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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Started by diglady, March 29, 2016, 03:27:58 PM

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From CNN today,

"The Justice Department has now brought more than 180 federal criminal cases against rioters and others connected to the US Capitol siege. Prosecutors are digging into some of the histories of those involved, uncovering at least one case of stolen valor (when someone lies about military service or awards) and a New Mexico county official who said he wanted to return for President Biden's inauguration with guns in his car. Newly minted Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas says the type of domestic terrorism seen at the Capitol is "one of the greatest threats" to the US right now, echoing the findings of a 2020 Homeland Security report. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a staggered pause of operations across the entire US military over the next 60 days so commanders can review the handling of extremism among their ranks."

Now if they would do the same with all the different police forces and private prison guards.


Re Twitter;

Over the course of the 2020 campaign, then-President Donald Trump held crowded rallies packed with thousands of his supporters in his effort to secure a second term. He also spent months parroting baseless and outright false claims about the devastating pandemic, frequently contradicting his own officials in the process.

A study published late last year found that Trump's reelection campaign rallies contributed to at least 30 thousand cases of the highly contagious virus, while Trump mocked now-President Joe Biden for holding smaller gatherings that complied with CDC guidelines against them.

Just over two weeks into his tenure, Biden will fly on Air Force One for the first time as President on Friday, returning to his home state of Delaware for the weekend.

Despite its own spread of disinformation surrounding the pandemic, Fox News reported that Biden—who has been vaccinated and is flying on a private government plane—was flouting CDC guidelines.


Also via Twitter;

"Even with former President Donald Trump two weeks out of office, Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) remains one of his most vocal defenders in the House of Representatives.

After the 2020 presidential election saw then-President-elect Joe Biden secure a victory, Gaetz amplified the same lies that Trump spewed, falsely arguing that Democrats stole the election by somehow orchestrating widespread fraud.

Trump earned his second impeachment after these lies led a mob of pro-Trump extremists to storm the United States Capitol in a deadly failed insurrection. Just hours after this deadly riot, Gaetz—with other Republican members of Congress—continued his effort to toss out certified electoral votes of swing states Trump lost.

The former President's impeachment trial is set to begin in the Senate next week, and Gaetz has offered to represent Trump on his defense team—even offering to resign from his congressional seat to do so.

Gaetz made the comments in an interview with former Trump advisor and avowed white nationalist Steve Bannon.

When asked by Bannon if he would step down to represent Trump, Gaetz replied:

"I love my district. I love representing them. But I view this cancellation of the Trump presidency and the Trump movement as one of the major risks to my people, both in my district and all throughout this great country. Absolutely. If the President called me and wanted me to go defend him on the floor of the Senate, that would be the top priority in my life."
He went on to gush that Trump was the greatest President of his lifetime and potentially the greatest President the country has ever seen, and that Gaetz would do anything to make sure he got a "full-throated defense."

Even Gaetz critics weren't opposed to the idea—but not for the reasons he pitched it.

"For once, Matt Gaetz has had a great idea!

He want's to be a pundit more than a legislator anyway."
Quote Tweet


I guess we have to remember Hitler had backers too!

Impeachment trial starts tomorrow. I doubt if there are enough Republicans who are sane enough to vote guilty or who can change their vote when they hear the testimony.

This monster belongs in jail. He is responsible for 450,000 deaths in my mind.


I'm not so sure about the sanity part. Besides Trump, this is also Marjorie Taylor Greene, conspiracies and an insurrectionists' party as Lincoln's party has been snuffed out.


Upsetting: Some idiot wants to name a road northern Arizona for Trump!



How about naming the
road to the DUMP....

"Dump Trump"   (Perdition Way)


  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


;D  We could start a petition!



I have to admit,  I rarely turn on
the news now...  I feel so much better about our
government as it is becoming under Joe Biden. 
Bless his heart. 

he can't please everyone but IMHO,
he is truly a good man,  who will do
his very best to bring some order back
to our government. 

The battle is not over.    It is going to
take a long long time to improve enough  so
that we can have a working two party
system  which our republic needs. 

But I am hopeful that we are on
our way ..

Have a good week Everyone.. 
Pray for peace. (If praying suits you) 

  "It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out."

― Carl Sagan


The Republican party has kicked out the moderates and become the conspiracy party with pockets to let.


We need a laugh now and then so:

I met a Magical Irish ☘️ Fairy yesterday who said she would grant me one wish.

 "I wish to live forever," I said.

 "Sorry," said the Fairy, "That is the only wish that I'm not allowed to grant."

  "Fine," I said, I want to die the day after Congress is filled with honest, hard-working, bipartisan men and women who act only in the people's best interests!"

 "You crafty little bastard," replied the Fairy.



FBI Uncovers Contact Between Trump White House and Proud Boys Before Capitol Attack.

The bureau is also looking into members of Congress who communicated with rioters

Federal law enforcement officials have uncovered contact between the Trump White House and a member of the far-right extremist organization, the Proud Boys, just days before the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

According to a New York Times source, the FBI obtained "location, cellular and call record data revealed a call tying a Proud Boys member to the Trump White House."

Earlier this week, CNN reported that law enforcement officials are looking at communications data to determine "whether lawmakers wittingly or unwittingly helped the insurrectionists." And so far they've found "indications of contact" between "alleged rioters discussing their associations with members of Congress."

On Thursday, a former Trump State Department aide, Federico Klein was arrested for taking part in the attack of the Capitol.

Klein, the first known Trump official to be arrested for crimes related to the insurrection, was charged with several felonies and was allegedly spotted in a video recording assaulting an officer with a riot shield. According to the Washington Post, the FBI said Klein "had a top-secret security clearance that was renewed in 2019" and "was still employed at the State Department as a staff assistant on Jan. 6."

The FBI said that Klein, while wearing a Make America Great Again red hat, could be seen and heard on police bodycam video shouting directions during the insurrection.

"We need fresh people, we need fresh people," Klein said as he and others in the mob assaulted police. According to Politico, although prosecutors asked for Klein to held until trial, the judge set a bail hearing for Tuesday.



From CNN;

"2020 election

A US intelligence report has determined that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2020 election to help Donald Trump and hurt Joe Biden. The report also describes a smaller, covert influence campaign by Iran. One of the biggest bombshells of the report confirms what we had assumed last year: Trump and his closest allies publicly embraced Russia's disinformation campaign against Biden, met with Kremlin-linked figures who were part of the effort and promoted their conspiracy theories. CNN's Stephen Collinson writes that the finding underscores a fundamental truth: "The gravest threat to US democracy comes from within."'


So much has gone on since we last posted here.

Today the Republican  Senators ousted Liz Cheney 3rd ranking member from her post.  They support the BIG LIE. Good bye Republicans-- They seek to endorse Stefanik who backs tRump to the hilt


The Republicans have lost all credibility. Survey after survey has shown that their constituents are not in favor of conspiracies and fraud, and yet that's what that party's selling. Trump had a verifiable 38% approval rating. On the other hand, Biden has a 53% approval rating, and over 60% agreed with his policies.

Rudy Giuliani and his son are now being federally investigated for attempts to get the Ukraine government to give false information on Hunter Biden in return for  US governmental favors and other promises.

He is just one of several former Trump officials being investigated.



How America's partisan divide over pandemic responses played out in the states

"Looking at states' COVID-19 case and death rates, researchers are finding the more stringent policies typical of Democratic governors led to lower rates of infections and deaths, compared to the the pandemic responses of the average Republican governor. In preparation for future pandemics, it may be worth considering how to address the impact that a state government's partisan leanings can have on the scope and severity of a public health crises."



Amazing. The republican states' inhabitants are still refusing the Vaccine and they are the ones now getting CV-19 and because it is the newer version it is stronger and more deadly. So Trump is killing off his own backers/ voters by not calling for them to get the vaccine!


Oh, but wait, senator Rand Paul and some other Republicans are saying Dr. Fauci is lying about the virus, never mind that he's had over thirty years of experience. Or all the deaths here and worldwide. And Marjorie Taylor Greene, not to be outdone, recently stated that the virus is only bad for those over 65 or obese!?!


Some of my neighbors ars not getting their shots - and Dem's at that  :2funny:



"US is split between the vaccinated and unvaccinated – and deaths and hospitalizations reflect this divide
Rodney E. Rohde, Texas State University; Ryan McNamara, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The US has split into "two Americas," one of the unvaccinated and one of the vaccinated. The differences in deaths and hospitalizations between the two populations are striking."


Republican Governors continue to kill their inhabitants with their NO mask mandates.  Main ones: Texas and Florida. CV-19 cases and deaths appalling.


No, they're blaming it on illegals...


Since July 1, there's been a 700% increase in the week-over-week average of COVID-19 infections in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The information was presented Friday at CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices meeting during a discussion of COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for immunocompromised patients.

"There's no doubt we're seeing a surge in cases now," said Dr. William Moss, a professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The United States was at a low point in new cases in late June, with an average of about 10,000 a day. Today the average is closer to 125,000 a day, he said

"That's when people in this country became really optimistic. The combination of the delta variant, susceptibility due to relatively low vaccination coverage, some relaxing of our public health measures, these all came together and we're seeing this wave," Moss said.

The delta variant is nearly twice as contagious as previous variants and there is some evidence of increased illness severity compared with previous strains in unvaccinated people, CDC epidemiologist Heather Scobie said at Friday's meeting.

Full vaccinated people infected with the delta variant can spread the virus to others but appear to be infectious for a shorter period of time than unvaccinated people infected with the variant, she said.

In the first 12 days of August, the United States reported more coronavirus cases than it did in all of July, according a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data.

That's 1.33 million cases. At this month's average rate, the country would report some 3.4 million cases, making it the fourth-worst month of the entire pandemic.

"There's bad news and there's less bad news," is how Andrew Noymer, a professor of population health at the University of California, Irvine, put it.

Because older people, who are at higher risk for severe disease and death, are now highly vaccinated, "100,000 cases today is less dire than 100,000 in December of 2020," he said.

That means cases are more concentrated in younger people, who are less likely to be vaccinated. Younger people are less likely to become severely ill "but this isn't a nothing burger," Noymer said. Hospitalizations are still high.

He looked up the numbers in his county a year ago and there were 722 people hospitalized for COVID-19. This week there are 497 hospitalizations in Orange County.

"We have a vaccine that works wonderfully now," he said, "so our peak shouldn't be five-sevenths as big as the previous summer." 

The U.S. numbers parallel what was seen in the United Kingdom and in Israel when the extremely transmissible delta variant hit those nations, said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco.

"The only small comfort is that in areas of higher vaccination in our country, hospitalizations are not following the trend of cases to the same degree as in prior surges without vaccination," she said.

Immunity moving forward
CDC staff also presented data giving insight into the evolving pandemic. The available data shows the persistence of protective antibodies eight months after an infection and six months after the second shot of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccines and eight months after a single Johnson & Johnson shot.

That's not because natural infection is more protective but simply because vaccinations only began in December so there is very little data.

It appears vaccine effectiveness against infection with COVID-19 does wane over time, but how much and in whom isn't yet entirely clear.

Even so, protection against severe illness remains very high. For Pfizer, it is 97% and for Moderna it's 93%, CDC said.

There is some data emerging from Israel of more breakthrough infections among people vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine in January and February than in recent months.

There was a more than two-fold increased risk for breakthrough infections between people vaccinated in January versus those vaccinated in April, Israeli data showed.

The older the person, the more chance they would have an infection.

Scobie emphasized an infection is different from becoming severely ill or dying.

As of Aug. 2, among more than 164 million fully vaccinated people in the United States, there were 7,101 hospitalizations and 1,507 deaths.

Such severe or deadly breakthrough infections in vaccinated people were much more likely to occur in older people. CDC reported that 74% of those cases were in people over 65.

It's not clear if that's because people over 65 were first in line to be vaccinated and therefore their immunity might be waning over time, or if because of their age their immune systems are less robust.

Among people 18 and over, approximately 32% of all vaccinated breakthrough cases were in immunocompromised individuals, compared with approximately 11% of unvaccinated cases.

The CDC's advisory committee will meet again Aug. 24 to discuss incoming data about the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines, enduring immunity and the possible need for booster doses.

The pandemic, said Noymer, appears far from over.

"We should say we're in the throes of a pandemic, not that we're in the middle of it," he said. "The middle of something implies that we're halfway there, and I don't know that that's true."

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: New COVID cases in US soar 700% week-over-week since July 1, CDC says


Wining and dining Fox, 


"When thousands of Florida seniors were waiting in long lines for a Covid-19 vaccine this past January, Fox News and Gov. Ron DeSantis were plotting to broadcast a public vaccination event exclusively on the network in order to boost the governor's image. And according to an exposé by the Tampa Bay Times, which obtained emails between the network and governor's office, that is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the cozy relationship between DeSantis and Fox News.

The Tampa Bay Times examined 1,250 pages of email correspondence between Fox and DeSantis's office that show the close relationship the governor has with the network. During the broadcast of the vaccination event, DeSantis made comments and jokes as a 100-year-old veteran of World War II got his first dose. Beforehand, DeSantis's office provided talking points.

The network's love for the governor was so strong, Fox shows asked DeSantis to appear on the network 113 times, almost once a day, between the 2020 election and the end of February 2021.

According to the records the paper obtained, DeSantis most frequently appears on morning and primetime Fox News shows — eight times with Sean Hannity, six with Tucker Carlson, and seven with Laura Ingraham within the first six months of this year —  and has avoided requests to appear with hosts like Bret Baier and Chris Wallace, who might ask him tougher questions.

DeSantis's office has even supplied the network with graphics to use during the governor's interviews on air. In one instance, when DeSantis appeared on a show guest hosted by Maria Bartiromo, the network displayed a graphic adapted from the governor's office without disclosing its origins. Fox said to the Tampa Bay Times: "Like all news organizations, we conduct pre-interviews with guests to ensure preparedness for the segment. This is a common practice in television and is not unique to FOX News."

And, of course, there was DeSantis's infamous signing of a voter suppression bill this past May where the governor's office only invited Fox & Friends to carry the event, blocking all other media from entering. At the time, the network denied coordinating with the governor's office for the exclusive, but emails from earlier in the year show producers were eager to get "exclusives" with DeSantis. It's a bill perfectly tailored for Fox News's conservative audience, which is likely why he signed it in front of Fox's cameras only. After the event, he said he was "happy to give [Fox News] the exclusive on that."


Govs DeSantis and Abbott both mass murderers like Trump, IMO.
Because of the low vaccination rate in 7(?) states the child hospitalization rate is WAY up. Unvaccinated taking the virus to the kids. Shameful. 



You're right; they don't care unless it helps them in their money-grabbing power trips! In Texas, they're combining two scapegoats by saying that the increase in Covid isn't due to being unvaccinated or not wearing masks. They proclaim it's due to illegals!?


An eighth-grader died one day after having Covid, the fifth Mississippi child while the Mississippi governor couldn't remember any child's death while reiterating that the worst a child could get was the sniffles. After being told there were five current fatalities, he still insisted masking was a personal, not required choice.

Classes began in the Smith County School District, where she attended school, on August 6. Unlike last year when Gov. Tate Reeves mandated masks in all public schools, the district decided in June that it would 'allow' students and educators to bring face masks to school but would not require them.

However, as students and employees in the school district tested positive within the first three days of classes, the school district reversed course.

'After much consideration for the welfare of our children, Smith County Schools will require all personnel and students to wear a mask,' the district announced on August 10.

By Friday, at least 76 students and 11 educators had tested positive; 411 students and 11 educators were quarantined by that point.

The state's only pediatric hospital, the Children's of Mississippi, announced earlier this week that it is at full capacity, including with children in pediatric ICU beds and on ventilators for life support.

RE: Microsoft News


"Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott, whose handling of the pandemic in his state has drawn widespread criticism, has come under even more intense scrutiny since testing positive for the virus on Tuesday.
And now, prominent ICU doctor and NBC medical news analyst Vin Gupta is calling out the governor's response to his own diagnosis in a tweet, seen below.

After repeatedly downplaying the virus and actively thwarting efforts to contain the pandemic in his state, the fully vaccinated governor has demanded and received the most aggressive treatment available--despite having an asymptomatic case of the virus.

In his tweet, Gupta issued a pointed warning to Texans of every stripe as he called out the blasé governor's "anxious and scared" response to his own diagnosis.

"Quickly getting access to monoclonal antibody therapy when you're the fully vaccinated, asymptomatic Governor of Texas shows just how anxious and scared @GregAbbott_TX actually is of a virus that he constantly downplays."
"Hope Texans take note."
Abbott recently banned mask and vaccine mandates despite soaring case loads and several hospital systems in Texas being close to collapse, even going so far as to go to court to ensure the bans pass.

In addition to his ban on mask and vaccines mandates, Abbott also signed an executive order last month to combat Texas's skyrocketing virus case numbers by cracking down on illegal immigrants supposedly bringing the virus over the border, a popular right-wing conspiracy theory with no factual basis.

Even if the theory were true, Abbott's executive order, which is illegal under federal law, comes just months after Abbott rejected federal aid from the Biden Administration aimed at providing testing for migrants at the Texas-Mexico border.

Meanwhile, Abbott, who was photographed at a crowded Republican event without a mask less than 24 hours before his diagnosis, has reportedly told friends he has received a third dose of the vaccine. Texas's vaccination rate lags well behind the national average.

As Gupta rightly pointed out, Abbott's response to his own diagnosis bears no resemblance to the way he has handled the pandemic in Texas, and Gupta's words inspired no shortage of outrage towards the governor."

And...   Children aren't immune    https://tinyurl.com/5sfns6hs


And talk of Gov Abbott. Damn Texas Legislature: Abbott signed an almost 100% ban on abortions. My views on abortion have not changed in 50 years-I don't think it is about fetus but about control over women period.

Plus if you don't like abortions go to the facility and adopt a woman and her unborn. Pay everything for them both until the baby is 18 years old. If you won't do that shut up!

I have named the Texas legislature the US Taliban. I have e-mailed Abbot saying this.