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September 20, 2024, 06:20:33 PM

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2024-08-25, 18:00:45
MarsGal: Hi, Lloyd!

2024-08-25, 17:01:34
Lloyd Hammond: hellow  everyone

2024-08-25, 16:52:57
Lloyd Hammond:  :hb3:8

2024-08-13, 00:23:36
junee: Maraline

2024-07-19, 20:15:16
mycheal: Hello Lloyd Hammond                       

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html


Soda Shoppe for January 15,2018

Started by so_P_bubble, January 15, 2018, 03:18:18 AM

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Good morning everyone..

My first thoughts this morning is Larry, please go to the Dr. We lost one friend with a cough and please please we don't wish to lose another.

Roley, great to see you posting in here.. I am in Ontario Canada where it is a tad chilly at the moment -6 F  or -21 C. Hope each day bring you closer to feeling tip top.

I am on the run this morning taking hubby to his chiropractor appointment. Will check back later.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Good morning Everyfriend!  And a special "Good Morning Roley/Peter".  I thank God I don't have any major health issues at (almost) 83 and that I'm still able to work a few days a week.  I come here for inspiration!  There are so many here who are facing issues that could make them unhappy but they're not.  I come to see what they are doing with their days so I can put mine in perspective.  Sometimes, when I come here, I feel down but I never do when I leave here.  All these special people keep me in line.  Please come back and let us know how you are doing. 

The weather here in Central PA is COLD again.  Not as cold as Amy's but I've decided to think SPRING!  It's a lot closer than it was in December and good things have to happen soon. 

This weekend won't be an easy one!  My daughter and her husband will be staying with me and my SIL's father's funeral is on Saturday.  Even though we knew we were losing him, it's never easy on those left behind.

I bought the stuff to make a breakfast casserole for Sunday morning and I'm hoping my granddaughter and her cousin will join us. 

Right now, the doggies and I are waiting for the "boinger" for their pills that need to be taken on an empty stomach and then we'll have breakfast and get this day on the way.  Make yours a good one!  Enjoy, relax, keep warm, be happy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.
well I did a quick rundown on new post's since I was last here.  I agree wit the fact we all need to take care of our selves, we do not need to lose any more friends here, God is good to us and we all need to thank him Daley, Peter it is good to read your and Larry's post. I do thank god for the friends and help here and other places, I do cherish you all. as peter said he and i talk on skype wish more of you would. Peter and talk and say a word and compare what it means here and different there. (very interesting ). Have a great day everyone.



Good morning, Amy,  Jane, and Larry.    And a special welcome to Roley/Peter.  I remember you, Roley, as being a friend of Lloyd's and some correspondence you have had with him over several years now.  Glad to know that you are getting well, slowly, but surely. 

Nothing special  in my little corner of the world.  Still cold, but at least the sun is shining.

Jane, special thoughts to you as you begin this sad week end for your family.  Nice, tho, that you will have friends and relatives to help  share the sorrow with.  Hope your grand daughter and others will be able to join you for your Sunday breakfast.

Here in the Senior Living place  where I live,  we have had 2 young ladies helping out with some of the activities since our activity director had to leave due to illness.  They have also been helping some with learning the computer and helping out with any problems any of the others have .  I had a notice in my door the other day that they are having a 15 min. one-on-one meeting with different ones that already have a computer and have " exciting information to make life easier ".  That meeting is today at 1 p.m.  I am very interested in going to see what this is all about.  I also had talked with one of the gals about helping me delete a lot of the books I have on my Kindle.  So, I will be taking my Kindle with  me to see if she will have time to help me with that.  She had told me  that it was an easy fix.  I have to many books on my Kindle that I will never get around to reading them all.

So, that is what I will be doing later this afternoon.  And,  some reading and I am sure a couple little naps in between. 

Larry, sorry that you seem to have picked up the bug from Pat.  That cough seems to just hang on forever.  Please take care of yourself.   Rest is the best medicine right now.

Amy,  have a safe trip on your journey for today.  You  make me tired just hearing all the things you can get done in a day. I used to be like that, but have sure slowed down a lot in these last few years.   

For all the other friends, stay warm if you are in one of the cold areas, and hope everyone will have an enjoyable day.


Good morning to you, Lloyd.  You sneaked in on me while I was writing the message above.  Hope you have a good day.


Good morning everyone, sun is shining bit it as another cold start with 17°. This is the first year that winter has me down. Tired of this darn freezing weather and the feeling of being cooped up inside. Must be getting really old, you think?

LARRY  the sun shining sure can help with one's outlook for the day. Glad you and Pat are feeling better.

JUNE  I get a rye bread that does not have seeds. I do like the taste of rye bread but can get tired of it. I* have had sourdough bread at my daughter's but what they have here is nothing like it for taste so stick to white bread, I know these days that is a no no “they” tell us.

JANE  no matter the age or health it is hard to let a loved one go.

LLOYD  when those wonderful cherries are in season I would find it hard to  stop at 25 or 30 of them. Glad I am not diabetic.

LARRY  so sorry that cough is back again.

ROLEY/PETER  I have known several others who got post polio. One was a man who was still alive thanks to the efforts of Sister Kenny. She worked on him and saved him from those old Iron Lungs. Glad you are back with us after that last scare.

BUBBLE  this is the first time in my life that winter got to me. Of course it could have been more than a month with no computer and now not being able to use PSP. I miss that so much.

AMY  as cold as it is there I should not complain about the temperature here.

JANE  if we both think spring maybe we could get some warmer weather? Last Sunday here was such a tease with the warm sunshine that I stayed out in the sun for 3 hours.

Have a good day.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast


When You've Had a Bad Day

It was one of the worst days of my life: The washing machine broke down, the telephone kept ringing, my head ached, and the mail carrier brought a bill I had no money to pay.

Almost to the breaking point, I lifted my one-year-old into his high chair, leaned my head against the tray, and began to cry.

Without a word, my son took his pacifier out of his mouth and stuck it in mine.

In The Eye Of The Beholder

For an art project the first grader handed in a blank sheet of paper.

The teacher said, "What is this?"

"It's a drawing of a cow eating grass."

"Where's the grass?"

"The cow ate all of it"

"Then, where's the cow?"

"The cow left because there was no more grass."

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast

Mary Ann

Peter, post here more often.  Lloyd posts here daily but there are many of us of all ages from all over the world (Israel to England to the US to Australia) who post and share experiences.  Four of us are in our 90s, others from 60 on up.  I, myself, am from Michigan in the US.

Mary Ann

Lloyd Hammond

well I suspect we are all members of the over the hill gang. I passed 80 last august and am chasing the 90+ year old's  just keep on running and I will keep on chasing. I need to get out of here and feed and do some work in the shop.

Have a great day


Such nice posts this morning and I have already had my first hug of the day too. 

Peter:  We use SKYPE all the time - it helps so much as Don has a hearing difficulty so he will try to have everyone call on on skype and he always calls out on it as well.   

Jane:  We always have to recuperate after having "company" - I think the talking just wears us out.  So much fun to be together and so exhausting.   Peace be with you.

Bubble:  You were born in Zaire?  Now, that is a story in itself.  So interesting.....

Gloria;  Eye of the Beholder --- that is some insight. 


Thanks for that info, Carol.  I often wonder how you all keep doing it!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


Carol, when I lived in Zaire, it was like a paradise but now... I can only feel sorry for the inhabitants there. It is going from bad to worse.


Good Morning,

Roley/Peter,   :welcome:  from central Oklahoma.  (If Oklahoma City were a clock face, I'd live "north of noon".)

Larry, Get Thee To A Doctor PDQ ASAP, etc., please!!!!!

Gloria,  I like different kinds of bread but have the same issue with seeds, "whole grains", etc.  I grew up on plain old white bread from the grocery store and haven't had problems related to eating it for 81 years.  So I do.  So there!  :P   ;)

Janie,   is the word "ironic" appropriate for the fact that a death often brings a family together for sharing memories, conversation and hugs when nothing else can?
Will be thinking of you this weekend.   

The weather this week has been Glorious - sunny and "mild" (comparatively speaking)!   I did errands all around the town on Tuesday,  enjoyed a BYOSL  (Bring Your Own Sack Lunch) and meeting yesterday - and am playing Bridge today.

Wishing Everyfriend Everywhere an Enjoyable Day.


Good afternoon, just a little past noon hour  Sunny, cold and windy. Down in the teens again to night.

Gloria, thanks for the extra post. enjoyed reading.  cold here to day, and a warm up again on Sat. back in the 50's, great for the end of Jan.

Roley, good to see you back, enjoyed reading your history.  Keep coming back, as this is a great group of friends, more like family to me.
I am a New Yorker, I am one of the 90 +. Look forward to more post from you.

Jane, my thoughts are with you and your family.

I agree Amy, I cannot keep up with you.

June, glad to see you are getting out with the girls.

Click for Riverhead, NY Forecast

Mary Ann

As to bread, I have to admit I prefer wheat bread because I like the texture.  Fortunately, the seeds don't bother me (no plates or partials).  If I find a seed, I bite on it and chew it down.  The bread we get is either 12-grain or 15-grain and is very tasty.  Lately, I've preferred croissants with chicken salad.  When I have my Tuna Melt, the bread is Kimmel Rye, very good too.

Peter/Roley, I'm one of the 90+ and I don't know how I got this far.  I've slowed down a lot from my more active days but I'm trying to keep status quo as I want to stick around for a while yet.  I want the little kids to get old enough to know who I am - their two-times-great aunt.  The little kids are: one is nearly two and three are nearly one.

We are having a pleasant day but our temperature is around 30F degrees, so not warm at all.

Mary Ann


Roley/ Peter,  I am in Kansas, used to use the name Tisie but switched to my real name of Shirley since I seem to be the only one with the name remaining.  At one time we had several.  I am 83, the wild child of the bunch.... and do not deserve to have a body still able to move for all the rough times I've given it over the years.  I really did ride bucking horses, really did have to jump off the roof of a building & house more than once, and now go camping or traveling in a 29' motorhome.  5 years ago I got a new aortic valve & 3 by-passes, 5 months later my husband of 60 years died and I have a whole different life today.  Whatever we are dealt we might as well find a way to enjoy each day, we don't get to do it over.  Polio was "the dreaded disease" when I was growing up so you do have my sincere sympathy with that struggle.  I have many friends that had it when we were kids & dealing with what you are now... it sure is not fair, but I wish you a better day... every day.

Jane, my heart goes out to your family, you are doing what I do when sad.... feed everyone!  I also made that breakfast casserole the Sunday we had the announcement of my husband's death.  He didn't want any service but the family & extended family filled a few pews that day and all came to my house to share a meal after.  Every time I started counting heads the week before, I added an extra dozen eggs.  Seriously, we had 9 or 10 of those bottomless pits (grands) that can eat a horse & see what is left.... but it was the best way for me to get past that worst day.  I made up a couple thick loaves of French bread that the college age kids loved to go along with their scrambled eggs... the older people enjoyed the casserole most... mine included a big bag of hash browns & more than dozen eggs & ? cups of shredded cheese, pound or 2 of crumbled bacon, etc...  My ex-son in law came with his present wife & their 2 boys that are same ages as my daughter's 2 younger kids, plus the 2 that tie us together.... and all the rest of my grands, kids & spouses.  It was a house full.  My ex-SIL's parents are dead & I convinced him that "he would always be family because he is the father of my first two grands".  We manage to deal with birthdays, weddings & funerals without the kids suffering.  Hugs to you, I know it still hurts when the house is quiet again. 

Larry, I do hope you go back to let them check all your vitals, even if your lungs are clear that hard coughing is not good for your heart.  Cas kept cough drops around all the time, think he tried everything on the market. 

Gloria, I am sending that pacifier one to all my kids & grands..... the grands are sure they are dealing with the only kids in the world that have problems (colds & normal childhood trials).  Perfect solution.... as Sophia would say, "picture it"... :2funny:

I'm off to fill that RV with propane since we have a day of 60s .... IN JANUARY!   I got my new hose in so will try to wash that salt & grime off before it turns cold again.  Normally it would not be out when the streets are treated but I had to bring it home that day they treated & it is such a mess.  Too bad I can't pull it onto the grass instead of wasting so much water just running down the driveway.... we are so dry.  Can't drive over the sprinkler system & neighbors would probably send for the men in the white jackets... might anyway, except they are used to my crazy ways after all these years.  I used to be more conservative when Cas was alive but one has to do what one has to do. 

Better get moving... I was up a little after 4:00 am, fed cats & me, then napped for an hour.  Got my money rolled into a new CD with much lower rates than I would have liked.  Next project when I get back with the RV is to find out why my auto club can't hear when I call them on my cell phone!  I'm sure it is something I don't know how to do but will have to learn or cell & auto club no good.  I need to figure which little icon pulls up the key pad & not "hope for the best" when I get frustrated.  Did learn to put it on speaker so I can SEE those numbers.  Ah well..... Hugs to all and God Bless.  I will never say that without thinking of Hal in here. 

June Drabek

Hi Peter ! We finally get to meet you ! I am so pleased, and thank you to Lloyd for being your friend, and now our friend also. We will be looking forward to many more posts from you.

Bubble, I want to thank you for keeping us all together as a family. I appreciate what you do more than words can say. My husband had infant polio…way back in 1916. His mother was a uneducated Polish immigrant. But this dear lady followed what God put in her heart, and she daily heated olive oil and massaged those legs and then wrapped the legs in flannel to keep them warm. As he grew into boyhood he was stubborn and determined and made himself do as all the other young boys in neighborhood did. Many falls and injuries, and as he grew older he joined a baseball team in Chicago. The only result of his illness was his left thigh was always narrow. No limp…..And he was a marvelous dancer.

Janie, and you are an inspiration to us…..83 and still out there working with the public. I am sure your associating with so many others is tiring, but by golly, it sure keeps you young !!

Gloria, I buy a brand of sour dough that is a San Francisco brand. Lately I'm finding I have to peal off the crust as my 93 year old teeth get tired trying to chew it up. Alas !
I am laughing out loud over the pacifier joke. We didn't have pacifiers when my kids were wee ones. My Mom, who was the youngest of nine kids, said her Mom would take a piece clean cloth, place sugar in it, tie it closed and put it in the babies mouth, till she could find time to nurse it.

Gloria de, I am looking forward to our luncheon. We seldom do this, so I appreciate my Dori for arranging it. The three of the others all go to the Church where my son Gary is the Pastor, so I will be interested to hear what is going on with them.
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Doesn't take long for a day to disappear. Came home and baked 7 doz oatmeal cookies, put some in the hidey hole for those that would like some. Then outside to clean up our yard and went over to clip the neighbours dog's nails.

Joy, I must admit I don't do as much as I us to....now I find Janies zzzz's and make good use of them and say just like June...because  I can  :thumbup:

Gloria, I hope you don't mind but I shared your chuckles..they were very good. Told hubby the one with the cow is something he would do......always thinking that man!!

Jane, prayers for the difficult time you all have to go through this weekend.Lots of good memories to share with each other of the times with Randall.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers


Hi Peter;
I too am a survivor of the polio scourge of the 30/40's but came out of it relatively unscathed. The best thing that I got out of it was I met Bubble in the Post-polio syndrome forum in the old Seniors and Friends. That has to be well over ten years ago. I'm 83 and I live in London Ontario Canada. Every year I travel to Israel to be with Bubble for three months and I'm happy to report that I went for my physical today and the doctor declared me fit to travel, so on Feb 22 I am on my way! Now I'm going to do some packing.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

Lloyd Hammond

well I worked steady before noon and had too much Nap after noon most wont sleep good tonight. oh well all is good that ends well. Shirley I see you have got old enough to brag about it. that happens to all of when we get to be part of the over the hill gang. have a great rest of the day.


June Drabek

Another nice day is coming to a close. Had a great day  having a long lunch with nice people..my Dori especially. She plans for the four of us to get together once a month for a long lunch. I am delighted. We had so much fun. God is so good to me. Thank you God.

Choir practice was a struggle for me. Three songs were familiar, the rest of the program was a struggle for me. I want to keep trying though as I do love to sing. this will be an annual Easter program for the residents and guests.

My doctor and I decided I should take three albutrol treatments a day now.They do help so much..less shortness of breath, a full nights sleep , no more coughing with phlem, now my only problem is my brain. It is forgetting more things I want to relate to others, but the words just won't come out the way I want them too. But I can live with that. All my listeners are very kind.

Time now to go brush my teeth and get ready for an early book and bed.

I pray you all keep well, and feel refreshed after a healing sleep. I love you my friends. God is watching over us all the time, so feel at peace. Hugs, Love and prayers. June
As long as we are here, let's dance.


Good evening from Colorado.

I just wanted to check in and see how you all are doing.  More illness, seems to be the subject everywhere.  I hope all who are under the weather will feel much better very soon.  Flu or not, there are many people suffering. 

JANE, I will be thinking about you and your family on Saturday when you lay your Randall to rest. 

I have been suffering with what I feel is a sciatic nerve pain the last couple of nights.....so uncomfortable and keeping me awake and miserable.  When I am up moving around it is better. 

Tomorrow we are off to California to join the family as Mark and Megan marry on Saturday.  The weather is to be very nice and we are thankful as it is a beach wedding.

Yesterday we found out Mark has accepted a new position in Paso Robles CA as assistant golf pro at a very nice golf course.  He is extremely excited about this position and we are very happy for him. 

BUBBLE, I have sent you a email with the pictures of the Javalena’s.  Thank you in advance for posting these photos for our friends to see. 

Pleasant dreams to all.


🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Good night Everyfriend and may God bless us, every one!  And thank you for your good wishes and prayers for my family and for Randall. 

Yep, Shirley, we gotta feed 'em!  It's what we do best!And it's my therapy!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


OOOpss   :booboo:   Jenny, could you send that again?  I fear it was trashed because I did not recognize the sender!

Please add "from S@F" on the subject line.  Thanks. and sorry.


Good morning everyone..

Not sure what today will bring ,weather is to be nice tomorrow and Sunday rain or snow. Temp is +13 ° F at the moment.

Tea is made,fire is on and both dogs have gone back to bed after being outside.

Larry, hope you are feeling better and if not hope you did go to the Dr.

Bubble, I sent you a photo to post please. I can't figure out how to get it from my tablet to my PC. I should have taken the photo with my camera and then I can. Will have to keep that in mind for future photos. Thank you so much for doing this.

Enjoy your day everyone..
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
Jimmy Dean
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went. -Will Rogers

Lloyd Hammond

Good Morning everyone.
Peter my Skype says you are on line , But three treys and no answer,Hope you are feeling better. I got your emails yesterday fine, thanks. hope you ck in here and get this. AMY good to see you. glad your weather is getting better. we are currently @ 43º they weather guesser says 57º for a high today. said same yesterday but we got to 70º. any way was nice enough to work in shop with no heat and the doors open. wish you all a day just as you like it.



Good Morning Everyfriend!  I'm up and attem.  The doggies have been out and now we're waiting for the boinger for their breakfast after their pill.  I've got the Jambalaya in the crock pot and the sheets in the washer.  I really need to get another set of sheets for my bed!  I'm going to have to go out and start the car because the windshield is all ice and I have to go to work at 830.  It's 18º here this morning.  Not going to be a nice weekend for a funeral.

I better keep moving.  I hope you all enjoy your day.  Keep warm!  Keep happy!  Enjoy God's warmth!

Click for Lewisburg,Pennsylvania Forecast


I love all the dogs on the quilt, Amy.  Such fun and would delight anyone.

The sun is up and shining bright but it is still cold.  It has been a long, uncomfortable winter and even though I don't want to wish my life away, I'm really looking forward to the Spring.

I hope Larry is feeling better this morning.  I worry about him and all of my friends here when they are not feeling well.

Made it to the grocery store yesterday, finally.  I hadn't been able to get there for two weeks and the pantry and the fridge were getting very bare.  I didn't feel much like going but forced myself to get out.  Without David's help I don't think I would have made it but I did and now we can eat again.  Thursday is Senior Discount day so the store was busy and filled with us "older, more mature" shoppers.  Besides, they had a LOT of BOGOs on the shelf so that and the discount made the "sticker shock"  easier to swallow.   ;)

I will be thinking about you, Jane.  Sad time for your family but having everyone come together makes it easier to get through it all.

Please take care and stay well (or get better), everyone.


Amy, really cute quilt.    Glad that Bubble was able to share it for you.  Thanks, BUbble.



Good morning everyone, if my phone hadn't woken me I would still be sleeping. Another very cold morning here, in the teens and with wind chill feels like single digits. The sun is shining bright so should warm up a bit. Just watched the weather report, week end about 50° and Monday and Tuesday snow.

PETER  when you first came to S&F we exchanged a few emails. It is good seeing you back here in the Soda Shoppe again. I live in Rhode Island, the smallest state in the USA. No it is not an island as many have asked me. It is located in the New England states on the Atlantic coast.

LLOYD  I am closer to that 90 than you are and it is coming at me fast.

CAROL  I love Skype, lets me see my daughter out there in Arizona every day. I had several in my contacts till my grandson guru worked on my PC for a month and of course every thing was erased. Glad you liked that boy, quite an imagination for not doing his homework.
I don't know how you and your hubby do all the company you get all the time.

CALLIE  for 86 years white bread has not killed me so will stick with it. Wish I could make it like I used to way back before the bread machines were even thought of.

GLORIA de  is snow in your forecast for the beginning of next week? I dislike these roller coaster temperatures.

SHIRLEY  I don't know where I got that from. I have a folder with stories that JOAN posted and other things I have saved over the years. When I get the urge I do try to post a few of them. I am not happy being on this PC anymore. PSP will not work k and that is what I enjoyed most after the SS. Like you it seems so odd not seeing Hal here any more.

JUNE  I always hated those pacifiers and still do. My 3 never had them and their babies never did either. When I would see toddlers running around with one in their mouths I wanted to take it and throw it away.

AMY  Oh those days of baking oatmeal cookies. I would make a double batch in the evening and the next  day when I got home from work they were almost all gone. My 3 sure loved home made cookies, any kind. Those chuckles I got somewhere so they are there for the taking.

DON  less than a month now and you will be flying. How many times will you pack and repack your luggage?

JENNY  seems like every time I turn on the news there is another death from the flu. Safe flights to California and home again. Enjoy the wedding. 

JANE  I have not made Jambalaya in years. Love it but makes too much for one.


AMY  love the dog quilt.

PHYLLIS  considering it is near the end of January we have 2 more months of winter but like you I am longing for spring this year.

Click for Harrisville, Rhode Island Forecast