on staying home and having a quiet day.

Lloyd, the overcast does help even when it is hot.  There are not many of us left that can enjoy such a meal as you had yesterday with home grown vegetables and meat. 

deAngel, it does sound like you have your Christmas shopping started early and that Instapot will make a very nice gift.  I remember what limited counter space one has in a mobile home as we lived in one for about 30 months when we lived in Illinois and Kentucky.  We simply outgrew it and couldn't take it to Washington, D.C. when we made that transfer. 

Callie, glad that Miss Ellen is enjoying New York.  I have been reading about some of the subway problems that have been occurring with their subway.  I hope she hasn't experienced any of those. Glad you are pleased with your new tile and before today is over you should be back in good shape in your kitchen.

June, most of my ER visits have been from an ambulance and they do tend to you quickly although I have often been left in the treatment room several hours.  At least I was laying down. 

JaneS, I found we have access to season one of Home Fires on our Amazon Prime and we watched the first two episodes last evening and really enjoyed them.  I had to laugh as Pat thought I said the program was Home Fries rather than Home Fires.  Sometimes she doesn't hear very well  with some funny results that both can laugh about. We find most of the Masterpiece Theater presentations to be enjoyable and of high quality. 

Carol, I think I will drop by your quilting group and enjoy some of your cookies, cake and sherbet.  It sounds great and do hope that ear ache is a thing of the past. 

Hal, it seems that all of the doctors are very busy and more and more PA's are joining the practices.   


Good Morning Everyone from
the still very Warm, Rocky Coast of Maine.

Myarm is Ok and much easier to use right
now,  although it will require some rehab which
I can do so by myself...  (hooray)

Sure glad to be rid of my hard cast so my
arm can breath again.

I hope Joan is re-cupping from her move.


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good morning everyone., being just plain lazy today. Thunderstorms in the forecast for this afternoon and a break from the 90+°. We wanted warmer spring temperatures but not August heat and humidity. Oh well Mother Nature just does what she wants.

LLOYD  it is just after 10am here all already 85°. I will not be going outside at all today.
Sure glad I have an AC.

JANE  hope your son's electrician can fix that light for you. The kitchen is where you really do need good light for all the cooking that one does.

AMY  I would now want that baby of yours on my tummy, she would squash me for sure. Sorry you had to take your DH to the ER. How can you stack wood in that heat?

PHYLLIS  I often wonder how my Mom did canning in the late summer in that heat without even a fan.

LARRY  it gets me that in schools they do not get into much about the history of WW2 when many of us were alive then. Wonder if they even touch on Ancient history anymore.

JUNE  they were only a few miles from the ocean so had ocean breezes, now up on the mountains it is a wind most days and very low humidity, nights cool off pretty good, too.

Still no JOAN. I pray she is OK from that move.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

June Drabek

It is still morning, so Good Morning all !

Janie, I want to adopt what you wrote, "we do what we must in order to enjoy what we wish!"  Those few words say so much.
thank you !

Gloria, I didn't realize that your daughter and hubby were in Mountainous area. What elevation is it ? Our mothers really did work hard, mine too was canning in the Fall heat. We had a wood or coal cook stove, no fan, but she was always so pleased to have all those colorful jars of fruit and vegetables and jams and jellies to see us through the winter months.

Sandy, I know what you mean about wanting the normal air on your arm. When I injured my leg and had to have bandages month after month due to my slow healing,  I often thought, "if only I could have some oxygen on these cuts, they would mend more quickly."

Larry, last time I was in E.R. the ambulance guys were great, but it seemed about four hours in the room with no call button,no way to adjust the bed, no water, just flat on my back.  I am glad I am here. It is like being "at home".

Hal, I am sure the water therapy is going to help you greatly. The water makes the body so buoyant, you can get the exercise without strain. I wish you the best.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


I remember canning in late August and early September months  when it was blazing hot - no A/C. 

Well, I should be doing something important or necessary. 

June Drabek

A busy day today, no nap, so my eyes are just about closing and it is not even 5:30. Hoping and hoping to see our Bis or one of her kids to pop in with a word or two.
As long as we are here, let's dance.

Lloyd Hammond

 Gloria It is currently 86 º but earlier it was 91 º Got out and mowed all of shop yard and Part of the house yard and weeds around the garden took a swing I usually don't mow and should not have, caught some electric fence wire and wrapped it up in the mower. that stooped me from mowing. I put the mower in the shop, came to house took a good nap and Nancy woke me up to eat noon Meal. I then found a movie and started watching it and took another nap.
when I woke up I went to shop and mounted two low boy tires , then got the wire out of the lawnmower ant mowed the rest of yard. wind was blowing 25 30 MPH and i got a good dose of gars clipping's  I sure need a shower now, that is next and then eat. Hope to rest and watch TV with out going to sleep before bed time. wish you all a peaceful sleep and sweet dreams. hope to see you all tomorrow.
