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Owner: Sandy
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June 09, 2024, 08:30:14 AM

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2024-05-17, 16:34:48
Cottoncandy: HI Lloyd

2024-05-16, 18:52:09
Lloyd Hammond: I am trying to get him set up on a new computer, and would like to see if you can reply to me.

2024-05-16, 18:50:51
Lloyd Hammond: Helo, this is Lloyd's great granddaughter.

2024-05-06, 01:46:51
junee: Bubble

2024-05-06, 01:46:39
junee: b

2024-05-02, 00:44:41
Oldiesmann: Relevant links can be found in topics in the Homemaking, Food & Garden board. I'll see about moving them over to articles here when I get a chance.

2024-05-02, 00:07:54
Oldiesmann: Found them. They're on the CP site: https://www.christianphotographers.com/recipes/recipeindex.html

2024-05-01, 23:57:58
Oldiesmann: I'm not finding anything related to recipes on the site. I'll do some digging through the Internet Archive and see if I can dig them up. It's possible that got lost in the big server crash back in 2016

2024-05-01, 17:21:56
JeanneP: I am trying to get into the Archives of the Recipes that where moved over from Senior net few years ago, Can't find them

2024-03-22, 14:15:18
Domestic Goddess: Pollock Fillets seasoned with Mrs. Dash Lemon Pepper, Bush's Best Brown Sugar Hickory Baked Beans, Green Grapes and Chocolate Chip Cookies that my husband prepared.  Sorry about the previous type error with my last post.


Norms Bait and Tackle

Started by dapphne, March 30, 2016, 09:23:16 AM

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I know you can get it here from a computer. I have no idea how to do it directly from a phone, or Facebook. If someone else does, please jump in here.

If you can download or transfer from your phone or Facebook to your computer we can try from there. If you are using Windows, try to get it on your DESKTOP - and give it a nice easy name.



Good seeing Norms B & T coming back to life again...we go days with no posters then i pop in and see it very active again...that's what Norm would have wanted..
Oh how i remember way back, how i so wanted to post in here but, was always put off because i thought it was just about " fishing " glad someone put my mind at rest and i made my first posting, back then our lovely Norm was still with us...

I have church this morning, being car collected in 1 hour, i am giving the bible reading...i have a fair bit to read..


Anyone who wants to change or add an avatar photo to their profile, please feel free to send me the photo and I'll do it for you. No problem.


Good morning to everyone who is looking in today!  Not a big crowd here anymore, but all the other boards are also slower than they used to be, and now there's a kind of ebb and flow . . . some days busy, and other days very quiet.

Jackie - I didn't post here when Norm was living, so didn't know him at all. I started posting shortly after he passed away, and Mary Ann, (his sister) took over, and was hoping to keep this discussion going.  All I remember about Norm, is that he and another man, were very active in Senior Net, when this was called the Michigan folder.  I had never posted there, since I wasn't from Michigan, but I later found out that most of the members there weren't from Michigan.  Who knew? 

I really liked Mary Ann Tock.  She was so welcoming and friendly,  so I was happy to start posting here, after Norm was gone.  Some of the remaining members from "Michigan", stayed on and a few are still left.  I think Denver/Jenny,  Mary Page, and  Sandy/Dapphne, are the only ones left from the original group, who still post here?


I certainly remember Norm & his wife Dot and his sister Mary Ann.  And who was the very good friend of Norm's who batted insults back & forth with him?

As I recall, we had a lot of State (home state) forums back in our beginnings.  Norm worked hard to keep Michigan for a long time. I do not recall the reason, but yes, most of us were NOT from Michigan!

So what WAS that guy's name?  It's going to drive me nuts now!


MaryPage, Norm's buddy, was Papa John and his wife, Cornelia.


Of course, of course!  How could I forget Papa John!

Well, I dunno.  These days, I am like to forget my own name!

But Papa John had the unique ability to one up Norm, which took some talent, I'll tell 'ya.

Thanks, Patricia.


Popping in to say HELLO and tell you all that I am still alive and kicking‼️

Thanks to Amy in the Soda Shoppe for sending me a email to check on me and to share the website so I could load it on my new iPad.....I am back in business and very happy to be here and to see all of the postings🥰🥰

I will try to update you with our cruise details when I have more time. 

MARYPAGE, I am so sad to read the latest with you being in the hospital, your daughter with Brest cancer and then the fire😩😥 My goodness so much to deal with.  My thoughts and prayers for you and the family.

Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to you, JACKIE 🎂🍰🥰. The month of March just flew by and I am still trying to get caught up😩

MARILYN, thank you for comments regarding me not posting.  I am truly sorry I did not get email sent to you to let you know that we were back home from the cruise.

SHIRLEY, you have been on my mind and please know that thoughts and prayers continue for you daily🙏

We are headed to Dr. Dave's shortly.  I have fried dinner for all of us as Granddaughter Kate is at a dancing competition and they won't get home until around 6PM.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


Jenny - So good to see your message!  :thumbup:    Looks  like all is well in your family and family members?   You didn't mention your health issues, (shoulder), so hoping that it's okay for now?    Glad to see that Kate, is still dancing and entering competitions. :bravo:    We love hearing from you, so please keep us posted on what's going on in your life?

Our local weatherman keeps telling us that Spring is here, and we will be warming up soon? 🤔   So far not happening.   It rained off and on yesterday and last night, and this morning the temps dropped back into the 30's, with a strong North wind blowing, and snow visible on Mt. Hamilton, to the East.  :buck2: 


Gee, it was 91+ here today.  I was out from about 11:00 am till 2:30 and got home, the house was H O T. I had turned the heat up to get my shower early, and forgot to turn it down.  I have ceiling fans going now.  Guess I better get my mind set to turn on the A/C, blah!

A friend and I went to see the most wonderful movie!  I don't know how many of you get out of the house now to "go to a movie" since Covid shut us down back in 2020.  The movie is: "The Lost King".  It's about one woman's search to locate the missing bones of Richard III.  The Scottish accents are difficult, but it is beautifully filmed and acted.  You may remember his bones being found under a parking lot back in 2012.  My friend had gone to see this last week, and loved it so much (knowing how I like movies like this) she invited me to go see it with her.  Glad I brought some tissues for the ending.  It's really something that needs to be seen and heard on the big screen, but if it ever gets to streaming, the closed captions will be good for the dialog.  Cinematography is awesome.


Joanne/Tome - The movie you recommended, The Lost King, sounds good.  I will definitely look for it on Netflix, Prime or HBO . . . my three streaming channels.   You are correct, in that I haven't been to a movie theater, since well before Covid took over our lives.   Closed captions, are a must for me now, so I have to wait until something shows up on one of my channels.   The only Academy Award winner that I've seen in recent years is last years winner - King Richard, starring Will Smith.   If you haven't seen it,  forget about the famous slap, and enjoy the Movie.   A fascinating true story of how Serena and Venus Williams, became tennis champions - thanks to their dedicated father.

Wow, 91 degrees in Dallas!  Looks like you skipped Spring, and went. straight to Summer!    My cousin (75 years old) moved to Tyler Texas, last year and she loves it there.   She was born in San Francisco, and lived there her whole life.   She loved the City, but it's changed drastically and she just couldn't deal with it any longer.  When her daughter and family moved to Tyler, she followed, and her son followed soon after.  A big exodus going on here in California.


Just finished lunch after being out in the front yard this morning doing weeding. I managed to kill a yellow jacket and spotted paper wasps (lots of them) and a bumblebee. It is to be 80o, give or take a degree or two, today through Friday.

Looks like I have a neighbor problem. There is an old guy up the street who has been scavenging small branches and such from the neighbors' yards for about three or four years now. I know for a fact that my next-door neighbor had fencing installed in her backyard last fall primarily to deter him. Unfortunately, it has a gate in the back so she can mow the bit that isn't fenced. He just goes right on in. My other next-door neighbor says he is coming into my yard for wood now. He burns the stuff on his back porch, but I don't know what for. Maybe for a smoker? Some of the neighbors have complained, but he is still doing it, but covers the area around the burn with a tarp or plastic. I am waiting for him to burn his place down. I have not seen him in my yard, so I haven't talked to him.


Excuse my butting in, but wouldn't habitual trespassing be something that could be solved legally? Plus, it sounds like he may have more than one screw loose, putting the entire area in danger if a fire escapes him.


Maybe a call to the Fire Department when he's burning.



I am not always able to peep into Bate and Tackle but seems my computer is behaving today.  I am still here in Aged Care and having passed the 100 mark, seems it is downhill now.  Looks as if Covid has departed but staff here all wear masks so being deficit in hearing and not able to read their lips when they speak, it is difficult.    I enjoyed reading news from members and remember all  by name. Hate to see The States so divided and hope it will soon be solved.
My G/grand daughter helps me at times with the computer as being 18 she was brought up on line and thank goodness it was available when schools were shut down.  I seldom go out, but looking forward to an outing on the 15th when Ruby is celebrating her 18th birthday as this year it fell on Good Friday. She has started university and studying Medical Science ss a lead into medicine.
I often look back on my travels in UsA and the folk I met either in person (Callie) or online here.  Think it was at Grand Haven I met Norm and his wife Dot.  I wish you all a Happy Easter.
My wish is for The World to settle down. 


...so good to see a long awaited posting from you..
Enjoy your day out on the 15th with your soon to be 18, grand daughter... :)


Well, I am not about to call the township unless I actually see him on my property. As I understand it, someone already called about his burning stuff, hence, I suppose, his attempt to cover the fire/smoke some. I don't have a clear line of sight to his backyard, so I can't see what he has done without taking a walk. Some years ago, I bought a few no trespassing signs to put up at my last house. I still have one or two somewhere, I think.

My sister is getting another bunch of spam emails, and I get to hear about it. This morning she called to tell me that she got another "Geek Squad" spam. A few weeks ago she got one saying her account was being automatically renewed and billed to her, etc. She doesn't have an account, never did. This new one says that they are backing out the account charges and giving her a free year. How bizarre is that!


Any and everything to get you to reply so they have a link to you. Some days I have as many as seven or nine notices of account irregularities or cutoffs, all from accounts I never had in my spam folders

Whatever is "Geek Squad" spam?.


Patricia, Geek Squad is a subsidiary of Best Buy. They are a Tech support/repair outfit. When you buy electronics at Best Buy, you can also buy a support contract to cover all your purchases for a year or three. Pricey, but if you buy a lot from Best Buy, it may be worth it. They can do home set-up and repair. They also, so I just found out, are capable of doing Apple support and repairs. That surprised me because my sister has a friend who is a diehard Apple user, and she always wants Sue to go with her when she drives the whole way from Carlisle to the Lancaster Apple Store to have hers repaired or to buy a new one. Soft-hearted Sue always goes with her even though it means sitting around for what seems like hours at the site. 
As of right now, it is 81o here


Thanks for letting me know. One place that sells almost anything for dirt cheap is making the rounds of social media and influencers, Temu. It also has an almost entirely poor reputation for no customer service, bad, cheap, and shoddy products, and spamming you forever after a purchase. Suddenly adverts for Temu are everywhere.

I first heard about it on a YouTuber's subscription box series, so I looked at the site, and it reminded me of second-hand merchandise, and then I went as I always do to the reviews. They were BAD!!


I had wondered about the "quality of the merchandise" they make everything look so pretty.  I used my inner sense and said don't click on this site, so I haven't.  Thank goodness I get enough spam as it is.
 On any given day it can be up to 75 spams, when I delete, an hour or two later, there will be 25 or 30 more.  Takes up most of my time deleting those hateful things. Thanks for letting us know about TEMU.


They need a one touch eliminates all on a cell instead of making you go one by one!


Thank you for the kind welcoming words MARILYN. I did not mention my health issues but they continue on, unfortunately 😩 Pretty much my shoulder will probably never get any better.  It continues to be a dull aching situation most of the time but occasionally it has some worse issues.  I saw a new orthopedic surgeon this past Monday, refers to him by the doc that tried to do my nerve transfer surgery.  He thinks a lot of my pain issues are associated to my neck.  He did X-rays and said my neck is not good and sent me for a MRI today. He viewed the MRI I had awhile back on my lower spine and strongly feels the condition of the spine is such that it totally could the problem I am having with my walking and ability to lift my legs.  He wants me to get a epidural shot again in my spine ASAP. So far I have not heard from anyone about getting this done😩. It seems it is never ending with health issues😩
We are headed to SFO this coming week to doodle doggie sit for a few days. I am hoping the weather will be nicer than we are dealing with here.  Snow and dreary all day yesterday and most of today.  I am so ready for some warmer temperatures and SUNSHINE‼️‼️

Have a good evening 🦋
🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


That really sucks, Denver. Sorry to hear no one has been able to correct the problem(s).

I see that eFile has a problem. Anyone who used eFile should take note and run a malware program to see if you have the malware file on your computer. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/taxes/hackers-wiped-out-this-popular-tax-prep-software-as-filing-deadline-looms/ar-AA19wH7q


Jenny, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't had the relief you expected. What does your son say about it, and what are your doctors proposing?

Marsgal, thanks for telling us about that eFile site. I've used a local accountant for years, but I know many who go online or use various tax programs.


I'm getting a late start checking into S&F this morning - actually it's almost afternoon!  Lots of little things have piled up this week that need to get done, so decided to stay away from the computer until I got caught up on most of them.  Older daughter and granddaughter arriving on Saturday for the Easter weekend, so things willl be busy around here until they leave on Tuesday.

Jenny - Sorry that your health problems are continuing, but  hoping that with so many doctors looking at your X-rays and other tests, someone will come up with a solution?  :yes:  In the meantime, you can take a break, with a visit to San Francisco.  I know you love dog-sitting with your son's "Doodle"!  The weather is supposed to begin warming up here, starting today, so I think maybe we have finally turned the corner, and are finished with the endless storms.  (Knocking on wood!)  Right now, its already 65 degrees in the backyard, so time to do a little cleanup out there.     


H A P P Y 🐣 E A S T E R

Today would have been my dads 99th birthday if he were still here with us.  These "firsts" after we loose our loved ones are always hard😩😥 There is comfort in knowing my parents are together again, but I sure do miss our daily chats and feel his absence 😩

We have a beautiful sunny and warm day ahead and it is going to be very much enjoyed ‼️

I thank you for the kind words, encouragement and welcome back comments‼️ It is great to be here with you all❣️BTW, MARSGAL....you hit the nail on the head when you said, "SUCKS"😡 Boy howdy does it‼️ You made me smile with that comment 🤪🤪

They were able to have the annual Easter morning service at our famous Red Rocks amphitheater and I am sure those who were there enjoyed it very much.  I have not attended in a very long time and doubt I ever will again, but I can tell you it is a very moving experience.  One can watch it live on the Red Rocks video, but it just isn't the same as being there 🤪

On Friday, I did see my cardiologist and she gave me only GOOD NEWS from the results of my recent Echo and heart monitor. She is so happy with all of the results and I am too....and very thankful 🙏. All of the tests they have done on me; heart and pulmonary were to find out WHY I need oxygen?  I personally think it is totally to do with the thinner air here in this altitude‼️ I have proved this many times when I go to lower altitude I do not need oxygen‼️ Thankfully their tests have proven my heart and lungs are good.  Now if I can get some relief from my back and neck pain I might just be able to move on to a more comfortable life🤪 Don't we ALL want this? Life can sure be a struggle, can't it?

I hope you ALL have a good day; hopefully spent with loved ones and friends.

🦋 Jenny
"Love many, trust few; learn to paddle your own canoe"


...it is 4 years on Tuesday ( 11th April ) when i found my Richard dead...11th April 8 years ago when i was diagnosed with PP- Multiple Sclerosis...This is one date over ( Easter ) that cant be avoided, that i will never forget in a hurry..
It would have been nice ( celebrations ) if your father had made his 100th...


Jenny -  Happy Easter to you too!  :rosegal:  So good to see that all of your tests have been in the normal range.  It does sound like the high altitude in Denver, might be the reason for your need for oxygen?  You will get some relief when you visit your San Francisco son and dil.  The sea level altitude and and the ocean breeze should help you.  The weather is finally starting to warm up here in Northern California.  Yesterday was the highest temperature here since the start of 2023!  I think it was 72 degrees. :thumbup: 

Jackie -  I remember that sad day, when you found that Richard had died.  You were in a state of shock for a long time afterward, which is to be expected under such circumstances.  You have moved forward since then, and have done well in your new place and with your new friends. 


...thank you for your encouraging words... :)