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June 12, 2024, 06:17:24 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe Week of June 5

Started by JoanFL, June 05, 2016, 04:14:32 AM

Previous topic - Next topic


We spent a bit of time today cleaning up after the hail and wind storm that hit DD's house as well.  Here, the ravine in back was totally full and water was running so fast it looked dangerous.  So - why did some parents drop their pre-teens off to "look" at the overflow area?  I had my cell phone right in hand and ready to dial or something - that looks tempting to kids and it would have been a disaster. 

Otherwise, it is a lovely and normal Colorado day with blue sky and white clouds.  I still like to walk in the light rain on gray days - the air is so refreshing. 

June Drabek

Jane, that is a very good discount when you pick the berries yourself. And it helps them in have the ripe ones out of the way to make space for the green ones coming in. Is your foot holding up O.K. from the surgery ? It would get a lot of stress standing at the register for hours.

Chia, I don't have a weather thingy. Wouldn't know how to install one if I did have the object.

Carol, I agree about walking in the rain. Have always loved doing it. The air has a different scent to it during and after a rain.

I voted, then went to a program at 10 a.m. went to an exercise program, then on to lunch, back downstairs again at 2:45 for our Balance and Mobility class, stayed to watch the progress of a shuffleboard tournament, then home to read and relax and doze off. Still sleepy, so I did an early change into my p.j.'s. Will have a light supper at home and then call it a day. A busy day coming up tomorrow.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


JEANNE  thank you. Never knew there was so much information in there. Better than the local YV weather reports.

JOAN  all the local channels early today said we would have thunderstorms between 4 and 6 m. Well the sun was shining the whole time. Same forecast for tomorrow. My CNA is never idle, she always finds something to do. Not like some of them. One would massage my back and then sit and be ready to talk for the rest of the time here. No way, I would find something for her to do. They do not get paid to just sit here.

JACKIE  new avatar, looks like you made it to the beauty parlor. Looks great.

LARRY  glad you salvaged part of the lemon meringue pie. One year I made a blueberry pie for Thanksgiving dinner at my in laws. My MIL put it on top of her fridge and I never thought anything more about it. A few months later she moved the fridge away from the wall to clean back there. That is where the pie ended up. Must have slid back when the fridge door was shut. Now that was a real mess to clean up.

PATRICIA  glad Farrah is getting more used to her new home. 

HAL  hope all the years my daughter has been a penny pincher will pay off now as they start their retirement.

JANE  when I was able to go to the farm and pick my own strawberries  then the blueberries I think I ate as much as I paid for.  Just like at my son's orchard people always eat an apple or more before the check out and pay for what they picked.

CHIA  glad you did snoop on the weather thing. I found out something new from it.

CAROL I used to like walking in the rain. Walking when it snowing I liked even more. I still like being out on the porch when it is snowing. Every thing sounds so hushed and the air smells wonderful.

JUNE  looked like you had another busy day. Sleep well.

Good night and sleep good and wake refreshed.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good Night Everyfriend!  I wish you peaceful rest and sunshine for your days. 

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

June Drabek

Dear Hearts, sleep peacefully, have a beautiful tomorrow, and God keep you through the night. Peace, Love, Prayers and more hugs. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good evening, EVERYFRIEND. 

MY bus trip to Black Hawk was very nice.....we chat so much the hour drive is over before we know it.  I did pretty well, and actually came home with a bit more money than I went with.  We enjoyed our buffet lunch and had a very nice day. 

It clouded up and rained more this afternoon.  The hail started, but was small in size and ended quickly.  I was in tears when I went out this morning and saw how the hail had just stripped most of the plants. 

OH, LARRY, so sad to hear that the pie was accidentally dropped when trying to get it out of the fridge.. Glad the plate did not break and you were able to save some to enjoy. Also sorry to read that your car problem is the starter. 

CAROL, I was shocked to see the amount of water that was rushing down the gutters and from in between out homes, so can imagine the river behind you.  Glad it didn't cause as much problems tonight.  I keep forgetting you two are in town. 

JACKIE, your new DO looks very nice and I know you will enjoy having it a bit shorter. 

I am ready to call it a day...pleasant dreams to all.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Larry, I am picturing your pie mess & can't help but be reminded of the funniest sight I've ever seen.  My sister had everyone to her house shortly after we got back from England... about 20 miles from where our parents live & the rest of us.  She always was a great cook & that day we were talking a mile a minute as I helped her carry food to put on the big dining room table. Everyone was already seated when we took that last in, she was carrying a huge lemon jello mold of shredded carrots, looked like she had made it in a big angel food cake pan.  We were just going into the dining room, nobody could see us with the door closed (one of those big old houses with a door to every room)... and the jello slid off the platter & stayed upright on the floor & just wiggled at us.  We looked at each other & giggled.. we knew Dad would be horrified if he knew what happened ... but we slid the plate under it & I told her that "her floors were clean enough to eat off of"... and we had a hard time not bursting into laughter every time someone praised that jello.  I doubt she would have served it if not for her crazy sister... but it is a memory that never fails to make me laugh. 

Gosh, Jenny & Carol, I forget that you also get hail.  We haven't had any big enough to harm the flowers this year... SO FAR.  Congratulations on the win today, Jenny... what do you play? 

It's midnight & I've got to get some sleep tonight.  God Bless & sweet dreams.  Shirley 


Good Wednesday morning, Everyfriend.  There's Egg McMuffins to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



The Verdict

The District Attorney stared at the jury, unable to believe its verdict.

Bitterly he asked, "What possible excuse could you have for acquitting this man?"

The foreman answered, "Insanity."

The D.A. said, "All twelve of you?"

Food For Thought

A Reminder to Be Mindful of God
(By Rev. Kerry S. Doyal)

You never know when or where God will remind you of an important truth. A recent chance encounter at a hotel continental breakfast bar reminded me of God's passion to teach us. It reminded me of the need to be mindful of Him.

Our family was traveling back to Kingsport recently when my son and I met a kind retiree from Oklahoma. Coincidentally, she too who was on her way to Kingsport, to visit a daughter and family.

By the way, it is said that a "coincidence" is when God chooses to work anonymously. Lucky for us - yes, that was a joke - He does this often.

Having noticed that she looked Hispanic or Native American and that she had on a shirt saying "Mexico," I asked if she was Mexican or Cherokee. She was in fact first generation Mexican American and she then relayed an interesting life development.

Our new friend told how she used to think in Spanish as well as she could in English. But, in the past few years, she has noticed that skill slipping. At a recent reception, she was able to speak to someone in Spanish. Yet, much to her chagrin, she got stuck in efforts to communicate.

Having no one to speak Spanish to on a regular basis has made it harder to think in Spanish as easily as she used to. What used to be natural to her now takes effort due to lack of practice, less use.

Hmmm... With a long drive ahead and being a person prone to parabolize, apt to allegorize, this got me to thinking about my thinking. (I will not be offended if you need to re read that sentence.) How fluent do I stay in thinking about God, His word, His truths, His will and ways?

Can I, with Willie Nelson, sing to my sweet Lord, "You were always on my mind?" Being on the road again, I could not outlaw that line of thinking.

How consistently do I meditate on Him, His word, mulling Him over? How well do I think biblically? Have my skills and habits of thinking in God's language - the Bible - stayed strong or have they slipped?

A lack of use of our language of re-birth can lead to one dimensional living and thinking - a life that is too earthy (see Psalm 1).

To my new friend, I say "mucho gusto, mucho gracias mi amiga y Dios Te bendaga." "Good to meet you, thank you very much my friend and God bless you!" I hope you are duly impressed, that is half of my Spanish. And, yes, I had it double checked!

To my Lord, who has provided cleaner, clearer thoughts for us to think, I say thank you for the reminder. Feel free to keep me mindful to keep you in mind.

"Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits at God's right hand in the place of honor and power. Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth. For you died when Christ died, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:1-3 (NLT)

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

Thought of the Day

“The less you respond to negativity, the more peaceful your life becomes.”

~ Author Unknown


Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone. hope you all have a great day. and hope the tempter is better than it has been and supposed to be here today.



Good Wednesday morning Joan and Lloyd Hammond, , we have a dry, grey start to our day......
R took phone call from plumber, says our wooden bath panel is now in stock and ready to be fitted, but R says if he phones again while he is out with dogs, I need to tell him whether I want him to go ahead fitting it before or after Insurance guy has fitted our carpet, I know this Insurance thing is going to be taking quite some time......I am thinking wait, as under the bath where carpet was before there are carpet tacks, and tiny bits of leftover carpet clinging around them, ( best to leave that job to the experts, ) so I think the carpet is best to go inside rather than outside the new fitted bath panel....
Still no sign of garden furniture, the two armchairs on order, I phoned them end of last week to be told.." you want the seating in the blue " I told them " yes " think hubby and wife duo, so now this has to be placed on order, says sometime this week..................
Our outside of home builder - decorating work starts tomorrow, should be a three day job......
Still haven't booked my opticians appointment, drove right past it when coming home from the hairdressers yesterday, just no place for stopping.....Maybe silly to book an appointment, until after outside work has been done, yet still awaiting letter to drop through my door, re hospital scan.....
Another couple of Items ordered on my to-do list......an office swivel chair, quite pricey from a company called Boss......for the last couple of months I have been sitting on my bedroom stall at the computer....but it is going to take three weeks to arrive.....and just this minute placed an order for a long hall carpet runner......When we moved in I had to place what I intended to put in the kitchen, a couple of Hug Rug mats along the hall, but instead because the hallway is flooring, the dogs were finding it hard to walk on, kept slipping.....so a nice long runner should fit the bill, of course the one I have chosen is not a cheap one.......or not as cheap as R would have liked.... :crazy2:
Ha ha, still not got round to the ceiling lights....
Still no sign of Sun, I really hope she is ok.....


Good morning everyone.
Yesterday was a fantastic day, I did accomplish all that I set out to do in the city with my last stop at the dentist. I scurried on home to get supper ready for when dil came. After supper we cut out all the fabric for her quilt and now she just has to sew it together.

Today will be a sewing day after we get back from having out morning tea out. Plus I am going to take her to the sale of 75% off..not sure what fabric they have left but maybe something that we can't live without :)

In a bit of a hurry this morning..

Joan, thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning, Lloyd.  It's going to be hot and humid here again today.

Amy--Good morning.  You and daughter-in-love sure do get things done.  Surely you'll find some fabric you can't live without.

I have some errands to do this morning.  I am going early so I can get back before the hotter part of the day.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Good Morning Everyfriend! It's raining here today and supposed to rain all day.  The weather thingy on my phone says it's only 55º and heading for a high of 64.  Not a beautiful Spring day in central PA. 

My plan for this morning was to go to the Farmers Market and I think I'll stick to that.  I'll just have to wear my raincoat.  I want some good tomatoes. 

I hope you all have the kind of day you want!  Enjoy it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone, beautiful sunny start to the day. Have thunderstorms in the forecast for later this afternoon. Just like yesterday. Some parts of the state got them but not here. Will be cooler for a few days, no need for the AC.

JENNY  glad you went home with a profit yesterday and had a good time, too.

SHIRLEY  I chuckled picturing that jello molded salad jiggling on the floor.

JOAN  an Egg McMuffin will taste so good this morning.  Thank you for today's goodies.

LLOYD  supposed to be cooler here today and I will like that.

AMY  enjoy the day with your DIL and that fabric sale.

JOAN  hope you have success with your errands and getting home before the heat of the day sets in.

JANE  went sown into the 50's here last night, I like that. No rain here till possible late afternoon

Glad I woke early. The landscapers are here with their lawn mowers. Yesterday they were cleaning the carpeting in the hallway and glad I was awake when they started.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Good morning, Janie.  There's nothing like a tomato picked off the vine, rinsed and eaten in your hand like an apple.  Yummy!!

Gloria--Good morning.  It'll be hot and humid when I go out, but not as bad as if I waited until later in the day.  Ground crews are already out here, too, mowing and trimming.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Hi everyone on another bright, sunny 68 degree morning.  We are suppose to get to 88 degrees this afternoon.  After they checked my car over at the garage they decided it wasn't the started but the ignition module on the steering wheel that had failed.  So I had to leave it overnight for the repairs and there will be a hefty bill when I pick it up later today.  We stopped at Aldi's for groceries on our way back home so that is done for another week. I am going to take it pretty easy today and have already done my morning chores.  We will be spending time with Scott this afternoon and early evening and may go out to eat but will make that decision this afternoon. 

Hal, you are fortunate to find a young lad willing to do that type of work and do a good job.  Too bad he will be gone all summer.

Joan, the repair will be costly but insignificant in terms of thinking of the cost of a different car.  I think when this car is no longer worth fixing we will just go back to having one car.  We are now at the point where there is usually only one day a week where having two cars is useful and that can be worked out. 

Jackie, not good when a doctor cancels a prescription of something that is very important and doesn't let the patient know.  Glad the situation was resolved quickly.  It sounds like you are on top of all the repairs and in a short while things should be back in tip-top shape. 

JaneS, I have been able to get fresh picked strawberries this year for $13 per gallon rather than by the pound.  However, I think our strawberry season is probably over. 

Chia, thanks for the alert about my weather widget.  I see it but had never clicked on it for more information.  I have made myself a note on my "to-do" list and will look into the problem.

Gloria, I have a friend who told me his daughter and family have a rule that anything on the floor for less than 15 seconds isn't spoiled.  Our housekeeper was just here on Friday and the location that little bit of crust hi was no one where we would be walking.  We had no ill effects.  It was too good and too much work for Pat to throw any of it out.  I can't image what a mess your MIL had to deal with involving blueberries as they stain very easily.

Jenny, glad you had a good outing and came home a winner. 

Shirley, not too long ago I was watching one of the cooking shows, I think it was Ina Garten, the Barefoot Contessa, and something like that happened and she just picked it up and went right on with what she was doing.  Sometimes what we don't know won't hurt us.   That was a funny story about the lime jello salad.

Joan, your Chuckle for today reminds me of how I felt when the O.J. Simpson verdict was read in his murder trial.  I saw on the new that he is up for parole consideration shortly on his current jail sentence.


We had a similar occurrence at my grandson, Kyle's birthday party the year he was 12.  We usually have informal suppers at their house in the family room especially when a fire in the fireplace is nice.  That's where we were for Kyle's birthday supper.  My daughter and SIL took the dishes upstairs and came down with the birthday cake.  My SIL was carrying it with lighted candles and he flipped off the lights as he came in the room.  We all started to sing and then laugh because we thought he was up to his usual antics.  He wasn't he actually tripped over something and was trying to save the cake.  He didn't save it!  It ended up on the floor right in front of Kyle.  He just looked up and said "You didn't have to throw it at me, Dad!"  Pandemonium broke loose.  Everyone was laughing and my daughter was trying to keep the dogs from the cake.  She took a spatula and cut all but the bottom of the cake off the floor and we ate it anyway.

Every time Kyle's birthday rolls around someone will say "Don't let Craig carry the cake!"

It sounds like the rain has slowed a bit.  Maybe it will stay that way until after 11 when I go to the Farmers Market.    One can hope!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning, Larry.  It's too bad you are going to have a hefty bill for your car repair, but as you say, it's cheaper than buying another vehicle.  It's nice that you can spend considerable time with Scott now that you live so close to one another.

Janie--Funny story about Kyle's birthday cake, but at the time I'd bet it wasn't quite so funny.

Not such a great morning for me.  I have started having a CNA on Wednesday morning to help with things that are difficult for me.  This morning we went out for a few things and she drove my car.  When backing out of my driveway, there was the SUV belonging to the lady from Home Instead who helps out my across the street neighbor.  My CNA backed right into it putting a BIG dent in the lower passenger side door panel.  My car has big scratches that will have to be buffed out or ?   Of course, this will all be charged against my insurance.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Larry Hanna, R tells me another Doctors name is written on his repeat prescription, possible there is a sister branch.....so maybe someone else writes out the prescriptions....all the same myself and R are not too impressed....
Larry, there is a lot of expense that we werent bargaining on......the bathroom flood, the outside building work, Benjis teeth vet bill.....so much for budgeting....I always use my late fathers term of, " expect the unexpected...."

Joan, wont her Insurance cover your costs? surely she must have insurance that covers her to drive other peoples car....


Good Morning Everyone!

What a nice way to start the day with all the stories of food mishaps at family gatherings.  That is truly how memories are made that last a lifetime and beyond.

Larry, Zack did a good job, my wife wasn't to happy because she had to tell him to do several tings, but like I told her he is a teenager and never really had a yard to care for.  But once told he gets after it and cleans up his mess and puts things away.
I wish he was going to be here all summer.  Oh, and as he was leaving he thanked me for having a job for him.  :thumbup:

Joanie, I had to smile watching the news about your "storm" and the news description and yours.  But I can understand since TS are pretty localized.  Even though by news accounts the world is coming to an end all over.

Well today ought to be quite, everything happened yesterday, carpets, yard and I even, finally, got a call from my urologist. Looking at my car/workshop area yesterday I wish Zake was here so I could get him, with my direction, clean and put stuff up for me.  I have some tools, somewhere, that I need and can find the way it is junked up and my wife nor I can really move things around.  To much lifting and getting up/around/under things.  I need a shop like Lloyds.

Everyone have a great day.


Good Morning,

Handyman and Helper are here doing some small jobs.   Two of them are to put bars in my shower and tub and one is to replace caulking along the back of my kitchen counters on the cabinet where the sink is.   Harve has helped me several times and is very good about noticing something that needs done - and doing it.

More exciting Granddaughter news.    Miss Emily, of softball tv fame,  has officially been accepted into the Doctor of Chiropractic  program at Cleveland College in Overland Park, KS  (K.C area).  She will begin her studies there in the Fall of 2017.  I was so impressed with what she posted on Facebook about this that I want to share her words with you:
I struggled for awhile to find a career path that I felt guided towards and committed to but this past year I have realized that chiropractic is something I am passionate about. Thanks to support and patience from my friends and family, as well as a little push from my fantastic mentor, I have found a profession that will challenge me but I can enjoy and will allow me to serve others. I'm so excited for this opportunity and can't wait to see where God's path takes me!

Off I go to continue helping the handyman by Staying Out Of The Way   :thumbup:

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.


Vanilla-Jackie--Yes she has insurance.  But the way it works here is that anyone driving my vehicles(s) is covered by my insurance.  Another unexpected expense--doubt the damages will exceed my deductible.

halkel--Guess only if you are right on the spot can the weather report be accurate.

Callie--GREAT that you are getting bars in your tub and shower.  It sure is nice you have handymen available.  How exciting that Miss Emily has chosen her career path--an admirable profession.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast

June Drabek

Good Morning all. I woke at 2:30, wide awake, so tried going back to sleep. Finally dozed off at 6 a.m. then fought to wake up at 7 to so I could get the day started.

Bis, sorry to hear about your car and the other one. That is not a pleasant start for your day. Darn.

Callie. I was thrilled to read Callies' note about her plans and how she has such a natural faith in God's guidance. She will make the world a better place to live in. Bless her God.

It is going on 9:30 and I need to get downstairs by 10 to hear my Gary give us a lesson on the book of Daniel...so off I go.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Callie K, well -done and congratulations re, the profession choice of your granddaughter......now I wonder if she will become advanced enough to be able to help me.........

" Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, under the belief that such a disorder affects general health via the nervous system....."

I am sure she will, just not in my lifetime......but she ( Miss Emily ) couldn't have picked a worthier occupation - career path........


Good morning from another rainy day in the Interior with no change expected this month. We are down from 60 to 20 fires so that is good with the rain. Unfortunately, one of the fires had terrible injuries and a fatality.

" Authorities have identified a woman who died in a fire at a remote Alaska fishing lodge as a 59-year-old Indonesian national.

Three other foreign nationals were injured in the blaze Thursday at the lodge at Uyak Bay on Alaska's Kodiak Island.

Troopers identified the woman who died as Silvana Sutanto. The injured are identified as Indonesian nationals, 30-year-old Shaun Gozali and 22-year-old Danielle Gozali, and 33-year-old Taeri Kim, a South Korean national."  The injured were her children. I am always surprised to have fires with rain, these were apparently either holdovers from last year or lightening strikes.

Farrah is doing well and exploring everything. She really enjoys her head and behind the ears scratched and her back and sides getting a good scratch and rub down. She is quite a jumper and I will have to watch for that and keep items put away.

She goes where she wants, no longer, seemingly afraid of being caught or locked in and she still doesn't make any meows or cat sounds you'd expect. Her little chirps and whines are becoming familiar and she stays out all day.

Yesterday at a friend's, we had homemade wheat pita chips, red grapes and Irish blue cheese.The canapes were so good, that I think  people enjoyed them as much or more than her main entry of chicken salad!


June--Too bad you only got one hour's sleep.  I imagine a nap is on the schedule for a bit later.  The cars can be fixed.  Thank goodness there were no personal injuries.

angelface--Wildfires can be devastating, that's for sure.  Farrah certainly has come a long way in not being a scared cat.  Those canapes do sound good.

Click for Melbourne, Florida Forecast


Angelface, you have just reminded me...R said on the tv news, the couple who supposedly killed their 2 year old has been let out on bail....I am assuming not enough evidence to charge them....or under further investigations...

Edited....R just told me on our evening news they said the oldest dog in the South-West ( our region ) has just died at the ripe old age of 24.....the breed of dog was a Collie....

Found it....R I P Yentl.....rainbowsbridge awaits you....Link....




Sorry to read of your start today.  Looking into your Weather "thingie" it is just not the weather to be outside.


Just great when a young person can find a path they wish to follow.    I liked that message she wrote.


Good afternoon, cloudy and on the cooler side.  Yesterday was the first day I used the AC

Gloria our weatherman has said rain in the afternoon everday, yesterday I think there were 3 drops, while I was setting on the porch.

Jackie, I like your new avatar.

Joan, sorry to read about your car problems, that is why I do not like anyone to drive my car. Although I have a couple of times.  I will never drive anyones car, after one of my neighbors totaled and other persons car in the traffic  circle coming from the hospital.

June, I am so happy to see you getting around again.

Shirley and Larry, I think I have a topper to your stories. My DIL was moveing the wedding cake at her borthers wedding, and droped it, She will never live that down, and it still upsets her to talk about it.

Jennny, when I use to go gambling to Atlantic city, it was a 5 to 6 hour ride. Then Foxwood open in Conn. The senior bus goes once a month there or to Moughan Sun. it is almost and hour ride to the ferry, then we take the Sea Jet another 45min across the Sound, then a half hour ride to the casino. It cost $30. but we get free buffet, $10. back also 3 plays on the rollet wheel., where I have won $50. a couple of times.

WE get our disable tags through Town Hall. The doctor signs and application.

By the way JeanneLee, can you get the weather thingie, I have tried a few times.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Jeanne Lee

For your weather gizmo I need your town name and state (I know - New York  :) ) With that I'll give it a try, but I've failed a few times so I won't promise.

Click for Corinth, New York Forecast