Seniors & Friends

Village Square => Soda Shoppe => Topic started by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 03:28:01 AM

Title: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 03:28:01 AM
for week of October 16

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 03:31:00 AM
Good Sunday morning, Everyfriend.  There's Egg McMuffinsto go with your coffee or tea.  Have a blessed Sunday.

Thanks to Phyllis for her “A Country Autumn” graphic creation which we are using this week.


Jay Leno Quotes

I was trying to find stuff to talk about today, it was a slow news day, so I found this. On this day in 1492, Columbus set sail from Europe, looking for a sea route to India - and ended up in America. And ironically, if you make a call from Europe to a company in America today - it's re-routed to India.

Thank you for coming out on such a hot day. Today was the first 100 degree day in L.A. I was sweating like a "Star Wars" fan trying to talk to a girl.

This new "Star Wars" is supposed to be quite good. It finally explains the transformation of how Anakin Skywalker went from being a young white boy to James Earl Jones.

Yesterday was "Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day." Which means today is "Stay Late At Work To Catch Up On All The Things You Couldn't Get Done Because Your Kid Was Bothering You In The Office Day."

Congress is now considering legislation that would require people to present four different forms of identification when they apply for a driver's license. Well that should speed up that line at the DMV.

I guess you heard by now, according to that video that was shown in court, Michael Jackson used chimps to clean at the Neverland Ranch. That's really bizarre, isn't it? Have you ever heard anyone say, "Your place is so spotless. I need to get the name of your cleaning monkey.

Well now the pope's election is over, at least we won't have to put up with any more of those negative cardinal campaign commercials.

Food For Thought

Why Some Churches Need to Quit Doing Evangelism For Awhile
(By Joe McKeever)

I was in my first church after seminary, Emmanuel Baptist in Greenville, Mississippi. This collection of members had come in from other churches, I had been told, and many were unhappy and disgruntled. Being young, idealistic, and ignorant, I scheduled a revival and invited Don Womack of Memphis to preach a weeklong meeting.

The meeting was awful. Our attendance grew weaker and weaker. Wednesday night, one child responded to the invitation and joined the church. Other than that, nothing.

At the same time, there was bickering among members, and rumors were flying about their new young preacher (me!) trying to stir up racial strife in the community, and such as that.

Following the final sermon and the fruitless invitation time, Evangelist Womack handed the service back to me.

I remember what I said like it was last week.

"People, I don't know what to do. Brother Don and I have worked so hard this week. But you have not supported this meeting with your attendance and support. I'm looking around at quite a few people who have told me you intend to join this church and several of you who need to walk this aisle and give your life to Christ. But you did nothing today.

"And I just want to say, I don't blame you.

"I wouldn't join this church either.

"There is a bad spirit in this congregation. And God is not going to send revival until we get our hearts right with each other and then make things right with one another.

"Folks, the Bible says 'It is time for judgment to begin at the House of God' (I Peter 4:17)."

And, little by little, day by day, God broke through that log jam and sent a spirit of revival to that church. People who belonged to Emmanuel Baptist Church in 1968-70 still talk about it.

Evangelism and spiritual harvesting are not for everyone calling themselves followers of Jesus.

Fruitbearing is for the obedient.

Believers aiming to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-10) should not miss one huge fact: No one not living as a faithful disciple himself can make someone else a disciple of Jesus Christ. Only disciples make disciples. Only the faithful can bear fruit.

Put another way: No one can teach others to "obey all the things I have commanded you" who is not obeying those things himself.

The church which is rebellious or wayward or chronically immature or systemically sick has no business trying to convert outsiders to what they are doing and how they are living. (Note: "Systemically" is not "systematically." When the sickness is throughout the body, we say it is "systemic." The problem is not with one person or two, but throughout the body.)

The sick church should get well first, and then it will be able to help others.

Thought of the Day
At the Los Angeles revival, a fellow evangelist accused Billy Graham of setting religion back 100 years. Graham replied, "I did indeed want to set religion back, not just 100 years but 1,900 years, to the Book of Acts, when first century followers of Christ were accused of turning the Roman Empire upside down."

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 16, 2016, 03:47:43 AM
...Thank you for getting our morning breakfast off to a good start....and let me be the first of the J's to say good morning....Been up since, its now 8.45 am...drank three cups of tea already...having problems lately getting off to sleep, this is not my usual me....but so much on my mind...

...Jane good morning, Jenny wishing you a restful nights sleep...

Jenny, oh, forgot to tell you about puppy's teeth...I know only too well, as I have been on the other end of them, literally...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 16, 2016, 05:42:42 AM
Good morning everyone..

Another fine day in the making I think  and then we are in for rain. I did manage to rake up the pine needles so will take them to the dump today. Nice to get the yard looking clean from all the pine needles.

Not much else is on the agenda today....may start another quilt??

Phyllis,beautiful graphic! So peaceful looking.

Jane, I made a soup the other day and threw in a bit of everything, onions,celery,tomatoes,navy beans,cabbage, rice,carrots and if you find the kitchen sink ,give it back as it was not to go in :))

Jackie, good morning

Joan, thank you for breakfast

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 16, 2016, 06:18:42 AM
Good morning Everyfriend!  I wasn't going to comment about anything before getting ready for church but AMY, if you had some of that soup in the hidey hole, I ate some and I almost broke my tooth on this!  HERE'S YOUR SINK!

Have a good morning, Everyfriend and I'll be back later to see what y'all are up to today. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 16, 2016, 06:21:24 AM
:2funny: Jane, I knew my sink was missing.....thank you  for sending it back!!

Have a fantastic day today..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 06:27:24 AM
Good morning Vanilla-Jackie.  Sorry you are not sleeping well.

Amy--Good morning.  I know those pine needles are messy.  We had pine trees along our lot line in Arkansas, and it was always a nuisance to get them raked and bagged.  Your soup sounds good to me.

Good morning, Janie.  Ha, ha about Amy's kitchen sink.  See you after church.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 16, 2016, 08:23:29 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

Just marking my spot.......
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 08:56:59 AM
Good Morning, halkel.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 16, 2016, 08:57:08 AM
Hi everyone on a beautiful Sunday morning.  We didn't see the sun yesterday as it remained cloudy all day.  Yesterday was pretty much a lost day for me as was feeling so weary that I spend most of the day laying down.  I do feel more normal this morning (whatever normal is).  I was glad that I really hadn't planned on accomplishing much as it wouldn't have gotten done.

Last evening we did go to Pizza Hut as we had planned and took our absentee ballots with us to get someone to witness our signature.  Just as we were getting out of the car a good friend from church pulled up beside us and I asked her if she would witness our signature, which she willingly did.  We also had time to sit and visit a bit before her carryout order was ready. I will drop the ballots at the post office this morning and that will be accomplished for this election cycle. 

Pat's breakfast is ready for her as nothing to cook this morning other than to heat the sausage muffins and push the buttons on the coffee maker.  I have watered my flowers and am ready for church. I will definitely bring something home for our main meal today and then spend the rest of the day as a day of rest while watching some football and listening to Don's wonderful radio show.

JaneS, your church soup project sounds like a great idea and a nice way to raise money for the Outreach program.  You must have a very good reputation for your soup. 

Joy, I also try to get up and walk from my office to the other part of the house every hour or so.  You are right that time really flies by when we get involved with things on the computer.  My wife has the same problem.  Have you considered a laptop so that you can keep your feet up.  Both Pat and I have laptop, in fact she has two as one is upstairs in her sewing room.  Her other one is by her easy chair where she spends most of her time and mine is also by my easy chair that I use in the afternoons and evening so I don't sit and stare at the TV.  Hope you had a most enjoyable evening with your son and grandson.  I don't think I have ever eaten sauerbrauten unless that is the same as sauerkraut. 

Hal, you are very fortunate to be able to be a part of your grand kids lives.

Patricia, I have used a program called Capture Whiz Pro for many years so haven't used the built in screen grabbing tools in the operating systems.  Thanks for the info about the apps you use.  I know there is now a tool in Windows called Snipping Tool but haven't tried it.  That is some huge external hard drive. 

Hal, my mother had a cast iron corn bread stick maker and we often had corn bread.  On occasion Pat will make it but can't say it is one of my favorites.  She really hated to not be able to use her cast iron skillet, which she had used all our married life, when we got the glass top range top.  I don't even remember whether we moved it but suppose we did as it could be used in the oven. 

Joan, when my wife discovered the rolled pie crusts in the dairy case at the store that was the end of here making them from scratch. 

June, I hope you are feeling more chipper today.  I can relate a little bit to your tired feeling as that was pretty much my day yesterday. 

Patricia, I was taken aback a little when I read of your sister's eating habits.   

Joan, that country autumn graphic is perfect for this time of the year.  Phyllis, thanks for preparing it and I marvel at your talents. 

Jackie, sorry you are having such a hard time sleeping.  Those early morning hours go so slowly when you try to go back to sleep.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Radioman34 on October 16, 2016, 09:36:10 AM
Hello world. Reserving my parking spot for the week.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 16, 2016, 09:37:46 AM
Good morning everyone, after a cold night yesterday turned out to be a nice warm day. Spent the afternoon outside enjoying it. My CNA  has a friend who is a hairdresser, she brought her here in the morning and at last I have a good haircut. I just could not have the one that comes here cut my hair again. 5 minutes to cut hair? You can imagine what it looks like when she is done. Yesterday it took half an hour and the difference shows.
My daughter and SIL are now officially residents of Arizona. They finally turned over the keys to the house in San Diego Friday.

AMY  those pine needles are worse than leaves to rake up. An area of the end of the parking lot here has pines and the area is full of pine needles. Have to be careful walking there because they can be slippery on the pavement.

LLOYD  wish I had talked to my grandson before buying this computer. He would have told me not to get another HP. I heard on TV the other day that they are not concentrating on computers much but branching out into other areas.

JOAN  when my don was here yesterday I forgot to ask him to cut the Acorn squash for me. I cannot do that anymore, it will be here waiting for him next week. I bet those brown and serve frozen sausages and chopped apples, walnuts and seasonings. Easy and tasty. I have yet to see where DST helps anyone.

LLOYD  Braxton is a smart little boy.

LARRY  right now my knives need sharpening and I do not have the strength to cut that squash in half anymore. I also cut a small slice off top and bottom so it lays flat in the baking pan.

JOAN  when I made a big pot of vegetable soup I used to freeze it. My canning days are long over. Of course I can no longer cook like I used to either.

JOY  like you I have to keep getting away from the PC and move around. No longer can sit here the hours I used to.

HAL  we have time to enjoy the grands and great grands when we were too busy all the time when ours were little.

PATRICIA  like yours, this building is warm. I am on the top floor (3 floors here) and the lady under me likes it cool so it does not get too hot here in the winter. The hallways are warm. Second floor is way too hot.

HAL  my Mom was a great cook and made wonderful biscuits, my daughter does make some just like her. Me I made hockey pucks.

BEVERLY  both my parents were French , so the pea soup and home made baked beans were quite a staple growing up. My daughter makes zucchini relish and she sent me a jar, carefully wrapped in bubble wrap and in the center of the box and it survived the 3000 mile post office trip.

PHYLLIS  your Country Autumn make me happy I live in the country and get to see the beautiful foliage. Thanks.

JOAN  thank you for the Egg McMuffin, I do like them. Like the Jay Leno quotes. Thank you for today's goodies.

JOAN at my son's house my car was parked under a pine and a hemlock trees. Those needles got into everything, even inside the car.

LARRY  I have tried the piecrusts from the market but to me they were not the flaky kind I am used to so my pie making days are over. I gave my cast iron pans to my daughter, I can no longer even pick them up empty. Have you ever checked out the PSP forum in the card shoppe? You will find some beautiful work there, Phyllis and Patricia post there and I hope to get back again.

DON  see you later for your program.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 09:49:19 AM
Good morning, Radioman.

Gloria--Good morning.  I know it makes you feel better to get a good haircut.  So now Regina and her husband start a new phase of their lives.  The way you fix your acorn squash sounds yummy.  I really disliked the pine needles.  Am glad we don't have pine trees here.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: CallieOK on October 16, 2016, 10:01:10 AM
Good Morning,

Jane and Amy/Amy and Jane,  loved your "kitchen sink" exchange.  That's my kind of humor!!!!!

I had hoped to get the cast iron cornbread stick pan and a small "what-not" shelf from my mil's house after she died - but neither were there when we went to get them.   Later, we saw the shelf in one of her granddaughter's homes and I'd bet we could have found the pan in the cupboard of another one.
I don't begrudge them the items - but it would have been nice if they had said something instead of going to the house and getting them when no one was around.   (They were seen going in and out by a neighbor. My husband was not happy when he heard this, but I convinced him it wasn't worth it to make a fuss. )

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 10:58:02 AM
Good morning, Callie.  That was sneaky of your mil's granddaughters to take those items.  Shame on them.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 16, 2016, 11:09:50 AM
I remember when my maternal grandmother died and some small items my mother had been promised never appeared. She was then midway into Alzheimer's but my father called for her. Her sister and brother had kept everything because as they said, "She would never understand, or appreciate." I think that was the last bit of family feeling between my dad and mom's sister and brother. And the items were not even worth a lot monetary wise.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 16, 2016, 11:12:23 AM
Good Morning all, a nice cool cloudy morning here in Stanton, sun will probably appear later in the day. May have some rain on Monday…I hope. then on Thursday, our regular mid70' s will jump into the mid 90's. I do not like that.

Larry, we certainly did have similar days yesterday, I think today will be more active, though Sunday's here are very quiet days. I will go to Chapel, then on to lunch, then home for the day.

Gloria, it must have been a bit of a wrench to hand over the keys of their house for Regina and her husband. They raised their boys there didn't they.?  They have been back and forth enough to Ariz. that it should easily feel like home to them now. We moved so many times it didn't bother me too much. We did have one home that I really loved and hated to sell, but Ed's job had him spending too may hours on the road from Long Beach to Pasadena.

Time for me to move this body away from the computer and have some breakfast, make the bed and get myself dressed for Church. I have been awake since 5a.m. so there will be a nap calling to me later today.

Take care my dear ones. I love you much. June
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 12:24:51 PM
Larry--Somehow I missed your post.  It was not intentional.  The only way a pie comes from my house is with one of those dairy case crusts.

angelface--Sometimes folks get greedy.  When my mother died, it took me 24 hours to get there.  By that time things I would have liked--sentimental type--were gone.

June--When I first got up this morning about 3 a.m. I stepped out on the porch to see what was happening--it was cool and raining.  The rain stopped after about an hour but started again two hours later and last about an hour.  Now it's sunny.

Vanilla-Jackie--I am sorry your sleep time is shortened by your worries.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Denver on October 16, 2016, 02:06:39 PM
A good Sunday Morning HELLO from Austin!  We enjoyed a pretty one, but not quite dry enough to leave the balcony door open.  Oliver and I went out and set for a bit and we both enjoyed it. 

Football is on the tube and I am doing what ever I can to keep busy.  My Broncos do not play today.....thank goodness as they all need a good rest after the last TWO losses!  Brian and Cathy are at the Mercedes Benz Super Dome in NOLA right now, watching the Saints and the Panthers.  He said they had to stop and reminisce the horror it must have been there after Katrina.  He sad it made them feel sad and very humble. 

Oh goodness JACKIE.  I am so sorry that you had a night of no sleep.  That is horrible and I feel so badly for you.  To me things always seem so much worse during those sleepless times than they are in daylight.  I hope you have been able to rest some today to make up for it. 

AMY, pleased to read that your DH is home now and in your care.  I hope and pray his recovery will be quick and complete.  You take good care of YOU too, please! 

Thank you, JOAN, for our goodies this fine day. 

Sadly, more times than not some greedy person will feel the need to go and take a loved ones items before others have a chance to get there.  I think that is why items should be given while the person is avoid this.  My dads sister was taken to a hospital by ambulance and before the first relative arrived to her place someone from the senior apartment building had already entered and pilfered through and took many items. When her brother arrived they could not find the key to her place that was kept in the office, so someone obviously got it and entered.  Nothing we could do about it....but it sure upset us.  Unfortunately this aunt became very bitter after her husband passed before her and made the choice to give EVERYTHING to the Christian Scientists Church, so we were not entitled to anything anyway!  Through out her life her brothers had always taken care of her thinking she never had much and in fact she left in excess of 100k dollars to the church.  They had no children.  Never made sense.  She was very close to my boys..... there was a picture of my mother and dad on her refrigerator as well as a picture of our Dr. Dave right next to a woven "house key holder" next to it.  We never did figure out what the key was to as nothing was found that indicated that the key would unlock.  Always made us wonder.  Dr. David was named after her and her husbands last name, and they were always included in family events.... thought sure she would have helped him with his medical school expenses since she has so much money, but sadly no! 

Wow, sorry about the long rant, but it obviously hit a nerve with me!

We are sure enjoying this puppy dog.... I am more and more in love with him.  He is 12 weeks old and has not had one accident in the house yet, since we have been here!  So sweet.  The biting is much more under control as thankful for that.  Poor GrandBob's arms are a real mess!  IF ONLY YOU HAD WARNED US, JACKIE!!!!  Haha.....

I must run...time to walk the little guy!

Enjoy a wonderful day, EVERYFRIEND, 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 16, 2016, 02:14:34 PM
..." IF ONLY YOU HAD WARNED US, JACKIE!!!!  Haha.....". my late father would often say..." we live and learn.... "
....I've still got his tooth mark, one tetanus injection later...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 16, 2016, 02:29:18 PM
Hello Everyfriend!  I got home from church much later than I'd planned.  As I was leaving church, I got a text from my granddaughter who lives and works in Philadelphia.  She came up last night, visited with her cousin on the other side and then spent the night with my daughter.  The were inviting me to join them for breakfast which I did.  Turns out my grandson who also lives in Phila. was home for the weekend too.  So I got to see both of them.

Then my daughter and Courtney went to the Farmer's Market with me to get pumpkins.  I've also been invited to join them for chicken from the grill for supper so I'll get another visit with my grandkids. 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the vegetable soup in simmering in two large pots on the stove.  If I get home in time this evening, I might get one cannerful done.  I have everything ready just in case I have some energy left over and I think its been simmering long enough.  There will be plenty to put in the hidey hole for supper tomorrow.

Hal, get up tomorrow and get busy on the cornbread!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Sandy on October 16, 2016, 04:09:01 PM
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 16, 2016, 04:15:02 PM
OK, here are some answers.

With my fourth trip to the hospital since July 1, more tests were taken - CT scan, EKG, echo cardiogram and all sorts of blood work.

I have, as we already were aware, emphysema/COPD.  This time, swollen lymph nodes in the lungs were discovered and a  biopsy was done.  The findings were non-hodgkins lymphoma, indolent type.  This is a very slow cancer, for which the oncologist is treating by...OBSERVATION and only at 2 month intervals, no chemo, radiation, surgery.  He told me it is more likely that I'll die of something else.  I told him I'm not afraid of dying, I know where I'm going then.  It's only the path to get there that I was concerned about and I'm sure the Lord has those plans all set.  :D  So that's the situation.   I intend to continue as I've been doing here. 

I have definitely experienced the loving hand of our wonderful God, and have the wonderful support of prayers from you and other.  This last visit to the hospital found me in a room with a lovely born-again lady and when she left the next room mate was also a Christian lady.  What blessings those two ladies were.

So, thank you for the prayers and please continue.   :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lindancer on October 16, 2016, 04:34:16 PM
Good afternoon, another nice sunny day, a little on the cool side, but suppose to be 75 by Wed. I guess Indian Summer.

Amy, How is your husband doing. I hope getting better everyday.

  Hal My mIL, started making biscuits when she was six years old.  I found and old movie, my husband made of her, making biscuits when she was 90. She also did not measure anything'  she made them twice a day when my husband was growing up. My FIL, like catheads (large biscuits) They lived in Alex City, Ala.  I still have her cast iron fry pan,

that is what my husband used to make his corn bread, he put pepper cheese in it.  also had it with butter milk.

I still use my copper pots, that Cyriel gave me, when Mark was 3. That would make them 59 years old.  the copper still shines like almost new.

Patricia, my mother would not let anything  green in the house, neither would her father.  she would say green was grief pearls were tears, so no pearls.

Joan, I love a McMuffin.  Phyllis thanks for Autumn View

Callie, When my MIL died in Charleston, my husband called everyone to tell them, the first thing one granddaughter said to him, I want her bedroom suit, I can get it right away. Not thinking we also spend the winter in Charleston, and we might want it or saying sorry, that she had just lost her grandmother.

Gloria, the man who cleans up my yard charges extra cause I have pine needles

JeanneLee, A big hug and prays going your way
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 16, 2016, 04:51:34 PM
Gloria, I had to Google your mother's quote and that is from "A morning walk" by Charles Doyne Sillery. He was Scottish and a contemporary of Keats.

We, my sisters and I always seemed to be working and we must have started about six or seven under supervision, but we were not allowed to actually use the stove until we were each ten.

Jeanne Lee, you were missed and it is nice to see you posting again. If you have to have cancer, that is the type to have.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 16, 2016, 04:57:07 PM
JeanneLee, you are ALWAYS in my prayers.  And I admire your attitude.

In fact, ALL OF YOU are in my prayers daily!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Mary Ann on October 16, 2016, 05:01:19 PM
Jeanne Lee, it is so good to see you back here.  Thanks for the explanation of what you have been through.  Prayers for you.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 16, 2016, 05:45:30 PM
Thanks for all the prayers - they are always needed for all of us and by all of us.   :thumbup: 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 16, 2016, 05:53:35 PM
Jeanne Lee, just when I think everyone in here has taught me all possible about showing the purest & classiest example of how a lady or gentleman should act, you've surpassed the ideal!  You have been pushed into a scary place in our lives & have not just taken it in stride but stared the monster in the eye & stood tall.  My hat is off to you (sincerely) and will keep on praying for your strength to handle each day as it comes.  I am happy for you that chemo, radiation & surgery are not ordered and am sure you were an inspiration for the two room mates.

Janie, good for you being included with "the kids" and having the time to run away with them. 

Jenny, we had the same problem when my parents died, so many things missing but nobody dared accuse anyone since so many people had been in & out the 5 years after Mother died, before Dad.  She would have missed the items but Dad didn't, they had $ value to be hocked... and just disappeared.   So have you decided you will just enjoy the grand-dogs and not have the worry of where to leave one if you adopt?  Much as I'd like to have a dog I have too many doubts how it would work out with the 3 cats. I am finally at peace with the elephant RV.... actually had one trip without problems!!!

Last night (or morning) I woke up about 2:30 am with a start, knew something was wrong.  All cats outside because of mild temps.... sat up in bed to analyze what was wrong.  All the outside lights were off... have LED lights built into the overhang that come on at dark & off at daylight.  All the way around the house that we had never used because we couldn't find a switch for them.  After Cas died one of my sons put in a new bulb & much to my surprise it came on at dark.... so we put ordinary LEDs in all the rest & now I can look out & can see anything near the house.  BUT it was dark.  Clocks were dark, so I got up to see of it was only my house or the whole neighborhood.  No street lights & just dark everywhere.  So I called the power company, my Cox phones still worked but I knew only for a short while, until their backup battery went out.  Sure enough, lots of us in the dark but "should be on by 3:30 am".... and it was past that by the time I called. 

I mentally planned the morning as I fixed myself some toast (love having a gas stove, had to light with a match but still able to put butter in a skillet & can't beat that kind of toast.  Had coffee left in the pot so poured some in a pan & heated on the stove.... candles glowing everywhere.  Tiger wanted in but Lauren wouldn't come in since Tom wasn't home.  She is like that.  I thought I'd try for an hour sleep so blew out the candles (have flashlights for camping in the bags that get toted in & out).  Tiger lay on the bed beside me, was on guard duty & kept watch out the sliding door.  Normally I can see the whole pool area with the lights but I couldn't see what she did so I dozed.  Got up at 5:00 since the power wasn't on, knew I couldn't open the garage door & would have to put up the jacks, open shades & unplug the power to the RV if I was going to get to church.  I had a concern about going out the front door since I wasn't sure I had a key to the 2nd lock, when I turned the lock on the inside out of habit so I could get back in with only the dead bolt lock, I gave it a test turn to see if it would open.  It didn't.  Was going to worry about that when I got home if the power wasn't back on by then.... too late to do anything then~

Lots of police & power company trucks a couple blocks away, on the other side of the bridge.  Our side goes off more often than the side of the street not backed up to the river.  I left the house 6:30-6:45 & a neighbor across the street was up & had a light on in her computer room.  NOT FAIR!  No problem finding a parking spot.... this dude takes up 2 full - front to back - parking spots, but was early enough I had my pick.  Like when I'm camping & want fast food, I park on the street & walk in, so no problem having breakfast with the kids.  Power was on when I got home.... will have to get one of my sons to dump the ice cube bin since I know they will have melted enough to stick together & not come out the door.  The one clock that stops & shows numbers what time, said it went off a little after midnight & didn't come on until nearly 9:00 am.  Time to make mush of ice cream bars, etc., but don't think it harmed the frozen foods.  I've had one nap already & brain not sure what time of day it really is, will do what the body dictates. 

So, as June says, "Onward!"  I have a bunch of clocks to reset.... thank goodness some reset themselves.  The tech help with Cox had me reset the router, she could reset the modem from her end.  Took a while but got the computers back on & hopefully everything charged back up (portable phones, etc).  Time for the cats supper & I just had lunch.... the brain is not so flexible these days!  Nothing BAD, just befuddling..... :crazy2:

Love, hugs & prayers to all.  Shirley
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 16, 2016, 05:59:33 PM
I had unexpected company arrive shortly after noon and she's staying for the night.  I slipped to the computer to read posts and to tell you why I was absent.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 16, 2016, 06:48:04 PM
Hi everyone on this sunny Sunday afternoon.  This has been a good day.  When I called Pat after church to see what she would like for lunch she said she had put the small roast in the oven and would add some canned potatoes and peel some carrots to go with the remaining coleslaw.  So I didn't need to stop and bring something home to eat.  I then had a nice afternoon nap as I was tuned into Don's program and then we had out big meal for the day.  I have been watching football and working (playing) on the computer.

Gloria, it is always a relief to sign those real estate papers and glad that your daughter and husband are now settled in their new home.   I know what you mean about a 5 minute haircut.  While I don't have a lot of hair I want a reasonable amount of time and care on the cut to at least feel I am getting my money's worth.  Our friend that brought us the chicken and vegetable casserole had a delicious piecrust.  I asked if she hadn't made it from scratch and she said it was a Pillsbury piecrust from the dairy counter.  Pat and I both thought it was excellent. 

Callie and Patricia, a family fuss over something so minor certainly isn't worth the cost.  Those are just things.  It is sad to see family splits over small things and often inheritances create real family problems, which is sad but a fact.

June, I agree with you on houses.  To me the home is where my family was  and not a structure where we had lived. 

Joan, I guess I was fortunate in at when my sister and I had to clear out our folk home we had no disagreements over what we each wanted.  She had a daughter who was able to use quite a bit of the furniture and that was good as the auction wouldn't have brought much.  I was probably more sentimental about a few things than she was and I ended up with a few pieces that had belonged to my grandmother and then mother. Glad you got some rain.  We could use some of that up this way.

Jenny, it sounds like you enjoyed some quiet time as your son and wife were away at the game. 

Before I had finished reading and writing my good friend from where we  moved from called me via a video call.  We had a nice visit.  Now back to the football game.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Molly on October 16, 2016, 07:11:48 PM
JEANNE LEE - I know that I am always a bit late checking in, but I especially wanted you to know that I've joined other Friends here to keep you in DAILY INTENSE prayers for your health and how you deal with the recent diagnosis.  Yes, I know that there are many health issues which we all have to deal with throughout like, but some are a bit more "focused" and special than others.  Your recent diagnosis is one of those.

Do you recall when Chaps (my son David) was deployed to the Middle East years ago and I asked for special prayers?  The response came right back:  "Will do!"  And when Mohamed's Mother and Father were severely ill and living bedside by bedside years ago before they passed?  Same response.  Although some of us have more time to share with friends in these posts than others, we remain FRIENDS!

So I'm sending my special prayers for you on a daily basis and trust that our Lord will respond.

A big Smile and Hug for you as you move forward.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 16, 2016, 07:27:26 PM
Bis, I would happily wake up at 3 a.m. if it were raining outside. I would sneak downstairs in my robe just to stand outside and breathe it in. They are mentioning a rainy Monday, but I will believe it if I see it. I'm happy for you though, Florida needs the water too. I understand Florida has a high water table underground, but I don't don't if that is fresh water or ocean water. I wish the states that need water would do more about desalination. It is costly, but we waste good money on a lot of junk too.

Janie, what a lovely Sunday this turned out to be for you.Nothing I can think of is as dear and good as having family members with us.. i am waiting for some of your soup from that fabulous hidey-hole.

I remember Bis had turned on of her closets in Ark. into a hidie hole when a tornado threatened her area.

Jeanne Lee, dear heart. prayers will definitely contain YOU. I thank God that you have your faith in our God. And your attitude toward death echoes the way I feel. It will be a "trip" that is wonderful, I am sure. I think often of something I read about dying.. a ship left the shore and people said, "there she goes, and on the far shore you could hear..'here she comes' "

Tisie, We have had several black outs here at our buildings, but they still take good care of us. I keep flash lights in various places in the Apt, and they have special generators so the hallways stay lighted…dimly, but well enough to see. We depend too fully on all our electronic equipment. Unfortunately.

Bis, have a good visit with your friend. I don't appreciate overnight visits that are not expected, but you are good at adjusting. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 16, 2016, 08:40:31 PM
I'm home and the soup is all refrigerated.  Everything is all set out for an early start on the canning tomorrow.  I think I'll go to bed a bit early tonight and when I wake up I'll get started.

I have to tell you a story.  Courtney got a pumpkin and while she was at my daughter's she carved it for a jack-o-lantern and her plan was to take it home and have it for Halloween.  Her Aunt Cathy liked it so much that she asked her to do one for her.  They bought a pumpkin at the Farmer's Market and when I went back for supper, they were both sitting on Cathy's porch.  Uncle Craig had found candles and put in them.  Since it was dark when Courtney was ready to leave, they lit the candles and took pictures and then Courtney said, "Aunt Cathy, I want you to keep my pumpkin, too."  Aunt Cathy started to protest but Courtney insisted.  She's such a special young lady!  I love her to pieces!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Beverly on October 16, 2016, 09:15:39 PM
Jeanne Lee - Sending prayers your way. I'm happy to hear you won't be going through any treatments. I guess this was a good new/bad news diagnosis! Hopefully you will also be able to avoid so many trips to the hospital. You have a wonderful attitude about life.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 16, 2016, 10:15:33 PM
Good Night everyone. sweet dreams

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 16, 2016, 10:56:09 PM
Jeanne Lee, great minds think
Just this past Thursday in my men's bible class that we were expressing the same thing that the dying is not what worrys us, it is the process we want to be painless.

Janie, the corn bread will be in the hidey hole for all that want some.  Hot and crispy muffins and a couple of pounds of fresh (real) butter to slather on.

Our church had a celebration today for it's anniversary but my wife and I passed. it got up to 90 degrees and we didn't want to be out picnicking.  So we went out for some fish at a local fish place and I think we kinda got turned off, they have gone up on their prices and the a/c was turned up so much that our food got cold before we could enjoy it.  And they screwed up my order.  But corrected it promptly.

When my step mother passed away my father had passed a few years before her.  My half brother and sister had no problems what-so-ever.  We knew their wishes and did as they wanted.  Before my step mother died I ask her if I could have my Dad's rod and reel and she gave it to me right then with a big smile.  It sits now on my garage wall.  Wish I could have said they same for my Mothers family, she was in the hospital for some time before she died and someone rummaged through all of her paperwork and her jewelry.  I have no idea what they took  And of course no one owned up to doing it.  What they wanted out of her "lock box" as she called it, I cant figure out.  Mother had very little.

Any old how, I am a tired camper so I am off to bed.  God Bless, Sweet Dreams

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 17, 2016, 12:46:45 AM
...firstly so sorry to read up on your recent hospital visits and your cancer outcome but...also feel the relief for you that you dont need to go through the nasty effects of radiation and - or chemo, and not putting your body through surgery all have to be a blessing, at least you have been spared all that......As for me and the way I feel about cancer, I have lost two parents, ( one being given less than one week to live, I lost my mother on her third day, ) or maybe three if we include ( my biological mother ) and two dogs, very close indeed to losing our third dog.......This is a word that fills me with dread, anger and hatred....

Along with Everyfriends here, I keep all my cyber buddies in my thoughts and prayer, as they take each and everything that comes their way that they have to deal with that aren't pleasant...

...I so agree with you and Jeanne Lee....."  the dying is not what worrys us, it is the process we want to be painless...."

...yes that is the perfect way of visualising our life versus death, and its changeover period...

" I think often of something I read about dying.. a ship left the shore and people said, "there she goes, and on the far shore you could hear..'here she comes' "  what a delightful way of putting it....

I know my path in getting there re, my Primary Progressive MS is not going to be a quick or painless one...unless something else comes along to beat it......MS itself wont kill me but, other things, and complications, associated with it, can or will....
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 04:04:41 AM
Good Monday morning, Everyfriend.  There's poached eggs, toast and sausage to accompany your coffee or tea . I wish everyone a nice day!!



Real Faith

A grandfather was going by his little granddaughter's room one night when he saw her kneeling beside her bed, with head bowed and hands folded, repeating the alphabet.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

She explained, "I'm saying my prayers, but I couldn't think of just what I wanted to say. So I'm just saying all the letters of the alphabet, and God can put them together however he thinks best”.

Food For Thought

A Glass of Milk
(Author Unknown)

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"

"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said, "Then I thank you from my heart."

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation.

When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her.

He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave special attention to the case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room.

She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words:



Dr. Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed: "Thank You, God, that Your love is shed abroad through human hearts and hands."

(Note from Chris: This story has been verified to generally be, at least at core

Thought of the Day

Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

--Author Unknown

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 17, 2016, 05:31:39 AM
...good morning....pouring down with rain here......
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 17, 2016, 05:51:40 AM
Good morning everyone

We had rain overnight but it has stopped for the time being now. We are off to the Dr.s hubby gets his staples out today and I am not sure what else is happening.

Jeanne Lee, good to see you ,take it one day at a time to get your strength back to where it was.You are so right, prayers are always needed and welcomed.

Jackie,good morning.

Joan, thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 06:49:52 AM
Good morning Vanilla-Jackie.  The rain made the decision for you.

Amy--Good morning.  I hope all goes well with the removal of your husband's staples.  That should make him more comfortable.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 17, 2016, 07:53:12 AM
Good morning everyone.
Jeanne Lee I went back and read your post . I knew you were Christian . It is a blessing when we can say we are and have good or great ones such as you to call friends. I thank god I have you as a friend,
thank you for being here for me and all the rest of us. Have a great day. I am so far today having a dizzy day the rat poison they have me on,not falling but some fast side steps. God bless everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 08:36:13 AM
Good morning, Lloyd.  Please be very careful if you are dizzy.

Jeanne Lee--Wanted to tell you I have added more prayers for you.  I know pretty much what you are dealing with since I am dealing with about the same.

Where's our Janie this morning?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 17, 2016, 09:17:18 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!

I'm here Joanie but it's going to be a busy day.  The first cannerful of veggie soup is cooling and as soon as the pressure goes down and I can take these jars out, another cannerful will go in.  The waiting is the hardest part for me.  I'm not very patient.  I'm doing the pints first because they seem to take the longest then I'll do the quarts.  They seem to go faster.  I suppose because it takes more to fill the canner.

JeanneLee, I told you last night that prayers for you have been intensified.  I want to make sure you know.  You are a very special lady and you deserve the best.  I truly admire your attitude and I hope mine will mirror yours.  Love and hugs to you.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 09:51:39 AM
Good morning, Janie.  I just know your soup will taste delicious.  Is there going to be some in the "hidey hole"? :)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 17, 2016, 09:56:38 AM
Hi everyone on this Monday morning.  Here we have bright skies and mild temperature.  There is all kinds of activity across the street at the new house that is being built.  They brought in carpeting this morning and other workmen are there as well.  I have to wonder if there will be a closing on it at the end of the month.  Today will be fairly busy as this is my Monday noon meeting and then this evening the Men's meeting at church.

Molly, well spoken about our friendships and caring for each other in these discussions.  Hope you are feeling better and Mohamed is doing well.

June, your mention and dying and your reference to the ship going and arriving makes me remember that was used in our daughter's memorial service as she dearly loved ships and light houses.  It is a comforting thought.

JaneS, that was a very nice gesture by Courtney to leave the pumpkins. 

Joan, that is a very touching Food for Thought you have today.  I have read it before but it certainly is worth another read. 

Jackie, I would urge you to just take it one day at a time with Benji and don't waste precious moments of today with worries about tomorrow or the next few days.  (Please read no criticism in my comment but rather a comment from my life experiences where I wasted many days thinking about tomorrow and forgot to live today.)

Amy, sure it will be a relief for your husband to get the staples removed.  Isn't it amazing that doctors can now use staples and glue to close incisions. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 17, 2016, 10:35:24 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

Larry, Jackie, very good advice about take care of today and don't worry about tomorrow.  I suppose all of us are guilty of worrying too much about tomorrow and forget to enjoy today. 

Larry, wondering do you have another house to watch be built after this one is completed.  Also, wonder if you will have some new friends in life moving in across the street.  Some of our best friends in life are former neighbors. 

It is a cloudy, kinda humid day.  But plenty warm and will be warmer later.  Weather guessers say 'BIG' cool down coming later part of week, but only slight chance for rain.  I hope this isn't one of those winters where all the fronts come through dry (no rain).

Yard guy is suppose to be here this morning to take care of the shrubs and hedges.  They are looking pretty ragged.

Hmmmmm, Janie, bet your house smells good this morning. 

Joanie, one of my favorite breakfast, sausage and eggs.  Thank you so much.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 10:44:44 AM
Good morning, Larry.  You do have a busy day ahead.  Are there still vacant lots on your street?  Glad you enjoyed today's "Food for Thought".

halkel--Good morning.  They are saying the same thing here--cold front coming at the end of the week.  The HOA yard crews are still cleaning up after the hurricane.  They are taking care of the areas with that have trees down first and then will get around to streets like mine that just have small debris to be cleaned up.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 17, 2016, 10:46:29 AM
Good morning everyone, going to feel like a spring day here.

JOAN  hemlock needles are  smaller and set into even smaller places than the pine needles and there were both  trees where I parked. I did chat with Regina on Skype last night and she looked worn out. Now it is getting the last load they brought unpacked and it  will take time to find a place for everything. My SIL had a life time in that house so he had almost a whole load of tools, his and some that were his father's. He is very handy and can fix almost anything. I know it took me a long time to place every thing when I moved here.

CALLIE  when my MIL died, after the funeral we all went to one of my sis in law's home except for my bil. Next day we found out he went to her house and he took my FIL's coin collection and his stamp collection. So the family went to the house and were like ghouls dancing on her grave. They  started arguing about who would take this or that. I wanted nothing. My ex got her fridge, we did need a new one and her car and that we needed, too. No one else wanted them anyway. It was a horrible day to watch.

JUNE  that was the only house my SIL ever lived in.  My daughter was not sad to leave it and I think he looked forward to being away from all the noise and traffic of San Diego. Her sons had both moved on several years ago. SIL had been going to Arizona since a little boy to a cousin's house and he always liked Arizona.

JANE  looks like yesterday was a good family day.

JEANNE LEE  my prayers are with you. I like your mental outlook, that is so important.

GLORIA de  guess there were no houseplants in your Mother's house either, they are green.

SHIRLEY  not nice when the power goes off. Been through that more than once and loss a lot from the freezer. Just had a blink of something here and TV went black, came back a minute  later and saw my wifi was out so had to unplug and plug it back in. Called Cox the last time that happened and that is what I was told to do.

JOAN  hope you enjoyed your company.

LARRY  I just do not like the taste/texture of those bought piecrusts.

JOAN  a poached egg on toast will be great. Cute Chuckle. I had read A Glass of Milk a long time ago and it brought tears to my eyes again today. Thank you for all today's goodies.

LLOYD  be careful what you do today.

Better get busy, have some calls to make today. I really don't like talking on the phone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: CallieOK on October 17, 2016, 11:36:25 AM
Merry Monday, Everyfriend,

First off - let me reassure everyone that the "incident" with the shelf and cornbread stick pan did not in any way cause a family rift.  In all fairness, neither one of the nieces may have known that I was "supposed" to have had them.
The only thing that irritated me was the way they "sneaked" in to take things without letting anyone know about it.
Water under the bridge......

I haven't given a Miss Ellen report in quite a while and am happy to say she is doing fine in NYC.
No performance jobs yet but she started today as a Sales Associate at Loft, a clothing store for women.  As usual,  I Googled the street view of the store's location and it looks like a very nice area.   Not far from her sub-let "as the crow flies" but may be a time-consuming commute via subway, etc.
She and a friend got in to see the dress rehearsal of "Saturday Night Live".  She said they saw more skits than would be aired.

The complex has had an Armadillo invasion!!!!   Probably means a lot of yards have a grub infestation.  The yard I share with a neighbor has certainly been "aerated:!!!!!   She's in a bit of a snit.  I can see signs of the grass coming back and am willing to wait it out - mainly because I don't think we can keep the critters completely away - and the squirrels are also burying....whatever it is they hide.

We're having August temperatures and March winds.   The cottonwood trees are just barely beginning to show a few yellow leaves.  I suspect we may not have much color; they'll just turn brown and blow off.  Phooey!

Off to find something useful to do....or not.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere a lovely day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 17, 2016, 12:40:19 PM
Good Morning Dear Hearts.

We did not have rain this morning, just what I would consider a gentle mist, but better that than what is to come...low 90 degrees expected toward the middle of the week. Ick !!!

I didn't wake up till 8 o'clock this morning. If I calculate correctly I had 9 hours of solid sleep. Not too much activity today, at least nothing that really interests me, so I will do more walking than usual.

Jackie, don't mourn the coming passing of your beloved doggy while you still have him, time enough when it happens. And you can always have the hope that when your "boat" arrives on the other shore there will be a special dog standing there with his whole body "wagging" in joy to meet you again. We don't KNOW now what will be, but we can hope. Hope makes each day more joyful.

I have had my cereal and enjoyed my morning visit with you beloved friends, now it is time to clean up my kitchen, make the bed, and get out for some walking. Have a great day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 12:57:58 PM
Gloria--I've never had to deal with hemlock needles.  I am sure it will take some time for Regina and her husband to get settled.  Sure hope they have plenty of room for all of their belongings.

Callie--Armadillos can do a lot of damage.  You probably remember me telling about them getting in the crawl space at put house in Arkansas and eating all the insulation around the duct work and even chewing holes in the duct work.  It cost me $8,000 to have all new put in.  I am familiar with "The Loft"--nice store.  Hopefully she will soon get a performance job.

June--I hope we stay in the 80s.  Good for you for getting out and walking.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 17, 2016, 02:23:03 PM
The third cannerful is cooling, waiting for the pressure to drop.  These are quarts, mostly for the soup sale at church.  I think I might have one more cannerful of quarts and I'll be finished.  I've cleaned up the kitchen and I need to change my shirt and put on shoes before I go pick up TLH after school.

Everything is laid out ready to do the last batch.  I'll either do it tonight after Kiran goes home or tomorrow after work.  Depends on how good my vitamins are and if I took enough of them. 

There's a squirrel that lives in one or both of the trees in my yard and it teases the dogs unmercifully.  Well, he almost got his come-uppance this morning when I let the dogs out.  He was not only IN the yard, he wasn't very close to the fence and Mickie spotted him immediately and both dogs went for him.  He headed for the fence and tried to get out a space that was too small and he only made it out by seconds!  I wonder if he'll come back inside the fence again?

I think I'll rest up until it's time to go for TLH.  Wonder if there are any lost zzzzs on the sofa?

Almost forgot...soup's in the Hidey Hole and Hal's bringing cornbread to go with it.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 17, 2016, 03:19:50 PM
The squirrel will return, with bells on, and the Cornbread is in there with the soup.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 03:25:33 PM
Janie--You sure have spent a long time making that soup with loving care.  Hope you can get some ZZZ's before you have to go pick up Kiran.  I'll check the "hidey hole" for my portion of soup.  Squirrels are BIG pests.

halkel--My experience is that those squirrels always return.:(

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 17, 2016, 04:29:35 PM
I did what I said I would, and got so fatigued doing it, I came home changed clothes to comfey things and laid down for an hour. Now I thinking about some lunch, even tho I am not hungry, the body must be fed. Then it will be back to bed and book. And so it goes.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 17, 2016, 05:54:10 PM
June--Good for you doing what you said.  What's for lunch?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 17, 2016, 08:23:16 PM
Bis, for lunch I had a big slice of turkey breast along with some dressing that I had brought home from Sunday lunch, plus some apple sauce and my Ensure. I really didn't have a very good day, so tired, so I took a long nap, and feel much better now. I will have a light supper, hopefully another walk, even if inside the building.

I hope everyone else had a pleasant day, especially our dear Jeanne Lee. God is watching over her, I know.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 17, 2016, 10:58:09 PM
I've had a very "productive" day.  I'm done with the soup and I'm all in but my shoe strings.  Oops, forgot!  I'm shoestrings.  I guess I'm just plain "all in".  I'll be going to bed very soon. 

Good night, Everyfriend.  May God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Beverly on October 17, 2016, 11:07:33 PM
The dental appointment I mixed up last Friday was this morning. It went very well. The tooth came out easily so no problem. I took the Ativan beforehand which made me sleepy all day. No pain and I haven't even had to take a Tylenol. Hope this continues.

Jane - Your granddaughter Courtney sounds like a nice person. It makes me feel so good when my grandkids think of others. Mine are all adults now and often make me proud. :)

Good night all.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 03:20:48 AM
Good Tuesday morning, Everyfriend.   There's elephant ears to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a great day!!




A client called to report an accident and asked if her insurance rates would go up.

"Our underwriting department determines that," I replied. Then I asked for her license plate number. Verifying her information, I said, "NMF? Is that 'N' as in Nancy, 'M' as in Mary, and 'F' as in Frank?"

"Well ... yes," she said. "But could you please tell your underwriters that it's also 'N' as in Not, 'M' as in My, and 'F' as in Fault?"

Food For Thought

(By Timothy G. Satryan)

Have you ever seen the sea flee? Have you ever seen the mountains skip like rams or the hills run like lambs? That's the vivid description the psalmist gives of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt. "The sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back. The mountains skipped like rams, the little hills like lambs.... Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters" (Psalm 114:1-8)

The psalmist mentions the time God opened the Red Sea and the Israelites walked across on dry land. He talks about when the nation entered the Promised Land over the dry bed of the Jordan River. Then he refers to their experience in the wilderness, when they were thirsty and God turned the rock into a pool of water.

What are we to learn from all of these experiences? God helps us in the obstacles of life. When you turn your obstacles over to the Lord, He acts!

What will He do? Sometimes He overcomes the obstacles. God is with us in the hopeless places. How hopeless the Israelites were at the Red Sea! The enemy soldiers were behind them; the wilderness was around them; the sea was in front of them. But God opened a way to escape. Sometimes God removes the obstacles - the "hills" and the "mountains." He just makes them skip and run away like animals. Sometimes He makes the mountains a way for us to escape. In Isaiah 49:11, the Lord says "I will make each of My mountains a road, and My highways shall be elevated". Sometimes He also can turn the obstacles into blessings. He "turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of waters" (Isaiah 49:8).

If God doesn't overcome or remove your obstacle, let Him turn it into a blessing. Trust God with your obstacles. He can help you in the hopeless places, the high places and the hard places!

Thought of the Day

"Even the most devout seem to think they must storm heaven with loud outcries and mighty bellowings or their prayers are of no avail."

- A. W. Tozer

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 18, 2016, 05:28:44 AM
Good morning everyone.

Gosh we had a dandy storm last evening, even rattled the house at times. Both dogs were not impressed with this musical interlude......and they stuck like glue to me!!

Nothing important in the works today, just cleaning about the house and will get some sewing done.

Joan,thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 05:40:22 AM
Good morning, Amy.  Poor doggies that get so scared when it storms.  I get scared when we have a bad storm like the hurricane a couple weeks ago. :)

My computer is acting up again.  Guess that bandaid fix is about to give up.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 18, 2016, 06:10:05 AM
Good morning Joan and Amy, and all who are soon to follow....
....not much happening in my life apart from the same as yesterday and the day before, re, Benji monitoring...

Why is everyone all of a sudden having so much computer problems?...seems now to be a sudden chain reaction...

Amy, firework nights and thunder was always a terrible time for my dogs...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 06:21:25 AM
Good morning Vanilla-Jackie.  I will have to get my computer guru to look at my computer.  I am using my iPad.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 18, 2016, 06:35:20 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  We are to have temps in the high 70s most of the day and the low 80s this afternoon.  I'm glad I finished the soup yesterday because having all those burners going in 80 degrees would not be a picnic.  That's part of the reason I wait until October to do the veggie soup.

I'll be off to Wally World this morning!  Wish me smiles.  They always make the hours pass faster.

For those of you who commented on Courtney's loving gesture, Thank you.  She has become quite a thoughtful young lady and she does hold a special place in my heart. 

I hope everyone has a great day filled with the love of God, family and friends.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 18, 2016, 08:02:20 AM
Good Morning everyone. AMY take it easy relax with the house cleaning. Jane I always wish you and Bis
along with all our good Friends  the best. I am more normal to day No dizzy just feel like i need more sleep.the junk mask VA sent me dose not stay sealed , have to keep resetting the By pap Machine. never fell yesterday but made several fancy side steps. Have a great day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 09:16:27 AM
Good morning, Janie.  I wish you smiles at WM today.

Lloyd--Good morning.  Please do be careful when you feel dizzy.  We don't want you to fall a break a bone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 18, 2016, 09:48:08 AM
...we worry about you pushing yourself, your body too far...slow down before something else happens that will slow you down....and we dont want that to happen, do we?

...where are these Courtney pictures showing her loving gesture, or was it something you wrote about her? if so I never spotted them -it...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Sandy on October 18, 2016, 09:59:03 AM

Good morning everybody from me overcast and rainy rocky coast  of Maine.

All is well just checking in- - -
Sandy.   ðŸ˜Ž
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 18, 2016, 10:14:02 AM
Hi everyone on another beautiful South Carolina morning with blue skies and zero chance of rain today or tonight.  I seem to be operating on slow this morning as didn't get up until 8 am and just taking things slow this morning.  Fortunately, other than some kitchen work there is nothing on the schedule until Pat's 4 pm Chiropractor appointment so I have no need to hurry this morning.  We had a nice men's meeting last night at church, a good steak dinner and a speaker from the Palmetto Shooting complex, which is quite an operation with one of the aims being to teach the younger generation to hunt safely as well as providing a shooting range to shoot skeet, clay pigeons and target shooting.  Even though I have never been a hunter I have to say I enjoyed the program.  This facility is about 25 miles from our town in the next county. 

Hal, no more houses to be built on our street which ends in a cul-de-sac.  They are working furiously to get it finished as must have a closing date soon.  They are getting the driveway ready for pouring the concrete and there are six different vehicles of workmen over there.  Yesterday I saw them installing carpeting and think the painters are through both inside and outside.   I agree about former neighbors turning into best friends. 

Joan, there are many lots behind us on another street but other than to be aware of construction sounds we have no impact on our street down where are home is located.  The house being finished is the third one that has been built on near us on our street since we moved here.  It is going to seem pretty quiet when the construction workers are around no more.  I won't have anything to watch. 

Gloria, one advantage of moving many times during a lifetime is that you do weed out things periodically.  I can't image having to deal with moving a home where I had lived for so many years our your SIL has.  However, my son's house is one his wife's family has owned for over 100 years and it had been added onto numerous times.  It is stuffed with things and will be a terrible job of cleaning out if he ever decides to sell it.

Lloyd, my wife has a terrible time keeping her CPAP machine facial pillow from leaking air.  She has started using a chin strap to keep her mouth from being open as she sleeps and that is helping with the dry mouth that she has suffered for a long time.  I don't seem to have too much problem with my CPAP and have a very simple strap that goes around my head to hold the nose piece rather than that contraption with multiple straps. 

I appreciated all of the postings.   
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 18, 2016, 10:36:32 AM
Jane, I don't remember if I commented on Courtney's sweet side but will tell you that when my kids were growing up I constantly told them that "I'd rather people tell me they had a kind heart than that they were beautiful of brilliant, not that they couldn't be all that, but good heart was tops".  Sounds like someone in your family got the point.... good job!

I am trying to catch up on sleep and duties around he house (notice, Joan, "duties, not work~"   ;)

Still haven't gotten the ice out of the bin, #1 son has been swamped with everyone calling on him so I called #2 son yesterday evening, thinking he could stop by on his way home from work just to lift it out (I'm not tall enough or strong enough since the bin is so full it's running over).  He kind of laughed & said he wouldn't be on his way home for a few more days..... in another state.  He is on the road so much he has a terrible time keeping up with his own house during summer months.  At his age is isn't "manly" to have lawn service... & that is what he loves to do, kind of therapy for him. 

Larry, don't know if I mentioned it but my sister damaged her back in a fall years ago & after finally getting it back to not hurting (thanks to a good chiropractor), she has a monthly appointment with her chiropractor to keep it aligned.  I hope Pat can find the same relief.

I do come & read & pray for & with all of you..... We had record breaking heat all over the state yesterday & day before.... that really slows me down.  Much cooler this morning but my body is screaming for sleep to make up for 2 nights with none.  Remember those slumber parties & how easy it was to get over no sleep?  Doesn't work that way anymore, does it?   ???
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 18, 2016, 10:40:37 AM
Good morning everyone, slept late this morning, of course I did not get to sleep till about 3am. Looks like we had a bit of rain during the night.

JOAN  the new home is bigger than the one they left. They already built a shed there and not have 2 large containers. One will be storage and the other my SIL's work shop. He has enough tools to almost fill it I think and he is the kind who always has to be working on something. They also have 40 acres to roam around on.

JANE  you sure do keep busy all the time. I know how it feels to see the results of all the work involved in canning. Then to enjoy some on a cold snowy winter day. You know what is in those jars and no preservatives.

JOAN  will enjoy an elephant ear, woke hungry and that will satisfy me. Like the chuckles, good one. Obstacles is a keeper, when we overcome one it is not us that do it, Gods helps us overcome many things in life. Thank you for today's goodies.

LLOYD  please be careful. Start moving slow so you don't fall again.

LARRY  the house my DIL grew up in has been in her family for generations. The family has lived here for 6 generations and #7 on the way.

Have some paperwork to take care of, should have done it last night. So much for putting things off.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 10:55:34 AM
Vanilla-Jackie--I sure hope Lloyd doesn't fall.

Good morning, Sandy.

Larry--Good morning.  Nice that you have a fairly quiet day.  Guess you'll have to find something else to watch when that last house on your street is done.

Good morning, Shirley.  Ummnm---"duties" is w---. :)  Hope you get some sleep.

Gloria--Good morning.  Your daughter and SIL sure have lots of room in AZ.  With all that acreage they couldn't have any neighbors closeby.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 18, 2016, 11:15:14 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

Well, it started out as a nice morning, sunshiny.  But now it has clouded up and looks like rain, although there isn't suppose to be any until later in the week, maybe the front has decided to come in ahead of schedule.

I have been in here several times this morning.  I was up very early, woke and couldn't go back to sleep so got up and sit in den and got my IPad and read everything.

Janie, hope you had nothing but smiley faces today.

Joanie, hope you get your computer up and running again.  This are a pain when they don't work right.

Jackie, hope your day has gone well.  I hope it has quit raining there and you get blue skies and lots of sunshine.

Gloria, I guess you porch time is at its prime now.  Nice days, but cold nights.
Enjoy the porch while you can.

Tisie, you don't have a small rolling pin you can tab the ice with to loosen it up?
My ice maker also causes my cubes to melt together sometime, but I can usually just stick my hand in and break them apart.

Lloyd, did you get the mother back together and did you put all the fluids in??

They are fixing to roof the house next door so will have to watch for nails in my yard.

Got my tax bill yesterday for the house.  I had forgotten about it.  Talk about spoil your day.    Taxes, HOA dues and Christmas, yikes!!!!!!!!!  All at the same time.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 12:11:06 PM
halkel--It is supposed to rain here later this week, too.  My real estate taxes are due next month.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 18, 2016, 12:52:50 PM
Good morning all, It is a pleasant morning here, high for the day is scheduled at 78 , which is warm but tolerable.

I did all my exercises and massage of these poor old bruised up legs and feet, in hope I am helping them to stay alive. So far, so Good. I have yet to take care of the prayer books and hymnal. I moved them from my bed table over to my recliner table, and I find myself taking a cup of coffee and going directly to the computer. That is a no-no in my conscience.

No big plans till 2:45 this afternoon when I go to the balance and mobility class, but I will wander down for lunch and some needful walks in the gardens.

I'm so thankful that all is well on the East Coast weather wise. But sorry for all the lasting damage some folks have to go through. Weather can be a beast at times.

And of course, the election fiasco grows more disgusting as time goes by. I wish the politicians would tell us how they plan to help our country regain what is could be instead of just digging up personal dirt on one another.

But thankfully God is in charge, has been in the past and will be in the future, and that is a great consolation. Have a very happy, healthful day my dear hearts. I love you all, June
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 01:21:36 PM
June--I just had my lunch, and it's breakfast time there.  They say that nights are going down in the 50s and 60s by the end of the week.  We haven't been that low in 6 months.  I am going to try and find a few zzzz's in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 18, 2016, 01:52:24 PM
Just done a check, another twelve nights and we in UK put our clocks back an hour, soon will be dark at 4.30 - thing I dislike about our Autumn - Winter quick this year has gone, soon be Christmas again...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 18, 2016, 02:02:44 PM
Jackie, please see my post #33 about Courtney. 

Shirley, you are so right about the "good heart"!

I'm really beat so I'm going to see if there are any zzzzs left hanging around here.  I have a meeting to attend tonight and I'd like to be able to keep my eyes open for it.  Later friends!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 18, 2016, 02:26:34 PM
JANE S....
...found it, .... :thumbup: ... bless her little heart...not a selfish bone in her body, what a sweetie...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 18, 2016, 04:30:03 PM
You are so right, Jackie.  She's a sweetheart!

Joanie, I sure hope you caught up with the zzzs at your house.  I found out they were piled up 3 deep on my sofa and they all jumped at the chance to join me!  I slept from 2 to 4:30.  I was so tired from all I did over the weekend and then working today that I was just plain out!

I've got a fresh cup of coffee and a slice of pumpkin bread and if anyone wants to join me, you are more than welcome.  The weather is so nice today that I'm going to sit out on the front porch to drink it.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 18, 2016, 04:34:22 PM
Bis, I hope you had a good a nap as our Janie did. I am ready to take one now.

Janie, I just finished two huge macaroon cookies and had to spend more time cleaning them out of my teeth. How I love the taste though. I am off to snooze now
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 18, 2016, 04:40:53 PM
Janie--I am glad all those zzz's were waiting for you.  I'd love to join you on your front porch.

I think I am going to give up messing with the computer for today.  Maybe in t he morning it will decide to work right .

June--I didn't sleep, but I rested.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 18, 2016, 08:42:03 PM
Back again. I didn't sleep today, but got involved in t.v. instead. Went down for exercises at 2:30, had a couple more walks, and more politics on t.v. I haven't received my absentee ballot yet, and another of our residents has not had hers either. I'll give it a week then talk to our desk lady for her advice. She knowsso much about so many things. Bless her.

Time to think about something to eat. Hopefully see you to say Goodnight later.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 18, 2016, 10:07:50 PM
Good night Everyfriend!  May God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 18, 2016, 10:28:32 PM
Good Night everyone. I thank all of you. Not dizzy today but stayed in and took it easy. I cracked the black walnuts we had ready and in the house. yesterday and today put about 2 1/2 lbs in the frezer.
Hopeing Nancy will make some more good cookies with chocklet chips and some walnuts in them.
sweet dreams everyone.

Hall no I have not have it completely finished. I will make sure it has plenty oil and antifreeze in it.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 19, 2016, 03:26:19 AM
Good Wednesday morning, Everyfriend.  There's DDs breakfast sandwiches to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!


Second Opinion

Mrs. Harris visited a surgeon to be examined for her pain. The surgeon looked her over and said, "You need an operation."

Mrs. Harris thought it over and then said, "I'd like a second opinion."
"O.K.," replied the surgeon. "You don't need an operation."

Food For Thought

Leftover Sheaves

By Joel Vande Werken
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 24:17-22

When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it.
Deuteronomy 24:19
“Never leave money on the table.” This classic advice from business negotiators instructs people to squeeze as much out of every deal as possible, to drive tough bargains and maximize every opportunity.
During the harvest, some sheaves of grain would inevitably fall to the ground. Good business sense would dictate that the harvesters would go back and collect those sheaves.
But that’s not the way things went in ancient Israel. God instructed his people to use the harvest as an opportunity to care for vulnerable members of society: the poor, the foreigner, the orphan, the widow. The gospel changes the way we view our financial resources. God has no problem with businesses turning a profit. But profit is not the believer’s only motive.
“Remember that you were slaves . . . and the Lord your God redeemed you,” God tells his people. Just as God rescued Israel from slavery in Egypt, so he rescues us from slavery to sin. Because of Jesus’ work, our worth is not in how much we can grasp, but in the new life provided by our Redeemer.
As a result, we have the privilege of telling others about God’s redeeming work. We use words to tell the story of Jesus’ victory over sin, and we express this in our actions as we care for people around us.
How is God’s redeeming work flowing through you to others?
Lord, in redeeming us, you have put us in a place to care for others. Show us the people who need to know Christ’s care through us. Amen.

Thought of the Day

You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to.

--Author Unknown

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 19, 2016, 04:52:39 AM
Good morning everyone.

Power went off at 11 last night setting off the alarm on my power back up.......just got back to sleep and the dogs wanted out. I think it is going to be a long day here. We are off to the city hubby has an appointment with the cardiologist and the audiologist today.

Had another nice rain yesterday,no thunder boomers to go with it this time..I did notice that the grass is also enjoying the rain and will need to be cut.That will go on the list of to do  jobs on Thur.

Joan, thank you for breakfast,found a raspberry DD :thumbup:

Enjoy your day everyone..
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Joy on October 19, 2016, 06:02:25 AM
Good morning, Joan and all the other friends.

Joan, thanks for the breakfast sandwich this morning.  That will be something different.

I am here very early, for me.  Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, so decided to get up.   I have a busy day, also.  But, mine will be a pleasant one......... NOT  to a doctor's appointment, for a change.   Have a medical appointment on Friday.

I am going out to lunch to celebrate my sister-in-law's 91st birthday.   There were several of us that were supposed to go, but for various reasons,  I am the only one available.    My niece, her daughter,  is picking me up and we are going to a favorite restaurant of my SIL's.  It will be a small gathering, but nice, anyway. 

The weather here on the east coast has been almost summer-like.   Yesterday was in the 80's with similar temperatures today. So, will have to find something suitable to wear.  Not too warm and not to cool. 

I hope every friend has a wonderful day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 19, 2016, 06:17:25 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I, too, was up a tad early.  I was awake several times through the night and at 5:30 decided to give up on trying to sleep any more.  I guess I'm finally rested up from the weekend. 

I'll be off to Wally World this morning so wish me smiles.

I don't have much else in mind to do today so I guess I'll have a slow day.

Joy, have a good time with your SIL.  How nice that she's celebrating such a landmark birthday!

Everyfriend, have a lovely day filled with whatever pleases you.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 19, 2016, 07:29:04 AM
Good morning, Joy.  Happy Birthday to your SIL. Enjoy your outing.

Janie--Good Morning.  I wish you smiles today at WM.

I have to go out and do errands a bit later.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 19, 2016, 09:04:56 AM
Good morning everyone, it was hard trying to sleep last night, made me wish my AC was still set up. Finally fell asleep in the wee hours only to wake with the yard workers here. Have you heard how much of a raise in our SS next year? .3% news man said it would be 3 or 4$ for most. We deserve much more than that especially with no raise this year.

JOAN  my daughter and SIL can only see one other house from where the are and it is across a valley. Those neighbors can see their driveway but not their house.

HAL  right now there are quite a few on the porch enjoying the nice days while they last.

JANE  if I slept that long in a afternoon I would be awake all night. After all the time making your vegetable soup, then canning it all and they working I can imagine you were exhausted and needed the sleep.

JUNE  seems like politicians only know how to be mudslingers, nothing about what we really need to know. The manager here has absentee ballots for any who want them. Nice about a small town and about ½ mile from the town hall.

JOAN  never had a DD breakfast sandwich but bet they are good. I did have a lemon DD Saturday. My CNA brought her hairdresser friend here to cut my hair and she brought one for me. She is a good kid. Like today's quote, I will stay away from arguments. Thank you for today's goodies.

AMY  the grass is being cut here now.

JOY  here in RI it is unusually hot for mid October. Forecast it for the low 80's today, might break a heat record for the day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 19, 2016, 09:17:13 AM
Hi everyone on another beautiful morning.  It will get pretty warm this afternoon going up to 86 at the hours of Pat's Chiropractic appointment. 

Around 10:30 this morning I will make a trip to the church to take the casserole and the cake that we made for the church bazaar today.  My neighbor is going with me as he wants to see the room arrangement of where he will be speaking and to show his pictures he will use to the lady in charge so she will have the proper projection equipment available.  He will speak next week at our Adult Fellowship Luncheon on the Assassination of JFK.  This evening is the Wednesday night dinner with our son and then he will come out to visit with us again.   

I spoke with the builder yesterday and he told me they will be closing on the new home across the street a week from yesterday.  They laid part of the driveway yesterday and are all ready pouring the cement for the sidewalk and the rest of the driveway. 

Shirley, before we left Georgia I noticed more and more homes using lawn services.  I have used one for a long time and here it is a part of our homeowner's dues.  Hope you have a cooler day today and were able to sleep last night.

Hal, you sound like me in picking up my phone and reading all of my email, devotions and other readings I do each day and then the new postings in the discussions.  In fact, I did that this morning.  I sometimes will read on my iPad but usually on my phone.  I also got the tax bill on my house a few days ago but have escrowed the payment so that will be taken care of by the mortgage company. 

Jackie, our daylight savings time ends on November 6th. 

Lloyd, all the time I was growing up we had a beautiful and productive black walnut tree on our farm.  It produced several bushels of walnuts each year.  I remember my dear grandmother sitting in her laundry room cracking and picking out quart after quart of walnuts.  We also had a hickory nut tree and those were so much easier to crack than the walnuts.

Amy, I have that same thing happen when we lose power with the battery backup unit sounding an alarm.  Fortunately it doesn't happen very often.

Joy, hope you have a wonderful time at your get together with your SIL on her 91st birthday.

Gloria, here you have to ask for the absentee ballot and it has your name and registration number on the return envelope where you sign it and have your signature witnessed.  It sounds like your weather is about like ours.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 19, 2016, 09:22:20 AM
Good Morning everyone. I slept in this am. when I got here you all had turned the page I thought first AMY was not here had to go back a page to see she was up should have new she was. I some times think she stays up 24 all the work she dose. peter ( alias rolley) had a fall in there kitchen knocked the door off of the oven. bused up but OK otherwise. you all have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 19, 2016, 09:40:51 AM
wehave severial of them on the farm. I run the nuts through a corn sheller to get the soft black hull off
and then wash them in a old wringer agitator type washer gets rid of the black stain on them. I have borried nut cracker. you can set the nut so and hold it and control the plunger easy, roate it and do same 3 - 4 times and get mostly 1/4 size nut meats no picking with a nut pick, I sure am ancuis for some cookies with them and some chocklet and or butter scotch morsels in them. grind some and put them in some home made ice cream would be ok as well. Have a great day. oh yes if i wasn't so lazy i would pick out and sell some $6. up a pound , but not fast enough to make good wages?

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 19, 2016, 10:03:47 AM
I am setting here looking out across the deck watching the leaves falling off the trees , they have turned , but not as pretty as have been in past years or in other places not too far away. our weather has verried in moisture not sure but that may take part in the collar's. well I am laze today haven't ate yet.
Nancy has gone to foot doctor getting her feet worked on. i am going to eat and go to shop and work on my engine for skid steer. have a great day see u all later.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 19, 2016, 11:42:41 AM
Good Morning all.
   Janie, I wish you happy smiles at Wallmart today, and I know your customers will be delighted with your smiles. I can almost see them shoving to get in your line at the store. Hugs to you, girl.
   Bis, I hope your errands do not tire you too much. Other than Bible Study at 10 a.m. I have no other plans for the day. I live a pretty useless life now, but enjoy it.
   Gloria, I can't imagine the manager having a stack of absentee ballots to dole out. I thought the ballots were under stricter control than that. I intend to enquire at the desk today why I have not received mine…they may know something I don't. I had notified the voting people of my change of address, so we'll see what happens. I wish we had some true patriots to vote for.

Larry, I am sure you look forward to the Wed. night visit with your son. I know it is a treat for me when I see my boys..Dan just once a year, but Gary more often as he speaks here every other week at Bible study, and he stops in to see me on business matters or delivery of one thing or another. He is so busy running his Church I try not to bother him more than necessary. I have close ties with both of them on the computer, and with their wives.

Lloyd, I am sorry your friend Rolley had a fall. Please give him our regards and prayers for a quick healing.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 19, 2016, 12:15:36 PM
I was out much longer than I expected.  After errands were done I called a friend and we enjoyed a late breakfast together,
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 19, 2016, 02:56:05 PM
Hi Everyfriend!  I'm home from work and wondering what to get into the rest of this afternoon?  I'd sure love to grab a cup of coffee or a glass of ice tea and join some of you on the patio and just chat!  Wouldn't it be lovely if we could do that?

I think I might just make a chicken casserole for supper and for some more days to come.  I've got all the stuff and it doesn't take much time.  I also have to repack some chicken I just bought into smaller packages for freezing.  That should take up some of the afternoon that's left.

JUNE, I did have lots of smiles in my line this morning!  iIt was a good day!

I'm off to change my clothes!  Go ahead and get into whatever it was you were heading for when I interrupted.  I'll be back later to see what you've been up to!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 19, 2016, 03:23:34 PM
Janie--It would be great to all get together on the PWP and just chat.  Glad you had lots of smiles in your line and had a great day at WM.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 19, 2016, 04:26:39 PM
Afternoon folks.  I am under the weather from something.  Woke up during the night and started having chills and finally got warm and just generally felt really lousy.  Anyhow, had some dry toast and coffee and then around noontime a bowl of veggie soup.  I finally got the wife to put a pain patch on my back and that helped but my get up and go has gone somewhere on it's own. 

Anyhow, I going to head back to the couch.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 19, 2016, 04:36:45 PM
halkel--I am really sorry you have some kind of bog.  Rest and feel better.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 19, 2016, 06:03:38 PM
Hello Everyfriend!  I made my casserole and I'm sitting here eating it while I visit with all of my friends. 

Hal, sorry you feel puny!  I hope the patch helps and you're good as new tomorrow!

I'm going to watch some TV tonight and then hit the hay early.  I have an appointment at the bank in the morning and I'm hoping she can find some way to save me some money on my mortgage.  She said there were some things happening in September when she made this appt. for me.  I hope the things that were happening were good. 

Have a lovely evening Everyfriend!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 19, 2016, 08:22:13 PM
Hal, I'm so sorry to hear you are out of gear today. I pray it is just a one day sort of thing and goes away as quickly as it came. May God get you all taken care of soon.

I had a call from our Activity choir tomorrow, instead we will have someone come it to speak about our voting. I'm hoping it will be someone conservative. I doubt if management would have anyone that was radical.

I will take a big blank sheet of paper and try to write down what I need to know. I still haven't received my absentee ballot.

I've got to heat up my supper, and get ready to settle in for the debate at six p.m. I had buffalo wings and Fr. fries at noon, so will have a repeat tonight. Plus some fresh fruit.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 19, 2016, 10:12:46 PM
Good Night Everyfriend!  May God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 03:50:52 AM
Good Thursday morning, Everyfriend.  There's bagels and cream cheese to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



Baseball Fanatic

My wife claims I'm a baseball fanatic.

She says all I ever read about is baseball. All I ever talk about is baseball. All I ever think about is baseball.

I told her she's way off base.

Food For Thought

Just in Time for Harvest

By Joel Vande Werken
Scripture Reading: Ruth 1

Naomi returned from Moab . . . arriving in Bethlehem as the barley harvest was beginning.
Ruth 1:22
Around the world today, tens of thousands of people live as refugees, foreigners in a country not their own. They often face a difficult life, cut off from familiar people and places and dependent on others for daily provisions.
Naomi and Ruth were in the land of Israel in search of a new life. As outsiders and widows, they were doubly vulnerable by the standards of the day. The beginning of their story is filled with heartache and sorrow. Having lost husbands and homes, how would they provide for themselves?
But God had arranged to take care of all that. His plan for their lives was being worked out. Though Naomi saw only God’s hand of misfortune at this point, the first hopeful note in the book observes that she and Ruth came to Bethlehem at the start of the barley harvest. This is significant because it recalls that God had arranged to bless vulnerable people through the generosity of farmers who had more than enough.
Naomi and Ruth may not have realized it, but God was at work already to arrange their arrival at just the time when he had provided the resources to show his care for them. And in providing for physical needs, God shows his commitment to save vulnerable sinners through Christ (see Philippians 3:20-21).
How can you use God’s resources to show his care to ¬others today?
Loving God, thank you for caring for vulnerable people. As you have compassion on us as sinners, help us to show compassion to others. Amen.

Thought of the Day

“The indigenous people around the world, before they made a major decision, used to sit around and ask themselves, ‘How does this decision affect our people seven generations ahead?'”
~ Jane Goodall

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 20, 2016, 06:34:39 AM
Bis I am up getting ready to go to VA and I do not see anyone except you?
Have a great day you and everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 20, 2016, 06:40:33 AM
Wish more people had the same thought as Jane Goodall, Joan, maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are now.

Sorry you are puny, Hal...... I thought my tummy ache was "all in my head" the other night (grossed out thinking of what those kids did to that salad I didn't eat).... but my buddy across the street had the same symptoms last night when I checked on them.  Here I thought you couldn't catch something your mind made up.... but I didn't want to chance catching what she thought she had... again!  Hope you feel better today, no way to start the fall & winter season.  I am enjoying a cool morning. 

Good morning to Every Friend, the best of the day to each of you.  Time to go round up cats.  They are also feeling their oats with the cooler weather, some inside & some out for the night, but all show up to eat.

I'm here, Lloyd.  Hope your trip to the VA does not turn up any new problems.  Take it easy!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 20, 2016, 07:18:34 AM
Good morning everyone..

Yesterday went well despite it being a long day.Dr was pleased at the way hubby's heart is behaving but still upped him on one of his meds.

Today I hope to get the grass cut and clean out those  darn eaves..procrastination here on that job.

Shirley hope your feeling better

Joan ,thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 20, 2016, 07:53:16 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I've been up but had some work to do on the computer to get ready for a meeting at the bank.  Now it's time to go get dressed and ready to do that and some other errands.  No more big cooking until I get ready to replenish my supply of barbecue sauce.  I found one left over jar from last year and I used half of it in my chicken casserole last night.  (Leftovers in the hidey hole)   

I better get moving.  Bring in dogs, take shower, get dressed.....Later friends.  Have a lovely day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 20, 2016, 07:56:03 AM
Good morning everyone, looks like we broke a 71 year record yesterday  for the warmest  10/19. It got to 84°. On TV they showed people at the beaches and in the water enjoying it. Normally by this time of year we have taken winter jackets out, this year still in shirt sleeves. We have a meeting here today, Cox cable is sending someone here after we have all been complaining about our cable. We keep losing TV and phones. Odd my internet was still on most of the time. Every time it goes out my WiFi goes off, too. I did not realize that till my iPhone was charged more because it  was off. Talking to some others they have written a list of their complaints. If we want cable we do not have a choice, Cox has a monopoly in here, so may want to change carrier but cannot do it. I know the rest of my family have dropped Cox and now have Fios. Talking to my daughter yesterday she said they took the day off. A neighbor called them and told them it was time for them to get a tour of the area. This was a big ranch broken up to over 1oo lots of 40 acres. Well he took then in places they never saw before and enjoyed the break from all they have been doing.

LARRY  we have had our first light snow some years at this time of year. From what I heard this is the first time the Manager has had the absentee ballots here, could be because of the politicians here this year or being an important election.

LLOYD  hope Peter did not get hurt when he fell.

JUNE    voting for president this year will not be easy. I wish we had someone running who was not slandering the other one. Saw the end of the debate last night and the more I hear from both of them the more I don't like either one but who will be the worse one?

JANE  glad yesterday was a good one for you at WM.

HAL  if you ever find your get up and go, let me know where you found it so maybe I could find mine, too. Mine got lost a few years ago and keep looking for it.

JOAN  I will enjoy a bagel and cream cheese this morning. Food for Thought is now copied. Good quote, wonder how many today would think that far ahead or even to the next generation. Thank you for today's goodies.

SHIRLEY  hoping it finally gets cool enough here to enjoy. We have rain in the forecast for tomorrow, hope they are right for a change.

AMY  glad the doctor was pleased with how you DH is doing. Please be careful cleaning the eaves.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 08:12:31 AM
Good morning, Lloyd.  Hope all goes well at the VA.

Shirley--Good morning.  Local weather reporter said this morning was the coolest we've had in 169 days, and it's to get even cooler over the next few days.

Good morning, Amy.  GREAT news that your husband's doctor is pleased with the progress he is making in recovery.  Please be VERY careful when you clean those eaves.

Janie--Good morning. Hope you get your business at the bank taken care of with a good resolution.  I'll check the "hidey hole" for those chicken casserole leftovers.

Good morning, Gloria.  It will be interesting to hear what Cox has "up their sleeve" since they have a monopoly there.  I have the same situation here with Roadrunner.  How nice that Regina and hubby took the day off and were taken on a tour of their new area.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 20, 2016, 09:01:13 AM
Hi everyone.  I got up early this morning and fixed a batch of sausage muffins for Pat to have for several breakfasts over the next week.  She generally alternates between the sausage muffins and the scrambled eggs with bacon bits every other day.  My morning chores are done, the trash is at the street and I got a birthday card into the mailbox for my oldest great grandson's 14th birthday. 

I got the casserole and cake to the church on time and took my neighbor, who will be speaking next week, with me so that is setup.  We had a good dinner last night and Scott and I both enjoyed it.  The bazaar was apparently a big success although they have enough stuff left over for another one.  However, it was much less than I saw piled on the tables  with homemade items before the event started.  We had the best evening with Scott we have had for sometime as he had gotten some extra rest so he wouldn't go to sleep here as he had done for several weeks. 

Today will be coffee with my church friends and I will pick up my friend and then take him home after coffee and return to the church for the Wisdom group.  Then we plan on going to a new (to us) restaurant we have heard about for our main meal for the day in the early evening, at least after I rest.  That will be it for today.

Lloyd, so sorry that Peter had such a fall.  I sure hope the oven door wasn't hot.  That would be a bad fall for anyone.  Your device to crack the walnut shells certainly would make it an easier job.  I don't know that we ever washed our but did let the hulls dry out before trying to crack them.

Joan, glad you were able to enjoy a nice breakfast out with your friend. 

Hal, I hope today finds you feeling better and you find your "get up" today. 

JaneS, I hope your banker was able to come up with a plan to save you some money. 

Shirley, glad you are having some cooler weather.  I think we will still be warm for another day or so and then have some cooler weather.

Amy, did your husband have heart surgery?  Glad the doctor was pleased with his progress.  We have some really good heart medications these days.  Do be careful on the ladder when dealing with those eaves.  I don't have to worry about it as the houses in this development don't seem to have gutters plus the fact there would be little to get in them since there are no tall leafy trees close by my house.

Gloria, I am surprised that the ocean water at the beaches would be pretty chilly.  I think most places have one company with the monopoly on the cable service.  Here it is Comcast although some area now can get the AT&T cable service.  The last I checked it isn't available in my neighborhood.  However, I don't use the cable but the satellite Dish TV service. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 10:42:50 AM
Good Morning, Larry.  Nice to hear you had a good evening with Scott because he got rest.  Happy 14th Birthday to your great grandson.  It sounds like you have a busy day today.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 20, 2016, 11:49:34 AM
Good Morning from a heating up Stanton, Ca. Supposed to be 96 today.

I had a bad night. Woke up at one a.m. and could not go back to sleep till after three this morning, then slept feeling disturbed about something. Finally got myself up at seven and wore out taking a simple shower. Old age is not for me. I don't have the patience to accept my limitations,but there is no alternative.

I'm taking the morning off to just stay home. We are to have a meeting about voting at 1:30, which I plan to attend. It is taking precedence over our choir practice.

Gloria, I watched the whole debate last night, and saw no difference in the usual harangue they go through. So much hatred there. May God save our Country. I so glad your daughter and SIL have such a good neighbor, to take them around the area. That was a real kindness of a true neighbor. It must reassure you too, to know there are caring people nearby.

Our gardener is out doing his weekly chores, and keep our gardens looking trip and neat. And it is starting to warm up already. Supposed to be a high of 96.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Molly on October 20, 2016, 12:00:23 PM
I've written two messages in the past few days, but neither one showed up on the screen.  Wonder what happened?  I even wrote them in ENGLISH!  :thumbup:

I had a good appointment with the Surgeon who is supposed to do my Tummy procedure some within the month and sure hope I hear from the Scheduling lady soon.

We've had beautiful Sunny weather recently, which was nice for the fellows to who came to do my yard work yesterday.  They even came inside and installed a new over-head kitchen light for me.  Sure glad with that task out of the way, although it cost me an extra Hershey!

Stay Happy and enjoy the new Season!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 12:24:11 PM
June--I am sorry you had such a bad night.  Hope you can catch a nap.

Molly--I don't. Know where your messages went.  I didn't know you were having surgery.  I'll add prayers that it is successful.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 20, 2016, 12:49:51 PM
I had a very successful meeting at the bank...well, it's really a Credit Union.  It's so nice to deal with local people and some of them I've known since the days when I worked at PA House Furniture.  Of course it always seems like the tellers are getting younger and younger.  The two boys at the front look like teenagers.  But everyone is so friendly and helpful.  And more than willing to answer questions for old ladies.

Molly, please add my prayers to the rest for your successful surgery.  When you are sure of the date, please let us know.

When I was putting the new soup away, I discovered one pint jar and one quart jar of last year's soup.  I've just made short work of the pint jar! 

I didn't sleep particulary well last night either so I think I'll take a look for some zzzs on the sofa this afternoon.  My eyes are really dry today so I'll give them a squirt of Refresh before I close them.  Sometimes that helps.

I hope you are all having a peaceful day today! 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 12:59:35 PM
Janie--Glad you had a Google experience at the Credit Uniom.  Hope the ZZZ's you find give you a good nap.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 20, 2016, 01:11:39 PM
Hal, I hope you are feeling better today.  My neighbor that caught my "imagined" yuck is better today, I supposed you want to blame yours on me, too?  :P  Do hope it is something we can tease about & nothing serious. 

Amy, sure hope your husband does as well as the rest of us in here that have had so many heart procedures. We could probably rack up a whole range of everything possible.  I'm hoping "they" discover a better way to fix the heart valve & use stents instead of by-passes when our kids or grands need them. Glad they knew what to do when I needed & didn't just slip away without any help like when it hit my mother & so many other members of that line. 

Larry, I had lawn service but oldest son didn't think they did a good job (one neighbor timed them mowing & trimming front & back in 15 minutes).... #1 son retired & insisted on taking care of old Mom's yard. My youngest loves working in the yard like his father, but he is out of the state so much he has trouble taking care of his own place now.  He has owned several different houses since being on his own & the lawn look like "House Beautiful" when he sells. I don't like being in the sun & am frustrated with Bermuda grass & some kind of ivy that insists taking over fescue grass.  Have a sprinkler system that is best when not windy.... but we do have wind in Kansas!  A nice compliment to you & Pat when your son falls asleep when visiting..... I always thought that meant they felt safe being "home".  You do keep busy & so organized~

Gloria, it is nice & cool today & I should be outside but still sleepy from 2 nights without.  Our fall colors are the dullest I've ever seen, the reds look brownish & the yellows are falling as fast as they turn.  When I was out yesterday I didn't see a single tree worth taking a photo of.  Did your son not get ANY apples this year to share with you?  Glad Regina got moved & will be settled in before winter.  Are the boys really grown up or did I just miss read that post?  Guess we have known each other enough years for them to grow up... my youngest grand is in college & all other out.  We are getting older, huh?

Molly, I will add my prayers & best wishes for your surgery.... does this have anything to do with your head aches?  Will you have any family to be with you? 

Jane, nice to have long time friends to deal with.... that you can trust. Glad it was a worth while trip.   

June, I think the whole country is stressed with the political unrest & hatefulness.  Does affect our sleep when we hear/think about it before going to bed.  I have never felt the dread of an election outcome as much as this year and am convinced others are in the same boat.  We can pray and we can vote .... maybe pray that our vote really gets counted (yes, better to laugh than cry).  Hugs to you, my friend.

Got to shut up & get busy.  Have done nothing this morning but switch purses.... you ladies know what a challenge that is~  By the way, who was wishing for bolder type & does this purple help or not?  Any votes for color, size or bold?  I'm more than happy to do whatever works best...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 01:34:44 PM
Shirley--Sounds to me like you keep quite busy.  Too bad you don't get much sleep.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 20, 2016, 01:37:23 PM
Molly, I too would like to add my prayers for your up-coming surgery. I had no idea you had a stomach problem. God be with you dear.

Janie, I'm glad your Bank dealings went well. I too always appreciate the kindness the younger people will show to us as we age.  Everyone one here at Rowntree is like that…always a smile, a hug, helpful advice. Makes one so thankful for God's good young people coming up in this world. I had to lubricate my eyes this morning too.

Bis, thank you for your good wishes. I intend to have a very quiet day at home,with the exception of lunch downstairs, the meeting on voting, and if I feel like it the exercise class at 2:45.

Tisie, you are correct..a bad choice to watch political wrangling before bedtime. I still have no absentee ballot, will mention it at the meeting today. It seems like last big election, they had closed the polls before my mail in ballot had a chance to even be counted. I'm not at all surprised.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 01:51:02 PM
June--do you vote absentee or is Rowntree a voting precinct?  Our clubhouse is a precinct, but it is easier for me to vote absentee.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 20, 2016, 03:37:02 PM
Good Afternoon. Well I feel much better today.  Good enough that I was up and went to the men's breakfast and bible study.  We had a good one, bible study, and I even took a dozen doughnuts, mixed.  I will put a few in the hidey hole.

Yep, I watched the debate last night and it confirmed who I want to vote for.  The answers to the questions about who they would appoint to the Supreme Court and abortion convinced me.  Only one mentioned the Constitution and talked about babies being ripped from the womb and killed.  And only one doesn't have anything to do with the shape our country is in now.  Think about that.

Gloria, I still haven't found my git up and go, but I had enough energy to bring the garbage can in from the front and take all the re-cycle stuff out to the re-cycle can.... ;)  I was wondering also about how your sons orchard did.   Did he get enough apples to supply family and friends?

Well the front finally made it in, a little later than predicted, but came in while in church and now the wind is b l o w i n g from the North and temps are falling some.  This front is not, by any means, going to cause any freezing but we will get a cool off for a few days then back in the high 80's.

Janie, happy that the credit union was able to help you.  I have always done my banking with a credit union for literally years.  One of the biggest credit unions in the U.S. is located here in San Antonio, Security Service Federal, I was a member of it back when it first started.  It was a little hole in the wall place with the tellers and the President all within touching distance.  But I no longer belong to it.  belong to a different one.

Speaking of credit unions, I need to log on and pay some bills.  Debating on whether I will pay my tax bill now and make them wait for my money..... >:(
Shouldn't really gripe, us old folks get a break on property taxes here and mine is much less than the young folks.

Joanie, did you get your computer fixed?

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 03:53:20 PM
halkel--Glad you are feeling better.  My computer is still running with a bandage.  I am using my iPad right now.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 20, 2016, 04:11:15 PM
I have 2 loaves of banana bread in the oven.... put enough walnuts & pecans in them to consider them protein bars.... yum.  Will slice & freeze for when on the road.  Somehow the home made stuff tastes better when out in the woods .... and no fast food handy.  I do enjoy picking up junk food (favorite Long John Silvers on my route to the campground, cats won't eat their fish so I'm wondering what is wrong with it.  They love fish.  They also won't eat McDonald's scrambled eggs but love my hard fried eggs at home. 

Hal, we don't get any Senior breaks in KS... none.... not as long as you have a few pennies in the bank they can tax you for.  The cardiologist told my husband he could have 1 donut a year after his by-passes but 20 years later didn't tell me not to eat anything.  Think he realized I was a lost cause.  My money is all in a Credit Union, they had the best interest rates when CDs rolled over after Cas died so I didn't move them.  We used to move them from one place to another when rates were 7% & over 8%.  I'm just getting a little over 2% on some & had to go 2-3 years to get that.  Pathetic.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Molly on October 20, 2016, 05:07:12 PM
Many thanks to those friends who responded to my earlier message RE my forth coming surgery.  I was certainly surprised to learn about it myself, but it makes sense since I've been dealing with the problem for almost one year in addition to the enormously painful DAILY head aches.  Thanks again to Friends for keeping me in prayers.  Unfortunately I will NOT have any Family with me as David remains with his soldiers in Korea and Mohamed is teaching in Egypt.  But I do have several local friends who will be nearby.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Mary Ann on October 20, 2016, 05:44:21 PM
First of all, Molly, best wishes to you for your forthcoming surgery.

Shirley, I think I am the one who brought up BOLD and COLOR with the posts.  I am not blind, but the normal size type and color is hard to read.  I can do it, so I don't want anyone to feel guilty for not using either, but I do appreciate the use of bold colored type.  Thank you for the purple.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 20, 2016, 06:07:03 PM
Shirley--Those cats are fussy eaters.:)

Molly--Too bad no family will be there for your surgery.  I will be praying for you.

Mary Ann--hope all is well with you.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Denver on October 20, 2016, 07:44:31 PM
Good evening, EVERYFRIEND. 

Our Texas visit is coming to an end.  We have so many things we still have not done even though we have been here for a extended period of time.  We really have enjoyed playing with this new little "doodle"!  He is really a honey!

MOLLY, I am sorry to read you will be having tummy surgery soon.  I do hope what ever surgery you have that it will be successful and give you the relief that is needed.  My thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family.  Sorry you will be alone without family, but thank the good Lord for friends.

Enjoy your evening and let's think least I want to, as I  do not have to endure another two hour time slot on every channel tonight.   My heart is very heavy right now for our country. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Mary Ann on October 20, 2016, 08:05:35 PM
Thank you, Joan, I am getting along just fine at present. 

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 20, 2016, 08:27:02 PM
Bis, I have done absentee voting for years now, but my mail in ballot has not arrived as yet. I meant to ask about it downstairs today, but got so wrapped up in the speaker…a former D.A., that I forgot to ask him if I could vote regular since I hadn't received my ballot for mail-in. Rowntree Gardens is a voting precinct so I'm sure I will be able to vote from here if necessary. I will enquire at the desk tomorrow.

Hal, I am happy you are healing so quickly, and were able to get to your Church o.k. The more I listen to the candidates and the news media, the more disgusted I get. I feel we should follow the Ten commandments in dealing with a lot of our problems…too much dishonesty in our Laws. We pay more in taxes and other government expenses that ever before. Prohibition of drugs cause more crime than letting people do what they want as far as choice. Back in the twenties is a perfect example.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 20, 2016, 09:52:52 PM
Seems like everyone has been complaining to the manager about cable going out so often. Well she called Cox and they sent someone here today and he listened to all that attended. A few brought their bills with them and asked what some things were all about. I did, too. I will get $20 a month off my bill.  Bad enough we pay for the language channels and sports (3 of the men here watch those) and shopping channels that no one else does. I did complain about having to reset the WiFi up every time cable goes out. I also complained about having to use 2 remotes for the TV. Never did till cable went out for more than 12 hours about 4 months ago. If I just use the cable one to shut off the TV the screen is still blue so have to use the TV remote to completely shut it off. Sometimes I use the wrong remote and then have to make sure every thing in off and have to go to the cable box to turn the tv on.  He was using his laptop to pull our records up and he made an appointment for a tech to come out for some of us. I will have one here tomorrow between  1 and 3. We are supposed to have battery back up for the phones  it cable is out, no one has one. He even brought DD coffee with him.

JOAN  you must be glad for the cooler temperatures. Today was 15° cooler than yesterday. Rain coming in tonight and all day tomorrow. Regina took me on a tour of her house to show me how she has put things for now. Most of her paintings are up and look so good. She did not have any room to show them where they were. Her kitchen is arranged nice, her pantry needs more straightening out but she has room now to have every thing where it will be convenient.

LARRY  so glad Scott has been able to rest more lately. On the news last night when they showed the people at the beach they said because of the hot summer we had the water was still in the mid 60's. Would feel chilly at first but when moving around in it you warm up. First time I went into the water in Maine it took my breath away it was so cold.  My in-laws laughed and said I would get used to it and I did. This building will not let Verizon in here. The rest of my family dropped Cox when their prices started climbing so high and they  all have Verizon now. My daughter had to get the dish where they are now. No power where they are, they have to supply all their needs, I said they are in the boonies in the mountains. They have some solar panels, generators and my SIL will erect a windmill they bought.

JUNE  as we age we sure do have to accept ailments. I sure do not like the way my back feels by this time of the day but I will not go to bed with the chickens. That neighbor showed up again today to see if my SIL needed any help. They have more good neighbors across the valley from them who have helped them, too. The ladies there get together once a month for a potluck. Now Regina will be able to join them.

MOLLY  had to laugh when you said you posted in English. Any other language and none of us would have been able to read it. Prayers for your surgery and great results.

JANE  you make me wish I could still cook and freeze or can what I make. I miss doing that a lot. Only can things I by are tomatoes-paste and sauce for making spaghetti sauce. Summer I stick to fresh produce and fruit. Winter I get frozen. I do have blueberries and strawberries from the farm this summer in the freezer and some applesauce I made. Would have made more applesauce if I had my old fridge, had more room than the one here.

SHIRLEY  the trees I can see from here are starting to look beautiful. I walked around into the back yard here yesterday and the trees back there are beautiful. With the tall pines mixed in there the difference in the colors are great. Makes me wish I had a camera.  Will have to learn how to use the one on the iPhone. No apples this year, we were under siege for the gypsy moth caterpillars. I was at his house a few weeks ago and the trees looked horrible. Some had a few leaves and others were bare. They even ate the buds that would have been next year's crop. State said when it started this spring that it was not bad enough to spray so they didn't, This happened before, about 25 or 30 years ago. Some of the trees in front here were bare and I was surprised to see the leaves come out again a month or so later. Regina's oldest will be 41 next month, he has his own house, still in San Diego but far from the city, he youngest is 39 and been married for 11 or 12 years, he likes being closer to the city, has his own landscaping business. Years sure creep up on us when our backs are turned.
Terrible this year to think we have to vote for a new president when I do not think either one can be trusted. One we know is a LIAR and the other things he is better than the rest. Your color is fine for me and so is the font. If text is small it is easy to make the page bigger. In some colors to me bold always looks blurry not sharp. If a color bothers me I highlight it and can read it fine.

HAL  doughnuts are only good if they are DD ones. At least they are the only ones I will eat unless they are home made. Read my post to Shirley about the orchard this year. My son has had to buy some.  My daughter and SIL  have already noticed the difference in taxes at their new home, and in their license and car registrations. No wonder that the price of everything in California is so high.

MARY ANN  hello, don't think I have said much to you lately.

JENNY  puppies are always a lot of fun. Great when you get them young enough to train the way you like and not an older one already having bad habits. I think we are all worried about the next 4 years for our USA.

JUNE  crazy here, there is a voting precinct about ¼ mile from here but we have to go to one 3 miles away. If we lived across the street we could go to the closer one. Mail in ballot is the only way I can vote these days.

Goodness I am long winded tonight. Sleep well everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 21, 2016, 02:25:34 AM
...although I am staying clear of Americas politics, but my personal view of Trump is that his belief of his status of power gives him the belief, like the late Jimmy Savile, that he is untouchable...Infact the last four digits of his ( Jimmy's ) surname spells it out what I am assuming many British are also feeling of just how v**e and disgusting the man really was.......

...i along with others were quite surprised and unaware that you had been suffering from " tummy " trouble and now facing tummy surgery...but I was aware of your continuous headaches..... but if they have found a link, and they can deal with it, all's good and well...I too shall certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers, for a successful, " be all and end all " to your medical issues......
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 02:50:34 AM
Good Friday morning, Everyfriend.   There's breakfast tacos to accompany your coffee or tea. Make it a good day!!



Funny Book Authors

"Home Maintenance" Duane Pipe

"Growing up in the Balkans" Hugo Slavia

"Irish Winter Tales" Pete Moss

"Increase Your Brain Power" Sarah Bellum

"Looking Into the Wishing Well" Eileen Dover

"How to Write a Mystery Novel" Page Turner

"Winning Big" Jack Potts

"Vacation Spot in the Tropics" Sandy Beech

"I Always Enjoy the Darkness" Gladys Knight

Food For Thought

A Rich Reward

By Joel Vande Werken
Scripture Reading: Ruth 2:1-12

[Ruth] went out, entered a field and began to glean behind the harvesters.
Ruth 2:3
Many of us can identify seemingly chance events that change the course of our future. Perhaps an unexpected encounter led you to meet your husband or wife, or a casual comment led you to the career you now have. Maybe a friendship developed because you and a stranger were placed in the same study group, or your faith grew stronger because of a book you picked up or a conversation you just happened to have.
God provides for our needs in many ways. In today’s story God uses the provisions of Israelite law (Deuteronomy 24:19-21) and the generosity of a farmer to feed Ruth and Naomi. Boaz treats Ruth as family, though she is at best a distant relative. Through Boaz, God’s care for Naomi and Ruth takes on a name and a face.
As God gives a harvest, we have the opportunity to share with people around us. But God does more than provide for physical needs. Through such encounters, God reminds us that Jesus came into our midst as a human being, a “near relative,” to save us from sin. He gives rain and sunshine so that we might come to him for all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
When provision comes in surprising ways, remember the great Giver who provides what we need for this life and for eternity.
Gracious Father, not only do you provide for our needs, but you also reveal yourself as the provider!
Open our eyes to the ways in which you are at work in Jesus for our salvation. Amen.

Thought of the Day

"The greatest excuse given to me by people in every country for not becoming Christians is the division among Christians today."

- Billy Graham

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 21, 2016, 04:13:12 AM

....let me be the first of the J's to welcome in the morning, my morning.....

Joan, re " thought of the day..." a Christian is a Christian..." whichever way one looks at it... :nod:
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 05:22:56 AM
good morning Vanilla-Jackie.  Others are still fast asleep.:)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 21, 2016, 05:50:52 AM
Good morning everyone..

Well the grass is still not cut nor the eaves cleaned, we had rain most of the day yesterday. Thank you for your concerns on getting these jobs done, I am very careful on the ladder and have a "tool" that I can run along the eave to make sure it is clean. Grass is going to have to wait till tomorrow as we are off to the city today. Our cancer quilt group is meeting today and I have some tops to take in and I will pick up some kits to do for kids at camp.Hubby is coming with me and we are going to go visit with out daughter in love and see how she is doing.

Larry, no he didn't have heat surgery ,he had bowel surgery.The heart is another problem along with his RA.

Molly ,prayers for your up and coming surgery.

Good morning Jackie.

Joan thank you for breakfast.

Enjoy your day everyone.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 06:07:55 AM
Good Morning, Amy.  Enjoy your outing today.  Good that your husband is able to get out with you.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 21, 2016, 06:15:21 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and the doggies have been out and in and had a goodie.  Now they are parked at my feet waiting for breakfast.

I'll be off to Wally World this morning hoping for smiles!  Friday is usually a busy day and tends to go faster than other days.  I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend. 

Please say a prayer for Lew today.  He's my daughter's FIL and hes 96 and in failing health.  He's had a good life and he's not afraid but the dr. had told them to prepare for losing him.  They were both with him most of yesterday and his daughter is coming today.  They have engaged Hospice for him.

Amy, enjoy your outing.  I'll be back later to see what y'all are up to today!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 21, 2016, 07:12:28 AM
Good Morning everyone. wish you all a great day. cool here 34º here. I went to v a yesterday.they cked my breathing machine  out . gave it a clean bill of health and me a new mask . I also seen a doctor (ear nose and thought ) they looked at a growth in my R T cheek  and decide it is not cancers but they are going to remove it on the second of nov. have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 07:53:10 AM
Good morning, Janie.  I wish you smiles and a busy day today at WM.  I certainly will pray for your daughter's FIL that he is pain free and that "God's Will Be Done".

Lloyd--Good morning.  Good you got your mask problem fixed at the VA.  GREAT that the lump on your cheek is not cancerous.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 21, 2016, 09:30:53 AM
Hi everyone on another clear morning.  After today our temperatures are suppose to be a lot cooler getting only into the 70's during the day.  I am more than ready for some nice cooler days.  The housekeeper is due here this morning and Pat has an 11:30 appointment with the Chiropractor.  While she is there I will go on down the street to Aldi's to pick up a couple of things I didn't have on the list the yesterday but which we need. I may also make a quick trip to COSTCO for a couple of things rather than try to go on Saturday, which they are super busy.

June, I had to chuckle at your comment about "old age not being for you" and "not having patience to accept your limitations".  I expect you have a lot of company with those feelings by many of us.  It is my understanding that absentee ballots are counted after the polls close, although I have no idea whether all States do it that way or not. 

Hal, glad you were feeling better yesterday and hope the same holds for today.  The older folks also get a break here in South Carolina and next year I will finally be eligible to file my homestead exemption, which will bring the taxes down a little more.  The city taxes here are almost as much as the county taxes. 

Shirley, it sounds like your cats just like your cooking.  The banana bread with all of those nuts sounds great. 

Molly, it sounds like  good expenditure of your Hershey.  Glad to hear from you and sorry you lost your messages.  As long as you let us know when you will be having the surgery we can step in as your virtual family to support you.  Sure hope this will help with the headaches. 

Jenny, I expect your home will look very good to you even though you have enjoyed so much your visit to Texas. 

Gloria, it sounds like you had a successful meeting with the cable man and I hope the follow up improves the service.  I expect the $20 reduction in your bill is happy news.  At least your daughters place is pretty self sufficient it they provide their own utilities. 

Amy, thanks for the info on your husband.  If he is up to going with you today it sounds like he must be doing well in his recovery.   

JaneS, we have banked with credit unions for many years and always been pleased with the service.  Glad you had a good experience and hope they came up with a plan to save you money. 

Shirley, nice that your son wants to take care of your yard.  I have never wanted the best yard nor the worse yard in the neighborhood but to be somewhere in the middle.  I didn't mind the yard work when I was able to do it.  I don't have much yard here at my new home, which is just the way I want it. I agree with your comments about the election.  If I vote, which we have already done via absentee ballots, then I feel I have the right to complain.  If I don't vote I don't feel that right.  Your postings are easy to read.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 21, 2016, 09:48:03 AM
Good morning everyone, it was raining when I went to bed last night and now it is quite foggy.

JACKIE  I dislike talking politics but this year here the both running for president are not anyone I would trust.

JOAN  love chuckles. I will be sharing them. Thank you for all today's goodies.

AMY  do you ever have a day where you are not busy? A day to just sit back and do nothing? Bet you would not know what to do with yourself if you didn't have something to work at.

JANE  I pray Lew's passing will be easy. Very sad for family though.

LLOYD  hope you sleep better with the new mask.

LARRY  I see a Cox truck is here already this morning. They have 3 panels in the building  the man yesterday said they will check. We should not be going out so often. One time when complaining to the manager did some good. Oh she did say something at the meeting yesterday. The man was talking and 2 ladies were talking and bothering those who were trying to listen or ask him questions. She spoke up and asked them to stop so we could all hear him. They did shut up. My daughter and SIL knew when they bought the property about 20 years ago they would have to be self sufficient. Took all those years to get things ready and now it is all paid for, too. My daughter is what I have always called a penny pincher. She saves and always has.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 09:54:28 AM
Good Morning Larry.  It's a bit cooler there today, too, and they sat nights for the next few days will get the lowest they have been n months.

Gloria--Good Morning..  I sure hope Cox gets their problems fixed so. You don't keep losing the Internet.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 21, 2016, 10:09:05 AM
Good Morning Everyone!  It is a beautiful cool morning.  As Larry said it is very nice to feel the cool for a change.

Molly, be assured you do have my prayers for your upcoming surgery.  I am sure you son will be on pins and needles until the event is over.  As Larry said your Surrogate family (us) will be there in spirit to offer support.  Of course we will expect some of your chocolate stash to sustain us.

Our cleaning lady was suppose to have been here this morning, but she called and begged off until tomorrow.  Some problem with her kids, wife did not elaborate.   

I watched the Al Smith dinner last night on CSPAN and I must say I was not impressed with any of the speakers and certainly didn't find it amusing.

Joanie, thank you for the taco's.  Always one of favorite breakfast.

Janie, Hope nothing but smiles for you today at work.  34 degrees, now lady that is what we call "serious" cold in this part of the world.  Lots of folks would be having car battery difficulties. 

Jackie, I know you dread the day when your pup goes to join his friends but that is what we must all face, rich, poor, old, young, all living things will die, like it or not.  Of course that doesn't mean they wont be missed.  Because most will, although when somethings pass, sadly, they aren't.

Got to go take care of some chores.  Everyone have a great day.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: roley on October 21, 2016, 10:15:21 AM
G'Day all. Many thanks for your kind thoughts re my recent fall, i'm pleased to say apart from some bruising, I had no other injuries, although I had to wait awhile for my son to arrive to pick me up from the floor, then arrange for a electrician to rehang the oven door !, jobs that I once could do myself !,lol, that's life I guess at least, i'm still breathing and for that I'm thankful.
I know I only look in now and again and I enjoy reading you comments on life as it affects us 'of a certain age !' now, lol,  although I seldom get out and about these days it's great to read of others experiences and how they manage to cope with their own problems, at least, it makes you realise that you are not alone.
                                                           Sincerely  Peter.  (AKA - Roley)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 21, 2016, 10:21:15 AM
I found this, this morning.  It seems there are some cyber attacks going on around our fair nation so we may experience some problems, I emphasize, may.  But don't be surprised if you have problems reaching your favorite website.

Sites across the internet suffer outage after cyberattack (

Looking at the map which accompanies the article I see most of the East is affected as well as my part of Texas.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 10:44:00 AM
Good Morning halkel.  I know you like breakfast tacos.  I can tolerate soft tacos, but not for breakfast.

Riley/Peter--Glad to hear you are OK after your fall.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Mary Ann on October 21, 2016, 11:49:57 AM
Gloria, don't feel bad, I don't think I've said a lot lately.  It seems by the time I get in to read posts, that others have responded to everything already. 

I've noticed we have some color around here, some of it quite pretty.  We have a mixture of maples and oaks, among other varieties.  I used to go north when Tom was still married and living in Boyne City and the color was beautiful most years. 

We may hit 50 degrees today but that may be our high.

Gloria, we have a similar situation with voting here.  The library across the road is a voting precinct, but we have to go down the road to a middle school to vote, a place about a mile from here.  I do vote absentee and I should look at the ballot to see what else other than presidential is on the ballot.

The roofs across the pond showed signs of frost this morning.  The sun is now out so the signs have disappeared.

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 21, 2016, 12:09:03 PM
Good Morning. I'm here, sorta, my mind is still asleep, so please excuse my neglect or errors in replying. I woke at 7 and took my bones out of a nice warm bed in preparation of my housekeeper. She arrived about 7:15, gathered up the linens and put out fresh, gave me a hug and  kiss, and went on to change six other beds. She will return ere long to do the deep cleaning, and that is when I go sit in the lobby and read. She scours everything clean, scrubs, dusts, vacuums and that takes time, so I vacate the premises.

I enjoyed each and every message, and glad to hear Roley/Peter, is all O.K. and everyone else seemed very "social" today. Now it is time for me to vacate, so see y'all later. June
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 12:17:14 PM
Mary Ann--One thing I miss here is the changing of the leaf colors.

June--Your place will be all spiffed up when the housekeeper gets through.  She sure starts early.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 21, 2016, 01:56:05 PM
I'm home!  I'm tired!  My eyes feel dry!  I've fed myself and I gave the doggies a snack.  I think I'll put some drops in my eyes and collect a few zzzs.

JOANIE, thank you for the prayers on Lew's behalf.  I told my daughter about you and she said, "That's so nice of her. Tell her we both said Thank You!"
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 21, 2016, 02:01:12 PM
sounds good to me if you have liquid tears good stuff.take a nap and have a great rest of the day

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 21, 2016, 02:48:57 PM
Jannie--My prayers will continue.  I hope you can collect some ZZZ's.  I rested, but couldn't go to sleep.

Lloyd--Did yo get a nap?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 21, 2016, 03:43:32 PM
...not sure where that springs from, I cant see any recent postings about our Benji in Soda Shoppe but, of course I will dread it the day i-we lose our pup Benji, wouldn't that be obvious? and know others have faced this also, and of course I am aware of...quoting..."  but that is what we must all face, rich, poor, old, young, all living things will die, like it or not....." I just wondered why you would feel that I didn't already know this, that every living thing dies...and what do you mean by telling me?....quote,...." like it not not..."
I am just checking back on my posts and wondering where this all came from....and wondering what I have said to make you respond like this...Infact I cant see any postings to warrant this.....
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 21, 2016, 04:27:59 PM
Jackie, no particular reason.  You just sounded like you are having a hard time accepting the fact.  If I offended then accept my apology.

I wasn't trying to pick a fight.  Maybe as you get a little older you will understand where I was coming from.  Death at my age, my death, is a fact I face.  Old joke, but somewhat true.  If you wake up in the morning, you know it is going to be a good day.  Just maybe I was talking to myself.  Who knows.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 21, 2016, 04:38:25 PM
Jackie, I went back and looked up the posts. I think Hal is aware of your feelings and was trying to be sympathetic. That is hard for a man to pull off in a written manner. What we say in person, where you see the expressions and hear the voice tones is so different from posting a message on the Internet without those clues.

You are worried as I was with Sarah and Jack was with Jessie, so we tend to be more sensitive at those times. I know I was with Sarah just this past spring.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 21, 2016, 06:05:40 PM
Bis yes I did got a good western Movie and  done more listing than seeing GOOD NAP.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 21, 2016, 10:22:50 PM
It's spreading.  If you are having problems getting to a favorite website, they may be under attack.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 21, 2016, 10:42:09 PM
I'm back..finally. Been a busy day, plus a long nap this afternoon. Sorry about that. Gosh what happened here.....No replies all afternoon ????????
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 12:33:36 AM
Good Night Everyfriend!  May God bless us, every one!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 03:44:06 AM
Good Saturday morning, Everyfriend.   There's a breakfast casserole to accompany your coffee or tea. I wish everyone a good day!!



Army of God

A friend was in front of me coming out of the Synagogue one day, and as always the Rabbi was standing at the door shaking hands as the congregation departed. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The Rabbi said to him, "You need to join the Army of G-d!"

My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of G-d, Rabbi."

Rabbi questioned, "How come I don't see you except for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?"

He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."

Food For Thought

How Do You Use Laugh & Lift?
(By Chris Long)

I have found over the many years of doing Laugh & Lift now that people use Laugh & Lift in varying ways and varying degrees in their life. For some, it's something they read occasionally as they feel they have time, for some it's a daily "can't miss". Some use it as a key part of their primary "devotional" time in the morning, some use it more for just getting an extra smile or boost before facing the day (or at the end of the day). Some primarily only read the jokes (the Laugh) and just skip right over the spiritual content (not that I recommend this!). Some primarily only read the Lift. Some read it all without fail. You get my point - with something like Laugh & Lift, with thousands of people it is bound to be utilized in different ways.

How you feel it is best of use to you in your life is up to you for where you are at. I'm just happy to be able to minister to you in whatever degree you'll let me do so through Laugh & Lift in your life! :)

But there is one thing I can say without fail that I hope you are NOT doing with Laugh & Lift. I hope you are NOT using it as your primary "God time" in the day. In other words, if the main extent of your time spent with God in the day is just when you spend a minute reading Laugh & Lift, there's something wrong. For many people (myself included for far too many years) daily "fellowshipping with God" gets reduced to merely reading a 1 page devotional or quick email, with maybe a quick prayer thrown in for good measure. In other words, we give God 3 minutes and then put Him out of our mind the rest of the day.

Jesus desires a close relationship with us where we are abiding in Him (John 15). To abide in Him, we have to spend quality time with Him - being real and honest. Indeed, this is the only way that we can really live the victorious Christian life. In order to "abide" though, we have to read and really desire to know and understand His Word, since that is the primary way that He speaks to us.

Laugh & Lift has grown increasingly "meatier" over the years, and often contains some Scripture in the issues. But reading a Lift item where some person gives their take on something is not the same thing as going to the Source and reading and studying God's Word for yourself. It has recently become very very clear to me in a way that it wasn't previously that this is one of the biggest problems within the Church. Everyone is looking to their favorite pastor, teacher, ministry, to give them all they need to know as a Christian. And God certainly uses them! God uses people and things such as Laugh & Lift to help teach and encourage His Body - obviously I'm not discounting this! But just getting "spoon fed" pieces of the Word with man's interpretation (which can be flawed) in a sermon, radio show, t.v. show, or email, is no substitute for you spending time talking to God and reading His Word - genuinely asking the Holy Spirit (who lives in you as a believer in Jesus Christ!) to illuminate for you what you are reading. While God gifts and uses teachers, the Holy Spirit is a much better teacher than ANY mere man and wants to directly teach you one-on-one, not merely through an intermediary such as a pastor or ministry. One of the Holy Spirit's roles, the Bible tells us in John 16:13, is to guide us into all truth. There's a difference between looking to God as your source, or looking to man, a ministry, etc. Many people settle for the latter.

Some time back, a subscriber wrote me that they and their friend were discussing Laugh & Lift and they both came to the conclusion that it was really good "dessert". I initially was a little off-put by that in my flesh because I thought "dessert? Why not the main course??" Well, actually, that subscriber and her friend had it just about right. They got their priorities right.

I hope Laugh & Lift is a real blessing to you. I hope it helps exhort and encourage you, and brings some smiles to your face! I hope it's really good dessert that really helps you to go out into the world with an extra oomph in your step that you otherwise would not have had.

But I do hope it's not your "main course".

With love,


Thought of the Day

One who takes time for prayer will find time for other things.

--Author Unknown

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 22, 2016, 05:59:01 AM
Good Morning everyone.
Bis I only see you do not know if it is not working or you it so far.
Hall I see where you was here yesterday making a comment about hackers? I think they only hack populations and you rich ones. HA HA HA. hope you are feeling better. I am doing much better.
VA is going to cut that growth out of my cheek on the second of next month. have a great day every one.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 06:20:52 AM
Good morning, Lloyd.  Yes, just the two of us have posted so far this morning.  Glad to hear you are doing better.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 22, 2016, 06:40:40 AM
Good morning everyone.

Chilly here this morning with a threat of snow!!! I hope the rain/snow holds off till I get my laundry dry.

Gloria, that would be wonderful to have a day like that..I know I would be in the sewing room having a great time too!

Joan, thank you for breakfast...need to get the laundry started and out on the line.

Enjoy your day everyone.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 07:12:02 AM
Good Morning Amy.  It is chilly here, for FL, this morning.  I would think you hands would freeze hanging your laundry out in that cold weather.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Amy on October 22, 2016, 07:21:39 AM
No Joan, not yet they don't freeze but later on in the winter they do get cold and I quickly hold them over the fire when I get in the house!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 07:40:40 AM
Good Morning Everyfriend!  The doggies and I slept in a bit this morning.  We've been out and they had a treat and I'm having my coffee.  But I can't hold them off from breakfast much longer. 

They don't know it yet but they are both getting baths today.  If I said that word aloud, I'd have to go look for Mickie.  She always hides.

Amy, I remember those days of hanging the laundry out and having it freeze almost before we got it on the line.  When I was in high school, my mother worked Saturdays and my sister and I did the laundry.  We took turns hanging it out and when we came in, we lit a burner on the gas stove to thaw out our hands.  When I told my husband that story, he said, "So that's why you married me....because I sell dryers!"  And for many years he told people that story and ended with, "and that's why she married me. 

I guess I better go feed the doggies and me so I can take my vitamins.  I think I'll need all my energy today.  Washing dogs is right up there with hanging out the laundry!  Have a lovely day Everyfriend. 

Whoops!  almost forgot....Lloyd I'll remember you in my prayers on Oct. 2.  I remember you every day but on the 2nd I'll try to be more specific!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Gloria on October 22, 2016, 07:57:00 AM
Good morning everyone, looks like Mother Nature is trying to make up for the drought by bringing rain and more rain along with hours of thunder. Wild night here, glad I was home and not out. Supposed to rain more today but with winds so what foliage is showing will be gone by tomorrow. Just saw local weather report and temperatures will be dropping today. Next week saying the highs will be in the 50's.

PETER-ROLEY  good seeing your post from yesterday. Thanks to S&F and the SS group we are not alone. Many of us hardly get out any more and when we do we rely on others to take us away from our homes. Glad you did not hurt yourself bad in your fall. We all have to watch how we move so we do not take a tumble.

HAL  I did not hear about the cyber hacking till I turned on the news at 5 yesterday. It would be wonderful if those who do so much damage to people and even countries would put their brains to doing good to help the world. Nothing we do on our computers is safe from trouble makers.

MARY ANN  at times I will say something to everyone and other days I hardly say anything. It has been unusually warm here for this time of year but with the storm/rain this week end it is about to get more normal.

JUNE  when the CNA is here we are not supposed to leave our apartments.  I trust the one I have but I think they do not want anyone to have a complaint about something missing or broken.

JACKIE  I don't think Hal was picking on you but just stating a fact of life. We have all lost loved ones and much loved fur family and we are not far from being there now.

HAL  I did not have my PC on all day yesterday but do know I wondered why when I did get here I had no new email. About 7 last night I had a lot come in at the same time.

JOAN  a serving of breakfast casserole will be a good way to start the day. I got a good chuckle with today's chuckle, secret service-yeah right. Copied Laugh & Lift, good one to share.

LLOYD  glad the VA doctors will take that growth from your cheek.

AMY  be thankful you can still do all you do. So may things I can no longer do and it gets to me if I think about it. I did hear there could be snow to the northeast but now here yet. I do remember hanging clothes out in the winter months. Clothes would freeze to the line before I could get a clothespin on. But they would smell so good when finally dried and brought into the house.

JANE  guess you will have to sneak up on Mickie later so she will get her bath. Have fun with that. ::)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 08:35:36 AM
Amy--Can you wear gloves when you hang the laundry out?

Good Morning, Jane.  I don't envy you bathing the dogs.  Every dog we ever had fought baths.  Funny about why you married your husband.:)

Gloria--Good Morning.  At least it's rain and not snow you are getting.  I remember a couple times when it was snowing on Election Day.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Joy on October 22, 2016, 08:42:19 AM
Good morning on this cloudy, windy Saturday.  They are predicting  for the sun to make an appearance later, but it is a lot cooler this morning than the past week.  I am afraid those balmy days we had are gone until next spring.  It was lovely while it lasted.

I have not posted anything for a couple days, as I have had a couple busy days. 

So, Good Morning, Joan  and all the other friends.  Joan, I will enjoy  the breakfast casserole this morning.   A breakfast casserole is so nice to have when you have a big group for breakfast. Especially good on a buffet. Thanks, Joan.

Nothing special going on in my little corner of the world.

Amy, I admire you for being able to hang out your laundry, even in the winter. I used to really like to hang up clothes, but now enjoy my dryer.   When I was little, we had a very long back yard.  My mother would string the clothes lines the whole length of the yard. I can picture her now walking back and forth hanging the clothes.  It was an all day job.  By the time she would get them all hung up, it would be time to start checking to take the ones down that had dried the fastest.  A nice memory to have.

I have not been up too long, so need to get my coffee  and see what the day will bring.

Hope everyone will have a wonderful week end.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 22, 2016, 09:13:09 AM
Good morning everyone! We had our first snow about 3:pm on Thursday so winter is officially here now. I've been busy offline as well, these past few days.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 10:56:12 AM
Both doggies bathed!  They're beat and I'm beat!  Back later. 

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 10:59:42 AM
Good morning Joy.  I think the weather here has turned fall-like, too.  I used to like to hang clothes out, too, but lines are not allowed here.

Good morning, angel face,  Yuck--you can keep the snow-but then you are used to it.

JJanie--Good for you getting both dogs bathed.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 22, 2016, 11:08:29 AM
Good Morning Everyone!

Been kinda busy here this morning. Up at about 7 and had some coffee and looked at the paper and ate a bowl of cereal and then off to pick up the cleaning lady at the bus terminal and back home.  Stayed out of her way till she got my room done and then here I am on the puter.

Jackie, like Patricia and Gloria said, I meant no harm or offense.   And like I said yesterday if I did offend then accept my apology.

Speaking of cold and clotheslines.  In my four years living in Canada and having three little girls a couple of them in "cloth" diapers I got plenty of experience hanging clothes in the winter.  We lived in a six apartment house and had assigned wash days.  No automatic washers in those days, well any we could afford.  And certainly no dryer.  I was simply amazed, being an old Texas boy, that clothes could dry when frozen.  ;D  but like Gloria said they smelled really fresh and good.  Do you all remember how nice closets used to smell with all the starched clothes, freshly ironed.

Larry, there should be one heck of a football game on today, Texas A&M/Alabama.  Comes on at 2:30 Central.

Lloyd good luck on the operation on your cheek. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Denver on October 22, 2016, 11:20:12 AM
Good morning....

Enjoying my last morning in Austin.  Oliver is so sweet today....he is being very snuggley!  Sure is going to be hard to say goodbye to him, but I am feeling very blessed to have been able to have this precious time with him. 

I hope you all enjoy your Saturday.....

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Vanilla-Jackie on October 22, 2016, 11:20:35 AM
...of course I will, over the years you have become what I consider a dear friend, of which, I sure plan to keep things this way....this was between you and I only, ( a misunderstanding ) that we have now cleared and sorted out......

If anybody feels they need to remind me that " we have all lost loved ones, or lost a furfriend...." I already know, and I have too...please, I dont need reminding..... I have been a part of this forum and been on those journeys with you...
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 11:45:30 AM
Good morning halkel.  I can't say my husband EVER hung out any clothes.  You were a "good scout".

Vanilla-Jackie.  Yes, you have been with us for a long time.

Jenny--Safe travels home.

If Ray had lived, today would have been our 57th Anniversary.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 22, 2016, 11:49:29 AM
Joanie, he is still with you in your heart and spirit.  So Happy Anniversary, so treat yourself to whatever you desire.  Maybe go out for a nice dinner.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 22, 2016, 11:50:00 AM
Good  Morning from Rowntree Gardens. They are holding the annual Health Program today,and have tables and umbrellas set up all over garden area and in the club house. If it is similar to what we had back in Hemet there will be a lot of free stuff given tooth paste and brushes, and other over the counter types of goodies. Lots of advertising too. It will be fun stroll-through. I had a beautiful sleep last night, woke at four, but dozed back and forth till 7 when I put my trash outside the door. Must have bumped my lifeline when I bent over because right away I had two nurses at my door, asking if I had fallen. Weird, but consoling, knowing we are so well cared for.

my mail-in ballot arrived in the mail yesterday, so I will get that taken care of today. Rather than mail it in, I will take it downstairs where we have voting booths on election day. Why should I need to spend money on postage to cast my ballot, plus take a chance on losing it in the mails. I may be foolish, but my vote is important to me.

Time to make the bed and get my day started.....see you later dear hearts. June

Bis, I pray you have good memories all through the day. Hugs.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: larryhanna on October 22, 2016, 12:15:39 PM
Hi everyone on a crisp Saturday morning.  It was in the high 40's this morning and was a bit nippy outside when I watered the flowers and then made a trip to the mailbox.  I high today is suppose to be 68 degrees.  I look forward to a very quiet day today.  My neighbor just left after spending an hour or more visiting with me so the morning is about gone.  Looking forward to watching some college football today but haven't even checked the schedule yet.

Gloria, nice that your daughter and SIL have such a nice place they have planned for such a long time and even better than it is without debt. 

Peter, nice to see your posting and know you were not seriously injured with that fall.  The potential of falling is certainly something that we all think about.  We have no throw rugs on our floors besides and entry rug at the front door and that has eliminated one area of concern.

Hal, these increasingly frequent cyber attacks are very concerning since so much of our lives are now dependent upon computers for them to function.  I do remember how good sheets and other clothes smelled when they had been dried on the outdoor lines. 

Joan, after reading your Food for Thought today I looked up the Laugh & Lift website and subscribed to it. 

Lloyd, nice to read that you are doing much better now. 

Amy, I also remember hanging out clothes during freezing weather and also taking them down when they had frozen stiff.  It was not a fun job but had to be done if you wanted clean clothes. 

JaneS, the fact that you husband sold dryers certainly wouldn't be a negative.  I also remember it being so cold in NW Missouri and the wind blowing when I was trying to hang the clothes.  I didn't do that job too often but on occasion I would help my mother with that chore.     
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 12:30:56 PM
June--Glad you slept so well.  They used to have those wellness fairs at the coliseum in AR.

Larry--Nippy here, too.  Glad you found. The Laugh and Lift website.  I sure know there's football today--seems that's all that's on.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 22, 2016, 02:01:28 PM
Jane, Joan and all, the snow is already melting. The usual pattern is snow for a day or two, melt and then five or six days later, have a second snowfall that sticks. We had a whole two inches or an inch a day of wet snow. We are not expecting any new snow until next month according to the weather folks and in fact, will have warmer temperatures for the next couple of weeks.

Farrah has been very upset and very verbal towards me. I purchased a brand of dry cat food that she doesn't care for. I'm waiting until Wednesday to buy new, and I will mix the old with the new until it is gone. She will come up behind me on the couch or sit on the floor by the sofa and watch me unblinking. When I acknowledge her or say "What?", she will mournfully say "Win-Win.?" I am not giving treats either as I want her to eat the dry food. She eats about three-fourths of a cup daily given out in batches as she doesn't like food left out.

"Win" singular means a treat and "Win-Win" means a meal.It is like dealing with kids again!  She has indeed come a long way; she comes out with women or couples visiting and will sniff at their shoes or legs but doesn't come out if its men only. I am the only one she doesn't shy from, and even I know better than to grab at her or try to pick her up as it will take a day or two until all is again forgiven.

We had a surprise this morning as Farrah woke me up at 3, growling at the balcony. In the dark, I couldn't see anything but Farrah certainly could! When it lightened up around seven, I was shocked to see an orange cat curled up on my bath towels left out there. Now I am on the fourth floor so it wasn't something I would suspect. I called a friend who told me a lady on the fifth floor had lost a cat,  last night and she sent her down to me. When she went out on the balcony, "Sammy" jumped into her arms and was taken home with many thanks and explanations. For everyone's sake, Sammy has lost all balcony privileges.

I have included a thumbnail you van click on to see why Sammy lost his balcony privileges!

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Sandy on October 22, 2016, 02:31:45 PM
Looks like AT&T is getting back
in the monopoly business....   

There goes Time Warner Cable !

Oh  woe? ! ?
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 02:38:21 PM
Anelface--Thanks for explaining about the snow there.  Farrah has quite a personality, and she certainly is astute.

Sandy--I hadsn't heard that.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Sandy on October 22, 2016, 02:42:07 PM

AT&T has agreed to buy Time Warner for more than $80 billion, a person briefed on the matter said on Saturday, a move that would create a new colossus in the worlds of media and telecommunications.

(I finally got the previous clickable to work)

"new colossus"  =  monopoly ??
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 22, 2016, 03:15:27 PM
Joan, all the years we were married (few months shy of 59) I would fix Cas his favorite food on our anniversary... he didn't remember anniversaries or birthdays or such..... until the last few years when he would give me money to buy what ever I wanted.  So I now give myself "money to spend for what ever I want that isn't necessary"....and thank him for my present.  Last couple holidays I got new UGGS.... He wasn't raised by a mother that looked for an excuse to make someone happy like my mother did.  She didn't need money to find a way to let everyone know they were loved.  Happy Anniversary, it is still your anniversary, go give yourself a nice present from Ray! 

That said, Joan, I get no demerits for washing the RV this morning & what I am about to do next.... drive the little Encore over to the carwash & give it a bath to get Miss Callie's footprints off the windshield, hood & top.  I can hardly see through the windshield where she cleans herself up on top & then slides down the windshield & hood to see what I'm bringing her to eat.  Cats rule around here!  I use the carwash because it has soft water & wax finish..... but I do the washing & chamois it off when done.  I did chamois off the RV windows & chrome (even wheels).  I needed the exercise.

I am loving the old TV shows on antenna.... surprising how many I had missed "back in the day"... Was thinking about it this morning when busy & figure why so many of the shows I thought I never missed, I didn't remember.... "back in the day" we only had one TV & I would miss half of every show getting up & down to do laundry, cook or whatever.  Now I have TVs all over the house & if some show I don't want to miss any part of, I tape it.  Life is good... just appreciate what we have, right? 

I ate the whole bag of Hershey's fun size bars & will NOT go get more.  Of course, if they are half price the day after Halloween, I can't pass up a bargain!  I still have some Milky Way (caramel), 3 Musketeers & Twix... had to replace the Twix bag once, my neighbor & I both like them.

I'm off to my next project... afraid if I sit much longer I will fall asleep.  Have a great week end,

WOW! Patricia, Sammy was lucky to not fall all the way down.  Sounds like Sammy's mama
needs to screen the deck, probably not allowed but would be nice to sit out with no bugs.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 22, 2016, 03:31:59 PM

Donald Trump Says He Would Block AT&T-Time Warner Merger as President

"Deals like this destroy democracy," said Trump during a rally in Gettysburg, PA on Saturday.

Donald Trump expressed he would not approve the AT&T and Time Warner merger if he was elected president. "Deals like this destroy democracy, said Trump during a rally in Gettysburg, PA on Saturday where he discussed what he would do in the first 100 days of his presidency. (
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 03:50:13 PM
Daughter Cathy just left.  She usually stops by for a visit when she does her shopping and other errands on Saturday or Sunday.  She stayed about 45 minutes and we caught up on a lot of things.

After washing the doggies and getting them clean and sweet smelling, I started washing all the things they sleep on beginning with my bed.  Today I took everything off including the mattress pad.  Then I washed the blanket that I keep on the couch and the little bed that Annie uses and the mat that they both use on the porch.  The washer passed up the dryer so I have two loads waiting to be dryed and the bed only half made up.  Plus there's a comforter lying in the hall patiently waiting it's turn for the washer.  When the sheets are finished in the dryer, there's a comforter already clean and ready to finish making the bed. 

OOPS!  maybe I shouldn't have reported all that but I don't think of laundry as w**k because I get to sit down while the major appliances do their "thing". 

When Cathy left, she took her jar of veggie soup with her and commented, "we can have this for supper."

I hope you are all having a lovely day filled with good experiences or good memories....or both.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Sandy on October 22, 2016, 04:13:57 PM
Quote from: halkel on October 22, 2016, 03:31:59 PM
Donald Trump Says He Would Block AT&T-Time Warner Merger as President

Donald who??
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 04:45:46 PM
halkel--Trump hasn't been elected as of this date.:)

Janie--You sure have been bust getting the dogs and all their blankets etc. clean.

Shirley--You are one busy lady.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Jeanne Lee on October 22, 2016, 04:52:22 PM
Chilly and raining today and I'm spending most of the time bundled on the couch.  After another visit to the ER, I'm home with a diagnosis of a UTI and a prescription for a very strong antibiotic for the next 10 days.  At least this time they didn't admit me to the hospital. 

But...  in the process of switching oxygen tanks four times, somehow one of my hearing aids turned up missing.  Not a happy discovery.  Monday morning I'll contact my homeowners insurance, hoping that will be covered. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Mary Ann on October 22, 2016, 06:05:40 PM
Patricia, I smiled when you said it was an orange cat on your balcony because Kendrick is an orange cat.  I was sure he was not your visitor and it is amazing what cats can do or where they can go if they want to.

Shirley, Tom does 99% of the shopping here and I put down Halloween candy on the list.  He came back with two bags.  We usually don't have any kids come around because we are in an out-of-the-way place.  Neither of us need to eat candy!

Jeanne Lee, I hope you are able to find your hearing aid.  I just got new ones and I'll have to call my insurance company with the new info (serial number) so they are insured.

Tom and I drove to Holland MI today to have lunch with Tom's son and DIL.  I don't know if I've mentioned it, but those kids are expecting twins in late March, earlu April.  They needed help with a fertility clinic.  She said she is getting along fine and they were able to feel the heartbeats this week.  They still do not know the sexes of the babies.  Both James and Alicia have red hair so we should have a couple of red heads running around.  Geoff and Charissa in California also are expecting about the same time.  And we will have a one-year-old near Lansing in January. 

Since it is Homecoming at Hope College in Holland, we thought it would be difficult to find a place to eat so we drove to Saugatuck instead.  Saugatuck is a artist's area and we found that was busy too.  We did find a sports bar with vacant tables, so stayed there.  I had a fish sandwich with coleslaw and fries.  It was good, but not nearly as tasty as my chicken salad earlier in the week.  Nor as inexpensive. 

Mary Ann
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 22, 2016, 06:11:36 PM
Jeanne Lee--I have empathy for you with ab.  UTI,  They are chronic with me.  I hope you find that hearing aid.  I know they are costly.

Mary Ann--How nice that Tom's kids are expecting twins.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lindancer on October 22, 2016, 06:34:04 PM
Good evening, on this cold rainy day, with wind gust of 40 mil. per.

Joan know you have wonderful menories of this day. My thoughts are with you. My big day was last week,Oct 12, would have been 71 years.

Shirley, I also like Antenna TV, I watch it at night, along with the HalMark stations.

JeanneLee, would you believe I have lost my hearing aid Wed. I have looked for it everywhere including checking the garbage 2 times and

my cleaning lady checked it once also.  Even my next door neighbor came over with a big light and looked.  I guess I am going to have to come up with about $3000. as I cannot get along without hearing I am sorry you had another trip to the ER.  Prays and hugs are going your way.

Prays are going to Molly for up and coming surgery. JaneS prays for Lew and Lloyd for you and your Nov. 2 surgery.

June and Gloria, I will be mailing my absentee ballot Monday. It was sent last week.

Patricia, I do not want to think about snow, to days cold rain was enough.  I am sure Sammy used up one of his 9 lives. what a lucky cat.  Love to read about your kitty.  I just  wrote about my lost hearing aid, I have a feeling, that Taffy found it she loves to play with my beads and ear rings.

My handy man came  to clean my gutters and found someone has taken my ladder. having trouble with my ankle and both feet are so swellen, I can hardly walk. Was not able to go to Homemakers Friday.

June, we have those health fairs once a year at the senior center, that is where I get my collection of pens and nailfiles and new pill boxes.

Now I will end with good news, my grandson is home in Niceville, Fla. after 6 months in hospitals, he now can walk with a walker. He was told maybe in another 6 months after more rehab he will not need a walker.

MaryAnn, looks like your family is going to be growing, comes Spring. Sounds like you had a nice day out, with Tom's family.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Beverly on October 22, 2016, 06:43:44 PM
Jeanne - I hope your insurance covers the hearing aid! Maybe it will still turn up? Glad you didn't have to stay at the hospital.

I didn't feel well most of the week but things improved by yesterday. Today we played golf with the neighborhood couples group. We play once a month and each month with a different couple. When we left it was in the 50s! Cold for us since it's been in the high 80s nearly every day. Each month we play at a different course. Today's was about 15 miles away, a 50 minute ride in the golf cart one way! The wind was brisk and chilly in an open golf cart but we had a good time. (We only play 9 holes.) On the way home we stopped at Panera's for lunch. Then both of us bought a pastry to bring home for coffee later (after a nap!!) I got my orange scone.

We also hung laundry on a clothesline and sometimes the sheets would freeze before you finished hanging them!  I remember in high school my heavy blue jeans would freeze so hard you could stand them up by themselves. But, oh, that wonderful fresh smell. My first experience with an automatic washer was after we were married. Our dryer came many years later.

Happy Anniversary, Joan. I agree with Shirley.  :)

Angelface - Thank goodness Sammy's escapade had a happy ending.

Mary Ann - Congratulations to Jamie and Alicia on the expected twins!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: angelface555 on October 22, 2016, 06:53:36 PM
Thanks, Beverly!

Gloria de,  hopefully, that wind will blow all that nasty weather out to sea! You are probably right about Taffy. My cat, Nikki was the same way, like a little magpie! Does Taffy have favorite places for her stashes?

Our snow is melting and the next 14 days should be warmer say the weather folks. Since we are supposed to keep all pets indoors except for leashed dogs on the way to the building's dog park,  Sammy's owner might have been in more trouble as she told my friend he was an escape artist. I told her to make sure he stays indoors!

Everyone seems to be having babies and or twins. We have a set of male twins in our family due in December.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 08:24:48 PM
Everything's clean and put back together except for the carpet.  I ran out of steam before I got it vacuumed.  I'm going to get a large box of baking soda and sprinkle it around before I vacuum...maybe tomorrow.  I know, I'm not supposed to do that kind of thing on Sunday but I remember my grandmother doing something and being told she shouldn't on Sunday.  Her reply?  "The better the day the better the deed!"  So I don't worry about playing catch-up on Sunday!. 

Have to go!  the beeper is going off on the timer.  I think I mush have to do something but I forget what!  I guess I'll go look around and see if I can remember.  Sometimes I wonder where my mind has gone!
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lindancer on October 22, 2016, 08:57:58 PM
Jane, that was one of my mothers saying. also a poor body that can't iron their own sheets.  Thats when they ironed sheets, I guess.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: June Drabek on October 22, 2016, 09:05:51 PM
Gloria de, my ballot arrived in yesterdays mail, so I am thankful for that. I won't mail mine in though, I'll take it downstairs where we have a voting site. Todays health fair seems to have been very successful. Good advertising for Rowntree too. Most of the people attending equaled the number of residents, and they had a good shot at viewing what we offer. I gathered very little, one pen and some candy from a place offering safety equipment for the bathroom, the the offerings were great in number. I am so happy to hear of your Grandsons healing, and that he is able to get around with a walker. I bet he is one happy young man. He has his independence back again. I really sorry about the missing hearing aid. I hope it turns up.

Janie, Welcome to the "forgetter" club. I find it is happening much too frequently for me. You are still young enough to push it aside….all that you have done today, the mind and the body need a rest. I did a load load of laundry after leaving the "Fair" downstairs…one load, and it has me all worn out.

I think I will say an early goodnight. I still have to eat some supper, and I really feel too tired to even chew. I must recover so I can get the body to Church tomorrow. May God grant us all a peaceful night and a happy worthwhile tomorrow. Love you all, June
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JaneS on October 22, 2016, 09:53:20 PM
JUNE, I did remember what the buzzer was for when I got to the kitchen.  I had to finish making the dog food for the next few days.  The dry part was reconstituting and I had to add the flea and tic powder and the meat and stir it up and put it in the fridge.

And now...Good Night Everyfriend!  May God bless us, every one.  And may He lead people to lost objects.  I'm going to bed. 
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: halkel on October 22, 2016, 11:10:47 PM
Janie, earlier today, I was watching TV and the remote batteries were getting weak so I got up to get some new ones, went into the utility room and the ironing board was in the way of the freezer, yes I keep extra batteries in the freezer, so I went to move it and found the latch broken so I finally got it closed properly, put it up and went back into the kitchen fixed a sandwich, got some tater chips and went back to watching TV, it soon dawned on me, I didn't get the batteries, so after finishing the sandwich I did get the batteries and put them in the remote.

Distraction............ ::)
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Lloyd Hammond on October 22, 2016, 11:16:50 PM
Good Night everyone.sweet dreams.

Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: Shirley on October 22, 2016, 11:55:16 PM
Jane, looks like we were both in a cleaning mood today.  I did get the car washed & am just sick that the cat prints... not single prints but whole big patches of them where she sat & cleaned herself.  I scrubbed & rubbed with the chamois & used Windex when I got home & nothing worked.... I Googled & didn't find anything recommended ... that wouldn't damage the paint. 

Jeanne Lee, my sympathy about the UTI..... our bodies certainly like to get contrary when we are already down, don't they?  Hope you find the hearing aid... I spend half my life looking for things & for the first time in a long time.... NOTHING is lost at my house right now. 

Mary Ann, to be honest, I don't plan to be here for Trick or Treat night but bought the candy because I don't buy candy & it was on sale & I had coupons.... makes sense, huh?  After Halloween is when I buy candy to hang all over the Christmas tree... hundreds of pieces of any kind that is wrapped so I can put a hook in to hang.  Have 4 great grands old enough to appreciate the sight & treats this year.  We have one due the last of November... no twins in this generation .... yet.  Congratulations on yours, they are special. 

Gloria D.... I'm jealous, I don't get the Hallmark Channel on my antennas.... not in the RV or house ones.  That's one reason I dumped the cable, they took Hallmark to an extra fee & I thought it was outrageous that I have to pay for all those sports when I don't watch any & all those shopping ones that I don't watch... and MY TVs never host those talk shows that do nothin but stir up trouble.  I've turned into a real rebel, figure I can do what I please at my age!

Beverly, sorry you've not been up to par all week..... hope the chilly ride doesn't hit you with a cold or something.  I love winter & cold weather but look like the Pillsbury dough boy all wrapped up... always have an extra stocking cap & nylon coat with hood (to stop wind)....

I didn't realize it was so late!!!  I get up when I wake up on Sunday mornings... for fear I won't wake back up to get all cats fed before I leave for church before 7:00 am.  I found the cutest little pillow for my DIL yesterday when out shopping.... "Who needs Santa when I have Nana"....  My daughter in law wanted to be called Nana when their first grand was born, the little red head calls her "Nanny" instead.  That little girl is going to have a hard time sharing both sets of gr-parents when the new baby comes before Christmas.  All 4 have been totally silly about her (she is SO loved) but has not had any others competing for their attention.  They will be just as crazy about the little boy & make sure she doesn't feel slighted.  I'm taking the pillow in the morning so she can keep it in her car.... not sure what she will do with it, tapestry type.

Hugs to all and God Bless.  Shirley

Haha, Hal, do you remember those little cars or steam engines that would bump something & switch directions & go the other way?..... that's what I think of when bopping from one idea to another & forgetting what I started out to do.  I have some chips & Southwest dip that sounds real good, now that you mention it.

Good night, Lloyd .... sweet dreams to you, too.
Title: Re: Soda Shoppe Week of October 16
Post by: JoanFL on October 23, 2016, 03:32:39 AM

A new week for Soda Shoppe begins HERE (