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June 03, 2024, 09:49:00 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Soda Shoppe for January 15,2018

Started by so_P_bubble, January 15, 2018, 03:18:18 AM

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Mary Ann

Shirley, I'm glad you had such a nice birthday.  Nice of the family to join you.

Larry, I do hope Pat will see a doctor for her flu and bronchitis.  It is a serious combination.

Hal, when/if you post about what happens to you in the hospital, it shows us that they are taking care of you.  No posts, we worry.  I have A-Fib too.  Darn!

Jane, your temperature is about the same as ours - 17 degrees.

Grand Haven is beautiful this morning with the sun shining on the snow.

Mary Ann


Good morning everyone, well we are get ting the snow that was predicted. Maintenance man was just out there with his little plow clearing the walks. Beautiful looking out, the trees are covered in snow and before he was pit there it had not been touched and it was beautiful to see. I just did not want to get up this morning so rolled over and slept some more. Shocked when I finally woke and saw the time. Then I just had to admire the view outside. Just a few years ago I would have bundled up and gone for a walk in this snow.

LARRY  has Pat seen a doctor for that bronchitis? I sure hope so. I had it once and I can remember how I felt. The cough I thought would never go away. Way back when I was reading the driving manual before getting my license one of the things was to leave the distance of a car length for every 10 miles you are driving. With the fast cars and highways today it is hard to imagine everyone driving 80mph with 8 car lengths between all them. I would always back off when someone passed and got in front of me. I used to get teased that I was too cautions. The only accident I was ever in was a woman who ran a stop sigh and hit the passenger side of my car. With enough force to spin me halfway around.

CALLIE  always great when a home town person hits the big time.

JANE  Had a giggle picturing you with a baseball bat and threatening your car to start or else. Oh I love meatball sandwiches, hope someone left at least half of one in the hidey hole.

MARY ANN  I have been told for the last 10 or 15 years that I am too old for surgery yet I have known some in their late 90's who went through surgery with no problems. My health is good except for back and one shoulder.

JUNE  I will make a grocery order today or tomorrow and have delivery in the morning on a day when I have help here to put it away. I get a morning delivery if I call the order in early enough.

HAL  hope today finds the coughing less. That really can wear a person out. Hugs and prayers for you.

GLORIA de   cute poem.

SHIRLEY  looks like this year there is much more flu than usual. I do not have any of those masks so guess I will just have to stay home. As if that would be different.

JANE  my 3 at times talk about the fun we had in the snow when they were young.

HAL  if I remember how I would invite you to my Skype. Took a long time for my daughter and I to get back on it again.

LARRY  if you wife has the flu do you really want to go out tonight and leave her home alone?

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Steve and God

A 70-year old man goes for physical.  All tests come back with normal results. 

The doctor says, "Steve, everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally?

Are you at peace with God?"     

Steve replies, "God and I are tight.  He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so when I get in up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom â€" poof!! - the light goes on.

When I'm done - poof!! - the light goes off."     

"Wow, that's incredible," says the doctor.     

A little later in the day, the doctor calls Steve's wife. "Eileen" he says, "Steve is doing fine, but I had to call you because I'm in awe of his relationship with God.

Is it true that he gets up during the night and poof!! - the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he's done - poof!! - the light goes off?"     

"Oh, my God!" Eileen exclaims, "He's going in the fridge again!"

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast



Good Wednesday afternoon everyone... 

I am so sorry to just hear about Hal being in the hospital with a heart attack ....  You're in the place you need to be...
(which is never fun) ....  I wish you a speedy recovery

Try to relax and know that your in good care..

I am also worried about Larry's Pat having that terrible
flu that is spreading around.   I know that this is
very difficult for you too Larry..   Please take care....

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


Good afternoon, we did have rain, now it is snowing

Gloria, I needed a good laugh, thanks for posting.

Hal, I understand how you feel. I was in the hospital 4 times last year with heart attacks and renal failure    I am still here.They took blood every morning at 4AM. In Sept. I went into the hospital with a dry cough and I still have bad coughing spells. I am still saying get well soon. still saying a pray for you.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

Gloria, depending on the cause and/or need, I doubt I would submit to surgery at 93.  I feel good except for my right shoulder.  The doctor gave me a shot of cortisone and at times I think it helps and other times, I'm not so sure.  Based on my experience three years ago, I do not have confidence that it will help.  The doctor said to return in four months and I know the shot will not last that long.  I have more confidence in my Arthritis 650 tablets!  But I'll go along with him at least once. 

I liked your joke.  Thanks for putting them in.

The sun is shining nicely today and if we have any snow, it is light.  Radar shows no snow at all in the vicinity.  I think our temperature is around 26 degrees.  Speaking of when we were younger and there was a lot of snow, I liked to go out our back door and flop down on the snow and make a snow angel.  My mother would also get clean snow and we'd have that with syrup on it.  Yum.

Mary Ann

June Drabek

Larry, I am really concerned about your wife. It sounds to me like she needs more help in getting over her ilLLness. I had a horrible cough, coughing up phlem for days, and getting weaker all the time. My Dr. prescribed what she termed a "stronger" cough syrup. In two days of treatment my cough disappeared, and I have been fine ever since. Ask your doctor or druggist about it. PROMETHAZINNE.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Calling for good rememberers, please!    My gr-daughter called last night & mentioned her 3 year old had ear aches..... try as I could, I couldn't remember the name of the oil that an old doctor recommended when MY kids were young, that really did help.  Today all I can think of was "sweet oil".... A year or so before Cas died he was having trouble with his ears & asked me to find some of that oil.  None of the drug stores I tried had any clue what I was talking about but suggested I ask an old pharmacist that still worked at one I didn't normally shop at.  Sure enough, he went to a shelf & pulled out a bottle & gave same directions of "heating before putting a few drops into the ear".  I have not Googled but just now thought to try.  If anyone used the stuff & has a different name... help?  Thanks!

Googled for "sweet oil for ears".... and found my answer, interesting that olive oil appears to be the remedy. 


Shirley,  I just  "googled sweet oil for earaches," and came up with olive oil,. also.

I see that you did find  the same thing.  I remember my mother warming the oil in a special spoon, just used for that.  But, I hardly think it was "olive oil" as I never remember her ever using olive oil for anything way back then.  I am thinking maybe it could have been cod liver oil??? 


Earache. Curing an earache with oil - Tipking

www.tipking.co.uk › Health › Remedies › Earache

To cure an earache, just pour about a teaspoon of oil, any oil from your kitchen, cover with cotton ball and lay down ear up for about 1 minute. Works every ... put the oil in 5 mins ago and seems to have worked although i do now feel deaf in that ear. still better than earache! thank you! ... Use olive oil, warm it up, not to hot!


Shirley, it's "sweet oil".  We used to sell it at the grocery store I worked at.  You probably can get it at a pharmacy of Walmart.


Click for Arlington, TexasForecast


Joy and Shirley, I had a lot of ear aches, when I was a child and my mother use warm mineral oil

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


Shirley, my mom always used something she called "sweet oil".

Good night my friends!  I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight because I have an appt. at Geisinger Ortho. tomorrow morning at 9.  Then I'm having lunch with a long time friend.  I got absolutely nothing done today because I was exhausted when I got home from work.  I had 2 long, busy lines full of people with full carts again today.  I still feel tired. 

God be with you!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I am off to bed.  Tired and cough is trying to start up.  Hope everyone has a restful night.

Nite, nite, God Bless and sweetdreams


Thanks, "girls".... I still haven't looked in the cabinet Cas kept his stuff in (I did empty out most of it but have not used that bathroom in 4 & 1/2 years).... except to clean & run faucets once in a while.   8)    Well, I just looked and no sign of the bottle but am shocked at all the stuff I left in those cabinets, could open a drug store myself.  Even found 2 boxes of 20 of those surgical masks!  No sweet oil. 

Mary, all I could remember was the term "sweet" oil but Google seems to have the opinion that means olive.  Some sites call for mineral oil & others olive, but will check out to see if Walmart sells the sweet kind before recommending anything to my grands.  The kids are now trying to not use as many antibiotics on my great grands, a good thing from what MY kids used (the doctors were giving out antibiotics for a sneeze when my grands were little).  I know when I was a teen & the penicillin shots were new, we abused them.  Every generation tries to do better than the one before, looks like we could even out some day, you think?

Joy, when I used it on Cas I had a new medicine dropper left over after doctoring on a cat... cat's med came with 2 droppers.... Cas thought it helped for a while but the problem kept getting worse.  The ear specialist said only thing that would help was if he got an ear infection or cold that made it swell... it had dehydrated & was causing a vibration like noise.  Pills that reduced fluids were basic cause.

Gloria de, I realized early on that if I admitted my ears hurt Mom would make me stay in, so unless I couldn't hide coughing, I never mentioned anything wrong.  I got paid back when MY kids were little.  Took my daughter for the routine booster shots at 3 or 4 & the doctor sat back with his face in a scowl & almost shouted at me, "this child has strep throat, why didn't you bring her in sooner?"  I stammered back that "she didn't say it hurt & had no fever, didn't miss a meal...."  Then when the next kid was about 6 he casually said one night that "it feels like someone sitting on my chest".  He had finished a round of antibiotics the week before & wasn't coughing so I thought he was okay.  A trip to the Dr next day (different doctor) again shouted at me, "this child has pneumonia, don't you know how to listen to his lungs?"  He proceeded to show me how & where to listen on his back.  I still couldn't hear but X-ray proved it true. The 3rd kid mentioned one night that his finger hurt.... it was swelled tight so off to the Dr in the morning.  Same story, Dr dumped on me about what a terrible mother I was for not realizing this finger was badly infected.  Honest, I considered doing a nightly inspection but didn't want the kids to become paranoid.  The middle kid used to get ear problems every time he went out without his ears covered from the KS wind.... took nylon hoodies to stop that wind & I kept a whole stack of them by the back door. 

We have warmer weather for a few days so I will wait until above freezing & see if I can get the generator on the RV started. It would't start when I got back from the lake the other day, supposed to run it about once a month to make sure it doesn't get "gunked up" (technical term the RV man used).

I am ready for bed, cats had their midnight snack & snuggled down for the night.  The sure have mellowed out this winter.  Sweet dreams to all, and wishing all of you ailing a better day tomorrow.  God Bless.  Shirley

Sorry about that cough, Hal.... I do remember non-stop coughing & the best/quickest relief I ever found was a dash of salt in the palm of my hand & one lick & could go back to sleep.  Cas had a nagging cough they finally narrowed down to a side effect of his BP meds. Have they diagnosed what is causing your cough?  Prayers continue.

Jane, have you ever noticed "sweet oil" come through your line?  Maybe you need one of those winter "tonics" our mothers used to swear by.... mine was always sure we were anemic (turned out we were).  You do keep busy, maybe you need a good rest to let your body catch up.


i don't remember it coming through my line but when I looked it up I was surprised to see tha Amazon carries it. Now I'm going to bed.

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

well girls it is Johnson & Johnson baby oil. it is a mineral oil. take a old eye dropper and put 2 or 3 drops of it and 2 or 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear and plug with cotton ball.  after a few min. genitally swab out with cotton swab, this will clean out any ear wax most likely why your is eking in the first place. doctor  at VA told me that. good luck and have a great day. I am going back to bed now after another swallow of water. sweet dreams. oh yes you will here better also.



Good morning everyone..

We are off to the hospital shortly, hubby has another test. Please say a prayer that all goes well.
Enjoy your day.
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning everyone, just turned the TB on and it is 21° at the airport. Colder here and warmer at the shore where the airport is located.

SHIRLEY  could not figure out what you were laughing at and then I remembered the joke I posted yesterday. Glad it tickled your funny bone.

GLORIA de  we nad no rain here but only snow. At first the weather reports were saying we could get could get 7 inches but we only got 2 inches of it. It was pretty though.

MARY ANN  I really do not want any surgery but resent those doctors who even 10 years ago said I was too old. I know I did not want surgery on my back, no guarantee it works. I am sorry though that I did not have the surgery on my left shoulder like I did on the right one but there again there are things I can no longer do with my right arm.

SHIRLEY  sorry I can not help about that oil. I agree about antibiotics, they are over used. I had more than my share of penicillin for strep throats. Knock on wood I have not had one in many years now.

AMY  thought I was up early this morning but you beat me. Prayers for your hubby and today's test.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Dear Lord,

Every single evening
As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer
Keeps running through my head:

God bless all my family
Where ever  they may be,
Keep them warm
And safe from harm
For they're so close to me.

And God, there is one more  thing
I wish that you could  do;
Hope you don't mind me asking,
Please bless my computer too.

Now I know that it's unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you,Lord.

You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.

I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.

By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.

Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.

Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits 'send'.

When you update your Heavenly list
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.Com


Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


Have a safe trip, AMY and only have good news to bring home. 

I'll be on the road this morning too.  I have a return to the Orthopedic Dr. at Geisinger for his opinion of the work he did on my finger.  I'm happy with it because I can type, pet the doggies with the flat of my hand, roll meatballs and cookies and lots of other things I couldn't do.  I guess I'll see what he thinks.

It's 8º here right now and will only be up to 10 by the time I'm on my way home.  The doggies didn't go far this morning and they didn't stay long. 

Everyfriend....be warm, be well, be safe and be happy!  A tall order but possible!

P.S.  Love it Gloria!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Good morning everyone.
Just woke up and they brought me cup of coffee.  I look like I combed my hair using a light socket......bzzzzzz.  Really don't know how I feel, honestly. 
Amy, you have my prayers for you and hubby.  Hopefully the test turn out great. 
My doctor should be around shortly and I shall know if I get to go home.  I feel weak as a kitten, but need somewhere where I can move around and walk, at least a little.
Going to finish my coffee and see what I can salvage from what I see in the mirror.


Shirley, "sweet oil" is almond oil and is sold at CVS.  You need a light weight oil ( as almond oil is) that won't irritate the inner ear membranes.  CVS prices for it are very low.  My mother used it, too.  Yes, sometimes the old remedies are still the best.

The snow storm really hit us hard yesterday and it will take a couple of days to dig out.  We had about 6-8 inches here and places just to the west of us a few miles had 10-12 inches.  For North Carolina that is a LOT of snow.  Sun is already helping to melt some of it but it is going to take awhile and it will be down below freezing again tonight so there will be ice.  We are OK and the power didn't go out but we did use the gas logs quite a bit because the heat pump was struggling to keep us comfortably warm. 


Hi Everyone.  It is a cold 21 degrees here this morning but will get into the upper 40's late this afternoon.  We did have snow all morning yesterday but nothing accumulated in our area nor did the roads get slick.  Today will be a sunny day. All I have planned for today besides trying to see that Pat is well taken care of is to go to coffee and then attend the Wisdom group and finally stop to pick up an online grocery order at Walmart.  Pat is really not feeling any better this morning but did get a good nights sleep and had slept several hours during the day yesterday.  I just fixed her a scrambled egg with a little cheese on it wrapped in a tortilla .  In fact I fixed it twice as the first time I put some seasoning on it like she always does but it was too salty for her so we threw it out and fixed her another.

I am about to run out of time before I need to leave the house for the morning so will limit individual comments in this discussion today. 

Gloria, no Pat has not seen a doctor for her flu.  I have suggested it but it is her decision.  Pat was settled in her chair when I left and still there when I got back last evening.  She will likely go back to bed while I am gone this morning and I have asked her not to take her shower until I get back home around 1 pm.  Whether she listens to me is questionable. 

June, thanks for providing the name of the cough syrup.

Mary Ann

Phyllis, your snow amounts are a lot for Michigan too, although we've had blizzards in the past where we got a lot more.  We may have six inches on the ground now, maybe not that much, and our roads are relatively clear.  Since I don't drive now, I don't pay attention.

Gloria, I think I might have resented being told much younger that I was too old for surgery; it may depend on the surgery needed too, but I was 90 when this shoulder problem arose and I heartily agreed with the doctor then and the doctor Tuesday.  I feel the cortisone shot may ease some of the pain, but every so often I feel a severe pain if I move my shoulder in a certain way.

Grand Haven has thin ice out to the outer lighthouse and some heavier ice near shore.  There also is open water near shore.  We are at 25 degrees now (10 am) and in a couple of days we should be over freezing for several days, going up to 45 degrees and much of the ice will be gone.

Mary Ann


Good afternoon, sunny, little wind of course cold
Gloria, we had rain all day yesterday, and last night everything froze. Roads were very dangerous this morning, and I still have ice on my porch, and it is afternoon. Thanks for the pray.

Amy safe trip and I am praying for good news.

June, where are you?

Larry, you take care, and pray that Pat starts to feel better.  I have wrote this before, when i was bring up our sons, Dr. Mary did not believe in the use of to many antibiotics.  Dennis had bronchitis every time I turned around and she told me to take my old PJ's put vick on his chest and wrap the PJ's around his chest. Also make a steam tent.

Hal, at lest it is good to see you are able to post.

Wish along with all the others that we would hear about Joan

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast


:tup: :clap: Thank you for prayers Dr said everything was ok!!! :excited:  Happy to have good news!

Now if we could hear good news from Hal, Joan and I too am worried about Larry's Pat..

We are both tuckered form lack of sleep so I would think we would hit the hay early tonight.

Jane ,hope you also got good news!!
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


From the dr. I got no news at all.  I was less than 5 miles from home and driving directly into the rising sun.  I turned around, went home and called and cancelled.  I need sunglasses when the sun is so bright but I've discovered that wearing sunglasses cuts down on my periphoral vision and even when it's coming at an angle, it bothers my perception.  I choose not to have an accident to tell me when I can't drive so I do it mysel. 

I did go to lunch with my long time friend and we decided to go again when we a sweater is all the outdoor wear we'll need.  Neither of us likes winter wear.  We caught up on all the family doings and a couple of friends that she sees and I don't and a couple that I see and she doesn't.  It only took us two hours to do that.  Next time we'll solve the world problems.

Now I'm going to close my eyes until it's time to go get TLH.  Stay cosy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Jane, glad to see you safely home. Also nice to see you had such a good visit with your friend.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

June Drabek

Gloria de, I'm finally here dear. Thank you for missing me. I had no computer this morning. I thing they were working on some main connections or something.

Hal, I suggested this to Larry also as his wife is in bad coughing condition. I had it for about a month, and my doctor decided on a stronger medicine. PROMETHAZINE, it two days my month of coughing was cured. Ask your doctor about it, o.k.?

I had a big lunch today, and my lazy body is telling to go to book and bed. so I will oblige.
As long as we are here, let's dance.